Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jun 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for June 1895 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 6 Jun 1895 – Page 4, Column 4

Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Matthias Hoffman et al to Mary Coleman
  • Daniel Howe and wife to Richard Hickman
  • Ulysses P. Craig to Sallie Jones
  • Paul D. Grisard to Rodie F. Grisard
  • Fred. D. Grisard to Rodie F. Grisard
  • David Dyer (Sheriff) to Ed. P. Downey
  • Isaac F. Wakefield et al to Smith and Elenor Turner
  • Richard Haskell to George Scudder
  • Jennette I. Hartford to I. P. Loring

Vevay Reveille – 13 Jun 1895 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds recorded since our last report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Jeanette I. Hartford to I. P. Loring
  • Wm. Harding to Jonathan G. Tochenor
  • Henry Barker and wife to Will A. Williams
  • James R. Corter and wife to Laura B. Corter

Vevay Reveille – 20 Jun 1895 – Page 4, Column 5


[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Bridget Morrissy and Jno. Morrissy to Edward M. Stevens et al
  • Francis M. Griffith (Com.) to Joseph E. Hart

Vevay Reveille – 27 Jun 1895 – Page 5, Column 1


[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • J. C. Smith and wife to Robert Scott
  • Robert Scott to J. C. Smith
  • Caroline J. Welch to Livonia J. Welch
  • John Hastie to Soloman Raybourn
  • David Lee to James T. Lee

Switzerland County Jurors – Jun 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jurors appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 6 Jun 1895 – Page 4, Column 1

The following gentlemen have been selected to serve as Jurors during next term of Court, which will commence next Monday:

GRAND.—George S. Hulley, W. H. Madison, Ira Gullion, John Porter, Lan. Clendenning, George Harris.

PETIT.—William Thompson, David Hatch, Isaac Turner, William P. Hannah, Francis M. Brown, William McCreary, Enoch W. Protsman, William Rayburn, John D. Pendry, Cornelius Miller, Frank Houze, Charles Humphrey.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – May 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for May 1895 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 16 May 1895 – Page 5, Column 1

Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • George Humphrey and wife to Martin V. Turner
  • Switzerland Circuit Court to Louisa Adams
  • Angie L. Walker to William C. Walker and Elizabeth Dusche
  • Elizabeth L. Dusche and husband to Dora A. Walker
  • Mary A. Miles et al to Elizabeth Miles
  • Daniel Mitchell and Sarah C. Mitchell to Ed. Sanders
  • Lewis Cole and Sarah J. Cole to Nancy M. Dyer
  • Circuit Court to Grisard heirs
  • Circuit Court to Frank R. Dufour
  • Circuit Court to Geo. W. Dufour
  • Circuit Court to Elenor Thiebaud
  • Circuit Court to Mary J. Rayl
  • Circuit Court to Lewis A. Stewart
  • Circuit Court to Dawson Stewart
  • Circuit Court to Mary, Bert and Clara Cousins
  • Circuit Court to Eva Maxwell
  • Circuit Court to William Cousins
  • Circuit Court to Eliza Burton
  • Circuit Court to Charles Cousins
  • Circuit Court to Henry Cousins
  • Circuit Court to Joseph Cousins

Vevay Reveille – 23 May 1895 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Circuit Court to Laura Singleton and Jessie Watson
  • Circuit Court to Thomas Cousins
  • Circuit Court to Geo. Dibble heirs
  • Circuit Court to Eliza Muret heirs
  • Mary E. and Wm. Tait to Joseph D. Froman and wife
  • Joseph D. Froman and wife to Wm. Tait
  • James W. Gardner to Martha J. Gardner
  • Andrew Hotchkiss to James W. Garner et al

Vevay High School Graduation – 1895

Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation for 1895 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 16 May 1895 – Page 4, Column 4


The 29th Annual Commencement of the Vevay High School was held in the Opera House last Friday eve.

Notwithstanding the unpropitious weather quite a large and appreciative audience was present. The stage was tastefully decorated in the colors of the class—pink and white—and blooming plants and soft lights. At the back of the stage upon a white background, hung in guilt letters, the motto of the class, Acti Labores Jucundi.

At 7:30 the graduates took their places in a semi-circle upon the state with Professors Trafelet and Danglade in the center, and the exercises commenced.

The graduates all delivered their orations in a highly creditable manner, their essays showing much thought and literary skill in composition. The program as rendered was as follows:

  • Music, Lead on March.
  • Invocation—Rev. Smith.
  • Music, Overture—The Silver Bell.
  • Year Chases Year—Clarence LaRue Banta.
  • Little Things—Joe Danner.
  • The Staff of Life—Wilhelmina L. Brockschlager.
  • Music, Princess May—Schottishe.
  • Before and After Taking—Alfred Shaw Barnett.
  • Moth—Mary Owen Siebenthal.
  • Music, Daughter of Love—Waltz.
  • The Legacy of the Ages—Amie Louis Joyce.
  • Carbon—Edwin J. Lanham.
  • Five Talents or One—Lela Barnett.
  • Music—The Peacock Stride.
  • Conditions of the Air—John Dickason Golay.
  • Valedictorian, Deeds are Fruits—Theodore Lawrence Bear.
  • Conferring Diplomas—Prof. Trafelet.
  • Benediction—Rev. Rhetts.
  • Music—Woodsocket Galop.
  • Music by Prof. Bush’s Orchestra, of Madison.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Apr 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for April 1895 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 4 Apr 1895 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • George W. Norris, Administrator, to Andrew J. Norrisez
  • George S. Pleasants, Commissioner, to Evaline Tilley
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to Mary E. Dunn
  • Daniel Trafalet and wife to City of Vevay
  • James S. Grisard and wife to City of Vevay
  • Aime Morerod and wife to City of Vevay
  • Sanford R. Wilson to Pallas G. Wilson

Vevay Reveille – 11 Apr 1895 – Page 4, Column 3

Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Fred L. Grisard et al to Lucilla A. Protsman
  • Harvey H. Buchanan and wife to J. F. W. and Maggie L. Vinup
  • Edward O. Shull and wife to Stephen F. Rodgers et al
  • Beymer & Bledsoe to Rachel Tiele
  • Mary and H. W. Demaree to William Peak

Vevay Reveille – 18 Apr 1895 – Page 5, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Mary and H. W. Demaree to William Peak
  • Lewis Cole and wife to William Peak
  • Hugh Manford et al to Charles E. Manford
  • James Culbertson to Oliver P. M. Hollgarth
  • John and Mary E. Taylor to James A. and Anna Stewart
  • Amie Morerod and wife to City of Vevay
  • Jane Morerod to City of Vevay
  • Albert Garner and wife to John B. Orr
  • C. L. Jackson and wife to A. B. Vannatter
  • E. H. Rogers et al to Edward C. Shull

Vevay Reveille – 25 Apr 1895 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Lewis P. Bradford and wife to Mary Buttles
  • George W. Golay to Robt. E. Banes
  • Margaret W. Powell to George W. Chase
  • Belle D. Grisard et al to Montgomery Patton
  • Ebenezer Butler to Dilver Bradford
  • Sylvester Lanham to Alex Staffon
  • Charles D. Samples and wife to John Stoops

Patriot Public Schools Promotions – 1895

Patriot Public Schools [Switzerland County, Indiana] promotions for 1895 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 18 Apr 1895 – Page 5, Column 2


List of Promotions in the Patriot Public Schools, April 5, 1895.

Promoted to A Class, Room 1.—Smith Rice, Robert Emerson, Watts Schafer, Willie Cook, Wilber Mellen, Bennie Long, Frank Snyder, Evert Snyder, Genne Broadwell, Walter Cook, Stanley Spencer, Charley Humphrey, Ida Bair, Sara Hayes, and Anna Stevenson.

To Class C, Room 2.—Earl Vauters, Clarence Starker, Loren McHuron, Pryor Scott, Harry Green, Kay Emerson, Lena Humphrey, Nettie Taylor, Nina Dibble, Sarah North, and Emma Scott.

To B Class, Room 2.—Clara Schroder, Jane Worth, Elmer Stephenson, Alice Pate, Gussie Taylor, Florence Snyder, Gertrude Fletcher, Grace VanDorin, Willie Rice, Guilford Humphrey, and Charlie Bair.

To A Class, Room 2.—Beulah Foster, Carroll Richards, Anna Coy, Orville North, Flossie Edrington, and Harry Hickman.

To C Grade, Room 3.—Albert Cook, Violet Moredock, Eddie Cook, Homer Eaton, Mitchel Taylor, Callie Williamson, Eddie Brown, Sadie Lamkin, and Robert Starker.

To B Class, Room 3.—Anna Schroder, Gertie Mellen, Kittie Graham, Fenton Emerson, and Floyd McHuron.

To A Class, Room 3.—Pearl Abbott, Clara Rice, Minnie Schroder, Leonard Wade, Glenn Coy, and Tommy Gockel.

To C Class, Room 4.—Laura Miller, Clara North, Rachel Moredock, Helen Mead, Edwin Emerson, Glenn North, Bruner Foster, Ephraim Williamson, Joe Baker, Frank McHuron, and Chas. Starker.

To B Class, Room 4.—Maud Buck, Grace Sheldon, Grace Harris, and Helen Emerson.

To A Class, Room 4.—Bessie Fletcher, Avery Huston, Pop Green, Mary Dibble, Bertha Harris, Fred Schroder, Herbert Broadwell, George Moredock, Nola Humphrey, and Daisy Dibble.

R. L. Thiebaud, Principal.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Apr 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 4 Apr 1895 – Page 4, Column 1

Switzerland County Circuit Court—Judge Downey.


The will of Charles O. Hastings, deceased, probated, by Frank S. Hastings, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto. Laura B. Hastings, his widow, accepted to take under will.

Sanford R. Wilson appointed guardian of Charles R., Lottie G., Earl A., and Sarah J. Wilson.

The will of Mrs. Fanny Gravener admitted to probate. Scott Carter subscribing witness.

The will of Henry Hudson Smith admitted to probate. John W. Lock and Samuel L. Danner, subscribing witnesses.

In the matter of the guardianship of the heirs of Elmer DeHart, deceased. Samuel M. Bonnell, guardian, reported his ward, Carrie DeHarte, had died, and that he had paid balance in his hands to Selar Mead, Administrator. Final report approved and discharged.

Estate of Edward P. Goddard, deceased. Final report of Thomas Carver, Administrator, approved.

Estate of John Dibble, deceased. Final report of Samuel Lostutter, Administrator, approved.
Guardianship of Daisy B. and Grace D. North, James M. North guardian. Final report approved.

Estate of Eliza Muret. Final report of Franklin P. Muret, Administrator, approved.

Estate of Lavina J. Griffith, Julius C. Bersot, executor. Andrew J. Schenck allowed claim of $48.85, also note of $103.15.

Estate of Peter Nichols, deceased. William S. Kincaid, Executor, given permission to sell real estate at private sale.

Estate of George Dibble, deceased. Edgar Dibble Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Henry Boyd, deceased, Mathias Funk appointed administrator.

Albert D. Reeves, minor heir of Thomas G. Reeves. Thomas J. Bliss appointed guardian.

Estate of Carrie D. Baker. Selar Mead appointed Administrator.

Estate of James Reed. William I. Reed appointed Administrator.

William S. Kincaid appointed Guardian of Addie Beck, minor heir of James Beck.

Estate of Cornelius Vandever. Fannie Vandever Administrator, granted permission to sell real estate.

Vevay Reveille – 11 Apr 1895 – Page 4, Column 2

Switzerland County Circuit Court—Judge Downey.


State vs. John Wiley; grand larceny. Plea of guilty, sentenced to penitentiary for two years and fined $20.

John H. Russe, of Lawrenceburg, admitted to practice in this Court.

Francis R. Dufour, Viola Dufour, Eleanor Thiebaud, George W. Dufour, and Eliza Dufour; ex parte petition for partition. Report of Commissioners confirmed and land divided accordingly.

R. Hankins & Co. vs. William Patton; on note. Judgment for $18.55.

Mary E. Stephenson vs. George H. Johnson; on note. Judgment for $51.

Jane A. Pavy et al vs. Joshua D. Griffith, Jr., et al; partition of land. Report of George S. Pleasants, Commissioner, sale of land, confirmed.

Mary C. Hastings et al vs. George P. Muret et al. The Clerk was ordered to pay to Sallie H. Muret, guardian of Altha Muret, distributive share of the proceeds of real estate.

Mary J. Rayle vs. Levina A. Stewart and Dora Stewart; partition. Report of Martin G. Keeney, Robert Bovard and Thomas J. Stewart, confirmed and land divided.

William Cousins et al vs. Thomas Cousins et al; partition. Report of George W. McKay, Lewis F. Works and Samuel McCreary, Commissioners, confirmed, and land divided.

State vs. Millard F. Wainscott; assault and battery. Prosecuting Attorney dismissed that part charging intent to murder. By agreement the case was submitted to Judge. Fined $25. On motion, the defendant was released from some costs assessed against him.

State vs. Elza Waltz; assault and battery. Plea of guilty, fined $5.

John Chapman vs. Armanda Chapman; divorce. Granted.

Indiana Shadday vs. Irvin M. D. Shadday; divorce. Granted. He to pay costs. By agreement, she to have custody of their child Lula; Richard Shadday, grandfather, given possession of their children Pearl and Richard.

Chimena Trautman vs. John Trautman; divorce. Granted.

Malvina Courtney vs. Elza Courtney; divorce. Not granted.

Hiram Jennings vs. Susan M. Jennings; divorce. Part of evidence heard, when plaintiff dismissed case.

Pearl Kizer vs. John Kizer; divorce. Granted. She given custody of their child John N.

Silas Lamkin vs. Henry W. Starker; replevin. Finding for plaintiff.

Maggie Coy vs. Henry Cousins; to recover possession of personal property. Judgment for plaintiff.

Susan K. Lanham vs. Sylvester Lanham; divorce. Granted, and $100 alimony, and costs, and given custody of child Lucy A. He given possession of the other children, Charles P. and Frederick.

William N. Pattie & Co. vs. Frank Taylor et al, on account. By agreement judgment rendered against defendant for $63.60, the plaintiffs to pay costs.

State vs. John B. Breeden; petit larceny. Indictment quashed and defendant dismissed.

Several cases were dismissed, and many cases continued.

Before W. D. Ward, special Judge pro tem.—Prudence McCreary vs. The Laughery Turnpike Company; to recover real estate. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment for plaintiff, that she is the owner of real estate in question. By consent of plaintiff, it was ordered that no execution or writ of possession shall issue on this judgment for six months, and the defendant (The Laughery Turnpike Co.) shall have the privilege of removing the toll house building from said ground within said time. It was further ordered that the plaintiff shall not fence or encumber said land so as to obstruct travel over all parts of the defendant Company’s turnpike.

Court finally adjourned last Thursday.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1895 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 7 Mar 1895 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Ted. Carver and wife to Gustuf H. Schrumpf
  • Gustaf H. Schrumpf and wife to Mollie Carver
  • William M. Green and wife to John K. Carson and wife
  • Oliver S. Anderson and wife to Thomas S. Brown and wife
  • J. E. Hart (Auditor) to Cyntha K. Scranton
  • Elizabeth Sterns to Susan Jennings
  • J. W. Faulkner and wife to Charles Wiseman, Jr.
  • Amasa J. and Ella P. Hyde to Mary A. Hyde and heirs
  • Benj. F. and Lottie Spillman to Edwin P. Downey
  • Edwin P. Downey to Benj. F. Spillman
  • Peter J. and Sarah E. Lostutter to Gustaff H. Schrumpf

Vevay Reveille – 14 Mar 1895 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • Alonzo Bennett to George and Callie Bennett
  • William F. Newton and wife to J. H. Cunningham
  • Samuel C. V. Cunningham and wife et al to J. H. Cunningham
  • Lucy M. Detraz to Thomas and Susie Joyce
  • Amanda Gullion and husband to Charles B. Gullion
  • Harry Weales and wife to Charles Kiesel

Vevay Reveille – 28 Mar 1895 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

[See newspaper and deed books for details.]

  • John T. Eaglin, by the Auditor, to Benj. H. North
  • Silas Q. Howe and wife to Martha J. Hudson
  • Joseph Disch to Steven Grimes
  • Henry L. Walker and wife to Henry Kuhlman
  • D. N. Haydon and wife to Isaac Montooth
  • Mary J. Gardner et al to Marion F. Gardner
  • Geo. R. Jackson to John S. Cole
  • Caroline M. and J. D. Griffith to Martha Hilderbrand
  • Jesse P. and Nancy J. Bellamy to Joseph Disch
  • John S. Heady and wife to Jas. H. Hitchens
  • Adolphus Hilderbrand and wife to Caroline M. Griffith
  • John Hastie to Dempsey Gullion et al
  • Justi Dow and wife to George H. Roberts
  • Roselda and William Berkshire and Maise Stewart to Thomas J. Stewart
  • Henry Kuhlman and wife to Dora A. Walker
  • Augustus Manser and wife to Clark McCreary

Switzerland County Commissioners – Mar 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 21 Mar 1895 – Page 4, Column 1

Meeting of Commissioners.

County Commissioners Thomas Montayne, Edgar Dibble and George W. Sanders, met Monday, March 4th, and with an intermission from Saturday to Wednesday, adjourned Wednesday evening, 13th.

Licensed to retail liquors—Joseph Marshal, Florence; John E. Hudson, Patriot.

The Township Trustees rendered their reports of receipts and expenditures of various funds, which were approved.

Franklin P. Muret presented his resignation as Superintendent of free gravel roads in Jefferson Township, which was accepted. Frank Miller was appointed to fill the vacancy.

In the matter of petition of Geo. W. McKay and others for change of highway in Craig Township. Henry Dibble, Jr., Ben T. Heady and Clarence Drake, viewers, reported that the proposed road ran through the lands of Rebecca Wright, Helen Daniels, Noah Oliver, Emma Oliver, Stella and Phebe McKay. Width of road thirty feet. Said road would be practical utility. Noah Oliver, Emma Oliver, Stella McKay, afterwards remonstrated against opening said road through their lands, asked $25, and asked that reviewers be appointed to assess damages. John B. Lamson, John A. Danglade and George B. Anderson were appointed reviewers to assess damages and report at next term.

In the matter of the petition of John B. Moore and others for a new highway in Cotton Township. William O. Marble, J. C. Smith and James M. Scott reported that Marshal B. Hyde, remonstrator, would be damaged $60 by proposed road. Report approved.

In the petition of George W. Dorrell and others for the construction of certain free gravel roads in York Township. The following was the result of the election: From Log Lick to Florence, for 196; against 114. For the road from Florence to station 93, for 195; against 111. For the road from Markland to Cotton Township, line along East Enterprise pike, for 180; against 102. A majority of votes cast were for the building of the three proposed roads. Bids to be received for building said roads May 4th.

In the matter of the petition of George Platt and others for the construction of free gravel roads in Posey Township. Result of election: Road from Ohio County line to Patriot, for 78; against 333. From Quercus Grove to Cotton Township line, for 65; against 336. From J. D. Davis’ Corner to York Township line, for 64; against 337. The three proposed roads were defeated.

In the matter of the claim of Lewis N. Bowman and Samuel Lock, damages. Claim disallowed.

A bond for six thousand dollars was ordered issued to the Vevay Deposit Bank, bearing six percent interest and due in sixty days.

In the matter of the petition of Oliver P. Courtney and others for the construction of free gravel roads in Jefferson Township. The road to begin at the intersection of Vevay and Florence road at Plum Creek, going up Plum Creek to along line of old Allensville and Center Square turnpike to Cotton Township line. George W. McKay (a civil engineer), Joshua Turner and James Stewart were appointed viewers, to locate proposed road, and make estimates of cost of construction.

Theodore E. Cole was appointed a Constable for Pleasant Township, to fill vacancy.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jan 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 17 Jan 1895 – Page 4, Column 2

Switzerland Circuit Court—Judge Downey.

The following persons composed the Grand Jury: James D. Glenn, Wm. H. Oatman, Harry N. Philips, A. P. Dufour, Edgar Dibble, and Charles McVey, (to fill vacancy because R. A. Harris not a resident of county.)

Frederick Wesler vs. the city of Lawrenceburg. Taken to Supreme Court and revered, opinion of Court spread on record. Appeal to pay appellant $84.15, costs. January 12, case finally compromised by agreement, and to be dismissed on first day of next term. City to pay Wesler $1600, and to vacate a part of street.

The Grand Jury returned five indictments.

Thomas Stevens et al vs. Stephen Stevens et al. Lewis F. Works Commissioner, reported sale of real estate, which was approved.

Cecile H. Shaw et al vs. James M. Crawford et al. Partition of land. The report of Martin G. Keeney. Franklin P. Muret and Milo Ogle, Commissioners, approved and land apportioned.

State vs. John W. Neal. Assault and Battery with intent to murder. Tried by Jury—Wm. Tait, James Kincaid, Jas. B. Ramseyer, J. B. Waldon, Geo. H. Vandever, James Hooten, Merit H. Banta, Oliver M. Smith, James B. Wallick, James Stewart, Geo. Bunger and Thomas Gilbert. Verdict, not guilty.

Judge Downey has appointed Hon. W. D. Ward to hold Court next Monday. He to try the case of Prudence McCreary vs. Laughery Turnpike Co.

Vevay Reveille – 31 Jan 1895 – Page 4, Column 3

Switzerland Circuit Court—Judge Downey.

Levi Block vs. Henry C. Swango; damages. Supreme Court sustained decision of lower Court, spread on record. For defendant.

John Dennis et al vs. Will L. Mier; on note. Judgment for $190.00.

Rufus Dibble et al, ex parte partition, George W. McKay and Luther C. Buck, Commissioners, filed report of partition.

Francis R. Dufour et al, ex parte partition. M. G. Keeney, Alfred Shaw, Ebenezer Phillips, Commissioners, filed report of partition.

State vs. Walter Jennings; petit larceny. Not guilty.

State vs. seven boys for burglary. Tried by Jury. Two boys not guilty. Three sent to jail for ten days. Clifford Plew and Ed. Sturgeon sent to Reform School for boys.

State vs. Henry Greise, petit larceny. Guilty, and sent to penitentiary one year.

Ordered by Court that bail be required on indictments returned: Burglary, $500; grand larceny, $500; assault and battery, $50; provocation, $50.

William Cousin et al vs. Thomas Cousin; for partition. George W. McKay, Lewis F. Works, and Thomas McCreary appointed to partition the land.

George Ertell & Co. vs. George Walden and Jonathan M. Clark; to foreclose mortgage and for appointment of receiver. Judgment for plaintiff.

State ex rel Joseph E. Hart, Auditor of Switzerland County, vs. Mary C. Lostutter et al; foreclosure of school fund mortgage. Judgment for $1596.56.

Rodie F. Grisard et al vs. Zellie C. Dufour et al; for partition of Grisard estate. James M. Scott, Alfred Shaw, and George McKay, Commissioners, filed report of partition; and by agreement of all parties any one desiring to file exceptions to report allowed until first day of next term to do so.

Before Hon. W. D. Ward, special Judge to try case of Prudence McCreary vs. The Laughery Turnpike Company, for possession of real estate. Brought here on change of venue from Ohio County. The following were empanelled as a Jury to try the case: Joseph B. Ramseyer, Frank Rosenberger, James Buchanan, Albert Ricketts, Alex. Anderson, James Leap, Alfred Banta, Leander Clendenning, Oliver S. Johnson, Eugene Tardy, James Anderson, and Charles Noble. The Jury found for the plaintiff, that she is the owner of the land in dispute; gave her possession, and that the defendant pay her $25 damages. The Jury also answered nine interrogatories, which we condense as follows:

1, Yes, a part of land described in complaint does lie within the limits of the defendants turnpike road.

2d, Yes, James Holmes, then in life, did own the land described in complaint when toll house was built.

3d, Yes, said Holmes did own the land in 1875, at time addition was built to toll house.

4th, Yes, he did know that such building and addition were on same land from 1875 to the time of his death, in 1892.

5th, Yes, he did object to the maintenance of the toll house and toll gate, and did make his objections known to the Turnpike Company.

6th, Yes, he did accept the privilege of traveling said turnpike from his farm gate to Laughery Creek bridge without paying toll, as a consideration for allowing said defendant Turnpike Company to maintain said toll house and toll gate on said land.

7th, Yes, the Company did expend money, labor and material in building said toll house on the land in controversy—1844 and 1857.

8th, Said Holmes lived 250 yards from toll house.

9th, Yes, said Holmes did pass by said toll house within ten feet in going from his residence and returning thereto, for more than fifteen years.

The Court by agreement of parties, gave until next term to file a motion for new trial, or any other motion counsel may desire. The case vas vigorously contested by the many attorneys on both sides. Judge Ward proved himself entirely competent to try the difficult case, and by his fairness, impartiality and clear statement of law, won the respect and good will of the many attorneys in the case.

Vevay Reveille – 7 Feb 1895 – Page 4, Column 1

Switzerland Circuit Court—Judge Downey.


Mahala D. Searcy, guardian of Abbie Searcy. Final report approved.

Estate of Mary E. Wilson. Final report of John W. Knox, administrator, approved.

Estate of Peter Nichols, deceased. Cornelius Burns allowed claim of $3.40.

Estate of Lavina J. Griffith, deceased. Dr. Scott Culbertson allowed claim of $25.

James Shaw, guardian of Eddie Shaw. Final report approved.

Estate of James C. Park, being under $500, set off to his widow Susie E. Park.

Estate of Charles W. Clements, being $500, set off to his widow, Emma Clements.

Estate of George Adams, being under $500, set off to his widow, Louisa Adams.

Guardianship of Lulu and Hiram Williamson, minor heirs of Hiram Williamson, deceased. Harvey E. Walker, guardian. Report approved, and discharged as to Lulu and continued as to Hiram.

Estate of Oscar Leap, Albert E. Roberts administrator, presented his resignation, and he to be finally discharged upon payment of cost of administrator.

Estate of William Driver, deceased. J. W. VanOsdol and son allowed claim of $22.30.

Guardianship of Fleming Cousins, insane. Final report of Henry Cousins approved.

Guardianship of Della May Lock, F. M. Griffith reported sale of real estate, which was approved.

Guardianship of Frankie L. Stucy et al, minor heirs of Henry Stucy, Jr., deceased. Barbara Stucy reported sale of real esate, which was approved.

Guardianship of David Henry, legatee under will of David Henry, deceased. Eli S. Henry at his request finally discharged.

The acts of the Clerk during vacation were approved.

Several administrators and guardians made partial reports and their cases continued.