Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Vevay High School Graduation – 1894

Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 31 May 1894 – Page 4, Column 3


The twenty-eighth annual commencement exercises of Vevay High School was held in Metropolitan Hall last Friday night. The graduates numbered twenty-one. There was a departure from the usual custom of having class orations, and an interesting lecture was delivered by Joseph Swain, L. L. D., President of the State University, on “A Plea for Higher Education,” which was highly appreciated.

The following are the names of the class of 1894 and the subjects of their orations:

  • Emma Estella Knox, “The Sweet Girl Graduate”
  • Josie Elizabeth Lamson, “Do World Do More”
  • Fred L. Haskell, “The River of Life”
  • Mary Luella Jain, “Natnie and Her Beauties”
  • Nelly Grant Lanham, “A Day Dream”
  • Clara Pearl Bowin, “Ideals”
  • Marion Hartford Griffith, “Our Nation’s History”
  • Nell Adelia Protsman, “Husks”
  • Junita Graham, “Stained Walls Grow The Ivy”
  • Jessie M. Thiebaud, “Black the Heel as well as the Toe”
  • John Baltzer Kincaid, “That Turnip”
  • Perle Edgar Danglade, “Seaward Ever Away”
  • Ruth Boyd, “From Sunrise to Sunset”
  • S. Grace Tiley, “Great Expectations”
  • Frederick Lewis Tardy, “What’s up To-day?”
  • Ida Cozier Long, “The American Girl”
  • Sallie Emma Shaw, “Ability and Opportunity”
  • Pearl May Turner, “Teating To-night”
  • Hubert P. Lindenschmidt, “Hope and Fear”
  • Wilhelmina Kiesel, “Success or Failure”
  • Mary Edith Shaw, “Out of School Life into Life’s School”

The program as rendered was:

  • Music, Princess Ida March
  • Invocation, Rev. W. E. Morris
  • Music, Adalusia Waltz
  • Salutatory, Emma Estella Knox
  • Music, Sleiga Hide Gallop
  • Address, A Plea for Higher Education, Joseph Swain, L. L. D., President State University
  • Music, Leontina Mazurka
  • Valedictory, Mary Edith Shaw
  • Conferring Diplomas, Superintendent
  • Benediction, Rev. J. Carey Smith
  • Music, Nevetian Polka

The large audience highly appreciated the program and by their hearty applause acknowledged the commencement exercises of the class of [? ?].

The music for the occasion was furnished by the Vevay Mandolin and Guitar Club.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Apr 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for April 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 19 Apr 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • James C. Moore and wife to Edgar C. Cheever
  • Henmons Roberts et al to Mary E. Glenn et al
  • James L. Peabody and wife to Josiah Orem
  • Martha E. Peabody to Lydia E. Orem
  • David Dyer (Sheriff) to Orphans Friends Society
  • Augustus McAllister to Edward McAllister
  • Montgomery Patton et al to Charlotte P. Stevens et al
  • Maria C. Ogle and husband to George Waltz
  • May Ogle and husband to George J. Waltz
  • Rosa B. Kelly to Elmer E. Kelly
  • Jane B. Webb and husband and Adelia Wallick
  • Cyrus E. Miller to Charles Miller
  • Louis G. Wilson to Eddie Mottier
  • John W. Knox admr. to Eddie Mottier
  • Isaac N. Robbins and wife to Edward Thompson
  • David Dyer (Sheriff) to Benjamine N. Davis

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Apr 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 5 Apr 1894 – Page 4, Column 4


Charles W. Stepp, John H. Russe, Jr., of Lawrenceburg, and Wm. W. Williams, of Rising Sun, were admitted to practice in this Court.

State vs. Henry W. Kittenbrink, assault and battery, two cases. Non prossed.

Albert Roberts, Administrator of the estate of Oscar Leap, vs. Robert Schools et al, damages. Dismissed.

Daniel Ulrey vs. Mary E. Lostutter and Wilson Lostutter, on note and foreclose mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff $1211.70, and foreclosure.

Eugene McCreary vs. Josie McCreary, divorce. Granted.

Mary C. Webster vs. William Maybin, civil damages. The verdict of Appellate Court confirmed the previous verdict of this Court, and spread on record.

Clara B. Blodgett vs. Harriet Blodgett et al, to quiet title and for partition. Judgment for plaintiff. George W. McKay, John Bakes, Jr., and Robert Scott appointed commissioners to make partition.

State ex rel Kezie Wehnere vs. Frank Horton. On application of defendant changed to Ohio County, and by agreement of parties case set for trial 3rd day of next term of Court.

Ed. P. Downey vs. Elizabeth Smith, on note and to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff, $211.99 and foreclosure.

Maria Tucker vs. James Jennings, to set aside conveyance and to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff and foreclosure.

Andrew J. Schenck vs. James B. Gullion, on account. Judgment for plaintiff, $73.65.

John J. McCreary vs. Viola and Thomas Lineback, to quiet title. Verdict for defendant.

James H. Daniel & Sons vs. William and Indiana Fulton, on account and to foreclose lien for material. Judgment for plaintiff $71.20.

Vevay Reveille – 12 Apr 1894 – Page 4, Column 3



Estate of Lorena J. Riley, Joseph B. Ramseyer Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of John C. Packingham, Thomas Carver Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of John M. Kelly being under $500, was set off to his widow, Rosa M. Kelly.

Guardianship of Hannah J. Paugh, a person of unsound mind. Milford J. Paugh, guardian voluntarily resigned, and William Ralston appointed to succeed him, he given permission to sell real estate; afterwards sold and approved.

Estate of Lorenzo W. Hinman, George W. Land Administrator. Resigned, and Lemuel C. Turner appointed Administrator de bonis non.

Charles Peak, guardian of Ollie Peak. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Margaret Wade, Samuel W. Wade Administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Nancy Ann Miller, Robert E. Hall Administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Estate of Margaret Wade, Thomas Fulcher allowed claim of $12.65.

Estate of Catharine Edgar, Edgar Culbertson Administrator. Permission to sell real estate.

Estate of Edward P. Goddard, Thomas Carver Administrator. Permission to sell real estate.

Estate of Maria C. Powell, Sylvester G. Powell Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Zellie C. Grizard, F. L. Grisard Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Mary E. Wilson, John W. Knox Administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

Estae of George W. Heady, James P. Orem Administrator. Sale of real estate approved.

State on relation of John S. Heady vs. Eliza E. Heady; insanity. Trial by Jury; verdict for defendant.

Estate of William Norris, Geo. W. Norris Administrator. Andrew J. Norris allowed claim of $625. Miranda Norris, administrator of estate of Hugh L. Norris, allowed claim $230.

James A. VanOsdal, guardian of Joshua Reinner. Final report approved and he discharged.

Estate of Wade H. Jack, Mary H. Jack, Executrix. Sarah A. Bailey allowed claim of $172.15.

Estate of William P. Oak, Robert B. Littlefield Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Bennett Phillips, David H. Boyle Administrator. Final report approved.

Guardianship of Nora, Lewis and Dawson Stewart; Thomas F. McCreary guardian. Final report approved and resignation accepted. Alger Stewart appointed to succeed him.

Many Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, made partial reports.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 1 Mar 1894 – Page 8, Column 2

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Margaret O. Cunningham, et al to Mary A. Robert
  • William P. Dickerson to Eliza Miles
  • Adam W. Marsh and wife to John S. Steele
  • Perry M. Smith and wife to Louis M. Conner
  • Alice M. Summers and husband to William Harding
  • Benjamine Cole and wife to Philena Froman
  • Benjamin H. North and wife to Louis E. Furnish
  • William Bennett to Collie and George Bennett
  • Calvin R. Green and wife to Henri M. Rabb
  • Charles Boyd and wife to Missouri E. Bledsoe

Vevay Reveille – 8 Mar 1894 – Page 4, Column 4

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Jos. E. Hart, Auditor, to James Cole
  • Amie Morerod and wife to Levin J. Woolen and wife
  • Lucinda Bear and wife to Minnie L. Pickett
  • William Bright to Abjiah Brindley
  • George W. McClannham and wife to William S. Cooper
  • Julia A. Wolf to Mary E. Myers
  • William A. Courtney and wife to Marion Webster
  • Elizabeth Downey et al to R. B. Littlefield
  • Rodolph L. Thiebaud to George McClanham
  • Flora B. McClintock et al to George D. Brown
  • Wm. I. Reed and wife to Morton Roberts
  • Wm. I. Reed and wife to Freeman Russell
  • Eli T. Ogle to Jennie Martin
  • Emma and Lewis Huber to Jennie Martin
  • Israel C. Smith and wife to Lemuel B. Stow
  • Ira Banta and wife to James B. Banta
  • John Hastie to Pheba A. Clendening
  • Grace Lostutter et al to Emma Dibble

Vevay Reveille – 15 Mar 1894 – Page 4, Column 4

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Grant McKay and wife to John A. Danglade
  • Mary E. Paugh et al to Michael Konkle
  • Lewis Downey and wife to Wm. Higham
  • James M. Lemmons et al to James Baily
  • Albert V. Long Duplan to Charles B. Heath

Vevay Reveille – 22 Mar 1894 – Page 4, Column 1

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Edward H. Weaver and wife to John A. Weaver and wife
  • Thomas Cousins to Fleming Cousins
  • Rhoda Kennedy and husband to William G. Wiley
  • George W. Pickett to Rosa Pickett
  • Chas. A. Miller to Agnes and A. H. Schnaitter

Vevay Reveille – 29 Mar 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Julius L. A. Hastings and wife to Samuel Schivelbein
  • Julius L. A. Hastings to Wm. Schievelbein
  • Franklin Milhous to Elmer E. Protsman
  • Julia A. Pickett to Theodore L. Pickett
  • Nancy J. See to Rhoda Kennedy
  • Phoenix Lodge no. 182 and Indiana Lodge no. 126 to Eliza Muret
  • Samuel S. Schievelbein to George Schievelbein

Switzerland County Jurors – Mar 1894

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jury list appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 22 Mar 1894 – Page 4, Column 1

Jury Commissioners Dr. D. N. Haydon and W. H. Henry last Monday drew the names of the following persons to act as Petit Jurors during the next term of Court, which will commence next Monday:

  • Charles Danner, Craig Township
  • Frank A. Jackson, Silas McHuron, Posey Township
  • Aime Nelson, Jefferson Township
  • C. Hizer and Samuel Lockwood, Cotton Township
  • Joseph H. Voris, Hannibal Farrell, Frank W. Cole, Pleasant Township
  • G. M. Dodd, Hugh Lamb, Barnhardt Schoffner, Jeffersont Township

Switzerland County Commissioners – Mar 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 15 Mar 1894 – Page 4, Column 2


George W. Sanders, Thomas Montayne, and Edgar Dibble, County Commissioners, met Monday, March 5th and adjourned last Saturday. The following is a summary of business transacted:

Pauper expense by townships: York, $51.74; Cotton (including orphan children), $86.19; Posey, $21.50; Pleasant, $77.53; Craig, $20.49; Jefferson, $201.48. The total cost of keeping the twenty-nine inmates in County Asylum was $275.30.

John E. Hudson, Patriot; Dorwin Marshal, Florence, were granted licenses to retail liquors.

In the matter of petition of George Platt and others, for construction of gravel roads in Posey Township. M. G. Henry, P. K. Cotton, and W. H. Henry, viewers, reported progress, and were given further time to complete their work.

The resignation of Felix Jones as a Constable in Craig Township, was accepted.

In the matter of the petition of Wm. H. H. Turner and others for a change of Highway in Pleasant Township.—George W. McKay, Cyrenius W. Brown, and W. O. Marble presented their report—changing and relocating road, and that it would be of public utility. The Board approved the report. Thomas Thompson remonstrated, and demanded $500 damages if the road ran through his land as located. Henry Hudson Smith also remonstrated, and did not specify any specific damages. The Board appointed George W. McKay, Cyrenius W. Brown, and William O. Marble as reviewers, to view the lands of Thomas Thompson and Henry Hudson Smith, and what damage, if any, will result by reason of road running through their lands, and report next session of Board.

In the matter of the petition of Benj. F. Smith and eighty-seven other freeholders of Jefferson Township, that the following highways be improved by graveling or Meadamizing, and that they be made free of toll: The highway leading from Vevay to Markland; and also all that part of Log Lick and East Enterprise turnpike that lies in Jefferson Township. George W. McKay, was appointed Civil engineer, and C. D. Green and Henry Meyers, viewers, to locate and view the proposed roads, to determine the width of same, make a profile of grade, determine the quality, width and depth of gravel, stone or other material to be used, and make an estimate of the cost of construction, including bridges, culverts, and all other things for the construction thereof. The engineer and viewers will meet at the Court House Monday, March 19th, and report at a meeting of Board May 1st.

In the matter of R. Schoffner and fifty-two other freeholders, for improving by grading, graveling or Mcadamizing, under free gravel road law of the following described road: Beginning where the Plum Creek Road intersects the Vevay and Florence Road at west end of the Plum Creek bridge; thence extending up the creek on the west side thereof, following the old road whenever practicable to the foot of McClintock hill on the land of Catharine Schoffner; thence following said road north to the point where the same intersects the old Allensville, Center Square and Vevay turnpike road, on the line dividing the northeast and southeast quarters of Section 24, township 3, range 3 west. And said road is generally called the Plum Creek road, and its general direction is north and south. The estimated length of said road is five miles. Said road to be relocated where necessary and grade, graveled or Mcadamized and made free of toll. George W. McKay was appointed Civil Engineer, and C. D. Green and Henry Meyers, viewers to view, locate, estimate the cost, etc. To meet at Court House, Monday, March 19th, and report to Board May 1st.

In the matter of Scott Culbertson and sixty other freeholders of Pleasant Township, for the construction of free gravel or Mcadamized road in Pleasant Township; 1st From Shull’s Hill, on Indian Creek to Bennington, and thence to Ripley County line. 2nd From Moorefield to Horton’s Corner. The Board appointed George W. McKay, Civil Engineer, and C. D. Green and Ebenezer Phillip, viewers. They to view, locate and make an estimate cost of building. They will meet in Vevay at the Court House May 9th and report to Board May 1st.

In accordance with order of City Council of Vevay, the Board decided to build a cement or concrete pavement in front of Court House on Main Street.
F. M. Griffith, attorney, submitted a written proposition to the Board to examine the books, papers, and vouchers, and settlements in the various offices of the county, and ascertain whether or not there is due the county any money from the state, or any other source, on account of errors or omissions in settlements, and that if he finds anything due the county, he will collect the same without cost to the county, save his charges, and pay the same into the County Treasury, and for his services charge one-half of all he collects. The Board accepted the above proposition.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1894 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 1 Feb 1894 – Page 4, Column 4

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John M. Lineback and wife to Mary E. Lineback
  • Mary E. Lineback to Gustaf H. Schrumpff
  • David Dyer, Sheriff, to A. J. Schenck et al
  • Isaac N. Montooth to Lizzie Protsman
  • East View Cemetery Co. to Silas Howe
  • Oscar Williamson, Sheriff, to Andrew J. Anderson
  • Andrew J. Anderson to Clarence Culbertson
  • Louis Chapman and wife to Alice E. Ricketts

Vevay Reveille – 8 Feb 1894 – Page 5, Column 1

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed book for details.]

  • Argus D. VanOsdol to Wm. P. Briggs and wife
  • Robert Taylor and wife to Emely P. Orem
  • Francis Riley et al to John Taylor
  • Sanford R. Wilson to James A. Wilson

Vevay Reveille – 15 Feb 1894 – Page 4, Column 2

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Benjamine L. Wiley and wife to Wiliam F. Faunce
  • Dorwin Marshall and wife to Joseph Marshall
  • George Broadwell to Almira Broadwell
  • Ora F. Olmstead to Eliza Olmstead

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jan 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for January 1894 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 18 Jan 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspapers and deed books for details.]

  • Lavina J. Griffith to Evaline J. Griffith
  • Martha Rucher to Hugh Manford
  • Ferdinand Broadwell and wife to George Broadwell and wife
  • Grant McKay and wife to Emma Oliver and husband
  • Phebe McKay and others to Emma Oliver and husband
  • Julius L. A. Hastings to Eugene Stoops
  • Catherine Craig and husband to Henry Stropes
  • Jacob Baker and wife to Nancy Dunning
  • John J. Elsrod and wife to Alice G. Gullion
  • Medney Tardy and wife to Oliver M. Tardy and wife
  • Oliver M. Tardy and wife to Medney Tardy and wife
  • Martha Ann Phillips to John D. Phillips
  • Oliver M. Tardy to Wm. G. Satchwell
  • Thaddeus B. Ryan to Ferando W. Seavers
  • John Higham and wife to Albert L. Robinson
  • Justus Vairin and others to William R. Heath
  • Justus Vairin and others to Theodore Heath

Vevay Democrat – 24 Jan 1894 – Page 1, Column 3

Real Estate Transfers.

  • Oliver M. Tardy and wife to Medney Tardy and wife.
  • Martha Ann Phillips to John D. Phillips.
  • Oliver M. Tardy to Wm. G. Satchwell.
  • Thaddeus B. Ryan to Fernando W. Seavers.
  • John Higham and wife to Albert L. Robinson.
  • Justus Vairin and others to Wm R. Heath.
  • Justus Vairin and others to Theodore Heath.
  • Lavina J. Griffith to Evaline Griffith.
  • Martha Rucher to Hugh Manford.
  • Ferdinand Broadwell and wife to George Broadwell and wife.
  • Grant McKay and wife to Emma Oliver and husband.
  • Phebe McKay and others to Emma Oliver and husband.
  • Julius L. A. Hastings to Eugene Stoops.
  • Catherine Craig and husband to Henry Stropes.
  • Jacob Baker and wife to Nancy Dunning
  • John J. Elsrod and wife to Alice G. Gullion.
  • Medney Tardy and wife to Oliver M Tardy and wife.

Vevay Reveille – 25 Jan 1894 – Page 4, Colum 4

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • H. K. Knox to Brown & Cunningham
  • Cornelius Hufford and wife to Sarah Bradley
  • Agustus Hatton to Howard Hatton
  • Jabez Van Dorin to S. A. Flecher
  • Jennie Martin and husband to Eliza B. Dufour
  • Edward E. Leclen and wife to John W. Brown
  • W. R. Protsman, Ad. to Flora B. Morrison
  • George S. Pleasants, Com. to Julius L. A. Hastings
  • Ollie Roberts and husband to Andrew J. Brown
  • Samuel J. Roberts to Ollie Roberts

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jan 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 25 Jan 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Judge, A. C. Downey; Prosecuting Attorney, R. L. Davis.

Acts of Clerk during vacation all approved.

George Shievelbein guardian of Berty J. Kincaid. Additional bond of $1200 approved.

Will of Thomas Delaney probated. F. M. Griffith executor.

Assignment of Andrew J. Siebenthal, George S. Pleasants assignee, bond of $2400 approved.

Will of Peter Nichols probated, Wm. S. Kincaid executor.

Estate of George W. Land; Geo. W. Hinman appointed administrator.

Mary C. Hastings appointed guardian of Orris L., Frank M., and Grover H. Hastings, minor heirs of John B. Hastings, and bond of $3120.00 approved.

Estate of Polly Protsman, W. R. Protsman administrator. Sale of real estate approved, final report approved and he discharged.

Estate of John M. Kelly, being under $500 was given to widow, Rosa B. Kelly.

Guardianship of David C. Hagerman, Mary E. Geskie, and William Geskie, William Geskie guardian. Final report approved and discharged.

Guardianship of Franklin Truesdell, Joseph G. Melick guardian. Final report approved and discharged.

Hannah J. Paugh having been adjudged insane, Milford J. Paugh was appointed her guardian.

Estate of George Dibble, Edgar Dibble administrator. Partial report approved. Abram F. Garmore allowed by count claim of $68.80 and attorneys fee of $5. Dr. Jamieson allowed claim $18.75.

Estate of George W. Saddler, Samuel Lostutter administrator. Final report approved and discharged.

Estate of Catherine Edgar, Edgar Culbertson administrator. Several small claims allowed by Court.

Guardianship of Pearl Dyer, Nat. M. Fallis guardian. Final report approved and discharged.

Estate of Theodore W. VanOsdol, H. B. Voris administrator. Distribution to heirs of $353.15.

Harvey T. Rayl adjudged insane. Jasper N. Brindly, Supt. of Co. Poor Asylum, to take charge of him.

Guardianship of Ollie Peak, Charles Peak guardian, ordered to sell real estate.

Estate of Thomas Delaney, F. M. Griffith executor, given permission to sell personal property valued at $12,367.62, at private sale, at not less than appraised value.

Estate of John Patton, John K. Lewis appointed administrator, and bond of $90,000.00 approved.

Guardianship of Winthrop Adkinson, Eliza M. Adkinson guardian. Final report approved and discharged.

James Detraz vs. Estate of Catherine Edgar. Verdict of Jury, $900 for plaintiff.

Fleming Cousin was adjudge insane, and Henry Cousin appointed guardian.
Estate of George W. Heady. James P. Orem, administrator, ordered to pay Eliza E. Heady $2811.62, legacy.

Estate of Julius N. E. Murret. Will probated.

Estate of Nancy Ann Miller. Robert E. Hall, adm’r, ordered to sell estate.

Melvina Wade vs. Samuel W. Wade administrator of the estate of Margaret Wade. Verdict of Jury for plaintiff, $800, and judgment rendered.

Estate of Margaret Wade, Samuel W. Wade administrator. Sale of real estate ordered.

Julius L. A. Hastings et al vs. Orris L. Hastings et al. Sale of real estate to Julius L. A. Hastings approved.

Caroline Merril vs. Margaret Powell et al. Sale of real estate to Samuel E. Powell approved.

Elizabeth Osborn vs. Lyman Osborn et al. Partition of real estate ordered.

William H. Oatman vs. Henry W. Kittenbrink Sr. et al. Damages, change of venue to Dearborn county.

State vs. Henry W. Kittenbrink; assault and battery. Jury failed to agree.

Rhoda Kennedy et al vs. Ollie Peak. Report of partition of land approved.

State vs. Aimie Leap, James Joyce and Mitch Herrod. Assault with intent to murder. The grand jury did not indict, and case dismissed.

State vs. John H. Brindley. Assault and battery. Plea of guilty, and fined $10. Case against him on charge of assault to murder, dismissed. Case against him on charge of carrying concealed weapons nolle prosequi and dismissed.

James W. Christie vs. Jesse Copher. Appeal from survey. Judgment in favor of plaintiff.

Frank B. Shutts, of Aurora, admitted to the bar of this Court.

State vs. Alex. Lowe. Assault and battery. Trial by Jury; fined one cent.

The motion of Prosecuting Attorney to tax cost of case before M. L. Duplan, Justice of Peace, overruled.

Elizabeth Osborn vs. Lyman Osborn et al. Partition. Geo. W. McKay, Francis M. Long and Thomas J. Gibbs, appointed Commissioners, who reported partition, which was approved.

State vs. Millard Wainscott. Giving liquor to a minor. Verdict of Jury; not guilty.

State vs. Bob Smith. Giving liquor to a minor. Submitted to Court; not guilty.

State vs. Aimie Leap. Carrying concealed weapons. Plea of guilty; fined $10.

State vs. Aimie Leap. Provoke. Dismissed.

The Union Furniture Company vs. Trustees of McLan Chair & Crib Co. property. For specific performance and damages. Trial by Court; verdict plaintiff $200 damages.

Several cases were dismissed, and many continued. Court adjourned Saturday evening.

Switzerland County Jurors – Jan 1894

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jury list appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 4 Jan 1894 – Page 5, Column 2

Dr. D. N. Haydon and W. H. Henry, Jury Commissioners, last Monday drew the names of the following gentlemen to serve as Jurymen in the next term of Court, commencing next Monday:

GRAND JURY.—Joseph Fulton, Jos. A. Myers, Joseph Patterson, Lewis A. Myers, Harvey Miller, William Bosaw.

PETIT JURY.—John A. Lock, James Hatch, Jackson Land, Stephen Grimes, War. J. Spaulding, John J. Elsrod, James Wiley, Fred Thiebaud, James Wilson, W. C. Armstrong, Thomas W. Cooper, Samuel McCreary.