Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Cotton Township Trustee’s Report – 1896

Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, Trustee’s report for 1896 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 13 Aug 1896 – Page 1, Column 4

Cotton Township.
Trustee’s Report To Commissioners of Switzerland County, Indiana.
By A. J. WORKS, Trustee.

Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Road Tax Fund, by the Trustee of Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from August 5, 1895, to March 3, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]



  • Aug. 6, voucher 1, John W. VanOsdol, work on road grader, $1.00
  • Sep. 3, voucher 2, Clinton Tinker, locust posts, Bridge, $1.00
  • Sep. 16, voucher 3, Jas. S. Downey, order bridge lumber, $1.00
  • Oct. 12, voucher 4, Wm. P. Truitt, bridge lumber dist 1 and 6, $3.90
  • Nov. 25, voucher 5, Wm. H. Lee, bridge lumber, $27.03
  • Dec. 2, voucher 6, B. W. Clark, work on road, $11.25
  • Dec. 3, voucher 7, F. L. Grisard, road tools, $2.54


  • Jan. 24, voucher 8, M. V. Turner, stone for road, $1.30


Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Township funds, by the Trustee of Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from August 5, 1895, to March 3, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]



  • Sept. 14, voucher 1, J. W. VanOsdol, service as Trustee, $42.00
  • Sept. 30, voucher 2, Sam’l L. Benedict, stationery for Township, $4.00
  • Oct. 1, voucher 3, W. J. Baird, publishing Trustee’s report, $47.50
  • Oct. 7, voucher 4, Alfred Driver, acting as Sheriff, $1.50
  • Nov. 6, voucher 5, Alvin Works, service as supervisor dist 2, $22.50
  • Nov. 18, voucher 6, Albert F. Hyde, services as supervisor dist 5, $20.25
  • Nov. 19, voucher 7, Elwood Houze, services as supervisor dist 1, $18.50
  • Nov. 26, voucher 8, Albert W. Brown, services as supervisor dist 6, $16.00
  • Dec. 2, voucher 9, B. W. Clark, services as supervisor dist 4, $21.75
  • Dec. 14, voucher 10, Newel H. Morrison, services as supervisor dist 3, $18.00
  • Dec. 14, voucher 11, W. C. Ricketts, service as supervisor dist 7, $5.00


  • Jan. 15, voucher 12, Baker & Thornton, set office books, receipt books and other stationery, $37.25
  • Feb. 5, voucher 13, Jos. E. Hart, making road tax list, $10.00


Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Dog Tax Fund, by the Trustee of Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from August 5, 1895, to March 9, 1896:

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]



  • Sept. 21, voucher 1, Jno. B. Moore, one sheep, $2.40
  • Oct. 4, voucher 2, M. V. Turner, three sheep, $11.50
  • Oct. 5, voucher 3, Henry W. Banta, one sheep, $3.00





  • Issued May 1894, note, in favor Fleming Manfc Co., 6 percent, due July 1, 1896, road fund, $100.00
  • Issued Sept. 2, 1894, note, in favor Wm. H. Madison and wife, 6 percent, due Sept. 1895, special school fund, $400.00
  • Issued Jan. 1896, in favor of Baker & Thornton, due June, 1896, special school fund, $53.00


Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Special School Fund, by the Trustee of Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from Aug. 6, 1895, to Aug. 3, 1896:

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]


  • Sept. 17, voucher 2, Will Lester, hauling coal, $6.00
  • Sept. 17, voucher 1, Hayden Gary, hauling coal, $6.00
  • Sept. 21, voucher 3, Geo. W. Armstrong, hauling coal, $10.00
  • Sept. 30, voucher 4, B. H. North, coal for 5 school houses, $45.00
  • Oct. 12, voucher 5, Wm. Dickason, repairing school dist 4, $5.75
  • Oct. 15, voucher 6, C. D. Tinker, hauling coal, $13.14
  • Oct. 19, voucher 7, Wm. H. Melick, repairing schoolhouse, $5.50
  • Oct. 19, voucher 8, D. P. Oak, hauling coal and repairs, $9.85
  • Oct. 21, voucher 9, Henderson Works, hauling stoves, etc., $2.25
  • Oct. 26, voucher 10, Harry Myers, load kindling, $1.00
  • Nov. 11, voucher 11, M. O. Dennis, cleaning and repairing schoolhouse, $2.25
  • Nov. 16, voucher 12, Eliott & Seward, coal for 4 schools, $31.57
  • Nov. 16, voucher 13, C. J. Tyler, hauling coal and rep, $8.76
  • Nov. 16, voucher 14, A. T. Hyde, repairing school house, $5.00
  • Nov. 20, voucher 15, Alfred Driver, hauling coal and rep, $6.27
  • Nov. 23, voucher 16, Harry McCreary, reading circle books, $10.00
  • Nov. 30, voucher 17, Chas. Jarvis, mat and repairs Dist 6, $5.00
  • Dec. 3, voucher 18, D. M. Haskell, two stoves and other furniture, $22.65
  • Dec. 3, voucher 19, F. L. Grisard, glass and sash, $2.33
  • Dec. 3, voucher 20, J. K. Pleasant, lumber for schools six and eight, $8.62
  • Dec. 21, voucher 21, Jno. Althoff, hauling coal and repairs, $7.10
  • Dec. 29, voucher 22, Wm. Shaw, expressage on charts, $3.50


  • Jan. 4, voucher 23, Baker & Thornton, payment on school desks, $26.50
  • Jan. 15, voucher 24, Chris Holdcraft, freight on seats, $7.45
  • Jan. 15, voucher 25, Alvin Works, hauling seats, $2.00
  • Jan. 15, voucher 26, school reg erasers, etc., $12.50
  • Feb. 14, voucher 27, Alfred Rous, coal, $7.20
  • Feb. 24, voucher 28, W. L. Bell, ten sets school charts, $145.00
  • Feb. 27, voucher 29, S. O. Murphy, supplies for schools, $2.17
  • March 13, voucher 30, Ida Gary, janitor and Institute fees, $12.85
  • March 5, voucher 31, L. E. Carnine, janitor and Institute fees, $13.55
  • March 5, voucher 32, H. S. McCreary, janitor and Institute fees, $13.35
  • March 5, voucher 33, Emma Gary, janitor and Institute fees, $12.85
  • March 7, voucher 34, Myria Oxley, janitor and Institute fees, $12.85
  • March 11, voucher 35, J. E. Gilbert, janitor and Institute fees, $12.85
  • March 14, voucher 36, W. H. Melick, supplies for dist 2 and 9, $3.25
  • March 14, voucher 37, Lulu Works, janitor and Institute fees, $12.85
  • March 16, voucher 38, Lora Hooten, janitor and Institute fees, $13.00
  • March 24, voucher 39, Lottie Works, keeping school books, $5.00
  • April 4, voucher 40, D. P. Oak, supplies and repairs dist 7, $1.30
  • April 13, voucher 41, H. B. Steel, amt due on Trans. Alvin Works, $9.60
  • April 17, voucher 42, S. R. Heath, school supplies, $8.58
  • April 15, voucher 43, Jas. H. Gibbs, school supplies, $1.45
  • April 17, voucher 44, W. D. Tyler, janitor and Institute fees, $12.85
  • May 7, voucher 45, Thomas Works, assisting enumeration, $12.00
  • May 23, voucher 46, D. H. Goble, school visitor, $10.00
  • June 16, voucher 47, Baker & Thornton, school furniture, $55.00
  • June 27, voucher 48, Wm. H. Madison, note of VanOsdol, $221.83
  • June 27, voucher 49, J. K. Madison, note on VanOsdol, $221.83
  • July 7, voucher 50, W. M. Shaw, expressage on books, $1.10
  • July 11, voucher 51, P. M. Pavey, cleaning and repairing school, $2.35
  • July 16, voucher 52, D. H. Goble, report cards, etc., $3.00
  • May 1, voucher 53, Chas. Pavey, Institute and janitor fees, $12.85
  • July 30, voucher 54, J. A. Stewart, two dictionaries, $12.00


Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Tuition Fund, by the Trustee of Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from Aug. 6, 1895, to Aug. 3, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See Newspaper.]



  • March 3, voucher 1, Ida Gary, teacher dist 5, $151.80
  • March 5, voucher 2, L. E. Carnine, teaching, $161.00
  • March 5, voucher 3, H. S. McCreary, teaching, $161.00
  • March 5, voucher 4, Emma Gary, teaching, $151.80
  • March 7, voucher 5, Myrta Oxley, teaching, $151.80
  • March 11, voucher 6, J. E. Gilbert, teaching, $151.80
  • March 14, voucher 7, Lula Works, teaching, $151.80
  • March 16, voucher 8, Lora Hooten, teaching, $161.00
  • March 17, voucher 9, W. D. Tyler, teaching, $151.80
  • May 1, voucher 10, Charles Pavey, teaching, $151.80

Pleasant Township Trustee’s Report – 1896

Pleasant Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, Trustee’s report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 6 Aug 1896 – Page 7, Column 1

Pleasant Township.
Trustee’s Report To Commissioners of Switzerland County, Indiana.

Annual Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Road Tax Funds, By the Trustee of Pleasant Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from Aug. 6th, 1895, to Feb. 29, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]


  • Sep.7, voucher 1, Levi Orem, team work on road, $6.00
  • Sep. 16, voucher 2, Geo. W. Mcay, surveying road, $2.00
  • Oct. 10, voucher 3, Napoleon Roberts, $1.87
  • Oct. 19, voucher 4, C. J. Newkirk, hauling stone, $8.00
  • Oct. 19, voucher 5, Samuel Krall, building culvert, $2.25
  • Oct. 19, voucher 6, C. L. Jackson, hauling stone, $5.25
  • Oct. 19, voucher 7, James Hatch, repairing culvert, $0.75
  • Oct. 19, voucher 8, M. F. Cole, hauling stone, $4.50
  • Oct. 26, voucher 9, Slawson & Archer, shoveling gravel, $5.10
  • Oct. 30, voucher 10, Harry Buening, breaking stone, $9.00
  • Oct. 31, voucher 11, Harry Buening, to work on road, $10.00
  • Nov. 2, voucher 12, Leopold Wormus, to work on road, $35.45
  • Nov. 4, voucher 13, Elmer Ralston, hauling stone, $9.00
  • Nov. 5, voucher 14, Earnest Miles, breaking stone, $3.00
  • Nov. 5, voucher 15, W. B. Glenn, hauling stone, $10.50
  • Nov. 7, voucher 16, Alex Washer, breaking stone, $8.25
  • Nov. 9, voucher 17, J. M. Gardner, to laborers on road, $36.25
  • Nov. 9, voucher 18, Sam Rogers, hauling stone, $10.09
  • Nov. 11, voucher 19, Ira Turner, breaking stone, $4.50
  • Nov. 11, voucher 20, B. R. Vandever, breaking rock, $0.75
  • Nov. 12, voucher 21, Abe Weaver, hauling stone, $14.25
  • Nov. 12, voucher 22, James Hargan, tile for culvert, $7.00
  • Nov. 16, voucher 23, A. G. Jackson, breaking stone, building culvert, $8.03
  • Nov. 16, voucher 24, Hiram Brown, hauling stone, $3.00
  • Nov. 16, voucher 25, Henry Buening, to labor on road, $12.83
  • Nov. 16, voucher 26, J. H. Jackson, to labor on road, $8.00
  • Nov. 16, voucher 27, Slawson & Archer, work on road, $0.75
  • Nov. 18, voucher 28, James Washer, breaking stone, $5.25
  • Nov. 19, voucher 29, Wm. Thompson, hauling stone, $4.00
  • Nov. 20, voucher 30, Ira Turner, breaking stone, $2.00
  • Nov. 25, voucher 31, Curt Gullion, hauling stoen, $1.75
  • Nov. 26, voucher 32, B. D. Scott, breaking stone, $2.50
  • Nov. 26, voucher 33, Scott Culbertson, hauling stone, $5.00
  • Nov. 29, voucher 34, O. D. Fry, repairing grader, $1.00
    Nov. 30, voucher 35, J. W. Gardner, repairing plow, $1.25
  • Dec. 9, voucher 36, Everet Shadday, breaking stone, $4.75
  • Dec. 9, voucher 37, B. D. Scott, breaking stone, $2.25
  • Dec. 10, voucher 38, H. R. Culbertson, hauling stone, $3.00
  • Dec. 14, voucher 39, James Storie, hauling stone, $5.00
  • Dec. 14, voucher 40, Henry Morton, bridge timber, $3.42
  • Dec. 16, voucher 41, Wm. A. Shadday, hauling and breaking stone, $4.75
  • Dec. 16, voucher 42, Wm. Ralston, breaking stone, $0.75
  • Dec. 23, voucher 43, Wm. Witherspoon, hauling stone, $4.00
  • Dec. 23, voucher 44, Slawson & Archer, breaking and hauling stone, $14.30
  • Dec. 24, voucher 45, Frank Gray, road work, $15.00
  • Dec. 24, voucher 46, W. S. Welch, road work, $5.00
  • Dec. 28, voucher 47, J. D. Glen, road work, $2.00
  • Jan. 4, voucher 48, Lee Wormas, road work, $10.25
  • Jan. 7, voucher 49, F. L. Grisard, stone hammers, $1.40
  • Jan. 18, voucher 50, L. O. Martin, bridge timber, $1.15
  • Jan. 18, voucher 51, Hulley Griswold, making stone hammers, $1.00
  • Jan. 18, voucher 52, Lawrence Welch, work on road, $5.00
  • Jan. 20, voucher 53, B. D. Scott, work on road, $2.75
  • Jan. 31, voucher 54, Robt. Taylor, breaking stone, $0.70


Annual report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Township Funds, By the Trustee of Pleasant Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from Aug. 6th, 1895, to Feb. 29, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]


  • Aug. 6, voucher 1, B. F. Rodgers, services as trustee, $70.00
  • Aug. 7, voucher 2, B. F. Rodgers, services turning over office, $2.00
  • Aug. 16, voucher 3, M. Eudaily, expressage on supplies, $0.30
  • Sep. 9, voucher 4, W. M. Shaw, expressage on supplies, $0.30
  • Sep. 9, voucher 5, W. M. Shaw, expressage on supplies, $0.30
  • Sep. 21, voucher 6, D. H. Goble, Township record, $5.50
  • Oct. 2, voucher 7, B. C. Blair, Township record, $7.00
  • Nov. 10, voucher 8, Henry Buening, services as supervisor, $25.57
  • Nov. 16, voucher 9, J. H. Jackson, services supervisor, $15.00
  • Nov. 16, voucher 10, W. S. Welch, services as supervisor, $10.00
  • Nov. 26, voucher 11, J. V. Archer, services as supervisor, $10.50
  • Nov. 30, voucher 12, J. W. Gardner, services as supervisor, $14.25
  • Dec. 21, voucher 13, Frank Gray, services as supervisor, $19.50
  • Dec. 31, voucher 14, W. S. Welch, services as supervisor, $5.00
  • Jan. 4, voucher 15, Lee Wormus, services as supervisor, $10.00
  • Jan. 7, voucher 16, J. E. Hart, making out road list, $10.00
  • Jan. 15, voucher 17, Baker & Thornton, teachers’ contracts and reports, $5.00


Annual report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Dog Tax Fund, by the Trustee of Pleasant Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from Aug. 6th, 1895, to Feb. 29, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]


  • Jan. 11, voucher 1, B. F. Cunningham, sheep killed, $9.60
  • Jan. 13, voucher 2, J. W. Christie, sheep killed, $20.00
  • Jan. 20, voucher 3, Levi Orem, sheep killed, $18.10
  • Feb. 17, voucher 4, Chas. W. Smith, sheep killed, $13.75


[See newspaper.]

[See newspaper.]


Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Special School Fund, by the Trustee of Pleasant Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, from Aug. 6, 1895, to Aug. 1st, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]


  • Aug. 17, voucher 1, Henry Buening, wood for no. 15, $9.90
  • Aug. 17, voucher 2, Chas. Blodget, wood for no. 1, $17.25
  • Aug. 20, voucher 3, Bart Forwood, wood for no. 9, $10.20
  • Aug. 21, voucher 4, Emory Hallgarth, wood for no. 7, $5.00
  • Sep. 5, voucher 5, A. T. Wainscott, hauling coal, $6.40
  • Sep. 21, voucher 6, H. Farrell, hauling coal, $8.35
  • Sep. 21, voucher 7, Slawson & Archer, wood for no. 5, $5.00
  • Sep. 21, voucher 8, Abe Johnson, repairs on no. 14, $27.90
  • Sep. 21, voucher 9, A. R. Downey, hauling coal, $6.90
  • Sep. 21, voucher 10, C. L. Jackson, hauling coal, $5.75
  • Sep. 24, voucher 11, Vevay Wharf Co., freight on school furniture, $4.45
  • Oct. 4, voucher 12, Slawson & Archer, glass and repairs on no. 3, $4.05
  • Oct. 5, voucher 13, M. D. Orem, repairs and supplies for no. 10, $5.35
  • Oct. 7, voucher 14, John Eckert, stove and pipe, $6.50
  • Oct. 10, voucher 15, Nepoleon Roberts, glass and repair for no. 4, $1.00
  • Oct. 19, voucher 16, H. E. Thieman, wood for no. 6, $10.40
  • Oct. 19, voucher 17, Geo. Shadday, wood for no. 2, $12.50
  • Oct. 19, voucher 18, Elmer Drake, hauling desks and repairing no. 2, $4.00
  • Oct. 19, voucher 19, J. F. Stewart, repairing no. 9, $2.40
  • Oct. 19, voucher 20, Cornelius Cole, wood for no. 7, $6.25
  • Oct. 19, voucher 21, D. W. Mead, repairing no. 7, $4.00
  • Oct. 26, voucher 22, Slawson & Archer, School house supplies, $4.35
  • Oct. 31, voucher 23, John W. Lock, hauling coal and repairs on no. 11, $13.60
  • Nov. 7, voucher 24, Oliver J. Robbins, hauling coal, $3.55
  • Nov. 9, voucher 25, Nepoleon Roberts, schoolhouse supplies, $1.45
  • Nov. 12, voucher 26, Abe Weaver, hauling coal, $2.20
  • Nov. 16, voucher 27, Abe Johnson, building outhouses, no. 14, $11.21
  • Nov. 16, voucher 28, J. F. Stewart, repairing no. 9, $1.00
  • No. 16, voucher 29, Albert E. Fry, reading circle books, $14.00
  • Nov. 16, voucher 30, W. F. Valentine, repairing no. 6, $1.25
  • Nov. 16, voucher 31, Slawson & Archer, schoolhouse supplies, $0.90
  • Nov. 28, voucher 32, P. R. Lostutter, 6 percent discount on books, $0.97
  • Nov. 29, voucher 33, Nepoleon Roberts, repairing no. 4, $1.50
  • Dec. 5, voucher 34, Alfred Rous, coal for schools, $50.15
  • Dec. 5, voucher 35, W. A. Olmstead, maps, dictionary and erasers, $22.45
  • Dec. 5, voucher 36, Piqua Furniture Co., desks for no. 2, $57.55
  • Dec. 16, voucher 37, Dan Lock, repairing no. 3, $2.35
  • Jan. 7, voucher 38, W. F. Goldenburg, stove and repairs, $11.85
  • Jan. 7, voucher 39, Schenck & Mills, glass and door lock, $0.75
  • Jan. 7, voucher 40, F. L. Grisard, chair and glass, $3.16
  • Jan. 18, voucher 41, L. O. Martin, repairing no. 5, $1.35
  • Jan. 28, voucher 42, Slawson & Archer, school supplies, $1.00
  • Jan. 28, voucher 43, J. K. Pleasants, ceiling, door and window, $22.10
  • Jan. 28, voucher 44, P. R. Lostutter, 6 percent discount on books, $0.54
  • Feb. 15, voucher 45, Mary Rodgers, Institute work, $7.75
  • Feb. 15, voucher 46, Albert E. Fry, Institute work, $7.40
  • Feb. 15, voucher 47, Zelma Glen, Institute work, $6.00
  • Feb. 15, voucher 48, Florence Farrell, Institute work, $1.65
  • Feb. 15, voucher 49, Eva Paul, Institute work, $6.00
  • Feb. 15, voucher 50, Lou Oxley, Institute work, $7.40
  • Feb. 15, voucher 51, Nora S. Briggs, Institute work, $6.60
  • Feb. 15, voucher 52, W. F. Valentine, Institute work, $8.00
  • Feb. 15, voucher 53, Flora E. Lee, Institute work, $7.40
  • Feb. 15, voucher 54, E. D. Shadday, Institute work, $7.40
  • Feb. 15, voucher 55, J. H. Henschen, Institute work, $7.40
  • Feb. 22, voucher 56, W. E. Orem, Institute work, $6.60
  • Feb. 22, voucher 57, M. D. Orem, Institute work, $7.40
  • Feb. 25, voucher 58, Mame E. Henry, Institute work, $7.65
  • Feb. 29, voucher 59, H. E. Carnine, Institute work, $7.40
  • March 5, voucher 60, W. H. Oatman, school supplies, $0.95
  • March 20, voucher 61, Geo. Buening, repairs for no. 15, $1.25
  • March 22, voucher 62, Dan Lock, two days enumerating, $3.00
  • June 4, voucher 63, James Culbertson, borrowed money and interest, $152.25
  • June 29, voucher 64, Michael Harman, shingles for no. 11, $10.00


Report of Receipts and Expenditures on account of Tuition Fund, by the Trustee of Pleasant Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, Aug. 6, 1895, to Aug. 1, 1896.

RECEIPTS. [See newspaper.]


  • Feb. 15, voucher 1, Mary Rodgers, teaching no. 8, $149.85
  • Feb. 15, voucher 2, Lou Oxley, teaching no. 2, $149.85
  • Feb. 15, voucher 3, Flora E. Lee, teaching no. 14, $149.85
  • Feb. 15, voucher 4, J. H. Henschen, teaching no. 5, $149.85
  • Feb. 15, voucher 5, W. F. Valentine, teaching no. 6, $133.65
  • Feb. 15, voucher 6, Eva Paul, teaching no. 3, $133.65
  • Feb. 15, voucher 7, Albert E. Fry, teaching no. 9, $149.85
  • Feb. 15, voucher 8, Florence Farrell, teaching no. 11, $133.65
  • Feb. 15, voucher 9, E. D. Shadday, teaching no. 1, $149.85
  • Feb. 15, voucher 10, Zelma Glen, teaching no. 10, $121.50
  • Feb. 22, voucher 11, M. D. Orem, teaching no. 12, $149.85
  • Feb. 22, voucher 12, W. E. Orem, teaching no. 15, $133.64
  • Feb. 22, voucher 13, Nora S. Briggs, teaching no. 7, $133.65
  • Feb. 25, voucher 14, Mame E. Henry, teaching no. 4, $149.85
  • Feb. 29, voucher 15, H. E. Carnine, teaching no. 13, $149.85

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jul 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for July 1896 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 30 Jul 1896 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • James S. Humphrey and wife to Hosier J. Harris
  • Daniel S. Boyd and wife to John Higham
  • Justine A. Cook to A. Johnson
  • James W. Lemmon and wife to Cynthia E. Bailey
  • James W. Lemmon et al to Cynthia E. Bailey
  • Ira Banta, Sheriff, to George I. Moore

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jun 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for June 1896 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 4 Jun 1896 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • John E. Williams and wife to John W. Barnes
  • John W. Barnes to John E. Williams
  • Andrew P. Downey and wife to David N. Haydon
  • Hiram Brown to Elijah L. Pendry
  • William Harper to Sarah F. and Alexander Harper
  • William H. Carver et al to Emma Schmeid
  • William H. Carver et al to Aaron Carver
  • William Carver et al to Ella Ford
  • William H. Carver et al to Eva Wiley
  • William H. Carver et al to Lovine B. Farrin
  • Aaron Carver et al to William H. Carver
  • Thomas D. Anderson and wife to Julia D. Brown
  • Thomas Cousins and wife to Schrumpf & Told

Vevay Reveille – 18 Jun 1896 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • David H. Boyle and wife to John E. Henry and wife
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to Peter D. McNutt
  • Olive and Emma Goddard to William Parker and wife

Vevay Reveille – 25 Jun 1896 – Page 5, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Rodie F. Grisard and wife to Zellie B. Bowman
  • Fred Grisard et al to Rodolph F. Grisard

Vevay Democrat – 29 Jun 1896 – Page 8. Column 3.

Land Sales.

  • Joseph Parker and wife to George Parker and wife.
  • Wm. Carver et al to Wm. Stratchman.
  • D. N. Havden and wife of Jeffery Miles.
  • Dudley Leap and wife to Joseph Adams.
  • John Dickenson and wife to Geo. F. Simpson.
  • Lucy Gribben and husband to Forrest Griffith and wife.
  • Joseph E. Hart to John F. Plew.
  • Hiram Lostutter to Marion Lostutter.
  • Hiram Lostutter to Marion Losttuter.
  • Rachel Johnston and heirs to Geo. W. Ash.
  • Montgomery Patton and wife to George Gawdin.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jun 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 18 Jun 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court

Met Monday—Judge Downey presiding. The Grand Jury met Monday and adjourned. The petition for a temporary injunction to prevent Commissioners from contracting to build free gravel roads in York Township, is now before Court. On account of farmers being busy, the probabilities are many cases will be continued by agreement. Among the attorneys from a distance in attendance are J. B. Coles and S. H. Stewart, Rising Sun; W. R. Johnston, Lawrenceburg.

Vevay Reveille – 25 Jun 1896 – Page 4, Column 2


Lucian Harris, of Patriot was licensed to practice law in this Court.

The Grand Jury reported they had been in session two days, examined eight witnesses, and returned no indictment. Discharged.

Isaac Heyen et al vs. Nora Satchwell; appeal from the Justice of the Peace. Dismissed at cost of defendant.

Carroll S. Tandy vs. Huldah Merit; on note. Judgment for $903.70.

Patriot Deposit Bank vs. Job E. Stevenson and Mary T. Stevenson; to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for $593.80 and foreclosure.

Ellenor Detraz et al vs. Clara Detraz; partition. Geo. W. McKay, Perry K. Cotton and Charles Danner appointed Commissioners to partition, to report at next term.

Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, vs. The Board of Commissioners of Switzerland County; for money. Demur to the complaint sustained, to which plaintiff excepts; after which plaintiff dismissed case.

Francis M. Reeves and Albert McCreary vs. The Board of Commissioners of Switzerland County; to enjoin contract to build three free gravel roads in York Township. Judgment for plaintiffs and defendant pay cost.

The First National Bank of Vevay, Indiana, vs. Oscar Williamson and Fred. L. Grisard; on notes. Judgment for $619.85.

John H. Diermiller, Treasurer of City of Vevay, Indiana, vs. C. S. Tandy, Trustee for Harriet E. Hull; for taxes. Judgment for $134.82.

State ex rel Jennie Abbott vs. Cornelius Abbott; complaint for support of wife and child. Trial by Jury. Verdict in favor of plaintiff. Defendant moved for new trial, first day of next term appointed to hear reason for asking new trial. Bond fixed at $600, in default of which defendant was sent to jail; but given permission to furnish bail any time during vacation.

State vs. Thomas Scott; assault and battery with intent to murder. By agreement continued until next term, and bond fixed at $200, in default of which he was sent to jail; but given permission to furnish bail at any time during vacation.

Several cases dismissed, and many cases continued by agreement.



Estate of Elias M. Humphrey, deceased, Ben. C. Mead, Executor. Partial report approved.

Estate of Ruth Butler, deceased, Ebenezer Butler, Administrator. Final report approved.

Guardianship of Lewis and Dawson Stewart, minor heirs of Nancy Stewart, William L. Told, Guardian. Final report approved and resignation accepted.

Guardianship of Joseph, Charles and Hattie Hayes, minor heirs of Mary Hayes, deceased. Partial report approved.

Miranda Norris et al vs. Fruba Norris et al. Administratrix given permission to mortgage real estate for an amount not exceeding $200, for not to exceed five years, for payment of school mortgage debt.

Estate of Henry Boyd, deceased, Nathias Funk, Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Jacob Kerth, deceased; Riley Land, Administrator. Final report approved.

Lewis Slix & Co. vs. Marion C. Waldon, Assignee Leander M. Clendening. Claim on account $150.85. Mattie Clendening also allowed claim of $125.

Catharine Schoffner was found of unsound mind, and John W. Brown was appointed her Guardian.

Guardianship of the minor heirs of Angeline Welch Thiebaud, R. L. Thiebaud, Guardian. Partial report approved.

Thomas R. Willey, Executor of last will of William T. Willey, deceased, vs. Lucinda Willey et al; petition to sell real estate. Approved.

Estate of Hugh L. Norris, deceased, Miranda Norris, Administratrix, Statement filed as to condition of estate. Approved.

Estate of Francis M. Graham, deceased, Charles E. Foster, Executor. Claims allowed: Tillman Cavender, $20; Henry W. Starker, $59.

Estate of Mary White, F. M. Griffith, Administrator, Ira Gullion allowed claim of $300.

Estate of James Reed, William I. Reed, Administrator. Final report approved.

Estate of Hannah Carver, deceased, William H. Carver, Administrator. Final report approved.



Prudence McCreary vs. Laughery Turnpike Co., for possession of real estate and damages. Motion filed for new trial overruled. Judgment in favor of plaintiff, given possession of land, $100 damages, and Turnpike Co. given sixty days in which to remove its toll house off of plaintiff’s land.



William Hudson and Benj. F. Hessong vs. James A. Works; appeal from Justice of the Peace. Trial by Jury, verdict for plaintiffs. Motion for new trial sustained, and verdict of Jury set aside.

After being in session one week, Judge Downey adjourned Court Saturday night.

Switzerland County Commissioners – Jun 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 18 Jun 1896 – Page 4, Column 2


Among other business transacted by the County Commissioners, Edgar Dibble, Geo. W. Sanders and Thomas Montayne, was the following.

Hugh S. Brown, John M. Grammer, Casper Fellows and T. D. Anderson (since sold out and license not taken out), Thomas Pickett, Markland, were granted license to retail liquors.

Ira Banta, Sheriff, reported fees collected, $224.75.

Edward E. Kelso, Clerk, reported fees collected, $260.17.

Clara Fisk, claim for damages sustained by the removal of a fence. Alvin Driver, Martin M. Barker and James Stewart, viewers, reported her damage $10. Approved by the Board. James V. Anderson et al, petition for highway in Craig Township. William O. Marble, C. R. Drake and Geo. Gaudin, viewers, reported locating road. Ellenor Detraz and others filed their remonstrance against the location of proposed road, claim $200 damages; Harry Shaw claimed $25 damages; John Shaw $225 damages. William Satchwell, Jasper Brindley and Montgomery Patton were appointed reviewers to assess damages, to meet July 25, and report next regular session of Commissioners.

R. Bruce Huston, petition for a new highway in Posey Township. James M. Scott, Perry K. Cotton and W. H. Henry, viewers, reported location of road. Kate M. Jack and others filed their remonstrances against road as located. Mrs. Jack claimed $700 damages; Lucinda Newbold, $600; Aribert N. Buck, $500; Roderick M. Lyons and Louisa Lyons, $500; Wm. E. Stewart, $500; Flora H. Schenck, $350, also for another piece of land $250. Charles Boyle, John Parker, Abraham Z. Stewart, also filed a remonstrance alleging the proposed road was not of general utility. Orson A. Potter, John B. Lamson, and Wm. H. Scott were appointed reviewers, to report at special session June 20.

John W. Barnes, Recorder, reported fees collected, $167.70.

Thomas N. Ford was exempt from paying poll tax for 1896, for reason he is physically unable to perform manual labor and has no property. Walter Armstrong was also except from the poll tax for the year 1896 for same reason.

Physicians for the poor were employed as follows:

  • Jefferson and Craig Townships and County Asylum, Dr. Hugh M. Thiebaud, $175.
  • York Township, Dr. C. Loomis, $39.
  • Cotton Township, Precinct No. 1, Dr. J. W. VanOsdol, $20; Precinct No. 2, Dr. D. N. Haydon, $30.
  • Pleasant Township, Precinct No. 1, Dr. E. M. Copeland, $30; Precinct No. 2, Dr. Scott Culbertson, $20.

H. J. Harris, C. D. Green, Wm. Gockel, W. S. Humphrey, et al, petition for acceptance of Gravel road, (Patriot and Norths Landing River Road). Commissioners Thomas Montayne and Geo. W. Sanders having examined the road on 8th, June 9th decided it to be of general utility and accepted it as a county Free Gravel Road.

The Board appointed the following Inspectors of Election Boards. Where Township Trustees are named they are Inspectors in their respective precincts by law:

  • Craig Township—Precinct No. 1, Joseph A. Myers; No. 2, James Stewart; No. 3, Silas J. Furnish.
  • Jefferson—No. 1, Samuel F. Smith; No. 2, Ulysses G. Trafalet; No. 3, Samuel Stucy; No. 4, Charles McVey; No. 5, David H. Boyle.
  • York—No. 1, William C. Armstrong; No. 2, Perry Franklin.
  • Posey—No. 1, Elmer E. Hufford; No. 2, William S. Humphrey; No. 3, Geo. B. Lostutter.
  • Cotton—No. 1, Andrew J. Works; No. 2, Charles C. Morrison.
  • Pleasant—No. 1, John F. Houze; No. 2, Edgar Culbertson.

Joseph D. Froman, County Treasurer, reported he had not found it necessary to sell bonds 63, 64 and 65 dated June 12, 1895, $1,000 each, or a total of $3,000, therefore he returned them to the Board, and was so credited.

William Tait presented his resignation as County Deputy Assessor, which was accepted.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – May 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for May 1896 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 14 May 1896 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • George Given and wife to Andrew Given and wife
  • Andrew Given and wife to Sallie Given and heirs
  • Ruhaima Merrill to George Waltz
  • Circuit Court to Hester Dunn
  • Circuit Court to Rosa C. Baker and Clyde Baker
  • Circuit Court to Julia Fancher
  • Circuit Court to William Armstrong et al
  • Circuit Court to Frank M. Bondurant
  • Circuit Court to Levina C. Meacham

Vevay Reveille – 21 May 1896 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to John E. Williams

Vevay Public Schools Promotions – 1896

Vevay Public Schools [Switzerland County, Indiana] promotions for 1896 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 14 May 1896 – Page 4, Column 4

In Vevay Public Schools.

Anna Brockschlager, Harry Coleman, Josie Drake, Mable Froman, Edmunds Glenn, Edith Golay, Grace Knox, Joseph Krummel, Lizzie Krummel, Marry Lamson, Eva Lanham, Nettie Lanham, Nona Long, Hannah Mead, Madge Pattie, Della Peters, George Pleasants, Mayme Thiebaud, Nancy Williamson, Edna Works, Undine VanPelt.

Charlie Barnett, Katie Bear, Izella Brindley, Ella Brindley, Carrie Lyons, Lillie Ogle, Carrie Brown, Walter Baird, Jennie Anderson, Florence Coleman, Clarence Cole, Ernest Griffith, Oscar Haskell, Zella Jain, Edna Kincaid, Mamie Retts, Charles Saberton, Ivan Saberton, Harry Shaw, Ada Shaw, Lane Siebenthal, William Spivey, William Stevens, George Turner, Maggie Clendening, Grace Schroder.

Hattie Bowen, Howard Cole, Clyde Drake, Edward Finely, Eva Graham, Clara Gordon, Minne Kendall, Addie Kiesel, Berta Leep, Mattie Long, Falba Lyon, Minerva Otter, Agnes Pattie, Charles Larison, Orville James, Bessie Rochat, Nellie Reser, Maud Reed, Anna Shaw, Mattie Stucy, Ben Thunemann, Jesse Teats, George Scott, Nona Siebenthal, Ada Walton, Elmer Pickett, Lucy Johnson.

Mable Anderson, Avis Rochat, Lula Bowen, Nettie Peelman, Bessie Reed, Mary Joyce, Pearl Haskell, Mary Davison, Mary Lanham, Jennie Dupraz, Anna Curry, Laura Holcraft, Essie Rook, Nora Bair, Pearl Brindley, Grace Brindley, Delia Brook, Phoeba Jackson, Mayme Simpson, Nora Sullivan, Willie Coleman, Ed. Brochschlager, Evert Graham, Aime Todd, George Anderson, Charles Jaynes, Earl Brown, John Sullender, Harry Mead.

Ray C. Peters, Charlie Retts, Ethol Scott, Ollie Irwin, John Dittgen, Henry Dittgen, Harry Schewe, Charles Grammer, Clemens Thunemann, Albert Ricketts, Willie Barnett, Craig Baird, Geo. Robinson, Clara Kiesel, Lella Thiebaud, Nellie Stucy, Anna Davidson, Edna Ogle, Maggie Krummel, Ethel Boyd, Ivy Haskell, Mayme Sullender, Daisy Bair, Goldie Oakley, Josie Bowen.

Bettie Long, Willie Griffith, Roy Johnson, Pauline Retts, Nettie Pleasants, Ben Holcraft, Lillie Neal, Orlena Myers, Jesse Peelman, Blaine Cole, Clara Allen, Della Dewesse, Earl Simpson, Clifford Tague, Alice Simpson, Myrtle Fallis, Tait Siebenthal, Flora Kiesel, Fanny Jain, Ines Jaynes, Eva Tower, Katie Sullender, Anna Reed, Maggie Berner, Arthur Jackson, Lulu Scott.

Anna Coleman, Laura Clendening, Mable Cotton, Madge Fallis, Carrie Haskell, Laura Jones, Helen Mead, Ella Montooth, Dessie Martin, Dorothy Pleasants, Iona Weales, Anna Webb, Flossy Smiley, Otis Adams, Howard Allen, Reginald Bowen, Philip Golay, Earl Golay, Chester Kiesel, Anthony Lock, Albert Lawrence, Clyde Noriez, Ed. Otter, Frank Spivey, Harvey Schroeder, Fred. Thunemann, Fred. Lanham, Jessie Ricketts.

Laura Bowen, Hattie Kendall, Anna Tilley, Estella Means, Mary Jones, Belle Turner, Addie Tower, Clara Works, George Boyd, Ward Boggs, Roland Buschman, Elmer Cossins, Harry Davison, Harry Deweese, Will Johnson, Dave Kelley, Will Lawrence, Jesse Mitchell, Walter Patton, Earnest Pickett, Harvey Pavey, Henry Rosenberger, Charles Rochat, Samuel Stucy, Jeff Simpson, Wilk Hall Works.

Mattie Anderson, Emma Berner, Nellie Brown, Anna Chapman, Madge Day, Cecelia Dittgen, Myrtle Elder, Cara Graham, Helen Grammer, Lulu Henry, Myrtle Jaynes, Edith Kiesel, Eloise Knox, Emma Land, Eunice Long, Lilly Scott, Myrtle Hall, Bert Boyd, Robert Burns, Joe Curry, Fred. Miller, John Shaw, John Taylor, George Clendening, Willie Sullender, Opp Sieglitz, Willie Wahl, Walter Monroe.

Roy Peelman, Joe Mead, Darwin Fallis, Bertie Weales, Alfred Peelman, George Rayl, Henry Moxley, Harry Spivey, Willie Roberts, Herschel Tower, Tom Danglade, Joshua Coleman, Vernon Fancher, Inslee Grisard, Earl Cousins, Avery Graham, Oscar Hauey, Robert Pavey, Charlie Ricketts, DeWitt Davis, Chester Davis, Maud Elder, Golda Andrews, Linnie Siebert, Caroline Thunemann, Alice Brown, Lina Kelley, Maggie Kelley, Valla Bosaw, Flora Roberts, Leo Johnson, Stella Curry, Mamie Pavey, Sallie Boggs, Josie Boggs, Mable Benedict.


  • To 8th Year.—John L. Jones, Emory F. Simpson, Auretta Outcalt Simpson.
  • To 5th Year.—Bessie G. Neal, Grace Noble Simpson, Claude M. Jones.
  • To 4th Year.—Evelyn May Simpson, Justine Jones, Mary Roberts.
  • To 2nd Year.—Lotta Roberts, Ethel May Jones, Benjamin Neal.

Vevay High School Graduation – 1896

Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 14 May 1896 – Page 4, Column 3


Last Friday night Commencement of Vevay High School was held at Metropolitan Hall.

The stage was artistically decorated with flowers.

The music was furnished by Genter’s Orchestra, of Madison.

The graduates numbered fourteen.

The following was the program:

  • Music.
  • Invocation.—Rev. G. W. Anderson.
  • Mucis.
  • Salutatory, “An Ideal Woman,”—Louisa Nora Kincaid.
  • “Cuba Libra.”—Walter A. Trafalet.
  • “Going, Going, Gone.”—Florence Norma Fisk.
  • Music.
  • “The World’s Battlefield.”—Gertrude Eugenia Curry.
  • “One Hundred Years of Civilization.”—Augustus Clyde Weales.
  • “Electric Lights.”—Edna Josephine Griffith.
  • Music.
  • “Music the Language of Heaven.”—Florence Kendall.
  • “Waterloo and Gettysburg.”—Chester Philip Drake
  • “The Path to Success.”—Mary Elizabeth Rozenberger.
  • Music.
  • “The Coming Woman.”—Leora Felostin Kendall.
  • “What Career?”—Clarence Frederick Brown.
  • “Life’s Golden Chain.”—Anna Margurite Jain.
  • Music.
  • “Be Your Own Diploma.”—Mary Elizabeth Bowen.
  • Valedictory—“The Eve of the Nineteenth Century.”—Charles Emory Thiebaud.
  • Benediction—Rev. L. A. Retts.
  • Music.

The large hall was crowded, many standing.

The graduates acquitted themselves creditably, and there is every reason to believe will make talented, good and useful women and men.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Apr 1896

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 2 Apr 1896 – Page 4, Column 5

Circuit Court.

Francis M. Long vs. Andrew C. Downey and Andrew P. Downey; complaint on note and in attachment. Dismissed.

The Vevay Deposit Bank, of Vevay, Indiana, vs. Andrew C. Downey and Andrew P. Downey; to foreclose mortgage. Dismissed.

State ex rel Ella Monroe vs. Anthony Adams; bastardy. Continued.

Leah A. Haynes vs. Flora Nowlin; damages. Continued.

Mary C. Hastings, Sallie Muret and Franklin P. Muret vs. George P. Muret, Claude Muret and Alta Muret; partition. Continued for the collection of purchase money.

R. Haskins & Co. vs. Walter D. Cotton; on note. Dismissed.

Isaac Heyn and Samuel Heyn vs. Nora Satchwell; appeal. Dismissed.

Frank W. Cole vs. Jacob Zinkhorn; to foreclose mortgage. Defendant defaults. Sale ordered.

The Union Furniture Co. vs. Chas. V. Thiebaud, Trustee, et al; appeal. Opinion from Supreme Court. Reversed.

State vs. Joseph E. Edrington; provoke. Plea of not guilty. Trial by Court. Acquittal.

State vs. Peter Leap; carrying concealed weapons. Continued.

State vs. Peter Leap; assault and battery with intent. Continued.

John A. Weaver vs. The Moorefield Academy, of Moorefield, Switzerland County, Indiana, et al. Continued.

Levina C. Meacham vs. Elisha S. Griffith, Mary E. Griffith, et al; partition. Report of Commissioners approved.

Wm. Cohn vs. Julius Kahn; complaint on contract. Dismissed.



In the matter of the Guardianship of Willie Fallis; Nat. M. Fallis, Guardian; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the heirs of Julius Detraz, deceased; Eliza Detraz Guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the heirs of James Huston, deceased; George W. Huston, Guardian; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the estate of Green Bondurant, deceased; Frank M. Bondurant, Admr.; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the estate of Ann Armstrong, deceased; Wm. H. Mellick, Admr.; final report. Approved.

All the Official acts performed by Clerk during vacation were approved by the Court.

In the matter of the estate of Mary White, deceased; Francis M. Griffith, Admr.; final report. Continued.

In the matter of the estate of Hannah Carver, deceased; Wm. H. Carver, Admr.; final settlement. Continued.

In the matter of the Estate of Jeremiah McCreary, deceased; Jackson Land, Admr.; final report. Continued.

In the matter of the estate of Rebecca Campbell, deceased; Geo. S. Pleasants, Admr. Continued.

In the matter of the Guardianship of Frankie Stucy, et al; Barbarla Stucy, Guardian. Continued.

In the matter of the estate of Jacob C. Baker, deceased; Rosa Baker, Admrx.; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the Trust Estate of Sylvia D. Delvecehia; Chas. C. Shaw, Trustee; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of Frank Hastings, minor heir of John B. Hastings, deceased; Mary C. Hastings, Guardian; petition to sell real estate. Sale ordered.

Estate of Frank Fancher, deceased, set off to widow as being under $500 in value.

Estate of John M. Dunn, deceased, set off to widow as being under $500 in value.

In the matter of the heir of Henry Lock, deceased; Philip I. Lock, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the Guardianship of Allen E. Wiley, deceased; Michael Long, Guardian; final report. Approval withheld pending the payment of cost.

In the matter of the estate of Catharine A. Truitt, deceased. Wm. H. Madison appointed Admr.

In the matter of the estate of Grover H. Hastings, deceased. Eugene Stoops appointed Admr.

In the matter of the estate of Peter Nichol, deceased; Wm. S. Kincaid, Executor; petition to sell as an insolvent. Sale ordered.

In the matter of the estate of Wm. Norris, deceased; George W. Norris, Admr.; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the Guardianship of the minor heirs of John B. Hastings, deceased; Mary C. Hastings, Guardian; final report as to Grover H. Hastings; partial report as to Frank Hastings. Approved.

Loring & Clendening vs. Israel P. Loring, Admr. of the estate of David K. Armstrong, deceased; claim on account $119.84. Allowed.

Loring & Clendening vs. Israel P. Loring, Admr. of the estate of David K. Armstrong, deceased; claim on account $27.50. Allowed.

Israel P. Loring vs. Israel P. Loring, Admr. of the estate of David K. Armstrong, deceased; claim on account $509.90. Allowed.

Miranda Norris, Admrx. of the estate of Hugh L. Norris, deceased, vs. George W. Norris, Admr. of the estate of Wm. Norris, deceased, to remove Admr. Dismissed.

Geo. S. Pleasants, Exr. of the last will of Julia H. McCormick, deceased, vs. Eugene Tardy, Alice Tardy, et al; petition to sell. Continued.

Guardianship of Frankie L. Stucy, et al; Barbaria Stucy, Guardian; to sell real estate. Continued.

Wm. S. Kincaid, Admr. of the estate of Sarah A. Long, deceased, vs. James Long, Zack Long, Jane Gurley, et al; to sell real estate. Continued.

Thos. Carver, Admr. of the estate of Charlotte Schmeid, deceased, vs. Nancy Platt, et al; petition to sell real estate. Continued.

In the matter of the heirs of David Blodget, deceased; Robert Sharp, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the estate of Horace Vannatter, deceased. Henry A. Downey appointed Admr.

State ex rel Lucilla M. Griffith vs. Joshua D. Griffith; for appointment of Guardian. Defendant adjudged a person of unsound mind, and Lucilla M. Griffith appointed Guardian.

In the matter of the Guardianship of Hannah J. Paugh, an insane person; Wm. Raiston, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the estate of James Reed, deceased; Wm. I. Reed, Admr.; report. Continued.

In the matter of the estate of Henry Boyd, deceased; Nathias Funk, Admr.; Continued.

Robert Sharp, Guardian, vs. Chas. Blodget, et al; petition to sell real estate. Dismissed.

Vevay Reveille – 9 Apr 1896 – Page 4, Column 5

Circuit Court.

Maggie Cousins vs. Joseph A. Cousins; on note and on attachment. Judgment for defendant.

John T. Boulton et al vs. Alexander Lemon; partition of real estate. Sale ordered.

The Merchants National Bank of Indianapolis vs. Oliver S. Clendening, Joseph E. Hart and Benjamin L. Blair; on note. Continued.

Cordelia Peak vs. Supply Walker; insanity. Dismissed.

Angie Walker vs. Cordelia Peak; slander. Judgment for plaintiff for $120.

State vs. John Hayes; assault with intent to murder. Plea of not guilty; trial by Jury. Found guilty and fined $50.

State vs. Chas. Smith; assault and battery with intent to murder; Plea of not guilty; trial by Court. Found guilty and fined $10 and 30 days in county jail.



In the matter of the estate of David K. Armstrong, deceased; Israel P. Loring, Admr.; report of sale of real estate. Approved.

In the matter of the heirs of James H. Richards, deceased. Calvin R. Green, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

Chas. C. Shaw, Trustee of Sylvia D. Delvechia; additional bond. Approved.

In the matter of the Guardianship of Aurelia Filbre, an insane person; Wm. C. Robins Guardian; partial report and resignation. Approved.

In the matter of the Guardianship of John D. Dufour, an insane person; Francis R. Dufour, Guardian. Continued for final settlement until next term of Court.

Thomas R. Wiley, Exr. of the last will of Wm. T. Wiley, deceased; vs. Lucinda M. Webber, et al; petition to sell real estate. Continued.

Guardianship of Margaret Clark. Wm. Tait appointed Guardian.

Judge Downey adjourned Court and went home, Rising Sun, last Thursday. He appointed C. S. Tandy Special Judge to reassemble Court Tuesday to try the case of Prudence McCreary vs. Laughery Turnpike Co., brought here on change of venue. The case is now being tried. Tuesday the cases of State vs. John Hayes and Charles Smith, were also tried before Judge Tandy—Smith by Court and Hayes by Jury.