The Vevay, Switzerland County, Indiana, List of Letters for July 1853 appeared in the following newspaper:
The Weekly Reveille – 7 Jul 1853 – Page 3, Column 2
NOW remaining in the Post Office at Vevay, which if not taken out in three months, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. July 1, 1853.
- Andrews John
- Andrews Eliza J
- Boyard S
- Baxter Frances W
- Baker Peter
- Baker Hannah
- Bliss Levi
- Bryson James E
- Bloten G
- Berl Elizabeth
- Corwin Hannah
- Cooper Isabella
- Cole Thomas
- Devensyer Charles
- Evetten Elle
- Forsysther Wm H
- Grove Siliven
- Grimes Elija
- Gunsmith of Vevay
- Golay John M
- Godden Amey
- Golhon William
- Goddard Frances 2
- Gullion Robert
- Harbin J W
- Hageman Elizabeth
- Hess Esther Ann
- Holley Isaac M
- Howard S M
- Howard James
- Hombert Benjamin
- Illensen R
- Immin John H
- Jack H
- Jackson Thomas
- Jachman A
- Johnson David
- Jones Joshua
- Johnson Marvin
- Kepir Gideon 2
- Lock Samuel
- Leyons Locretia
- Long Sarah Jane
- Lowstutter Washingt’n
- Lee Jackson
- Lemons John P
- Montgomery H S
- McKain John
- Malone Michel
- Malcomson James
- McDonald Alexander
- Miller Mary Jane
- McKay Isaac
- Miller Nancy A
- Miller James
- Memaeshen Henry
- Nicholas Wm B
- Obaham Scott & Co
- Peters Abriham
- Park E P
- Paul John P
- Pillebair John
- Philips L W
- Robinson John
- Roberts Larkin
- Rodgers Amos
- Roberts Edward
- Rodgers Stephen
- Ramseyer John
- Smith R J
- Spencer J W 2
- Shattler Susana
- Simpson J A
- Stout Mr
- Sedam H
- Sebastian Judge
- Simpson Peter 2
- Stickler John
- Suhaeb Henry
- Scantlin Elizabeth
- Smith Wm H
- Smith Louis
- Sartain William
- Truett Riley
- Todd R W
- Turner Jane C
- Trucey John
- Wright E
- Ward Richard
- Wigal William
- White Fanny
- Weaver David
- Wade Henry
July 7, 1853.