Tag Archives: Death Records

Vevay Newspaper Index – 1824-1849

The Vevay, Switzerland County, Newspaper Index is split into multiple parts. This section gives births, marriages, divorces, deaths and estates found in Vevay newspapers from 1824 to 1849. Visit the Vevay Newspaper Index page to learn more about the index and how to access the newspapers.

Digital copies of the newspapers listed in this index are available through the Record Requests Page.

Deaths found in Moorefield Circuit, ME Church Records

Records for the Moorefield Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Switzerland County, Indiana) from 6 July 1862 to 2 August 1877 are available at the DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana and has been microfilmed by the Family History Library (FHL 14390121). The circuit included Morris Chapel, Ebenezer, Home Chapel, Mt. Zion, Brooksburg, Pleasant Grove, Cross Plains and McKendree. The records also include memberships, baptisms and marriages.
Below is an index of deaths found in those records. To request digital images of deeds, visit the Record Requests Page.

1880 Ohio County Mortality Schedule

The 1880 Mortality Schedule for Ohio County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1870 Ohio County Mortality Schedule

The 1870 Mortality Schedule for Ohio County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1860 Ohio County Mortality Schedule

The 1860 Mortality Schedule for Ohio County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1850 Ohio County Mortality Schedule

The 1850 Mortality Schedule for Ohio County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1880 Dearborn County Mortality Schedule

The 1880 Mortality Schedule for Dearborn County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1870 Dearborn County Mortality Schedule

The 1870 Mortality Schedule for Dearborn County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1860 Dearborn County Mortality Schedule

The 1860 Mortality Schedule for Dearborn County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.

1850 Dearborn County Mortality Schedule

The 1850 Mortality Schedule for Dearborn County, Indiana, enumerated persons who had died in the last year, along with the month they died and their cause of death.
The original records are available on microfilm. To request a digital image, visit the Record Requests Page.