Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] Graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 2 Jun 1892 – Page 4, Column 1
Vevay High School Commencement
at Metropolitan Hall last Friday evening was in every respect a success. There being twenty graduates there was not sufficient time for all to deliver their declamations and essays, but judging from samples of representatives, the class of 1892 is fully up to the average High School class graduates.
The large stage was beautifully furnished, including lace curtains, having the appearance of a parlor.
Fronting the audience, in rear of rostrum, was the Spanish flag of 1492 and to the right the National colors, 1892.
Blooming flowers and shrubbery gave the stage a beautiful and cheering appearance.
An orchestra from Newport, Ky., furnished superior music.
The following was the program:
- Overture.
- Invocation by Rev. W. S. Rea.
- Music.
- Salutatory, Minnie Brown.
- The Lost Utopia, Ben. Waldenmaier.
- Simplicity, Josie Brockschlager.
- Our Aims, Milton C. Boerner.
- Music.
- A Small Lock Sinks a Great Ship, Lora Tilley.
- Limited Emigration, Bryant A. McMakin.
- Hedged In, Lenore E. Tardy.
- Entente Cordiate, Carroll J. Walton.
- Music.
- John [his X mark] Smith, Florence O. Pleasants.
- Progress and its Agencies, Ben. L. McHenry.
- Growth and Decline, Isola Reser.
- The Almighty Dollar, Clarence Shaw.
- Music.
- Only a Girl, Mary VanPelt.
- The Young American, James L. Kendell.
- Drifting upon the Dead Sea of the Past, Emma Grisard.
- Man—The Coming Man, Paul E. Stepleton.
- Battling Waves Polish the Pebbles, Anna Patton.
- Music.
- Look to the End, Myrtle Craig.
- The Choice of a Vocation, D. Hedden Baird.
- Valedictory, Josie A. Findley.
- Presentation of Diplomas, Superintendent Aime L. Trafelet.
- Benediction by Rev. D. N. Manly.