Tag Archives: Indiana

Switzerland County Black Residents

The following are transcriptions of black residents found in Switzerland County, Indiana probate and court records.

See also Black Residents of Indiana

Additional transcriptions:

Switzerland County Probate Record Volume A, 1827-1834, p. 44.

In the name of God, Amen. I, Jonathan Lewis of the County of Switzerland State of Indiana, being in a low State of health, but of Sound Mind, do make ordain this my last Will & Testament as follows (Viz) My body I wish to have a Christian burial, my soul I commit to the God who gave it, my funeral expences [sic] and all other lawful debts I direct first to be paid. I give bequeath one dollar a piece to the following persons (Viz) Jessey Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Rebechcah Elles, Abraham Lewis, Hester Green, Ann Miles, Susannah Elles, Rachel Miles, Isaac Lewis, Polly Christy, Sally Bristo, Martha Lewis, Lovey Lewis, James Lewis & Elizabeth Lewis. I also give bequeath all the ballance [sic] of my personal property & moneys to my mother Sally Lewis, also I give bequeath one negro man named Arch to said Sally Lewis my mother. I do appoint and ordain my truly friend Isaac Lewis Executor of this my last Will and Testament Authorizing him conveyances & do all such other acts as may be necessary and agreeable to Law in the premises. In Testimony hereof therunto Set my hand & affix my Seal this 3rd day of February 1826.

Jonathan Lewis {Seal}

Ralph N. Wykoff}
Cornelius A. Voris} [witnesses]

[Will admitted on 27 March 1826.]

Switzerland County Probate Order Book, 1831-1837, p. 7.

May 1831

Comes Thomas Armstrong and prays that Charles Henderson of Switzerland County be and he is hereby appointed Guardian of the Person and property or estate of Pomp a boy of color aged about seventeen years, who was brought to Vevay by a certain Jacob R Evertson late of Vevay, said Pomp is said to be a native of the state of New York. On said Charles Henderson entering into bond and security as the law directs with Thomas Armstrong his security in the sum of one hundred dollars within ten days after rising of this court.

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book J, p. 211.

Switzerland County, SS.
Be it Remembered that on the 1st day of March AD 1839 Fanny Burton a woman of Colour filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, a Certificate which reads in the words and figures following to wit.

Indiana Switzerland County Sct
I hereby Certify that Fanny Burton a woman of colour was permitted by me to come from Virginia to this state, so that she may enjoy her freedom. The Clerk of the aforesaid County and State is hereby authorized to issue her papers. Given under my hand this 28th day of February 1839.
James Harwood

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book J, p. 206.

State of Indiana, Switzerland County} SS.
Be it rembred [remembered] that on the 20th day of February AD 1839 Molly Emery a Woman of Color filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County The following Certificate Viz:

Indiana, Switzerland County to wit}
This is the certify that Molly Emery a woman of colour has been from a child my own property, and I have permitted her to come from Virginia to This State in order That she may enjoy her freedom. The Clerk of The aforesaid County is hereby authorized to issue papers to that effect.

Given under my hand This 20th day of February 1839.
James Harwood

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book J, p. 317.

Switzerland County SS.

Be it remembered that on the 8th day of June AD 1839, Archibald Lewis a person of colour filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, a Certificate of his freedom which Certificate reads in the words and figures following to wit:

This is to certify that on the 4th day of October in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty, that I Sarah Lewis of Pleasant township Switzerland County and State of Indiana, did on the same day in the town of Vevay according to law, Liberate and set free one negro man by the name of Archibald, said Archibald being my property previous to said date, according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and I further certify that by said liberation, I relinquished all my right and claim to his services, and by said act I fully intended, that he said Archibald should enjoy all and every privelege, that free people of colour, did enjoy under the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth or State of Indiana.

Given under my hand Seal this 23rd day of April 1832.
[Signed] Sarah [her X mark] Lewis {Seal}

Will and Dolly, persons of color, vs. James Jones Jr.

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Complete Record Book 1816-1818, p. 68-73, Will vs. James Jones Jr., October 1816; FHL digital film 7834321.

Will alias William & Dolly his wife persons of colour vs. James Jones Junior} Pleas in the Switzerland Circuit Court held at Vevay in and for the county of Switzerland, before the Honorable Jesse H. Holman President and Circuit Judge and William Cotton and James McClure, Esquires Associate Judges of said Court of the Term of October in the  year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and Sixteen,
John Francis Dufour, Clerk.

Switzerland County SS: Be it remembered, that heretofore, towit previous to the March Term of this Court in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and sixteen, the following papers were transmitted to and received at the Clerks office of this said Court, on a [change] of venue from the Franklin Circuit Court in and for the County of Franklin and the Indiana Territory—towit,

Indiana Territory, Switzerland County} The United State, to the Sheriff of said County: Greeting:

You are hereby commanded to taken into your custody the body of James Jones Junior, if he is to be found in your Bailwick and safely keep, so that you have his body before the Judges of our Franklin Circuit Court, at their Term to be holden at the Court house in and for the County of Franklin, on the 2nd Monday in March next, to answer unto Will a man of colour and Dolly his wife a woman of colour in a plea of trespass Assault and Battery & false imprisonment damage two thousand Dollars, and have then there this writ

Witness John R. Beatty, Clerk of said Court this 7th day of February in the year of our Lord, 1815.
[signed] John R. Beaty C. F. C. C. [Clerk, Franklin County Circuit Court]

Indiana Territory, Franklin County} Sct. I, Benjamin Smith one of the associate Judges of the Franklin Circuit Court, in and for the County of Franklin, Indiana Territory doth hereby order That Dolly a person of Colour shall be allowed to bring suit for her freedom in forma pauperis against James Jones Junior on the service of a cop of this order by the Sheriff of the county aforesaid, do give bond & security to the Sheriff by him to be approved, that he will not remove the said Slave Dolly without the Jurisdiction of this court, during the pendency of this suit, under the penalty of one thousand Dollars and that he will suffer of said Dolly to attend to the preparation and trial of suit, and visit her counsel when necessary, or in case of failing to give such bond and security that the Sheriff do take the said Slave into his possession and hire her out for the best price and in the best manner, he can within this County; and that he reserve the said hire, subject to the order of the Circuit Court for Franklin County and I do further order, and direct the Clerk of the Court aforesaid, to issue a capias in the cause aforesaid, and a copy of this order to accompany the same immediately. And I do further assign to the said Dolly Amos Lane, John Test and James Noble Esquires as her counsel for the prosecution of the suit aforesaid.

The said Dolly upon making application to me did comply with the third section of the act entitled “an act providing a mean and help and speed poor persons in their suits.” February 7th 1815.

[signed] Benjn. Smith {Seal}

Memorandum endorsed on the aforesaid was as follows, to wit

This action is trespass Assault & Battery and false imprisonment and bail is required as per special order accompanying the wit—

[signed] Lane, Noble & Test atts for plff.

And afterwards, to wit, on the second Monday in March in the year aforesaid on the [?] day of the aforesaid writ came the Sheriff of Franklin County by his deputy and returned the aforesaid writ to the Judges of the Franklin Circuit Court as appears by the endorsement in the words following, to wit

Cepi Corpus Jonathan McCarty deputy Sheriff of F. C. I Jonathan McCarty that the within named defendant refused to give a bond and security as per special order of Judge Whiteworth herewith accompanying.

[signed] Jonathan McCarty, Depy Shff F. C.

Indiana Territory, Franklin County} SS. In the Circuit Court of Franklin County

Will alias William a man of colour and Dolly his wife a woman of colour complain of James Jones Junior in custody &c. of a plea of trespass assault and Battery and false imprisonment. For that whereas the said James on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen in the county aforesaid, and within the Jurisdiction of this Court with force and arms, in and upon the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William then and there did beat, wound, bruise and evilly intreat and her the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William there and there did imprison and confine for a long time, to wit, for the space of thirty days, so that her life was greatly dispained of and others wrongs to the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William then and there did against the peace and dignity of the United States and this their Territory of Indiana and so the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William say they are injured and have sustained Damages to the amount of two thousand dollars and therefore they bring suit &c.

[signed] Lane, Test & Noble, atts for Plffs

Pledges &c} John Doe, Rich Roe

And afterwards, to wit, at the November rules of this Switzerland Circuit Court, held at the clerks office in Vevay in said County of Switzerland before the Clerk of said Court on the first Monday in November in the year eighteen hundred and fifteen came the plaintiffs by their attornies and entered a rule for the defendant to appear and plead to their declaration on file in this cause on or before the next December rules, to be held at the clerks office aforesaid on the first Monday in December there next following or Judgement by default and the cause was continued &c.

And afterwards, towit, at the December rules of this court held at the clerks office in Vevay aforesaid, before Clerk of this Court on the first Monday in December in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and fifteen until which time this cause was continued, came the plaintiffs by their attornies and the defendants being solemnly called came not, and the clerk thereupon on motion of the plaintiffs by their attornies, entered the defendants default by Judgment for want of a plea to the declaration aforesaid, & the Cause was continued until the Term of this Court to be held at Vevay in and for the County of Switzerland on the twenty fifth day of March eighteen hundred and sixteen.

At which day, to wit, on the twenty sixth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen at the March Term of the Switzerland Circuit Court aforesaid held at Vevay aforesaid before the Judges thereof until which time this suit had been continued came the parties aforesaid by their attornies and with their assent the Judgment by default heretofore rendered in the Clerks office this Court in this Cause was set aside and the defendant thereupon by his attorney filed a plea of the general issue as also a plea of Justification—in the words and figures following, to wit-

And the said James Jones by his attorney comes and defends &c. when &c. and as to the force and arms &c. and whatever is against the peace and as to the bruising and wounding &c. in the said declaration mentioned the said James Jones says he is not guilty thereof and of this he puts himself upon the Country. J. Dill atty.

And for further and second plea in the behalf agreeably to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided as to the residue of the said supposed Trespass Assault & Battery false imprisonment &c. by the plaintiff aforesaid against the said James Jones alledged he says that the said plaintiff her action, aforesaid, out not to have or maintain because he says that the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William at the time when the said supposed Trespass &c. Assault & false imprisonment is alledged to have been committed and long before, to wit, the 23rd day of April 1808 – one James Jones Junior the said defendant did for the sum of one thousand dollars purchase of one Joshua Brown to whom the said Dolly was then a Slave – the services and time of the said Dolly together with Bill alias Will her husband, as he lawfully might do And the said defendant saith that the said James Jones father of the defendant removed with the said Dolly to the County of Dearborn in the Indiana Territory on the fifteenth day of May 1808 – at which time towit on the said 15th day of May 1808 – at the County of Dearborn in the Indiana Territory the said Dolly wife of the said Will the plaintiff aforesaid for and in consideration that the aforesaid James Jones father of the said Defendant had paid laid out and expended, for the use of the said Dolly and her husband the aforesaid Bill alias William and their family the aforesaid sum of one thousand dollars she the said Dolly did of her own voluntary will, act and consent bind and place herself as an apprentice or servant to the James Jones Senr. for the space or term of seventeen years from the said 15th day of May 1808 agreeably to the provisions of a Law of the Indiana Territory passed and approved the 17th day of September 1807 before the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Dearborn County Indiana Territory as follows, towit, also Dolly a black woman aged near twenty three years agrees with her said Master James Jones to serve him seventeen years from the date 15th day of May 1808 before me Samuel C. Vance Clk. Com. Pleas – Which time of service of apprenticeship was on the [blank] day of December 1814 Transferred to the said Defendant by the said James Jones the said defendant’s Father and which said Term of service or apprenticeship of the said Dolly wife of the said William alias Will was on the 2nd day of February the day of the date of issuing the said writ of her the said Dolly and yet is unexpired and because the unexpired Term of Service of her the said Dolly was by the aforesaid James Jones defendant’s father transferred to the said Defendant. And was on the said second day of February 1815 and yet is unexpired he the said Defendant did take and restrain the said Dolly the plaintiff aforesaid as an apprentice, aforesaid, without that, that the said defendant in any other manner or way took, restrained or exercised, control over or assaulted the said Dolly as he the said Defendant lawfully might do, which is the same residue of the said supposed trespass, assault & Battery, wounding & false imprisonment aforesaid by the said plaintiff alledged & this he is read to verify wherefore he prays Judgment of the said plaintiff her action ought to have or maintain &c.

[signed] J. Dill, atty.

And afterwards, to wit, on the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixteen aforesaid, came the plaintiff into Court and had this suit placed at the foot of the Docket.

And afterwards, to wit on the twenty eighth day of March of the same mount & year aforesaid, before the Court came the parties aforesaid by their attornies and with their assent this cause is continued until the next Term of Court.

And afterwards, to wit, at the next Term of this Court held at Vevay in and for the County of Switzerland aforesaid before the Judges thereof, on the twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen until which time this cause was continued, came the parties aforesaid by their attornies and with their assent this cause was continued until the next Term of this Court.

And afterwards This day to wit, on Monday the twenty eighth day of October of this same Term in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and sixteen before the Court aforesaid came the parities aforesaid by their attornies and by consent of both parties this cause is dismissed at the Defendants costs as per agreement now on the files of this Court. It is therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiffs aforesaid recover of James Jones Junior the defendant aforesaid their costs by them about this suit in this behalf expended and the said defendant in mercy &c.

Wayne County Black Residents

The following are transcriptions of black residents found in Wayne County, Indiana probate and court records.

See also Black Residents of Indiana

Circuit Court Order Book A, 1815-1822, Pages 13, 35, 48, 62, 72, 81, 85

March 1815 to October 1816

Randal, a man of color, vs. Thomas Hughes} trespass, assault and battery, and false imprisonment

Page 13 – “The Sheriff of Wayne County be and he is hereby directed to take into his possession Randal a person of Color and him safely keep and out within the limits of this county unto such person or persons as shall cures him his wages Subject to the further Order of this Court unless Thomas Hughs who exercises and heretofore hath exercised ownership over the said Randal a person of Color shall on the service of this notice give Bond unto the Sheriff with such Security as he shall approve in the sum of $1000 Dollars Conditioned that he will not remove the said Randal a person of Color without the Jurisdiction of this Court until the final Determination of an Action of Trespass assault & Battery and false Imprisonment.”

Page 81 – “It is therefore considered by the Court that Randall the plaintiff aforesaid do recover against Thomas Hughes the Defendant aforesaid the sum of one cent the Damages aforesaid by the Jury aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed.”

Page 85 – “On Motion George Hunt is appointed by the Court to make settlement with Sheriff Turner for the wages & hire of Randall a man of Colour who was put in his possession by Order of Court. And It is further Ordered by the Court that the said Sheriff Turner pay over such Sum or Sums of Money as shall appear to be due from said Turner to said Randall to George Hunt which shall be subject to the order of said Randall.

Circuit Court Order Book A, 1815-1822, Page 150

March 1818

Jacob Koons vs. Orange, Miriam, David, and Dick, persons of colour} on recognizance

This day Bladen Ashbey, Thomas Hill and Adam Boyd Securities for the above named defendants delivered them to court in discharge of their Recognizance.

Circuit Court Order Book A, 1815-1822, Page 150

March 1818

Thompson Ward vs. Charlott & America, persons of colour}

This day came David Hoover and David J. P. Fleming Securities of the above named defendants and Delivered them into court in discharge of their Recognizance.

Probate Order Book A, 1818-1830, p. 13.

November 1818 Term

A transcript of the record of the emancipation of negro flora and her two children Setty & Joseph

At a court held for the county of Nicholas at the Court House thereof on Monday the 22nd day of July 1805 an instrument of writing was produced under the hand and seal of John Shankland in Court and acknowledged by the said John Shankland and ordered to be recorded to wit

I John Shankland of Nicholas County and State of Kentucky do by these presents liberate and set free on negrow woman and her two children Setty and Joseph and disere that the same may be recorded free

Given under my hand and seal this 22nd day of July 1815

[signed] John Shankland [seal]

Attest Jo. Morgan

Whereupon it is ordered by the court that the said negrow woman named Flora and her two children Cetty and Joseph be manumitted and set entirely free agreeably to the act of assembly in that case made and provided.

Probate Order Book A, 1818-1830, p. 18-20

State of Indiana Wayne County} To Samuel Bandy constable Adam Boyd a Justice of the Peace in & for said county to the Keeper of the Jail of said county greeting Whereas Barnabas Springer on the 15th day of January in the year 1820 personally appeared before me & made oath that James Elliott William Elliot & Thomas Riddle on the 15th of January 1820 at the county of Wayne in the State of Indiana aforesaid did Enter the dwelling house of John Mason a man of colour living in Richmond in county aforesaid and did then & there charge him to Surrender, the said James Elliot having a pistol in each hand at the same time and said William Elliot did likewise draw out a chain with an Intention to Secure him that they did order him out of his House & marched him through Richmond to the office of Esqr. Boyd and further the Deponent Saith not and whereas also the said James Elliot William Elliott & Thomas Riddle have been arrested on the above charge and brought before me & after mature deliberation and proper hereing thereof hath been by me adjudged guilty therefore in behalf of the Said State of Indiana I command you that you receive the said James Elliott Wm Elliott & Thomas Riddle into your custody in the proper Jail of said county there to remain until they shall be delivered from your custody by due course of Law

Given under my hand & Seal this 16th day of January 1820

[Signed] Adam Boyd JP [Seal]

And all & singular the premises being fully seen heard & inspected and by the court now here fully understood It seems to the court that matters & thing contained in the return of the Jailor aforesaid are not Sufficient in Law to Imprison the said James Elliot William Elliot & Thomas Ruddle It is therefore ordered that they be dismissed from the custody of the said Jailor without day &c.

[signed] Jesse Davenport, associate judge

Probate Order Book A, 1818-1830, p. 30

October 1820 Term

On application the court appoint James Junkins G[u]ardian for Peter Black a person of Colour.

Circuit Court Order Book A, 1815-1822, Page 358

November 1820

Nathaniel P. Taylor vs. Albert, a man of Colour}

On the [blank] day of November Eighteen hundred and Twenty Albert a man of Colour was brough before John C Kibby an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County on a Charge of owing service to Nathaniel P. Taylor of Jefferson County of the State of Kentucky and after the said John C Kibby had heard the Testimony adduced on Both sides it was the opinion of the said John C Kibby Justice as aforesaid that the said plaintiff’s clame [sic] was well founded … thereupon the said Jury upon their oaths aforesaid do find the following verdict to wit We of the Jury do find that the within described Albert owes service to Nathaniel P. Taylor of Jefferson County Kentucky. It is therefore considered & ordered by the court that the said Nathaniel P. Taylor be allowed to take & convey the said Albert to the state of Kentucky & that the clerk certify the same.

Circuit Court Order Book A, 1815-1822

Page 550

State of North Carolina, Green County} Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term 1827

Charity Jones a free mulatto woman came before the Court and signified her intention or wish to travel to the State of Indiana, and the Court being Satisfied of her freedom It is ordered that the Same be recorded and a Copy thereof given to her with the Seal of the Court annexed.

Circuit Court Order Book A, 1815-1822, Page 551

State of N. Carolina, Wayne County}

Be it Known that I John Davis Sr. of the State and County aforesaid one of the Society of friends (commonly called Quakers) being in mind conscientious scruples of holding any of the human family in bondage or slavery, do hereby liberate and freely discharge (so far as in my power may be) without any consideration from myself my heirs executors &c. my trusty upright servant Allen who has personally made known to me his desire to remove himself and family to the State of Indiana where he may enjoy the privileges allotted to people of colour the aforesaid Allen is a bright Mulatto man about twenty eight or nine years old well sot and has a pleasant countenance and I can say with pleasure that during the time of his raising and to the present time his conduct has been suck as to merit my approbation and I have reasons to believe that of those who were acquainted with him. Allen has a family consisting of a wife Mary Jones and three small children (girls) the aforesaid Mary is a free born woman a bright Mulatto and of the ordinary size her character I believe to be honest and her conduct such as to merit approbation and her connection has as far a standing as any of that class of people. I therefore hope & desire that the said Allen who I have given the surname of Davis & Mary Davis his wife and Children may be permitted to pass unmolested from this into the State of Indiana and elsewhere if the said Allen should think proper afterwards and that he be furnished with such necessary comforts of life as they may stand in need of provided they make ample amends for the same. Given under my hand & seal this 19th day of the 8th mo 1827.

John Davis {seal}

Test: Gab Sherard, Thomas Horn, Jno. F. Cook

Probate Order Book A, 1818-1830, p. 196.

October 1828 Term

James Rariden is appointed guardian for Jacob Lewis a boy of colour to file his bond in the sum of one hundred dollars with Israel Abrahams for security.

Probate Order Book A, 1818-1830, p. 244.

November 1829 Term

Matthew Wilson is by the Court appointed guardian for William and David minor children of colour under the age of fourteen years who now here files his bond in the penal sum of one hundred dollars with Eli Wright for security who is approved by the Court

Said Wilson is also duly sworn according to Law.

Probate Order Book B, 1830-1838, p. 17.

March 1831 Term

Samuel Charles is appointed guardian for Milton White (a negro boy over fourteen years of age) who now comes into open Court and makes choice of the said Samuel Charles for his guardian, who thereupon files his bond in the penal sum of one hundred dollars with John S. Newman for security who is approved by the Court. Said guardian is also duly affirmed according to law.

Probate Order Book E, 1848-1851, p. 343.

February 1850 Term

In the matter of Josephine, a colored minor} For Guardianship

Now comes Solomon Meredith and files his petition for the appointment of a Guardian for Josephine a colored girl and minor aged between ten and twelve years in these words and figures to wit (Here insert) And the Court appoints the said Solomon Meredith Guardian for said Josephine And therefore he is qualified and gives bond as required by law in these words to wit (Here insert) And leters of Guardianship are issued accordingly.

Wayne County Lawyers

The following is a list of lawyers who applied to and/or were admitted to the Wayne County, Indiana bar.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1815-1822

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests page.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameYear
CC OB A 1814-18222AmosLane1815
CC OB A 1814-18222JohnLawrence1815
CC OB A 1814-18222JohnTest1815
CC OB A 1814-18222JamesDill1815
CC OB A 1814-18222WilliamHendricks1815
CC OB A 1814-18222JamesNoble1815
CC OB A 1814-182219JamesMcKinney1815
CC OB A 1814-182219Alexander AMeek1815
CC OB A 1814-182237Stephen CStephens1815
CC OB A 1814-182237ReubenKidder1815
CC OB A 1814-182241AlexanderHolton1815
CC OB A 1814-182276Hezekiah BHull1816
CC OB A 1814-182287AmosLane1817
CC OB A 1814-182287Stephen CStevens1817
CC OB A 1814-182295CorneliusDenison1817
CC OB A 1814-182295RheubenKidder1817
CC OB A 1814-182295JohnLawrence1817
CC OB A 1814-1822110JamesNoble1817
CC OB A 1814-1822110JohnLawrence1817
CC OB A 1814-1822136Miles CEggleston1818
CC OB A 1814-1822136AddisonSmith1818
CC OB A 1814-1822136JamesRariden1818
CC OB A 1814-1822158Daniel JCaswell1818
CC OB A 1814-1822198JohnTest1819
CC OB A 1814-1822198William WWest1819
CC OB A 1814-1822198NathanielFrench1819
CC OB A 1814-1822198James BRay1819
CC OB A 1814-1822255JamesGilmore1820
CC OB A 1814-1822255William CDrew1820
CC OB A 1814-1822311JamesGilmore1820
CC OB A 1814-1822311CyrusFinch1820
CC OB A 1814-1822311StephenWhitcher1820
CC OB A 1814-1822311Oliver HSmith1820
CC OB A 1814-1822360Bethuel FMorris1821
CC OB A 1814-1822416Isaac MJohnson1821
CC OB A 1814-1822456HenryHammond1821
CC OB A 1814-1822500Martin MRay1822
CC OB A 1814-1822500Charles HVeeder1822
CC OB A 1814-1822500AbrahamElliott1822

Wayne County Military Pensions

The following are military pensions mentioned in the Wayne County, Indiana court books. The index currently covers 1815 to 1822.

Before applying for a military pension from the federal government, a person may have appeared before their local court to file a schedule of property or additional information.

Digital copies can be ordered on the Record Requests Page.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameWarYear
CC OB A 1814-1822335WilliamAlexanderRW1820
CC OB A 1814-1822337HughHealeyRW1820

Wayne County Naturalizations from Court Books

The following are naturalizations were found in the Wayne County, Indiana court records.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1815-1822

To become a United States citizen, a person had to first file a declaration of intent and later return to court to become naturalized. Details in the records may include date of birth, place of birth, date and place of emigration, date and place of immigration, names of family members and more.

Digital copies can be ordered on the Record Requests Page.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameBirthplaceYear
CC OB A 1814-1822332JosephWilmotGreat Britain1820
CC OB A 1814-1822332RobertChapmanScotland1820

Wayne County Divorces

The following are divorce cases found in the Wayne County, Indiana Court Order Books.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1815-1822

The first person listed is the plaintiff and the second person is the defendant. View the original records for details on the case which may have come before the court multiple times.

Additional details may be found in the Complete Records Books and the court packets.

Digital copies of the Order Book pages are available on the Record Requests Page. Additional research is available in the Complete Record Books and the court packets by contacting tina@indianasgore.com for rates.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameGiven NameSurnameYear
CC OB A 1814-182228SarahFullerBrittonFuller1815
CC OB A 1814-182250SarahMcKeeWilliamMcKee1815
CC OB A 1814-182263SarahMcKeeWilliamMcKee1816
CC OB A 1814-182272SarahMcKeeWilliamMcKee1816
CC OB A 1814-182277SarahMcKeeWilliamMcKee1816
CC OB A 1814-182299SarahMcKeeWilliamMcKee1817
CC OB A 1814-1822122SarahMcKeeWilliamMcKee1817
CC OB A 1814-1822123MaryNixonThomasNixon1817
CC OB A 1814-1822150NathanJohnsonPollyJohnson1818
CC OB A 1814-1822190NathanJohnsonPollyJohnson1818
CC OB A 1814-1822204JosephSpencerDianaSpencer1819
CC OB A 1814-1822281SarahTurnerJohnTurner1820
CC OB A 1814-1822290SarahTurnerJohnTurner1820
CC OB A 1814-1822365SarahTurnerJohnTurner1821
CC OB A 1814-1822448SarahTurnerJohnTurner1821
CC OB A 1814-1822505RebeccaHowardJohnHoward1822
CC OB A 1814-1822525GravenerMcNeesMaryMcNees1822

Wayne County Bastardy Cases

The following are bastardy cases found in the Wayne County, Indiana Court Order Books. The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1815-1822

The first person listed is the mother and the second person was sued by the state or the mother as the potential father. View the original records for details on the case which may have come before the court multiple times.

Additional details may be found in the Court Complete Records Books and the court packets.

Digital copies of the Order Book pages are available on the Record Requests Page. Additional research is available in the Court Complete Record Books and the court packets by contacting tina@indianasgore.com for rates.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameGiven NameSurnameYear
CC OB A 1814-1822218AnnJacksonWilliamEdwards1819
CC OB A 1814-1822340JaneWilliamsJohnWoodkirk1820
CC OB A 1814-1822355JaneWilliamsJohnWoodkirk1820
CC OB A 1814-1822362NixonRalen1821
CC OB A 1814-1822380JaneWilliamsJohnWoodkirk1821
CC OB A 1814-1822412NixonPolen1821
CC OB A 1814-1822461JohnWoodkirk1821
CC OB A 1814-1822463JohnWoodkirk1821
CC OB A 1814-1822504JohnWoodkirk1822
CC OB A 1814-1822509JohnWoodkirk1822

Wayne County Circuit Court Order Book A

The following is an index of Wayne County, Indiana Circuit Court Order Book A. This book covers the March 1815 Term to the May 1822 Special Term.

Order books detail the daily business brought before the court. Additional details on cases may also be found in the Circuit Court Complete Record Books and in loose papers complied in Circuit Court packets.

See also Wayne County Court Records.

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests Page. Abstracts are available in Wayne County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book Abstracts, 1815-1822 | PDF ebook

BookPageGiven NameSurname
CCOB A 1814-18221ElijahSparks
CCOB A 1814-18221AronMartin
CCOB A 1814-18221PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-18221GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-18222JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-18222IsaacWilson
CCOB A 1814-18222JohnKnype
CCOB A 1814-18222IsaiahDrury
CCOB A 1814-18222ThomasBaird
CCOB A 1814-18222WilliamHastings
CCOB A 1814-18222AbelJenny
CCOB A 1814-18222JamesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-18222JohnBurgess
CCOB A 1814-18222ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-18222JacobElliott
CCOB A 1814-18222BenjaminMudlin
CCOB A 1814-18222MeshachLewallen
CCOB A 1814-18222SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-18222RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-18222John Sr.Smith
CCOB A 1814-18222AlmondVoorhies
CCOB A 1814-18222John Jr.Smith
CCOB A 1814-18222HardyCain
CCOB A 1814-18222John Sr.Turner
CCOB A 1814-18222AmosLane
CCOB A 1814-18222JohnLawrence
CCOB A 1814-18222JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-18222JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-18222WilliamHendricks
CCOB A 1814-18222JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-18222ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-18222ChristopherRoddey
CCOB A 1814-18222CatharineRoddey
CCOB A 1814-18223JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-18223RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-18223BladenAshley
CCOB A 1814-18223NathanGarrett
CCOB A 1814-18223AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-18223JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-18223GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-18223WilliamHozier
CCOB A 1814-18223JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-18223John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-18223EliButler
CCOB A 1814-18223JamesHunt
CCOB A 1814-18223MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-18223JehuSteward
CCOB A 1814-18224RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-18224BladenAshley
CCOB A 1814-18224NathanGarrett
CCOB A 1814-18224AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-18224JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-18224GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-18224WilliamHozier
CCOB A 1814-18224JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-18224John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-18224EliButler
CCOB A 1814-18224JamesHunt
CCOB A 1814-18224MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-18224JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-18224JonathanShaw
CCOB A 1814-18224JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-18224HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-18224PleasantHarris
CCOB A 1814-18224JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-18224JosiahClawson
CCOB A 1814-18224SeymourCable
CCOB A 1814-18224BenjaminHarris
CCOB A 1814-18224JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-18224JohnDrepe
CCOB A 1814-18224EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-18224BealeButler
CCOB A 1814-18224PatrickBaird
CCOB A 1814-18224JohnSmall
CCOB A 1814-18225NoahMiner
CCOB A 1814-18225JamesMiner
CCOB A 1814-18225SarahMcIntosh
CCOB A 1814-18225NoahWheeler
CCOB A 1814-18225ElijahSpencer
CCOB A 1814-18225AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-18225RichardRue
CCOB A 1814-18225JamesBlack
CCOB A 1814-18225NathanielMcLure
CCOB A 1814-18226JosephRippey
CCOB A 1814-18226JohnDickerson
CCOB A 1814-18226JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-18226GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-18226JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-18227JonathanShaw
CCOB A 1814-18227JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-18227ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-18227JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-18227John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-18228ThomasEndsly
CCOB A 1814-18228RobertGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-18228IsaacMeeks
CCOB A 1814-18228BrittonFuller
CCOB A 1814-18228JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-18228HenryDoway
CCOB A 1814-18228NancyDoway
CCOB A 1814-18228HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-18228JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-18229HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-18229JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-18229DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-18229HughBailey
CCOB A 1814-18229PleasantHarris
CCOB A 1814-18229BenjaminHarris
CCOB A 1814-18229EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-18229PatrickBaird
CCOB A 1814-18229RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-18229David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-18229IsraelElliott
CCOB A 1814-18229JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-18229JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-18229JosephHolman
CCOB A 1814-18229HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-18229JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-182210HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-182210JosiahClawson
CCOB A 1814-182210SeymourCobb
CCOB A 1814-182210JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-182210JohnDrake
CCOB A 1814-182210BealButler
CCOB A 1814-182210JohnSmall
CCOB A 1814-182210IsaacMeek
CCOB A 1814-182210ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-182210BrittonFuller
CCOB A 1814-182210ElijahSpencer
CCOB A 1814-182211John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-182212JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-182213Randal
CCOB A 1814-182213ThomasHughes
CCOB A 1814-182213JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182213JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182214JasperLittle
CCOB A 1814-182214ChristopherRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182214CharlesBurris
CCOB A 1814-182214PeterEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182214AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-182214ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182214RobertGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-182214ThomasEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182214JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182214JoelFergeson
CCOB A 1814-182215ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182215WilliamOwens
CCOB A 1814-182215PleasantHarris
CCOB A 1814-182215SamuelCarr
CCOB A 1814-182215EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-182215David FSackett
CCOB A 1814-182215RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182215David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-182215IsraelElliott
CCOB A 1814-182215John Sr.Cox
CCOB A 1814-182215JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182215JosephHolman
CCOB A 1814-182215HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182215WilliamMeek
CCOB A 1814-182215JosephHolmes
CCOB A 1814-182215ChristopherRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182215JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-182216JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182216JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182216ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182216ChristopherRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182216CatherineRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182219JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-182219PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-182219JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182219JamesMcKinney
CCOB A 1814-182219Alexander AMeek
CCOB A 1814-182219MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-182219JosiahElston
CCOB A 1814-182219LewisLittle
CCOB A 1814-182219JohnStarr
CCOB A 1814-182219JohnSummy
CCOB A 1814-182219FrederickLong
CCOB A 1814-182219GabrielFender
CCOB A 1814-182219DavidKennedy
CCOB A 1814-182219NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-182219JohnHunt
CCOB A 1814-182219JoshuaMeek
CCOB A 1814-182219SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-182219ReynoldFielder
CCOB A 1814-182219AbijahCain
CCOB A 1814-182219RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-182219WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-182219EliButler
CCOB A 1814-182219AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-182219JohnEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182219EbenezerSprigg
CCOB A 1814-182219ThomasCarter
CCOB A 1814-182220RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182220BladenAshley
CCOB A 1814-182220NathanGarrett
CCOB A 1814-182220AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-182220JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-182220GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-182220WilliamHazin
CCOB A 1814-182220JamesClarke
CCOB A 1814-182220JohnMeek
CCOB A 1814-182220EliButler
CCOB A 1814-182220JamesHunt
CCOB A 1814-182220MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-182220HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-182220JosiahClawson
CCOB A 1814-182220JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-182220JohnDrake
CCOB A 1814-182220BealeButler
CCOB A 1814-182220JohnSmall
CCOB A 1814-182220JonathanShaw
CCOB A 1814-182221ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182221DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-182221TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-182221JacobRupe
CCOB A 1814-182221John CKibbey
CCOB A 1814-182221ThomasMoffatt
CCOB A 1814-182221DavidCarson
CCOB A 1814-182221VincentStephenson
CCOB A 1814-182221JamesJunkins
CCOB A 1814-182221JosephSpencer
CCOB A 1814-182221AlexanderGrimes
CCOB A 1814-182221AbnerMartin
CCOB A 1814-182221JamesShaw
CCOB A 1814-182221JasperLittle
CCOB A 1814-182222JacobGallion
CCOB A 1814-182222SamuelHolmes
CCOB A 1814-182222ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182222JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-182223ChristopherRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182223BetsyNeely
CCOB A 1814-182224RobertGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-182224IsaacMeek
CCOB A 1814-182224WilliamWalters
CCOB A 1814-182224RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182224CharlesRoyster
CCOB A 1814-182224DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-182224ThomasMoffatt
CCOB A 1814-182224John CKibbey
CCOB A 1814-182224Willis PMiller
CCOB A 1814-182224TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-182224JacobRupe
CCOB A 1814-182224DavidCarson
CCOB A 1814-182224AbnerMartin
CCOB A 1814-182224JamesShaw
CCOB A 1814-182224AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-182225CharlesBurris
CCOB A 1814-182225AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-182225SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-182225SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-182225WilliamBurke
CCOB A 1814-182225AlexanderMiller
CCOB A 1814-182225PeterDicks
CCOB A 1814-182225BenjaminJarvis
CCOB A 1814-182225EvanShoemaker
CCOB A 1814-182225JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182225JamesHayes
CCOB A 1814-182225PeterLittle
CCOB A 1814-182225JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-182225HughEdnsly
CCOB A 1814-182225John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-182225JohnSimmons
CCOB A 1814-182225JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182225PeterEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182226HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182226JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182226JonathanShaw
CCOB A 1814-182226CharlesRoyster
CCOB A 1814-182226DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-182226ThomasMoffatt
CCOB A 1814-182226JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182226AbnerMartin
CCOB A 1814-182226RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182226John CKibbey
CCOB A 1814-182226William PMiller
CCOB A 1814-182226TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-182226JacobRupe
CCOB A 1814-182226JohnJordan
CCOB A 1814-182226DavidCarson
CCOB A 1814-182227SymanCable
CCOB A 1814-182227JonathanShaw
CCOB A 1814-182228SarahFuller
CCOB A 1814-182228BrittonFuller
CCOB A 1814-182228PeterEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182228JasperLittle
CCOB A 1814-182228ThomasBurris
CCOB A 1814-182228JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-182228EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-182228ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-182228JamesShaw
CCOB A 1814-182228David FSackett
CCOB A 1814-182228GeorgeIsh
CCOB A 1814-182228JamesTownsend
CCOB A 1814-182228ThomasSymonds
CCOB A 1814-182228StephenGriffith
CCOB A 1814-182228AbrahamEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182228GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-182228AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-182228HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182229ThomasEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182229SarahFuller
CCOB A 1814-182229EdwardHunt
CCOB A 1814-182230JoelFerguson
CCOB A 1814-182230AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-182230WilliamBurke
CCOB A 1814-182230SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-182230SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-182230JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-182230PeterLittle
CCOB A 1814-182230JamesHayes
CCOB A 1814-182230EvansShoemaker
CCOB A 1814-182230JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182230SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-182230HughCull
CCOB A 1814-182230JacksonRambo
CCOB A 1814-182231JosephRippey
CCOB A 1814-182231JohnDickerson
CCOB A 1814-182231ThomasNixon
CCOB A 1814-182231JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-182231ChristopherRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182231John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-182232DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-182232AaronMartin
CCOB A 1814-182232ChristopherRaddy
CCOB A 1814-182232JohnMeek
CCOB A 1814-182232StephenWilliams
CCOB A 1814-182232WilliamBurke
CCOB A 1814-182232SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-182232JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-182232PeterLittle
CCOB A 1814-182232JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182232SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-182232JacksonRambo
CCOB A 1814-182232GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-182232SamuelCarr
CCOB A 1814-182232Willis PMiller
CCOB A 1814-182232JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182232JohnWarren
CCOB A 1814-182233John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-182233IsraelElliott
CCOB A 1814-182233John RBeatty
CCOB A 1814-182233Wm HEads
CCOB A 1814-182233PeterEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182233HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182233JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182233JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182234JoelFerguson
CCOB A 1814-182234JosephHunt
CCOB A 1814-182234HenryDeway
CCOB A 1814-182234HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182234JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182234DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-182235HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182235JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182235JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-182235ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182235ThomasEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182235StephenWilliams
CCOB A 1814-182235RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182235JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-182235Randall
CCOB A 1814-182235ThomasHughes
CCOB A 1814-182235JohnSimmons
CCOB A 1814-182235JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182236JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182236JacksonRambo
CCOB A 1814-182237JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-182237PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-182237DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-182237JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182237Stephen CStephens
CCOB A 1814-182237ReubenKidder
CCOB A 1814-182237WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-182237ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-182237JohnRaper
CCOB A 1814-182237JohnWatts
CCOB A 1814-182237WilliamGrimes
CCOB A 1814-182237PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-182237JohnCollins
CCOB A 1814-182237WilliamFouts
CCOB A 1814-182237DavidBailey
CCOB A 1814-182237FrancisCulberson
CCOB A 1814-182237LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-182237TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-182237JehuStanley
CCOB A 1814-182237WilliamWyatt
CCOB A 1814-182237SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-182237Jacob Jr.Fouts
CCOB A 1814-182237JosephCain
CCOB A 1814-182237ObediahHarris
CCOB A 1814-182237JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-182237AndrewFouts
CCOB A 1814-182237AndrewBlount
CCOB A 1814-182237JohnBailey
CCOB A 1814-182238AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-182238WilliamWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182238LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-182238JaneBryan
CCOB A 1814-182238ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182238RachelHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182238JonasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182238JohnHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182238NathanHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182238AnneHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182239JosephHunt
CCOB A 1814-182239HenryDanay
CCOB A 1814-182239NancyDanay
CCOB A 1814-182239JohnSimmons
CCOB A 1814-182239WilliamWalters
CCOB A 1814-182240AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-182240JosephCharles
CCOB A 1814-182240ThomasSymons
CCOB A 1814-182241AlexanderHolton
CCOB A 1814-182241HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182241DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-182241JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182241JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-182241JohnBrattain
CCOB A 1814-182241SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-182241EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-182241WilliamCox
CCOB A 1814-182241WilliamTownsend
CCOB A 1814-182241GabrielFender
CCOB A 1814-182241JosephCook
CCOB A 1814-182241JeremiahAllen
CCOB A 1814-182241JoshuaMeek
CCOB A 1814-182241PhineasRoberts
CCOB A 1814-182241AmbroseKeilen
CCOB A 1814-182241JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182241JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182242CalebNail
CCOB A 1814-182242RobertStephens
CCOB A 1814-182242DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182242GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182242WilliamStephens
CCOB A 1814-182242AndrewBlount
CCOB A 1814-182242JohnBailey
CCOB A 1814-182243JamesSweaney
CCOB A 1814-182243SamuelWarrell
CCOB A 1814-182243JosephWarrell
CCOB A 1814-182243AleanalWarrell
CCOB A 1814-182243RobertWarrell
CCOB A 1814-182243JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-182243JamesChambers
CCOB A 1814-182243JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182243HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182243DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-182243JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182243JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182243AmbroseKeeler
CCOB A 1814-182243NathanHill
CCOB A 1814-182243RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-182243AbrahamEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182243Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-182243JamesWright
CCOB A 1814-182243EvansShoemaker
CCOB A 1814-182243ThomasClarke
CCOB A 1814-182243IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-182243SamuelMiller
CCOB A 1814-182243JohnBurke
CCOB A 1814-182243ReubenBrattain
CCOB A 1814-182243GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-182244ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244RachelHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244JonasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244JohnHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244NathanHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244AnneHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244JohnGunkle
CCOB A 1814-182244DeborahHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244DeborahGunkle
CCOB A 1814-182244AmosJones
CCOB A 1814-182244MarthaHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182244MarthaJones
CCOB A 1814-182244MaryHatfield
CCOB A 1814-182245HenryBryant
CCOB A 1814-182245DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-182245JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182245JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182246DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182246GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182246CalebNail
CCOB A 1814-182246RobtStephens
CCOB A 1814-182246JosephRippey
CCOB A 1814-182246JohnDickinson
CCOB A 1814-182247JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182247JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182247ThomasNixon
CCOB A 1814-182247JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-182247JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-182247ThomasNeeley
CCOB A 1814-182247WilliamTownsend
CCOB A 1814-182247AbrahamEndsley
CCOB A 1814-182247PhineasRoberts
CCOB A 1814-182247JosephCook
CCOB A 1814-182247JosephMeek
CCOB A 1814-182247JeremiahAllen
CCOB A 1814-182247ReubenBrattain
CCOB A 1814-182247GabrielFender
CCOB A 1814-182247JohnBrattain
CCOB A 1814-182247JamesWright
CCOB A 1814-182247JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182247EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-182248HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182248DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-182248RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182248JohnBailes
CCOB A 1814-182248Randall
CCOB A 1814-182248ThomasHughes
CCOB A 1814-182248JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182249JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182249JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182249IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-182249SamuelWorrel
CCOB A 1814-182249JamesSweney
CCOB A 1814-182249JohnPhillips
CCOB A 1814-182249PatrickMcCarty
CCOB A 1814-182249ThomasEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182249StephenWilliams
CCOB A 1814-182249EnosButler
CCOB A 1814-182249JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182249ReubenBrattain
CCOB A 1814-182249GabrielFender
CCOB A 1814-182249JohnBrattain
CCOB A 1814-182249JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-182249JeremiahAllen
CCOB A 1814-182249JosephCooke
CCOB A 1814-182249WilliamTownsend
CCOB A 1814-182249JamesWright
CCOB A 1814-182249ArchibaldMcGrew
CCOB A 1814-182249JohnBurke
CCOB A 1814-182250JohnBailes
CCOB A 1814-182250HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-182250SarahMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182250WilliamMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182251JohnWarram
CCOB A 1814-182251JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182251JohnWhitehad
CCOB A 1814-182251IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-182252Jesse LHolman
CCOB A 1814-182252PeterFlemming
CCOB A 1814-182252DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-182252JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182252ArchibaldWasson
CCOB A 1814-182252OwenSeany
CCOB A 1814-182252IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-182252EdwardClanton
CCOB A 1814-182252JamesGordon
CCOB A 1814-182252WashingtonElliott
CCOB A 1814-182252ThomasBradbury
CCOB A 1814-182252JohnMabbet
CCOB A 1814-182252JamesBlack
CCOB A 1814-182252SpencerStevens
CCOB A 1814-182252CharlesGordon
CCOB A 1814-182252RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-182252RobertSmith
CCOB A 1814-182252PaulStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-182252RobertCulbertson
CCOB A 1814-182252JesseMcClean
CCOB A 1814-182252DavidGilbreath
CCOB A 1814-182252JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-182252HughEndsley
CCOB A 1814-182252ThomasMarshall
CCOB A 1814-182252IsaacMedcalf
CCOB A 1814-182252GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182253AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-182253DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182253GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182253BenjaminJarves
CCOB A 1814-182253RobertBennet
CCOB A 1814-182253IsaacLewis
CCOB A 1814-182253SamuelHonley
CCOB A 1814-182253JohnSeany
CCOB A 1814-182253David TWyatt
CCOB A 1814-182253JohnPhilips
CCOB A 1814-182253IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-182253JohnEndsley
CCOB A 1814-182253NathanGarret
CCOB A 1814-182253JohnSpahr
CCOB A 1814-182253HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-182253HenryMiller
CCOB A 1814-182254WilliamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-182254JohnWoodward
CCOB A 1814-182254PatrickBaird
CCOB A 1814-182256JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182256JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182256HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182256JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182256JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182257ThomasNixon
CCOB A 1814-182257JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-182257GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182257WilliamStephenson
CCOB A 1814-182257DanielStevens
CCOB A 1814-182257HenryMiller
CCOB A 1814-182257JohnPhillips
CCOB A 1814-182257PatrickMcCarty
CCOB A 1814-182257JnoMcCarty
CCOB A 1814-182258HenryChryst
CCOB A 1814-182258JamesChambers
CCOB A 1814-182258JohnDrake
CCOB A 1814-182258JohnWhite
CCOB A 1814-182258DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182258GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182258JohnHawkins
CCOB A 1814-182258AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-182258JohnHawkins
CCOB A 1814-182258WilliamMcLean
CCOB A 1814-182258IsaacJessop
CCOB A 1814-182258AndrewHoover
CCOB A 1814-182258BenjaminHill
CCOB A 1814-182259JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182259JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182259GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182260HenryChryst
CCOB A 1814-182260JamesChambers
CCOB A 1814-182260HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182260DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-182261Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-182261George Jr.Julian
CCOB A 1814-182261MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-182261John Sr.Drake
CCOB A 1814-182261RobertBennet
CCOB A 1814-182261IsaacLewis
CCOB A 1814-182261SamuelHunly
CCOB A 1814-182261BenjaminJarvis
CCOB A 1814-182261JohnSeeny
CCOB A 1814-182261David TWyatt
CCOB A 1814-182261JohnPhillips
CCOB A 1814-182261IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-182261JohnEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182261JohnSphar
CCOB A 1814-182261JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182261CharlesWright
CCOB A 1814-182262JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182262JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182262RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182262JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-182262Randal
CCOB A 1814-182262ThomasHughes
CCOB A 1814-182262JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182262HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182263SarahMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182263WilliamMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182263SamuelKing
CCOB A 1814-182263ThomasNixon
CCOB A 1814-182263JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-182263HenryChryst
CCOB A 1814-182263JamesChambers
CCOB A 1814-182263RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182263DavidNoland
CCOB A 1814-182263JohnBratton
CCOB A 1814-182263JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-182263CalebHarvey
CCOB A 1814-182263JehuStewart
CCOB A 1814-182263WilliamClawson
CCOB A 1814-182263JohnSmall
CCOB A 1814-182263JacobMeek
CCOB A 1814-182263LewisHozier
CCOB A 1814-182263MichaelNeiss
CCOB A 1814-182263BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-182265MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-182266HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182266JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182266HenryChryst
CCOB A 1814-182266JamesChambers
CCOB A 1814-182267DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182267GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182267Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-182268George Jr.Julian
CCOB A 1814-182268DruryWalls
CCOB A 1814-182268JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182268JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182268IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-182268JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182269Jesse LHolman
CCOB A 1814-182269PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-182269DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-182269JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182269JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-182269TrainCaldwell
CCOB A 1814-182269JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-182269GeorgeHolman
CCOB A 1814-182269ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-182269IsaacConley
CCOB A 1814-182269JesseHodges
CCOB A 1814-182269WilliamWalters
CCOB A 1814-182269ThomasMoffatt
CCOB A 1814-182269JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-182269JohnWatts
CCOB A 1814-182269JohnMcCombs
CCOB A 1814-182269ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-182269RichardWatts
CCOB A 1814-182269MichaelMiller
CCOB A 1814-182269JosephCaldwell
CCOB A 1814-182269ThomasRay
CCOB A 1814-182269JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182269DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-182269JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-182269AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-182270Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-182270GeorgeJulian
CCOB A 1814-182270DruryWalls
CCOB A 1814-182270DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182270GeorgeFreshour
CCOB A 1814-182270JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182270JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182271RichardLewis
CCOB A 1814-182271JohnBoiles
CCOB A 1814-182271JamesSwany
CCOB A 1814-182271SamuelWorl
CCOB A 1814-182271Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-182271JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182271LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-182271JosephWorl
CCOB A 1814-182271AbrahamEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182271DavidFisher
CCOB A 1814-182271AsaWhite
CCOB A 1814-182271CharlesHunt
CCOB A 1814-182271JohnSeany
CCOB A 1814-182271AbijahCain
CCOB A 1814-182271BenjaminMoore
CCOB A 1814-182271JosiahElston
CCOB A 1814-182271JohnDrake
CCOB A 1814-182272JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182272NathanielDrake
CCOB A 1814-182272SarahMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182272WilliamMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182272ThomasNixon
CCOB A 1814-182272JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-182272Randall
CCOB A 1814-182272ThomasHughs
CCOB A 1814-182272JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182272LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-182272JosephWorl
CCOB A 1814-182272AbrahamEndsley
CCOB A 1814-182272DavidFisher
CCOB A 1814-182272AsaWhite
CCOB A 1814-182272CharlesHunt
CCOB A 1814-182272JohnSeany
CCOB A 1814-182272AbijahCain
CCOB A 1814-182272BenjaminMoore
CCOB A 1814-182272ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-182272DavidCanada
CCOB A 1814-182273JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182273NathanielDrake
CCOB A 1814-182274JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-182274JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182274IsaacShelley
CCOB A 1814-182275Jesse LHolman
CCOB A 1814-182275PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-182275DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-182275JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182275HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-182275WilliamHozier
CCOB A 1814-182275EliButler
CCOB A 1814-182275FrancisCulbertson
CCOB A 1814-182275IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-182275WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-182275JacobElliott
CCOB A 1814-182275GeorgeGraham
CCOB A 1814-182275GeorgeRussell
CCOB A 1814-182275BenjaminHill
CCOB A 1814-182275JohnHervey
CCOB A 1814-182275JosephStevenson
CCOB A 1814-182275WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-182275JacobFouts
CCOB A 1814-182275JesseDollarhide
CCOB A 1814-182275JohnShelby
CCOB A 1814-182275BenjaminMaudin
CCOB A 1814-182275AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-182276DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182276Hezekiah BHull
CCOB A 1814-182276GeorgeJulian
CCOB A 1814-182276JacksonRambo
CCOB A 1814-182276AnneRambo
CCOB A 1814-182276JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-182276JohnEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182276WilliamAlexcourt
CCOB A 1814-182277SarahMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182277WilliamMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182277JamesKnight
CCOB A 1814-182277JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182277JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182277NathanielDrake
CCOB A 1814-182279Ruffner
CCOB A 1814-182279Pennywit
CCOB A 1814-182279JobHuddleston
CCOB A 1814-182280HiramKindall
CCOB A 1814-182280MordecaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-182281HenryBryant
CCOB A 1814-182281JosephCarpenter
CCOB A 1814-182281Randall
CCOB A 1814-182281ThomasHughs
CCOB A 1814-182281WilliamWyatt
CCOB A 1814-182281WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-182281BenjaminHarvey
CCOB A 1814-182281IsaacJackson
CCOB A 1814-182281AlexanderGardner
CCOB A 1814-182281GabrielFender
CCOB A 1814-182281David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-182281ThomasJones
CCOB A 1814-182281ThomasCox
CCOB A 1814-182281JesseHodges
CCOB A 1814-182281ZimriCooke
CCOB A 1814-182281PatrickJustice
CCOB A 1814-182281JamesCox
CCOB A 1814-182281AliceCox
CCOB A 1814-182281DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-182281SarahRailsback
CCOB A 1814-182282IsaacVanmetre
CCOB A 1814-182282ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182282JamesDrake
CCOB A 1814-182282AmosSexton
CCOB A 1814-182282JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182282FrancisKindall
CCOB A 1814-182282SpencerStephens
CCOB A 1814-182282DavidCrewse
CCOB A 1814-182282WilliamCummins
CCOB A 1814-182282CorneliusCooke
CCOB A 1814-182282HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182282JohnFox
CCOB A 1814-182282CharlesBurris
CCOB A 1814-182282LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-182282JohnMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-182282JohnSprang
CCOB A 1814-182282CharlesRussell
CCOB A 1814-182282JohnBurris
CCOB A 1814-182283JamesDrake
CCOB A 1814-182283NathanSmall
CCOB A 1814-182283GideonSmall
CCOB A 1814-182283SarahSmall
CCOB A 1814-182283IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-182283ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182283JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-182285GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-182285Randall
CCOB A 1814-182285IsaacVanmeter
CCOB A 1814-182285ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-182285IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-182285JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-182285JamesDill
CCOB A 1814-182285JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182285FrancisKindall
CCOB A 1814-182285WilliamWalter
CCOB A 1814-182287JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-182287GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-182287JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182287AmosLane
CCOB A 1814-182287Stephen CStevens
CCOB A 1814-182287WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-182287JohnMeek
CCOB A 1814-182287JosephAddington
CCOB A 1814-182287SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-182287IsaacLewis
CCOB A 1814-182287JesseHodges
CCOB A 1814-182287JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-182287Charles Jr.Hunt
CCOB A 1814-182287JamesSpencer
CCOB A 1814-182287WilliamTownsend
CCOB A 1814-182287ThomasWiles
CCOB A 1814-182287JohnNilson
CCOB A 1814-182287JohnCunningham
CCOB A 1814-182287JesseMcClain
CCOB A 1814-182287SamuelCarr
CCOB A 1814-182287JobGinn
CCOB A 1814-182287HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-182287DanielStephens
CCOB A 1814-182288GeorgeJulian
CCOB A 1814-182288AmosSexton
CCOB A 1814-182288EliButler
CCOB A 1814-182288JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-182288FrancisKendall
CCOB A 1814-182289SpencerStevens
CCOB A 1814-182289DavidCrews
CCOB A 1814-182291CharlesBurris
CCOB A 1814-182291LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-182291JohnMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-182291JohnSpang
CCOB A 1814-182292CharlesRussell
CCOB A 1814-182292JohnBurris
CCOB A 1814-182292CorneliusCook
CCOB A 1814-182292WilliamCommins
CCOB A 1814-182294HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182294JohnFox
CCOB A 1814-182294JesseClark
CCOB A 1814-182294SamuelClark
CCOB A 1814-182294ThomasWard
CCOB A 1814-182294David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-182294LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-182294DavidFisher
CCOB A 1814-182294BenjaminHodges
CCOB A 1814-182294MorganWilson
CCOB A 1814-182294RobertBlack
CCOB A 1814-182294JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-182294SawyerMcFaddon
CCOB A 1814-182294RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-182295MaryKnight
CCOB A 1814-182295JosephRippy
CCOB A 1814-182295CorneliusDenison
CCOB A 1814-182295RheubenKidder
CCOB A 1814-182295JohnLawrence
CCOB A 1814-182296JosephStover
CCOB A 1814-182296SamuelHunt
CCOB A 1814-182296PeterEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182296EdwardDawn
CCOB A 1814-182296EdwardHunt
CCOB A 1814-182296HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182296JohnFox
CCOB A 1814-182297JamesDrake
CCOB A 1814-182297AmosSexton
CCOB A 1814-182297EliButler
CCOB A 1814-182297WilliamCommins
CCOB A 1814-182297CorneliusCook
CCOB A 1814-182297JesseClark
CCOB A 1814-182297DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-182297ThomasWard
CCOB A 1814-182297David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-182297LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-182297DavidFisher
CCOB A 1814-182297BenjaminHodges
CCOB A 1814-182297JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-182297SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-182297ObediahHarris
CCOB A 1814-182297ThomasMcCortney
CCOB A 1814-182297AbrahamEndsly
CCOB A 1814-182298JosephStover
CCOB A 1814-182298BenjaminHarvey
CCOB A 1814-182299SpencerStevens
CCOB A 1814-182299DavidCrews
CCOB A 1814-182299HenryFender
CCOB A 1814-182299CorneliusCook
CCOB A 1814-182299WilliamCummins
CCOB A 1814-182299JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-182299SarahMcKee
CCOB A 1814-182299WilliamMcKee
CCOB A 1814-1822100JacobHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822100JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822100JamesOdell
CCOB A 1814-1822100EdwardHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822100JohnFox
CCOB A 1814-1822101PeterEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822101SamuelHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822101WilliamComyns
CCOB A 1814-1822101JohnPhilips
CCOB A 1814-1822101DavidBell
CCOB A 1814-1822102WilliamMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822102HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822103HiramKendall
CCOB A 1814-1822103HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822103HenryHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822103JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-1822103SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822104WilliamComyns
CCOB A 1814-1822104CorneliusCook
CCOB A 1814-1822104JamesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822104DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-1822105HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-1822105DavidThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822105JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822105JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-1822105JamesPerkins
CCOB A 1814-1822105HughEndsly
CCOB A 1814-1822105JohnLasly
CCOB A 1814-1822105JohnFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822105JohnBoyls
CCOB A 1814-1822105JohnSeney
CCOB A 1814-1822105GabrielFender
CCOB A 1814-1822105JosephCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822106JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822106RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822106WilliamOwens
CCOB A 1814-1822106DavidFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822106JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822106ObediahHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822106AbrahamEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822106BenjaminHodges
CCOB A 1814-1822106David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822106WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822106JohnGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822106JesseClark
CCOB A 1814-1822106DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822106ThomasWard
CCOB A 1814-1822106WilliamCommins
CCOB A 1814-1822106EdmundDawn
CCOB A 1814-1822106JohnWilson
CCOB A 1814-1822106AbelWilson
CCOB A 1814-1822107SamuelHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822107PeterEndsly
CCOB A 1814-1822107DavidClevinger
CCOB A 1814-1822107JamesPerkins
CCOB A 1814-1822107ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822108JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822108MaryStump
CCOB A 1814-1822108IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822108ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822108Stephen CStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822109IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822109JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-1822110WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822110JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822110JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnLawrence
CCOB A 1814-1822110RightLancaster
CCOB A 1814-1822110AsaPerva
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822110JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822110William Sr.Harvey
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822110George Sr.Julian
CCOB A 1814-1822110JosephRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822110WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822110WilliamDunbar
CCOB A 1814-1822110WilliamFouts
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnCollins
CCOB A 1814-1822110DavidNorth
CCOB A 1814-1822110JohnCopeland
CCOB A 1814-1822110WilliamHosier
CCOB A 1814-1822110FrancisCulberson
CCOB A 1814-1822110JacobGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822110Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822110Steven CStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822110CharlesBurris
CCOB A 1814-1822111CharlesRussel
CCOB A 1814-1822111JohnBurrice
CCOB A 1814-1822111ThomasBurrice
CCOB A 1814-1822112JamesPerkins
CCOB A 1814-1822112AbsolemHervey
CCOB A 1814-1822112AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822112WilliamWest
CCOB A 1814-1822112WilliamCox
CCOB A 1814-1822112WilliamClawson
CCOB A 1814-1822112WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822112JohnPhillips
CCOB A 1814-1822112NathanielCase
CCOB A 1814-1822112JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822112JamesHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822112ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822112ReanaJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822112JohnFlemming
CCOB A 1814-1822113JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822113MaryStump
CCOB A 1814-1822113JohnSpang
CCOB A 1814-1822113JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-1822113JohnWilkinson
CCOB A 1814-1822113WellsBuzan
CCOB A 1814-1822113AlexGardner
CCOB A 1814-1822113AbsolumHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822113AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822113WilliamWest
CCOB A 1814-1822113WilliamClawson
CCOB A 1814-1822113WilliamCox
CCOB A 1814-1822113WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822113JohnPhillips
CCOB A 1814-1822113NathanielCase
CCOB A 1814-1822113JehuMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822113JamesHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822113ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822113RenaJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822114EdwardDawn
CCOB A 1814-1822115HughEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822115JohnLastly
CCOB A 1814-1822115JohnSeany
CCOB A 1814-1822115LaurenceGruel
CCOB A 1814-1822115AndrewTharp
CCOB A 1814-1822115WilliamPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822115Samuel RPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822118Rufner
CCOB A 1814-1822118Pennewit
CCOB A 1814-1822118JobHuddlestone
CCOB A 1814-1822118JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822118SamuelPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822120SamuelHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822120PeterEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822120SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822120DavidCanady
CCOB A 1814-1822120JosephRippy
CCOB A 1814-1822120LawrenceGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822120JohnPaterson
CCOB A 1814-1822120BealButler
CCOB A 1814-1822120CalebSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822120PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822120JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822120JohnCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822120ThomasCox
CCOB A 1814-1822120JamesCaldwell
CCOB A 1814-1822120WilliamGilbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822120HughEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822120DavidThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822120JohnSimmonds
CCOB A 1814-1822122GeorgeJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822122SarahMcKee
CCOB A 1814-1822122WilliamMcKee
CCOB A 1814-1822123MaryNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822123ThomasNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822123DavidCrews
CCOB A 1814-1822123SpencerStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822123JamesPerkins
CCOB A 1814-1822124IsaacBeason
CCOB A 1814-1822124ThomasHealy
CCOB A 1814-1822124DanielStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822124JacobLittle
CCOB A 1814-1822125DavidKarney
CCOB A 1814-1822125HughGlenn
CCOB A 1814-1822125JohnGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822125EzekielLeavel
CCOB A 1814-1822126JohnBayles
CCOB A 1814-1822126JohnWilkinson
CCOB A 1814-1822126WillsBuzan
CCOB A 1814-1822126GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822126Thomas FLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822126ThomasEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822127JohnNilson
CCOB A 1814-1822128JohnSimmons
CCOB A 1814-1822128WilliamPhillips
CCOB A 1814-1822128HughBaily
CCOB A 1814-1822128SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822128IsaacVanmeter
CCOB A 1814-1822128ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822129JamesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822129DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-1822129RobertGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822129AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822129WilliamWest
CCOB A 1814-1822129WilliamClawson
CCOB A 1814-1822129WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822129JohnPhillips
CCOB A 1814-1822129NathanielCase
CCOB A 1814-1822129JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822129JamesWalmer
CCOB A 1814-1822129WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822129WilliamElder
CCOB A 1814-1822129SamuelMcGorge
CCOB A 1814-1822129IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822129ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822129JesseDebenport
CCOB A 1814-1822129WilliamMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822130JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822130IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822130WilliamMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822130S CStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822130DavidCrews
CCOB A 1814-1822130SpencerStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822131WilliamGilbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822131JamesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822131DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-1822132JohnNilson
CCOB A 1814-1822133JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822133WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822135JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-1822135JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822135WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822135JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822135SamuelKing
CCOB A 1814-1822135JamesTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822135NathanGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822135PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822135CraffordConner
CCOB A 1814-1822135RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822135GreenburyCornelis
CCOB A 1814-1822135JohnGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822135JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822135WilliamJones
CCOB A 1814-1822135JohnRalston
CCOB A 1814-1822135JonathanHill
CCOB A 1814-1822135JacobBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822135EnosGrave
CCOB A 1814-1822135IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822136Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822136AddisonSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822136JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822136JohnFlemming
CCOB A 1814-1822137JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822137MaryStump
CCOB A 1814-1822137DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-1822137JohnHart
CCOB A 1814-1822137JosephWalling
CCOB A 1814-1822137DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822137RichardKulp
CCOB A 1814-1822137JacobReed
CCOB A 1814-1822137JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822137AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822137JacobLittle
CCOB A 1814-1822137Alexander CBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822137HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822138FrancisKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822138RobertKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822139HughEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822139JohnLastly
CCOB A 1814-1822139JohnSeeny
CCOB A 1814-1822140HughEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822140DavidThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822140JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822141WilliamGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822141JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822142JamesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822142DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-1822142David JWood
CCOB A 1814-1822142IsaiahDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822142LarkenRaynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822142CalebRaynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822142LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-1822142JesseWilletts
CCOB A 1814-1822142IsaacBeason
CCOB A 1814-1822142EzekielLevel
CCOB A 1814-1822142ThomasJones
CCOB A 1814-1822142SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822142JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822142JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822142IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822142ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822143JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822143JamesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822143DavidRailsback
CCOB A 1814-1822143IsaacVanmeter
CCOB A 1814-1822143ThomasNealy
CCOB A 1814-1822144JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822144LukeCarter
CCOB A 1814-1822144DavidCrews
CCOB A 1814-1822144SpencerStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822144JohnSimons
CCOB A 1814-1822146HughBaily
CCOB A 1814-1822146SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822146IsaacWamsley
CCOB A 1814-1822146NathanielWayne
CCOB A 1814-1822146Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822146JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-1822146AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822146RichardKulb
CCOB A 1814-1822146JesseHodges
CCOB A 1814-1822146IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822146LeviWilletts
CCOB A 1814-1822146JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822146WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822146JohnEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822146WilliamSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822146RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822146ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822146JohnMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822148Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822148BladenAshbey
CCOB A 1814-1822148JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-1822148George WHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822148DavidKarnes
CCOB A 1814-1822148RichardKulp
CCOB A 1814-1822149West
CCOB A 1814-1822149Stanly
CCOB A 1814-1822149Grant
CCOB A 1814-1822149DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822149JonathanHill
CCOB A 1814-1822150JacobKoons
CCOB A 1814-1822150Orange
CCOB A 1814-1822150Miriam
CCOB A 1814-1822150David
CCOB A 1814-1822150Dick
CCOB A 1814-1822150BladenAshbey
CCOB A 1814-1822150ThomasHill
CCOB A 1814-1822150AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822150ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822150Charlott
CCOB A 1814-1822150America
CCOB A 1814-1822150DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822150DavidFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822150HenryCaston
CCOB A 1814-1822150John BWhitford
CCOB A 1814-1822150NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822150PollyJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822151JohnSimmons
CCOB A 1814-1822151WilliamPhillips
CCOB A 1814-1822151CalebReynals
CCOB A 1814-1822151JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822151IsaiahDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822151LeviWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822151RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822151LarkinReynols
CCOB A 1814-1822151IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822151JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822151ThomasJones
CCOB A 1814-1822151AsaPrevo
CCOB A 1814-1822151ThomasMcCarty
CCOB A 1814-1822151BealButler
CCOB A 1814-1822152HughBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822152SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822152WalterBuel
CCOB A 1814-1822152JohnPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822152WilliamPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822153DavidKarnes
CCOB A 1814-1822153RichardKulb
CCOB A 1814-1822154Samuel PHedges
CCOB A 1814-1822154HarmanWarner
CCOB A 1814-1822154AdamRhodds
CCOB A 1814-1822154JamesHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822154SolomonHardin
CCOB A 1814-1822154WilliamGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822154JohnLee
CCOB A 1814-1822154SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822154MenterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822154RoyalSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822154WilliamBennett
CCOB A 1814-1822154IsaacGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822154WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822154JohnGalbrath
CCOB A 1814-1822155Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822155BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822156JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822156IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822156WilliamAldeson
CCOB A 1814-1822156WilliamMcLain
CCOB A 1814-1822156JesseDebenport
CCOB A 1814-1822156Stephen CStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822157HughBaily
CCOB A 1814-1822157SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822158JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-1822158JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822158WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822158JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822158ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822158IsraelHughs
CCOB A 1814-1822158AccomElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822158JesseMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822158RichardWharton
CCOB A 1814-1822158JohnConner
CCOB A 1814-1822158WilliamCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822158RobertMalcome
CCOB A 1814-1822158JohnSleeth
CCOB A 1814-1822158WilliamHastings
CCOB A 1814-1822158AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822158JacobHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822158JohnSimmons
CCOB A 1814-1822158IsaacGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822158JesseHodges
CCOB A 1814-1822158OvidBoon
CCOB A 1814-1822158FrancisClark
CCOB A 1814-1822158HenryLuder
CCOB A 1814-1822158Daniel JCaswell
CCOB A 1814-1822159HughEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822159DavidThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822159SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822159MenterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822159JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822159SamuelHanna
CCOB A 1814-1822159Alexander CBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822159WilliamBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822159JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822159RobertKindle
CCOB A 1814-1822159JohnCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822159NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822159FrancisCulbertson
CCOB A 1814-1822159IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822159LewisHozier
CCOB A 1814-1822159JamesJunkins
CCOB A 1814-1822160AdamRoads
CCOB A 1814-1822160John Jr.Beard
CCOB A 1814-1822161FrancisKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822161RobertKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822162WilliamBennet
CCOB A 1814-1822162JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822162SamuelHannah
CCOB A 1814-1822162Alexander CBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822162WilliamBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822162JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822162RobertKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822162BenjaminBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822162NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822162FrancisCulbertson
CCOB A 1814-1822162IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822162LewisHozier
CCOB A 1814-1822162JamesJunkens
CCOB A 1814-1822162Samuel PHedges
CCOB A 1814-1822163IsaacGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822163WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822163FrancisKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822163JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822163DavidJinkens
CCOB A 1814-1822163JamesBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822163ThomasHardin
CCOB A 1814-1822163Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822164HarmanWarum
CCOB A 1814-1822164ThomasNealy
CCOB A 1814-1822165WilliamGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822165JohnLee
CCOB A 1814-1822166RaswellSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822166JohnFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822167JohnLasly
CCOB A 1814-1822167JohnSeany
CCOB A 1814-1822167HughEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822167JohnLastly
CCOB A 1814-1822168JosephHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822168RobertGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822168FrancisCulbertson
CCOB A 1814-1822168DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822168NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822168Alexander CBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822168WilliamBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822168JamesJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822168JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822168JohnDrewry
CCOB A 1814-1822168IsaacBeason
CCOB A 1814-1822168HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822168JohnCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822169EphraimEstridge
CCOB A 1814-1822169JonathanPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822169WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822169ThomasMcCay
CCOB A 1814-1822169JamesDelap
CCOB A 1814-1822169IsaacVanmeter
CCOB A 1814-1822169ThomasNealy
CCOB A 1814-1822169RobertGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822169FrancisCulbertson
CCOB A 1814-1822169DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822169NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822169Alexander CBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822169WilliamBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822169JamesJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822169JesseWillett
CCOB A 1814-1822169JohnDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822169HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822169JohnCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822169BenjaminHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822169JohnMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822170JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822171JosephHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822171WilliamFarlow
CCOB A 1814-1822171WilliamCummins
CCOB A 1814-1822172IsaacVanmeter
CCOB A 1814-1822172ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822172HughBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822172SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822172IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822173JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822173HenryCoston
CCOB A 1814-1822173John BWhitford
CCOB A 1814-1822173Thomas FLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822173BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822174JamesNoble
CCOB A 1814-1822174JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822174MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822174Morrison
CCOB A 1814-1822174Hill
CCOB A 1814-1822174WilliamKindall
CCOB A 1814-1822175LaurenceGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822175AndrewTharp
CCOB A 1814-1822175SamuelPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822175WilliamPatterson
CCOB A 1814-1822175ThomasAllen
CCOB A 1814-1822175JohnBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822175AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822176JobHuddleston
CCOB A 1814-1822176NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822176JamesWebster
CCOB A 1814-1822176AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822176AnchinJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822177JoshuaSimpson
CCOB A 1814-1822177SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822177GriffinTredaway
CCOB A 1814-1822177JohnBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822177JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822178SolomonHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822178S CStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822178JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822178WilliamMcClaine
CCOB A 1814-1822179JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822179IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822179ReasonDavis
CCOB A 1814-1822180JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-1822180JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822180WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822180JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822180ReasonDavis
CCOB A 1814-1822180JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822180JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822180JamesPrevo
CCOB A 1814-1822180AndrewFouts
CCOB A 1814-1822180JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822180PeterLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822180SolomanHorney
CCOB A 1814-1822180JosephBond
CCOB A 1814-1822180JamesDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822180ThomasCraner
CCOB A 1814-1822180PatrickMcCarty
CCOB A 1814-1822180PeterHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822180JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822180JohnMcKee
CCOB A 1814-1822180AbelLoman
CCOB A 1814-1822180ThomasKnight
CCOB A 1814-1822180JonathanHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822180Samuel PHedges
CCOB A 1814-1822181WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822181IsaacGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822181WilliamGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822182SolomonHardin
CCOB A 1814-1822182RosswelSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822182JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822182ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822182JosephRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822182WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822182IsaacBarker
CCOB A 1814-1822182JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822182JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822182JacobBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822182JosephBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822182JohnHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822182JosephLadd
CCOB A 1814-1822182WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822182JohnCunningham
CCOB A 1814-1822183JohnLasley
CCOB A 1814-1822183JonathanPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822183JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822183JonathanGrave
CCOB A 1814-1822183JosephRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822183JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822183WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822183IsaacBarker
CCOB A 1814-1822183JosephBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822183JacobBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822183JosephLadd
CCOB A 1814-1822183WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822183JohnHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822183JohnCunningham
CCOB A 1814-1822184EphraimEstrige
CCOB A 1814-1822184JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822184Jonathan JGrave
CCOB A 1814-1822184JosephRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822184JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822184WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822184JacobBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822184IsaacBarker
CCOB A 1814-1822184JosephBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822184JosephLadd
CCOB A 1814-1822184WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822184JohnHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822184JohnCuningham
CCOB A 1814-1822185WilliamMcBrom
CCOB A 1814-1822185WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822185William SmithJones
CCOB A 1814-1822186JamesDelap
CCOB A 1814-1822186DGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822186SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-1822186ElikimHarding
CCOB A 1814-1822186JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822187HughBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822187SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822187JacobHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822187Jonathan LGrave
CCOB A 1814-1822187JosephRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822187WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822187IsaacBarker
CCOB A 1814-1822187JacobBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822187WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822187JosephBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnCunningham
CCOB A 1814-1822187JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnDavison
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-1822187SutherlandPhares
CCOB A 1814-1822187JohnBaldin
CCOB A 1814-1822188JonasHavens
CCOB A 1814-1822188JohnNelson
CCOB A 1814-1822188DGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822188SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-1822188ElikimHarding
CCOB A 1814-1822189HughBaly
CCOB A 1814-1822189SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822189Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822189BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822189JonasHavens
CCOB A 1814-1822189JohnNelson
CCOB A 1814-1822190NathanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822190PollyJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822190ThomasAllen
CCOB A 1814-1822190JohnBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822190AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822191JoshuaSimpson
CCOB A 1814-1822191SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822191GriffinTredaway
CCOB A 1814-1822191JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822191JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822191JosiahCheatham
CCOB A 1814-1822192JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822192AaronCook
CCOB A 1814-1822192ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822192JamesDelap
CCOB A 1814-1822192JohnHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822192HenryPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822192IsaacBarker
CCOB A 1814-1822192JacobHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822192JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822192JosephRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822192WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822192JacobBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822192Jonathan LGrave
CCOB A 1814-1822192JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822192WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822192JohnHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822192JosephBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822192JohnCunningham
CCOB A 1814-1822193ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822193JamesDelap
CCOB A 1814-1822193DGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822193SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-1822193ElikimHarding
CCOB A 1814-1822194HughBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822194SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822194IsaacBeason
CCOB A 1814-1822194ThomasNealy
CCOB A 1814-1822194JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822194ReasonDavis
CCOB A 1814-1822194JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822194JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822194WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822194DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822195JohnHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822195JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822195WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822195JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822195BealButler
CCOB A 1814-1822195JamesOdell
CCOB A 1814-1822196EzraBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822196ThomasSwain
CCOB A 1814-1822196RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822196JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822196PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822197ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822197JohnWatts
CCOB A 1814-1822197JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822197WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822198GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822198AbrahamAshbey
CCOB A 1814-1822198SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822198JamesPegg
CCOB A 1814-1822198JesseShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822198RobertBennit
CCOB A 1814-1822198ThomasMoffat
CCOB A 1814-1822198JohnThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822198ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822198EdwardBenbow
CCOB A 1814-1822198JohnWallace
CCOB A 1814-1822198HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822198NathanGrave
CCOB A 1814-1822198JacobLybrook
CCOB A 1814-1822198BenjaminHill
CCOB A 1814-1822198CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822198James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822198JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822198IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822198SolomonHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822198JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-1822198William WWick
CCOB A 1814-1822198NathanielFrench
CCOB A 1814-1822198James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822198JohnStump
CCOB A 1814-1822199JohnHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822199JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822199JosiahCheatham
CCOB A 1814-1822199HughBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822199SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822200EdmondHarrison
CCOB A 1814-1822200Lawrence HBranum
CCOB A 1814-1822200ThomasAllen
CCOB A 1814-1822200JohnBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822200AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822201HenryCoston
CCOB A 1814-1822201John BWhitford
CCOB A 1814-1822201JoshuaSimpson
CCOB A 1814-1822201GriffinTreadaway
CCOB A 1814-1822201SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822202JohnDavisson
CCOB A 1814-1822202JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-1822202EvanChalfant
CCOB A 1814-1822202AdamCoffin
CCOB A 1814-1822202JohnReed
CCOB A 1814-1822203GeorgeSaunderson
CCOB A 1814-1822203ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822203JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822203JohnBoyles
CCOB A 1814-1822203JohnDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822203JacobWhiteman
CCOB A 1814-1822203EmeryHobbs
CCOB A 1814-1822203John WAlley
CCOB A 1814-1822204JosephSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822204DianaSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822205JohnBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822205LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822205IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822205ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822205DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822205JohnBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822205HiramHedges
CCOB A 1814-1822205Charles HStanley
CCOB A 1814-1822205Laurence HBranan
CCOB A 1814-1822205JamesBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822206JonathanMinner
CCOB A 1814-1822206SaryRitter
CCOB A 1814-1822206JosephFlink
CCOB A 1814-1822206Holaway DPugh
CCOB A 1814-1822206AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822206LewisLittle
CCOB A 1814-1822206HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822206JamesOdell
CCOB A 1814-1822207AlexanderMiller
CCOB A 1814-1822207MordecaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822207Enoch DJohn
CCOB A 1814-1822207JohnRussell
CCOB A 1814-1822208John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822208StephenGriffith
CCOB A 1814-1822208LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822208ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822208EphraimClark
CCOB A 1814-1822209ArthurHenry
CCOB A 1814-1822209LewisStrong
CCOB A 1814-1822209Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822209Josiah WashingtonCheatum
CCOB A 1814-1822209JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822210James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822210JonathanJennings
CCOB A 1814-1822210JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822210PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822210ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822210Thomas PLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822210DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822211James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822211JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822211IsaacShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822211WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822211JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822211SamuelGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822211JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822211JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822211LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822211LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822211PeterDunn
CCOB A 1814-1822211JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822211EmsleyPope
CCOB A 1814-1822212SamuelGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822212JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822212JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822212LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822213JohnWatts
CCOB A 1814-1822213JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822213WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822213ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822213JosephHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822213WilliamThornbrough
CCOB A 1814-1822213HenryBryant
CCOB A 1814-1822213IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822213ThomasRay
CCOB A 1814-1822213WrightLancaster
CCOB A 1814-1822213HenryMiller
CCOB A 1814-1822213JesseClark
CCOB A 1814-1822213JamesHayse
CCOB A 1814-1822213JohnDougan
CCOB A 1814-1822213SamuelCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822213DavidCanaday
CCOB A 1814-1822213John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822213Thos LLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822213JohnMcGay
CCOB A 1814-1822213JohnShelly
CCOB A 1814-1822213JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822213JohnHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822213JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822213EmsleyPope
CCOB A 1814-1822213PeterDurr
CCOB A 1814-1822214JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822214Josiah WCheatham
CCOB A 1814-1822214JamesHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822214IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822214ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822214WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822214BenjaminModlin
CCOB A 1814-1822214JohnAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822214JamesWright
CCOB A 1814-1822214AbishaCrumb
CCOB A 1814-1822214IraHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822214BarneyMcManus
CCOB A 1814-1822214AbleJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822214JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822214IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822214IsaacBonine
CCOB A 1814-1822214IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822215EmeryHobbs
CCOB A 1814-1822215John WAlley
CCOB A 1814-1822215ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822215EphraimClark
CCOB A 1814-1822215JohnBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822215LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822215HenryBryant
CCOB A 1814-1822215PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822215SamuelGrewel
CCOB A 1814-1822215JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822215LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822215JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822216Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822216AlexanderMiller
CCOB A 1814-1822216MordecaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822216HenryGarret
CCOB A 1814-1822217LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822217BenjaminModlin
CCOB A 1814-1822217JohnAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822217JamesWright
CCOB A 1814-1822217AbramCrum
CCOB A 1814-1822217IraHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822217BarnyMcMannes
CCOB A 1814-1822217AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822217JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822217IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822217IsaacBonine
CCOB A 1814-1822217IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822217RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822218JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822218JosiahCheatham
CCOB A 1814-1822218JamesHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822218AnnJackson
CCOB A 1814-1822218WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822218HughBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822218SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822218ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822218EphraimClark
CCOB A 1814-1822219HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822219LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822219PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822219HenryBriant
CCOB A 1814-1822219Holloway
CCOB A 1814-1822219Pugh
CCOB A 1814-1822219AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822219HiramHedges
CCOB A 1814-1822219Charles HStanley
CCOB A 1814-1822219JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822219HenryRockefeller
CCOB A 1814-1822219MordecaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822219HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822219JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822219Laurence HBranan
CCOB A 1814-1822219JohnMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822219CorneliusRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822219LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822219David FSackett
CCOB A 1814-1822219JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822220Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822220JohnLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822220JonathanJenings
CCOB A 1814-1822220JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822220DanielBrooks
CCOB A 1814-1822220AbramElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822220RobertJohn
CCOB A 1814-1822220Bethuel FMorris
CCOB A 1814-1822220JohnRussel
CCOB A 1814-1822221David WSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822221JohnBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822221LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822221JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822222JeremiahMeeks
CCOB A 1814-1822222JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822222IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822222JohnPearson
CCOB A 1814-1822222JohnDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822222JacobWhiteman
CCOB A 1814-1822222JohnHerington
CCOB A 1814-1822222JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822223IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822223ThomasNeely
CCOB A 1814-1822223ThomasBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822223EphraimClark
CCOB A 1814-1822224JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822224HenryRockafellar
CCOB A 1814-1822224HenryCaston
CCOB A 1814-1822224John BWhitford
CCOB A 1814-1822224HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822224LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822224PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822224HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-1822224Hollaway
CCOB A 1814-1822224Pugh
CCOB A 1814-1822224AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822224IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822224JohnPearson
CCOB A 1814-1822224WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822224BenjaminMadlin
CCOB A 1814-1822224JohnAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822224JonasWright
CCOB A 1814-1822224AbramCrum
CCOB A 1814-1822224ElijahThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822224BarnyMcManus
CCOB A 1814-1822224AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822224JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822224IsaacBonine
CCOB A 1814-1822224JohnPool
CCOB A 1814-1822224AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822225JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822225WilliamWiley
CCOB A 1814-1822225LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822225AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822225WileyJones
CCOB A 1814-1822225HiramStone
CCOB A 1814-1822225LeviDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822225SamuelWiley
CCOB A 1814-1822225JohnWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822225DavidSea
CCOB A 1814-1822225MordecaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822225HenryGarret
CCOB A 1814-1822225BenjaminCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822225NathanCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822226JosiahElston
CCOB A 1814-1822226JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822226EuelKindall
CCOB A 1814-1822226AaronMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822226John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822226IsaacWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822226JohnPearson
CCOB A 1814-1822226JohnHerington
CCOB A 1814-1822226JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822226JonathanJenings
CCOB A 1814-1822226JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822226PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822226ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822226DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822226Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822227HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822227LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822227PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822227HenryGarret
CCOB A 1814-1822227JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822227WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822227WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822227James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822227WilliamGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822227JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822228JonathanJenings
CCOB A 1814-1822228JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822228PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822228ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822228Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822228DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822230JohnWatts
CCOB A 1814-1822230JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822230WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822230DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822230AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822230HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822230DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822230RobertBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822230JohnSparrh
CCOB A 1814-1822230NathanSymons
CCOB A 1814-1822230JesseBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822230WilliamTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822230JohnWright
CCOB A 1814-1822230DavidWright
CCOB A 1814-1822230JacobReed
CCOB A 1814-1822230LewisHosier
CCOB A 1814-1822230AbnerClawson
CCOB A 1814-1822230BenjaminModlin
CCOB A 1814-1822230David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822230JohnGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822230NathanOverman
CCOB A 1814-1822230Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822230WilliamHosier
CCOB A 1814-1822230JohnHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822230JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822230EmslyPope
CCOB A 1814-1822231JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822231JosiahCheatun
CCOB A 1814-1822231CharlesCanaday
CCOB A 1814-1822231JohnEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822231IsaacConley
CCOB A 1814-1822231Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822231IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822231JoelFergason
CCOB A 1814-1822231JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822231JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822231JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822231EliButler
CCOB A 1814-1822231LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-1822231JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822231DavidLee
CCOB A 1814-1822231GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822231IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822231David TSackett
CCOB A 1814-1822231JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822231RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-1822231EzekielCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822231GeorgeCornelius
CCOB A 1814-1822231DavidSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822231JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822231JamesJunkins
CCOB A 1814-1822231ThomasBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822231BarnabasSpringer
CCOB A 1814-1822232LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822232JohnClark
CCOB A 1814-1822232StephenCox
CCOB A 1814-1822232DavidOdam
CCOB A 1814-1822232PeterJefferson
CCOB A 1814-1822232JohnBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822233JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822233WilliamWiley
CCOB A 1814-1822233GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822233IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822233David FSacket
CCOB A 1814-1822233JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822233RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-1822233EzekielCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822233GeorgeCornelius
CCOB A 1814-1822233DavidSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822233JamesJunkens
CCOB A 1814-1822233JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822233ThomasBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822233BarnabasSpringer
CCOB A 1814-1822233LeviDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822234LewisDavis
CCOB A 1814-1822234Alexander CBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822234SamuelBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822235JohnWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822235SamuelWiley
CCOB A 1814-1822235CharlesCanady
CCOB A 1814-1822235JohnEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822235IsaacConley
CCOB A 1814-1822235Jeremiah JMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822235IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822235JoelFerguson
CCOB A 1814-1822235JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822235JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822235JohnJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822235EliButler
CCOB A 1814-1822235LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-1822235JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822235JessePegg
CCOB A 1814-1822235JohnClarke
CCOB A 1814-1822235JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822235HenryRockefellow
CCOB A 1814-1822236HenryCaston
CCOB A 1814-1822236John BWhitford
CCOB A 1814-1822236LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822236AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822236WileyJones
CCOB A 1814-1822236HiramStone
CCOB A 1814-1822236CharlesCanaday
CCOB A 1814-1822236JeremiahCox
CCOB A 1814-1822236JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822236David FSackett
CCOB A 1814-1822236JohnEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822236IsaacConley
CCOB A 1814-1822236Jeremiah JMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822236IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822236JoelFerguson
CCOB A 1814-1822236HenryGarret
CCOB A 1814-1822236Joseph FFox
CCOB A 1814-1822236LarkenReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822237JosiahElston
CCOB A 1814-1822237JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822237LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822237DanielBrooks
CCOB A 1814-1822237AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822237ArthurHenrie
CCOB A 1814-1822237Lewis RStrong
CCOB A 1814-1822238JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822238Laurence HBrannan
CCOB A 1814-1822238JohnMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822238HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822238LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822238PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822238HenryBryant
CCOB A 1814-1822238John
CCOB A 1814-1822238Morris
CCOB A 1814-1822238JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822239JonathanJennings
CCOB A 1814-1822239JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822239DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822239ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822239Thomas FLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822239Lawrence HBranum
CCOB A 1814-1822239JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822239ArthurHenry
CCOB A 1814-1822239LewisStrong
CCOB A 1814-1822240DanielBrooks
CCOB A 1814-1822240AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822240JohnWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822240SamuelWiley
CCOB A 1814-1822240JonathanJenings
CCOB A 1814-1822240JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822240PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822240ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822240Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822240DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822240JohnEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822240IsaacConly
CCOB A 1814-1822240IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822240JoelFergason
CCOB A 1814-1822240JosephFox
CCOB A 1814-1822240JeremiahCox
CCOB A 1814-1822240JohnCharles
CCOB A 1814-1822240LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822240RobertGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822240JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822241JohnDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822241JacobWhiteman
CCOB A 1814-1822241DanielBrooks
CCOB A 1814-1822241AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822241HiramHedges
CCOB A 1814-1822241Charles HStanley
CCOB A 1814-1822241AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822241StephenGossen
CCOB A 1814-1822241AbrahamWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822241JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822241LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822241JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822241WilliamMcCarty
CCOB A 1814-1822241JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822241WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822241JohnBerry
CCOB A 1814-1822242JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822242WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822242JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822242WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822242JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822242Laurence HBrannan
CCOB A 1814-1822242JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822243JonathanJenings
CCOB A 1814-1822243JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822243JohnHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822243JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822243KinohanJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822243L HBranum
CCOB A 1814-1822244MaryKnight
CCOB A 1814-1822244JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822244JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822244Laurence HBrannan
CCOB A 1814-1822244JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822244JohnMcCormack
CCOB A 1814-1822245LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822245JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822245IsraelAbrahams
CCOB A 1814-1822245SamuelBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822246DanielBrooks
CCOB A 1814-1822246AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822246JohnPegg
CCOB A 1814-1822246RennyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822246ThompsonJones
CCOB A 1814-1822246JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822246JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822247SamuelBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822247LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822247ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822247HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822247BladenAshley
CCOB A 1814-1822247HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822247PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822247HenryBriant
CCOB A 1814-1822247WilliamCampell
CCOB A 1814-1822247SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822247JeremiCory
CCOB A 1814-1822247ThompsonJones
CCOB A 1814-1822247RennyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822248CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822248JohnRobbins
CCOB A 1814-1822248JacobKouns
CCOB A 1814-1822248HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822248JonathanJenings
CCOB A 1814-1822248JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822248PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822248ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822248Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822248DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822248LewisMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822249DavidPugh
CCOB A 1814-1822249DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822249Holloway
CCOB A 1814-1822249Pugh
CCOB A 1814-1822249SamuelBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822249LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822249WilliamReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822250ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822250HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822250BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822250LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822250CharlesGordon
CCOB A 1814-1822250PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822250BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822250Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822250EliasWillitts
CCOB A 1814-1822250StephenGossin
CCOB A 1814-1822250JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822250WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822250ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822250PatrickBaird
CCOB A 1814-1822250BenjaminSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822250JesseWillitts
CCOB A 1814-1822251KinshenJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822251Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822251JonathanJennings
CCOB A 1814-1822251JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822251PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822251ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822251DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822251Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822253JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822253WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822253JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822253CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822253ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822253DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822253James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822255Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822255WilliamMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822255JesseDevenport
CCOB A 1814-1822255AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822255LeviWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822255DanielFraley
CCOB A 1814-1822255SamuelMcMahen
CCOB A 1814-1822255ShadrackHenderson
CCOB A 1814-1822255ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822255JosephWay
CCOB A 1814-1822255JosiahGilbert
CCOB A 1814-1822255MathewSymons
CCOB A 1814-1822255JonathanKidwell
CCOB A 1814-1822255DanielFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822255BenjaminElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822255DanielOsborn
CCOB A 1814-1822255PeterMelender
CCOB A 1814-1822255ThomasRay
CCOB A 1814-1822255BenjaminCox
CCOB A 1814-1822255JamesShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822255JamesGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822255William CDrew
CCOB A 1814-1822255JohnHerington
CCOB A 1814-1822255JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822256LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822256JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822256JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822256EmsleyPope
CCOB A 1814-1822256DanielLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822256HenryLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822256AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822257DanielLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822257AlfredLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822257WillisParkison
CCOB A 1814-1822257JohnLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822257HenryLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822257AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822257EnelKindal
CCOB A 1814-1822257JohnWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822257JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822257Julius JWood
CCOB A 1814-1822257LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822258PeterEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822258WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822258JohnDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822258JacobWhiteman
CCOB A 1814-1822259CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822259JohnRoberts
CCOB A 1814-1822259JosiahElston
CCOB A 1814-1822259JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822259Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822259KinshenJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822259Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822259ThomasJones
CCOB A 1814-1822260ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822260BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822260HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822260JohnMcCormack
CCOB A 1814-1822260ThompsonJones
CCOB A 1814-1822261JohnPegg
CCOB A 1814-1822261RenyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822261ThompsonJones
CCOB A 1814-1822261JeremiahCory
CCOB A 1814-1822261JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822261JohnMcClane
CCOB A 1814-1822261Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822261ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822261GeorgeIrwin
CCOB A 1814-1822262WilliamCampbell
CCOB A 1814-1822262SamlShordridge
CCOB A 1814-1822262NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822262SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822262JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822263CharlesMoffat
CCOB A 1814-1822263SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822263RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822263EliakimHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822263SamuelHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822263IsraelHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822263RobertHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822263JamesGorden
CCOB A 1814-1822263JohnWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822263GeorgeIrwin
CCOB A 1814-1822263SamuelShortrige
CCOB A 1814-1822264NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-1822264WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822264Holloway
CCOB A 1814-1822264Pugh
CCOB A 1814-1822264DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822264ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822264RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822264JonathanOsborn
CCOB A 1814-1822264JacobMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822265AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822265JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822265JosephDewy
CCOB A 1814-1822265EdwardHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822265WilliamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822265AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822265ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822265AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822265LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822265StephenCox
CCOB A 1814-1822265JohnClark
CCOB A 1814-1822265ChristopherRoddy
CCOB A 1814-1822265LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822265AbleJohnston
CCOB A 1814-1822265JosephBowers
CCOB A 1814-1822265IsaacLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822265Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822265JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822265JesseShundage
CCOB A 1814-1822265WilliamBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822265BenjaminAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822266HenryWarman
CCOB A 1814-1822266JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822266RenyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822266BenjaminModlin
CCOB A 1814-1822266JohnGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822266JosephDale
CCOB A 1814-1822266SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-1822267ArtherHenry
CCOB A 1814-1822267JamesCarmack
CCOB A 1814-1822267SamuelCarmack
CCOB A 1814-1822267David WSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822267WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822267JamesWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822267JohnPearson
CCOB A 1814-1822268JohnBurgess
CCOB A 1814-1822268AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822268DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822268JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822268Charles HStanly
CCOB A 1814-1822268JamesBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822268JohnBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822268AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822269BenjaminMoore
CCOB A 1814-1822269DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822269WilliamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822269AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822269PeterEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822269WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822269ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822269BladenAshbey
CCOB A 1814-1822269HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822269ElijahMundan
CCOB A 1814-1822269CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822269JohnHerington
CCOB A 1814-1822269JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822270ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822270BladenAshbey
CCOB A 1814-1822270HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822270JeremiahCory
CCOB A 1814-1822270RenyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822271JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822271Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822271JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822271ThomasJones
CCOB A 1814-1822271ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822271GeorgeIrwin
CCOB A 1814-1822272GeorgeIrwin
CCOB A 1814-1822272SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822272JohnShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822272GeorgeTreadaway
CCOB A 1814-1822272NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-1822272WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822272William SmithJones
CCOB A 1814-1822273ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822273RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822273JohnWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822273JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822273JosephPowers
CCOB A 1814-1822273JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822273JohnWillis
CCOB A 1814-1822273AdamCoffin
CCOB A 1814-1822273FrancisCoffin
CCOB A 1814-1822274JesseMunden
CCOB A 1814-1822274JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822274HenryWarman
CCOB A 1814-1822274RenyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822274JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822274JamesGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822274David WSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822274WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822274Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822275JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822275JohnHerington
CCOB A 1814-1822275JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822275WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822275JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822275TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822275WilliamJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822275SamlFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822275AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822275JohnJorden
CCOB A 1814-1822275PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822275IsaacCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822275JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822275MartinMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822275WilliamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822275AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822275ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822276AbrahamWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822276JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822276PeterEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822276PeggyGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822276SamuelWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822276JohnBerry
CCOB A 1814-1822276LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822276JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822276StephenGassen
CCOB A 1814-1822276ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822276WmElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822276JamesElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822276JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822276WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822276JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822276JosephPowers
CCOB A 1814-1822276JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822276AsaWhite
CCOB A 1814-1822276Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822277NicholasDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822277WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822277William SJones
CCOB A 1814-1822278DavidCaneday
CCOB A 1814-1822278SimonYanders
CCOB A 1814-1822278ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822278BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822278HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822279NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-1822279WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822279William SJones
CCOB A 1814-1822279JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822279WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822279JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822279TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822279WilliamJohnston
CCOB A 1814-1822279SamuelFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822279AbsolamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822279CalebLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822279SamuelBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822279PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822279IsaacCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822279JohnMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822279JamesGorden
CCOB A 1814-1822279JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-1822279DavidPugh
CCOB A 1814-1822279JobPugh
CCOB A 1814-1822279DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822279WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822280Holloway
CCOB A 1814-1822280Pugh
CCOB A 1814-1822280DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822280WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822280AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822280StephenGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822280RobertMcCaine
CCOB A 1814-1822280SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822280JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822280WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822281ThomasHollet
CCOB A 1814-1822281JohnHallet
CCOB A 1814-1822281MarkHallet
CCOB A 1814-1822281MarthaHallet
CCOB A 1814-1822281MarkHollet
CCOB A 1814-1822281AnnNusum
CCOB A 1814-1822281BenjaminMoore
CCOB A 1814-1822282RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822282WilliamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822282AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822282ChristopherRoddy
CCOB A 1814-1822282LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822282AbelJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822282JosephLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822282WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822282JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822282TimothyHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822282WilliamJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822282AbsalamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822282CalebWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822282SamuelBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822282PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822282IsaacCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822282ThomasCraner
CCOB A 1814-1822282JohnJordan
CCOB A 1814-1822283James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822283JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822283WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822283JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822283EwelKendall
CCOB A 1814-1822283LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822285Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822285JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822285WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822285AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822285JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822285WilliamGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822285ThomasAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822285JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822285RichardSedgewick
CCOB A 1814-1822285HenryRice
CCOB A 1814-1822285RichardWharton
CCOB A 1814-1822285JonathanJustice
CCOB A 1814-1822285WilliamMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822285WilliamSwafford
CCOB A 1814-1822285JohnStanley
CCOB A 1814-1822285ZimriCook
CCOB A 1814-1822285BenjaminJones
CCOB A 1814-1822285MartinMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822285JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822285SawyerMcFadden
CCOB A 1814-1822285WilliamSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822285Thos TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822285WilliamWilkeson
CCOB A 1814-1822285JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822285JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822285PeggyGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822286JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822286AbrahamWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822286JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822286ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822286SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822286WilliamBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822286JacobGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822286WilliamFox
CCOB A 1814-1822286JosiahBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822286JohnCalloway
CCOB A 1814-1822286LanclotBell
CCOB A 1814-1822286EliGrapen
CCOB A 1814-1822286WilliamSait
CCOB A 1814-1822286GeorgeBeeler
CCOB A 1814-1822287ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822287WilliamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822287JamesElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822287AdonijahRhambo
CCOB A 1814-1822287JosephPrater
CCOB A 1814-1822287IsiahWeekly
CCOB A 1814-1822287CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822287JesseWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822287JMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822288StephenGossen
CCOB A 1814-1822288ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822288SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822288WilliamBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822288JacobGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822288WilliamWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822288WilliamFox
CCOB A 1814-1822288JosiahBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822288JohnCalloway
CCOB A 1814-1822288LanclotBell
CCOB A 1814-1822288WilliamSait
CCOB A 1814-1822288GeorgeBeeler
CCOB A 1814-1822288IsraelAbrahams
CCOB A 1814-1822288ThomasJackson
CCOB A 1814-1822288WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822288LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822288JohnBerry
CCOB A 1814-1822288SamuelWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822289ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822289AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822289WilliamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822289JohnDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822289JacobWhiteman
CCOB A 1814-1822289WilliamCampbell
CCOB A 1814-1822289SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822289RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822289WilliamWest
CCOB A 1814-1822289ThomasWest
CCOB A 1814-1822290JesseMunden
CCOB A 1814-1822290AlexanderThompson
CCOB A 1814-1822290SarahTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822290JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822290WilliamFaucet
CCOB A 1814-1822290JohnHarington
CCOB A 1814-1822290LaurenceGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822290DavidOdom
CCOB A 1814-1822290SolomanHittle
CCOB A 1814-1822290AsahelWoodward
CCOB A 1814-1822290BenjaminMoor
CCOB A 1814-1822291JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822291ThomasManning
CCOB A 1814-1822291RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822291JosephNichols
CCOB A 1814-1822291AdamCoffin
CCOB A 1814-1822292CharlesMoffat
CCOB A 1814-1822292SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822292RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822292WilliamGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822292AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822292StephenGappen
CCOB A 1814-1822292ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822292SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822292JacobGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822292Willits
CCOB A 1814-1822292JosiahBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822292JohnCalaway
CCOB A 1814-1822292LancelotBell
CCOB A 1814-1822292WilliamSaint
CCOB A 1814-1822292GeorgeBeeler
CCOB A 1814-1822292HenryGarret
CCOB A 1814-1822292JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822292WilliamBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822293JosephDale
CCOB A 1814-1822293SamuelMcGeorge
CCOB A 1814-1822293John CKibbey
CCOB A 1814-1822293JosephFlint
CCOB A 1814-1822293WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822293JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822294WilliamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822294AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822294ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822294JamesBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822294JohnBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822294AbramElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822294ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822294RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822295PeterEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822295WilliamMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822295WilliamCampbell
CCOB A 1814-1822295SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822295GriffinTredaway
CCOB A 1814-1822295BenjaminMoore
CCOB A 1814-1822295DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822295WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822296ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822296BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822296HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822297AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822297JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822297EdwardHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822297JosephDewey
CCOB A 1814-1822297JamesDrummon
CCOB A 1814-1822297StephenGriffiths
CCOB A 1814-1822297LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822297LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822298JamesBurns
CCOB A 1814-1822298JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822298AbrahamElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822298JamesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822298RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822298JohnPearson
CCOB A 1814-1822299Edward LFrost
CCOB A 1814-1822299JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822299JesseClark
CCOB A 1814-1822299ObedBeeker
CCOB A 1814-1822299PaulSwain
CCOB A 1814-1822299JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822299MichaelNees
CCOB A 1814-1822300JosiahWeekly
CCOB A 1814-1822300CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822300JesseWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822300JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822300NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-1822300MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822300WilliamFaucet
CCOB A 1814-1822300JohnHarington
CCOB A 1814-1822300GriffinTredaway
CCOB A 1814-1822301MosesRobertson
CCOB A 1814-1822301HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822301CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822301LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822301JohnGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822301SpencerFree
CCOB A 1814-1822302AdonijahRambow
CCOB A 1814-1822302JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822302ShadrachLawellan
CCOB A 1814-1822302WilliamStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822302BealButler
CCOB A 1814-1822302AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822302JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822302JamesFlemig
CCOB A 1814-1822302StephenThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822302JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822302DavidCanaday
CCOB A 1814-1822303AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822303JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822303EdwardHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822303JosephDewey
CCOB A 1814-1822303JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822303David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822303William CDrew
CCOB A 1814-1822304JohnHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822304JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822304Smith
CCOB A 1814-1822304Frost
CCOB A 1814-1822304SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822305JohnHarington
CCOB A 1814-1822305JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822305LeviWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822306ThomasJackson
CCOB A 1814-1822306WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822306JohnWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822306JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822307ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822307BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822307HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822307DavidCaneday
CCOB A 1814-1822307SimonYanders
CCOB A 1814-1822308AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822308JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822308LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822308LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822308ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822308RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822308JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822308AaronSaunders
CCOB A 1814-1822308DanielMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822308JosephRaper
CCOB A 1814-1822308JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822309Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822309CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822309FranklinMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822309AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822309IsaacRenbarger
CCOB A 1814-1822309MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822309LeviDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822309StephenGappin
CCOB A 1814-1822309AlexanderSuits
CCOB A 1814-1822309JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822309WilliamScott
CCOB A 1814-1822309JohnMcLean
CCOB A 1814-1822310James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822310JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822310WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822310WilliamGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822310JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822310ThomasAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822311Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822311JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822311WilliamMcLane
CCOB A 1814-1822311AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822311JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822311PatrickHort
CCOB A 1814-1822311ReubenBratton
CCOB A 1814-1822311HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-1822311PeterDicks
CCOB A 1814-1822311WilliamAndrews
CCOB A 1814-1822311JohnBell
CCOB A 1814-1822311EphraimClark
CCOB A 1814-1822311JamesWickerham
CCOB A 1814-1822311JohnBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822311JosephWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822311SolomonHorney
CCOB A 1814-1822311ThomasKindall
CCOB A 1814-1822311JamesJunkins
CCOB A 1814-1822311SamuelWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822311EliWright
CCOB A 1814-1822311JehuStuart
CCOB A 1814-1822311JamesGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822311CyrusFinch
CCOB A 1814-1822311StephenWhitcher
CCOB A 1814-1822311Oliver HSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822311RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822312JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822312LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822312JohnMcLain
CCOB A 1814-1822313PeterEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822313StephenGappen
CCOB A 1814-1822314IsaacRenbarger
CCOB A 1814-1822314DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822314GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822314JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822314GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822314JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822314RobertLevel
CCOB A 1814-1822314BarneyMcManus
CCOB A 1814-1822314EphramBowles
CCOB A 1814-1822314ThomasBaldridge
CCOB A 1814-1822314JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822314EdwardBenbo
CCOB A 1814-1822314JamesHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822315AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822315DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822315GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822315JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822315GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822315JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822315RobertLeavel
CCOB A 1814-1822315BaryMcMannes
CCOB A 1814-1822315EphraimBoles
CCOB A 1814-1822315ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822315JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822315EdwardBenbow
CCOB A 1814-1822315JamesHolmes
CCOB A 1814-1822316FranklinMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822316DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822316JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822316GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822316EdwardBenbow
CCOB A 1814-1822316EphraimBowles
CCOB A 1814-1822316ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822316GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822316JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822316RobertLeavel
CCOB A 1814-1822316BarryMcMannes
CCOB A 1814-1822316JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822316JamesHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822317JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822317AlexanderSuits
CCOB A 1814-1822317BartlettWoodward
CCOB A 1814-1822317JosephMennifold
CCOB A 1814-1822317DilmanBoles
CCOB A 1814-1822317JohnGibson
CCOB A 1814-1822318WilliamScott
CCOB A 1814-1822318DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822318JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822318GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822318EdwardBenbow
CCOB A 1814-1822318EphraimBowles
CCOB A 1814-1822318ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822318GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822318JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822318RobertLeavel
CCOB A 1814-1822318BarnyMcMannes
CCOB A 1814-1822318JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822318JamesHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822319JohnHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822319JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822321JamesJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822321MajorDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822321LeviDodson
CCOB A 1814-1822321JamesJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822321JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822321JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822321BarneyMcManus
CCOB A 1814-1822321JohnShane
CCOB A 1814-1822321WilliamElder
CCOB A 1814-1822321NathanHill
CCOB A 1814-1822321JonathanKidwell
CCOB A 1814-1822321RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822321Jacob NBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822321JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822321Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822321Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822323JohnHays
CCOB A 1814-1822324JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822324NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-1822325Henry MShreeve
CCOB A 1814-1822325PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822325JohnHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822325JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822325WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822325SamuelLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822325DanielLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822325WilliamHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822325Richd WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822326John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822326JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822326OrrScofield
CCOB A 1814-1822326WilliamGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822326LewisUnderwood
CCOB A 1814-1822326IsaacGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822326HezekiahMills
CCOB A 1814-1822327ThomasJackson
CCOB A 1814-1822327WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822327ThomasRuddle
CCOB A 1814-1822327AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822327JohnShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822327JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822327ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822327BarneyMcManus
CCOB A 1814-1822327GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822327DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822327JamesHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822327EphraimBoles
CCOB A 1814-1822327JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822327WilliamElder
CCOB A 1814-1822327CharlesTees
CCOB A 1814-1822327GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822328WilliamScott
CCOB A 1814-1822328FranklinMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822329LewisUnderwood
CCOB A 1814-1822329WilliamSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822329EdwardBenbo
CCOB A 1814-1822329RobertLevel
CCOB A 1814-1822329JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822329JohnHerrington
CCOB A 1814-1822329JacobHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822329SamuelLouthain
CCOB A 1814-1822329EzraBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822329BenjaminJarvis
CCOB A 1814-1822329ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822329JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822329SamuelDoran
CCOB A 1814-1822329MichaelFarmer
CCOB A 1814-1822332JosephWilmot
CCOB A 1814-1822332RobertChapman
CCOB A 1814-1822333WilliamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822333AdamBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822333WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822333JamesGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822333GeorgeWisehart
CCOB A 1814-1822333HezekiahMills
CCOB A 1814-1822333GeorgeMisor
CCOB A 1814-1822333DanielClarke
CCOB A 1814-1822333JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822333GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822333JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822333RobertLeavel
CCOB A 1814-1822333BarneyMcManus
CCOB A 1814-1822333EphraimBoles
CCOB A 1814-1822333EdwardBenbow
CCOB A 1814-1822333ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822333WilliamElder
CCOB A 1814-1822333CharlesTeeze
CCOB A 1814-1822334ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822334Thomas TLavis
CCOB A 1814-1822334JamesMurphy
CCOB A 1814-1822334JohnMurdock
CCOB A 1814-1822335AbrahamWorl
CCOB A 1814-1822335JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822335ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822335RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822335WilliamAlexander
CCOB A 1814-1822335Erwin
CCOB A 1814-1822335JamesWilson
CCOB A 1814-1822335Hartley
CCOB A 1814-1822337HughHealey
CCOB A 1814-1822337JonathanDayton
CCOB A 1814-1822337Barber
CCOB A 1814-1822339ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822339RobertMorrisson
CCOB A 1814-1822339IsaiahWeekley
CCOB A 1814-1822339CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822339JesseWilletts
CCOB A 1814-1822339JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822340JamesDrummon
CCOB A 1814-1822340StephenGriffith
CCOB A 1814-1822340JaneWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822340JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822340DanielClark
CCOB A 1814-1822340GeorgeMisor
CCOB A 1814-1822340JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822340GeorgeBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822340JohnBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822340RobertLeavel
CCOB A 1814-1822340EphraimBoly
CCOB A 1814-1822340EdwardBenbow
CCOB A 1814-1822340CharlesTees
CCOB A 1814-1822340James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822340SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822341StephenGapin
CCOB A 1814-1822341JoshuaAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822341LukeMcGuire
CCOB A 1814-1822341NathanChaney
CCOB A 1814-1822341JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822341Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822341OrrScofield
CCOB A 1814-1822341DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822341AmosJones
CCOB A 1814-1822341PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822341RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-1822341JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822342WilliamHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822342Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822342HezekiahMills
CCOB A 1814-1822342CorneliusRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822342GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822342StephenGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822343JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822343MichaelNees
CCOB A 1814-1822343WilliamHarrison
CCOB A 1814-1822343JesseWillitts
CCOB A 1814-1822344JohnMoore
CCOB A 1814-1822344JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822344JohnSmall
CCOB A 1814-1822344WWesterfields
CCOB A 1814-1822344LaurenceGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822344DavidOdom
CCOB A 1814-1822344CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822344LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822345JohnGalbrath
CCOB A 1814-1822345SpencerFree
CCOB A 1814-1822345RobertGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822345Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822345AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822345JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822345JamesSaunderson
CCOB A 1814-1822345SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822345MartinMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822346William SJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822346Basey
CCOB A 1814-1822346Russell
CCOB A 1814-1822346GRichards
CCOB A 1814-1822346A ARichards
CCOB A 1814-1822346Charles BCrouse
CCOB A 1814-1822346JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822346BarnabasBurns
CCOB A 1814-1822346SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822346JohnMurdock
CCOB A 1814-1822346ThomasClark
CCOB A 1814-1822346JohnLongacre
CCOB A 1814-1822347CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822347JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822347Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822347Lawman
CCOB A 1814-1822347Thomas JWarman
CCOB A 1814-1822347EliGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822347WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822347DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822347HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822347LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-1822347JamesMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822347DavidHolloway
CCOB A 1814-1822347JesseYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822348MichaelSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822348JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822348WilliamGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822348ThomasMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822348AbelCrow
CCOB A 1814-1822348PhillipFlick
CCOB A 1814-1822348JamesBurns
CCOB A 1814-1822348JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822348AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822349LeviThornton
CCOB A 1814-1822349JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822349AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822349JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822349JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822350JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822350JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822350AbrahamLittle
CCOB A 1814-1822350JohnGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822350SpencerFree
CCOB A 1814-1822351BenjaminDennis
CCOB A 1814-1822351ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-1822351JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822351JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822351RenyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822352Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822352JesseWillitts
CCOB A 1814-1822352SutherlandPhares
CCOB A 1814-1822352JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822352JamesJones
CCOB A 1814-1822353WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822353SamuelLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822353DanielLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822353LewisUnderwood
CCOB A 1814-1822353JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822353Daniel JCaswell
CCOB A 1814-1822353William CDrew
CCOB A 1814-1822353IsaacGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822354James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822354JohnTest
CCOB A 1814-1822354DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822355AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822355JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822355RubenBrattan
CCOB A 1814-1822355PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822355JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822355WilliamMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822355JaneWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822355JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822358JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822358WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822358Nathaniel PTaylor
CCOB A 1814-1822358Albert
CCOB A 1814-1822358AndrewHarmon
CCOB A 1814-1822358JonasBall
CCOB A 1814-1822358WilliamLamb
CCOB A 1814-1822358ThomasWidup
CCOB A 1814-1822358BenjaminWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822358SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822358DanielLawman
CCOB A 1814-1822358David WSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822358ThomasJones
CCOB A 1814-1822358LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822358Jacob NBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822358Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822360Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822360WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822360JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822360PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822360ReubenBrattan
CCOB A 1814-1822360JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822360JosephHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822360JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822360JonathanRoads
CCOB A 1814-1822360IraHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822360JohnPool
CCOB A 1814-1822360Jacob NBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822360JeremiahCox
CCOB A 1814-1822360JohnScott
CCOB A 1814-1822360ThomasCranor
CCOB A 1814-1822360BealButler
CCOB A 1814-1822360JohnGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822360JohnFincher
CCOB A 1814-1822360David J PFlemming
CCOB A 1814-1822360Bethuel FMorris
CCOB A 1814-1822360RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822360JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822361DanielMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822361AaronSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822361AlexanderSuits
CCOB A 1814-1822361DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822362NixonRalen
CCOB A 1814-1822362JohnWhited
CCOB A 1814-1822362GrinerWilson
CCOB A 1814-1822363GeorgeGraham
CCOB A 1814-1822363SebastianFoust
CCOB A 1814-1822363William CDrew
CCOB A 1814-1822363LukeMcGuire
CCOB A 1814-1822363NathanChaney
CCOB A 1814-1822363WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822363JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822363Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822364Kimble
CCOB A 1814-1822364Wardebaugh
CCOB A 1814-1822364WilliamCook
CCOB A 1814-1822364JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822364JamesDrummons
CCOB A 1814-1822364StephenGriffiths
CCOB A 1814-1822364WilliamKelly
CCOB A 1814-1822364GeorgeMiller
CCOB A 1814-1822364IsaacMiller
CCOB A 1814-1822364AbrahamMiller
CCOB A 1814-1822365CrawfordConner
CCOB A 1814-1822365WilliamBundy
CCOB A 1814-1822365SarahTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822365JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822365JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822365GeorgeIsh
CCOB A 1814-1822366JohnDwiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822366JacobWhiteman
CCOB A 1814-1822366ElijahMundan
CCOB A 1814-1822366AlexanderThompson
CCOB A 1814-1822366LaurenceGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822366DavidOdom
CCOB A 1814-1822366RobertGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822366Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822367JohnSmall
CCOB A 1814-1822367CaryWesterfield
CCOB A 1814-1822367SamuelWesterfield
CCOB A 1814-1822367JamesHunderson
CCOB A 1814-1822367SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822367MartinMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822367ThomasNewman
CCOB A 1814-1822367JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822368Thomas JWarman
CCOB A 1814-1822368EliGrapen
CCOB A 1814-1822368WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822368DavidYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822368MichaelSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822368JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822368BensonMiner
CCOB A 1814-1822368JamesWadel
CCOB A 1814-1822368Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822368Phavis
CCOB A 1814-1822369WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822369SamuelLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822369DanielLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822369JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822369JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822370GillsRichards
CCOB A 1814-1822370Amos ARichards
CCOB A 1814-1822370Bassy
CCOB A 1814-1822370Russell
CCOB A 1814-1822370William SJohnston
CCOB A 1814-1822371LeonardSayer
CCOB A 1814-1822371Basey
CCOB A 1814-1822371Russell
CCOB A 1814-1822371ThomasClark
CCOB A 1814-1822371JohnLongacre
CCOB A 1814-1822371JamesSmart
CCOB A 1814-1822371JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822371JohnBurgess
CCOB A 1814-1822372Lacory
CCOB A 1814-1822372Parkison
CCOB A 1814-1822372James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822372Leonard JFrost
CCOB A 1814-1822372Edward LFrost
CCOB A 1814-1822372SamuelCammath
CCOB A 1814-1822373JohnShelby
CCOB A 1814-1822373CalebReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822373NewberryStocklin
CCOB A 1814-1822373Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822374Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822374Lauman
CCOB A 1814-1822374DavidHolloway
CCOB A 1814-1822374Young
CCOB A 1814-1822374JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822374JohnMarshall
CCOB A 1814-1822374JohnLittle
CCOB A 1814-1822375John LMurton
CCOB A 1814-1822375JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822375JamesBerry
CCOB A 1814-1822375JamesHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822375WilliamMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822375ArchebaldEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822375JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822376MordecaMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822376Young
CCOB A 1814-1822376GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822376DavidGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822376JamesGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822376Smith
CCOB A 1814-1822376Frost
CCOB A 1814-1822376JohnHall
CCOB A 1814-1822376JamesStarlin
CCOB A 1814-1822376JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822377BarnabasBurnes
CCOB A 1814-1822377SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822377JohnMurdock
CCOB A 1814-1822377ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822377Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822377JohnAdair
CCOB A 1814-1822377S HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822377JosephEvans
CCOB A 1814-1822377RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-1822377GeorgeGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822378GeorgeGrayham
CCOB A 1814-1822378Enoch EFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822378AlexanderGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822378WilliamHughs
CCOB A 1814-1822378AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822378JamesHolman
CCOB A 1814-1822378HezekiahMills
CCOB A 1814-1822378SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-1822378WilliamBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822378JobGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822378JohnWallace
CCOB A 1814-1822378SamuelDoren
CCOB A 1814-1822378GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822378SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822378JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822378SamuelCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822378LewisMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822378LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822378RiceWharton
CCOB A 1814-1822379OrrScofield
CCOB A 1814-1822379JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822379WilliamSteel
CCOB A 1814-1822379JoshuaAlbertson
CCOB A 1814-1822379JohnWoodker
CCOB A 1814-1822379SethWay
CCOB A 1814-1822379IsaacMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822379WilliamClark
CCOB A 1814-1822379JamesBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822379JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822379LewisHozer
CCOB A 1814-1822379JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822379WilliamJones
CCOB A 1814-1822380JaneWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822380JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822382IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822382JosephFix
CCOB A 1814-1822382SamuelGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822382JohnHarter
CCOB A 1814-1822382GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822382AmosJones
CCOB A 1814-1822382IsaacRenbarger
CCOB A 1814-1822383JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822383LewisUnderwood
CCOB A 1814-1822384HezekiahMills
CCOB A 1814-1822385OrrScofield
CCOB A 1814-1822385WilliamGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822385JoshuaMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822385IsaacGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822385JamesGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822385WilliamShort
CCOB A 1814-1822385GeorgeWishart
CCOB A 1814-1822386CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822386JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822386JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822386Thomas LLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822386JamesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822386ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-1822386JosephManifold
CCOB A 1814-1822387IsaacMcPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822387JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822387JamesMcPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822387WilliamSwafford
CCOB A 1814-1822387JamesGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822387RichardBunch
CCOB A 1814-1822387JohnMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822387ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-1822388WilliamRooker
CCOB A 1814-1822388SamuelCammack
CCOB A 1814-1822388JamesCammack
CCOB A 1814-1822388JamesMcClelland
CCOB A 1814-1822388StephenGriffiths
CCOB A 1814-1822388JonathanJustice
CCOB A 1814-1822389JacobFouts
CCOB A 1814-1822389JohnFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822389PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822389JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822389SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822389JesseWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822389JamesGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822389JohnCaw
CCOB A 1814-1822389SamuelGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822390Samuel BBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822390Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822390LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822390RobertHanna
CCOB A 1814-1822390HumphreyLutton
CCOB A 1814-1822390Evans
CCOB A 1814-1822390Benton
CCOB A 1814-1822390GriffinTredaway
CCOB A 1814-1822390RobertGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822391JohnClark
CCOB A 1814-1822391PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822391ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822391RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822391JamesBurns
CCOB A 1814-1822391Loring AWaldo
CCOB A 1814-1822391JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822391JamesCrawford
CCOB A 1814-1822391LeonardSayre
CCOB A 1814-1822391Basey
CCOB A 1814-1822391Russel
CCOB A 1814-1822392LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822392LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822392WilliamSteel
CCOB A 1814-1822392SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-1822392WilliamBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822392JohnWallace
CCOB A 1814-1822392SamuelDoran
CCOB A 1814-1822392SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822392JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822392JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822392DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822392GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822392GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822392JobGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822393AbrahamWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822393JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822393WilliamSteel
CCOB A 1814-1822393JobGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822393WilliamBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822393JohnWallace
CCOB A 1814-1822393SamuelDoran
CCOB A 1814-1822393SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822393JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822393JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822393DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822393GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822393SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-1822394George Sr.Mizer
CCOB A 1814-1822394JamesGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822394DavidGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822394GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822394MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822394HenryRockefellow
CCOB A 1814-1822394JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-1822394IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822394JosephFix
CCOB A 1814-1822394LaurenceGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822394DavidOdam
CCOB A 1814-1822395JohnHinsdale
CCOB A 1814-1822395DanielHinsdale
CCOB A 1814-1822395William SJohnston
CCOB A 1814-1822395EdmundSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822395LismundBasey
CCOB A 1814-1822395JohnRussell
CCOB A 1814-1822397GilesRichards
CCOB A 1814-1822397Amos AdamsRichards
CCOB A 1814-1822397LismundBasey
CCOB A 1814-1822397JohnRussell
CCOB A 1814-1822398JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822398JamesCrawford
CCOB A 1814-1822398WilliamStockton
CCOB A 1814-1822398WilliamHughs
CCOB A 1814-1822398CharlesJamison
CCOB A 1814-1822398JohnHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822398JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822398DavidHollaway
CCOB A 1814-1822398Young
CCOB A 1814-1822399Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822399JesseWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822399John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822399John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822399DanielNoland
CCOB A 1814-1822399WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822399SamuelLanders
CCOB A 1814-1822399DanielLanders
CCOB A 1814-1822399MordecaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822399Young
CCOB A 1814-1822400JamesBurns
CCOB A 1814-1822400Loring
CCOB A 1814-1822400Waldo
CCOB A 1814-1822400JohnClark
CCOB A 1814-1822400PatricBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822401RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-1822401George EGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822401NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822401Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822401JesseMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822401John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822401JosephEvans
CCOB A 1814-1822401OliverBenton
CCOB A 1814-1822401GriffinsTreadway
CCOB A 1814-1822402JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822402DavidOdam
CCOB A 1814-1822402IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822402JosephFix
CCOB A 1814-1822402DavidHolloway
CCOB A 1814-1822402Young
CCOB A 1814-1822402EliGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822402JeremiahManshier
CCOB A 1814-1822402WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822402ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822402HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822402James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822402AaronMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822402JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822402JohnGorden
CCOB A 1814-1822402IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822402BenjaminJarvis
CCOB A 1814-1822402NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822403AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822403JosephPrather
CCOB A 1814-1822403RobertHill
CCOB A 1814-1822403JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822403BenjaminHodges
CCOB A 1814-1822403JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822403DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822404Charles BCrows
CCOB A 1814-1822404JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822404JohnSed
CCOB A 1814-1822404JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822404JacobKizer
CCOB A 1814-1822404JohnSea
CCOB A 1814-1822404JamesConner
CCOB A 1814-1822404WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822404WilliamKelly
CCOB A 1814-1822404WilliamHays
CCOB A 1814-1822404JohnWright
CCOB A 1814-1822405ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822405DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822405PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822405Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822405SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-1822405WilliamBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822405LaurenceGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822405GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822405SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822405JobGin
CCOB A 1814-1822405PaulHayworth
CCOB A 1814-1822405EliGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822405GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822405WilliamWest
CCOB A 1814-1822405SamuelFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822405EliButler
CCOB A 1814-1822406JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822406DavidOdim
CCOB A 1814-1822406AmosJones
CCOB A 1814-1822406PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822406JamesCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822407JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822407JamesFlemming
CCOB A 1814-1822408JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822408EliGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822408IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822408JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822408JohnGordon
CCOB A 1814-1822408NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822408ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822408James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822408WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822408JeremiahMouser
CCOB A 1814-1822408AaronMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822408BenjaminJarvis
CCOB A 1814-1822408HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822409LewisMcLain
CCOB A 1814-1822409John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822409Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822409JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822409SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-1822409WilliamBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822409ThomasHatfield
CCOB A 1814-1822409SamlDoran
CCOB A 1814-1822409GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822409SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822409BenjaminDennis
CCOB A 1814-1822409James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822409JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822409WilliamWest
CCOB A 1814-1822409JohnMaxwell
CCOB A 1814-1822409JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822410JamesMurphy
CCOB A 1814-1822410JohnMordock
CCOB A 1814-1822410ThomasWisehart
CCOB A 1814-1822410JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822410LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822410JamesSpray
CCOB A 1814-1822410JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822410JobGin
CCOB A 1814-1822410SamuelCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822410JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822410ThomasWadkins
CCOB A 1814-1822410IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822410MosesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822411AmbroseKeeling
CCOB A 1814-1822411RubenBratton
CCOB A 1814-1822411DavidSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822411JohnRolston
CCOB A 1814-1822411John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822411LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822411EdwardKenedy
CCOB A 1814-1822411JosephEvans
CCOB A 1814-1822411OliverBenton
CCOB A 1814-1822411GriffinsTredaway
CCOB A 1814-1822412Mark HHottel
CCOB A 1814-1822412Ann NusomeHollet
CCOB A 1814-1822412Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822412JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822412JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822412NixonPolen
CCOB A 1814-1822413JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822413RubenBratton
CCOB A 1814-1822413PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822413JohnRalston
CCOB A 1814-1822413JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822413DavidOdam
CCOB A 1814-1822413James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822414JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822416Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822416JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822416WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822416PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822416SamuelHannah
CCOB A 1814-1822416WilliamDimit
CCOB A 1814-1822416JohnHoward
CCOB A 1814-1822416John Jr.Beard
CCOB A 1814-1822416RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822416DanielNorth
CCOB A 1814-1822416GeorgeCornelius
CCOB A 1814-1822416BenjaminAngel
CCOB A 1814-1822416GeorgeIsh
CCOB A 1814-1822416JohnGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822416ElijahBrock
CCOB A 1814-1822416RubenBrunson
CCOB A 1814-1822416ObedBarnet
CCOB A 1814-1822416JamesBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822416HenryGarret
CCOB A 1814-1822416Isaac MJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822416RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822416JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822417WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822417NathanChaney
CCOB A 1814-1822417LukeMcGuire
CCOB A 1814-1822417JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822417Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822417BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822417JohnEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822417MalichiahMoon
CCOB A 1814-1822417AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822417EdwardDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822417JobElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822417IsaacWillitts
CCOB A 1814-1822417SamuelWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822417JohnDodridge
CCOB A 1814-1822417JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822417CalvinWasson
CCOB A 1814-1822417GeorgeVinage
CCOB A 1814-1822418JoshuaAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822418GeorgeWisehart
CCOB A 1814-1822418JacobKiser
CCOB A 1814-1822418JohnSee
CCOB A 1814-1822419JamesGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822419WilliamGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822419AlexanderSuits
CCOB A 1814-1822419JohnSee
CCOB A 1814-1822419JamesConner
CCOB A 1814-1822419WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822419WilliamKelly
CCOB A 1814-1822419WilliamHays
CCOB A 1814-1822419JohnWright
CCOB A 1814-1822419BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822419JohnEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822419MalichiahMoon
CCOB A 1814-1822419AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822419EdwardDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822419JobElliot
CCOB A 1814-1822419IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822419SamuelWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822419JohnDodridge
CCOB A 1814-1822419JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822419CalvinWasson
CCOB A 1814-1822419GeorgeVinage
CCOB A 1814-1822420JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822420SamuelStarret
CCOB A 1814-1822420LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822420JoelReed
CCOB A 1814-1822420JesseWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822420DanielSauman
CCOB A 1814-1822420NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822420OvidBoon
CCOB A 1814-1822420WilliamSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822420WilliamSharp
CCOB A 1814-1822420MorganWilson
CCOB A 1814-1822420JacobRambow
CCOB A 1814-1822420JohnBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822420SamuelWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822420AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822420VincentStevenson
CCOB A 1814-1822420PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822420David J PFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822420NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822421JesseWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822421JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822421DavidOdem
CCOB A 1814-1822421HiramButler
CCOB A 1814-1822421LeviButler
CCOB A 1814-1822421James SMortier
CCOB A 1814-1822421BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822421JohnEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822421MalachiMoon
CCOB A 1814-1822421AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822421EdwardHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822421DruryElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822421IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822421SamuelWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822421JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822421CalvinWasson
CCOB A 1814-1822421GeorgeVinage
CCOB A 1814-1822422Charles BCrouse
CCOB A 1814-1822422JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822422WilliamCommons
CCOB A 1814-1822422CalebSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822422EnosVeal
CCOB A 1814-1822422JonathanVattaw
CCOB A 1814-1822422LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822422MosesRobinson
CCOB A 1814-1822422WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822422PaulHoward
CCOB A 1814-1822422WilliamClark
CCOB A 1814-1822422CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822422JamesBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822422JesseMundin
CCOB A 1814-1822422AlexanderThompson
CCOB A 1814-1822422IsaacStevens
CCOB A 1814-1822422PhilipHater
CCOB A 1814-1822422WilliamSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822423WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822423SamuelLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822423DanielLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822423WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822423JohnWright
CCOB A 1814-1822423JamesConner
CCOB A 1814-1822423JohnSea
CCOB A 1814-1822423WilliamKelly
CCOB A 1814-1822423WilliamHays
CCOB A 1814-1822423JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822423JohnHerrington
CCOB A 1814-1822424GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822424MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822424HenryRockafellow
CCOB A 1814-1822424John Jr.Cox
CCOB A 1814-1822425WestlyPrior
CCOB A 1814-1822425JohnHerrington
CCOB A 1814-1822425JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822425ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822425RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822425BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822425JohnEndsley
CCOB A 1814-1822425MalachiaMoon
CCOB A 1814-1822425AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822425EdwardDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822425JobElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822425IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822425JohnDodridge
CCOB A 1814-1822425JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822425CalvinWasson
CCOB A 1814-1822425GeorgeVinage
CCOB A 1814-1822426JamesJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822426JohnThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822426TavernerFalkner
CCOB A 1814-1822426DavidHolloway
CCOB A 1814-1822426JesseYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822427WilliamEdwards
CCOB A 1814-1822427SamuelLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822427DanielLandes
CCOB A 1814-1822427MordecaiaMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822427WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822427MosesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822427JesseYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822428Smith
CCOB A 1814-1822428Frost
CCOB A 1814-1822428JohnHale
CCOB A 1814-1822428MatthiasForsher
CCOB A 1814-1822428BenjaminAlbertson
CCOB A 1814-1822428JohnHale
CCOB A 1814-1822429James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822429EliReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822429LarkinReynolds
CCOB A 1814-1822429IsaiahDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822429JohnAdair
CCOB A 1814-1822429JosephEvans
CCOB A 1814-1822429Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822430WilliamLowry
CCOB A 1814-1822430WillisParkison
CCOB A 1814-1822430James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822430JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822430Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822431AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822431JamesHoleman
CCOB A 1814-1822431GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822431MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822431JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822431SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822432John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822432JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822432JohnCain
CCOB A 1814-1822432SamuelGrewel
CCOB A 1814-1822432Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822432Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822432LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822433RobertHanna
CCOB A 1814-1822433HumphreySutton
CCOB A 1814-1822433StephenBrewer
CCOB A 1814-1822433JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822433John CIrvin
CCOB A 1814-1822433AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822433JosiahBradberry
CCOB A 1814-1822433RennyJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822434JohnClarke
CCOB A 1814-1822434JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822434BenjaminCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822434GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822435AbrahamMerrit
CCOB A 1814-1822435JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822435JamesHill
CCOB A 1814-1822435JohnRoberts
CCOB A 1814-1822435JamesRawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822435JohnPearson
CCOB A 1814-1822436BarnetRestine
CCOB A 1814-1822436MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822436DavidCox
CCOB A 1814-1822436ElijahHendrickson
CCOB A 1814-1822436JamesLindley
CCOB A 1814-1822436JohnBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822436ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822436CharlesBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822437JamesBriggs
CCOB A 1814-1822437WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822437Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822437Laurence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822437JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822437SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822438DavidHolloway
CCOB A 1814-1822438WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822438MosesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822438JesseYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822439MordicaiMendenhall
CCOB A 1814-1822439WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822439MosesMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822439JesseYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822440JamesLindley
CCOB A 1814-1822440JohnBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822440ThomasBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822440CharlesBaldwin
CCOB A 1814-1822440JonasMcSherfon
CCOB A 1814-1822440JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822440Drummons
CCOB A 1814-1822440Griffith
CCOB A 1814-1822441CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822441JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822441Lawrence KBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822441IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822441JohnRalston
CCOB A 1814-1822441JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822441JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822441EdwardThornton
CCOB A 1814-1822441CalebSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822441EnosVeal
CCOB A 1814-1822441BenjaminThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822441LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822441JohnHughes
CCOB A 1814-1822441JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822441Cooper
CCOB A 1814-1822441Young
CCOB A 1814-1822441BarnetRistine
CCOB A 1814-1822441MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822441DavidCox
CCOB A 1814-1822441ElijahHendrickson
CCOB A 1814-1822442JosephClancy
CCOB A 1814-1822442HenryBriant
CCOB A 1814-1822442Lauman
CCOB A 1814-1822442Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822442EliButler
CCOB A 1814-1822442James TMorton
CCOB A 1814-1822442MarkHollett
CCOB A 1814-1822442Ann NusumHollet
CCOB A 1814-1822443ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822443RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822443JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822445James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822445LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822445Dudley CSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822445HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-1822446LawrenceGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822446DavidOdam
CCOB A 1814-1822446BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822446JohnEnsly
CCOB A 1814-1822446MalichiaMoon
CCOB A 1814-1822446AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822446EdwardDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822446CalebSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822446IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822446SamuelWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822446JohnDodridge
CCOB A 1814-1822446JacobJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822446CalvinWasson
CCOB A 1814-1822446GeorgeVinage
CCOB A 1814-1822447LawrenceFaulkins
CCOB A 1814-1822447JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822447DavidOdem
CCOB A 1814-1822447NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822447Thomas TLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822448IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822448JohnBanks
CCOB A 1814-1822448JoelWright
CCOB A 1814-1822448JohnHartfield
CCOB A 1814-1822448JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822448SarahTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822448JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822450BenjaminFerguson
CCOB A 1814-1822450JamesSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822450ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822450RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822450JosephGlancy
CCOB A 1814-1822450HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-1822451GeorgeGrayham
CCOB A 1814-1822451SebastianFoust
CCOB A 1814-1822451JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822451JamesCrawford
CCOB A 1814-1822451RachelNeel
CCOB A 1814-1822451DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822451John MGay
CCOB A 1814-1822451RansomeGatewood
CCOB A 1814-1822451JohnLee
CCOB A 1814-1822451JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822451JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822452JesseBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822452DavidOdom
CCOB A 1814-1822452BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822452LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822452MalichiahMoon
CCOB A 1814-1822452AmosHawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822452EdwardDrury
CCOB A 1814-1822452CalebSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822452IsaacWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822452SamlWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822452JohnDodridge
CCOB A 1814-1822452IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822452CalvinWasson
CCOB A 1814-1822452GeorgeVinage
CCOB A 1814-1822452PeterWeaver
CCOB A 1814-1822453Sutton
CCOB A 1814-1822453Roberts
CCOB A 1814-1822453Hawkins
CCOB A 1814-1822453Brannon
CCOB A 1814-1822453SebastianFoust
CCOB A 1814-1822453JohnWright
CCOB A 1814-1822453WilliamJustice
CCOB A 1814-1822453LeviBoswell
CCOB A 1814-1822454JosiahBradberry
CCOB A 1814-1822454RobertMitchell
CCOB A 1814-1822454RobertHanna
CCOB A 1814-1822454HumphreySutton
CCOB A 1814-1822454AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822455JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822455WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822455James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822455JesseWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822455PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822455MathewSpringer
CCOB A 1814-1822456Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822456JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822456WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822456EliasWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822456JesseWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822456IsraelAbrams
CCOB A 1814-1822456JohnPool
CCOB A 1814-1822456ThomasGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822456ObadiahHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822456WalterRobert
CCOB A 1814-1822456MichaelHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822456JonathanCloud
CCOB A 1814-1822456JamesBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822456ElijahWright
CCOB A 1814-1822456JamesPrevo
CCOB A 1814-1822456AdamBanks
CCOB A 1814-1822456AndrewHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822456GriffinTreadaway
CCOB A 1814-1822456HenryHammond
CCOB A 1814-1822456WilliamWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822457JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822457LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822457Richard LLeason
CCOB A 1814-1822457EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822457JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822457DavidJenkens
CCOB A 1814-1822457StephenHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822457JosephHandcocks
CCOB A 1814-1822457Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822457JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822457RubenJay
CCOB A 1814-1822457JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822457PeterDecks
CCOB A 1814-1822457JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822457JamesJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822458RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822458JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822459AlexanderSuits
CCOB A 1814-1822459LukeMcGuire
CCOB A 1814-1822459NathanCaney
CCOB A 1814-1822459JoshuaAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822459JohnSea
CCOB A 1814-1822460Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822460Phares
CCOB A 1814-1822460HenryImmel
CCOB A 1814-1822460JoelMoore
CCOB A 1814-1822460JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822460WilliamMartindale
CCOB A 1814-1822460JohnCalloway
CCOB A 1814-1822460IsaacWisehart
CCOB A 1814-1822461BarnetRistine
CCOB A 1814-1822461MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822461JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-1822461HughCall
CCOB A 1814-1822461JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822461JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822461Richard LLeason
CCOB A 1814-1822461JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822461DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822461JosephHandcock
CCOB A 1814-1822461Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822461JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822461RubenJay
CCOB A 1814-1822461PeterDicks
CCOB A 1814-1822461JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822461EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822461HenryHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822461JoelMoore
CCOB A 1814-1822461WilliamSteel
CCOB A 1814-1822461JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822461JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822462JohnThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822462GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822462MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822462HenryRockefellar
CCOB A 1814-1822462John Sr.Cox
CCOB A 1814-1822462HughCall
CCOB A 1814-1822462JosephCox
CCOB A 1814-1822463RansomGatewood
CCOB A 1814-1822463JohnLee
CCOB A 1814-1822463JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822463JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822463JesseMundan
CCOB A 1814-1822463AlexanderThompson
CCOB A 1814-1822463Richard LLeason
CCOB A 1814-1822463JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822463DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822463JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822463StephenHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822463JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822463Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822463RubenJay
CCOB A 1814-1822463JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822463PeterDick
CCOB A 1814-1822463JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822463EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822464JohnThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822464HenryShoemaker
CCOB A 1814-1822464EvaShoemaker
CCOB A 1814-1822464JosephRay
CCOB A 1814-1822464SamuelRuble
CCOB A 1814-1822464JacobHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822464Richard LLeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822464JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822464DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822464StephenHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822464Richard WCheeseman
CCOB A 1814-1822464JohnLacey
CCOB A 1814-1822464JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822464PeterDicks
CCOB A 1814-1822464JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822464EdwardStartbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822464JamesWright
CCOB A 1814-1822464ReubenJay
CCOB A 1814-1822465BarnetRestine
CCOB A 1814-1822465MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822465DavidCox
CCOB A 1814-1822465ElijahHendrickson
CCOB A 1814-1822465BarnetRistine
CCOB A 1814-1822465John Sr.Cox
CCOB A 1814-1822466John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822466WilliamPhares
CCOB A 1814-1822466JohnHart
CCOB A 1814-1822467WilliamGalbraith
CCOB A 1814-1822467JohnJones
CCOB A 1814-1822467WilliamSummer
CCOB A 1814-1822468JosephGlancy
CCOB A 1814-1822468HenryBryan
CCOB A 1814-1822468PhillipHarter
CCOB A 1814-1822468John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822468John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822468JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822468Richard LLeason
CCOB A 1814-1822468JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822468DavidJunkins
CCOB A 1814-1822468StephenHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822468Richard WCheeseman
CCOB A 1814-1822468JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822468ReubenJay
CCOB A 1814-1822468JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822468PeterDix
CCOB A 1814-1822468JamesConover
CCOB A 1814-1822468EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822468IsaacEsteb
CCOB A 1814-1822469JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822469JohnBanks
CCOB A 1814-1822469JohnHart
CCOB A 1814-1822470WilliamMunden
CCOB A 1814-1822470NixonPaler
CCOB A 1814-1822470CalebLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822470John CKibby
CCOB A 1814-1822470JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822470WilliamBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822470WilliamPoston
CCOB A 1814-1822470JesseMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822470JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822470Enoch EFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822470JosephFix
CCOB A 1814-1822470PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822470JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822470WilliamClark
CCOB A 1814-1822470Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822470LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822470Charles FReed
CCOB A 1814-1822471WilliamMunden
CCOB A 1814-1822471NixonPalen
CCOB A 1814-1822471JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822471JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822472JohnCain
CCOB A 1814-1822472SamuelGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822472JamesHill
CCOB A 1814-1822472JohnRoberts
CCOB A 1814-1822472JamesBriggs
CCOB A 1814-1822472WilliamYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822473HezekiahWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822473BenjaminFossett
CCOB A 1814-1822473BenjaminCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822473NathanielPierce
CCOB A 1814-1822473IsaacBomine
CCOB A 1814-1822473JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822473JohnMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822474HezekiahWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822474BenjaminFosset
CCOB A 1814-1822474BenjamineCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822474NathanielPierce
CCOB A 1814-1822474WilliamSwishart
CCOB A 1814-1822474JohnHale
CCOB A 1814-1822475AndrewJones
CCOB A 1814-1822475NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822475AmosHiggins
CCOB A 1814-1822475JehuStuart
CCOB A 1814-1822476JamesMalcolm
CCOB A 1814-1822476JohnDull
CCOB A 1814-1822476AlexanderScott
CCOB A 1814-1822476StephenBrewer
CCOB A 1814-1822476JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822476JamesLittle
CCOB A 1814-1822476NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822477WilliamJordan
CCOB A 1814-1822477JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822477NathanHackett
CCOB A 1814-1822477JohnHale
CCOB A 1814-1822477MathiasFasher
CCOB A 1814-1822477EpraimLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822477JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822477SamuelFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822478DavidRichy
CCOB A 1814-1822478JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822478RobertBoyd
CCOB A 1814-1822478PeterRunyon
CCOB A 1814-1822479JacobElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822479DavidFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822479PeterFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822479JamesMcCown
CCOB A 1814-1822479JohnDavidson
CCOB A 1814-1822479JamesGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822480Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822480LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822480JobSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822480JonathanKidwell
CCOB A 1814-1822480John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822480John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822481JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822481JesseBryan
CCOB A 1814-1822481JohnMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822481ThomasGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822482JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822482JehuStuart
CCOB A 1814-1822482JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822482HenryStrader
CCOB A 1814-1822483JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822483WrightLancaster
CCOB A 1814-1822483JohnBurk
CCOB A 1814-1822483ElijahFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822484JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822484PhilipBaltimore
CCOB A 1814-1822484SamlCarr
CCOB A 1814-1822484LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822484Enoch EFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822484JesseWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822484JohnFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822485AlexanderGrimes
CCOB A 1814-1822485WilliamHughs
CCOB A 1814-1822485WilliamGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822485ThomasMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822485WilliamStockton
CCOB A 1814-1822485WilliamHughs
CCOB A 1814-1822485CharlesJamison
CCOB A 1814-1822485JamesRareden
CCOB A 1814-1822485JeremiahMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822485IsaacFoulkner
CCOB A 1814-1822485DavidGalbreath
CCOB A 1814-1822486FredrickAndricks
CCOB A 1814-1822486RobertBlair
CCOB A 1814-1822486BenjaminHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822486JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822486RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822486JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822486LewisJones
CCOB A 1814-1822486JamesDrummons
CCOB A 1814-1822486StephenGriffith
CCOB A 1814-1822487Smith
CCOB A 1814-1822487Frost
CCOB A 1814-1822487JohnHale
CCOB A 1814-1822488GeorgeMizer
CCOB A 1814-1822488MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822488HenryRockafella
CCOB A 1814-1822488JohnCox
CCOB A 1814-1822488ThomasBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822488RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822488Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822488Richard LLeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822488JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822488JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822488ReubenJoy
CCOB A 1814-1822488JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822488PeterDix
CCOB A 1814-1822488JamesCrownover
CCOB A 1814-1822488EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822488WilliamPoston
CCOB A 1814-1822488JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822488IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822489AmosJones
CCOB A 1814-1822489PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822489PatrickBeard
CCOB A 1814-1822489JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822489JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822489Richard LLeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822489ReubenJoy
CCOB A 1814-1822489Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822489EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822489PeterDick
CCOB A 1814-1822489JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822489DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822489JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822489StephenHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822490JohnAdair
CCOB A 1814-1822490JosephEvans
CCOB A 1814-1822490HezekiahWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822490BenjaminFosset
CCOB A 1814-1822490BenjaminCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822490NathanielPierce
CCOB A 1814-1822491AbrahamWorrel
CCOB A 1814-1822491JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822491WilliamSteel
CCOB A 1814-1822491JobGinn
CCOB A 1814-1822491WilliamBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822491JohnWallace
CCOB A 1814-1822491SamuelDoran
CCOB A 1814-1822491SmithHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822491JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822491JohnHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822491DavidHarman
CCOB A 1814-1822491GeorgeMiser
CCOB A 1814-1822491GeorgeHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822491SamuelJob
CCOB A 1814-1822492CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822492Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822492LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822493DavidRichy
CCOB A 1814-1822493JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822493JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822493Richard LLeason
CCOB A 1814-1822493Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822493EdwardStarbuck
CCOB A 1814-1822493StephenHunt
CCOB A 1814-1822493RobertHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822493JohnWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822493DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822493PeterDix
CCOB A 1814-1822493JohnLacy
CCOB A 1814-1822493JamesCownover
CCOB A 1814-1822493RubenJoy
CCOB A 1814-1822493CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822493JohnMcKinnon
CCOB A 1814-1822493SamuelHare
CCOB A 1814-1822493JohnStuart
CCOB A 1814-1822493RichardPerry
CCOB A 1814-1822493IsaacMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822493JamesOsborn
CCOB A 1814-1822493DanielGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822493WilliamBrewer
CCOB A 1814-1822494CrawfordConner
CCOB A 1814-1822494AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822494Samuel PBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822494LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822495JonasMcPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822495IsaacMcPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822495JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822495Richard LLeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822495PeterDix
CCOB A 1814-1822495DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822495JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822495Richard WCheeseman
CCOB A 1814-1822495JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822495JohnNugen
CCOB A 1814-1822495LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822495WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822495IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822495WilliamJones
CCOB A 1814-1822495JosiahBradbury
CCOB A 1814-1822495IsaacHankins
CCOB A 1814-1822495Lawrence HBrannon
CCOB A 1814-1822495GriffinTredway
CCOB A 1814-1822495JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822495JohnNugen
CCOB A 1814-1822495JacobWaymire
CCOB A 1814-1822495DavidJenkins
CCOB A 1814-1822495PeterDix
CCOB A 1814-1822495Richard LLeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822495WilliamSumner
CCOB A 1814-1822495IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822495Richard WCheesman
CCOB A 1814-1822495WilliamWalters
CCOB A 1814-1822495JosiahBradberry
CCOB A 1814-1822496Isaac Sr.McPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822496Isaac Jr.McPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822496JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822496IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822496JosephFix
CCOB A 1814-1822497James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822497DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822497JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822497WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822497JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822497PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822497AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822497John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822497John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822497JonathanKidwell
CCOB A 1814-1822498RansomGatewood
CCOB A 1814-1822498James PKippers
CCOB A 1814-1822498JohnSee
CCOB A 1814-1822498DavidRiche
CCOB A 1814-1822498JesseWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822498John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822498John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822498JonathanKidwell
CCOB A 1814-1822498JesseWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822500Miles CEggleston
CCOB A 1814-1822500JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822500WilliamMcLain
CCOB A 1814-1822500EliasWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822500JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822500Thomas MPendeleton
CCOB A 1814-1822500BealeButler
CCOB A 1814-1822500StephenGriffith
CCOB A 1814-1822500BrazeltonBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822500JohnHurst
CCOB A 1814-1822500CharlesMoffitt
CCOB A 1814-1822500JohnGuinn
CCOB A 1814-1822500SamuelBeck
CCOB A 1814-1822500ShadrackHenderson
CCOB A 1814-1822500RobertBenefield
CCOB A 1814-1822500WilliamConnor
CCOB A 1814-1822500IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822500ThomasNewman
CCOB A 1814-1822500JohnNicholson
CCOB A 1814-1822500WilliamFox
CCOB A 1814-1822500MarkPeel
CCOB A 1814-1822500Martin MRay
CCOB A 1814-1822500Charles HVeder
CCOB A 1814-1822500AbrahamElliott
CCOB A 1814-1822501FrancisClark
CCOB A 1814-1822501JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822501RobertMcCain
CCOB A 1814-1822501JohnTurner
CCOB A 1814-1822501LukeMcGuire
CCOB A 1814-1822501NathanChaney
CCOB A 1814-1822502JoshuaAddington
CCOB A 1814-1822502JacobKyser
CCOB A 1814-1822502JohnSee
CCOB A 1814-1822502JamesJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822502JohnMcKinnon
CCOB A 1814-1822503DanielGallion
CCOB A 1814-1822503WilliamBrewer
CCOB A 1814-1822503CrawfordConnor
CCOB A 1814-1822504JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822504JohnFincher
CCOB A 1814-1822504JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822504GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822504JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822504AchillesWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822504ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822504AbelThornbury
CCOB A 1814-1822504SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822504BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822504PhilipCox
CCOB A 1814-1822504JohnCain
CCOB A 1814-1822504WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822505WilliamGriffin
CCOB A 1814-1822505ThomasMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822505WilliamStockton
CCOB A 1814-1822505WilliamHughes
CCOB A 1814-1822505CharlesJammison
CCOB A 1814-1822505BenjaminFerguson
CCOB A 1814-1822505JamesSpencer
CCOB A 1814-1822505RebeccaHoward
CCOB A 1814-1822505JohnHoward
CCOB A 1814-1822506DavidLauman
CCOB A 1814-1822506AlfredLauman
CCOB A 1814-1822506NathanSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822506EphraimLacey
CCOB A 1814-1822506BenjaminStratton
CCOB A 1814-1822506WilliamHardin
CCOB A 1814-1822507JamesPrevo
CCOB A 1814-1822507EnochPrevo
CCOB A 1814-1822507JosephMcLennahan
CCOB A 1814-1822507JohnSnodgrass
CCOB A 1814-1822507MosesCooper
CCOB A 1814-1822507ElijahYoung
CCOB A 1814-1822507GeorgeGraham
CCOB A 1814-1822507SebastianFoust
CCOB A 1814-1822508RobertMorrison
CCOB A 1814-1822508JohnLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822508LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822508CalebHawley
CCOB A 1814-1822508HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822508AbrahamAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822509JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822509JohnCain
CCOB A 1814-1822509SamuelGrewell
CCOB A 1814-1822509StephenBrewer
CCOB A 1814-1822509JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822510EphraimLacey
CCOB A 1814-1822510JamesFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822510SamuelFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822510JohnSutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822510SamuelCain
CCOB A 1814-1822511IsaacMcPherson
CCOB A 1814-1822511JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822511GeorgeGraham
CCOB A 1814-1822511SebastianFoust
CCOB A 1814-1822511EliGasson
CCOB A 1814-1822511MorganShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822511SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822512JohnSummers
CCOB A 1814-1822512JacobBeiler
CCOB A 1814-1822512AbrahamMerri
CCOB A 1814-1822512JonathanBeales
CCOB A 1814-1822512RobertHannah
CCOB A 1814-1822512HumphreySutton
CCOB A 1814-1822513LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822513LeviJones
CCOB A 1814-1822513JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822513BenjamineCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822513NathanialPearce
CCOB A 1814-1822513BenjamineFasset
CCOB A 1814-1822514Paul WWay
CCOB A 1814-1822514ThomasSutton
CCOB A 1814-1822514Jacob BHornish
CCOB A 1814-1822514AbelJenny
CCOB A 1814-1822514AlexanderScott
CCOB A 1814-1822515JamesHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822515JohnBailey
CCOB A 1814-1822516ThomasMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822516JohnKnipe
CCOB A 1814-1822517Edward LFoust
CCOB A 1814-1822517WilliamThompson
CCOB A 1814-1822517DavidOdum
CCOB A 1814-1822517HenryGarrett
CCOB A 1814-1822518IsraelAbrams
CCOB A 1814-1822518RachelNeel
CCOB A 1814-1822518Jacob NBooker
CCOB A 1814-1822518DaytonHolloway
CCOB A 1814-1822518JohnWard
CCOB A 1814-1822518Thomas BWeeling
CCOB A 1814-1822518NathanielHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822519JesseWright
CCOB A 1814-1822519BenjaminBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822519EdwardRouth
CCOB A 1814-1822519SamuelGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822519John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822519John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822519JohnFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822520SamuelWier
CCOB A 1814-1822520WilliamHarden
CCOB A 1814-1822520WilliamJorden
CCOB A 1814-1822521John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822521John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822521JohnMcBroom
CCOB A 1814-1822521SamuelSwain
CCOB A 1814-1822521BenjaminSpray
CCOB A 1814-1822521PeterEnsley
CCOB A 1814-1822521SallyFueler
CCOB A 1814-1822521IsaacBeeson
CCOB A 1814-1822522Thomas BHuling
CCOB A 1814-1822522NathanielHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822522BenjaminHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822522JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822522JacobFouts
CCOB A 1814-1822522AmosFouts
CCOB A 1814-1822523DavidRichey
CCOB A 1814-1822523JesseWillets
CCOB A 1814-1822523JohnFinchon
CCOB A 1814-1822523ThomasStafford
CCOB A 1814-1822523JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822523JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822523AchillesWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822523ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822523AbelThornbury
CCOB A 1814-1822523SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822523BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822523AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822523RalphWright
CCOB A 1814-1822523JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822524StephenCox
CCOB A 1814-1822524IsaacMartin
CCOB A 1814-1822524SamuelHare
CCOB A 1814-1822524ThomasStafford
CCOB A 1814-1822524JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822524GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822524JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822524JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822524AchillesWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822524Enoch EFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822524ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822524AbelThornbury
CCOB A 1814-1822524SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822524BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822524AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822524RachelNeels
CCOB A 1814-1822524Thomas BFuling
CCOB A 1814-1822525GravenerMcNees
CCOB A 1814-1822525MaryMcNees
CCOB A 1814-1822525JoelWright
CCOB A 1814-1822525MosesCox
CCOB A 1814-1822525JohnHashfield
CCOB A 1814-1822525AdonijahRambo
CCOB A 1814-1822525ElishaKing
CCOB A 1814-1822526FrederickAndrix
CCOB A 1814-1822526RobertBlair
CCOB A 1814-1822526EliGapen
CCOB A 1814-1822526MorganShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822526Samuel EShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822526JosephManifold
CCOB A 1814-1822526WilliamUnderhill
CCOB A 1814-1822527ElishaLong
CCOB A 1814-1822527CalebNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822527SymonSummers
CCOB A 1814-1822527AdamRhodes
CCOB A 1814-1822527WilliamCrawford
CCOB A 1814-1822527LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822527JohnAdair
CCOB A 1814-1822527JosephEvans
CCOB A 1814-1822528DavidFisher
CCOB A 1814-1822528JacobKeesling
CCOB A 1814-1822528CharlesUsher
CCOB A 1814-1822528HenryWhitinger
CCOB A 1814-1822529JohnNixon
CCOB A 1814-1822529RobertWorl
CCOB A 1814-1822529JaneHarns
CCOB A 1814-1822529MatildaOverman
CCOB A 1814-1822529PennyPorter
CCOB A 1814-1822529ElizabethWorl
CCOB A 1814-1822529SamuelWorl
CCOB A 1814-1822529IsaacCarter
CCOB A 1814-1822529JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822530Thomas BHuling
CCOB A 1814-1822530ThomasStafford
CCOB A 1814-1822530JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822530GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822530JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822530JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822530ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822530AbelThornbury
CCOB A 1814-1822530SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822530BoetterCananday
CCOB A 1814-1822530AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822530AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822530WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822530JamesMcGuire
CCOB A 1814-1822531DavidGallyan
CCOB A 1814-1822531WilliamBrewer
CCOB A 1814-1822531Reeves
CCOB A 1814-1822531Ramsburger
CCOB A 1814-1822531JamesBrown
CCOB A 1814-1822531SamuelShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822531JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822531EleazerHyatt
CCOB A 1814-1822532Jeremiah LMeek
CCOB A 1814-1822532HenryStrader
CCOB A 1814-1822533NicholasDruly
CCOB A 1814-1822533WilliamShaw
CCOB A 1814-1822533JohnFox
CCOB A 1814-1822533BalsorFox
CCOB A 1814-1822533ThomasLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822533ZimriLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822533WilliamLewis
CCOB A 1814-1822533DavidHoover
CCOB A 1814-1822533JohnSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822534JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822534JacobBranson
CCOB A 1814-1822534NixonPalen
CCOB A 1814-1822534AdamKonningmaker
CCOB A 1814-1822534JohnSuffrins
CCOB A 1814-1822534JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822534SamuelGilmore
CCOB A 1814-1822534DavidRichee
CCOB A 1814-1822534JesseWillits
CCOB A 1814-1822534PennyPorter
CCOB A 1814-1822534JonathanJessop
CCOB A 1814-1822534AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822534PhillipFox
CCOB A 1814-1822534WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822534RalphWight
CCOB A 1814-1822534JosiahNixson
CCOB A 1814-1822534JonesGaer
CCOB A 1814-1822534CalebHarvey
CCOB A 1814-1822534JohnLevington
CCOB A 1814-1822534IsaacLennington
CCOB A 1814-1822534JehuLee
CCOB A 1814-1822534GolsinSummers
CCOB A 1814-1822535EliGapin
CCOB A 1814-1822535Samuel EShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822535MorganShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822535MatildaOverman
CCOB A 1814-1822535ThomasStafford
CCOB A 1814-1822535JacobSaunders
CCOB A 1814-1822535BoeterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822535JohnFeicher
CCOB A 1814-1822535JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822535Enoch EFlemming
CCOB A 1814-1822535GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822535AchillisWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822535SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822535AbelThornburgh
CCOB A 1814-1822535AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822535EliamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822536WilliamBall
CCOB A 1814-1822536JohnBaley
CCOB A 1814-1822536BenjamineCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822536JamesSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822536RiceWharton
CCOB A 1814-1822536MorganShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822536SamuelShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822537WilliamScott
CCOB A 1814-1822537BenjaminCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822537BalsorFox
CCOB A 1814-1822537JohnHurst
CCOB A 1814-1822537HenryRockefellow
CCOB A 1814-1822537EliHeaton
CCOB A 1814-1822538JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822538SymonSummers
CCOB A 1814-1822538AdamRhodes
CCOB A 1814-1822538JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822538AchillesWilliam
CCOB A 1814-1822538WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822538SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822538AbelThornburgh
CCOB A 1814-1822538GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822538AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822538ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822538AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822538JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822538BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822538RalphWright
CCOB A 1814-1822539IthamerWarner
CCOB A 1814-1822539BenjaminFossett
CCOB A 1814-1822539BenjaminCushman
CCOB A 1814-1822539NathanielPearce
CCOB A 1814-1822539ThompsonWard
CCOB A 1814-1822539BladenAshby
CCOB A 1814-1822539HarryBlack
CCOB A 1814-1822540JonathanKidwell
CCOB A 1814-1822540John Sr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822540John Jr.Sutherland
CCOB A 1814-1822541EliGapin
CCOB A 1814-1822541Samuel EShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822541MorganShortridge
CCOB A 1814-1822542RansomGatewood
CCOB A 1814-1822542James PKippus
CCOB A 1814-1822542JarrettSee
CCOB A 1814-1822542RichardChambers
CCOB A 1814-1822542JohnSee
CCOB A 1814-1822542SamuelJones
CCOB A 1814-1822542BarneyMcMannus
CCOB A 1814-1822542PhilipMisor
CCOB A 1814-1822542LewisThomas
CCOB A 1814-1822542GraceButler
CCOB A 1814-1822543JohnMinsh
CCOB A 1814-1822543HenryWhitinger
CCOB A 1814-1822543JonathanBeals
CCOB A 1814-1822543PeterJohnson
CCOB A 1814-1822543JacobBranson
CCOB A 1814-1822543WilliamMoffat
CCOB A 1814-1822543GeorgeMisor
CCOB A 1814-1822543GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822543AchillesWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822543WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822543AbelThornburgh
CCOB A 1814-1822543RalphWright
CCOB A 1814-1822543JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822543AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822543BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822543ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822543SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822543AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822544AdamRhodes
CCOB A 1814-1822544RachelNeel
CCOB A 1814-1822544NathanielHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822544JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822544JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822544SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822544AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822544WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822544ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822544JonathanTownsend
CCOB A 1814-1822544John Jr.Meek
CCOB A 1814-1822544Enoch EFleming
CCOB A 1814-1822544JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822544BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822544AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822544RalphWright
CCOB A 1814-1822545WilliamMoffat
CCOB A 1814-1822545GeorgeMisor
CCOB A 1814-1822545John Jr.Cox
CCOB A 1814-1822545GeorgeSmith
CCOB A 1814-1822545AchillesWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822545WilliamScarce
CCOB A 1814-1822545AbelThornbury
CCOB A 1814-1822545RalphWright
CCOB A 1814-1822545JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822545AndrewWoods
CCOB A 1814-1822545JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822545BoetterCannaday
CCOB A 1814-1822545ElamIreland
CCOB A 1814-1822545SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822545AbsalomWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822545FrancisMcCoy
CCOB A 1814-1822545BarneyMcMannis
CCOB A 1814-1822546JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822546NathanielHarrington
CCOB A 1814-1822546JonathanJessup
CCOB A 1814-1822546JacobSanders
CCOB A 1814-1822546AbelThornburgh
CCOB A 1814-1822546SamuelWalker
CCOB A 1814-1822546ObediahHarris
CCOB A 1814-1822546PhilipFox
CCOB A 1814-1822546WilliamClark
CCOB A 1814-1822546WilliamJones
CCOB A 1814-1822546JamesCrawford
CCOB A 1814-1822546IsaacJulian
CCOB A 1814-1822546JobRatliff
CCOB A 1814-1822546IsaacBushby
CCOB A 1814-1822547PatrickHart
CCOB A 1814-1822547ReubenBrattain
CCOB A 1814-1822547JohnWhitehead
CCOB A 1814-1822547James BRay
CCOB A 1814-1822547JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822547CyrusFinch
CCOB A 1814-1822547ThomasMcCartney
CCOB A 1814-1822547JohnWoodkirk
CCOB A 1814-1822548JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822548WilliamBulla
CCOB A 1814-1822548JohnMcLain
CCOB A 1814-1822548JesseMcLain
CCOB A 1814-1822548GeorgePierce
CCOB A 1814-1822549JamesClark
CCOB A 1814-1822550JesseDavenport
CCOB A 1814-1822550WilliamMcClain
CCOB A 1814-1822550JamesRariden
CCOB A 1814-1822550NehemiahWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822550CynthiaWilliams
CCOB A 1814-1822550CharityJones
CCOB A 1814-1822551John Sr.Davis
CCOB A 1814-1822551AllenDavis
CCOB A 1814-1822551MaryJones

Franklin County Lawyers

The following is a list of lawyers who applied to and/or were admitted to the Franklin County, Indiana bar.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1815-1872

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests page.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameYear
CC OB 1 1815-18183Alexander AMeek1815
CC OB 1 1815-181820Stephen CStephens1815
CC OB 1 1815-181820ReubenKidder1815
CC OB 1 1815-181820AlexanderHolton1815
CC OB 1 1815-181882CorneliusDennison1816
CC OB 1 1815-1818106Hezekiah BHull1816
CC OB 1 1815-1818138Stephen CStevens1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138AmosLane1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138Alexander AMeek1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138Miles CEggleston1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138Hesikiah BHull1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138JohnLawrence1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138JamesMcKinney1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818138CorneliusDennison1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818139ReubenKidder1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818139John CMcManus1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193JamesNoble1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193WilliamHendricks1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193JohnLawrence1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193Hesekiah BHull1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193JeremiahSullivan1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193WilliamDrew1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818193John CMcMannus1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818206CorneliusDennison1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818206Thomas EBurnsides1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818261AddisonSmith1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818261MosesGreen1817
CC OB 1 1815-1818315Miles CEggleston1818
CC OB 1 1815-1818319Daniel JCasewell1818
CC OB 1 1815-1818369Daniel JCasewell1818
CC OB 1 1815-1818390Joseph SBenham1818
CC OB 2 1818-18204James BRay1818
CC OB 2 1818-18204JamesRardon1818
CC OB 2 1818-18204Joseph SBenham1818
CC OB 2 1818-18204William WWick1818
CC OB 2 1818-182052JohnTest1819
CC OB 2 1818-182052Isaac SBrower1819
CC OB 2 1818-182052William WWick1819
CC OB 2 1818-1820132GeorgeDunn1819
CC OB 2 1818-1820132Isaac MJohnson1819
CC OB 2 1818-1820175HarranBassett1819
CC OB 2 1818-1820181John AlexanderDaly1819
CC OB 2 1818-1820202Isaac MJohnson1819
CC OB 2 1818-1820305Richard SWheatly1820
CC OB 3 1821-182541B FMorris1821
CC OB 3 1821-182573Henry CHammon1821
CC OB 3 1821-1825100CyrusFinch1821
CC OB 3 1821-1825125John TMcKinney1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825125Martin MRay1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825125Jephus DMorris1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825127Oliver HSmith1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825136OziasHole1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825169Joseph AHopkins1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825169DavidHiggans1822
CC OB 3 1821-1825242Charles HTest1823
CC OB 3 1821-1825330IsaiahMarshall1823
CC OB 3 1821-1825345LotBloomfield1824
CC OB 3 1821-1825373Josiah FPolk1824
CC OB 3 1821-1825373JamesPerry1824
CC OB 3 1821-1825376James BRay1824
CC OB 3 1821-1825382John BKing1824
CC OB 3 1821-1825411Arthur St. ClairVance1825
CC OB 4 1825-1833118Thomas JLangden1827
CC OB 4 1825-1833119N GHoward1827
CC OB 4 1825-1833163CharlesFox1827
CC OB 4 1825-1833163SeptimusSmith1827
CC OB 4 1825-1833185CharlesFox1828
CC OB 4 1825-1833217John SNewman1828
CC OB 4 1825-1833229Stephen SHarding1828
CC OB 4 1825-1833259John MJohnston1829
CC OB 4 1825-1833259JohnTest1829
CC OB 4 1825-1833290Andrew CharlesGriffith1829
CC OB 4 1825-1833290Caleb BSmith1829
CC OB 4 1825-1833348Benjamin SNoble1830
CC OB 4 1825-1833362PhilipSweetser1830
CC OB 4 1825-1833369HenryBigger1830
CC OB 4 1825-1833395F DLanier1830
CC OB 4 1825-1833409Hugh BEggleston1830
CC OB 4 1825-1833409John WAlley1830
CC OB 4 1825-1833441Samuel CSample1831
CC OB 4 1825-1833491Samuel WParker1832
CC OB 4 1825-1833503John AMatson1832
CC OB 4 1825-1833503JohnRyman1832
CC OB 4 1825-1833503GeorgeHolland1832
CC OB 4 1825-1833533Daniel SMajor1833
CC OB 4 1825-1833546James BHaile1833
CC OB 4 1825-1833546William MMcCarty1833
CC OB 5 1833-18394AndrewDavison1833
CC OB 5 1833-18394JohnHutchin1833
CC OB 5 1833-18394WilliamDailey1833
CC OB 5 1833-183960James TBrown1834
CC OB 5 1833-183960Philip SSpooner1834
CC OB 5 1833-183960CourtlandCushing1834
CC OB 5 1833-1839130PeterRyman1835
CC OB 5 1833-1839130AbrahamHammond1835
CC OB 5 1833-1839130William MMcCarty1835
CC OB 5 1833-1839152John SPowers1835
CC OB 5 1833-1839181JohnMcPike1835
CC OB 5 1833-1839251RichardWinchell1836
CC OB 5 1833-1839306WilliamBrumfield1837
CC OB 5 1833-1839339Earl SStone1837
CC OB 5 1833-1839395Moses JKelly1838
CC OB 5 1833-1839395Gregg MThompson1838
CC OB 5 1833-1839395Stephen SHarrell1838
CC OB 5 1833-1839395JohnDumont1838
CC OB 5 1833-1839407Pleasant AHackleman1838
CC OB 6 1839-18411Gregg MThompson1839
CC OB 6 1839-18412SolomonMaker1839
CC OB 6 1839-1841176Moses LKelley1840
CC OB 6 1839-1841298J BSleith1840
CC OB 6 1839-1841320WilliamWalton1840
CC OB 7 1841-184421ElishaVance1841
CC OB 7 1841-1844178AsaphBuck1842
CC OB 7 1841-1844224Daniel MCox1842
CC OB 7 1841-1844290John DHowland1842
CC OB 7 1841-1844301CyrusKilgore1842
CC OB 7 1841-1844301Samuel EPerkins1842
CC OB 7 1841-1844377James EWheat1843
CC OB 7 1841-1844398William HowardSmith1843
CC OB 7 1841-1844529John SFarguhar1844
CC OB 7 1841-1844532Reuben DLogan1844
CC OB 8 1844-184714John SScoby1845
CC OB 8 1844-184718JamesWallace1845
CC OB 8 1844-1847160John WMyers1845
CC OB 8 1844-1847275JosephRobinson1846
CC OB 8 1844-1847275JohnYaryan1846
CC OB 8 1844-1847330JamesMcManus1846
CC OB 8 1844-1847466James AFay1847
CC OB 8 1844-1847485Stephen SHarrell1847
CC OB 8 1844-1847529BJohn HShirk1847
CC OB 9 1847-184928Daniel DJones1847
CC OB 9 1847-184928NelsonTrusler1847
CC OB 9 1847-184964Daniel DJones1847
CC OB 9 1847-184973NelsonTrussler1847
CC OB 9 1847-184990Hadley DJohnson1847
CC OB 9 1847-1849118Jesse WHubbard1848
CC OB 9 1847-1849185John SReid1848
CC OB 9 1847-1849307Squire WRobeson1848
CC OB 9 1847-1849337Lewis CFouts1848
CC OB 9 1847-1849464Harvey JShirk1849
CC OB 9 1847-1849471John TMcCarty1849
CC OB 10 1849-185127EdgarHaymond1849
CC OB 10 1849-185137AlfredWard1849
CC OB 10 1849-185148Nathaniel MCrookshank1849
CC OB 10 1849-185182JamesGavin1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851113Isaiah WRobinson1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851113James WRobinson1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851113Oliver BTorbet1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851287GilbertTrusler1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851287JosephBrady1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851302George BFitch1850
CC OB 10 1849-1851343LeonidasSexton1851
CC OB 11 1851-1853175James RMcClre1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853177Daniel WWelty1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853189Isaac KLee1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853201John SSimpson1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853229Henry Jr.Berry1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853232Henry Jr.Berry1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853267RichardChambers1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853309John BCampbell1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853311WilliamCumback1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853330Norman SByram1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853330Thornton FHowe1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853348Nathan BSparks1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853356William WHubbard1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853364Norman SByram1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853366Benjamin FClaypool1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853366GilbertTrusler1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853371George WByram1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853373JohnWest1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853392BenjaminMewhinney1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853399Andrew RMcCleery1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853417Andrew RMcCleery1852
CC OB 11 1851-1853442Andrew JRoss1853
CC OB 11 1851-1853460CalebSchofield1853
CC OB 12 1853-1857473George WYocum1855
CC OB 12 1853-1857493Coker FClarkson1855
CC OB 12 1853-1857497SamuelDavis1855
CC OB 12 1853-1857499Ephraim KRockafellar1855
CC OB 12 1853-1857606Andrew LOsborn1856
CC OB 12 1853-1857606Charles CBinkley1856
CC OB 12 1853-1857627SamuelHerron1856
CC OB 12 1853-1857669J RCoverdale1856
CC OB 12 1853-1857753James MClements1857
CC OB 12 1853-1857753Thomas SWright1857
CC OB 12 1853-1857759JohnSchwartz1857
CC OB 12 1853-1857786SebastianGreen1857
CC OB 13 1857-186734JesseClements1858
CC OB 13 1857-1867160FieldingBerry1859
CC OB 13 1857-1867160Thomas BAdams1859
CC OB 13 1857-1867181William HSmith1859
CC OB 13 1857-1867211Milton HCullum1859
CC OB 13 1857-1867223Richard HSwift1859
CC OB 13 1857-1867252Wm ACullen1860
CC OB 13 1857-1867312George WBrown1860
CC OB 13 1857-1867319John MJohnston1860
CC OB 13 1857-1867333N VKyger1860
CC OB 13 1857-1867388J AdairSmith1860
CC OB 13 1857-1867551A P FrancisDayton1861
CC OB 14 1862-186786Joseph EEgley1862
CC OB 14 1862-1867215Edward PBradstreet1864
CC OB 14 1862-1867422Robert HPower1866
CC OB 14 1862-1867422Ferdinand SSwift1866
CC OB 14 1862-1867439CharlesMoormann1866
CC OB 14 1862-1867499John FMcKee1867
CC OB 14 1862-1867622James KJones1867
CC OB 15 1867-186977Henry BSayler1868
CC OB 15 1867-186977Leigh HHaymond1868
CC OB 15 1867-186978William HCarroll1868
CC OB 15 1867-186980WilliamCassady1868
CC OB 15 1867-1869200Thomas JRoss1868
CC OB 15 1867-1869241James RSites1868
CC OB 15 1867-1869241George WCreswell1868
CC OB 15 1867-1869307PlattWicks1868
CC OB 16 1869-187268Upton JHammond1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158Johnathan WGordon1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158JohnSchwartz1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158William SHolman1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158John DHaynes1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158Hugh DMcMullen1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158Omer FRoberts1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872158Noah SGivan1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872160Elmer WAtkinson1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872160Isaac HCarabah1870
CC OB 16 1869-1872224Charles SDunn1871
CC OB 16 1869-1872298Louis TMichener1871
CC OB 16 1869-1872320John BMoorman1871
CC OB 16 1869-1872344Lewis LDale1871
CC OB 16 1869-1872429Timothy AO'Conner1872
CC OB 16 1869-1872433CharlesHiltz1872