Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana entries from:
Indiana State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1892. Volume 6. Indianapolis : R. L. Polk & Co., 1892.
See also:
Entries from Dearborn County (1892)
Entries from Lawrenceburg (1892)
Dearborn County Directories
AURORA. This city of 5,500 inhabitants is on the Ohio river and O. & M. and C., C., C. & St. L. Rys., in Dearborn county, 4 miles below Lawrenceburgh court house and 79 from Indianapolis. It was settled in 1819, incorporated in 1848, and is now a growing manufacturing place, supplied with 12 churches, 2 graded schools, an opera house with a seating capacity of 600, 2 national banks, good hotels, gas works, electric light, and a fire department. The press is represented by 2 weekly newspapers, the Independent and Spectator. The chief manufacturing establishments comprise 1 flour mill, furniture factory, distillery, 1 foundry, 2 chair factories, saw mill, brewery, cooper shop and 2 brick yards. Exp., B. & O. and Adams. Tel., W. U. John H. Denton, postmaster.
- Avry George, saloon
- Aurora Cigar Co., cigar mnfrs
- Aurora Distilling Co., see Sunnyside Distilling Co.
- Aurora Furniture Co., furniture mnfrs
- Aurora Gas Light, Coke and Coal Co.
- Aurora National Bank, Alex B Pattison cashier
- Aurora Spectator, Frank Gregory propr
- Baker Charles K, blacksmith
- Baker Walter S, insurance
- Bauer Charles, carpenter
- Bauer John H, tailor
- Bellican S A, milliner
- Beincamp Charles R, grocer
- Blake Joseph, carpenter
- Bloom Albert, grocer
- Bond Richard C, physician
- Bradford Alfred W, blacksmith
- Brannon John, grocer
- Braunagel Edward, saloon
- Buchanan John, confectioner
- Buffington Blythe W, grocer
- Burke Mrs. Mary H, notions
- Campbell Alexander M, farm supplies
- Canfield Oliver T, dry goods
- Chambers Stevens E, general store
- Cheek L M & Co., grocers
- Cobb John & Co., chair mnfrs
- Cobb O P & Co., hardware
- Cochren G & L, milliners
- Cofield Wm R, sewing machines
- Coles J R & Son, livery
- Coll L Willard, propr Dearborn Independent
- Crescent Brewing Co The, brewers
- Curtis & Bluffington, feed and produce
- Day Wm T, undertaker
- Dearborn Independent, W L Coll
- Denton John H, postmaster
- Devan James, crockery
- Dorrel & Son D, meat markets
- Douselman & Co, grocers
- Downey Erastus S, agricultural implts
- Downey George E, Attorney at Law, practicing in all courts in Dearborn and adjoining counties. Collections promptly attended to.
- Droge Gerhard H, grocer
- Ebel John P, saloon and grocer
- Egan John, tailor
- Elliott Wm, meat market
- Emria Harry, jeweler
- Epstein Lena, clothing and furnishing goods
- Fehling Charles, grocer
- First National Bank, E H Davis cashr
- Fisk Charles & Son, Mnfrs of Fine Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, cor Main. Importing.
- Flohr John, barber
- Frank George, grocer and saloon
- Freiberger Andrew, saloon
- Fritz Hiram, carriagemaker
- Funck George P, meat market
- Gamble Arthur, photographer
- Gardiner Robert G, grocer
- Gehrich Joseph, shoemaker
- Gieholdt & Miller, meat market
- Goerth Leonard, rubbers
- Goerth L & Son, painters
- Graf Louis, gunsmith
- Green Edward H, lawyer
- Gregory Frank, propr Aurora Spectator
- Griffin Mary A, grocer
- Griffith Wm W & Co, druggists
- Grossholz Louis, saloon
- Oswald George, baker
- Haring Emil L, dentist
- Harwood Elias, painter
- Hauck Julius, barber
- Heaton Conley, physician
- Held Henry, stoves and hardware
- Henry Wm C, physician
- Herdegen & Kress, grocers and Adams Express agents
- Hill & Son A, coal
- Hillman Charles, crockery
- Holman & Holman, lawyers
- Horr Philip, jeweler
- Hurlbert Lewis G, lumber
- Jacobs Henry, dry goods
- Jarhmih & Renner, cigar mnfrs
- Johnston Adam, baker
- Kassebaum F W & Son, marble
- Kastner Anthony, grocer
- Kerr & Melson, General Blacksmithing and Repair Shop. Special Attention Given to Horseshoeing. Your Trade Solicited, cor Main and Mill
- Kirsch House, Jacob Kirsch Propr, 162 and 164 Second street near O & M depot
- Kirsch Jacob, Proprietor Kirsch House. First Class Accomodation for Traveling Men
- Klueber John Jr., clothing
- Knight Charles, picture frames
- Knight Sarah, milliner
- Knippenberg Henry, confectioner
- Koehler Mrs. Martha, grocer
- Kreite Louis, architects
- Kuhlmeier J Henry, saddles and harness
- Kyle John J, oculist and aurist
- Kyle T M, Surgical Specialist, Medical and Surgical Treatment of Malignant Diseases
- Lamar Wm W, dry goods, boots and shoes
- Lamb James, physician
- Langley Augustus, Tin and Slate Roofer, Cornice Work, Guttering, Roofing and Spouting satisfactory done.
- Langtree, McGuire & Co, flour mill
- Leibecke Charles, barber
- Leive Wm, The Leading Jewelry House in Aurora; also Dealer in Books, Wall Paper, Musical Instruments and all kinds of Fancy Goods. 88 Second street.
- Lieb Henry Jr., livery
- Lindsey J F & Son, carpenters
- Loew Jacob, baker
- Lostatter David & Co, insurance
- Lotton House, Lewis Lotton propr
- Lotton Lewis, propr Lotton House
- McClanahan James E, agricultural imple
- McClellan Mrs. Mattie E, millinery and notions
- McConnell R A & Bros, dry goods
- McCullen Wm J, horseshoer
- McHenry Wm C, lumber
- McIntyre John A, Practical Undertaker and Embalmer, Funeral Furnishings of all Kinds, all Orders will Receive Prompt Attention, Dealer in Fine Furntiture, 81 2d st.
- McMullen, Johnston & McMullen, lawyers
- Maffey Frank, grocer and saloon
- Mahr John H, saloon
- Martin Charles, saloon
- Martin Gerhart, saloon
- Mauntel Frederick, Undertaker and Embalmer, our Livery Stable Specially Recommended to the Traveling Public, Dealer in Fine Furniture, Household Goods, 106-108 Judiciary and 111 Main
- Maybin Robert, dry goods and groceries
- Menkel Adolph H, grocer
- Milburn John N, books and jewelry
- Mullen & Dennerline, insurance
- Murphy John F, veterinary surgeon
- Nees John A, grocer and livery
- Nees Wm J, music teacher
- Neff & Schepper, boots and shoes
- Niebaum & Stenver, dry goods
- Norton Thomas H, grocer
- Parks John A, lawyer
- Parnell Kerby, barber
- Pelgen John, saloon
- Perry Kate, milliner
- Peters David, saloon and grocer
- Petscher John, saloon
- Pickelheimer Moses S, lawyer and mayor
- Pickelheimer Thomas J, lightning rod agt
- Post Clemens, cigar mnfr
- Probst George & Henry, brick mnfrs
- Pyles James B, feed and groceries
- Rectanus Frederick, physician
- Briddell S & Co., druggists
- Ritter John, shoemaker
- Robert John W, harnessmaker
- Roberts Omar F, lawyer
- Sale Fleetwood H, physician
- Sargent Thomas, coal
- Scharf Wm F, Daily Meat Market, Always Supplied With the Best Quantities of Meat, the Cheapest and Best Place in Town. Cash Paid for Good Stock, 81 Third
- Schroeder Mrs. Magdalene, saloon, grocer
- Schuler J C & Bro., Dealers in Furniture, all Kinds of Household Goods. All Repairing Promptly Attended to. Corner Third and Main.
- Schultz Adolph, saloon
- Schulz Bros, clothiers and tailors
- Schwartz Mrs. Kate, notions
- Severin Catherine, tin roofers
- Shuman W M, Livery, Breed and Sale Stables, Proprietor of the Famous Three-Year-Old Stallion Dr. Jekyl.
- Siemantel John H, saloon
- Sittlop Lena, milliner
- Smelly Reuben B, confectioner
- Smith Edwin, physician
- Smith Henry J, justice of peace
- Sunnyside Distilling Co., Charles L Howe Pres, Charles H Jacob vice-pres, Henry W Smith Sec and Treas, Mnfrs of Sunnyside All Rye Whisky, Distilleries Aurora Indiana and near Hillsdale, 23d District of Pennsylvania.
- Somerfield Samuel, millinery
- Spaeth H P & Co. (H P Spaeth, G L Dennerle), Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Roofing and Gutting done to order. 94 Second st.
- Spencer Benjamin F, druggist
- Stagenwald Charles, grocer
- Stamm Julius, machinist
- Stapp David H, lawyer
- Stedman Nathan, foundry
- Stedman & Vail, insurance
- Stoll L & Son, meat market
- Stratton Loren S, general store
- Strunk Frederick, saloon
- Suermann Edward, saloon
- Swift & Hauck, boots and shoes
- Taylor George W Jr., livery
- Teaney James R, confectioner
- Tevis Wm L, dentist
- Thomas & King, machinists
- Thoms Frederick, blacksmith
- Tuck Nelson A, photographer
- Twentyman John, shoemaker
- Uhly Wm, baker
- Ullrich John, drugs
- Underhill Winfield S, saloon
- Walker A D, blacksmith
- Walter Jacob, saw mill
- Walton James N, photographer
- Warner Mike, boots and shoes
- Weber Wm, grocer
- Webster Mary C, milliner
- Weimer George W, justice of peace
- Weiss Louis, saloon
- White John H, station agent Big 4 and Am Express
- Wood Frank B, painter
- Wood Henry, grocer
- Wymond Ellsworth, news agent
- Wymond John E, insurance
- Wymond L & Co., milliners
- Wymond Samuel Cooperage Co., mnfrs of barrels
- Zimmerman Peter, saloon and hotel