Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County Jurors – Mar 1893

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jury list appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 23 Mar 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Jury Commissioners Dr. D. N. Haydon and W. H. Henry last Monday drew the names of the following gentlemen to serve as Jurors during next term of Court, which will commence next Monday:

Grand Jury—Clifford McHenry, William Marsh, William Beaty, C. D. Green, John Hufford, Clarence Drake. Will report to Court, first day, Monday.

Petit Jury—Thomas J. Webster, Joel D. Davis, William Sauvain, Albert G. Jackson, Perry Franklin, Newell Morrison, Scott Fletcher, James B. Banta, Charles Mendell, George S. Hulley, John Clements, William D. Cole.

Will report 3d day of term, Wednesday.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1893 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 2 Feb 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Martha J. and Esmon Ford to Luella and B. F. Brown
  • David Dyer, Sheriff, to George H. Keeney

Vevay Reveille – 9 Feb 1893 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • O. A. and L. P. Bradford to Fred Beckman
  • William Leslie, Administrator, to Benjamin H. North

Vevay Reveille – 23 Feb 1893 – Page 5, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Benjamin F. Hensley and wife to James H. Sullivan
  • Supply Walker to James T. Walker
  • Jane Jackson to Rhoda A. Jackson
  • Oliver A. Cole and wife to Eliza J. Brindley
  • Eliza J. and James Brindley to Andrew J. Schenck
  • Philip C. Burns, Jr., to Lillie D. Burns
  • Lillie D. Burns to Isabella A. Long
  • Thomas J. Heady to Maggie B. Sieglitz
  • David Dyer, Sheriff, to W. S. and Carrie Gordon
  • John March to Sarah E. March
  • Charles Moore to Robert B. Littlefield
  • Phebe Works et al to Maggie B. Sieglitz
  • Benjamin F. Rodgers and wife to Harvey J. Zearing
  • Amanda L. Dufour to Isabelle M. Stewart
  • Jobe H. Stevenson and wife to Joseph Breech
  • Albert J. Houze and wife to Jordan Z. Houze
  • Polly A. and James Stevenson to Carrie L. Pryor
  • Joshua D. Griffith to Caroline M. Griffith
  • Eugene S. Eddy et al to Charles E. Whitton

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jan 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for January 1893 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 12 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Cornelius Voris, Jr., to Elizabeth Jackson
  • James M. Adams to Francis A. Pyle
  • Thomas A. Haskell’s heirs to Mary B. and Jennie Schroder
  • Oliver P. M. Osborn to Ralph R. Stout
  • James M. Chandler to William B. Seymour
  • Robert S. Cochran and others to William W. Cochran
  • S. R. Wilson and wife to Harriet E. Hess
  • Philip Buening to Geo. H. Buening
  • Andrew Given to William Given
  • Margaret and Richard Briggs to Isaac G. Briggs

Vevay Reveille – 19 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 6

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • William R. Protsman, administrator of Polly Protsman, to Martha A. Banta
  • Supply Walker to Alfred P. Walker
  • Mary A. and Theodore Livings to Mary Corns
  • Nat M. Fallis, guardian, to Samuel Lauschner
  • Lou. M. and John Kiesel to Samuel Lauschner
  • Dennis P. Phillips to Samuel D. Lockwood

Vevay Reveille – 26 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Mary A. Roberts to Manerva Walters
  • Manerva and John Walters to Frank McKay
  • Louis Chapman and wife to George Platt and wife
  • Jane E. Kincaid to J. E. Williams
  • John Walters to Manerva Walters

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jan 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 12 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Convened last Monday morning, Judge A. C. Downey presiding. Prosecuting Attorney R. L. Davis appeared to represent the interests of the State. He has appointed C. S. Tandy Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for this term of Court, his regular deputy, George S. Pleasants, being temporarily absent.

Monday the Court charged the Grand Jury, and appointed George W. Dorell foreman.

Yesterday the Grand Jury returned an indictment jointly charging with murder Marshal Travis, John Saunders, Albert Penn, Robert Schools (of Ghent, Ky.), Reuben Jones, Perry Andrew (of Vevay). They are charged with killing Oscar Leap, in Vevay, Saturday night, Nov. 5th. Yesterday afternoon the six defendants (all colored) were arraigned before Court, and plead “not guilty.” Their Attorneys asked for a change of venue from the county, which the Court granted, and sent the cases to Jefferson County, where they will come up in Circuit Court at Madison.

Owing to cold weather, the suspension of navigation of river, the absence of two Attorneys attending Legislature, in Indianapolis, several cases have been continued by agreement.

The Petit Jury has not yet been impanelled—because no case yet ready for them to try.

The case of Wesler vs. City of Lawrenceburg, brought here on change of venue, is set for today.

Capt. John B. Coles, of Rising Sun, is the only nonresident attorney who has been in Court—he on Tuesday.

It looks natural to see Lewis F. Works in Court. He was admitted to this Bar in 1868.

Vevay Reveille – 19 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 2


Estate of Martha M. Roy, deceased; George Welby VanPelt administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Sarah B. Fisher, deceased; J. H. Harris administrator. Final report approved.

Guardianship of Hattie and Orlando Fisher; R. W. Galbreath guardian. Final report approved.

William Cunningham, executor, vs. John Cunningham et al. Granted permission to sell real estate.

Guardianship of Carrie DeHart; Samuel M. Bonnell guardian. Partial report approved.

Estate of George Land, deceased, being under $500 was given to widow, Mary J. Land.

Guardianship of Allen E. Wiley; Michael W. Long guardian. Partial report approved.
James M. Scott, trustee of funds belonging to Robert B. Henry. Partial report approved.

Estate of Davenport Oak, deceased; Robert B. Littlefield administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Sarah Oak, deceased; Robert B. Littlefield administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Polly Protsman, deceased; Wm. R. Protsman administrator. Sale of lot in Vevay approved.

Nat. M. Fallis, guardian of Willie Fallis; sale of lot in Vevay approved.

Estate of Julius Dufour, deceased; Alfred Rous administrator.

Imogene Russell et al vs. Pearl Dyer; partition of real estate. George S. Pleasants, Commissioner, made final report, paid all money in his hands, $173.14, to Clerk for distribution, and was finally discharged.

Ralph Cotton, Sr., was excused from serving as a Grand Juror, and David Brindley was selected to fill vacancy.

The case of Lucy McNutt vs. Frederick Gockel was on change of venue sent to Ohio county.

The case of Laura A. Offerpost vs. Jackson J. Pate; slander. On change of venue sent to Jefferson county.

The Orphan’s Friends Society of Vevay vs. James M. Long et al; on note. Judgment for $451.33.

State vs. James Neal; assault and battery with intent to murder. Dismissed.

David Lee, Administrator of estate of Moses Osborn, deceased, vs. Oliver Osborn; on account. Judgment for $340.

Julia A. Roberts vs. Mary E. Smith et al; partition. Report of George W. McKay, Robert Scott and Joseph Orr, Commissioners, approved.

The Grand Jury visited the County Asylum, and in their report stated there was no “provisions for heating sleeping rooms, sick rooms, etc., provided by the county. We recommend that the County Commissioners give the heating matter their early attention.” They found the county jail secure and comfortable. Having completed their labors the Grand Jury adjourned Saturday evening.

The case of Frederick Wesler vs. City of Lawrenceburg; a civil suit for damages resulting from building levee between coal landing and yards—brought here on change of venue from Dearborn county—has been on trial since last Thursday. The attorneys are: For plaintiff—N. S. Givan, Hugh D. McMullen, W. R. Johnson, George E. Downey, Ward & VanOsdol. For defendant—Warren N. Houck (City Attorney), J. K. Thompson, Geo. M. Roberts, C. W. Stapp, C. S. Tandy.

LATER—This morning the jury brought in a verdict in favor of Wesler for $1,150.

Court adjourned this morning.

Switzerland County Jurors – Jan 1893

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jury list appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 5 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Last Monday Jury Commissioners W. H. Henry and Dr. David N. Haydon drew Jurors for next term of Court, commencing next Monday, as follows:

GRAND JURY—Ralph Cotton, Sr.; Michael Dunning, John Bodle, John M. Kelley, George A. Voris, George W. Dorrell.

Summoned for first day, Monday.

PETIT JURY—Samuel Rodgers, Isaac M. Froman, William Clevenger, William C. Armstrong, Frank Fancher, J. F. Simpson, Selar Mead, Wallace W. Lamson, Edward Worrell, Albert A. Brindley, Sylvester Morrison, Edgar C. Ford.

Summoned for third day, Wednesday.

Switzerland County Pensions – 1892

Military pensions granted in Switzerland County, Indiana appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 11 Feb 1892 – Page 4, Column 4

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency since last report:

  • Martin Higgins, Moorefield—reissue, old law, rate $10.
  • Thomas W. Edrington, Patriot—reissue, old law, rates: $10 from June 1889, $12 from March 1890 and $16 from August 1890.
  • Dr. John W. VanOsdol, Allensville—original, new law, rate $12.
  • Ferdinand Carver, Florence—original, new law, rated at $12.
  • William J. Baird, Vevay—original, new law, rated at $12.
  • John R. Cotton, Memphis, Tenn.—original, new law, rate $12.
  • Thomas Cooper, Center Square—original, new law, rate $12.
  • William A. Chitteden, Stockton, Ohio, (formerly of Patriot)—original, new law, rate $12.

Vevay Reveille – 25 Feb 1892 – Page 5, Column 1

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Wm. S. Bent, Hammels, Ky., original, new law, rate $12.
  • Joseph M. Smith, Green, Kansas, original, new law, rate $12.
  • Cornelius Miller, Markland, original, new law, rate $12.
  • Samuel H. Stewart, Canaan, original, new law, $12.
  • Alfred Slater, Hammels, Ky., original, new law, $12.
  • James McKay, Lamb, original, old law, rate $8.

Vevay Reveille – 7 Apr 1892 – Page 4, Column 5

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted last week through his agency:

  • Arthur Abbott (regular army), Patriot, Ind., old law, original, rated $4.00.
  • Paul LeSuer, Vevay, Ind., new law additional, rated $12.00.
  • Mary A. Ridgeway, Vevay, Ind., old law, reissue, rated $12.00.
  • Jesse Quail, Brooksburg, Ind., old law, increase, rated $8.00.
  • George Burroughes, Mt. Sterling, Ind., new law, additional, rated $12.00.
  • John McKim, Carrollton, Ky., new law, supplemental, rated $12.00.
  • James Donley, Warsaw, Ky., old law, increase, rated $14.00.
  • Asa A. Stone, Jonesville, Ky., new law, original, rated $8.00.
  • Isaac S. Harvey, Wide Awake, Ky., new law, original, rated $12.00.
  • John O. Martin, Aaron, Ind., old law, increase, rated $17.00

Vevay Reveille – 28 Apr 1892 – Page 5, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted last week through his agency:

  • David Gunnion, McGregor, Ind., old law, increased to $17.
  • Herman H. Myers, Farmer’s Retreat, Ind., new law, original, rate $12.
  • Wm. Whittaker, Ethridge, Ky., original, new law, rate $12.
  • George W. Adams, Wide Awake, Ky., old law, increase to $12.
  • John R. Stone, Elliston, Ky., original, new law, rate $8.
  • Wm. H. Maxwell, Warsaw, Ky., additional, old law, $12.
  • Jacob Carver, Warsaw, Ky., increase, old law, rate $72.
  • Geo. Allen, Warsaw, Ky., bounty and back pay, &c., $346.

Vevay Reveille – 19 May 1892 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • John M. Sedam, East Enterprise, new law, additional, rate $12.
  • Elias Gurley, Ghent, Ky., new law, additional, rate $12.
  • Merit H. Banta, Mt. Sterling, old law, increase, rate $14.
  • James Detraz, Craig, new law, original, rate $12.
  • Peter J. Lostutter, Florence, new law, additional, rate $12.
  • John R. McKay, Craig, old law, reissue $16.

Vevay Reveille – 9 Jun 1892 – Page 4, Column 5

Dr. Van Pelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Charles Larimore, Brooksburg, old law, increase, rate $12.
  • Calvin J. Bear, Moorefield, new law, addition, rate $12.
  • Samuel Scott, Florence, new law, additional, rate $12.
  • John Dotson, Harrison, Ind., new law, original, rate $12.
  • David Bales, Ball’s Landing, Ky., new law, additional, rate $12.
  • Oliver P. Krutz, Warsaw, Ky., new law, additional, rate $12.
  • Columbus Sisson, Sunbright, Tenn., new law, additional, rate $12.
  • Frederick Detraz, Craig, new law, original, rate $12.

Vevay Reveille – 7 Jul 1892 – Page 4, Column 5

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Wm. H. Leep, Wide Awake, Ky., original, new law, rate $12.
  • Joseph N. Gaus, Canaan, Ind., original, new law, rate $12.
  • Isaac Lewis, Pleasant, Ind., additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Sylvester R. Heath, Sugar Branch, increase, old law, rate $12.
  • Richard Crawford, Squiresville, Ky., additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Abner Stephenson, Patriot, Ind., rerating, re-issue and increase, old law; ratings, $6 from 1864, $10 from 1883, $12 from 1887, and $14 from 1890.

Vevay Reveille – 8 Sep 1892 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Mrs. Rebecca Higgins, mother of John W., Brooksburg, Ind., new law, rate $12.
  • Jas. A. Brindley, Sugar Branch, additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Wm. C. Williams, Newtown, Ky., original, new law, rate $6.
  • Robert Sedam, Allensville, Ind., additional, new law, rate $12.

Vevay Reveille – 27 Oct 1892 – Page 6, Column 2

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Francis W. V. Cole, Bennington, reissue, old law, $12.
  • Michael Conkle, Vevay, original, old law, $12.
  • Gibson Jackson, Warsaw, Ky., original, old law, $12.
  • Walter Bonds, New Liberty, Ky., additional, new law, $12.

Vevay Reveille – 24 Nov 1892 – Page 5, Column 2

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency this week:

  • Nancy A. Horton, Bennington, Ind., original, $12.
  • George Findley, Vevay, old law, increase, rate $10.
  • George Miller, Glencoe, Ky., new law, rate $12.
  • Wm. Tait, Vevay, additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Geo. H. Graves, Aaron, Ind., additional, new law, rate $12.
  • John Tait, Sugar Branch, Ind., original, new law, rate $12.
  • Rude D. Gordon, Craig, Ind., additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Ballard Foley, Sugar Creek, Ky., original, new law, rate $12.

Vevay Reveille – 22 Dec 1892 – Page 5, Column 2

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Sarah A., widow of Jonathan Miles, Aaron, original, rate $8.
  • Sanford G. Given, Aurora, original, new law, rate $12.
  • Robert S. Waters, Patriot, reissue, old law, rate $8.
  • Dennis C. Valentine, Bennington, increase, old law, rate $14.
  • Margaret Dumont, Vevay, new law, rate $8.
  • John F. McCreary, Markland, new law, rate $12.
  • Charles Wood, Ghent, Ky., old law, rate $14.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Dec 1892

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for December 1892 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 1 Dec 1892 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Dorwin Marshall and wife to Rosanna and Iva Craig

Vevay Reveille – 8 Dec 1892 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Sarah H. and John Marsh to Nathan A. VanOsdol
  • E. S. and A. P. Walker to Giddeon Stevens
  • Benjamin H. Oak and wife to James B. Shadday
  • Nancy Jane Bosso to Geo. N. Reeves

Vevay Reveille – 15 Dec 1892 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

Josiah and Tobitha Sample to John Stoops

Vevay Reveille – 22 Dec 1892 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Celia Hines to Abijah Brindley
  • Clarence Hines and wife to Celia Hines
  • John C. Atkinson to David Atkinson
  • David Dyer, Sheriff, to Rowland W. Holman, Executor
  • David Dyer, Sheriff, to Joseph Froman
  • Eugene W. Heath and wife to J. W. Thomas

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Nov 1892

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 10 Nov 1892 – Page 4, Column 5

Judge, A. C. Downey; Prosecuting Attorney, R. L. Davis.

State vs. Stewart Scranton; selling liquor to minor. Plea of guilty; fine $20.

Harriet and Robert Cotton vs. Wm. H. Manuel; partition of real estate. Clerk ordered to pay $248.65 to parties.

Benjamin C. Hicks vs. James Barker and Ededa Hicks; to set aside deed. Change of venue to Ohio county for convenience of witnesses.

State vs. Newton Short, William Furnish and James Burk; petit larceny. Trial by jury; verdict of guilty, and that each be imprisoned in penitentiary two years.

State vs. Charles Brown; grand larceny; stealing horse. Trial by Court; verdict guilty; five years in penitentiary.

Maggie Hewitt vs. George Hewitt; divorce. Granted, and given custody of child.

James B. Gullion vs. Geo. S. Gullion; appeal. Judgment of Court that the defendant pay plaintiff $30.

Julia A. Roberts vs. Mary E. Smith and seven others, heirs of Jesse Roberts, deceased; partition of real estate. Submitted to Court. One third of real estate given to widow. Geo. W. McKay, Robert Scott and Joseph Orr appointed Commissioners to partition land.

Martha Robinson vs. John Robinson; divorce. Granted.

Henry Kittenbrink vs. Caroline Kittenbrink; divorce. Granted.

Sarah Humphrey vs. Mary Hageman, Ira Rayl and James H. Hitchens; for Receiver. Benjamin N. Davies appointed.

Alvin M. Sadler vs. Rachel Sadler; divorce. Granted.

Rebecca Marlet vs. Charles Marlet; divorce. Refused, judgment for defendant.

W. H. Henry and David N. Hyadon were appointed Jury Commissioners for ensuing year.

Vevay Reveille – 17 Nov 1892 – Page 4, Column 5


Estate of Justi Thiebaud, deceased. Final report of R. L. Thiebaud, executor, approved.

Estate of Joseph Wallick, deceased. Final report of George H. Bunger, administrator, approved.

Estate of John Tague, deceased—Estate being under $500 set off to widow, Mary A. Tague.

Sylvester G. Powell appointed administrator of the estate of Mariah C. Powell. Granted permission to sell personal property at private sale.

William Cunningham, executor of the estate of William H. Cunningham, granted permission to sell estate.

Estate of Emma J. Lotton, deceased. Final report of Charles L. Lee, administrator, approved.

J. B. Ramseyer, administrator of the estate of Lorene J. Riley, deceased, given permission to sell personal property at private sale.

Charles S. Peak appointed guardian of Charles O. Peak.

Samuel W. Wade, executor of estate of Samuel Wade, deceased. Sale of real estate approved.

Albert G. Craig, guardian of Lillie C. Schenck, final report and discharged.

Estate of Percy Rous, deceased. Final report of Francis M. Rous, administrator, approved.

Charles W. Smith, Administrator of the estate of Jesse Roberts, deceased, given permission to sell personal property at private sale.

Charles Kiesel, guardian of Joseph Kiesel et al. Final report approved.

William R. Protsman, administrator of the estate of Polly Protsman, deceased, was given permission to sell real estate.

Dilver E. Douglas, guardian of Jacob Tarbox. Final report approved.

Catherine Anderson, administrator of estate of Ella Thiebaud. Final report approved.

Several guardians and administrators made partial reports.

Switzerland County Commissioners – Dec 1892

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for December 1892 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 15 Nov 1892 – Page 4, Column 1


The County Commissioners—Cornelius D. Green, Geo. W. Sanders and Thomas Montanye (who succeeds William O. Marble, whose term expired)—met Monday, Dec. 5, and adjourned last Friday, 9th.

Among other business transacted by them was the following:

George Clendening was ordered to purchase lumber and repair floor of bridge at Markland.

License to retail liquor was granted to the following persons: Frank Scott, Francis M. Graham, John E. Hudson, Patriot; Benjamin W. Simmons, Vevay.

The Auditor presented a list of taxes refunded to taxpayers in Switzerland county from June 1, 1852 to June 1, 1892, amounting to $2,681.74. The county has received by credits in the various semi annual sheets, from May, 1854, to Dec., 1892 $1,561.41. Leaving a balance of $1,120.33. It was therefore ordered by the Board that said sum of $1,120.33 be entered as a credit in the settlement sheet of 1892.

Amount paid for special Judges from year 1870 to December settlement, 1891, $1,105.00. The State has refunded to county off this amount, from 1870 to December settlement, 1891, $970—leaving the State indebted to the county $135, which amount was ordered deducted from December settlement, 1892.

The above, in regard to refunded taxes and amounts paid special Judges was developed from investigations made by Fleeter & Hunter, which the Auditor compiled and presented to the Board. It only affects accounts with the State and adjustments of county books to correspond.

In the matter of petition of Alfred M. Wade et al for highway in Posey Township, James T. Bodkin, Ephraim Williamson and David Nave were appointed viewers, Dec. 7th to Dec. 9th. The viewers reported the road would be of public utility. Alonzo and Clara Fish filed a remonstrance and the matter was continued until next term.

Benjamin McHenry was appointed to the tree scholarship at Purdue University.

Dr. P. S. Sage was appointed by the Board Secretary of the County Board of Health for the term of one year at $75 per year.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Nov 1892

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for November 1892 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 10 Nov 1892 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Charles Markland and wife to Frank Fancher
  • Annabelle B Campbell and husband to John Parker
  • Jane Boyle to John Parker
  • Barnhart Schoffner and wife to Samuel Schoffner
  • Barnhart Schoffner to Rodolph and John Schoffner
  • C. S. Tandy to Thomas J. Goodner
  • William Ford and wife to Wilson C. Oak
  • Albert B. Protsman to Thomas S. Scap

Vevay Reveille – 17 Nov 1892 – Page 5, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Samuel Schoffner and wife to Rodolph and John Schoffner
  • Hester Winslow to Henry Stucy
  • Henry Stucy and wife to Henry Stucy
  • Joseph Clement and wife to William J. and Anna B. Platt
  • Benjamin Cole and wife to Simons Getard and wife
  • J. C. Ricketts and wife to Jacob Crouch
  • Andrew Given to George Given

Vevay Reveille – 24 Nov 1892 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Charles L. Lee, Administrator, to Thomas Lotton et al
  • George H. Bunger, Administrator, to Seraida Wallick
  • Henry W. Nash to Jacob H. Lawton and wife
  • Samuel W. Wade, Executor, to Mrs. Belle Abbott
  • Prudence and Anthony W. Hawkins to Eddie Thompson
  • Lillie C. Schenck et al to W. H. and Flora B. McClintick
  • State of Indiana to Freeman Russell
  • Benjamin K. Yarnall to Sarah A. Yarnall