Tag Archives: Dearborn County

Dearborn County Newspaper Index 1905-1909

The Dearborn County, Indiana Newspaper Index is split into multiple parts. This section gives births, marriages, divorces, and deaths found in Dearborn County newspapers from 1905 to 1909. Coverage for this time period is spotty and will be improved when I gain access to additional newspapers. Visit the Dearborn County Newspaper Index page to learn more about the index and how to access the newspapers.

Digital copies of the newspapers listed in this index are available through the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Newspaper Index 1900-1904

The Dearborn County, Indiana Newspaper Index is split into multiple parts. This section gives births, marriages, divorces, and deaths found in Dearborn County newspapers from 1900 to 1904. Coverage for this time period is spotty and will be improved when I gain access to additional newspapers. Visit the Dearborn County Newspaper Index page to learn more about the index and how to access the newspapers.

Digital copies of the newspapers listed in this index are available through the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Newspaper Index 1895-1899

The Dearborn County, Indiana Newspaper Index is split into multiple parts. This section gives births, marriages, divorces, and deaths found in Dearborn County newspapers from 1895 to 1899. Coverage for this time period is spotty and will be improved when I gain access to additional newspapers. Visit the Dearborn County Newspaper Index page to learn more about the index and how to access the newspapers.

Digital copies of the newspapers listed in this index are available through the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Newspaper Index 1890-1894

The Dearborn County, Indiana Newspaper Index is split into multiple parts. This section gives births, marriages, divorces, and deaths found in Dearborn County newspapers from 1890 to 1894. Visit the Dearborn County Newspaper Index page to learn more about the index and how to access the newspapers.

Digital copies of the newspapers listed in this index are available through the Record Requests Page.

Aurora High School Commencement – 1894

Commencement for 1894 of the Aurora High School in Dearborn County, Indiana appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 17 May 1894 – Page 3, Column 4

Aurora High School Commencement exercises will take place at the Grand Opera House Friday evening, next week. The graduating class is composed of Marian Squibb, Karl Cadwell, Edith Bebinger, Elmer Tufts, Carrie Bloom, Inez S. Cobb, Jennie Kyle, Rena Caldwell.

The class is a particularly brilliant one, and especially renowned for their proficiency in Latin and rhetoric, standing far above the average.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1893

Proceedings of the September 1893 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 14 Sep 1893 – Page 3, Column 5

New Cases.

Following are the new cases for the September term of the Dearborn Circuit Court:

John Axby vs. estate of James G. Swan, deceased, on note.

John Christman vs. estate of Isaac S. Lawrence, deceased, on account.

Josiah Campbell vs. estate of Virgil Dowden, deceased, on account.

William Cassaday vs. George T. Hudson, malicious prosecution.

Mary Kriete Stevens et al vs. Henry Kriete et al, partition.

Joseph C. Wright, guardian, &c., vs. Henry L. Laks et al, to sell real estate.

George Lowe vs. Carl G. Walter, slander.

Rowland W. Holman, ex’r, vs. Jas Greer et al, on judgment.

Same vs. John B. Tuck, proceedings supplementary to executor.

Anna Bell Beebe vs. Elliott N. Beebe, divorce.

Louisa C. Rahe vs. George H. Kriete, on note, etc.

Alman McKee vs. C. C. C. & St. L R’y Co., damages.

Wilhelmina C. M. Steffin vs. Geo. H. Kriete, on note.

Mary Vincent vs. C. C. C. St. L. R’y Co., damages.

Ella Hayes vs. Edward Hayes Jr., replevin.

Emmeretta Wright et al vs. Elizabeth Chisman et al, partition.

Maria Rocche ex’r vs. Henry W. Bushorn et al, foreclosure.

The Union B L F & S A vs. Margareth M. Luther et al, foreclosure.

The Harrison N. T. R. & B. Turnpike Co. vs. John C. Grubb, appeal.

Merane T. Butt et al vs. Wm. Cors et al, on note.

William F. Stevens vs. Thomas Watts, for possession of real estate.

Joseph Sater ex’r vs. William H. Prudence et al, to sell real estate.

William D. H. Hunter vs. Frederick Wesler et al, on note.

The People’s B. & L. Co. vs. Katherine A. Roberts et al, foreclosure.

Pierre Fermier vs. George Velton et al, foreclosure.

Thomas Watts et al vs. Warren Watts et al, partition.

Thomas N. Beidelman vs. Prentice B. Skinner et al, foreclose.

Catharine Hahn vs. Peter Pflune et al, partition.

Anna D. Heustis vs. Zephaniah Heustis, divorce.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 5 Oct 1893 – Page 2, Column 3

At The Court House.

The following causes were disposed of during the first two weeks of the term:

Ambrose E. Nowlin et al vs. William R. Kirtley et al. Dismissed.

Louisa G. Macker vs. C. C. C. & St. L Ry Co. Dismissed.

Charles L. Martin vs. Margaret Kyle et al. Dismissed.

Merane T. Batt vs. William Cors et al. Dismissed

Pierre Feirmier vs. George Velton et al. Dismissed.

John S. Dorman vs. Abiah Hayes. Dismissed.

George Lowe vs. Carl G. Walter. Dismissed.

The following cases were continued until the December Term:

State vs. William Ellerman, William A. Greer, Michael Vahey, Charles Bruce, Thomas Acra et al. Allen W. Miles, John Curnayn, Peter Bradley, Henry Stoneking, John Kleinschsott, Thomas Acra, George Vasemire, Posey Hamilton, John Gadden, Frank Griffin, Thomas Soath, William Gaskin; Eleanor Burk et al vs. Edward Hayes; Aaron Huffman vs. Orris P. Cobb et al; Peter Emenaker et al vs. Joseph Dumont et al; Michael Bernd et al vs. Mary Bernd et al; State of Indiana ex rel Emma P. Bake vs. Ark L. Trester; Union Central Line Ins. Co. vs. Caroline S. Cobb et al; Joseph Davis vs. John Davis et al; Frank Rauch et al vs. Jacob Rauch et al; Alice Henthorn vs. Sparta School, Tp; Grant Toole vs. Sparta School, Tp; Mary Ann Trester et al vs. James M. Trester et al; City of Lawrenceburgh vs. Ann B. Fitch et al; Robert McElwain vs. Sam H. Dunn; Anna Heustis vs. Zephaniah Heustis et al; State vs. John Petcher, William F. Burkam, Joseph Schusman, Joseph Huffman, Walter H. Fitch vs. William T. Burkam.

The following cases were tried:

Samuel B Barker vs. Joseph K Burkam. Judgment for plaintiff.

Marie Roescue, Ex’r, vs. Henry W. Bushorn et al. Judgment for plaintiff.

Wm. D. H. Hunter vs. Frederick Wesler et al. Judgment for plaintiff.

Ezra F. Jackson vs. Henry Harding et al. Judgment for plaintiff.

Mary C. Huffman vs. Omer H. Huffman. Judgment for plaintiff.

Union B. L. F. & S. Association vs. Margareth M. Luther. Judgment for plaintiff.

Anna D. Huestis vs. Zephaniah Huestis. Judgment for plaintiff.

Reese H. Parry vs. Abiah Hayes et al. Judgment for plaintiff.

William F. Stevens vs. Thomas Watts. Judgment for plaintiff.

State vs. William T. Burkam. Verdict not guilty.

Abiah H. Guard et al vs. William T. Burkam et al. Judgment for plaintiff.

George C. Columbia, Adm’r etc. vs. I. O. O. F. of Lawrenceburgh, Ind. Judgment for plaintiff.

Joseph C. Small vs. George W. Mitchell, Assignee, etc. Claim allowed.

Henry Drew vs. O. & M. Railway Co. Judgment for defendant.

The following cases were taken to other courts on change of venue.

William Chambers vs. Farmer’s L S Ins. Company, to Switzerland Co.


Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1892

Proceedings of the November 1892 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 10 Nov 1892 – Page 2, Column 2

Dearborn County Court Report.

Ezra Cassaday vs. Estate of Sarah Cassaday, deceased, claim allowed, $95 and costs.

Wm. F. Luker vs. Frederick Hahn, injunction; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Mary A. Nowlin et al vs. Sol K. Gold, Trustee, et al, injunction; judgment for defendants on demurrer, appeal to Supreme Court.

Henry Hill vs. William Scheitzer et al, on note; default and judgment for $349.50 and costs.

Charles Lods vs. Henry Baker et al, on note; judgment by default for $183 and costs.

Mary F. Roberts vs. Estate of Elizabeth Roberts, trial by court, claim allowed $17.00 and costs.

George A. Riggs vs. Estate of Frances Riggs, deceased, claim allowed, $100 and costs.

Bernhardt Heile et al vs. William McCollum, on account; judgment for plaintiffs by agreement for $781 and costs.

Stephen West et al vs. Mollie E. Hollowell et al, to contest will; trial by jury, will adjudged invalid. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Margaret A. Greer vs. Jas. N. Greer et al, petition to sell real estate without assent of husband; trial by court and prayer of petition granted.

Della Cosby vs. William H. Cosby, divorce; trial by court, plaintiff given decree of divorce and custody of child.

Sophia Shuter et al vs. Alma P. Rumsey et al, partition; report of commissioners approved.

William E. Teke vs. James White, to be released from bond, new bond filed and suit dismissed.

Fidelity L. & B. A. vs. Thomas O. Lindsay et al, foreclosure; judgment for $2,000 and decree of foreclosure.

Charles Lods vs. George Zix et al, attachment; dismissed and costs paid.



Ellen Jackson vs. Pullman Palace Car Co., damages.

Jennie Wiles vs. Jacob C. Wiles, money demand.

William Chambers vs. Indiana Farmers Live Stock Insurance Co., on policy.

Louisa Dills et al vs. Elizabeth Hart et al; partition.

Isaac T. Acra vs. Ida E. Acra, divorce.

Xavier Scheibel vs. John Pfohl, attachment.

Peoples B. & L. Co. vs. Abram Lozier et al, interpleader.


Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Oct 1892

Proceedings of the October 1892 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 6 Oct 1892 – Page 2, Column 3

Dearborn County Court Report.


State ex rel Rosa Theobald vs. John A. Theobald, surety of the peace; dismissed at costs of relatrix.

George M. Roberts et al vs. City of Aurora, damages; dismissed and costs paid.

Caroline M Hayes vs. Joseph H. Burkham et al, partition; final report and discharge of commissioner.

Milton P. Hayward vs. Estate of Frederick Krieg, deceased, on account; dismissed at defendant’s cost.

Josephine Canfield et al vs. George W. Baker et al, on legacy; dismissed and costs paid.

Wm. W. Davison Jr. vs. Estate of George K. Pruden, deceased, on account; A. G. Miller vs. Estate of John Lenover, deceased, on account; Armour S. Peck vs. Estate of Bazil N. McHenry, deceased, on account; Edward A. Foy & Co. vs. Estate of John Lenover, deceased, on account. The above claims dismissed at claimants costs for want of prosecution.


The following claims were allowed with costs:

Blythe W. Buffington vs. Estate of Lucinda Christopher, $100.

Benjamin C. Eversole vs. Estate of Sarah E. Dorman, $428.60.

Elizabeth P. McKinney vs. estate of James McKinney, $247.08.

Otto Widan vs. estate of George K. Pruden, $2.25.

Wm. W. Davison Jr. vs. estate of same, $1.50.

Chas. Ashby vs. estate of same, $6.25.

Henry Slete vs. estate of same, $79.

W. H. H. Willete vs. estae of same, $5.00.

F. Hatkemeyer & Co. vs. estate of Frederick Krieg, $41.45.

Peter Bidner vs. estate of Michael Bittner, $2,665.42.

Wachtel & Weil vs. estate of Frederick Krieg, $222.44.


Dismissed at Defendant’s costs:

H. G. Freeman vs. estate of Michael Fichter, claim $4.81.

W. C. Henry vs. estate of Frederick Probst, claim $61.


State of Indiana vs. Wm. E. Teke et al, forfeited recognizance; dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

Hattie Hinman vs. William Hinman et al, for support; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

William H. Bainbridge vs. Edward Hayes et al, foreclosure; dismissed and costs paid.

Cleveland Dryer Co. vs. Peter Walter et al, on account; dismissed and costs paid.

Frank Helfrich vs. Louis Klumpf, for receiver; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Henry L. Janeway et al vs. Martin Kieffer, on account; default and judgment vs. Defendant for $148.15 and costs.

The St. Louis Refrigerator and Wooden Gutter Co. vs. Martin Kieffer, on draft; default and judgment vs. defendant for $98.15 and costs.

State of Indiana vs. Charles Andrews, malicious trespass; plea of guilty, fine $2.50 in each case.

Samuel McMullen vs. Emma L. McMullen, divorce; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Bessie Goodman vs. Wm. W. Lamar et al, foreclosure; decree of sale and judgment by default of $1,836.90.

Charles W. Stapp, adm’r vs. Rebecca Klepper et al, partition; report of sale and discharge of commissioner.

State of Indiana vs. Grant Haisch, petit larceny; plea of guilty, sentenced to county jail for 30 days, fined $5 and disfranchised for one year.

Rebecca Cheek vs. Edward Cheek, divorce; decree of divorce granted defendant on his cross complaint.

Amos Whitely & Co. vs. Blythe W. Buffington, on note; judgment vs. defendant by agreement for $268.72 and costs.

John N. Fox vs. Nancy West, to quiet title; judgment for plaintiff’s by default, quieting their title.

Frederick Albers et al vs. William Cors, guardian, to be released from bond; judgment for plaintiff by default and guardian ordered to file new bond in five days.



Ellen Jackson vs. The Pullman Palace Car Co., damages.

Wm. E. Teke vs. James White, to be released from bond.

The Fidelity L. & B. A. vs. Thomas O. Lindsay et al, foreclosure.

Jennie Wiles vs. Jacob C. Wiles, money demand.

Wm. Chambers vs. the Indiana Farmers Insurance Co., on policy.

Louisa Dils et al vs. Elizabeth Hart et al, partition.

Charley Lods vs. George Zix et al, attachment.

The grand jury completed their labors on Saturday, having returned 12 indictments and condemned the county jail as usual.



Estate Martha J. Nowlin, deceased, Enoch W. Jackson, adm’r.

Estate of Henry Wood, deceased, Elizabeth Wood, adm’x.

Estate of John Swift, deceased, S. McElfresh, adm’r.

Estate of Hannah Plummer, dec’d, John W. House, Ex.

Guardian of heirs of Barbara A. Zeh, dec’d, Henry W. Holtegel, guardian.

Guardian of heirs of Marlha Lenover, dec’d, Wm. H. Lenover, guardian.

Guardian of Mary Kuhn, insane, Patrick J. McCormick, guardian.



Will of Thomas W. Sargent, dec’d.

Will of William E. Yeager, dec’d.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1892

Proceedings of the February 1892 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 4 Feb 1892 – Page 2, Column 3

Court Report.

New cases filed for next term of Court commencing Monday, February 15:

Sophia Wilkins vs. Henrich Schleter—partition.

John K. Thompson vs. Jonathan B. Bruce—Claim on account.

Mary A. Sykes vs. Joseph H. Burkam—Demand, $700.

Estate of Thomas W. Creaser, deceased—Petition to sell real estate.

Third National Bank of Chatanooga, Tenn., vs. Louis E. Rees—Attachment.

Estate of Agatha Grant vs. W. P. Grant—Complaint on note.

Jacob F. Hammerle vs. W. P. Grant et als—Petition for partition.

Abram Lozier vs. Frederica Scholle et als—Foreclosure.

Jennie Wiles vs. Jacob C. Wiles—Complaint on account.

State ex rel Emma B. Clark vs. Wm. H. Small—Bastardy.

Christian Vogel vs. W. B. Richardson et als—Complaint on note.

Henry J. Smith, Administrator, vs. James E. Christopher—Petition to sell real estate.

State ex rel Myrtie L. Rainer et al vs. David H. Stapp et al—Complaint on guardian’s bond.


Estate of Theodore Kremer, Julia E. K. Kremer, executrix.

Estate of Cynthia Griffin, Herzon Haynes, administrator.

Estate of James Stevenson, Wm. H. Greene, executor.

Estate of Charles W. Skidmore, Hiram B. Skidmore, administrator.

Estate of Wm. McConnell, George C. Voshell, administrator.

Estate of Joseph H. Guard, Margaret Guard, administrator.

Estate of Ditrich R. Lemon, Michael Singer, administrator.

Estate of Michael Hoff, Charles H. Hoff, administrator.

Estate of George Huschart, Margaret Huschart, executrix.

Guardian of Martha A. Cloud, John F. Tebbs, guardian.

Guardian of Emma H. Golden, Edward Golden, guardian.

Guardian of Louisa Bohlender, Herman Heckheiser, guardian.

Guardian of Laura L. Beckman, W. D. H. Hunter, guardian.

Guardian of heirs of John Skinner, Frank R. Dorman, guardian.

Guardian of Samuel V. Markland, Ezra F. Jackson, guardian.


Estate of Emily Stewart, Rebecca Coon, administratrix.

Estate of John Smith, Mark T. Smith, executor.

Estate of Henry Gerkin, John H. Reese, administrator.

Estate of Thomas Langdale, Robert H. Langdale Jr., executor.

Estate of Fredrick Krieg, Henry Krieg, executor.

Guardian of Dewitt C. Small, Darwin Bowlby, guardian.

Guardian of Mary E. Miller, Jos. S. Beckett, guardian.

Guardian of Jane E. Cook, John L. Haley, guardian.

Guardian of Edith Spencer et als, John F. Spencer, guardian.

Guardian of Alma P. Rumsey, John W. Rumsey, guardian.

Guardian of James N. Greer, Abram P. Shutts, guardian.

Guardian of Frederick Trennepohl et als, Fred Smith, guardian.

Guardian of Pearl McKinney et al, Elizabeth P. McKinney, guardian.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1891

Proceedings of the December 1891 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 24 Dec 1891 – Page 3, Column 3

Dearborn Circuit Court.

Thomas M. Kyle vs. Frances M. Elwell—Dismissed.

Star Milling Co. vs. Rachel S. Gaff and others—Title to real estate quieted.

Wilson Grubbs et als vs. Frances Swales—Change of venue to Ohio county.

Michael Singer vs. Martin V. Fox et als—Change of venue to Ohio county.

Louisa B. Willette vs. George W. Keen et als—Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

State of Indiana vs. Julius Severin—Defendant not guilty and discharged.

Franklin Bank vs. Julius Severin—Judgment against defendant for $548.

Ella Smith vs. Ernst L. Smith—Decree of divorce granted.

Martha Arnold vs. Charles Dair et al—Dismissed.

David Haley vs. Board of Commissioners—Dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

John J. Perkins vs. Stollman & Schweitzer—Dismissed.

Harry L. Nowlin vs. same—Dismissed.

Noah S. Givan makes final report as Commissioner in case of Nancy West vs. Caroline M. Hayes.

Gustav H. Donk et al vs. Charle J. Donk et al—Partition. W. H. O’Brien, T. T. Annis and T. W. Kestner were appointed Commissioners.

John N. Milburn vs. George W. Taylor Jr., Executor. Claim allowed $1,221.

Herman Belmer vs. Schweitzer & Hackman—Judgment against defendants for $70.

Cyrus Canfield vs. W. C. Henry—Judgment against defendant for $339.

Cyrus Canfield vs. Louis Kreite—Judgment against defendant for $275.

John H. Russe was appointed administrator of the estate of Henry Gerkin—Bond $800.

Wills probated—John L. Puchta, Bazil N. McHenry, Fred Krieg, John Smith, Henry Gerkin.

James W. Tebbs resign as guardian of Dewitt C. Small.

The following guardians, administrators and executors having moved fro the State of Indiana, the Court removed their trusts from them:

James Frances, administrator of John W. Henry.

Joseph H. Burkam, administrator of Anthony Halberstadt.

Tom O. Lindsay, administrator Eliza Goodrich.

Bertha Petcher, administrator Geo. Petcher.

John H. Wilson, administrator John H. Clause.

Anna M. Isgrigg, administrator Thomas Isgrigg.

G. Rainor, administrator Jacob G. Siebenthal.

D. H. Stapp, administrator William Duncan Jr.

W. A. Greer, administrator of Rachel W. Lyons.

Elijah Christopher, administrator Lucinda Christopher.

W. A. Greer, administrator Fred Reichert.

D. H. Stapp, administrator James A. Kelsey.

George Clark, guardian heirs Eleazer Small.

G. H. Robinson, guardian heirs of John E. Dennis.

Thos. H. Hunt, guardian of Anna Hayes.

George B. Fitch, guardian heirs of Ira Goodhue.

George B. Fitch, guardian heirs of Nancy Hudson.

James R. Brewer, guardian heirs of Lucinda Brewer.

Mary L. Bradley, guardian heirs of John T. Bradley.


Final reports were filed in the following trusts:

Estate of Joseph H. Guard.

Estate of John McGuire.

Estate William McConnell.

Estate of D. R. Lemon.

Estate of Theodore Kremer.

Estate of George Huschart.

Estate of Charles W. Skidmore.

Guardianship of Martha A. Cloud.

Estate of Cynthia Griffin.

Estate of Henry Eastman.

Estate of Charles Bruce.

Guardianship of Emma H. Golden.

Guardianship of the heirs of John Roehm.

Guardianship of the heirs of John Roehm.

Guardianship of the heirs of Louisa Bohlender.