Tag Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County Commissioners – Jun 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 24 Jun 1897 – Page 5, Column 1

County Business.

The County Commissioners, Geo. W. Sanders, Thomas Montanye and Thomas Land, at the June Term, among other business, licensed to retail liquors—John P. Brockschlager and Wm. H. Myers, Loren M. Simmons, John M. Grammer, Vevay; Thomas Pickett, Markland.

The Township Trustees reported allowances for poor, as follows: Posey, $23.50; York, $736; Jefferson, $125.21; Pleasant, $46.70; Craig, $24.64; Cotton, $88.87.

Thomas N. Ford was exempt from payment of poll tax for 1897, on account of not being able to do manual labor.

M. Farwood and others petitioned for a change of highway in Pleasant Township. Peter V. Ramseyer, Wm. H. Henry and Simpson Spencer were appointed viewers. They reported the lands of George H. Manford would be damaged $180. Matter taken under advisement until next term. Later, Manford remitted $80, and road ordered opened.

Inspectors for special election August 10th were appointed as follows:

  • Jefferson Township—Precinct No. 1, Samuel P. Smith; 2, Ulyses G. Trafelet; 3, Samuel Stucy; 4, Charles McVey; 5, David Boyle.
  • Craig—No. 1, Joseph A. Myers; 2, James Stewart; 3, Silas Furnish.
  • York—No. 1, Wm. C. Armstrong; 2, Perry Franklin.
  • Posey—No. 1, Elmer Hufford, 2, Wm. S. Humphrey; 3, Geo. B. Lostutter.
  • Cotton—No. 1, Andrew J. Works; 2, Charles C. Morrison.
  • Pleasant—No. 1, John F. Houze; 2, Edgar Culbertson.

Edgar Culbertson, Trustee of Pleasant Township, petitioned to have highway recorded. Granted and recorded.

Green Bros. were granted permission to erect telephone and telegraph line along public highway from Patriot to Rising Sun.

Clarence Icenogle, aged 14, an inmate of the County Asylum, was indentured to Andrew J. Haskell until 21 years of age. The Trustee of Craig Township was authorized to execute the indenture of apprenticeship.

Fees reported collected by County officers for past three months: E. E. Kelso, Clerk, $351.57; Ira Banta, Sheriff, $181.00; John W. Barnes, Recorder, $189.10.

The County Attorney was ordered to prepare blanks for contracts for letting Poor Farm two years from March 7, 1898. Blanks to be on file with County Auditor not later than July 1.

Joseph F. McKay was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Craig Township, and Daniel Lock a Constable for Pleasant Township.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Apr 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 22 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court

Will meet next Monday. Judge W. T. Friedly will preside. Hon. A. D. VanOsdol is Prosecuting Attorney and L. E. Smith Deputy Prosecuting Attorney.

Jury Commissioners Mr. Joseph R. Stewart and Dr. Geo. W. VanPelt last Monday drew the names of the following persons to serve as Jurors at the next term of court:

Grand Jury—Charles Boyle, of Posey Township; James A. Stewart, of Craig Township; William Givan, of York Township; A. W. Brown, of Cotton Township; Robert A. Stevens, of Craig Township.

Petit Jury—William H. Culbertson, Joseph M. Clevenger, George W. Haskell, of Jefferson Township; Salem J. Bradford, of Posey; Lyman B. Slawson, of Pleasant; Harry Gray, Jerry Holdcraft, Charles J. Story, of York; Charles J. Bryan, George Walden, David Lee, Sr., of Cotton; Fred L. Thiebaud, of Craig.

Both Grand and Petit Jurymen are summoned for Thursday, April 29th.

Vevay Reveille – 29 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court

Convened last Monday morning; Judge W. T. Friedley presiding; Hon. A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; Hon. L. E. Smith, Deputy.

Among the Attorneys from a distance present are: J. B. Coles, R. L. Davis, Rising Sun; Perry E. Bear, Madison; David Stapp, Chicago; W. R. Johnston, Lawrenceburg.

The Grand Jury convened Monday and continues its sessions from day to day.

The Petit Jury will convene today.

The Docket is large, and probably the full term of Court will be consumed.

Vevay Reveille – 6 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 2

Circuit Court.

W. T. Friedly, Judge; A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.

Among other business transacted during this term was the following:

Mary C. Hastings et al vs. Franklin Muret; report of collection of third installment of purchase money filed by Geo. S. Pleasants, Commissioner. Approved.

State vs. Charles James; assault and battery. Plea of guilty, fine $1 and costs.

State vs. James Tower; keeping gaming device. Fine $25 and costs.

Ralph Cotton vs. Julia Cotton; divorce. Granted; plaintiff given custody of children.

John T. Boulton et al vs. Alexander Lemons et al, George S. Pleasants, Commissioner; report of collection of purchase money. Approved.

E. C. Meachum Arms Co. vs. Sylvanus Lanham; on account. Judgment for plaintiff, $75 and costs.

John C. Stewart vs. James E. Peters and Catharine Manford; on note. Judgment for plaintiff $271.55 and costs.

Sanford R. Wilson vs. James A. Wilson; on account. Judgment for plaintiff $256.93 and costs.

Ernest Budenbury vs. Henry Budenbury et al; on notes. Judgment for plaintiff $287.75 and costs.

Catharine Buchanan vs. Benjamin W. Raisor et al; for possession of real estate. Judgment for plaintiff.

Eugene Eddy et al vs. Brewster C. Alvord; on note. Judgment for plaintiff $404.80 and costs.

Anna Marble vs. Missouri A. McGuire; to set aside deeds and for partition. Change of venue to Ohio County granted.

State vs. Archie Jones; assault and battery. Trial by Court, fined $1 and costs.

State vs. Albert Price; public intoxication. Plea of guilty, fined $1 and costs.

State vs. John Brockslager; public intoxication. Plea of guilty, fined $1 and costs.

State vs. Lee Wright; public intoxication. Plea of guilty, fined $1 and costs.

William Hall vs. Lyda Hall; divorce. Granted; plaintiff given custody of child.

State vs. John Wiley; grand larceny. Trial by Jury; sentenced to State Reformatory, at Jeffersonville, for not less than two nor more than fourteen years.

State vs. Dorwin Marshal; selling liquor on Sunday; three cases. Plea of guilty; fined $10 and costs in each.

State vs. James Holdcraft; petit larceny. Nollied.

Ella Brown vs. Ben. Brown; divorce. Granted; plaintiff given custody of children and alimony.

Ella Miller vs. Edward Coleman et al; on note. Judgment for plaintiff $130 and costs.

James Bostie vs. Francis Bostie; divorce. Granted.

Oliver S. Clendenning vs. Board of Commissioners of Switzerland County; damages. W. D. Ward appointed special Judge.

Robert Wickman vs. William H. Stewart et al; on note. Judgment for plaintiff.

Laura Skidmore vs. Jeptha Skidmore; divorce. Granted; plaintiff given custody of children and $350 alimony.

Aleania Houze vs. Celina Houze; to quiet title of real estate. Judgment for plaintiff.

State vs. Charles Smith; perjury. Trial by Court; not guilty.

State vs. Clarence Otter; assault and battery. Trial by Jury; fine $10 and costs.

The Grand Jury returned eleven indictments.



Perry K. Cotton, Administrator of estate of Eliza Adkinson, deceased, vs. Minnie Hart et al; report sale of real estate. Approved.

Thomas Carver, Administrator of the estate of Charlotte Schmeid, vs. Nancy Platt et al; report of sale of real estate approved.

In the matter of the heirs of Martha A. Shadday, deceased, James P. Orem, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Elenor Courtney, deceased; report of sale of real estate approved.

In the matter of the heirs of George W. and Ann Armstrong, deceased; final report as to Emagine Armstrong and partial report as to Abijah Armstrong. Approved.

Guardianship of Charles Eades, et al, George S. Pleasants, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Elenor Courtney, deceased, Elza Courtney, administrator; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Brown & Cunningham, assigned, James M. Scott, trustee; report. Approved.

Guardianship of James E. Kincaid, Thomas Kincaid, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of the minor heirs of Andrew Adams, deceased, Charles Adams, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of the minor heirs of Oscar Leftridge, deceased, Isaac Edwards, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of Joseph, Charles and Mattie Hayse, C. S. Tandy, guardian; final settlement as to Joseph Hayes and partial report as to remaining heirs. Approved.

Estate of Sarah Peters, deceased, John W. Smiley, executor; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the last will of Francis M. Graham, Charles E. Foster, executor; final report. Approved.

Guardianship of Thomas B. Hannis, insane, James Fagg, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Rebacca Campbell, deceased, George S. Pleasants, administrator; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Julia H. McCormick, deceased, George S. Pleasants, executor; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of Albert D. Reeves, Thomas J. Bliss, guardian; report. Approved.

Guardianship of Eaton Jackson; report. Approved.

Estate of Grover H. Hastings, deceased; Eugene Stoops, administrator; final report. Approved.

Trusteeship of Harriet E. Hull, Carroll S. Tandy, trustee; final report and resignation. Approved.

Estate of Eliza Adkinson, deceased, Perry K. Cotton, administrator; final report. Approved.

Estate of Catharine Truitt, deceased, Wm. H. Madison, administrator; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the Trust under the Will of Charles A. Thiebaud, deceased, petition of Harriet E. Hull and Charles A. Dufour; division of funds. Ordered.

Wm. H. Pavy, Jr., administrator, vs. Mary E. Roberts et al; petition to sell real estate. Sale ordered.

I. P. Loring, administrator, vs. Smith Armstrong et al; report of sale of real estate. Approved.

Estate of Eliza Adkinson, deceased; distribution of funds. Ordered.

Estate of Horace Vannatter, deceased, Henry A. Downey, administrator; final report. Approved.

Guardianship of the minor heirs of Mary E. Wilson, deceased, Sanford R. Wilson, guardian; partial report. Approved.

F. R. Dufour, guardian of John D. Dufour, insane, vs. George W. Dufour; exceptions to guardian’s final report. Finding for plaintiff; report approved.

Estate of John L. Thiebaud, deceased, Albert G. Craig, administrator; report of sale of personal property. Approved.

In the matter of the assignment of Fred. L. Grisard, Uly G. Trafalet, trustee. Report approved.

Assignment of Leander M. Clendenning, Marion C. Walden, trustee; final report. Approved.

All acts performed by the Clerk during vacation were by the Court approved.

Vevay Reveille – 13 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 1

Circuit Court.
W. T. Friedly, Judge; A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.

Hezekiah Bales vs. Ferdinand Jain; for damages. Dismissed on account plaintiff’s inability to furnish bond for cost.

Andrew J. Dewitt vs. Agnes D. Dewitt; divorce. Granted; plaintiff given custody of child.

Arthur Taylor et al vs. Mary Fish et al; to set aside Sheriff sale and for relief, etc. Dismissed.

Louisa Knox and Henry Knox vs. Jonathan G. Tichnor et al; to foreclose mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff.



State ex rel Rebecca Johnson vs. Benjamin Mylor; for bastardy. Judgment for plaintiff for $250 and costs.

Vevay Reveille – 20 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.
W. T. Friedly, Judge; A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.

Schrumpf & Told vs. John Love et al; for money due on contract. Judgment for plaintiff for $490.35.

Jennie Krall vs. Edward Krall; divorce. Granted.

State vs. Chas. Dunning; selling liquor on Sunday; plea of guilty; fine $10 and costs.

Same vs. same; selling without license; plea of guilty; fine $5 and costs.

Same vs. same; permitting building to be used for gaming; plea of guilty; fine $5 and costs.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – May 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for May 1897 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 6 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Marion Anderson to Mary M. and Author Thos. Anderson
  • Geo. S. Pleasants, Com., to Mattie Chamberline
  • John B. and Anna W. Orr to Mary B. Robinson
  • Geo. W. Chase and wife to Sylvester Powell
  • Geo. H. Buening and wife to Henry Berner
  • Mary Bristow to John A. Lock
  • Sylvester G. Powell to Geo. W. Chase
  • Luther M. Hotchkiss and wife to Luther M. Hotchkiss
  • Jane A. Humphrey and Jas. W. Noel to Clara H. North
  • Heirs of Joseph and Lawena Lane to William W. Lane
  • Syntha R. Scranton to Rush Platt
  • Argus D. VanOsdol et al to Henry Charlton
  • Ira Banta, Sheriff, to Trustees of Patriot Lodge No. 9

Vevay Reveille – 13 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.

  • Geo. D. Madary to Margarette Madary
  • Edward E. McKay to Franklin K. Manford and wife
  • Dillard R. Cole to Melvina J. Cole
  • Heirs of Joseph B. and Lovina Lane to Marcus G. Lane
  • Huldah E. Gillis and husband to John B. Orr

Vevay Reveille – 20 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • George Armstrong and wife to Wm. W. Armstrong et al
  • Wm. Cunningham and wife to Jonathan Cunningham
  • George Simpson and wife to David D. VanOsdol

Vevay Public Schools Promotions – 1897

Vevay Public Schools [Switzerland County, Indiana] promotions appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 27 May 1897 – Page 5, Column 1

List of Promotions of The Vevay Public Schools.


Promoted to Senior Class.
Ella Brindley, Harry Dupraz, Emma Kemp.

To Junior Class.
Jennie Anderson, Walter Baird, Chas. Barnett, Carrie Brown, Florence Coleman, Ernest Griffith, Zella Jain, Edna Kincaid, Carrie Lyons, Mayme Malcomson, Lillie Ogle, Charles Saberton, Ivan Sabertson, Grace Schroeder, Grace Shaw, Harry Shaw, Lane Siebenthal, Wm. Spivey, Wm. Stevens, Olive Dufour.

To Sophomore Class.
Clara Gordon, Lucy Johnson, Addie Kiesel, Minnie Kendall, Mattie Long, Bertie Leap, Falba Lyons, Minerva Otter, Nella Reser, Maude Reed, Anna Shaw, Nola Siebenthal, Ada Walton, Edward Cole, Orville James, George Scott, Benj. Thunemann, Howard Cole.

To Freshman Class.
Laura Holdcraft, Bessie Reed, Mary Lanham, Essie Rook, Perle Brindley, Lenora Sullivan, Grace Brindley, Jennie Dupraz, Nettie Peelman, Pearl Haskell, Dora Martin, Elizabeth Pleasants, Lulu Bowen, Aime Todd, Sherman Long, Claude Morris.



To Eighth Year.
Artie Jackson, Ethel Boyd, Anna Davidson, Leila Thiebaud, Clara Kiesel, Edna Ogle, Maggie Krummel, Nellie Stucy, Clements Thunemann, Craig Baird, William Barnett.

To Seventh Year.
Lula Scott, Nettie Pleasants, Clara Allen, Myrtle Fallis, Flora Kiesel, Alice Simpson, Inez Jaynes, Fannie Jain, Katie Sullender, Afra Brindley, Maggie Pickett, Maggie Yunker, Roy Johnson, Blain Cole, Willie Griffith, Herbert Brindley, Everett Kendall, Jessie Peelman, Ben Holdcraft, Tait Siebenthal.

To Sixth Year.
Fredie, Andrew and Chester Allen; Freddie Thuneman, Lucinda Land, Mabel Cotton, Willie Land, Chas. Morris, Clyde Norisez, Frank Spivey, Howard Allen, Jessie Ricketts, Clarence Otter, Hellen Mead, Carrie Haskell, Dorothea Pleasants, Iona Weales, Laura Jones, Madge Fallis, Anna Webb, Lulie Larison, Antony Lock.

To Fifth Year.
Ettie Coleman, Hallie Haskell, Hattie Kendall, Estella Means, Jennette Tandy, Addie Tower, Belle Turner, Edith Taylor, Stella Vandever, Clara Works, Geo. Banta, Ward Boggs, Chester Craig, Walter Lock, Walter Chapman, Bennie Knox, Willie Lawrence, Harry Pavey, Clair Porter, Walter Patton, Ernest Pickett, Charles Rochat, Wilk Works.



To Fourth Year.
Bert Boyd, Blanche Brosins, Nellie Brown, Robert Burns, Anna Chapman, George Clendening, Joseph Curry, Madge Day, Cecelia Dittgen, Myrtle Elder, Clara Graham, Hellen Grammer, Myrtle Hall, Lula Henry, Myrtle Jaynes, Edith Kiesel, Eloise Knox, Mildred Loring, Fred Miller, Walter Monroe, Bertha Myres, Emma Berner, Dandon Brindley, Lillie Scott, John Shaw, Opp Sieglitz, Mable and Willie Sullender, John Taylor, Willie Wahl, Gill Long, Emma Land.

To Third Year.
Alice Brown, Carolina Thunemann, Jennie Moody, Mabel Benedict, Maude Elder, Stella Curry, Valla Bosaw, Golda Andrews, Ina Fancher, Harriet Tandy, Leila Porter, Leo Johnson, Linnie Siebert, Carrie Schroeder, Albert Pelsor, Alfred Peelman, Bert Weales, Chester Davis, Albert Dennerlein, Eddie Dennerlein, Fred Myres, George Neal, George Rayl, Hershel Tower, Henry Moxley, Harry Spivey, Joseph Mead, Roy Peelman, Tom Danglade, Pearl Morris, Sam Moody, Vernon Fancher, Wilmer Sullivan, Nellie Roberts, Avery Graham.

To Second Year.
Ira Banta, Frank Weales, Frank Pavy, Freddie Spivey, Joe Sullender, Louis and Robert Dowers, Burt Vandever, Clair Andrew, Leonard Fancher, John Henry, Thurman Jackson, John Neal, Claude Brindley, Casper Fallis, Lillie Boyd, Nannie Jones, Elsie Berner, Cytha Gordon, Clara Simmons, Grace Saberton, Alice Jackson, Marie Thunemann, Ida Fancher.



To Senior Class.
Lulu Jones.

To Freshman Class.
Fanny, Emory and Auretta Simpson, John Jones.

To Sixth Year.
Bessie Neal, Grace Simpson, Claude Jones.

To Fifth Year.
Eva Simpson, Jessie Neal, Freeman Cheatam.

To Third Year.
Lottie Roberts.

To Second Year.
Beny Neal, Ada Beck.

Vevay High School Graduation – 1897

Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] Graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 27 May 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Vevay High School Commencement
Took place at Metropolitan Hall last Friday night.

The class was composed of twenty-one—only three young men.

The stage was richly furnished as a drawing room and beautifully decorated with plants.

Hollis Orchestra, of Madison, furnished good music.

There was excellent order, and the exercises pleasing.

A debate of the relative merits of the gold and silver standards for money, gave spice and interest to the exercises. Miss Edna Works answered the question “What is an Honest Dollar?” by advocating the present gold standard. Miss Nancy Williamson made “A Plea for Humanity,” by advocating the silver standard. These two young ladies handled their subjects very skillfully, the result being both the advocates of gold and silver were very much pleased. We have heard many speeches by men on the subject of money not as good as these young ladies delivered on this occasion. They both received beautiful and elegant presents.

The following was the program:

  • Invocation—Rev. W. E. Morris.
  • Salutatory, Out at the Elbow—Nona Long.
  • A Chemical Experiment—Undine VanPelt.
  • Lo! Here Am I!!—Mable Pearl Froman.
  • None Are Completely Happy—Madge Wharton Pattie.
  • What is an Honest Dollar?—Edna Estella Works.
  • Bartholdi—Joseph Krummel.
  • “Face the Music”—Anna Brockslager.
  • The Dawn of a New Day—Hannah Belle Mead.
  • A Plea for Humanity—Nancy Voorhees Williamson.
  • Wanted, An Idea—Mary Abigal Lamson.
  • On the Threshold—Josephine Geneva Drake.
  • True Patriotism—George Emlen Pleasants.
  • Class History—Irene Glaser.
  • X Rays—Della Edith Peters.
  • Design in Nature—Jennettie Lanham.
  • A Light House Without A Light—Elizabeth Krummel.
  • On, On and On—Mayme Thiebaud.
  • To Each His Own Work—Eva Lanham.
  • Man’s Chief Desire—Harry Frank Coleman.
  • Wanted, A Woman—Nellie Josephine Simpson.
  • Valedictory—Grace Gretchen Knox.
  • Conferring of Diplomas, by Supt. Amie L. Trafalet.
  • Benediction, Rev. R. A. Kemp.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Apr 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for April 1897 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 1 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Frederick C. Bakes to Louis J. Peelman
  • Amie Chase and wife to Jane Oak
  • Benjamin F. Detraz and wife to Mitchell Detraz
  • Joseph Marshall to Herman Barkaw
  • Claurida Holdcraft to Jesse Ellen Lockwood and Arthur Montgomery Lockwood
  • Lewis Sedam and wife to Clara Tyler
  • Lewis Sedam and wife to Clara Tyler
  • Rhoda Markland et al to William Bliss
  • Benjamin F. Detraz and wife to Susie Lamson
  • Benjamin Detraz and wife to Clara Detraz
  • John W. VanOsdol and wife to John W. and Orison Tinker
  • Joseph A. Boyd to John W. Evett
  • Lucy M. Baker to Catharine Manford
  • Mary F. Graham and husband to Henry J. Dibble and wife

Vevay Reveille – 8 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Jesse Caroline Walton et al to Louis Burton
  • Martin M. Baker and wife to George W. Oak
  • Alex Staffon and wife to Morton Roberts and wife
  • Ollie Roberts and wife to Alex Staffond and wife
  • Ida E. Taylor to James McKenzie
  • William Stoops and wife to Dallas McCreary
  • Charles Markland and wife to George E. Turner
  • Samuel Stucy and wife to Thomas R. Furnish and wife
  • Thomas J. Webster and wife to Geo. L. Golay
  • Mary Jane Rayl et al to Rhoda Markland
  • Olive and Emma Goddard to Albert H. Beckman
  • Henry Wortman and wife to Henry F. Wortman
  • John W. VanOsdol et al to Mary Lester
  • Mary Lester and husband to John VanOsdol et al, Trustees
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to Charles Markland
  • Joseph M. Protsman and wife to Daniel Cotton and wife

Vevay Reveille – 15 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Gustaf H. Schrumpf and wife to Charles R. Robinson
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to Gustaf H. Schrumpf and Wm. Told
  • John E. Moore and wife to Fannie C. Sanders
  • Charles B. Gullion to Amanda Gullion

Vevay Reveille – 22 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Gustaf H. Schrumpf et al to Pallas G. Wilson
  • Eliza M. Dufour to Edward M. Dickson
  • Edward Sticklan and wife to William R. Heath
  • Rebecca Stewart to Jesse Bocock
  • Argus D. VanOsdol and wife to William P. and Ethel Briggs
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to Crawford Miller

Vevay Reveille – 29 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Jno. B. and Mary A. Moore to James C. Moore
  • M. O. Turner and wife to L. E. Turner and wife
  • M. O. Turner and wife to L. E. Turner and wife
  • Elbert M. Marsh and wife to Margaret D. Hart
  • Benjamin M. Raisor to Catharine Buckhanan
  • Benjamin Detraz and Lena Detraz to Elenor Detraz
  • Elzo and Carrie M. Reed to First National Bank Greensburg, Indiana
  • Edward M. Dickson to Eliza M. Dufour
  • Melvin Herbert to Josiah Riley

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1897 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 4 Mar 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • John E. Henry and wife to Harvey W. Clevenger and wife
  • Edwin F. Barker and wife to Vevay Deposit Bank
  • John B. and Anna W. Orr to Huldah E. Gillis
  • George H. Roberts and wife to Morton E. Dow
  • Cornelius Abbott et al to Francis M. Griffith
  • Francis M. Griffith to Almira Abbott
  • Peter D. McNutt to William H. Bonnel
  • Sylvester M. Clevenger to James H. Clevenger

Vevay Reveille – 11 Mar 1897 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Joshua H. Means to Jasper N. Brindley
  • Charles Oliver Peters to Samuel Peters
  • Adaline Bussie et al to Charles Oliver Peters
  • Ed. Shull and wife to Thomas Day
  • Albert T. Cox and wife to Edward E. Gregory
  • George W. Haskell and wife to James W. Banta and wife
  • George J. Waltz to John D. Brindley
  • Eliza M. Dufour to Zellia C. Dufour
  • Dora A. and Henry L. Walker to Edith M. Wilson
  • Lewis A. Mills and wife to Andrew J. Schenck
  • Mary J. Rayl et al to Worden Bliss

Vevay Reveille – 18 Mar 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Clara Tyler and husband to Lewis Sedam
  • Mary H. Long and husband to James Long
  • George W. Connell and wife to Jane Dugan
  • Cathrine Manford to Albert G. Fry
  • Carroll S. Tandy and wife to Henry C. and Aime L. Trafalet
  • David N. Haydon to Lydia M. Oakley et al
  • Lydia Oxley et al to David N. Haydon

Vevay Reveille – 25 Mar 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Frank Miller to Clara Belle McClellan and husband
  • Charles Ash and wife to Oliver P. Ash
  • William Ash and wife to Oliver P. Ash
  • William H. Madison and wife to W. D. Tyler
  • Joseph Breeck and wife to Mire Brook
  • Lewis F. Works and wife to Calvin Peters
  • L. E. Smith and wife to Thomas Day
  • Charles W. Roberts to Irvin W. Roberts
  • Fred L. Grisard and wife to Lou J. Dubach
  • Lottie A. Protsman and husband to Charlotte Ogle
  • Ann and George Moore to Gustaf H. Schrumpf
  • Solomon Adams and wife to Harrison C. Adams

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1897 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 11 Feb 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Orphans Friend Society to Albert G. Craig
  • Waltz Griffith to George J. Waltz
  • Robert Scott, Administrator, Rebecca J. Short estate, to Bruce D. Scott
  • Bruce S. Peabody and wife to Martha Peabody
  • Angie Campbell and others to J. R. Stewart
  • Bruce D. Scott and wife to William E. Richter
  • Fred S. Bakes and wife to I. W. and E. J. Richards
  • Charles O. Thiebaud et al to Wm. J. Cain

Vevay Reveille – 18 Feb 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Catharine Manford to Martha Konkle
  • George E. Newbold and wife to Wm. Green
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to John Taylor
  • Harvey Clevenger and wife to Fred Bakes and wife
  • Joseph E. Hart, Auditor, to William Tait
  • Newton and Flora Vaughn to John Reed

Vevay Reveille – 25 Feb 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Zellie C. Dufour and husband to Thos. J. Day
  • Hugh M. Thiebaud to Carroll S. Tandy
  • Mary and Robert Chapman to Jacob C. Tarbox
  • Carroll S. Tandy and wife to Frances S. Porter and Mary Tilley
  • Frances Porter to Andrew J. Porter

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Jan 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports for January 1897 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 7 Jan 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court

Convened last Monday, Alexander C. Downey, Judge; Harry S. McMullen, Prosecuting Attorney.

The Grand Jury, composed of the following, met Monday and as in session today: A. L. Robinson, Edgar Dibble, Marion Lostutter, Joshua F. Wright, W. S. Twineham, Leonard Griswold.

The Petit Jury is composed of the following: George W. Dorrell, W. R. Gardner, Thomas F. Newbold, Ezra Palmer, Robert Scott, Augustus Hatton, James H. Merritt, M. W. Long, Henry Bushner, John H. Lamb, W. H. Madison, A. W. Potter.

Vevay Reveille – 14 Jan 1897 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Herman Osborn et al vs. Walter D. Armstrong; on note. Judgment for $241.50.

The Vevay Deposit Bank vs. Edwin F. Barker. Judgment for $1,659.43, and foreclosure of mortgage.

John Culbertson vs. David A. Brownfield and Sarah F. Brownfield, et al. Judgment for $253 and foreclosure of mortgage.

Benjamin F. Detraz, Administrator of the Estate of William Detraz, deceased, vs. James A. Anderson et al. Judgment for $1,451.28 and foreclosure of mortgage.

Lunetta Welch vs. Samuel Welch; divorce. Granted.

State vs. Viola McIntyre; grand larceny. Trial by Court. Sent to Woman’s Prison for two years and fined $5.

John A. Weaver vs. The Moorefield Academy et al. For Receiver. Report of Receiver approved, discharged and affairs of corporation completed

Barbara Scudder and James Scudder vs. Catharine Rickett and Younger Rickett; for possession of real estate. Judgment for plaintiff.

Nancy J. See vs. Rhoda Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. Judgment for $268, and foreclosure of mortgage.

John F. Boulton et al to Alexander Lemmons et al. George S. Pleasants, Commissioner, reported he had sold real estate to F. M. Griffith, which sale was approved.

Lewis No. Bowen and Samuel Lock vs. the Board of Commissioners of Switzerland county. Judgment in favor of defendant; plaintiffs to pay costs.

M. Rumely Co., of LaPorte, Indiana, vs. Joseph McClanahan et al, on note. Judgment for plaintiff.

John E. Williams vs. Alfred Rous; for money. Verdict in favor of defendant, and on cross complaint he given judgment against plaintiff for $130.



Jennie L. Webb, widow of Oscar H. Webb, deceased, estate being under $500 was set off to her.

John W. Brown, guardian of Catharine Schoffner, of unsound mind. Sale of real estate to John Schoffner for $1,000 approved.

Mary E. Danner was allowed by Court a claim of $1,000 against estate of Eliza Adkinson, deceased.

Mary Schroder given permission to adopt Carrie Schroder as her heir according to law.

Thomas Carver, Administrator of Charlottee Schmeid. Granted permission to sell real estate.

Robert Scott, Administrator, of Estate of Rebecca J. Short, deceased. Sale of real estate approved.

Judge Downey returned home Monday afternoon.



Of Lawrenceburg, opened Court yesterday morning as Special Judge, to hear the cases of:

The Merchants’ National Bank of Indianapolis, vs. Oliver S. Clendening.

John Love vs. Oliver S. Clendening.

Oliver S. Clendening vs. the Board of Commissioners of Switzerland County.

And any other cases pending the parties may agree upon.

Several guardians, administrators and others, made partial reports, and their cases continued.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jan 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for January 1897 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 14 Jan 1897 – Page 6, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Viola Tyler et al to Henry Elfers
  • Susan J. Bray to George D. Madary and wife
  • Thomas F. Newbold et al to Louisana Lyon
  • Louisana Lyon et al to Thomas F. Newbold
  • Louisana Lyon et al to Emma L. DeHart
  • George S. Pleasants, Commissioner, to Francis M. Griffith

Vevay Reveille – 21 Jan 1897 – Page 6, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Harvey W. Scranton and wife to Luther Buck
  • John W. Brown, guardian of Catharine Schoffner
  • Permela J. Jackson and Marcon Cole to C. L. Jackson