Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Sep 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for September 1894 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 6 Sep 1894 – Page 4, Column 4

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John Stoops and wife to George W. McKay
  • Phebe A. and Charles H. Padgett to J. F. Newbold
  • Julia E. LeClerc et al to Isoline J. LeClerc
  • Julia E. LeClerc to Julia E. and John E. Williams
  • J. L. Sedam and wife to M. V. Turner
  • Samuel Schievelbeine to George Schievelbeine
  • Leander Clendenning and wife to George N. Reeves
  • Thomas Carver, Administrator, to Emma Goddard
  • Rebecca Heady to Fred Slack
  • Mary Reeves and husband to George W. Griffin

Vevay Reveille – 20 Sep 1894 – Page 4, Column 5

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Nancy Thompson et al to Edward C. and Edith J. Kelso
  • Harry S. McCreary and wife to John W. Scudder and Sylvia M. Scudder
  • William W. Cochran, Sr., to Thomas J. Cochran
  • William W. Cochran, Sr., to William W. Cochran, Jr.
  • William W. Cochran, Sr., to Augusta and Silas Dunning
  • William Cochran, Sr., to Permelia J. Dunning
  • Charles M. Newkirk to Sophia Newkirk
  • Henry J. Banta and wife to George Madary
  • Albert R. Walker and wife to Henry L. Walker
  • Isabelle Littlefield to Charles W. Humphrey
  • Charles W. Humphrey and wife to Isaac H. Littlefield
  • Edward Abbott and wife to Wm. H. McClintick and wife
  • E. S. Couch and wife to Pauline Hickman
  • Charles B. Heath and wife to Gustaf H. Schrumpf

Switzerland County Commissioners – Sep 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 20 Sep 1894 – Page 4, Column 4


Condensed Report of Proceedings of County Commissioners.

James Anderson having resigned as a Constable of Jefferson Township, George W. Rayl was appointed to fill the vacancy.

John D. Brindley was licensed to retail liquor in Vevay.

James Wiley, Americus Benedict, John Love, Charles McVey and H. W. Birkemire contracted to each build their portions of Vevay and Markland free gravel roads. Wiley to commence not later than October 1, and complete by April 1, 1895; price $545. Benedict, Sept. 15, and complete by Jan. 1, 1895; $745. Love, Sept. 1, and complete by Sept. 10, 1895; $916. McVey, Sept. 20, and complete by Jan. 1, 1895; $1100. Bergamire, October 1, and complete by July 1, 1895; $1549.

Lewis N. Bowman and Samuel Lock entered into a contract to build the Plum creek free gravel road for $7,375 to commence Sept. 18, and complete by Dec. 1, 1895.

In the matter of W. H. H. Turner and others for relocation and vacation of highway in Pleasant Township. H. H. Bakes, Albert Brindley and Peter V. Rameyer, reviewers, reported damages as follows: Edward C. Shull, $25; Joseph Lazenby, $30; Henry W. H. Smith, $45; Thomas Thompson, $50. Report approved and road ordered opened.

Jefferson C. Smith, Thomas J. Stewart and Wm. C. Armstrong, having been appointed to assess damages as result of free gravel road to Markland, assessed damages as follows: Zeralda Plew, $75; Lemuel Bosaw, $20; George and Wm. C. Rayl, $225; Nancy McDonald, $20; Mary J. Marsh, $35; Frank Fancher, $100; Dezire Bosaw, $200. Report approved.

On the Plum creek free gravel road, Samuel Peters objected to report of viewers, that his damages were nothing. Rosa Dodd filed her claim for $600, and James H. Sullivan, $200 damages. Orson O. Potter, Stephen J. Searcy and Jonothan J. Cunningham were appointed viewers to assess damages.

Bonds to obtain money to build Markland free gravel road were ordered issued to amount of $4,855, payable in five annual installments, beginning Nov. 15, in denominations of not less than $50 nor more than $500, bearing not more than 6 per cent interest. It was also ordered that a tax of 10 cents on each $100 be levied in Jefferson Township to pay the interest and principal of said bonds.

Bonds to the amount of $7,375 were ordered issued to obtain money to build Plum Creek free gravel road. Denominations not less than 50 dollars nor more than 500 dollars, bearing not more than 6 percent interest; payable in five annual installments from Nov. 15, 1894. It was also ordered that a tax of 15 cents on each 100 dollars of property in Jefferson Township be levied to pay said bonds.

Selar Mead, Treasurer Patriot School Board, presented his report, which was approved. It shows balance special school fund on hand thirty-three dollars and ninety-nine cents; balance tuition fund on hand, three-hundred and fifty four dollars and thirty-eight cents.

The County tax was levied for 1894 at thirty-eight cents on one hundred dollars, and fifty cents on each poll.

In the matter of Alger Stewart and others for the vacation of a road leading from McCreary’s Ridge to Log Lick, in York Township. R. B. Littlefield, Edwin Sanders, and James Stewart, were appointed viewers. They will view the road Nov. 10th.

In the matter of the petition of John B. Moore and others to locate and establish a public highway in Cotton Township. Joseph Ramseyer, Edward C. Shull and Perry K. Cotton, were appointed viewers. They will meet Nov. 10th.

Switzerland and Ohio County Fair – 1894

Switzerland and Ohio County [Indiana] Fair report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 13 Sep 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Was A Grand Success—A Reveille Reporter Got There Early, Stayed Late, Kept His Eyes and Ears Open, and Tells Much About It.

The Enterprise Fair has come and gone, and considering the drawbacks droughts, dust, and dull times, it was a decided success.

The attendance was about as usual. Friday was a big day—attendance estimated at about six thousand.

The display was good in nearly all Departments, the Entries aggregating 1558, which means that many articles were on exhibition besides the collections. On this number 224 were horses and mules; cattle 33, hogs 30, sheep 63, poultry 89 coops, vegetables 140, grains 73, fruits 129; flowers, paintings, etc., 66; textile fabrics, needlework and embroidery 410, table comforts and culinary 280, other classes 21.

The show in horses and mules was fine. As there were so many exhibitors in these classes we will not attempt to name them.

The show in cattle was fair. Of Dairy Breeds J. H. Beckett, O. A. Woods, M. V. Turner, Lem Stow, and Lewis Burton were among the chief Exhibitors. Of Beef Cattle Wm. Bunger & Sons and M. V. Turner were largest exhibitors.

Of Hogs the largest exhibitors were H. L. Nowlin, of Lawrenceburg, Wm. Cunningham & Sons, of Antioch, and Theo. W. Lewis, of Blue.

Of Sheep, John Bakes, Jr., S. J. Searcy, Cunningham & Pate, C. W. Mendell, W. A. Shaddy, and Cunningham & Sons, were the chief exhibitors. A very fine show in this Department.

Of poultry, C. L. Lee, W. A. Shaddy, H. L. Nowlin, Cunningham & Sons, and Emery Myers, had the largest collections and they were fine.

Of vegetables everything on which a premium was offered was on exhibition, and more too. No less than 24 varieties of Irish potatoes, and just as nice as ever grew. About 40 persons received premiums. We can’t name them.

Of grain there was a fine show, of some kinds as high 12 entries. The corn, wheat, rye, oats and barley exhibits were never better.

Of fruit we thought there was none. Everything in the list except two kinds of peaches and two kinds of plums, were there. A good showing especially of apples, pears and grapes. Jacob Erthel, of Ripley County, Robert Shaw, Jas. O. Houze, and Jas. Voris, were among the larger exhibitors.

Of flowers and fine arts Mrs. Edgar Dibble, Lockwood & Potter, and Anna Morrison had largest exhibits.

The mechanical department was not full, though we had wagons, buggies, carriages, harness, boots and shoes, musical instruments, stoves, etc., etc.

The ladies department was crowded full. We will just say that Mrs. A. G. Jackson, of Bennington, Mrs. P. D. Stagg, of Greensburg, Mrs. Lockwood, of Enterprise, Mrs. Anna Thatcher, and Mrs. Laura Heath were among the chief exhibitors, though there were hosts of others that made a good showing.

Of table comforts; preserves, jellies, cakes, and all things good to eat, Mrs. W. L. Hunter, of Rising Sun, Laura Heath, Mammie Stow and about 20 others, were competitors.

In the speed department the following is the schedule of races:


Green Trot.

  • Yellow Dock; owner J. A. Works, Rising Sun—1st money.
  • Sirock; J. H. Brindley, Long Run, 2d.
  • Hiladi; Tim. McHenry, Rising Sun, 3d.
  • Time, 3:02.

3 Minutes Pace.

  • David Bay; owner Dr. Hicks, North Vernon, 1st.
  • Pawnee Chief; Henry Winters, Lawrence, 2d.
  • McGinty’s Lady; Frank Hill, Madison, 3d.
  • Time, 2:41.

Green Pace.

  • McGinty’s Lady; owner Frank Hill, Madison, 1st.
  • Maud B; W. E. Burrows, Elizabethtown, Ohio, 2d.
  • Lee Mook; H. J. Harris, Patriot, 3d.
  • Time, 2:48.

2.40 Trot.

  • Surprise; owner F. M. Moore, Alberta, 1st.
  • Morgan Wilkes; W. P. Gray, Holton, Indiana, 2nd.
  • Contract; U. H. Minor, Owenton, Kentucky, 3rd.
  • Time, 2:59.

Free For All Pace.

  • Ed C.; owner E. G. Niklaus, Madison, 1st.
  • Nettie; Dr. Adair, New Washington, 2d.
  • Shasta; B. F. Taylor, Owenton, Kentucky, 3d.
  • Time, 2:35.

Running Race.

  • Cooney Cobb; owner, L. S. Delph, Elliston, Kentucky, 1st.
  • Billie W.; Bailey H. Waltz, Lawrenceburg, 2d.
  • Barclay and Topsy; divided 3d money.
  • Time, 1:56.

2.40 Pace.

  • Nettie; owner, Dr. Adair, New Washington, 1st.
  • Sleepy Dan; Samuel McElfresh, Lawrenceburg, 2d.
  • Shasta; B. F. Taylor, Owenton, 3d.
  • Time, 2:36.

Free For All Trot.

  • Sam Harris; owner, James Riley; Buttlerville, Indiana, 1st.
  • Black Wilks; David Johnston, Madison, 2d.
  • Surprise; F. M. Moore, Alberta, 3d.
  • Time, 2:39.

3 Min. Trot.

  • Yellow Dock; owner, J. A. Works, Rising Sun, 1st.
  • Morgan Wilks; W. P. Gray, Holton, 2d.
  • Black Bess; O. D. Cunningham, Florence, 3d.
  • Time, 2:57.

The Track was dusty and not in the best condition to attain the best speed, still the Races compare favorably with former years as regards time. Though the premiums were smaller, yet in some cases the time was better:

  • In the 2.40 race last year, time 2.37. This year, 2.36.
  • In the free for all trot last year, time 2:41. This year, 2.39.
  • The running race, 1.56. Just the same.

In some other races the time was better last year than this.

The Society pays all premiums and other just claims in full. Squares all accounts and if in times like these she makes both ends meet she is content. She has now run 43 years, has never prorated premiums, squealed on any bargain. She is still running and will continue to run regardless of croakers, so long as the people will extend their favors and patronage, for which she returns thanks.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Aug 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for August 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 2 Aug 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • J. A. and O. C. Cook to Perry T. Park
  • William C. Scott and wife to Trustees of Caledonia U. P. Church
  • Willard Richards and wife to F. M. Peters
  • John Melcher and wife to William L. Mennett

Switzerland County Commissioners – Aug 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings for August 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 16 Aug 1894 – Page 4, Column 1


County Commissioners George W. Sanders, Thomas Montayne, and Edgar Dibble, met Monday, August 6th, and adjourned last Thursday, 9th.

The Township Trustees and Treasurers of School Boards, presented their reports of receipts, expenditures, and balances of school funds, which were approved.

In the matter of building free gravel roads in Pleasant Township, the Clerk certified that 91 votes were cast in favor of and 165 against; thus defeating the proposition. The matter was continued until next term, for the purpose of auditing the expenses of said special election.

In the matter of building free gravel road from Plum creek bridge up said creek to near Center Square, the Clerk certified that 300 votes had been cast in favor of and 140 against. The road was ordered built; bids for its construction, by sections or as a whole, to be received by the Board up to noon September 1st. Samel Peters claimed he would be damaged $150 by building of the road; and William Armstrong, Jefferson C. Smith, and Thomas J. Stewart, were appointed viewers, to report at next term, September.

In the matter of building free gravel road from Vevay to Jefferson Township line, near Markland, and to reconstruct that portion of Markland and East Enterprise turnpike that is in Jefferson township—the Clerk certified that 334 votes were cast in favor of and 342 against. The road was ordered built; bids for its construction, by sections or as a whole, to be received up to noon September 1st. Claims for damages along the road were filed as follows: Lemuel Bosaw, $100; Dezine Bosaw, $500; George A. and Wm. C. Rayl, $600; Nancy McDonald, $50; Isaac Hanna, $100; Mary J. Marsh, $200; Zeralda Plew, $200; Frank Fancher, $200. William Armstrong, Jefferson C. Smith, and Thomas J. Stewart, were appointed viewers, to report at next term.

A barn was ordered built on County Poor Farm; bids to be received to noon September 1st.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jul 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for July 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 12 Jul 1894 – Page 4, Column 5

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Electa E. and A. Service to Richard O. Wickman
  • Richard O. Wickman to Ludaweka Melatz
  • Green L. Seavers and wife to Thomas F. Newbold
  • Lemuel E. Turner (Adm.) to Silas E. Ward

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jun 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for June 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 14 Jun 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Joseph Laboyteaux to William Williams
  • Clara A. and Sylvester M. Reed to J. L. Sedam
  • James C. and Mary A. Taylor to Ambrose Taylor
  • J. L. and P. T. Hartford to Charlott P. and Stevens Ann Woody
  • Elizabeth and J. M. Osborn et al to Sarah F. Brownfield
  • Trustees of Phoenix and Indiana Ldgs. I. O. O. F. to Leander Clendening
  • Samuel Wade (Admr) to Salem Sheldon
  • Susannah J. Stewart et al to William R. Stewart
  • Robert Hall (Admr.) to Frank Miller
  • Charles P. Peak (Guar) to William G. Wiley

Switzerland County Commissioners – Jun 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 21 Jun 1894 – Page 4, Column 1


Geo. W. Sanders, Thomas Montayne and Edgar Dibble, County Commissioners, met Monday, June 4th, and adjourned Tuesday, 12th. We give a condensed report of their proceedings:

Thomas Picket and Dempsey Gullion, Markland; Thomas D. Anderson, John M. Grammer, Vevay; were granted licenses to retail liquors.

Benjamin L. Simmons resigned the office of Coroner, and Ira Banta was appointed to fill the vacancy.

In the matter of petition of W. H. H. Turner and others for a change of highway in Pleasant Township.—Joseph Lazenby filed his claim for $25.83 damages. Edward C. Shull filed his claim for $150 damages.

George W. McKay, Cyrenius W. Brown, and Wm. O. Marble, appointed to assess damages on above road, reported as follows: Thomas Thompson, $35; Hudson Smith, $30; Joseph Lazenby, $15; Edward C. Shull, $15. Shull, Lazenby, and others objected to the report as assessing their damages too low; whereupon the Board sustained their objections, and appointed Hiram H. Bakes, Albert Brindley, and Peter V. VanBriggle, reviewers to assess damages. To report at next term.

In the matter of petition of H. F. Bodie and others for the location and opening of a road in York and Posey Townships—Nancy Jane Patterson, Joseph Patterson, Willard Schmeid, and others, filed their remonstrance. Petition dismissed at cost of petitioners.

Jasper N. Brindley, keeper of County Asylum, reported that he had kept thirty-one paupers during last quarter, for various times, and was allowed at the rate of $10 per quarter for each, amounting to $287.50.

In the matter of petition of George Platt and others for the construction of free gravel, stone or macadamized road in Posey Township. M. G. Keeny, W. H. Henry and Perry K. Cotton, viewers heretofore appointed, asked for further time to complete their work, which was granted.

The same viewers in case of George W. Dorrell and others for free pike in York Township, were also granted further time.

In the matter of the petition of Benj. F. Smith and others for free gravel or macadamized roads in Jefferson township, reported, from which we condense: Beginning at Vevay and terminating at bridge over Log Lick creek, township line, near Markland. Some of this road already completed; balance to be graded 22 feet wide, including one side ditch one by four feet, broken lime stone twelve feet wide an eight inches deep, and four inches of gravel to be placed on the broken stone. The total cost of said road, including bridges and culverts, is first two miles nothing, third mile, $672; fourth mile, $1,601; fifth mile, $748. Total, $3,021.

They also reported as to all that part of the old East Enterprise and Log Lick Turnpike, which lies in Jefferson Township. They substituted profile and estimates of needed repairs and new road. Northern section, $1104; Southern section, $916. Total, $2020.

In the matter of the petition of Scott Culbertson and others for free gravel or macadamized roads in Pleasant Township.—George W. McKay, civil engineer, and Ebenezer Philips and C. D. Green, reported: Beginning at terminus of pike at foot of Shull’s hill, thence following Vevay and Versailles road through Bennington and Soapville to Ripley county line. Distance nine miles and 3480 feet. Broken lime stone, four inches deep and nine feet wide. Estimated cost, including grading, bridges and culverts, $12,751.

They also reported in reference to second road in above petition: Beginning at Moorefield; following the state road to where it crosses the state road at Horton’s Corner. Road to be graded twenty feet wide, broken stones eight feet wide nine inches deep. Estimated total including cost grading, bridges and culverts, $9,596.

Several changes were made in voting places. For particulars see official notice in this issue.

The board appointed the following Election Inspectors:

  • Jefferson Township—Precinct No. 1, Leander Clendenning; No. 2, Oliver S. Johnson; No. 3, Harry Weales; No. 4, Charles McVay, Trustee; No. 5, David H. Boyle.
  • York Township—No. 1, William C. Armstrong; No. 2, George Clendening, Trustee.
  • Posey Township—No. 1, James Hickman; No. 2, C. D. Green, Trustee; No. 3, Jacob V. Powell.
  • Cotton Township—No. 1, J. W. VanOsdol, Trustee; No. 2, Charles C. Morrison.
  • Pleasant Township—No. 1, Ben. F. Rodgers, Trustee; No. 2, William Culbertson.
  • Craig Township—No. 1, George D. Madary, Trustee; No. 2, Albert Brindley; No. 3, Peter V. Ramseyer.

Physicians for poor and county asylum were employed for one year as follows:

  • Jefferson Township—L. H. Bear, $74, County Asylum, $82.
  • York—O. A. Price, precinct no. 1, $17.50. H. A. Greenleaf, no. 2, $30.
  • Posey—James A. Pryor, precincts nos. 1 and 2, $20; Robert B. C[?], no. 3, $15.
  • Cotton—J. W. VanOsdol, precinct no. 1, $20; D. N. Haydon, no. 2, $30.
  • Pleasant—R. M. Copeland, precinct no. 1, $20; Scott Culbertson, no. 2, $20.

In the matter of the petition of Rodolph Schoffner and others for the construction of free gravel or macadamized roads in Jefferson Township. Geo. W. McKay, engineer, and C. D. Green and Henry Meyers, viewers, reported that road would begin at a point fifty feet west of Plum creek bridge and extending to the old Allensville, Center Square and Vevay turnpike road, a distance of four miles, 4730 feet. Road to be graded 18 feet wide, including one side ditch one foot by four; to be covered with stone or gravel ten feet wide and one foot deep. The estimated total cost of said road, including bridges, culverts and fills, is $7,474.

The Auditor presented a statement for the year ending May 31, 1894: Total collections for all purposes $60,145.98. Total expenditures, $61.559.92. Of county revenue $20,348.35 was received and $21,552.58 was expended. Balance county revenue overdrawn, $1,204.23. Special school fund was overdrawn $209.71. Total overdrawn, or indebtedness, $1,413.94.

Special elections for free gravel road appropriations in Jefferson and Pleasant Townships, ordered to take place Saturday, July 14th.

[See newspapers for claim from Attorney General.]

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – May 1894

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for May 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 3 May 1894 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • James I. Peabody and wife to Darus Stevens
  • William C. Scott and wife to Jennie Danner
  • Trustees of German Church, Florence, to John V. White
  • Louis H. Dennis and wife to Adjnigh Day
  • George S. Pleasants (Trustee) to Andrew J. Siebenthal
  • Nathan H. Sullivan to Isaac Froman and wife

Vevay Reveille – 10 May 1894 – Page 4, Column 4

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John Shaw and wife to James Justice
  • Francis L. Mennet to John Shaw and wife
  • J. L. and N. J. Thiebaud to Montgomery Patton
  • Nancy J. Cowan to Lucy F. Brown
  • Nancy J. Cowan to John H. Todd
  • Nancy J. Cowan to Sarah E. Brindley
  • Nancy J. Cowan to Isabel Brown
  • J. E. Hart (Auditor) to Wm. P. Cooper
  • Daisy E. Barlow and husband to B. F. Spillman
  • A. Powell et al to Ruffin Dibble and others

Vevay Reveille – 17 May 1894 – Page 5, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John Dickason and wife to Charles Thatcher
  • William B. Seymour and wife to Jeptha Skidmore
  • B. F. Spillman and wife to John F. Wakefield
  • Jennie and J. E. Sturgeon to Chas. Dibble
  • Sadie and W. M. Green to Cynthia R. Scranton
  • George and Phoebe Palmer to John Vauter
  • Mary E. Hageman et al to Eugene and Edith Scudder
  • Francis M. Griffith and wife to Irene W. Temple
  • Dora Siery and husband to John Conrad
  • East View Cem. Co. to Mandania McNutt
  • Nancy Powall to Eliza J. Smith
  • Eliza J. Smith to Albert Brindley
  • Oliver J. Johnson and wife to Mary Boller

Vevay Reveille – 24 May 1894 – Page 5, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report:

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • William Rea to Francis M. Graham
  • Sanford Wilson to National Bank of Rising Sun
  • Francis R. Detraz to Alfred B. Shaw
  • C. S. Tandy (Guardian) to George W. Ricketts
  • Rosa B. Picket to Geo. W. Ricketts
  • Maria Henry and heirs to William H. Wiley
  • Lucinda and Davenport Oak to Olive Goddard
  • Olive Goddard to Charles Francher

Vevay Public Schools Promotions – 1894

Vevay Public Schools [Switzerland County, Indiana] promotions for 1894 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 31 May 1894 – Page 5, Column 4


Names of Student Promoted.

Promoted to Senior Year.—Clarence Banta, Lela Barnett, Shaw Barnett, Lawrence Bear, Minnie Brockslager, John Golay, John Farrell, [?] Glenn, Louis Joyce, Joe Panner, Ed. Lanham, Mary Siebenthal.

To Junior Year.—Pearl Boyd, Warren Froman, Irene G[?]r, Edna Griffith, Lila Jackson, Florence Kendall, Lura Kendall, Nora Kincaid, Kate Cotton, Edith Jaynes, Mary Bowin, Lizzie Rosenberger, Joe Krammel, Walter Trafelet, Emory Thiebaud, Gussie Weales, Harry Coleman, Fred Brown, William Ogle, Forred Teats.

To Freshman Class.—Gertrude Plew, Bettie Wright, Nellie Simpson, Mable Froman, Nancy Williamson, Clara Robenstein, Nettie Lanham, Hannie Mead, Eva Lanham, Madge Pattie, Anna Brockslager, Minnie VanPelt, Nona Long, Grace Knox, Ida Lock, Edith Golay, Josie Frake, Mary Rosenberger, Lydia Bodkin, Pearl Martin, Edith Werstelle, Lizzie Krummell, Clarence Knox, Clifford Plew, John Schewe, Harry Dupraz, [?] Tardy, Clarence Cole, Mary Lamson.

To Eighth Year.—Jennie Anderson, Katie Bear, Pearl Dyer, Maggie Clendenning, Carrie Brown, Bessie Rochat, Edna Kincaid, Carrie Peelman, Zella Jain, Adah Shaw, Ernest Griffith, Elmer Pickett, Howard Gole, Ivan Saberton, Oscar Haskell, Charlie Saberton, Harry Shaw, Charlie Barnett, Willie Spivey, Jesse Teats, Andy Tilley, Walter Baird, Willie Stevens, George Turner, Lane Siebenthal.

To Seventh Year.—Nora Bair, Hattie Bowen, Eddie Cole, George Davidson, Clyde Drake, Wallie Fallis, Clara Gordon, Eva Graham, Uly Jain, Orville James, Eddie Findley, Lucy Johnson, Minnie Kendall, Addie Kiesel, Charlie Larison, Mattie Long, Fallis Lantz, Minerva Otter, Annes Pattie, Nettie Peelman, Nella Reser, Maud Reed, Nola Siebenthal, Annie Shaw, Bennie Thuneman, Adah Walton.

To Sixth Year.—Mabel Anderson, Lulie Bowin, Anna Curry, Jennie Dupraz, Pearl Haskell, Laura Holcraft, Mary Lanham, Minnie Miller, Bessie Pleasants, Bessie Reed, Nannie Simpson, Nora Sullivan, Lena Powers, Pearl Windhizer, Mary Joyce, George Anderson, Walter Bear, Eddie Brockslagher, Earl Brown, Willie Coleman, Charlie Jaynes, Harry Mead, John Otter, Frank Still, John Sullender, Annie Peelman.

To Fifth Year.—Josie Bowen, Josie Brandon, Daisy Bair, Anna Davison, Ivy Haskell, Clara Kiesel, Maggie Krummel, Perle LeClerc, Ella Leap, Bessie Leap, Edna Ogle, Goldie Oakley, Nellie Stucy, Dora Williamson, Lelia Thiebaud, Ethel Boyd, Willie Barnett, Craig Baird, Henry Dillgen, Charlie Grammer, John Grenat, Clifford Jones, Everest Kendall, George Robinson, Arthur Rook, All[?] Ricketts.

To Fourth Year.—Clara Allen, Abbie Berleman, Delia Bates, Myrtle Fallis, Inez Jaynes, Josie Jennings, Fanny Jain, Flora Kiesel, Cinda Land, Bettie Long, Bessie Martin, Maggie Pickett, Nettie Pleasants, Anna Reed, Alice Simpson, Kattie Saliender, Eva Towers, Cleveland Bowin, Carl Denning, Willie Griffith, Roy Jonson, Bennie Hollcraft, Anthony Lock, Jesse Ricketts, Tait Siebenthal, Earl Simpson, Harvey Schroeder.

To Third Year.—Freddie Lanham, Walter Chapman, Walter Lock, Howard Allen, Philip Golay, Freddie Thuneman, Clemmie Dittgen, Earl Lientz, Clyde Norris, Charlie Morris, Ben Knox, Chester Kiesel, Arnold Smith, George Banta, Frank Spivey, Jimmie Shaw, Albert Lawrence, Lillian Stucy, Julia Leap, Susie Leap, Dollie Pleasants, Flossie Smiley, Nona Weales, Lilie Coleman, Madge Fallis, Laura Jones, Tenie Grenat, Mabel Cotton, Helen Mead, Laura Clendenning, Carrie Haskell, Hallie Haskell, Vera Smith.

To Second Year.—George Boyd, Earl Golay, Walter Patton, Harry Pavy, Jeff. Simpson, Harry Davidson, Charlie Rennat, Ernest Pickett, Willie Johnston, [?] Bowin, R[?]lin Buschman, Henry Rosenberger, Willie Lawrence, Sam Moody, Anna Webb, Addie Tower, Stella Means, Mary Jones, Mamie LeClerc, Allie Patton, Lura Bowin, Zella Bowin, Clara Works, Maud Pavy, Bertha Meyers, Esther Bennett, Belle Turner, Jennie Moody, Eunice Long.


  • To High School, Freshman Class—Belle Simpson, Lulu Ethel Simpson, Lulie Jones.
  • To Seventh Year.—Fannie Simpson.
  • To Sixth Year.—Auretta Simpson, John Jones, Emory Simpson.
  • To Third Year.—Grace N. Simpson, Bessie Neal, Jesse Neal, Claud Jones.
  • To Second Year.—Eva May Simpson, Mary Roberts, Lulla Roberts, Justine Jones.