Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County Pensions – 1893

Military pensions granted in Switzerland County, Indiana appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 26 Jan 1893 – Page 4, Column 6

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted last week through his agency:

  • John Grant, Sparta, Ky., original, new law, rate $12.
  • John W. Adams, Moorefield, additional, new law, rate $12.
  • John Walters, Craig, additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Col. Robt. Klein, Florence, increase, old law, rate $50.
  • Robert C. Burnham, Lamb, additional, new law, rate $12.
  • Jacob M. Wakefield, Lamb, original, old law, rate $8.
  • Elizabeth Banta, Madison, original, old law, rate $12.
  • Nathan B. Wakefield, Vevay, original, old law, rate $8.
  • Wayne A. Wakefield, Craig, original, old law, rate $14.John F. Wakefield, Vevay, original, old law, rate $12.

Vevay Reveille – 23 Feb 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Mary, widow of Aaron McDaniel, Vevay, original, new law, rate $8.
  • Osborne Edmonds, Sparta, Ky., original, new law, rate $12.
  • John Smith, Patriot, reissue, old law, rate $8.
  • Geo. W. Potter, East Enterprise, additional, new law, rate $8.
  • Jacob Keafer, minor (Thomas J. Gibbs, Sugar Branch, guardian), $8 and $2.
  • Eunice C. Scudder, widow of George Scudder, deceased, East Enterprise, Mexican war, $8.

Vevay Reveille – 13 Apr 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Angeline, widow of John Brown, Sparta, Ky.—new law, original—rate $8.
  • John J. Douglass, Quercus Grove—old law, increase—rate $8.
  • John Neal, Bennington—old law, back pay over $800—rate $25.
  • Mary Ann Diermiller, deceased, Vevay—new law, original—rate $8.
  • Lewis P. Bradford, Sugar Branch—old law, renewal—rate $16.
  • Barton W. Rodgers, Manville, Ind.—new law, additional—rate $8.

Vevay Reveille – 27 Apr 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Fred T. Hall (heirs), Carrollton, Ky., original, old law; arrears about $1,089.00; monthly rate $10.
  • William H. Stevens, Florence, reissue, old law, rate $14.
  • Butler Hall, Carrollton, Ky., arrears $768.00 and rate $4.
  • Peter Richmond, Blue, Ind., increase, old law, rate $14.
  • Millie B. Anderson, Turner’s Station, Ky., arrears $768.00, rate $4.
  • William Hulley, Moorefield, Ind., original (father’s claim), rate $12.
  • V. M. Pryor, Turner’s Station, Ky., arrears $310.00, rate $4.

Vevay Reveille – 8 Jun 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency last week:

  • Wm. Fulton, Quercus Grove—reissue, old law; rate $4 from 1865; $6 from 1886; $10 from 1889; $14 from 1890; total nearly $1824.00.
  • Hellen Pulliam, Georgtown, Ky.—Mexican war, original, rate $8.
  • Nancy Ann, widow of Robert Miller, Markland—original, old law, rate $12.
  • Henry E. Rogers, Canaan, Ind.—reissue and increase, old law; rates, $17 from Aug. 11, 1890; $24 from Dec. 14, 1892.
  • David Dyer, Vevay, Ind.—reissue and increase, old law, rate $14.
  • Thomas J. Lakemon, East Enterprise—increase, on appeal, old law; rates, $14 from Jan. 21, 1891, and $17 from Jan. 27, 1893.

Vevay Reveille – 12 Oct 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency since last report:

  • Robert G. Montgomery, Long Run, original, old law, rate $12.00.
  • Andrew J. Harlow, Sanders, Ky., increase, Mex. War, rate $12.00.
  • Henry Mead, North’s Landing, Ind., reissue, old law, rate $10.00.
  • John A. Doan, Ball’s Landing, Ky., original, old law, rate $2.00 from Jan. 6, 1865 and $6.00 from Apr. 6, 1892. Total $762.00.

Vevay Reveille – 26 Oct 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency since last week:

  • Aaron L. Taylor, Patriot, Ind., reissue, old law, ratings–$2.00 from Aug. 18, 1864; $4.00 from Aug. 25, 1886; $8.00 from Feb. 22, 1888; and $12.00 from Nov. 6, 1889.
  • Edwin Mead, deceased, reissue, old law, rated at $1600.
  • Hannah B. Mead, Vevay, original, old law, rate $14.00.
  • Benj. Miles, Sugar Branch, Ind., reissue, old law, rates–$17.00 from May 17, 1890 and $30 from May 24, 1890, total back pay $325.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Nov 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 2 Nov 1893 – Page 4, Column 2

Switzerland Circuit Court—Judge Downey.

Harry Stow, Ned. Hickman, and Hosier J. Harris, were excused from serving as Petit Jurors upon submitting their excuses.

Julius L. A. Hastings et al vs. Orris L. Hastings et al. For possession of real estate and quiet title. George W. McKay, Ebenezer Phillips, and James M. Scott appointed to partition real estate.

State vs. Aime Leap et al. Assault and battery with intent to murder. Bond for $500 given for appearance.

Alfred Moredock vs. James M. North et al. Judgment by default for plaintiff, $562.75.

Caroline Merill vs. Margaret Powell et al. Partition. Martin G. Keeney, Robert E. Hall, and Jacob C. Baker, appointed to partition the land. Sylvester C. Powell, administrator of the estate of Maria Powell, deceased, authorized to sell her interest in land to pay debts.

State vs. Aime Leap and James Joyce et al. Assault and battery with intent to murder. Bond of $500 given for appearance.

State vs. John H. Brindley. Assault and battery with intent to murder. Bond of $500 given for appearance.

State vs. Robert Hildebrand. Provoke. Plea of guilty, fined $5.

William Bennett vs. Rosina Israel et al. To quiet title. Judgment for plaintiff.

Phebe Palmer vs. George W. Connall et al. On note and to foreclose mortgage. Judgment by default for plaintiff, $73.85, and foreclosure of mortgage.

State vs. Andrew J. Schenck. Obstructing highway. Verdict of Jury, fined 1 cent.

State vs. Frank Rosenberger. Obstructing highway. Verdict of Court, fined 1 cent.

State vs. John M. Kramer. Selling liquor to minor. Verdict of Jury, not guilty.

Rhoda Kennedy et al vs. Ollie Peak. Partition of land. Martin G. Keeney, Thomas J. Stewart, and William Strathavar, appointed to partition.

State vs. Thomas J. Lakeman. Drawing dangerous weapon. Trial by Court; fined $10.

Robert B. Littlefield vs. the Board of Commissioners of Switzerland County. Appeal. Trial by Court; judgment for defendant.

Henry C. Swango vs. Levi Block et al. Damages. Verdict of Jury for plaintiff, $149 damages.

Among other cases dismissed were:

  • State vs. Oliver A. Cole
  • Elonora Arliss vs. George Arliss, divorce.



Eliza M. Adkinson, guardian of Herbert Adkinson and others. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Jacob Banta, Mitchel F. Banta administrator. Final report approved. Also his statement of the descent of real estate approved.

Estate of Philander S. Sage, aggregating less than $500, set off to his widow, Sophia L. Sage.

John VanOsdol, guardian of Magnolia Rogers. Final report approved and discharged.

Andrew J. Works appointed guardian of Fred. Works, minor heir of Addison M. Works.

Estate of Henry Stucy, Affra Stucy, widow, filed her election to accept will.

Estate of Edward P. Goddard. Appointment of Thomas Carver administrator approved.

Estate of Hugh L. Norris. Appointment of Miranda L. Norris Administratrix, approved.

Estate of John Dibble. Appointment of Samuel Lostutter administrator approved.

Estate of Bennett Philips, David H. Boyle administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Jesse Roberts, Charles W. Smith executor. Final report approved.

Estate of George W. Sadler, Samuel Lostutter administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of James Phillips, aggregating less than $500, set off to widow, Mary Ann Phillips.

Estate of George W. Sturns, aggregating less than $500, set off to widow, Elizabeth Sturns.

Estate of John C. Packingham, Thomas Carver administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Hulday Humphrey, A. S. Humphrey administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of George W. Heady, James P. Orem administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Jennie Schroeder adopted Carrie A. Schroeder, a child without father or mother living.

Estate of Mary Garner, Perry K. Cotton administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Joseph Bayne, Robert Thompson administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Margaret Wade. Ester Wade vs. Samuel Wade, administrator; claim on account. Trial by Court. Verdict for defendant.

Estate of Theodore W. VanOsdol, H. B. Voris administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of William T. Wiley. Proof and probate of his will.

Claims allowed against several estates, and many partial reports of estate approved.

Vevay Reveille – 16 Nov 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Switzerland Circuit Court—Judge Downey.

W. Harry Henry and David N. Haydon were appointed Jury Commissioners for coming year.

William Chambers vs. The Indiana Farmer’s Levi Stock Insurance Company, on policy. Judgment for plaintiff, $250.

Joseph M. Manser vs. Francis M. Manser et al. For rent and general relief. The Jury returned a verdict for plaintiff as against Francis Manser and Clifton Littlefield, assessed their damages at $50, and found for the defendant Robert B. Littlefield.

Clara Mead vs. Vina Vannatter and Isaac Vannatter. For slander. Verdict of Jury for plaintiff. $300 damages.

Mary A. Pickett et al vs. Rosina B. Pickett et al. For partition. Geo. W. McKay, George Moredock and Ebenezer Phillips made report of partition, which was approved.

Julius L. A. Hastings and Maud E. Hastings vs. Orris L. Hastings et al. For partition of real estate and quiet title. Land not being susceptible of division, George S. Pleasants appointed Commissioner to sell.

Elnora Arliss vs. George Arliss. Divorce. Granted.

William A. Kinnett vs. Henry S. Pickett. Damages. Verdict of Jury for plaintiff $95 damages.

Delilah Jones vs. Stephen Jones. Divorce. Granted.

Caroline Merrill vs. Margaret Powell et al. Partition. Report of Robt. E. Hall and Martin G. Keeney, Commissioners, approved.



John Baker vs. Edward Dibble, administrator. On note. Judgment for $442.

Estate of Mary E. Wiley, Thomas Carver, Adm. Final report approved.

Carroll S. Tandy was appointed guardian of Eddie G. Pickett, and given right to sell real estate.

Estate of Mary E. Wilson. John W. Knox was appointed administrator de bonis non.

Estate of George W. Heady. James P. Orem administrator, reported he had ample funds to pay all costs and charges and all specific legacies. The Court ordered all legacies paid except that of Eliza Heady, there being ample reserved to pay it.

The question of sanity being raised as to Fleming Cousins, the Court ordered he be enjoined from disposing of his property, both real and personal, except that he be permitted to dispose of crops, such as corn, wheat and hay. Case continued.

Estate of Wm. Norris. George W. Norris appointed administrator.

Partial reports in many estates and guardianships were presented and approved.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Dec 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for December 1893 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 7 Dec 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • East View Cemetery Co. to Herman and Mary Milges
  • Mary E. Sadler and others to Eunice Sadler
  • Eunice Sadler to Mary E., Martha J. and Susie H. Sadler
  • Serelda Wallick et al to William D. Wallick

Vevay Reveille – 14 Dec 1893 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Mary B. Sedam and husband to S. O. M[illegible]
  • Eugene Pavy and others to Lucinda Pavey
  • A. J. Siebenthal to Geo. S. Pleasants
  • John Boyd and wife to L. H. Dennes
  • Minerva Taylor to Algia Taylor
  • Geo. S. Markland and wife to Albert and Oliver Markland

Vevay Reveille – 28 Dec 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John Cheatem and wife to Wm. E. Morris
  • George W. VanPelt and wife to Jackson E. Claghorn
  • George Hughes and others to Milo Ogle and George Sanders
  • Amaught J. Warwick to Hozier J. Harris
  • Jas. H. Hitchens to Elisha S. Griffith and wife
  • Dempsey Gullion and wife to Henry W. Mahrhoff

Switzerland County Farmers’ Institute Program – 1893

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Farmers’ Institute program appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 7 Dec 1893 – Page 1, Column 3

Court House, Vevay, Ind., December 13th and 14th.

Wednesday Morning Session 9:30 a.m.

  • Music, Chorus.
  • Prayer.
  • Opening Address—Robert Scott, Chairman, Moorefield.
  • Rural Attractions—J. N. Latta, Haw Patch, Lagrange County, Indiana.
  • Discussion, led by W. H. Henry, Pleasant.
  • Music, Quartette—The Jolly Old Farmer—Misses Brown, Messrs. E. S. Adams, and John F. Brown.
  • Fruit Culture in General—Frank Milhous, Butlerville, Indiana.
  • Discussion.
  • Music, Vocal Solo—Miss Florence Pleasants.
  • Economy on the Farm—George W. Dorrell, Quercus Grove.
  • Discussion, led by W. R. Protsman, Vevay.
  • Music, Piano Duet—Misses Protsman and Goldenburg.

Afternoon Session, 1:15 p.m.

  • Music, Vocal Solo—Miss Anna Rous.
  • Bees, and Honey Production, Illustrated—E. N. Collins, Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana.
  • Discussion, led by C. R. Smith, Moorefield.
  • Music, Quartett, The Three Bumble Bees—C. W. Brown, A. J. Sigmon, J. F. Brown, and J. G. Sigmon.
  • Tobacco, Soil, Culture, and Preparation for Market—Fred. Stucy, Ghent, Kentucky.
  • Discussion, led by H. A. Pitcher, Hamilton, Ky.
  • Music, Vocal Solo—Mrs. Florence Fisk.
  • Literature for the Farmer—D. H. Boyle, Center Square.
  • Discussion, led by O. D. Cunningham, Florence.
  • Music, Piano Duet—Misses Goldenburg and Protsman.
  • Adjournment.

Evening Session, 6:30 p.m.

  • Music, Quarette, My Own Native Isle—Mrs. J. W. Smith, Miss Lou. Ward, Messrs. Porter and Shaw.
  • Legislation, What it Can and Should do for the Farmer—J. N. Latta, Haw Patch, Lagrange County, Indiana.
  • Discussion, led by Hon. F. M. Griffith, Vevay.
  • Music, Guitar and Mandolin Duet—Messrs. Boerner and Baird.
  • What will the Harvest be?—Mrs. S. O. N. Pleasants.
  • Music, Quartette—Misses Melcher and Ward, Messrs. Porter and Shaw.
  • Adjournment.

Thursday Morning, Dec. 14.

  • Music, Quartette, Poor Old Joe—Messrs. C. W. Brown, J. F. Brown, J. G. Sigmon, and A. J. Sigmon.
  • Prayer.
  • Tillage and Soil Fertility—E. H. Collins, Carmel, Ind.
  • Discussion, led by J. R. Stewart, Quercus Grove.
  • Music, Solo—Miss Florence Pleasants.
  • Corn, Fertilizing and Cultivation—H. B. Voris, Pleasant.
  • Discussion, led by O. D. Cunningham, Florence.
  • Music, Piano Solo—Miss Lou. D. Grisard.
  • The Orchard and its Management—J. N. Latta.
  • Discussion, led by Jefferson C. Smith, Moorefield.

Afternoon Session, 1:15 p.m.

  • Free Turnpikes—Carroll S. Tandy, Vevay.
  • Discussion, led by Hon. George S. Pleasants.
  • Music, Quartette, Moonlight Sleeps—Misses Brown, Messrs. Adams and Brown.
  • Recitation—Miss Nellie Lanham.
  • Business Methods in Farming—E. H. Collins.
  • Discussion, led by Perry K. Cotton, Moorefield.
  • Music, Male Quartette—Messrs. Porter, Humphrey, Shaw and Fisk.
  • Adjournment.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Nov 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for November 1893 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 2 Nov 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Amos Hastings and wife to Julius L. A. Hastings and others
  • Nancy A. Horton to Lucy Gribben and husband
  • Jennie D. Simpson and others to Samuel Benedict
  • Fred. Bakes and wife to Rodolph and John Schoffner
  • Selina Kehlenbeck and husband to William Oatman
  • James Sullivan and wife to E. S. Griffith and wife
  • Henry J. Banta and wife to Trustees Christian Church, Braytown
  • Ulyses P. Craig and wife to D. B. Konkle
  • James M. Chandler to Johannah Seymour
  • William P. Conner and wife to Empress Hanna
  • Martha Herrick to Lodina H. Bodkin
  • Samuel Lostutter to Mary, Martha J. and Susie Saddler
  • David H. Boyle to Robt. S. Cochran
  • William I. Reed to Freeman Russell
  • Wm. D. Ford and wife to Thomas Higham
  • Anna Peters and husband to Samuel Peters

Vevay Reveille – 16 Nov 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Josephine Warner and others to William Douglass
  • Isaac Vannatter and wife to M. V. Fumer
  • George S. Pleasants Ex. to Oliver S. Johnson
  • Francis M. Griffith, Comm. to Joseph Swade
  • Oscar Williamson and wife to William S. Graves
  • Josiah L. Jackson and wife to Marion Cole
  • Ulysses G. Osborn and wife to Cyrus Jackson
  • Benj. H. North and William T. Told, trustees, to Dempsey Gullion
  • A. C. McKenzie to John McKenzie
  • Jas. M. Manser to Wm. P. Conner
  • Mary A. Fesler and Angeline Fesler to Harriet Fesler
  • U. P. Craig and wife to A. N. Buck
  • Thos. Carver to York Township
  • M. V. Fumer and wife to J. L. Sedam

Vevay Reveille – 30 Nov 1893 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Lucy Gibben and husband to Margaret R. Roberts
  • Edward Pfeffer and wife to Harvey Elliott and wife
  • Eliza Patton and husband to Anna Jain
  • First Universalist Church to Universalist Convention
  • James Culbertson to Cornelius L. Gordon
  • Charles Marfiland to Mary A. Greenleaf
  • Hershel H. Holland et al to Flavius J. Cole
  • James P. Marsh to Harry A. Marsh

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Oct 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for October 1893 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 5 Oct 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John F. Lubbe to John H. Thomas
  • John H. Shaddy and wife to J. E. and Julia Williams
  • John S. Steele and wife to R. M. Copeland
  • Scott Culbertson and wife to James Culbertson
  • Albert L. Robinson and wife to Lowell Edrington and wife
  • Cyrus D. Tinker to Ellen Mellen
  • Julia B. Brown to Wm. H. Pavy

Switzerland County Commissioners – Sep 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 21 Sep 1893 – Page 4, Column 1


Bridge to be Built—Road Vacated—Superintendent of County Asylum, Secretary Board of Health, and County Attorney, Employed—Taxes Levied—County Revenue Overdrawn—A Difference of $8,345.78 Between Auditor and Commissioners as to Distribution of Funds—Other Business.

The following is a synopsis of the business transacted by County Commissioners C. D. Green, Geo. W. Sanders, and Thomas Montayne, at their September Term:

John D. Brindley was licensed to retail liquors in Vevay.

In the matter of the petition of John Dickason and others for the vacation of highway in Cotton Township. William R. Protsman, William O. Mable and Thomas J. Heady were appointed viewers, to report at this term. Wm. O. Marble and Thomas J. Heady qualified, and reported ought to be vacated, and Board so ordered.

Henry Weales, Jr., was awarded contract for painting Court House, at $312 for the outside work and $174.50 for the inside work or $485 for both. Outside painting to be completed by November, 1893. William M. Patton was appointed Superintendent.

Dr. J. W. Smith was appointed Secretary of the Board of Health to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. P. S. Sage.

It was ordered by the Board that the Sheriff not permit games of any kind to be played in Court House yard, nor shall he permit any person or persons to erect or keep any stand for the sale of refreshments, or any other articles.

The Board decided to build a bridge over Moredock’s branch, below Patriot. It will be of iron, one span of 75 feet in length, 14 feet wide, to rest upon iron pipes of 24 inches diameter. Bids will be received Oct. 14th.

Dr. J. H. Shadday tendered his resignation as physician for poor of Jefferson and Craig Townships, which was accepted.

Dr. J. W. Smith was employed as physician for poor of Jefferson Township at $90, and $100 for Craig Township and County Asylum.

The Board contracted with Jasper N. Brindley to take charge of the County Asylum, including farm of 165 acres, for two years from March 7, 1894, he to clothe and feed the inmates for forty dollars each person. The Board is to furnish 1000 bushels of coal yearly.

William Tait, County Treasurer, presented orders redeemed by him for quarter ending August 31, 1893.

The Board levied taxes as follows: [See newspaper for details.]

George S. Pleasants was reemployed County Attorney.

The County Auditor presented a “Financial Statement,” which we presume is for year ending June 30, 1893. It shows amount on hand June 1892, $443.16; received $15,645.69. Total $16,088.85. Overdrawn, $1949.25. The Road Fund is overdrawn $203.68 and the Special School Fund $200.71. This makes total overdrawn $2,362.64. The balances are redemption of land $9.72 and Agricultural Society $5.00. Total balances $14.72.

The Auditor also presented a “County Revenue Exhibit.”

We copy the following from Commissioners Record of proceedings, Sept. 8:

“And the Board having seen and examined said Financial Statement and County Revenue Exhibit and being fully advised, do approve of both statements, except only as the matter of receipts has been affected in the May, 1893, Distribution of Taxes, by the allowance and payment on said settlement of a demand of the Attorney General for the redistribution of delinquent dog and poll tax; claimed to have been erroneously distributed in former years, and which demand this Board disallowed by order made at the June Term, 1892, appears on page 373, of Commissioners Record ‘K,’ and which judgment of disallowance still stands in full force and effect, no appeal having been taken therefrom.

“Whereas, It appears to the Board of Commissioners that at the March Term, 1892, there was presented to the Board for allowance a demand by A. G. Smith, Attorney General, directed to Joseph E. Hart, Auditor of Switzerland County, Indiana for the payment of delinquent poll and dog tax erroneously distributed for the years 1875 to 1890 inclusive, and which demand reads as follows: [See newspaper.]

“And whereas, The Board after having had said matter under consideration did afterwards, to wit: at the June term, 1892, by its order disallow and refuse to pay said demand, which judgment of disallowance is entered of record in Commissioners Record “K,” page 373.

“And whereas, It appears that afterwards, to wit, on May 1, 1893, said A. G. Smith, Attorney General, made another demand on said Joseph E. Hart, Auditor of Switzerland County, Indiana, to add the amounts of said claims to the credit of the proper funds and recharge same to funds, therefore credited therewith upon the then present semi-annual settlement sheet, and which demand reads as follows: [See newspaper.]

“And whereas, upon the May, 1893 settlement sheet said Joseph E. Hart, as Auditor, did allow and take unto account said demand by correcting or adjusting the settlement sheet, as demanded by said Attorney General.

“And whereas, it appears to the satisfaction of the Board, by clear and sufficient proof that the judgment of disallowance, heretofore referred to, is still in full force and effect, unappealed from and unreversed.

“Therefore, Be it ordered, That the taking of said demand unto account in said settlement shet by said Auditor, and the payment thereof by the Treasurer of said county, is an erroneous and improper payment.

“Be it further ordered, That the Auditor be instructed to certify said [?] proper and erroneous payment of said demand to the Auditor of State by sending him a certified copy of this order, under his seal of office, and that the said County Auditor be further instructed to take credit for said erroneous payment on his next semi-annual settlement sheet.”

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Sep 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for September 1893 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 7 Sep 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Eliza J. Harvey to Grant McKay
  • William Tait and wife to Samantha S. Miller
  • Ira Brindley and wife to Henry Brindley
  • Lettie and Geo. M. Buchanan to Joshua H. Means
  • Francis M. Benefiel to Lettie Buchanan
  • Eliza Brown and others to Martha Pavy
  • Fleming Cousins to Thomas A. Cousins
  • Fleming Cousins to Thomas A. Cousins
  • Caroline and David Lostutter to Mary H. Jones
  • C. E. and S. H. Griswold to Jacob Rogers
  • Newton Hallgarth and wife to George Hallgarth

Vevay Reveille – 28 Sep 1893 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Lottie S. Abbott to Charles Dibble and wife
  • John Dickason to Oliver P. Lockwood
  • Jos. E. Hart to Mary J. Stewart
  • Louisa Lowe to William T. S. Lowe
  • Wm. H. Myers and wife to Sarepta Graves
  • America R. and Manley Cross to Cristeena Hensley
  • Trustees Phoenix Lodge, no. 182, I. O. O. F. and Trustees Indiana Lodge, no. 126, I. O. O. F. to Afrael Stucy
  • Trustees Phoenix Lodge, no. 182, I. O. O. F. and Trustees Indiana Lodge, no. 126, I. O. O. F. to Samuel Stucy
  • Eliza H. and Herbert M. Adkinson to Francis Porter
  • R. R. and Jendra B. Stout to Adri[?] S. Tague
  • Eleanor and Clarence Thiebaud and wife to B. F. Spillman
  • Joseph M. Clevenger and wife to Jefferson school Township
  • Wm. L. Mennett and wife to Thomas S. Leap
  • George M. Buchanan and wife to Samuel J. Roberts
  • G. L. Sedam and wife to R. R. Stout

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jun 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 22 Jun 1893 – Page 4, Column 2


Charles E. Hall was appointed guardian of Florence E., Cassius C., Edith B., Pearl C., Virginia E. and Walter Hall.

Estate of William H. Cunningham, William Cunningham Executor. Final report approved.

Estate of George W. Heady, James P. Orem Administrator. Partial report and sale of real estate approved.

Hosier J. Harris, guardian of Clifford Hughes. Final report approved and discharged.

Estate of John M. Joyce, John Joyce Administrator. Final report approved.

Annie Chateline was appointed guardian of her daughter Maggie Chateline.

Estate of John C. Packingham, Thomas Carver, Administrator. Given permission to sell real estate.

Estate of George W. Sadler, Samuel Lostutter, Administrator. Given permission to sell real estate.

Estate of Nancy Ann Miller, R. E. Hall Administrator. Given permission to sell personal property at private sale.

Estate of Jesse Roberts, Charles W. Smith Executor. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Bennet Phillips, David H. Boyle Administrator. Given permission to sell real estate.

Estate of John Chateline, Annie Chateline Administratrix. Final report approved.

Trustees of Rising Sun Lodge No. 404, I. O. O. F. vs. Edgar Dibble, Administrator of the estate of George Dibble. Claim on note as security. Claim allowed.

Estate of Lorena J. Riley, Joseph B. Ramseyer Administrator. John W. Riley allowed claim of $25.

Estate of George Dibble, Edgar Dibble Administrator. Report of sale of personal property approved.

Charles Adams was appointed guardian of Maggie Matilda and Mary Magdalen Adams.

Belle D. Grisard, guardian of Paul D. Grisard, was granted permission to sell his interest in real estate.

Benj. H. North and William L. Told, Trustees in case of insolvent estate of Dempsey Gullion, made final report, which was approved and when certain conditions are complied with, then balance of property of said estate is to be delivered to Dempsey Gullion.

Estate of Huldah Sullivan, James H. Hitchens Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Theodore L. Picket, Henry S. Picket Administrator. Final report approved.

Dilver E. Douglas, guardian of Albert B. Doughlas, et al. Final report approved.

John M. Pate vs. Henry and Providence Wallick; on note. Judgment for $231.27.

Dempsey Gullion vs. Alice G. Gullion; relief from judgment. Defendant did not appear, either personally or by attorney. Former judgment for divorce, custody of children, and alimony, set aside.

Ex parte Mary Chapman and Alfred Driver, Guardian of Jacob J. Tarbox (a minor); for partition. James Stewart, M. G. Keeney and John F. Banta, Commissioners, reported partition, which was approved.

Mary A. Pickett, and five others, vs. Rosa B. and Eddie G. Pickett; partition. One-third real estate to be set off to Mary A. Pickett (widow) and balance equally divided between other heirs of Theodore L. Pickett, deceased. Geo. W. McKay, George Moredock and Ebenezer Phillips were appointed Commissioners.

Schrumpf & Told vs. William McCreary; on note. Judgment for $335.75.

Joseph Swada vs. Salem J. Bradford, and eight others; to quiet title. Granted.

John R. Bair vs. Belle Bair; for custody of child, Nora Bair. John R. Bair given possession of child.

The Jury did not try a case, and assembled one day and were discharged the next.

Several cases were dismissed and many cases continued.

After being in session one week, adjourned last Saturday evening.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Aug 1893

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for August 1893 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 3 Aug 1893 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Jas. P. Orem (adm’r) to Levi Orem
  • James A. Claghorn, Sr., and wife to John A. Claghorn
  • James A. Claghorn, Sr., and wife to Jackson E. Claghorn
  • James A. Claghorn, Sr., and wife to James A. Claghorn, Jr.
  • Wm. Cunningham (executor) to Edgar E. Cheever
  • Permelia O. and J. W. Stanley to John I. O’Neal
  • East View Cemetery Co. to Stephen Vuater
  • Henry W. Nash to John C. Hatton

Vevay Reveille – 24 Aug 1893 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Lucilla Jager and others to Fred L. Grisard
  • Belle D. Grisard, guardian, interest in above.
  • Fred L. Grisard to Mary A. Grisarrd
  • Chas. Markland, Sr., and wife to Frank Flanchn
  • Christina and B. F. Hensley to America R. Cross
  • Enza M. Dufour to Eliz. G. We[illegible]
  • Charles D. Gullion to Jones Phillips
  • Banhardt Waldenmair to Nettie Waidenmair
  • Trustees German Church, Florence, to Eliakin Stoops
  • Chas. F. Thatcher and wife to Orville W. Potter
  • David N. Haydon and wife to Thomas J. Gibbs
  • Aaron Lyon and wife to Chas. D. Lyon
  • Sibyl R. Fish to Indiana and William Fulton
  • Indiana and William Fulton to Guy Fulton
  • Thos. J. Gibbs and wife to David N. Haydon
  • Mary Jane Higgins and Martin M. Higgins to John Bray
  • Martin M. Higgins to John Bray
  • James Rayl to George Rayl

Vevay Reveille – 31 Aug 1893 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Martin M. Higgins to John Bray
  • Jane Rayl to George Rayl
  • James K. Hageman to James L. Dodd
  • Amie A. Hastings and wife to Florence Dodd
  • William C. Walker and wife to Elizabeth A. Dusch
  • Abijah Brindley and wife to William H. Anderson
  • Van S. Brandan and wife to James Storie
  • James Culbertson to Van S. Brandon
  • Fleming Cousin to Thomas A. Cousins