Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Apr 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for April 1896 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 9 Apr 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Charles Saberton and wife to Mary J. Ebliin
  • Charlotte Jackson and husband to Andrew T. Cook
  • Andrew T. Cook and wife to Francis A. Jackson
  • Mary A. Taylor and husband to Frank McKay
  • John Dickason and wife to William W. Marsh
  • Margaret Chapman et al to Lewis Chapman
  • Emiline Redd and husband to Pheabe J. Larrison
  • Pheabe Larrison to Emaline Redd
  • Israel P. Loring, Administrator, to Albert G. Craig
  • Israel P. Loring, Administrator, to Charles Keisel
  • Ollie Roberts and husband to Freeman Russell
  • Stephen J. Searcy to Mose P. and Grace Searcy


  • Smith Turner and wife to John W. Barnes
  • John W. Barnes to Smith Turner
  • Elmer E. Brown to George W. Sharp
  • Elmer C. Brown to Lavander Sharp
  • Israel P. Loring, Administrator, to Francis M. Griffith
  • Jeremiah Downey and wife to Sarah H. Dennis
  • Jeremiah Downey and wife to Sarah H. Dennis
  • Joseph F. Cousins to Eliza E. Burton
  • Sarah H. Dennis and husband to Jeremiah Downey
  • Rufus Dibble to William S. Lostutter
  • Charles Markland and wife to Mary A. Greenleaf
  • Israel P. Loring, Administrator, to Oliver S. Clendening

Vevay Reveille – 23 Apr 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Repot.

  • Bessie E. Rayl and husband to Gustaf H. Schrumpf
  • Henry Harper and wife to Perry K. Cotton
  • Henry Harper and wife to Perry K. Cotton
  • George Johnson and wife to William Stephenson
  • Mary C. Hastings, Guardian, to Andrew B. Price
  • Julius A. Hastings et al to Andrew B. Price
  • George J. Waltz to Griffith Waltz
  • Thomas J. Gibbs and wife to Chas. Vinup
  • Joel Davis and wife to Edgar Dibble
  • Frank P. Dupraz and wife to Wilber L. Fisk
  • Joseph Parker and wife to George W. Parker and wife
  • William Carver et al to William Stratchman and wife
  • D. N. Haydon and wife to Jeffrey Miles
  • Dudley Leep and wife to Joseph Adams
  • John Dickason and wife to George F. Simpson
  • Eliza McKay to Nicholas V. Ash
  • Lucy Gribben and husband to Forrest Griffith and wife
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to John F. Plew

Vevay Reveille – 30 Apr 1896 – Page 4, Column 6

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Hiram Lostutter to Marion Lostutter
  • Hiram Lostutter et al to Marion Lostutter
  • Rachel Johnson and husband to George W. Ash
  • Montgomery Patton and wife to George Gaudin
  • Julia A. Brown to Robert E. Tilton and wife

Patriot High School Graduation – 1896

Patriot High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 2 Apr 1896 – Page 5, Column 2


The sixth annual Commencement of the Patriot High School was held at the M. E. Church last Friday evening. The large, handsome building, which has an accommodation for about 400, was completely packed, many being unable to get seats or even standing room. The pulpit was tastefully decorated with flowers and ribbons.

The class, composed of ten members, four girls and six boys, is the largest in the history of the School, and, in point of ability, will rank with any preceding class. The orations showed careful preparation, originality, and an ability to discuss literary themes.

Following is the names of the graduates and their subjects:

  • Bessie Fletcher—Heroes.
  • Avery Huston—Invention, the Child of Necessity.
  • Mary Dibble—The Power of the Pope.
  • Hubert Broodwell—England’s Aggrandizements.
  • Bertha Harris—Are we a Race of Idolaters?
  • Nola Humphrey—Woman’s Place in Literature.
  • Fred Schroder—The Rise and Fall of a Great Nation.
  • Daisy Dibble—“Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before.”
  • Pop Green—The Magazine as an Educator.
  • George Moredock—“Put None but Americans on Guard.

The graduates acquitted themselves nobly, and merited the profuse congratulations that were showered upon them.

Rev. J. W. Johnson, of the M. E. Church, offered the Invocation, and Rev. J. D. Shultz, of the Presbyterian Church, the Benediction.

Music was furnished by home talent, excepting H. D. Conrad, of Florence, violinist.

The Instructors for the past year were: O. M. Given, Principal; M. K. Huston, Grammar Department; Miss Laura Lamson, Intermediate; and Miss Bessie Philips, Primary.

The School Board is composed of Henry Schroder, President; Edwin E. North, Secretary; Selar Mead, Treasurer.

Sunday morning Rev. Jahnson delivered an interesting and instructive Sermon to the Class. Subject, “Measure Yourself by God’s Yardstick.”

The Alumni held its annual meeting and Banquet at the school building Monday evening.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1896 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 5 Mar 1896 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • George Dibble and Lydia Dibble to William Lostutter
  • Electra E. Serviel and husband to George Dibble
  • Thomas McCreary and wife to William McCreary and wife
  • William McCreary and wife to Thomas F. McCreary
  • Jane Hastie and John Hastie to B. F. Bennett
  • Armittee Clendening and husband to William Sauvain and wife
  • John Marsh and wife to George N. Reeves

Vevay Reveille – 19 Mar 1896 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Jane Dugan et al to Mary C. Hastings
  • Amelia McGuire and husband to George W. Butler and wife
  • Perry K. Cotton to Clarence B. Cotton
  • Jackson Claghorn and wife to Robert A. Stevens
  • George W. Lock and wife to Mathew Brown
  • Charles O. Waldo to Otis S. Waldo

Vevay Reveille – 26 Mar 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  1. Hannah C. Scott and husband to Wilson L. Crandall
  2. Tunis N. Carnine and wife to Henry E. Carnine
  3. Julius Schrumpf and wife to William Told and Gustaf H. Schrumpf
  4. Francis M. Stewart to Bertha E. Stewart
  5. Eastview Cemetery Co. to Elizabeth E. Brown
  6. A. C. Downey and wife to D. N. Haydon and wife
  7. D. N. Haydon and wife to Andrew C. Downey
  8. Harvey Walker and wife to Peter R. Lostutter and wife
  9. Parmelia Peters et al to William Culbertson

Switzerland County Commissioners – Mar 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 12 Mar 1896 – Page 4, Column 2


Edgar Dibble, George W. Sanders and Thomas Montayne, County Commissioners, met Monday, March 2, and adjourned last Monday, 9th.

John C. Hudson was granted a license to retail liquors in Patriot.

Dorwin Marshal applied for license to retail liquor in Florence. Two hundred and twenty-three voters of York Township filed their remonstrance against granting said license. George S. Pleasants appeared as attorney for Marshal and L. E. Smith for remonstrators. It was conceded that 223 was a majority of the voters of York Township. Under a provision of the Nicholson law this prevented the granting of a license to Marshal, but Marshal, through his attorney, presented a paper containing the names of twenty-two voters who had previously signed the remonstrance, asking that their names be stricken from the remonstrance. The legal question before the Commissioners was, had these men the right to withdraw their names from the remonstrance after it was filed and before the Board for action? The Commissioners finally decided they had the right to withdraw their names. This left the names of remonstrators below a majority of the voters, and resulted in Board granting license to Marshal.

A contract was made with the “Indiana Childrens Home Society” by which it was agreed the County would pay $50 to the Society for each dependent child taken from this county and placed in proper home. The Society guarantees that no child placed in its charge shall become a charge upon the county before it is eighteen. Either party may terminate the contract on six months notice.

William H. Scott and others petitioned for a free gravel road in York Township. 1st, the extension of the present Log Lick Creek gravel road from its present Northern terminus to the McCreary Hill. 2d, the Florence and Patriot road, extending from Florence along highway to Posey Township line. 3d, the road leading from Florence to Quercus Grove, over the Turtle Creek and Delhi route. Martin G. Keeney, civil engineer, Perry K. Cotton and William H. Henry, were appointed viewers.

Thomas J. Lakeman and forty-three other voters of Cotton Township, presented a petition that Isaac H. Littlefield be appointed a Justice of the Peace and William W. Marsh a Constable, to fill vacancies in these offices in Cotton Township. They were both appointed.

William Waltz was allowed $50 damage as the result of building Plum Creek Gravel road requiring him to build an embankment to reach his land.

Jasper N. Brindley, Superintendent of County Poor Asylum, reported twenty-five inmates and was allowed $231.20 for keeping them last quarter.

James V. Anderson and others petitioned for a road in Craig Township. It passes over lands of James Banta, Harry Shaw, John R. Shaw and William T. Detraz. William O. Marble, Clarence Drake and George Gaudin, were appointed viewers. To report at next regular term.

R. Bruce Huston and other petitioned for location of highway in Posey Township. Commencing in the center of the old road leading from Florence to Patriot, through lands of Charles Adams, Clara North, Abbie North, Cornelius Noel, Harvey W. Scranton, Luther Buck, Thomas F. Newbold and others. W. C. Stewart and others filed a remonstrance. Jas. M. Scott, Perry K. Cotton and William H. Henry were appointed viewers. To report at next regular term.

Clara T. Fisk filed a claim of $50 for damages as result of Road Supervisor of District No. 6, Posey Township, removing fence and using land for a public highway. Martin Barker, Alvin Driver and James Stewart appointed viewers to assess damages. To report next regular term.

Last Thursday the Board of Commissioners, by virtue of their office being the Board of Turnpike Directors of Free Gravel Roads, spent the day inspecting said roads.

Delpha Orem was appointed to use County Scholarship in Purdue University.

The Orphans Friends Society of Vevay was granted $158.25 for maintenance of seven children, 91 days.

Milo Ogle and others appeared and voluntarily asked to dismiss their petition for relocation of highway. Granted.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jan 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 23 Jan 1895 – Page 4, Column 5

Switzerland Circuit Court.
Judge A. C. Downey.

Carroll S. Tandy was appointed special Judge in case of Prudence McCreary vs. Laughery Turnpike Co. et al, and case continued.

State vs. John Doe, alias George Brown; arson. Grand Jury did not find indictment and he was discharged.

The Grand Jury returned nine indictments.

Stephen D. Redden vs. Ferdinand Broadwell et al; to quiet title to real estate. Submitted to Court. Judgement for defendant. In reference to Cross complaint Almira Broadwell in regard to lot 144 B. H.’s add Patriot, title quitted.

Clara Stockdale vs. Eliza McKay et al; partition of real estate. Joseph H. Netherland and John H. Reed, Commissioners, presented their report of partition, which was approved.

Mary Fisk vs. Arthur Taylor and Jane Martha Taylor; to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for now due $215.50; $224 due Sept. 24, 1896; $236 due Sept. 24, 1897, and foreclosure. The Court ordered that no order of sale be issued until thirty days after Jan. 9th; and if amount now due be paid then, no order be issued until next note due.

Hulley Griswold vs. Clara E. Griswold; divorce. Trial by Court. Divorce granted plaintiff and he given custody of their child McKinley Griswold.

Susan A. Cole vs. Milton R. Cole; divorce. Not granted.

John T. Boulton et al vs. Alexander Lemons et al; partition of real estate. Court found it not susceptible of division and appointed George S. Pleasants Commissioner to sell.

Bridget Morrisey vs. John L. Thiebaud et al; on note and to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for $1830, and foreclosure.

F. M. Griffith, Receiver of Vevay Woollen Mills Co., insolvent. Total receipts $810.05. Liabilities, $21,629.42. There were paid these creditors 3 1-5 percent. Final report approved, and matter closed.

Lovina C. Meacham vs. Elisha S. Griffith, Mary E. Griffith, et al, partition. Martin G. Kennzy, David N. Haydon, and Benjamin N. Davis, appointed Commissioners to partition land.

Joseph Patterson vs. Gustaff Schrumpf and Wm. L. Told; complaint on account. Judgment favor of defendants.

Viola Shafer committed to Indiana Reform School for Girls, until 18, or legally discharged by the Board of Managers.

John J. McCreary vs. Daniel and Jesse Sprague; trespass. Finding for defendants.

Several cases were continued and several dismissed.



John W. Neal vs. Millard F. Wainscott; damages. Verdict of Jury for defendant.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1896 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 13 Feb 1896 – Page 1, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • G[?]ael White to John H. Mehehoff
  • Mary A. Ridgeway to Jennie Martin
  • Jennie Martin and husband to Mary A. Ridgeway


  • John Sheperd to Roda J. Sheperd
  • W. S. Kincaid, Executor, to Susan M[?]ings
  • A[?]nie Vandover, Administratrix, to Harvey Buchanan
  • Laura J. Gleason to Harry E. Pavy and wife
  • Joseph Voris and wife to Cornelius A. Voris
  • John Stoops and wife to Aaron Henry
  • Zella C. Dufour and Abner P. Dufour to Robert T. Graham
  • Lewis H. Dennis and wife to Charles Althol
  • John Montayne to James Cole
  • Charlotte Campbell and husband to John Althoff
  • Charlotte Campbell and husband to Clementine Campbell
  • Clementine Campbell and husband to Charlotte Campbell and husband
  • Gustaf H. Schrumpf and wife to Mollie Carver
  • Mollie Carver and Ted Carver to Thomas Carver

Vevay Reveille – 20 Feb 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to Mary E. Mix and Sarah A. Mix
  • Martin M. Fish to William H. Scott
  • Archidale Edrington to George W. Ricketts
  • James Cole to John Montayne
  • Griffith S. Bryam and wife to Fred Slack and wife
  • Circuit Court to Emma Means
  • Circuit Court to Kate Gaurmer
  • George N. Reeves and wife to John Marsh

Vevay Reveille – 27 Feb 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Emma B. Muret and husband to Montgomery Patton
  • Thomas Higham to Charles H. Lee
  • Charles H. Lee and Mary E. Lee to Henderson Works

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jan 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for January 1896 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 16 Jan 1896 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.

Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Johnson Brown to Eliza C. Brown
  • James H. Sullivan and wife to Thomas J. Webster
  • Trustees of Phoenix and Indiana Lodges I. O. O. F. to Henry K. Knox
  • Above Trustees to Louisa M. Knox


  • William P. Conner and wife to Samuel T. Acre
  • Henry Barker and wife to Will A. Williams
  • Louisa J. Dubach and husband to Mrs. Lucilla A. Protsman
  • William P. Cooper to Mary Demaree

Vevay Reveille – 23 Jan 1895 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.

Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Alice G. Gullion and husband to Gustaf H. Schrumpf
  • Ira Patterson and wife to Gustaf H. Schrumpf
  • James C. Long, Administrator, by order of Court, to Mary R. Hart, Isadore Kessler
  • Chloe Tibbetts and husband to John H. Daubenhyer
  • Elza C. Olmsted and W. Ova F. Olmstead to Newton N. Ferrell
  • Mary Merrell to David N. Haydon
  • H. J. Lohmarm, Guardian, to David Atkiinson et al

Vevay Reveille – 30 Jan 1896 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Thomas J. Haskell and wife to Younger Brook
  • Ambros Taylor to Alfred Adams
  • Mary E. Lineback to Angeline Neal
  • Circuit Court to Eliza McKay et al, James Ash, Joseph Beech et al, Clara Stockdale, Rachel Johnson, John Ash, George W. Ash, Nicholas Ash, Henry T. Ash, Mary E. Southerland, Oliver Ash, et al
  • George W. Cooper and wife to William S. Cooper et al
  • Abner P. Dufour and wife to Eliza M. Dufour
  • Eliza M. Dufour to Zellie C. Dufour
  • Ebenezer Phillips and wife to Eugene Scudder and wife

Switzerland County Jurors – Jan 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jurors appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 2 Jan 1896

Selected Jurors.

Last Monday Jury Commissioners Samuel Stucy, of Vevay, and Samuel W. Wade, of Patriot, drew the names of the following persons to serve as Jurors during the term of Court, which will commence next Monday.

PETIT JURY.—E. F. Rogers, Joel D. Davis, Hiram M. Douglas, Jackson Claghorn, Daniel B. Konkle, John W. Powell, James B. Banta, George Dibble, Charles Cutler, Lewis A. Myer, William B. Cunningham, C. C. Chatman.

Subpoenaed for Wednesday, 8th.

GRAND JURY.—Ralph Cotton, Harvey Faudre, George Hall, John Dunning, William A. Shadday, Peter Culbertson.

Subpoenaed for Monday, 6th.

Switzerland County Pensions – 1895

Military pensions granted in Switzerland County, Indiana appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 28 Mar 1895 – Page 4, Column 4

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency:

  • Thomas Tait, Sugan, Indiana. Original, new law. Rate $6.00.
  • Wm. A. Richards, deceased, Carrollton, Kentucky. New law. Rate $12.00.
  • Silas Ward, Sugar Branch, Indiana. Old law, reissue. Rate $30.00.
  • John J. Walker, Sanders, Kentucky. Increase; Mexican War. $12.00.
  • Abijah Myers, Preston, Kentucky. Original, old law. Rate $12.00; back pay $600.00.
  • James Polley, Jay, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law. Rate $16.00.
  • Lafayette Turner, Vevay, Indiana. Reissue, old law. Rates: $6.00 from March 19, 1883 and $8.00 from October 4, 1893. Back pay about $300.
  • George W. Land, Aaron, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law. Rate $24.00.
  • John P. White, Florence, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law. Rates: $14.00 from Nov. 12, 1891; $16.00 from Dec. 16, 1891 and $17.00 from Nov. 22, 1893.
  • Thomas H. McKay, Brooksburg, Ind. Increase, old law. Rate $12.00.
  • George Adams, deceased, Vevay, Indiana. Increase, old law. Rate $17.00.
  • John Conrad, Florence, Indiana. Increase, old law. Rate $12.00.
  • Sylvester R. Heath, Sugar Branch, Indiana. Pay for rations $22.75.
  • Grandison Tollion, Sparta, Kentucky. New law, original. Rate $6.00. Back pay $330.

Vevay Reveille – 7 Nov 1895 – Page 5, Column 2

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions through his agency:

  • Mary McDaniel, widow of Aaron McDaniel, Vevay. Reissue $56.
  • Augustus Hall, Ghent, Kentucky. Increase, old law, rate $14.
  • Robert E. Hall, Center Square, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $25.
  • Charles Allen, Vevay, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law, rate $17. Back pay $322.
  • Wm. S. Brent, Hammels, Kentucky. Original, old law, rate $12.
  • John G. Long, Vevay, Indiana. Reissue, old law, rate $17. Back pay $602.
  • George Rice, Carson, Carroll County, Kentucky, additional, new law, rate $10.
  • Daniel Grebe, Bee Camp, Indiana, reissue, old law, rate $12.
  • Richard Swift, Sparta, Kentucky, new law, original, rate $8, back pay over $316.
  • George Adams, deceased, Vevay, Indiana, reissue, old law, rate $17.
  • Louiza Adams, Vevay, Indiana, old law, rate $12.
  • Robt. Thompson, North Landing, Indiana, new law, reissue, rate $6.
  • Jane Curling, Ghent, Kentucky, original, new law, rate $8.
  • Warren Roberts, Madison, Indiana, increase, old law, rate $30.
  • John L. Shadday, Bennington, Indiana, reissue and increase, old law, rates $12 from Sept. 24, 1890, $14 from Sept. 28, 1892, $17 from Apr. 11, 1894.
  • Melissa, widow of Hiram Buchanan, Craig, Indiana, supplemental for helpless child, rate $2, back pay $120.
  • Margaret E. McCarter, New Eagle Mills, Kentucky, original, new law, rate $8.
  • David McCarter, Berkshire, Kentucky, original, new law, rate $12.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Oct 1895

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 31 Oct 1895 – Page 5, Column 2

Switzerland Circuit Court.


Jane Dugan, guardian of Minnie D. Pate, minor heir of John F. Pate. Final report approved, she being of age.

Estate of Lorenzo W. Hinman, Lemuel E. Turner, administrator. Final report approved.

H. H. McCulloch, guardian of Lulu McCulloch; she being of age, and transcript record of Jefferson County Court, Kentucky, showing he had fully settled with her, he was discharged and bondsmen released on account of petition previously made to sell land in Switzerland County.

Estate of Wilson Driver, George H. Graves, administrator. Final report approved.

Petit Baxter, guardian of Elizabeth Baxter. Final report approved, she being of age.

Estate of Warren Cotton, deceased, being less than $500 was set off to his widow, Katie Cotton.

Robert Sharp, guardian of the minor heirs of David P. Blodget, deceased; sale of timber approved.

Estate of Martha Ramseyer, Thomas Montague, administrator. Final report approved.

Mary C. Brown, guardian of Aaron B. Brown, minor heir of Merit H. Brown. Final report approved, he being of age.

Estate of Ann Armstrong, Wm. H. Mellick, administrator. Jordon R. Houze allowed claim of $11.67.

Will of Sarah A. Peters probated. John W. Smiley, executor. Bond $12,000.00.

Jennie Krall vs. Mathias Funk, administrator of the estate of Henry Boyd; claim, trial by Jury, verdict for plaintiff $190.

William S. Told, administrator of the estate of Alger Stewart, vs. Francis Stewart; petition to sell real estate granted.

Wm. S. Kincaid, administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Long, deceased, vs. James Long et al; petition to sell real estate granted.

The following acts of the Clerk during vacation were approved:

Estate of John C. Atkinson, appointment of David Atkinson, administrator. Bond $850.

William S. Told appointed guardian of minor heirs of Nancy J. Stewart. Bond $1,000.

In admitting to probate wills of Annie A. Dickason, Caroline J. Welch, Lucy Conboy, James Sullivan.

In filing and recording the written election of Elizabeth Sullivan, widow of James Sullivan, to accept will.

Vevay Reveille – 14 Nov 1895 – Page 4, Column 4

Switzerland Circuit Court. Judge A. C. Downey.

In the cases State vs. certain members of the City Council and members of the City Board of Health, the indictments were quashed and defendants discharged.

David B. Wallace, Administrator of the estate of Livingston L. Tiller, deceased, vs. Huldah E. Gillis and Thomas C. Gillis; on note and to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for $485.40 and cost, and foreclosure.

John A. Weaver vs. The Moorefield Academy et al. L. E. Smith, Receiver, reported public sale of real estate to the school town of Moorefield for $275, which was approved.

Benjamin F. Smith vs. John F. Boulton; on note and in attachment. Judgment for $31.04. John K. Lewis, surviving partner of Hall & Lewis, also given judgment, on note by Boulton, for $182.55.

Archidile Edrington vs. Lemuel Edrington; divorce. Granted.

State vs. Gabe Robinson; giving away liquor on Sunday. Trial by Court, not guilty.
State vs. Felix Jones; selling liquor on Sunday. Trial by Court—not guilty.

The Sheriff reported Omer Fowler, Beniah Belden, and Robert E. Clark, selected by Jury Commissioners as Petit Jurors, not found; and he selected James S. Knox, Lemuel E. Turner, and Frank Miller to fill the vacancies.

State vs. John Bowie; petit larceny. Trial by Court—found guilty, and imprisoned in county jail for 60 days, fined $5, and disfranchised one year.

State vs. Robert A. Knox, Jr.; assault and battery. Plea of guilty—fined $10.

John W. Neal vs. Millard F. Wainscott; damages. Defendant filed application for change of Judge. Granted, and William R. Johnston appointed as special Judge to try the case.

William Acres vs. Ralph R. Stout; on account. Trial by Jury—verdict in favor of defendant.

Lucilla Protsman vs. Lucilla Jagers, Flora B. Morrison et al; to correct deed. All alleged by plaintiff admitted by defendants, and by agreement verdict in favor of plaintiff.

Luella Jagers vs. Joseph Jagers; to authorize plaintiff to convey real estate. Judgment by Court for plaintiff.

Luciella Goins vs. Robert Goins; divorce. Trial by Court—granted.

James R. Cole vs. Eugene Tardy; appeal by defendant from Justice of Peace. Trial by Jury; verdict for plaintiff, $1 damages.

Samuel Stucy, of Vevay, and Samuel Wade, of Patriot, were appointed by Court Jury Commissioners for one year.

Jacob Danner vs. John Todd; damages. Trial by Jury; verdict favor of plaintiff–$1200.00.

Clara Stockdale vs. Eliza McKay et al; partition. M. G. Keeney, Joseph H. Netherland and John Reed appointed Commissioners to partition land.

Sylvester Lanham vs. Freeman Russell; damages. Trial by Jury, verdict for defendant.

Morning morning, Nov. 4th, Hon. Francis M. Griffith, on behalf of the Bar of this Court, presented the following, which was seconded by Hon. W. D. Ward, unanimously approved, and ordered by Judge Downey to be placed on record:

“Whereas, the term of Walter C. Benedict, Clerk of the Switzerland Circuit Court, has just expired; therefore be it

Resolved, by the Bar of this Court, That as an evidence of the faithful manner in which said retiring Clerk has performed his duties, and that he has at all time been courteous and obliging, and that our relations have been pleasant, and that we wish him success in life, we asks the Court to order that this testimonial be spread on record.

Be It Further Resolved, That we also tender our best wishes to his successor, Edward E. Kelso, and assure him that we will join in an effort to render his official term pleasant, and that we will be ever ready to render him any assistance within our power to enable him to successfully perform the duties of the office now held by him.”

Janes A. Gibson vs. Reese McManama and Kate Parsons; for possession, etc. By agreement judgment rendered for the possession of real estate described; judgment for plaintiff.

John T. Riggs et al vs. Henry A. Martin et al; on note. Trial by Jury; verdict for defendants.

William Winter and Joshua M. W. Langsdale vs. Ted Carver et al; on account and to set aside conveyance. By agreement of all parties, there is due Gustaf H. Schrumf $908, and to William Winters $78.10; Joshua M. W. Langsdale $154.64.

Martha A. Rickter vs. Jacob J. Rickter; divorce, granted.

Ella Bucheit vs. Jacob Bucheit; divorce, granted.

David Dow vs. Frederick L. Thiebaud; on account. Trial by Jury; verdict in favor of defendant.



Erastus S. Downey vs. George W. Griffith et al; appeal. Trial by Jury, verdict in favor of plaintiff that he is owner of property claimed.

Prudence McCreary vs. The Laughery Turnpike Co. et al; for possession of real estate. Continued.



John W. Neal vs. Millard F. Wainscott; damages. Defendant submitted written affidavits for continuance. Granted.