Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1880

Proceedings of the February 1880 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 5 Feb 1880 – Page 3, Column 4


The February term of Court convened on Monday, Judge Givan presiding.

Louisa Gilliland was declared an heir to Sarah A. Thompson, deceased, and entitled to a distributive share in the monies belonging to that estate. The clerk was ordered to pay her $133.

The following cases were continued until the next term of Court:

  • State vs. Pat McLeaster. Manslaughter.
  • State vs. Hiram Chance. Assault and battery.
  • State vs. Frank Skelton. Same.
  • State vs. Enos Jones. Grand larceny.
  • State vs. Ernst Noble. Embezzlement.
  • State vs. Antoney Hayes. Desecration of the Sabbath.
  • State vs. John Dugan. Same.
  • State vs. Samuel P. Bowles. Forgery.
  • State vs. James Chisman. Seduction.
  • State vs. Wm. Ehlerman. Grand larceny.
  • State vs. John Meagher. Embezzlement.
  • State vs. John Kirsch Jr. Petit larceny.
  • State vs. George Linkenbach. Grand larceny.
  • State vs. John S. Barrow and John Ellington. Robbery.
  • State vs. James Thacker. Assault and battery.

State vs. Garret Rosse. Appeal. Action dismissed, and defendant discharged.

The most of Tuesday and Wednesday was occupied in getting cases at issue.

George B. Tebbs was appointed Administrator of the estate of Robert Ellis.

James H. Sale appointed Administrator of the estate of Ann E. Hunt.

James F. Crozier appointed Administrator of the estate of John Crozier.

Joseph D. Curtis appointed Guardian of John W. Griffin, an insane person.

Final reports have been made in the following estates:

  • Thomas Nighbert, Guardian of Rebecca Nighbert.
  • Frederick Ginter, Guardian of Gatch Wilson.
  • George B. Fitch, Guardian of Ezra G. Guard.
  • Magdalena Kuntz, Administratrix of estate of Joseph Kuntz.

Lawrenceburg Register – 12 Feb 1880 – Page 3, Column 3


Frank R. Dorman vs. George Gibson. Judgment vs. defendant for $216 and costs.

Oliver P. Cobb and many others vs. William F. Bailey and others. W. S. Holman Jr. appointed commissioner to sell real estate.

John K. Thompson appointed special judge to try the cause of Fred Wesler vs. Margaret Wesler.

State ex rel Com’r McCormick vs. George P. Jenkins. Case stricken from the docket. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

State vs. Louisa Dedrick. Malicious trespass. Discharged.

State vs. Henrietta Griffin. Public indecency. Dicharged.

State vs. Warren Tout. False pretense. Discharged.

Judge Givan appointed the following Commissioners for the City of Aurora: David B. Beatty, William Willman, Richard C. Bond, J. H. Droge, and Nicholas Oester.

State vs. Charles Kepple. Carrying concealed weapons. Fined $2 and costs.

State vs. Helmuth Viernow. Grand Larceny. The defendant being unable to employ counsel, Hugh McMullen was appointed to conduct the defense.

Jacob Pfalzgraf, Admr., &c., vs. Martin Koehler. Judgment against defendant for $208.

State vs. Alice Godden. Assault and battery. Trial by jury. Verdict returned of not guilty.

Same. Fine $1 and costs.

State vs. Josephine Osborn and others. Riot. Case dismissed, and defendants discharged.

Joel C. Pennington made final report as administrator of the estate of John W. Johnson, deceased.

Barbara Singer makes final report as guardian of John Singer.

Harry L. Cooper removed as executor of the estate of Enoch Hayes and Edward Hayes appointed in his stead.

Lawrenceburg Register – 19 Feb 1880 – Page 3, Column 4


A voluminous transcript from Ohio county in the case of William H. Burges vs. Lucinda Powell and others, for damages, has been filed in the Clerk’s office. The case comes to this court on change of venue.

The case of the guardian of George Ludlow against the guardian of Brower Ludlow, which was appealed to the Supreme Court, has been dismissed.

W. H. Dowdell, admr., &c., vs. Jane Sheldon, et als., continued until the next term.

George Beckenholdt vs. J. C. McCullough, Receiver, &c. The defendant is ordered to pay taxes on personal property to the amount of $195. The Court also finds that taxes to the amount of $272 on real estate shall accrue against the same.

State vs. Amos Sweasy. Carrying concealed weapons. Defendant discharged.

State vs. Alfred M. Pate. Judgment against defendant for costs. Surety of the peace.

Claim of $400 against Franklin County for monies expended in the Pelton-Gold case, was allowed.

The claim of $113 against Franklin County for costs in the case of Brookville School Trustees vs. John R. Goodwin was allowed.

John A. Parks makes report as commissioners in the case of Margaret Mundary vs. Austin Trulock, and is discharged from said trust.

Final reports have been made in the following estates and guardianships: Estate of Barbara Manne, guardianship of Catharine Hergemather.

Wm. N. Abbott, admr of the estate of David D. Carnine, files an application to sell real estate, which is granted.

Jane J. Pool vs. estate of John H. Burrlage. Claim for $200 allowed.

Wolfgang Kress appointed administrator of the estate of John Ross.

The following claims against the estate of David D. Carnine were allowed: Hartzell Abbott, R. A. Becket, Amelia Fleming, Thomas Scudder, Wm. Johnson, estate of James Burougs, W. H. Shipman.

Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Mar 1880 – Page 2, Column 5


Idelia P. Cole vs. Alfred L. Cole. Decree of divorce granted.

Ann Kuhn vs. Mary E. McClure. Albert Huber, commissioner, reports that he had collected $650.

Bailey H. Lowe vs. Daniel Collins. Judgment against defendant for $1694.

George Robertson vs. Philip Becker. Judgment against defendant for $128.

Henry Chairsell vs. Jacob Smith. Judgment against defendant for $522.

Anton Oher vs. Peter Ebertz. Judgment against defendant for $510.

Sam. McElfresh vs. Estate of Abbie Guard. Judgment against defendant for $131.

Abigal McElfresh vs. Estate of Abbie Guard. Judgment against defendant for $50.

City of Aurora vs. Henry Wood. Jury find for defendant.

Scott Chisman vs. Estate of W. P. Chisman. Judgment against defendant for $83.07.

State ex rel William Lazenby vs. George W. Sheldon. Judgment against defendant for $1869.

R. H. Givan appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of John Crozier, deceased.

John B. Garnier makes final report of Josephine Garnier.

Edward Hayes, administrator of the Estate of Enoch Hayes, files petition to sell real estate.

Peter J. J. Duddenhousen makes final report as executor of John Lebert.

Stephen Burlingame makes final report as Guardian of Charles W. Burlingame.

W. H. Russell appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of S. H. McKinstry.

Nettie Mason vs. Luella Mason and others. Petition for partition granted, and John Spiedel appointed commissioner in the premises.

Philip Renckert vs. Jacob Pfalzgraf, administrator, &c. Judgment against defendant for $701.

Laura McCardle vs. Cornelius McGinley. Jury find for defendant.

Samuel Wymond vs. Daniel Dorrel. Judgment against defendant for $260.

Philip Renckert vs. Jacob Pfalzgraf, administrator &c., and others. Judgment against defendant for $1111.

Will Greer appointed Guardian of Melinda Miller, an insane person. Bond $1000.

The claims of Levin Cornwell for $20, and Alfred White for $88, against the estate of John Rumsey were allowed.

In the great case of Joanna Nevitt vs. the administrators of the estate of David Nevitt, deceased, the jury, after being out nearly all night, brought in a verdict for the plaintiff, giving her $300. The plaintiff is the widow of Wm. Nevitt, who was a son of David Nevitt. Some time after the death of her husband she went to live with her father-in-law as his housekeeper, taking with her three children, each of whom was old enough to earn a living. The plaintiff remained there for about five years, and filed her claim for $1,500 for services. The claim was stoutly resisted upon the ground that plaintiff had been fully compensated, and that she lived with the defendant as a member of the family, without contract, expressed or implied, for compensation.

An interesting suit was begun before Judge Givan on Monday morning, in which Judge Tullis, nephew of the noted Jerry Tullis, and Louis, Wm. H. and Lena Teake, all children by former husbands of the late old mother Veit, of Dillsboro, are the plaintiffs, and Louis Veit, husband of the late mother Veit, is the defendant. It appears that when Mrs. Veit purchased a lot of property in and about Dillsboro, valued at about $12,000, she had it deeded to her and her husband jointly. The plaintiffs allege that this property was purchased with the money obtained by selling an estate which their father left them, and that now because the property in question was jointly deeded contrary to the wishes of their mother they are now to be swindled out of their patrimony. The John Tufts who makes a claim in the case is the same who claims $10,000 worth of the Jerry Tullis estate, and who for the same is making a fight.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Proceedings – Mar 1880

Proceedings of the March 1880 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 18 Mar 1880 – Page 2, Column 4


The County Commissioners convened in regular session on the 1st—all the members being present.

Liquor licenses were granted to Steve Meyer, Frank Voltz, John Sicking, Christ Knoebel, and Nicholas Fahlbush, of this city.

The following physicians for the poor, were appointed: County Jail, Dr. J. P. Green at $20 per year; Jackson township, Dr. P. Fermier, at $32 per year; Hogan, W. H. Dunn, at $25 per year; Center, Drs. Rectanus and Henry at $140; Kelso, Dr. Swales Jr., at $35; Harrison and Logan, Dr. Swales Sr., $60; Caesar Creek, Dr. J. M. Barkley, at $20; Clay, Dr. S. M. Weaver, at $36; Miller and York, Dr. L. S. Collins, at $40; Manchester township and County Infirmary, Dr. T. Kyle, at $200; Washington township, Dr. H. H. Sutton, at $20; Sparta township, Dr. A. J. Bowers, at $39.

McMullen and Downey were appointed County Attorneys at a salary of $150 per year.

Unclaimed allowances, amounting to $17.44, were ordered to be cancelled.

An order was made for the painting of the Harrison bridge.

Auditor Pattison made special report in regard to the school funds of the county.

Contract was entered into with J. C. Pennington to furnish lumber for bridges at Aurora city.

A petition signed by John R. Miller, John Tellis and others, was presented, praying that a bridge be built across Hogan creek at Dillsboro station. A statement was filed with the petition wherein certain persons pledged themselves to erect the bridge tree of compensation. The petition was under advisement.

Abe Briggs was appointed to purchase a small tract of land in Logan township for the purpose of widening a road in district No. 9.

Willard Cobb, Secretary of the Horse Thief Protective Association filed a list of the members of said association.—The board designated each member of the association, who shall be in pursuit of horse thieves and other offenders, shall have powers of constables.

L. Harbaugh and other citizens of Logan township, file a petition urging upon the board the necessity of building a bridge across Logan creek.
John Seamon, John Miller and Pat McCormick were appointed viewers for a public highway through Jackson, Kelso, and York townships, upon the petition of Philip Weis and others.

Settlements were made with the Trustees of each township, and with the Superintendent of the County Asylum.

The remainder of the session was occupied in allowing and considering bills.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Mar 1880

Allowances of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners for March 1880 appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 25 Mar 1880 – Page 4, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Ind., at their March term, 1880, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.



  • William Meade to transient paupers.


  • F R Dorman & Co. to Ida —


  • Robert Hargitt to Elizabeth Huff
  • F M Jackson to several parties
  • P J Emmert to Miss Huff
  • P J Emmert to Diggs family
  • Jacob Sefton to Mrs. Sefton
  • Robert Hargitt to James Diggs


  • John Billingsley to Mrs. Williams
  • Isaac Hayes to Jennie Howard
  • W M S Terrill, M. D. to Henry Morris
  • W M S Terrill, M. D. to Mrs. Douglass
  • James Walker
  • Mrs. Hommer to Rhoda Bennett
  • Daniel Chidester to Mary Nevitt
  • Daniel Chidester to Hattie Carl
  • Moore & Spooner to Mrs. Douglass
  • Moore & Spooner to Mrs. Cune
  • Mrs. Sunderbrook to Mrs. Bohlinger
  • Michael Reagen to Isaac Squires
  • Drury Nothern to Mrs. Roberts
  • Dr. J P Green to David Tilford
  • Dr. J P Green to Mrs. Mudica’s child
  • Dr. J P Green to Brower Ricketts
  • Dr. J P Green to Mrs. Bennett
  • Dr. J P Green to Mrs. Enos Jones
  • J S Dorman & Co. to Mrs. Morris’ child
  • Catharine Kroh to Catharine Klickner
  • Mrs. D Deuschle to Mrs. Donner
  • H R Helmuth & Son to Mrs. B Ricketts
  • H R Helmuth & Son to Mrs. Williamson
  • Brogan & Harding to Mrs. Ray
  • Indiana Kram to Mrs. Ray
  • N Gillig to Mrs. Keough
  • N Gillig to Mrs. Douglass
  • N Gillig to Mrs. Kinney
  • N Gillig to Mrs. Knorr
  • Mrs. Scherger to Mrs. Reig
  • John Huth to Mrs. West
  • I D Stevens to Mrs. Ray
  • Edward Gilland to Mrs. Williamson
  • Samuel Dickinson to Chas F Tiffany
  • Joseph McGranahan to four persons
  • Tebbs Bros to Mrs. Williams
  • Tebbs Bros to Mrs. Morrison
  • G Renner to sundry persons
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller to Mrs. Bohlinger
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller to Mrs. Williamson
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller to Mrs. Jones
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller to I Squires
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller to G Smith
  • Louis Kohlerman to James M Terrel
  • Louis Kohlerman to Lar Tate
  • Hiram Clark to Mrs. Falderman
  • Myron H Harding to Minerva Johnson
  • Myron H Harding to John Sims
  • Myron H Harding to Mrs. Nevitt
  • Myron H Harding to Mrs. Bohlinger
  • P L Matheus, Adm’r to Mrs. Smith
  • Renner & Lang to sundry persons
  • Mrs. Kelley
  • Walter Fitch, Receiver, to Mrs. Smith
  • Walter Fitch to Mrs. Douglass
  • Chas Seekatz to Mrs. Keough and Cune
  • Julius Currus to Mrs. Howard
  • Julius Currus to Mrs. Roberts
  • Julius Currus to Mrs. Flanigan
  • Hammerle & Co. to Mrs. Morand
  • Hammerle & Co. to Mrs. Bohlinger
  • Hammerle & Co. to Mrs. Wiegele
  • Mrs. F Dorn
  • F R Dorman & Co. to J Ritter
  • F R Dorman & Co. to Ida Lenover
  • Sparks Bros to Mrs. Losey
  • Sparks Bros to Mrs. Tilford
  • Gideon Renner, overseer poor
  • Charles Israel to sundry persons
  • Wm J Fitch to Margaret Bruce
  • Augusta Windmiller


  • Mrs. P Pelgen to Mrs. Wengals
  • Mrs. P Pelgen to Mrs. Schipper
  • Mrs. P Pelgen to Mrs. Carlins
  • Mrs. P Pelgen to Mrs. Winscott
  • Mrs. P Pelgen to Mrs. Robinson
  • Jacob Kirsch to H Metendorph
  • Herman Raba to Mrs. Hauck
  • Herman Raba to Mrs. Weizehan
  • M Maloney Jr. to sundry persons
  • Herdegen & Kress to Miss Lietschge
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Thomas
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Tagge
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Smith & others
  • Geo W Taylor to Davison and Peters
  • Drs. Rectanus & Henry for salary for year
  • Fred Housemier to Joe Clark and family
  • A Bloom & Bro to Mrs. Blalsdel
  • A Bloom & Bro to H A Moran
  • Sarah Greeley to Mr. Stivers
  • M Maloney Jr. to Mr. Stivers and family
  • Henry Wood to Mrs. Dacon
  • Henry Wood to Mrs. Billingsley
  • Henry Wood to Mrs. Garrison
  • Peter Koehler to Mrs. B Drester
  • Peter Koehler to Mrs. Geo H King
  • Peter Koehler to — Schorel
  • Patrick Dobel to Wm Tickey
  • Patrick Dobel to Mrs. Hulscamp
  • Patrick Dobel to Wm Thompson
  • Patrick Dobel to Mrs. Kerrigan
  • Patrick Dobel to Mrs. Moran
  • Patrick Dobel to Wm Brown
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Videte
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Jehu
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Russell
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Wm Powell
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Teaney
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to W M Cartney
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Smith
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Burk
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to G W Hopping
  • Fred Opperman to J Kerrigan
  • Fred Opperman to Kate Murphy
  • Fred Opperman to Mary Bohler
  • Fred Opperman to Thomas Hughes
  • Fred Opperman to Mary Burk
  • Fred Opperman to Kate Welsh
  • Mrs. A Earle to Mrs. Ross
  • Lucinda Acre for quarterly allowance
  • Eleanor Brewington to Mrs. Robinson
  • Fred Kreite to Mrs. Luhn
  • Geo W Taylor to Sanford Carbaugh
  • Jacob Peters to Sanford Carbaugh
  • Philip Kastner to Adam Sengers
  • Philip Kastner to Mrs. Ehmans
  • Simon Siemantel to John Nelson
  • Simon Siemantel to Mrs. Maul
  • Langtree & Haynes to Pat Tracey
  • Langtree & Haynes to Mrs. E Hudson
  • Langtree & Haynes to Martin Cochran
  • Abram Lozier to Mrs. Schwartzenfelder
  • M Maloney Jr., overseer of the poor


  • B P Boardman for Mrs. Garrison
  • I M Truitt, overseer of poor
  • Wm Clans
  • B P Boardman for Mrs. Heck
  • Dr. W H Dunn, one quarter salary


  • Dr. A J Bowers for Mrs. Mahood
  • Dr. A J Bowers for sundry poor in Tp
  • James Beatty for sundry persons
  • Nelson & Chance for regular allowance
  • James Beatty for Richard Gilmore
  • J S French for Mrs. Cole’s child
  • Nathan Todd for Mrs. Smith
  • Helen Mack for regular allowance
  • Mrs. Stevens for — Bowen


  • Wm F Crocker for Mrs. Laybourn
  • Wm F Crocker for Mrs. Vincent
  • Geo W Steinmetz for unknown
  • P J Emmert for John Briggs
  • Nancy Tanner for Mrs. Mahood


  • Lewis Fawcett for regular allowance
  • Simeon Miller for regular allowance
  • Dr. H C Vincent, year’s allowance


  • Patrick Diver for F Bishop
  • Patrick Diver for Mrs. Conley
  • Peter Werst & Co. for M Mathias
  • Christian Robert for M Mathias
  • P Weis for M Mathias


  • Henry Sahn for Barbara Hofreiter


  • Ira Shepperd for blind children
  • J W E Hartley for Elizabeth Evans
  • J C Vandolah for Harriet Hoover
  • J C Vandolah for Betsy Spangler
  • J C Vandolah for T Acre
  • J C Vandolah for A McFarland
  • J C Vandolah for Mrs. Ewing
  • J C Vandolah for John Curl
  • J C Vandolah for Mrs. Leasure
  • J C Vandolah for Jacob Fleming
  • J C Vandolah for H W Tiel
  • J C Vandolah for E Goodpasture
  • Benjamin Blue for Thomas Acher
  • Thomas Wilson for blind person


  • Sarah Warner
  • Garrett Bosse for James Warner


  • Wilkinson Smith, overseer of poor


  • Sebastian Greenham for work and hop
  • Edward Greenham for work
  • Christian Oelker, coffin
  • James Ruble, one hog
  • L & N Turnpike Co., toll
  • Anna Koop, work
  • L Harbaugh, sundries
  • John Darling, work
  • Alex Ruble, work &c.
  • Fred Slater, goods
  • J C Sims, sundries
  • H P Spaeth & Co., stove & Co.
  • Dr. T M Kyle, medical services
  • Thos Duncan, quarter salary as Supt.
  • Dr. T E Craig, medical services


  • Elijah Christopher, boarding prisoners
  • Dr. J P Green, medical services for qr


  • Julius Severin, repairs on county jail
  • Tebbs Bros., sundries for court house
  • Elijah Christopher, sundries for jail
  • F Adkinson, Adm’r, ice for court house
  • J F Hammerle & Co., mops
  • Fred Wesler, coal
  • Francis Lang, mops
  • Charles Jones, cleaning flues
  • Renner & Lang, coal for jail
  • August Willers, work for court house
  • L Kupferschmidt, rep clock
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., gas for court house


  • E Christopher, services as Sheriff in road cases
  • Geo C Columbia, recording deed
  • James Powell, road viewer
  • E Butterfield, road viewer
  • O P Pyles, road viewer
  • H J Powell, road viewer
  • Ira Kimball, road viewer
  • L M Prichard, road viewer
  • Rezin Rees, road viewer
  • Frank Nevitt, road viewer
  • Robert Mason, road viewer
  • Orin Judd, road reviewer
  • Watts O Liddel, road reviewer
  • T B Cottingham, road reviewer


  • Frederick Slater
  • Michael Hoff
  • Abraham Briggs


  • Alex. B. Pattison, County Auditor
  • Wm. H. Kyle, County Treasurer


  • H. B. Hill


  • J E Larimer, delinquent list
  • L W Cobb, instructions to assessors, school fund notices
  • Hunter & O’Brien, sundry items
  • D W Calvert, election notices


  • Sentinel Company, sundry items
  • J E Larimer, assessors’ blanks, subscription to press
  • De Hann & Co., steel pens
  • Wm E Burford, sundry items


  • Peter Perlee, bus fare
  • I R Dunaway, administering oaths
  • Alex B Pattison, making township map, for preparing claims vs. Franklin county
  • Warren Tebbs for P O stamps & expressage
  • Warren Tebbs for fees in case State ex rel Brown vs. Barricklow
  • Warren Tebbs for fees, Epstein vs. Board of Commissioners
  • Fred Tanner for examining papers in Manchester case


  • Charles Bauer for Hogan Creek Bridge
  • G Renner, Trustee for Wilson Bridge
  • Joseph Tittel for Wilson Bridge
  • James Waler for Guilford Bridge

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Dec 1879

Allowances of the December 1879 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 25 Dec 1879 – Page 4, Column 3

The following is a list of allowances by the County Commissioners of Dearborn county, Indiana, at the session named, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county:

December Session, 1879.



  • Mrs. Lucind Acre, for 3 months
  • T M Scudder, coffin and box Frank Hoover
  • J W E Hartley, groceries Elizabeth Evans
  • John Hall, 1 quarters allowance
  • J C Vandolah, goods for F. Hoover
  • J C Vandolah, goods for Thos Acres
  • J C Vandolah, goods for J. Fleming
  • J C Vandolah, goods for Mrs. Losure
  • J C Vandolah, goods for Mrs. B. Spangler
  • J C Vandolah, goods Mrs. H Hoover
  • J C Vandolah, goods H McFarland
  • J C Vandolah, goods for Mrs. Ewing


  • F M Jackson, Trustee, overseeing poor, and cash paid on ac’t same


  • Simon Miller, poor, for 1 quarter


  • Dr. W H Dunn, 6 months medical attention to poor of Hogan tp


  • Philip Weis, flour and meal to poor by order of Trustee
  • Christian Roberts, 9 mos. house rent for Michael Mathias, poor person


  • W C Crocker, goods to Mrs. Faucet
  • W C Crocker, goods to Mrs. Laybourn
  • Mary Mahood, poor person, 3 mos.


  • Dr. H H Sutton, medical attendance on poor


  • H B Gault, goods for Isaac Davis, for 3 months
  • Nathan Todd, 3 months house rent for Mrs. Smith
  • Samuel Nelson, 3 mos. allowance
  • Ellen McMahon, 3 mos. allowance
  • Mary Stevenson, for keeping Mrs. Bowen, 3 months
  • B F Draper, goods for Alice Vinson
  • B F Draper, for Elizabeth Smith
  • B F Draper, for Mrs. Dele Cole
  • B F Draper, for Johnson Knapp


  • Philip Kastner to Adam Senger
  • Philip Kastner to Mrs. Ehmans
  • Langtree & Haynes to Thos Tracy
  • Langtree & Haynes to Mrs. Hudson
  • Henry Wood to Mrs. Duncan
  • Henry Wood to Billingsly
  • Jacob Peters, coffin and box for George Matson
  • Mrs. A. Earle, goods to Miss Ross
  • Simon Siemental to John Melson
  • Simon Siemental to Mrs. Maul
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Yagge
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Thomas
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Smith
  • Herdegen & Kress to M. Lielschge
  • A Bloom & Bro. to Mrs. E Moran
  • A Bloom & Bro. to Mrs. Blasdell
  • Peter Koehler to Mrs. B Drester
  • Peter Koehler to Mrs. Shumager
  • M Pelgen to Mrs. A Schipper
  • M Pelgen to Mrs. Winscott
  • M Pelgen to Mrs. Robinson
  • M Pelgen to Mrs. Carolines
  • M Pelgen to Mrs. Wengel
  • A Lozier to Mrs. Schwertfiger, 6 mo.
  • P Dobel to Wm Lickey
  • P Dobel to Mrs. Moran
  • P Dobel to Wm Brown
  • P Dobel to Mrs. Sterling
  • P Dobel to Frank Sopris
  • P Dobel to Mrs. Thompson
  • P Dobel to Mrs. A Kerrigan
  • P Dobel to Mrs. Hulskamp
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Vidito
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Bussell
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Jehu
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Teany
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Wm Powell
  • John A Nees to Mrs. E Luhu
  • Fred Housemier to Mrs. Clark
  • Herman Rabe to Mrs. Hauck
  • Herman Rabe to Mrs. Weishaar
  • F Opperman to John Kerrigan
  • F Opperman to Thos. Hughes
  • F Opperman to Mary Balar
  • F Opperman to Kate Murphy
  • F Opperman to Mary Burk
  • G W Mauntel, digging grave for G W Whitaker
  • Sarah Greeley, goods for 3 mos. and house rent 3 mos. for Mrs. Stivers
  • Geo. Taylor for attending funeral and transportation to County Asylum and Burlington, Ky.
  • Jacob Peters, 2 coffins for poor
  • Laura Robinson, temporary relief
  • Mrs. Billingsly, temporary relief
  • Michael Maloney, Trustee, for cash paid for temporary relief of poor and transportation for same


  • Mrs. D Deuchle to Mrs. Donner, 3 mo.
  • James Burk, wood for Hass, Mrs. Wiley and Mrs. Williams
  • Moore & Spooner to Mrs. Douglas
  • J F Hammerle & Co. to C. Flanagan, 13 weeks
  • Julius Currus to Mrs. Elizabeth Hay, 4 weeks
  • J Currus to Mrs. Roberts, 20 weeks
  • J Currus to Mrs. Hornerth, 12 wks.
  • J Currus to L Baily
  • J Currus to Mr. Jammer
  • J Currus to Mrs. Armald
  • Sparks Bros. to Mrs. Tilford
  • Sparks Bros. to Mrs. Susan Loey
  • Isaac Stevens to Mrs. Ray, 25 wks.
  • Chas Israel to Mrs. Emerson
  • Chas Israel to Mrs. Grasty
  • Chas Israel to Mrs. Diggs
  • Chas Israel to S A Martin
  • Chas Israel to Mrs. Marsh
  • Wm J Fitch to Margaret Bruce
  • Wm J Fitch to Mrs. Williams
  • H R Helmuth to Mrs. Williams
  • W H Jordan, medicines for poor
  • A Schneider, shoes for F Pernell
  • D Northern, 3 mos. rent for Mrs. Roberts
  • D Northern, 1 mo. rent for Mrs. Williams
  • Ernst Schroeder, 3 months rent for Mrs. Rieg
  • Isaac Hayes, 3 months rent for Mrs. Howard
  • Edward Gilland, 3 months rent for Mrs. L Williams
  • Catharine Kroh, 3 months support of Catharine Glickner
  • A Kiser, groceries and house rent for Mrs. J Weis
  • John Huth, 3 months rent for Mrs. West
  • Daniel Chidester, 3 months rent for Mrs. George Nevitt
  • Daniel Chidester, 3 months rent for Mrs. H Carr
  • N Gillig, 3 mos. rent for Mrs. Knorr
  • N Gillig, 3 mos. rent for Mrs. Douglas
  • N Gillig, 3 mos. rent for Mrs. Kinney
  • Renner & Lang, coal for poor
  • E Sunderbrook, 1 mos. rent for Mrs. Balinger
  • H S Miller, 2 months rent for Mrs. Balinger
  • Christ Roehmer, 1 months rent for Mrs. L Smith
  • Hiram Clark, 2 months rent for Mrs. Carter
  • A Kaiser, 2 mos. rent for Mrs. Smith
  • Indiana Cram, 9 months rent for Mrs. Ray
  • Dr. J P Green, medical services to the poor
  • L Kohlerman, for coffin and burial expenses of J Weis
  • Gatch & Miller, medical services to poor
  • G Renner, Trustee, cash paid for transporting poor outside of county


  • James Burk, for lime and salt
  • Edward Greenham, 3 months work
  • Peter Bidner, making 4 bbls cider
  • Thos Duncan, for cash paid sundries
  • Thos Duncan, 4 doz fruit cans
  • Thos Duncan, salary for 3 months
  • Samuel L Claspell, for harness
  • Annie Korf, 11 weeks work
  • A Schneider, for making shoes
  • John Ketchum, for 89 gals. Molasses
  • Wm Rummel, for work
  • Joseph Morton, for 20 bus. Turnips
  • Christian Elker, for one coffin
  • W H Jordan, for drugs
  • F Slater, for merchandise
  • W F Crocker, for merchandise
  • W H Murdock, 4,000 lbs bone dust
  • J L McMullen, for beef


  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, for postage stamps and expressage
  • W B Buford, for book
  • W H Kyle, for postage stamps for Auditor, County Supt and cash advanced for sundries
  • H Fitch, for horse-hire
  • Alex Pattison, cash paid for stamps and expressage


  • I B Ward, for lumber
  • Nicholas Voglesang, balance for making fill
  • James Burk, for lime


  • John Stark, for removing timber


  • James McClure, for repairing floor


  • Martin Tittle, work and materials, and repairing Jail
  • W H Jordan, sundries for Jail and Court House
  • W C Christopher, work at Jail
  • W J Fitch, for matches and candles
  • Renner & Lang, for coal
  • Law’bgh Gas Co., gas for 3 months


  • Ledger-Standard Co.


  • H B Hill, salary to Dec. 8th
  • Joseph White, services as Janitor


  • Hunter & O’Brien, notices to Trustees, Commissioners Allowances, Tax Levy Notices and Coroner’s Inquests
  • W L Cobb, 500 Notices to borrowers of school funds


  • J S Doman & Co., goods to M Deucheimer
  • Jacob Sefton, keeping insane person 13 weeks


  • Michael Hoff, Commissioner
  • Abram Briggs, Commissioner
  • F Slater, Commissioner
  • Alex B Pattison, Auditor
  • W H Kyle, Treasurer


  • Wm Glardon, making deed &c.
  • Anthony Witt, for land
  • A Tyrrel, 2 days as road viewer
  • Wm McKinstry, 2 days as road viewer
  • B Bruce, 2 days as road viewer
  • B Connelly, 2 days as road viewer
  • J Buchert, 2 days as road viewer
  • J H Albero, 2 days as road viewer
  • W Connelly, 3 days as road viewer
  • J Carpenter, 3 days as road viewer
  • D Powell, 4 days as road viewer
  • J S Beckett, 2 days as road viewer
  • H Abbott, 2 days as road viewer
  • E Bennett, 2 days as road viewer
  • Geo A Swales, 2 days as road viewer
  • John A Cole, 3 days as road viewer
  • Geo A Hudson, 3 days as road viewer


  • Hugh Huston, for erroneous tax pd
  • B N McHenry, for erroneous tax pd
  • John Twentyman, for erroneous tax pd
  • Sophia Ziegenlien, for erroneous tax pd

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1879

Proceedings of the November 1879 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Nov 1879 – Page 3, Column 4



James Brayley vs. Laborius Dill et al. On note $500.

Barbara Dill vs. Martin Johann. Trespass $100.

Jackson J. Pate vs. James C. Ricketts. Appeal.

Laura McCardle vs. Cornelius McGinley. Appeal.

Mary Bensen vs. Carl Henegan et al. Foreclosure.

C. Fackler vs. D. W. C. Fitch. Damages, for dog bite, $10,000.

Clarissa Daniels vs. George W. Pate et al. To set aside deed.

City of Lawrenceburgh vs. Zeph Heustis. Appeal.

Helena Kirkpatrick et al vs. Louis Veit et al. Partition.

George Beckenholdt vs. Lawbgh Wheel Co. et al. Notes $3,000.

James Stevenson vs. John S. Matthew. Note, $300.

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Nov 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


Theresa Volk vs. Henry Stenger. Judgment vs. defendant for $1230.86 and costs.



Fred Kriete appointed administrator estate of Henry Brockenhoff, dec’d.

P. L. Matheus appointed adm’r estate of Anton Kaiser, dec’d.

Estate of Frank Skelton. Partial report filed.

Estate Joseph Griffin. Petition to sell personal property.

Lervy Roberts appointed adm’r Lena E. Veit dec’d.

Estate of David Guard. Final report filed.

Estate Henry Hillman. Partial report filed.

Guardianship Catherine Wind. Partial report.

Estate Magadalena Steinmetz. Final report.

Guardianship of Jane Wheeler heirs. Partial report.

Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Nov 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


State vs. Jos. Hammerle. Assault and battery. $5 and costs.

Clarissa Daniels vs. Alfred M. Pate. Judgment against defendant for costs.

Eliza B. Moore vs. William Moore. Divorce granted.

Maria Bostic vs. Wm Hill et al. Judgment against defendant for $226.40.

Henry H. Petershagen vs. Jacob Jack. Judgment against defendant for costs.

Ex parte Emaline Moody. Report of sale filed.

Sarah A. Relly vs. John R. Thompson et al. Commissioners report filed.

Rebecca J. Myers et al vs. Emily M. Heck. Judgment against defendant for costs.

Ex Parte Joseph Schnetzer et al. Partition granted and Commissioner appointed.

Ex parte Nancy E. Swales et al. R. E. Slater appointed commissioner.

State vs. Herman Bartels. Dismissed.

State of Martin Hoog; eleven cases. Recognizance bail given.

State vs. John Petcher; three cases. Bail given.

State vs. John Helfrich; ten cases. Bail given.

State vs. Frederick Kriete; ten cases. Bail given.

State vs. John Lose. Fine $5 and costs.

State vs. Wm. Richardson. Fine one cent and costs.

Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Dec 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


First National Bank vs. J. F. Vaughan. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Joseph Mooney vs. Ed Hayes. Judgment against defendant for $28.45.

Aurora Valley Furniture Company vs. Stephen A. Parimore et al. Judgment against defendant for $260.25.

Jacob Johun vs. Magdalena Johun. Divorce granted.

Emma Kirsch vs. John Kirsch Jr. Divorce granted.

State vs. John Helfrich; five cases selling without liquor. Fine $90 and costs.

Joseph N. Walker vs. Jennie Hazelwood. Judgment against defendant for $965.75.

Ann E. Doyle vs. H. Isgrig. Judgment against defendant for $201.33 and costs.

Catharine Gaynor vs. H. Isgrig. Judgment against defendant for $402.66 and costs.

W. Block vs. R. Block. Judgment against defendant for $650 and costs.

B. Simon et al vs. H. Rieser. Judgment against defendant for $665 and costs.

James Brayley vs. Jos. Koehler et al. Judgment against defendant for $332.30 and costs.

W. Wheeler vs. Strawder Cheek et al. Judgment against defendant for $360 and costs.

Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Dec 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


John Medosch vs. Peter Pitsch. Dismissed.

State vs. Martin Hoog; five cases, for selling on Sunday. Fined $50 and costs.

State vs. Fred W. Becker; perjury. Bond, $1000.

Anne E. Buffington vs. City of Aurora. Judgment against defendant for costs.

Martin Corcoran vs. Mary Corcoran. Judgment in favor of defendant.

Christopher Henry Albert vs. Frederick Brinkman. Judgment against defendant for $2696.28 and costs.

Ex parte Joseph Schneter et al. Report of Commissioners filed.

Theophilus Clark vs. Eleazar Cole. Judgment in favor of defendant.

Lawrenceburg Register – 18 Dec 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


State vs. Philip Early; four cases, selling to minor. Bond $200.

Bulah Lowe, admrx, vs. Abiah Hayes; vs. plaintiff.

Bulah Lowe vs. Abiah Hayes; vs. plaintiff.

State vs. Peter Braun. Contempt. Costs.

State vs. Harry Probasco. Contempt. $10 and costs.

David Kaster vs. Aaron Huffman; vs. defendant $6 and costs.

State ex rel Sarah Warner vs. Alfred M. Pate; vs. defendant $600 and costs.

Emma J. Meyer vs. Andrew J. Mayer; vs. defendant $176.76.

John H. Snyder vs. William Foster; vs. plaintiff for costs.

Hawes & Durrel vs. W. W. Lamar; vs. defendant $119 and costs.



Will of Richard Grubbs probated.

Estate of Benj. Wilson. Petition to sell personal property filed.

Scott Chisman, appointed Guardian heirs G. W. Chisman.

Guardianship of Will H. Craig. Final report made.

Louis Walter vs. Deitrich Kramer, administrator of Henry Walter’s estate. Claim $175. Allowed.

Edward A. Ewbank appointed Guardian of Wilber E. Ewbank.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Sep 1879

Allowances of the September 1879 Session of Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 30 Oct 1879 – Page 4, Column 2

Commissioners’ Allowances.
The following are the allowances made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana, at their regular and special sessions of September, 1879:


Centre Township.

  • Thomas Wright for Mrs. Garrison
  • Herman Raby for Mrs. Wisshaat
  • Herman Raby for Mrs. Houck
  • Wm T Day for Mike Lodge
  • Patrick Doble for Wm Tickey
  • Patrick Doble for Mrs. Koch
  • Patrick Doble for Wm McCartney
  • Patrick Doble for Wm Thompson
  • Patrick Doble for Mrs. Kerrigan
  • Patrick Doble for Mrs. Moran
  • Henry Wood for Mrs. Dacon
  • Henry Wood for Mrs. Billingsley
  • Henry Wood for Emma Cure
  • Henry Wood for John Cure
  • Simon Siemantel for John Nelson
  • Simon Siemantel for Wm Maul
  • Frank Housemeyer for Joe Clark
  • F Mauntel for Martha J Smith
  • F Mauntel for May Zeany
  • F Mauntel for Elizabeth Valveavor
  • Mrs. A Erle for Wm Annabell
  • Mrs. A Erle for Miss Ross
  • Philip Kaster for Adam Sengar
  • Philip Kaster for Mrs. Ehmann
  • Wm T Day for Wm Smith
  • Herdegen & Kress for Mrs. Yaggie
  • Herdegen & Kress for Mrs. Thomas
  • Herdegen & Kress for Wendel Litske
  • Herdegen & Kress for Mrs. Vansickle
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Jehu
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. for Wm Powell
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. for Wm Teaney
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. for Miss Vidito
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Griffin
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. for Wiley Johnson
  • H H Sutton, M.D. for Mrs. Hughes
  • Geo W Taylor for Mrs. Garrison
  • Geo W Taylor for Wm Smith
  • Geo W Taylor for Mr. Balweaver
  • Langtree & Haynes for P Tracy
  • Langtree & Haynes for Mrs. Hudson
  • Sarah Greely for Mr. Stivers
  • A Bloom & Bro for H Moran
  • A Bloom & Bro for Mrs. Blasdel
  • Peter Koehler for Mrs. Shoemaker
  • M Maloney Jr. for monies expended
  • Fred Oppermann for John Kerrigan
  • Fred Oppermann for Mary Bowler
  • Fred Oppermann for Thos Hughes
  • Fred Oppermann for Kate Murphy
  • Fred Oppermann for Mary Burke
  • Fred Oppermann for Kate Welch
  • Mrs. P. Pelgen for Mrs. Wenzel
  • Mrs. P. Pelgen for Mrs. Carlin
  • Mrs. P. Pelgen for Mrs. Winscott
  • Mrs. P. Pelgen for Mrs. J Schipper
  • Mrs. P. Pelgen for Mr. Smith
  • Mrs. P. Pelgen for Mrs. Robinson

Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • S A Tanner for I R Dunaway
  • S A Tanner for unknown man
  • K A Davis for Mrs. Robt Purnell
  • Tebbs Bros. for Mrs. Morrison
  • W J Fitch for Mrs. Williams
  • W J Fitch for Mrs. Bruce
  • John Hornberger for Mrs. Cath Kelly
  • H R Helmuth & Son for Mrs. Williamson
  • John Huth for Mrs. West
  • Christian Boemer for Louisa Schmit
  • Louis Garrison for Mrs. McKee
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Dugles
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Hays
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Monrow
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Cune
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Creamer
  • Isaac Hayes for Mrs. Howard
  • Edmond Gilland for Mrs. Williamson
  • J J Hauck for Mrs. Arnold
  • N Gillig for Mrs. Knorr
  • N Gillig for Mrs. Kinney
  • N Gillig for Mrs. Kenugh
  • Daniel Chidister for Mrs. Hattie Carl
  • Daniel Chidister for Mrs. Geo Nevitt
  • Nancy Jones for unknown man
  • Hiram Clark for Mrs. Canter
  • D Nothern for Mrs. Williams
  • D Nothern for Mrs. Roberts
  • Mrs. Hess for Mrs. Lambertson
  • Elizabeth Chance
  • Josse Harper for I R Dunnaway
  • Julius Currus for Mrs. Stimel
  • Julius Currus for Mrs. Hayes
  • J F Hammerle & Co. for Mrs. Morrand
  • J F Hammerle & Co. for Clarance Flanagan
  • J F Hammerle & Co. for Mrs. Grasty
  • J F Hammerle & Co. for Mrs. Emmerson
  • J F Hammerle & Co. for Morris Carter
  • Louis Kohlerman for – Weis
  • Louis Kohlerman for Archabel Gee
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller for medical services
  • Drs. Harding & Robbins for medical services
  • Dr. J P Green for medical services
  • Gideon Renner for money expended
  • Walter Fitch, Receiver, for Mrs. Smith
  • Walter Fitch for Mrs. Douglas
  • Squire Watts for Mrs. David Tilford
  • Mrs. Tinnemeyer for I R Dunnamay
  • Mrs. Hommer for Rhoda Bennett
  • Mrs. D Deuschle for Mrs. Donner
  • Charles Israel for Mrs. Grasty
  • Charles Israel for Mrs. Main
  • Charles Israel for Mrs. Emberson
  • Charles Israel for Mrs. Jones
  • Sparks Bros. for Mrs. Locey
  • Sparks Bros. for Mrs. Howard
  • Sparks Bros. for Mrs. Tilford
  • George Hayes for Flora Rudolph
  • Samuel Dickinson for Perry Carter
  • Samuel Dickinson for — Bralley
  • Samuel Dickinson for Mr. Taylor
  • Samuel Dickinson for Mrs. Bolinger
  • Mathias Miller for Mrs. Bolinger
  • Joseph White for Mrs. Emily Miller
  • A Kaiser for Mrs. Jos Weis
  • Christ Scherger for Mrs. Reig

Sparta Township.

  • B F Draper for Mrs. Alice Vinson
  • B F Draper for Mrs. Dell Cole
  • B F Draper for Johnson Knapp
  • B F Draper for Elizabeth Smith
  • H B Gault & Son for Isaac Davis
  • Samuel Nelson

Harrison Township.

  • John Small for Mrs. Smith
  • Geo W Keen & Co. for W Tetor
  • Geo W Keen & Co. for J Weeks
  • Geo W Keen & Co. for Mrs. Smith

Kelso Township.

  • Patrick Diver for Mrs. Glaub
  • Peter Werst & Co. for Matz Matheus
  • P Weis for Michael Matheus

Clay Township.

  • W Withrow for Annie Lasure
  • Vandolah & Co. for Mrs. Lasure
  • Vandolah & Co. for Thos Acre
  • Vandolah & Co. for Jacob Fleming
  • Vandolah & Co. for H McFarland
  • Vandolah & Co. for Frank Hoover
  • J W E Hartly, guardian for Elizabeth Evans

Caesar Creek Township.

  • Henry Licking for Lecta Hinman
  • Garrett Bosse for James Warner

Washington Township.

  • Wilkison Smith for D D Winters

Miller Township.

  • Dr. W H Swales, M.D. for James Wood
  • Robert Hargitt for J C Richardson
  • Isaac A Marshall for Minnie Stokes
  • Jacob Sefton for Mrs. Sefton
  • F M Jackson for Mrs. McCracken

Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker for Mrs. Laybourn
  • W F Crocker for Mrs. Fawset
  • S Strasburger for Elizabeth Vaughn


  • John C Sims for smithwork
  • D McMullen for threshing
  • Siebern & Kries for 1 barrel sugar
  • F Slater for groceries &c.
  • W F Crocker for groceries &c.
  • S Strasburger for 2 pair shoes
  • Alex Ruble for repairing shoes
  • Carrie E. Sims for 13 weeks labor
  • Andrew Sims for salary as Superintendent
  • Andrew Sims for Beef &c.
  • Edward Greenham for 3 months labor
  • Lewis Hoff for 3 months labor
  • Wm Rothenbush for 1 male hog
  • W H Swales for 1 sheep S.D.
  • Haynes & Conger for lumber and flour
  • Christian Oelker for 1 coffin
  • Lewis Stohlman for harness and whip


  • Elijah Christopher for boarding prisoners
  • Elijah Christopher for washing blankets
  • Jacob Anderson for 12 mattresses & pillows
  • Tebbs Bros. for oil and broom


  • Jacob Peters for coffin &c for G M Whitaker
  • W U Telegraph Co. for telegraphing


  • J E Christopher for cleaning vault pipes
  • Lawbgh Gas Co. for gas for Court House
  • H G Kidd for tin pipe &c.
  • S Strasburger for soap &c.
  • W J Fitch for oil and matches
  • Renner & Lang for coal
  • Tebbs Bros. for boom and brush


  • Martin Kieffer for binding ass. blanks
  • Ledger-Standard Co. for blank books &c.
  • O H Hasselman for paper and ink
  • Ind. Sentinel Co. for books and paper
  • W B Burford for books and blanks
  • Stanton & Noyes for stamp ribbons


  • Hunter & O’Brien for road receipts
  • Hunter & O’Brien for printing county officers
  • Sam Chapman for blank indictments


  • Geo B Tebbs for lumber and repairs


  • Geo Shoobridge for lumber


  • John Stark & Co. for lumber and labor


  • Thomas Rice for lumber


  • John H Thompson for building abutments
  • A B Pattison for services as engineer


  • A M Kennedy for time and expense


  • Helen M Ward for tax refunder


  • Harvey B Hill for time and expenses


  • D H Miller for horse hire
  • Warren Tebbs for postage and express
  • Wm H Kyle, Treas. for postage &c.


  • Wm H Kyle for 3 months salary


  • Myron Haynes for 3 months salary


  • Abram Briggs
  • Fred Slater
  • Michael Hoff

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1879

Proceedings of the September 1879 Term Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Sep 1879 – Page 3, Column 5


State vs. Taylor Helms; provoke. Trial by jury, and verdict not guilty.

State vs. Joseph Zix, two cases; selling liquor on Sunday, and selling to an intoxicated person. Joseph pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and costs on each charge.

State vs. Gust Marski, grand larceny.

State vs. Dan D Danson, perjury.

State vs. Simeon Griffin, obstructing highway.

State vs. Elizabeth Godfrey, assault and battery.

State vs. same. Provoke.

State vs. Joseph Zix (2 cases), selling on Sunday.

A nolle prosequi was entered in each of the above cases.

State vs. Mrs. Faderly, assault and battery; State vs. Eleazer Cole, cruelty to animals; both quashed.

State vs. Frank Manning. A motion for new trial was made in the above, and granted upon one of the legal spider webs in front of prison doors to keep justly convicted criminals from finding the way inside. The trial is set down for today.

Alice Truitt vs. William Truitt, divorce; dismissed.

John W. Liddell vs. W. Russell, Guardian et als; judgment for plaintiff for $659.00.

William Morgan vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Defendant demands struck jury.



Estate of Levina Pate, deceased; will probated.

Partial reports were filed in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of Arthur F. Garrison.
  • Guardianship of the minor heirs of Wm. J. Whiteford, deceased.
  • Guardianship of Frank and Lillie Manning. Guardian discharged as to Frank Manning.
  • Estate of Joseph Stockdale, deceased.

Estate of Henry Walters, deceased; claim of Louis Walters on account, set down for trial at the present term.

Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Sep 1879 – Page 3, Column 4


State vs. Frank Manning. Robbery. Verdict of jury, guilty, and sentence of $5 fine, two years in State Prison and three years disfranchisement.

Exparte Lydia Alfred et als. Report of sale of real estate.

Strawder Cheek vs. the City of Aurora. (The Whitehall case.) Venue changed to Ohio county.

T. T. Annis, Guardian &c., vs. George W. Nevitt et als. Judgment against estate of David Nevitt for $847.45.

State vs. John Bittner Jr.; petit larceny; and one case vs. same, assault &c. with intent; and State vs. John Bittner Sr., aiding and abetting felony. Nolle proseque entered in the above.

Bernard Bettman vs. First National Bank, Aurora. Dismissed.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Charles Hannegan et al. Foreclosure. Judgment against defendants for $525.

Isaac Hayes vs. Silas Nowlin et als. Judgment against Nowlin for $295.

Emma Huff vs. Samuel D. Huff. Decree of divorce granted. General sinfulness of Samuel the cause.



Estate of Frank W. Cheek, deceased. Francis Worley appointed Administrator.

Estate of John C. Shuman. Wm. B. Miller, Adm’r. Final report.

Estate of Joseph H. Leming. Appraisement to set off to widow without administration.

Guardianship of the minor heirs of Emma Mason. John Spidel appointed guardian.

Estate of Wm. Broughton, deceased. Wm. C. Broughton, Adm’r. Final report.

Guardianship of the heirs of Melissa Shoemake deceased. Final report.

Estate George W. Hamlin deceased. May C. Hamlin appointed administratrix.

Guardianship of Charles H. Teany. Final report.

Estate Laura M. Hayes deceased. Ezra G. Hayes appointed administrator.

Lawrenceburg Register – 18 Sep 1879 – Page 2, Column 3


Emma Huff vs. Samuel D. Huff. Divorce granted and custody of three children.

James Baldwin et al vs. William Shuter; trial by jury. Verdict for defendant. Plaintiffs are really the Indianapolis Medical Company, or Western Medical at Indianapolis.

Order by Court—Ordered, that Isaac H. Carbaugh turn over to Edson, Andrews and Elizabeth Winkley, seventy-one dollars taken from Albert and Frank Manning when arrested.

Daily vs. Limekiller. Report of sale of real estate.

State ex rel Catherine Mitchell vs. Chas. Ransom. Bastardy; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Isaac Hayes vs. Bailey H. Lowe et als. Judgment against defendants for $1074.67.

James Braley vs. Laborious Dill et al. Judgment against defendant for $104.52.

Fourth National Bank, Cincinnati, vs. Edwin B. Dobell. Judgment against Dobell for $891.27.

James A. McNally vs. Robert Lazenby. Judgment against defendant for $135.20.

Lytle W. Parks et al vs. Wm. Wheeler. Dismissed.

John Trulock and many other vs. Austin Trulock. Dismissed.

State ex rel Franz Fisher vs. F. P. H. Lobenstein et al. Judgment against defendants for $157.25.

Margaret Weinacht vs. Frederick Wesler et al. Judgment against defendants for $712.14.

State vs. James Murtagh; selling liquor to minors. Six indictments. Plea of guilty, and fine of $10 in each case. Same vs. same, selling liquor without license; five cases, plea guilty and fine of $10 in each case. Same vs. same; selling to intoxicated person; plea guilty; fine $10.

State vs. Joseph Hammerle, three cases; selling liquor without license; two cases selling liquor on Sunday; and five cases selling to minors. Fine of $10 in each case on a plea of guilty.

Jacob George Buess vs. Edwin B. Dobell. Judgment against defendant for $488.93.

Mary L. Jones vs. Enos K. Jones. Divorce granted.



Estate of Martin Young, deceased. Wm. H. Green appointed administrator.

Nancy S. Winder. Insanity. Inquest and declared insane.

Lawrenceburg Register – 2 Oct 1879 – Page 2, Column 6


Zepheniah Heustis vs. Elias McAdams et al. Judgment against defendant for $549.55 and costs.

Joseph Ashley vs. Roswell Judd. Judgment against defendant for $5 and costs.

Mary Stockwell vs. Martin Thomas et al. Judgment against defendant for costs.

Louis Bihr vs. John Kuntz. Judgement against plaintiff for costs.

State of Indiana vs. Charles F. Tiffany. Three years in State Prison.

Wm. W. Lamar et al vs. City of Aurora. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Joe S. Becket vs. John S. Matthews et al. Foreclosure. Judgment against defendant for $4,337.91 and costs.

Wm. L. Marsh vs. Delila Marsh. Divorce and custody of children granted to plaintiff.

James Baldwin et al vs. Chas. Shuter. Judgment against plaintiffs for costs.

William Morgan vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Trial by progress.



George D. Winter vs. estate David Nevitt; claim of $4.35 allowed.

Philipp Dexheimer vs. same; claim of $166.50 allowed.

W. S. Holman vs. same; claim $120.00 allowed.

O. B. Liddle vs. same; claim $10 allowed.

Michael Fichter vs. same; claim $6.05 allowed.

Ezra G. Hayes vs. same; claim $177.45 allowed.

James Burke vs. estate A. Halberstadt; claim $4.57.

William Snyder vs. same; claim of $5 allowed.

Guardianship of Charles Messang et al. Report filed.

Estate Frank Glardon, deceased; final report.

Estate Nora Johnson, deceased; final report.

Estate Isaac Dunn, dec’d; partial report.

Estate Joseph Lenover; report of sale of real estate.

Guardianship Louie Roach; partial report.

Guardianship Goepner heirs; partial report.

George Siemantel released from bond of Margaret Giegoldt as Guardian.

Joseph Beckett released from bond of Piercy Wheeler Jr. as administrator.

Chelnissa Miller adopted by Aaron H. Neasta.

W. C. D. Stevenson appointed administrator estate of Mary A. Miller.

Will of Mary A. Miller probated.



Conrad Herbert vs. Joseph Hammerle; damages $10,000.

Isaac Truitt et al vs. Fred A. York. On account, $370.15.

Jefferson Nevitt vs. James Thacker. Damages, $1,000.

Ziza C. Briddell vs. Sanford W. Briddell. Divorce.

Lawrenceburg Register – 9 Oct 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


State vs. Mary M. Trester et al. Motion for new trial filed.

Joseph Gibson vs. Floyd Clark. Judgment for possession of mare and costs.

Rosina Noebel vs. Ernst Noebel. Divorce. Continued until next term.

Wm. Morgan vs. Ezra G. Hayes. In progress.



Eli Spangler files his petition to sell real estate of his wife, now confined in Insane Asylum at Indianapolis.

Guardianship heirs of Christian Mehrhoff. Partial report.

Guardianship heirs of Henry Rohlfing. Partial report.

Perry Small files petition to sell real estate without assent of his wife Maggie Small who is insane.



Jacob John vs. Magdalena John. Divorce. Abandonment.

Rosa Eilers vs. J. H. Gerdsen. Petition to dissolve partnership.

J. H. Burkam vs. J. Rief & Bro. Note, $750.

Emma J. Meyer vs. Andrew J. Meyer. Account, $300.

Lawrenceburg Register – 16 Oct 1879 – Page 3, Column 3


State ex rel Carrie H. McCormick vs. G. P. Jenkins. Continued until next term.

State vs. Jos. Hammerle. Assault and battery with intent. Bound over to next term. Bond $1000.

William Morgan vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Judgment against defendant for $2,744.45 and costs.

Sarah J. Hart vs. Herbert Sawdon et als. Judgment against defendants for $1,922.08 and foreclosure.

Joseph D. Curtis, Guardian, vs. Franklin Nevitt estate. Commissioner makes report of sale.



In the estate of Isaac Dunn. Partial report filed.

In the estate of Sally Truitt. Petition to sell real estate filed.

In the Guardianship of Theresa Schue et al. Partial report filed.



Ella M. Trester vs. James M. Trester. Divorces.

Idella P. Cole vs. Alfred L. Cole. Divorce.

Nettie Mason vs. Luella Mason. Partition.

Lawrenceburg Register – 23 Oct 1879 – Page 2, Column 6


Richard T Winkley vs. Hannah S. Winkley. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Joseph S. Jett vs. Eli D. Bannister. Judgment against defendant for $5,723 and costs, and appeal to the Supreme Court.

Hester A. Shineman vs. Henry Shineman. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

State vs. Herman Bartols. Assault and battery. Recognizance bail $100.

Joseph D. Curtis, Guardian, vs. Franklin Nevitt et als. Report commissioners filed.

Louis M. Foulk et al vs. Sarah Phalin et al. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

William Morgan vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Appeal to the Supreme Court.

Hiram Clark vs. David H. Clark et al. Judgment against defendants for $443.61 and costs.

Fred Kessler vs. Philip Opp et al. Judgment for possession of property, and against plaintiff for costs.

Ex parte Emaline Moody et al. Partition. R. E. Slater appointed Commissioner to sell.

State ex rel Green vs. Richard Hubbart et al. Dismissed.



George Ellston, adm’r, vs. Deborah Stevens estate; claim of $38.16 allowed.

Robert Griffin appointed administrator of Joseph Griffin estate.

Will of Elizabeth Goote probated.

James H. Shutts appointed Guardian of heirs of James B. Wills, and petition to sell real estate filed.

R. E. Slater appointed guardian heirs of Israel Moody.

Thomas M. Kyle vs. Jane Elder estate. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Jeff Nevitt vs. David Nevitt estate. Claim of $200 allowed.

Guardianship of James Conolly. Final report.

W. A. Greer appointed Guardian of James N. Greer.

Will of Michael Siemantel probated.

Estate of Nelson Torbert. Final report.

Estate of John Maloney. Partial report.

Estate of Lemuel Elder. Final report.

Estate of Jane Elder. Final report.

Estate of William Cross. Final report.

Estate of Mary Cross. Final report.

Guardianship of Jacob Fike heirs. Final report.

Guardianship of Margaret Bentler. Partial report.

Hayden H. Miller vs. Anthony Halberstadt estate. Claim $272.45 allowed.

Estate W. G. Ransdall. Petition to sell real estate filed.

Charles S. Jelly appointed Guardian of Nancy S. Winders. Insane.

Lawrenceburg Register – 30 Oct 1879 – Page 3, Column 4


Rezin Johnson vs. Benj. B. Eden. Dismissed.

Rachel Gaff executor et al vs. Leander Lindsay. Judgment against defendant for costs.

David Bay vs. John Shafer et al. Dismissed.

Albert D. Breed et al vs. Jacob Peters. Judgment against defendant for $160.37 and costs.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Jacob Rief et al. Judgment against defendants for $695.31 and costs.

Maggie C. Pate vs. Clarissa Daniels. Dismissed.

Conrad Herbert vs. Joseph Hammerle. Judgment against defendant for costs.



Guardianship of Stella Bradford. Partial report filed.

Guardianship of Louesa Ross. Partial report filed.

Guardianship of R. S. Ross. Final report.

Estate of Ann Daily. Final report.

Estate of David Nevitt. Petition to sell notes filed.

Estate of George Volkert. Final report.

Estate of W. W. Chisman. Petition to sell real estate filed.

Perry Small authorized to transfer certain property without assent of wife who is insane.

Elizabeth Herdegen appointed guardian of minor heirs of Adam Herdegan deceased.



Emma B. Kirsch vs. John Kirsch. Divorce.

George Leggett vs. Sarah Leggett. Divorce.

Christopher H. Albert vs. Frederick Brinkman. Foreclosure.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Aug 1879

Proceedings of the August 1879 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 21 Aug 1879 – Page 3, Column 4

Special Session.

Joseph H. Burkam, Francis Lang and Warren Tebbs released from bond of F. M. Jackson, Trustee of Miller township. Jackson files new bond, with Thomas Langdale, Peter Braun and Francis Adkinson as sureties, in the sum of $8,000.

Abram Hill vs. Wm. H. Small; dismissed.

Jacob Young vs. Leive, Parks and Stapp; dismissed.

Thomas Gaff, surviving partner, &c., vs. the Auditor and Treasurer of Dearborn county; dismissed.

State ex rel Mary L. Purnell vs. John Calloway; stricken from the docket.

City of Aurora vs. James Greer et als; appeal; dismissed.

The latter is the famous Sunnyside case, in which the appellants submit to the inevitable decree of Fate, and become a part of the new fifth ward of the city of Aurora, with all the perquisites and appurtenances of such citizenship.

Lawrenceburg Register – 28 Aug 1873 – Page 3, Column 3

Special Session.


State of Indiana vs. Albert and Frank Manning—charge, grand larceny; verdict, three years in State’s prison, five dollars fine and five years disfranchisement each. The crime for which the above penalty was adjudged was the robbery of a Mrs. Winkley, living near Aurora, of about one hundred and thirty dollars in her absence, intimidating the only inmate of the house, their own sister, a mere child, by threats of death, and pointing a revolver at her to prevent her giving an alarm. They were captured in June last at Greensburgh, by Marshal J. R. Clemens.

State vs. Laborious Dill—plea of guilty; fined five dollars and costs for assault and battery. The assault was stabbing Jacob Johann, his nephew, with a knife, in June last. Laborious’ troubles all come from alcoholism, and the Court took a righteous view of his mental condition.

J. Halbert, charged with stealing a horse from H. Ickenroth; found guilty by a jury which returned a verdict of two years at Jeffersonville, five dollars fine, and disfranchisement for five years.

John S. Barrow, for knocking down and robbing J. H. Milholland three weeks ago, is under sentence by the Court on a plea of guilty. Judgement suspended; Barrow’s complicity appearing to be more of a drunken debauch and a maudlin assistant than that of a highwayman.

Otto Miller and Charles Winters were arraigned for a coat robbery at George’s Lane’s. Winters took all the crime upon his own shoulders, and was sentenced to Jeffersonville for one year. Miller was released—honorably discharged, as the Yankees have it.



Jacob Rief et al vs. Elijah Christopher et als; dismissed.

Ex parte Delia C. Elder, Charles W. Elder et als; decree of partition of real estate.

Joseph D. Curtis, guardian of Sarah B. Nevitt, &c., vs. Franklin Nevitt et als. Decree of partition of real estate of David Nevitt, deceased.

George Price vs. City of Aurora. Dismissed.



Estate of John N. Mattinger, deceased. Philip Horr appointed Executor.

Estate of Elizabeth Werneke, deceased. Daniel H. Miller appointed Executor.

Final report and discharge of guardian of minor heirs of Sarah A. Bailey, Wm. S. Bailey, guardian.

Elizabeth Winkley, guardian of Frank Manning, ordered to pay the costs of his trial for larceny and attorney’s fees ($50) in the same.

Richard Hubbartt, guardian of the heirs of Wm. Green, deceased, removed, and Elizabeth Green appointed to the same trust.

Estate of Diedrich Ellinghausen, deceased, Wm. H. Kyle appointed trustee under a bond of $1,000.

Guardianship of heirs of John Buckhorst, Wm. H. Kyle appointed guardian.

Guardianship of Phebe McCracken. Final report and discharge of Watts O. Liddle, guardian.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Jun 1879

Allowances of the June 1879 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 3 Jul 1879 – Page 3, Column 6

Allowances by the County Commissioners.
The following is a list of allowances by the County Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana, at the session named, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county:

June Session, 1879.



  • Daniel Chidister for Mrs. Hattie Corle
  • Daniel Chidister for Mrs. Nevitt
  • Daniel Chidister for Mrs. Arnold
  • Christ Rochmer for Mrs. Louisa Smith
  • Sparks Bros. for Mrs. Howard
  • Sparks Bros. for Susan Locy
  • Sparks Bros. for Mrs. Tilford
  • Sparks Bros. for Mrs. Lambertson
  • Betty Epstein for Mrs. Rohlinger
  • Betty Epstein for Mrs. Kough
  • Betty Epstein for Mrs. Domner
  • David Wright for Mrs. Williamson
  • John Huth for Mrs. West
  • J Sortwell Sr. for P Carter’s child
  • John Denchler for Mrs. Donner
  • John Denchler for Mrs. Williamson
  • R E Ward for Mrs. McKee
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Donner
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Ray
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. French
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Bennett
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Knorr
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Roberts
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Smith
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. Williamson
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. William
  • Renner & Lang for Mrs. F Knorr
  • G Renner, Trustee, for transient paupers
  • Isaac Hayes for Jennie Howard
  • W Fitch, receiver, for Mrs. Douglas
  • W Fitch, receiver, for Mrs. Smith
  • W J Fitch for Mrs. Bruce
  • W J Fitch for Mrs. Williams
  • W J Fitch for Mrs. Cune
  • Mat Miller for Mrs. Bohlinger
  • Julius Currlls for Mrs. Roberts
  • Julius Currlls for Mrs. Monrow
  • Julius Currlls for Mrs. Grasky
  • Julius Currlls for Mrs. Striker
  • Julius Currlls for Mrs. Strandin
  • Tebbs Bros. for Mrs. Jones
  • Tebbs Bros. for Mrs. Morrison
  • Tebbs Bros. for Mrs. Tout
  • Chas Israel for Mrs. Emmerson
  • Chas Israel for Mrs. Carter
  • Chas Israel for Kate Miller
  • Chas Israel for Mrs. Monroe
  • Chas Israel for a tramp
  • Chas Israel for Mrs. Grasky
  • Chas Israel for Mrs. Knapp
  • H A Shinneman for temporary relief
  • Nicholas Gillig for Mrs. Knorr
  • Nicholas Gillig for Mrs. Keough
  • Nicholas Gillig for Mrs. Kinney
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Douglas
  • Moore & Spooner for Mrs. Monroe
  • Gatch & Miller for Mrs. Enos Jones
  • Gatch & Miller for Mrs. Donner
  • J F Hammerle for Mrs. Morand
  • J F Hammerle for Clarance Flanigan
  • Nancy Jones for Sebastian Green
  • Drury Nothern for Mrs. Williams
  • Drury Nothern for Mrs. Roberts
  • I D Stevens for Mrs. Ray
  • I D Stevens for John Tater
  • Anton Kaiser for Martin Jacob
  • Edward Gilland for Mrs. Williamson
  • Christ Scherger for Mrs. Rieg
  • Mrs. Homener for Miss Bennett


  • Sarah Greely for Mr. Stivers
  • Simon Siemantel for John Melson
  • Simon Siemantel for Mrs. Maul
  • Fred Montell for digging graves for poor
  • Langtree & Haynes for Mrs. Hudson
  • Langtree & Haynes for Mrs. Tracey
  • Peter Koehler for Mrs. Schmnager
  • Peter Koehler for Mrs. Karbo
  • Peter Koehler for Mrs. Ritten
  • Peter Koehler for Mrs. Curry
  • Peter Koehler for Mrs. Rogers
  • Herman Rabe for Mrs. Hauck
  • Herman Rabe for Mrs. Wershaar
  • Ph Kastner for Adam Singer
  • Geo W Taylor for conveyances for poor
  • Frank Housemeyer for Joseph Clark
  • Adam Herdigan for Mrs. Boyd
  • Adam Herdigan for Mrs. Vansickles
  • Adam Herdigan for Mrs. Yaggie
  • Adam Herdigan for Mrs. Thomas
  • Adam Herdigan for Wendel Titschge
  • Abram Lozier for Mrs. Schnertierger
  • Pat Dobel for Wm Tickey
  • Pat Dobel for Martin Kerrigan
  • Pat Dobel for Wm Thompson
  • Pat Dobel for Mrs. Stivers
  • Philip Earle for Miss Ross
  • Mrs. P Pelgin for Miss Winscotts
  • Mrs. P Pelgin for Miss Potters
  • Mrs. P Pelgin for Miss Carlins
  • Mrs. P Pelgin for Miss Wenzells
  • Fred Opperman for poor of Centre
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Sarah Vidito
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Maggie Giffin
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. John
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Bussel
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Teany
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Griffith
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Reading
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Wm Powell
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Matson
  • Chamber, Stevens & Co. for Mrs. Garrison
  • John Nees for Mrs. Luhn
  • A Bloom & Bro. for Mrs. Blasdel
  • A Bloom & Bro. for A Moran
  • M Harring for coffins &c. furnished poor
  • M Maloney, Trustee, for money paid poor


  • Geo W Arnold for Mrs. C Smith


  • W F Crocker for Mrs. Layborn
  • W F Crocker for T Brigg
  • W F Crocker for Mrs. J Fancett


  • Wilk Smith for money paid out as trustee


  • Jacob Sefton for temporary relief
  • Hannah Woods for temporary relief
  • P O Hackelman, M.D., for medical aid
  • L J Collins for medical aid
  • F M Jackson for money paid poor


  • H H Kamping for temporary relief
  • Ira Shepherd for temporary relief
  • J W E Hartley for Elizabeth Evans
  • Vandolah & Co. for T Acre
  • Vandolah & Co. for Betsy Spangler
  • Vandolah & Co. for Annie Evans
  • Vandolah & Co. for C Bruce
  • Vandolah & Co. for Mrs. Ewing
  • Vandolah & Co. for J Fleming
  • Vandolah & Co. for A McFarlan
  • Vandolah & Co. for Coda Netsa


  • H D Moore for Mrs. Busby
  • B F Draper for Jackson Knapp
  • B F Draper for Elizabeth Smith
  • B F Draper for Isaac Davis
  • B F Draper for Mrs. Dell Gillingham


  • Fred Slater for nails &c.
  • Wm F Crocker for goods &c.
  • Andrew Sims for money paid
  • L & N Turnpike Co. for toll by county team
  • W H Jordan for whisky &c.
  • A D Cook & Bro. for hardware &c.
  • John C Sims for horseshoeing &c.
  • Andrew Sims for money paid out
  • D Greenham for 4 days work
  • Wm Sims for 4 days whitewashing
  • Fred Slater for 1 sack coffee
  • Alex Ruble for repairing shoes &c.
  • Lewis Stohlman for harness &c.
  • H Chairsell for pair boots
  • S Strasburger for dry goods
  • James Burk for groceries
  • Ed Greenham for three months work
  • Louis Hoff for three months work
  • Carrie Sims for three months work


  • Martin Kieffer
  • Ledger Standard Co.
  • O H Hasselman
  • Wm B Burford
  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
  • Wm Braden


  • W W Witherow for Deborah Spangler
  • J S Dorman & Co. for Minnie Stokes


  • F C Haynes for 2 days work Commissioners
  • Wm H Kyle, Treas., Stamps &c.
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, stamps &c.
  • F C Haynes for plan for Guilford bridge


  • L W Cobb
  • Hunter & O’Brien


  • Hunter & O’Brien for printing blanks
  • Harvey B Hill for services & county Sup’t


  • E Christopher for boarding prisoners
  • Tebbs Bros. for coal oil, soap &c. for jail
  • W H Jordan for chloride line


  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, for costs in case of Gaff et al vs. N H T Co.
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, for costs in case Cummings et al vs. N H T Co.


  • W C Christopher for cleaning vault in jail
  • W H Jordan for sponges &c. for Court House
  • A D Cook & Bro. for iron pipe &c. for Court House
  • A D Cook & Bro. for repairing gutter for Court House
  • Lawbgh Gas Co. for gas consumed for Court House
  • S Strasburger for cloth &c. used at Court House
  • Tebbs Bros for soap, line &c. for Court House
  • A Williams for repairing locks for Court House
  • John Schwab for repair to cistern for Court House
  • Geo Bruce for putting coal in at Court House
  • Renner & Lang for coal for jail at Court House


  • Henry Bulthopt for 26 days Caesar Creek Tp
  • F A Young for 52 days in Clay Tp
  • Wm Ling for 58 days in Kelso Tp
  • J Theobold for 51 days in Jackson Tp
  • O F Cloud for 55 days in Harrison Tp
  • J S Prichard for 34 days in Hogan Tp
  • E M Buffington for 63 days in Centre & Aurora
  • Henry Minson for 62 days in Manchester
  • Albert Steinmetz for 45 days in York
  • J W Cooper for 45 days in Miller
  • Geo F Randel for 31 days in Washington
  • W F Cartwright for 50 days in Sparta
  • D M Guard for 58 days in Lawrenceburgh
  • Sam’l Seig for 47 days in Logan
  • Ed Hayes for 58 days in Lawrenceburgh City


  • W O Liddell, Guardian, tax refunded
  • Henry R Wood, tax refunded


  • Gideon Renner for lumber &c. for Wilson Creek bridge
  • Chas H Wilson for making copy of specification of Guilford bridge
  • J A Cole et als for viewing road in Washington Tp
  • W H Blasdel for serving as witness on jury on A Guard
  • W H Kyle for three months salary as Treasurer of Dearborn county
  • Myron Haynes for 3 months salary and fees as Auditor D C


  • Abraham Briggs
  • Michael Hoff
  • Fred Slater

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jun 1879

Proceedings of the June 1879 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 19 Jun 1879 – Page 2, Column 3


Alice V. Wilber vs. William Glenn et als. Judgment for plaintiff for possession of personal property and costs.

The School Town of Brookville vs. John R. Goodwin et al. On change of venue from Franklin county. William J. Peck appointed trustee of the $4,000 invested fund.

Wm. F. Denmure vs. Fred W. Becker. On contract. Judgment for plaintiff for $121.35.

Fourth National Bank, Cincinnati, O., vs. Freeman Mulbarger et al. On note. Judgment against defendants for $128.40.

John B. Muhle vs. Theodore Thorner; to recover personal property. Judgment for defendant for $23 worth of lumber.

Mary Madigan vs. John Madigan. Divorce; by jury; verdict for defendant.

Bruce et als vs. Hennegen et als. Final report of Commissioner received in partition action.

Charles L. Hunter vs. Bettie Hunter. Divorce. Decree granted.

State vs. Frederick Swetfeld. Surety of the Peace. Released on personal recognizance until September term.

State vs. Simon Griffin; obstructing highway. W. H. Bainbridge surety until September term.



Estate of Jasper and Anson Marshall, minor heirs of Anson Marshall, deceased. Sale of real estate confirmed.

Guardianship of Emma J. Ward. Josiah Campbell appointed guardian. Bond $100.

Estate of Herman Sanger, deceased. Proof of sole heirship by the widow.

Estate of Adolph Rumeier, deceased. Final distribution.

Estate of Sarah C. Miller, Isaac Hayes, administrator. Partial report.

Guardianship of Christina Schneider; William Schneider, guardian. Final report.

Guardianship of Barbara Giegoldt; Margaret Giegoldt, guardian. George Siemantel files petition to be released from guardian’s bond.

Estate of Joseph Mueller, deceased. Probate of will of said decedent.