Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Mar 1882

Allowances from the March 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 30 Mar 1882 – Page 3, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their March session, 1882, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Expense of Poor of Lawrenceburg Township.

  • George Beckenholdt & Co., coal
  • John S Dorman & Co., for Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Ley
  • Chas Hayes, agent for Mrs. Carter
  • J Hammerle to Mrs. Margaret Harmon
  • Christ Scherger to Mrs. Rieg
  • John Huth to Mrs. Kaiser, Mrs. West
  • H R Helmuth to Mrs. Williamson
  • Charles Israel to Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Morrison, Jacob Younker, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Eads
  • Edward Gilland to Mrs. Williamson
  • Tebbs Bros to Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Williams
  • Isaac Hayes to Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Holden
  • N Gillig to Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Knorr
  • W H Burk, house rent
  • Mrs. George Meyer to Mrs. Schmidt
  • Geo Huschardt & Co. to Mrs. Bennett
  • Mary Stack, regular allowance
  • Augusta Wentmiller, regular allowance
  • Sparks Bros to Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Sweeny
  • Mrs. Jacob Anderson to Mrs. Kaiser
  • W H Burk to Mrs. McCrite
  • Francis Lang to Mrs. Morand, Mrs. Tilford, John Buckholtz, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. John Gross, Mrs N Jones for S Green, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Sam Freeman, Sebastian Green
  • D Nothern to Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Howard
  • G Renner to coal for poor, cash paid for poor, services
  • Julius Currus to groceries for poor
  • H G Kidd, stoves &c.
  • W J Fitch to Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. McAdams
  • Joseph McGranahan, groceries
  • Lawrenceburgh Mill Co., flour
  • Joseph Krieger, bread
  • J Deuschle, groceries
  • Drs. Miller & Gatch, medical services
  • Mrs. Nancy Jones to S Green
  • Greendale cemetery for M Schultz
  • F R Dorman, clothing
  • Dr. Wm Terrill, medical services
  • Georg Huschart to Rhoda Bennett
  • Stephen Liddle to Mrs. Jacob Junker
  • Samuel Dickinson to Sam Freeman
  • Clement Kleyer to Michael Schultz
  • Julius Currus, groceries
  • Tebbs Bros, groceries
  • L Ellesbrook to Mrs. Fox

Expense of Poor of Centre Township.

  • Pat Wolf to Mrs. Brunnaugh
  • Pat Ryan to Mrs. Bolas
  • Jacob Full to Mrs. Russ
  • Mike Maloney to Mrs. Carlin
  • John Dobersberger to Mrs. Bailey
  • Pat Garrity to Carpenter
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries
  • Henry Wood, groceries &c.
  • Langtree & Mitchell, groceries
  • Mrs. Anna Earl to Miss Ross, Mrs. James Lawler
  • F Opperman to Mrs. Thomas Hughes, Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. Kate Welsh, Mike Killeen
  • Peter Koehler to A Kerrigan, M Bailey, Mrs. West, Tim Jaynes, Mrs. Rane, Mrs. Patterson
  • F A York to T Tracy, — Levy, Joe Lawler
  • W T Day to Mrs. Lawler
  • Dr. F Rectanus, cash paid
  • A Doble & Bro to Mrs. Hues
  • A Bloom & Bro to Mrs. Blasdel, H Moran
  • Frank Housemeier to John Goodpasture
  • F Doble to Wm Brown, Mrs. Boler, Mrs. Tom Tracey
  • Thomas Wright to Mrs. Schenck, Clara Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Nohle, Mrs. Porter
  • Mrs. P Pelgen to Mrs. Rea, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Wenzel, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Acra, Robert Gray, Mr. Powell
  • Philip Kastner to Mrs. Buffington, Lydia & Sarah Warner, Adam Senger
  • Geo W Taylor to Mrs. Lawler
  • Simon Siemantel to Wm McCartney, Mrs. Ann Watkins, Mrs. Wooley
  • Herdegen & Kress to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Sickles, Mrs. Dahm, E Walker, John Hobbs
  • Herman Rabe to Mrs. Hudson, John Nelson, Martha Bruce, Mrs. Erlee, Mrs. Weishorn
  • Dr. F Rectanus, services
  • J M Wheeler to J T Vantile, George Hopping
  • J C Green to I Carpenter, Mrs. Brunough, Mrs. Vinson, George Eikles, Fred Swetfager
  • J H Lamar, clothing &c.
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co. to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jehu, Miss Vidito, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Teaney, Mrs. Bush
  • Fred Kriete to Mrs. Kerrigan, Tim Jaynes, Jane Alexander
  • Chas Fehling Jr. to Mrs. Hauck, Mrs. Shipper, Mrs. Heffer, John West
  • John A Nees to Barbara Liebe, Wm Thompson, Elizabeth Painter, Mrs. Swango, Orpley Steele, John B Schwem, Mrs. E Carter, James Hobbs, Mrs. Carter, George Kress, El Wells, Mrs. J Kearney, Mrs. Werle, Thomas Chance, Transient Paupers
  • Fred Mountel to James Lawler
  • R A McConnell to Wm McCartney, Mrs. Shuck, Mrs. Heck, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Winter, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Hudson
  • John Steig to James Lawler
  • River View Cemetery, pauper graves
  • Wymond & Hayes to H Barkdoll, Thos Rabbitt, Hy Ahren, Mrs. H Brewington
  • C Goldsmith & Bro to Marcus Bailey, J F Cook, I Carbaugh, C Ridder
  • Mrs. Robinson, regular allowance
  • Shoemaker, regular allowance
  • Lucinda Acra, regular allowance
  • Anna Ramsey, regular allowance
  • C Schartzferger, regular allowance
  • Dr. W C Henry, medical services

Expense of Poor of York Township.

  • Michael Reidinger, for cash paid
  • Lewis Fawcett, regular allowance
  • Simon Miller, regular allowance
  • Rosa Reidinger, regular allowance
  • H C Vincent, medical services

Expense of Poor of Jackson Township.

  • Martin Buchert, for services
  • Dr. Pierre Fermier, medical services

Expense of Poor of Hogan Township.

  • B P Boardman for Fannie Bruce, Mrs. Peters
  • I M Truitt, cash paid

Expense of Poor of Sparta Township.

  • S Crouch & Sons to Alice Vinson
  • Nathaniel Todd to Mrs. Smith
  • James Beatty, services and cash paid
  • H B Gault to P H Bradley
  • A J Bowers, medical services
  • Ellen Mack, regular allowance

Expense of Poor of Caesar Creek Township.

  • Henry Licking to Amos Sweasey, taking boy to asylum
  • Henry Bulthaup, services as trustee
  • Dr. J M Barkley, medical services

Expense of Poor of Clay Township.

  • F & J Young to Elizabeth Spangler
  • J C Vandolah to T Akers, Samuel Love, Mrs. Goodpasture, Laura Akers
  • J W E Hartley to Elizabeth Spangler, Mrs. Ewing
  • Leroy Roberts, cash paid
  • Benjamin Blue, meat for poor
  • W B Suits & Co., flour
  • C Zeigenbein to E Spangler
  • D C Misner to Samuel Love, Charles Snyder
  • Fred Ginter to Fannie Leisure
  • W W Withrow to Sam Love, widow Goodpasture
  • L Vite to Charles Snyder
  • Jane Shepard, regular allowance
  • Dr. F H Sale, medical services

Expense of Poor of Manchester Township.

  • Samuel Dunn to Mrs. Fox
  • W F Crocker to Mrs. Laybourn
  • Joseph Steinmetz, transient paupers

Expense of Poor of Harrison Township.

  • William Meade to transient paupers
  • Elizabeth Nichol to Augustus Nicol
  • George B Tebbs, services

Expense of Poor of Kelso Township.

  • Henry Fangman, services
  • P Weis to M Mathias
  • Peter Werst to M Matz
  • Dr. E M Ratcliff, medical services

Expense of Elections.

  • Aurora Valley Furniture Co., for 20 ballot boxes

Expense of Poor of Miller Township.

  • F M Jackson, cash &c.
  • Jacob Sefton, regular allowance
  • R Hargitt to E Huff
  • H C Vincent, medical services

Expense of County Asylum.

  • Christ Oekler, for coffin
  • Thomas Duncan, salary for quarter
  • Lizzie Manlief, labor
  • Shotwell & Co., dry goods
  • Lewis Hoff, labor
  • George Ruble, labor
  • Henry Peters, coffee
  • Robert McMullen, pork
  • Thomas Duncan, cash paid
  • L & N Turnpike Co., toll
  • Josiah Duncan, work
  • S A Whitehead, pork
  • W H Burk, salt
  • A Ruble, mending shoes, &c.
  • W E Crocker, groceries
  • Sebastian Greenham, grubbing

Expense of Bridges.

  • G Renner for lumber and work

Expense of Printing.

  • Sam Chapman, instructions to assessors
  • Hunter & O’Brien

Expense of Public Buildings.

  • John P Thompson, lumber and work on new shelves
  • E C Baldwin & Co., chair for court room
  • J M Palmer, repairing lock, cold chisel
  • Tebbs Bros., oil
  • S Strasburger, clothing &c.
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal
  • H G Kidd, stove pipes &c.
  • Sparks Bros, brooms &c.
  • Francis Lang, coal oil &c.
  • Graham & Co., kindlings
  • George Bruce, extra services

Road and Highways.

  • John C Sims, serving notices on Road Viewers

Expense of Criminals.

  • John C Sims, Sheriff, boarding prisoners

Expense of Court.

  • J E Larimer, blanks for clerk
  • John C Sims, Sheriff, serving jurors

Specific Allowance.

  • W H Kyle, Treasurer, stamps &c.
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, stamps &c.

Expense of Books and Stationery.

  • Wm B Burford
  • Indianapolis Journal Co.
  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
  • Martin Kieffer

Board of Health.

  • Wm B Burford, Certificates and Record
  • Indianapolis Journal Co., Blanks and Record
  • W Tebbs, Clerk, Report Marriage Cert

Expense County Superintendent

  • H B Hill, salary for quarter
  • Joseph White, Janitor for Supt

Officers Salaries.

  • Garrett Bosse, Com’r, salary for quarter
  • Abram Briggs, Com’r, salary for quarter
  • W H Kyle, Treasurer, salary for quarter
  • A B Pattison, Auditor, salary for quarter

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Mar 1882

Proceedings of the March 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 16 Mar 1882 – Page 3, Column 4


Dr. F. H. Sales appointed physician for the poor of Clay township for one year at a salary of $30 per year.

Settlements were made with the following trustees of the several townships:

  • F. M. Jackson, Miller
  • M. Reidinger, York
  • F. Rectanus, Center
  • LeRoy Roberts, Clay
  • James Beatty, Sparta
  • Geo. W. Steinmetz, Manchester
  • Henry Fangman, Kelso
  • Martin Buchert, Jackson
  • P. J. McCormick, Logan
  • W. Smith, Washington
  • Henry Bulthaupt, Caesar Creek
  • I. M. Truitt, Hogan
  • Geo. B. Tebbs, Harrison
  • Gideon Renner, Lawrenceburg

Liquor licenses were granted to the following applicants: Frank Volz, Stephen Meyer, N. Fahlbush, Jacob Rief, John Sicking, L. Ellerbrook, J. Bamert, and Martin Hoog.

McMullen and Downey are reappointed county attorneys at a salary of $150.

Dr. Vincent appointed physician for the poor of York and Miller townships at a salary of $42 per year.

Dr. Fermier appointed physician of Jackson township for $32 per year.

Dr. Henry appointed physician of poor of Center township at salary of $150.

John D. Haynes presented to the Board a petition representing about 176 signers, praying for a bridge across North Hogan creek near Lytle Park’s residence. After hearing the representatives of the petitioners present, the matter was taken under advisement until the June session.

George Bruce, Court House janitor, in view of the fact that he had been at a great deal of extra expense and labor in cleaning the Court House and other work by reason of the late flood, is given the sum of $100 for extra services. “Dick” performed considerable meritorious service during the time mentioned, and was undoubtably entitled to some recognition for the same, and the action of the Board in the matter is commendable. “Dick” was somewhat surprised when the sum was presented to him, as he was not expecting anything of the kind.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1882

Proceedings of the February 1882 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 9 Feb 1882 – Page 3, Column 2

Court convened on Monday, with the following new cases on the docket:

Charlotte Yentz vs. Charles Yentz. Divorce.

Annie Patzker vs. Frank Patzker. Divorce.

Nannie Hughes vs. John Hughes. Divorce.

Henry Ramer vs. Clarissa Daniels. Complaint on note.

Annie E. Roberts vs. John J Roberts. Divorce.

Thomas L Baker vs. George F Randall et al. Complaint for injunction.

Mary Mahoney vs. John Mahoney. Divorce.

John H Thompson vs. Seth Platt. Damages of $1000.

Joseph H Burkam vs. Charles C Kepper. Complaint on note.

Daniel Barkis vs. James W Pate. Complaint on note.

Eliza A Miller vs. Ezra G Hayes. Complaint for injunction to apportion certain costs.

Bernard McDermott vs. John Mack. Petition and complaint for partition.

Rebecca Robertson vs. James Cooper. Demand, $500.

Ada Frazier vs. David Frazier. Proceedings supplementary to exception.

Annie Perry vs. Leonidas Perry. Divorce.

Alex Beckman vs. Rudolph Walters. Damages.

Wm Probasco & Braun vs. Thomas Watts and D Stapp. Complaint for $1,200.

State ex rel Hattie Mason vs E Blake Lamar. Complaint for bastardy.

Martin  Corcoran vs. Mary Cocoran. Complaint for equitable relief.

Robert Mason vs. James Grange. Appeal.

Stephen Liddell vs. Adaline Junker. Appeal.

George M Roberts vs. Clarissa Daniels. Attachment.

Caroline Bruce vs. Job Little. Demand, $500.

John Tellis makes final report as administrator of the estate of John E. Godert.

Precilla Garrison makes final report and resigns her trust as guardian of Hazel Suit.

John Probst makes final report in the estate of Barbara Huth.

The will of Charles Reisman was admitted to probate. He bequeaths all his property to his wife.

Annie E. Nowlin appointed guardian of the heirs of Jacob Z. Nowlin. Bond $5.000.

John Probst appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Barbara Huth. Bond $1,400.

John Kimmel enters a plea of guilty to the charge of carrying concealed weapons, and is fined $3.

Caroline Bruce vs. Job Little. Judgment against defendant for $50.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Dec 1881

Allowances from the October and December 1881 Sessions of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 5 Jan 1882 – Page 3, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Ind., at their Oct & Dec terms, 1881, and ordered to be published in the REGISTER, as having the largest circulation in said county.



  • Isaac Hayes, house rent, Jen Howard, Mrs. A. Holden
  • Ed Gilland, house rent, Mrs. Williamson
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Holden
  • L Kohlerman, 8 coffins and burial exp
  • N Gillig, house rent, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Knorr
  • D Norther, house rent, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. M Truitt
  • Mrs. Scherger, house rent, Mrs. Reig, Mrs. Sherrod
  • L Hayes, house rent, Mrs. Williamson
  • F R Dorman & Co., clothing, B Bennett
  • W H Jordan, medicines
  • Mrs. Fitch, groceries, Mrs. L Johnson, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Bruce
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller, medical services
  • Dr. J P Green, medical services
  • Dr. M H Harding, medical services
  • Dr. C G Walter, medical services
  • Dr. W M Terrill, medical services
  • J S Dorman & Co., clothing, Jim Bradley, Mrs. Ley; house rent, Mrs. Eeads
  • C F Hayes, agt, house rent, Mrs. Carter
  • Geo Meyer, house rent, Louisa Schmit
  • L Kohlerman, coffin & Mrs. Kleckner
  • C Israel, groceries, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Farewell
  • John Huth, house rent, Mrs. West, Mrs. Kaiser
  • F Rodenberg, groceries, A Kuntzler, 6ms
  • Julius Currus, groceries, Jen Howard, Mrs. Roberts
  • Moore & Spooner, groceries, Mrs. Locey
  • Mary E Howerton, house rent, Sterling
  • W H Burk, house rent, Mrs. McCright
  • G Renner, house rent, Rhoda Bennett; coal for poor; cash paid on acct of poor
  • Reg. allow. C Krow, care Mrs. Kleckner
  • Reg. allow. Mary Stack, for self
  • Reg. allow. Augusta Windmiller
  • F Lang, groceries, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Morand, H Martin, M Morgan


  • E Brewington, house rent, Mrs. Baily
  • J C Green, groceries, I Carpenter, Mrs. Snider, Geo Eikler, F Schwartzenfelder
  • R A McConnel, dry goods, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Heck, Mrs. Lothrage, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Baker, A Christy (bld)
  • P Garrety, house rent, I Carpenter
  • Henry Wood, groceries, — Ross, Mrs. Acres, Mrs. Heck, Mrs. Robbins, Mrs. Johnson, Buck Nelson
  • S Siementle, goods, Mrs. Watkins, Wm McCartney, Pat McGrath, J J Carpenter
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries, Mrs. Garrison
  • Tebbs, Brogan & Co., groceries, Mrs. Cofield
  • Herdengen & Kress, groceries, Mrs. Smith, Ella Walker, Mrs. Dohni, Mrs. V Sickles
  • J M Wheeler, groceries, Geo Hoppey
  • Robt Maybin, groceries, Alex Criswell
  • M Haring, 2 coffins
  • Phil Kastner, groceries, Adam Sengers, Ldy S Warner
  • Anna Earl, groceries, Mrs. Rose
  • Herman Rabe, groceries, John Melson, Mrs. Weishorn, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. M Bruce
  • Marg Pelgen, Mrs. Rea, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Wenzell, Mrs. Wainscott, Mr. W Powell, Mrs. Calheim, Mrs. Acra
  • How Lamar, dry goods, Mrs. Carbaugh, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Robinson, Jane Alexander
  • P Koehler, groceries, Mrs. Barns; tak McDonnaugh to pr house
  • F A York, transport for paupers
  • G W Taylor, transport for paupers
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries, Mrs. Burk, Mrs. Jehn, Mrs. Bussell, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Teany, Joe Peters, Miss Vidito, W Powell, T Roberts
  • A Bloom & Bro, groceries, Mrs. Blasdel, Mrs. A Moran
  • Thos Wright, groceries, Mrs. Shank
  • A Lozier, groceries, Mrs. Heck, Mrs. K Dom, Mrs. Schwartzferger
  • Fred Kreite, groceries, Mrs. M Kerrigan
  • F Opperman, groceries, Mrs. Thos Hughs, Mrs. Kate Welch, Mrs. Mort Kerrigan, Mrs. Mahoney, Mike Killeen
  • C Goldsmith & Bro, goods, Alfred Smith, Jos Peters, Clara Brown, G Gray
  • Chas Fehling, groceries, Mrs. Lothridge, Mrs. Shipper, Mrs. Hauck
  • Fred Housemeyer, goods, J Goodpasture
  • Pat Doble, groceries, Wm Brown, Thos Tracy, Thos Rabbitt, Thos Travers
  • M Mahoney Sr., house rent, Win Carlin
  • W T Day, coffins & burial exp for poor
  • John A Nees, groceries, Wm Thompson, Barbara Sieber, Jas Lockhart, Mrs. Lockridge, Louisa Miller, Bud Gray, transient paupers
  • W W Brison, groceries, Mary Bolar, Joe Melson
  • Dr. Rectanus, paid on acct of poor, services as overseer
  • Lucinda Acre, regular allowance
  • Mrs. Ann Ramsey, regular allowance
  • Mrs. C Schwartzenfelder, regular allowance


  • Simon Miller, regular allowance
  • Louis Faucett, regular allowance


  • Jas Beatty, paid for J Hoover
  • H D Moore, groceries, I Davis
  • N Todd, house rent, Elizabeth Smith
  • S Crouch & Son, goods, Alice Vinson
  • H B Gault, goods, Johnson Knapp


  • Leroy Roberts, paid on acct poor
  • J W E Hartley, groceries, Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. F Lozier
  • J C Vandolah, groceries, Mrs. T Acre
  • F & J Young, goods, Eliz Spangler
  • Ralph Smith, care of Higgins’ children
  • Jane Shepard, regular allowance, (blind)


  • Wm Taylor, goods for poor
  • B P Boardman, groceries, Fannie Bruce, John Stitt, Mrs. Peters


  • A Sweasy, groceries, for self


  • P Weis, flour & meal for M Mathias
  • P Worst & Co., goods, Math Matz
  • Lawrence Antwans, house rent M Matz
  • Caroline Schmidt, regular allowance


  • Frank Busald, groceries, M Meir


  • P J McCormick, paid poor, Ida Folemis


  • G W Steinmetz, paid for poor
  • W E Crocker, sundries, Mrs. Layborn
  • Michael Schneider, regular allowance


  • Robt Hargitt, groceries, Elizath Hoff
  • Jacob Sefton, regular allowance


  • H Chairsell, bone dust
  • J Federle & Co., 100 bush potatoes
  • R Behmer, repairs of wagon
  • J H Weber, blacksmithing
  • J C Hibbetts, insurance
  • W H Jordan, medicine
  • T Duncan, paid for sundries, one quar salary
  • C Gelker, 3 coffins
  • F Slater, groceries and clover seed
  • Turnpike Co., toll
  • Geo Ruble, 3 mos work
  • Geo Hall, meat
  • Geo Griffith, barrels
  • Hewitt Billsby, potatoes
  • Lizzie Manlief, 3 mos labor
  • Lewis Hoff, 3 mos labor
  • Jacob Gettle, repairing shoes
  • Wm Kenneds, seed wheat
  • W E Crocker, groceries & sundries
  • Goldsmith & Bro., clothing


  • Warren Tebbs, postage, expressage
  • W H Kyle, post, expr for Treas & Aud.


  • L W Cobb, 6 book certificates
  • Hunter & O’Brien, tax receipts, allowances and Coroner’s Inquests


  • August Willers, repairing locks
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., gas for 4 mos
  • Tebbs Bros., sund for court house
  • M L Baldwin, lamp for jail
  • Geo Bruce, cash paid for water cooler
  • W H Jordan, sund for c h and jail
  • Francis Lang, oil and soap for jail
  • J Foshag, ice for season
  • Moore & Spooner, mops for c house
  • Sparks Bros., brooms


  • Wilstach, Baldwin books & stationery
  • W B Burford, books & stationery
  • Indianapolis Journal Co., books & stationery
  • M Kiefer, books and stationery


  • W H Kyle
  • Alex B Pattison
  • Garret Bosse
  • Abram Briggs


  • L Kohlerman, buggy hire


  • N Steadman & Co., bolts, &c.
  • Jos Tittle, labor & material
  • Graham & Marshall, lumber


  • J D Smith, labor


  • H B Hill, for services


  • W E Teke, conveying prisoners
  • W McConnell, conveying prisoners
  • J C Sims, boarding prisoners


  • J C Sims, summoning petit jury, Nov, Sept; grand Jury, Nov; jury commissioners


  • Alex B Pattison, ser as architect
  • Seth Platt, extra work on foundation


  • J C Sims, notifying viewers
  • Martin Buchert & others, viewers
  • Chas Richenbach & others, viewers
  • Clara Nowlin & others, damages land

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1881

Proceedings of the December 1881 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 1 Dec 1881 – Page 3, Column 3


Final reports were made in the following estates and guardianships: Estates of Martin Koehler, Malinda Miller, Margaret Platt, Mason J. Cloud, John Dorst, Paulus Neurohr, Mary Anna Mondary, Carolien Pruden, and David Powers; Guardianships of Jacob Probst’s heirs, John S. Harper, Jacob Smith’s heirs, and Betty Epstein.

The will of Mary A. Luke, late of Dillsborough, was admitted to probate on Saturday. She bequeathed the bulk of her possessions to her son, Wm. F. Luke.

Will A. Greer, assignee of W. H. Murdoch, has transferred to Mr. Murdoch the property belonging to his estate—Mr. Murdoch having settled with his creditors satisfactorily by giving each creditor two notes, one payable in 12 months and one payable in 24 months.

Thomas L. Baker was appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Samiford Sparks. Bond $400.

John E. Baker has been appointed administrator of the estate of Wm. S. Bridwell. Bond $500.

Rebecca Walters has been appointed administratrix of the estate of John F. Walters. Bond $1,200.

Elizabeth Mangold was appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Jacob Mangold.

Wendel Labbe appointed administrator of the estate of Mathias Thebalt.

William Renner vs. Ann Clendenning. The plaintiff is granted possession of lots Nos. 16 and 17 in Lawrenceburgh, and judgment is rendered against defendant for costs.

Thomas Johnston, Foreman of the Grand Jury, made a report of their visit to the county jail, which reads as follows: “Having visited the county jail, we report everything in good order as to sanitary arrangements under the management of our excellent Sheriff. Mr. John Sims, and his excellent lady. The inmates seem to be well cared for, and we have no improvements to suggest at the present.”

Omar F. Roberts vs. Mary J. Roberts. Judgment against defendant for divorce. The plaintiff is required to pay William J. McHenry $2.50 per week for the support of Paul Wickliffe Roberts, who is placed in the custody of the mother.

John Cairns, commissioner in the ex parte proceedings of Jane Cairns and others, heirs of Claudius Anderson, makes a report of his doings in this case, which is approved by the court.

The Grand Jury adjourned on Saturday. During their session they found twelve indictments.

Lawrenceburg Register – 8 Dec 1881 – Page 2, Column 4


William S. Holman, Trustee, vs. Adam Kerr. Judgment against defendant for $915.

State vs. Jordan Ransom. Assault and battery. Enters a plea of guilty. Fined $2 and costs.

Jacob Hallowell vs. Charles Bantley. Judgment against defendant for $5 and injunction.

Jacob Z. Nowlin vs. Ferris H. Whipple. Judgment against the plaintiff.

B. N. McHenry & Co. vs. Wm. Block. Judgment against defendant for $800.

Stephen Peters vs. Mary Peters. Decree of divorce granted to the plaintiff. The grounds being cruel treatment, drunkenness and abandonment.

The will of the late Joseph Hall was admitted to probate. After the payment of debts, if any exist, all of the property, both real and personal, is given to his wife, Mrs. Ann Hall. The will bears date October 21, 1881.

Alice Goodwin vs. Jacob Goodwin. Judgment against defendant for divorce.

William Negele vs. Patrick Garrity. Judgment against defendant for $225.

Upon the petition of John Gaines, Administrator, the estate of Claudius and Jane Anderson are consolidated.

Andrew P. Daughters makes final report as commissioner of the estate of Britannia Heaton.

Hannah Marshal makes final report as guardian of the heirs of Anson Marshal and resigns her trust.

James Garrigus makes final report as administrator of the estate of Silas Wicks.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Sep 1881

Allowances of the September 1881 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Oct 1881 – Page 1, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Ind., at their Sept. term, 1881, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.



  • Chas Brogan, groceries, Mrs. Holden
  • Dr. W M Terrill, medical attendance
  • Dr. J P Green, medical attendance
  • W J Fitch, groceries, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Fred Dorn
  • J Currus, groceries, John Godfrey, Miss Roberts, Jennie Howard
  • Isaac Hayes, house rent, Mrs. A Holden, Jennie Howard
  • Dr. O C Evans, medical attendance
  • Ed Gilland, house rent, Mrs. L Williams
  • S Strasburger, 1 pr shoes, Mrs. Loeb
  • C Israel, groceries, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Beach
  • W Fitch, house rent, Mrs. J Smith (6 mos)
  • John Dorman, goods, Mrs. Ley; house rent, Mrs. Eads
  • G Renner, coal for Mrs. Locey, Mrs. Bruce; cash paid for transient poor
  • J Burk’s est, house rent, Mrs. McCright, Henry Sterling
  • Tebbs Bros, groceries, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Williams
  • N Gillig, house rent, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Knorr
  • John Huth, house rent, Mrs. West, Mrs. Kaiser
  • Ch Scherger, house rent, Mrs. Reig, Mrs. Sherrod
  • Wm Huber, house rent, Mrs. Wiekley
  • And Wagner, house rent, Mrs. R Bennett
  • Geo Meyers, house rent, Louisa Schimdt
  • Moore & Spooner, groceries, Mrs. Locey
  • D Northern, house rent, Mrs. Roberts
  • Squire Watts, house rent, Mrs. Tilford
  • Sparks Bros, groceries, Mrs. Durman
  • H Helmuth, groceries, Mrs. Williamson
  • H Dodell, groceries, Mrs. Alston, Mrs. Bridennare
  • C F Hayes, agt, house rent, Mrs. Carter
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller, medical attendance
  • F Lang, groceries, Mrs. Morand, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Bader, Mrs. Reed
  • Wm Hollond, care of Sam Woods


  • S Siemantle, groceries, Wm McCartney, John West, Mrs. Watkins, Pat McGrath
  • Goldsmith Bros, clothing, B Wells’ boys
  • F A York, carriage hire, J Stitt to home, John Durman to poor house, woman & children to Rising Sun
  • M Maloney Sr., house rent, Mrs. Carlin
  • Thos Wright, groceries, Mrs. Shank
  • Mrs. Groely, house rent, Ben Anderson
  • A Lozier, groceries, Mrs. Heck, Miss Katie Dom, C Schwentzferger
  • John A Nees, groceries, Wm Thompson, John Bush, Chas Gibbs, Mrs. Acre, James Currigan, John Stitt, transient paupers
  • Herman Rabe, groceries, Martha Bruce, Mrs. Weishorn
  • Christ Ritter, groceries, Mrs. Clark
  • Geo Oswald, groceries, John Thompson, Fred Pamer, Jesse Smith, John Cooper
  • Mrs. Anna Earl, groceries, Mrs. Ross
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries, E Walker, Mrs. Smith, M A McKain
  • Geo Siemantle, groceries, Mrs. Grob, John Horton
  • W T Day, coffin
  • Robert Magbin, groceries, Alex Criswell
  • Peter Koehler, groceries, Thos Rabbitt, Mrs. Beas, P McGraw, Geo Borten, Miss Merrill
  • Pat Doble, groceries, Rube Stivers, William Brown
  • Philip Kestner, groceries, L & S Warner, A Sengers
  • Fred Kreite, groceries, Mrs. Lube, Mrs. J Kerrigan, Mrs. Brown
  • F Opperman, groceries, Mrs. Thos Hughs, Mrs. Kate Welch, Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. M Kerrigan
  • Mrs. H Pelgen, groceries, Mrs. S Rhea, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Wenzel, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Wm Powell, Mrs. W Vahe
  • McCreary & Niebaum, goods, Shoemaker, Mrs. Christy, Mrs. Carlin, Mrs. Bowler
  • Langtree & Mitchell, groceries, Mrs. Tracey, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Cofield, Mrs. Ross
  • Henry Wood, groceries, Mrs. Dacon
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries, Mrs. Garrison, Geo Burton
  • J M Wheeler, groceries, Mrs. Ramsey, Geo Hopping
  • A Bloom & Bro, groceries, H A Moran, Mrs. Blasdell
  • Dr. F Rectanus, trustee, cash for paupers, overseeing poor
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., Mrs. Teany, Mrs. Smith, Miss Vidito, Mrs. Jehu, Joe Peters, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Bussell
  • Wymond & Hayes, Mrs. H Brewington, John Barkdoll, Thos Rabbitt
  • W W Brison, groceries, Mrs. Bolar, John Melson, Mrs. McGraw
  • Chas Fehling, groceries, Mrs. Shipper, Mrs. Hauck
  • F Horsemeyer, groceries, John Goodpasture


  • W F Crocker, goods, Mrs. Laybourne


  • W W Withrow, goods, Hannah Ewing
  • F A Young, goods, Elizabeth Spangler
  • Fred Tholke, goods, Hiram Thompson, Mrs. Luther
  • T M Sender, coffin
  • J W E Hartley, goods, Mrs. Lazier
  • J C Vandolah, goods, Thos Acre, Mrs. McFarland, Ira Shepard


  • Christ Oelker, coffin, exp Wm Johnson
  • H Chairsell, goods for funeral


  • Haddock & Liddle, goods, John Calvin
  • Dr. J R Liddle, medical attendance
  • J Jackson, coffin, burial exp, Nancy Dodd
  • Jac Sefton, taking care Mrs. Sefton
  • F M Jackson, trus, cash paid for poor


  • Dr. A P Daughters, goods, J Knapp, Alice Vinson
  • Jas Beatty, cash paid for Adam Kerr, Jacob Hoover, R Bourroughs, S A Bowen
  • H D Moore, goods, Isaac Davis
  • Nath Todd, house rent, Mrs. Smith (6 mos)


  • Elizabeth Ward for self


  • T Downton, care unknown person, 12 dys


  • Abram Briggs, commissioner
  • Michael Hoff, commissioner
  • Garret Bosse, commissioner
  • W H Kyle, treasurer
  • Alex B Pattison, auditor


  • Tebbs Bros., potatoes
  • Geo W Hall, swt potato plants, beef
  • W F Crocker, merchandise
  • F Slater, dry goods
  • Byron S Clark, blacksmithing
  • Turnpike Comp., toll
  • A R Clark & Co., coffee and sugar
  • Thos Duncan, cash paid and salary
  • J & M Ruble, threshing
  • D Perlee, blacksmithing
  • Lizzie Manlief, 13 weeks labor
  • Geo Ruble, 3 mos labor
  • Louis Hoff, 3 mos labor
  • Christ Oelker, coffin


  • Seb Greenham, removing old house
  • Henry Stenger, 23 days superintending


  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing and adver


  • S Strasburger, sundries for court house
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., gas
  • Tebbs Bros., sundries for court house
  • H Hitzfield, carpenter work on c h & jail
  • Francis Lang, soap and oil for c h


  • John C Sims, boarding prisoners


  • Geo C Columbia, recording deed
  • Mary Kriete, land for road
  • J C Sims, serving notices on viewers


  • M Kiefer, books and stationary
  • Ind’polis Journal Co., books and stationary
  • Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., books & stationary
  • W B Burford
  • Rosser, McClure & Morley
  • Sentinel Co.


  • Est F Lang, omitted fees as treas
  • Chas Lods
  • Geo Bruce, cash paid for McFarland
  • W H Kyle, postage, expressage &c.
  • Est John Schwartz, exp to Cincinnati


  • H B Hill, salary for quar & exp of office
  • Leive Bros., blanks for supt.


  • Dr. C G Walter, post mortem exam


  • Chas Bauer, work on Aurora bridge
  • John Graham, lumber on Aurora bridge
  • A Briggs, cash paid Logan bridge
  • M B Miller, work on Dillsboro bridge
  • John Tullis, making fill on Dillsboro bridge

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1881

Proceedings of the September 1881 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 15 Sep 1881 – Page 3, Column 2

The following cases among others, noticed elsewhere, have been disposed of this week:

State vs. Thomas Thompson, petit larceny, sentenced to sixty days in the county jail.

State vs. George Linkenbach. Dismissed.

State vs. William Williams; assault and battery. Plea of guilty, and fined $5 and costs.

State vs. Carrie Grepke; surety of the peace. Recognizance bond forfeited.

State vs. Christian Borgman. Dismissed.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1881

Proceedings of the May 1881 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 19 May 1881 – Page 3, Column 3


Francis Worley makes final report as Administrator of the estate of Frank W Cheek. Sisters of the deceased, Jennie Cheek Hill and Augusta Cheek Curtis, receive $994, the assets of the estate.

Final reports were made in the following trusts:

  • Estate of George W Ferguson.
  • Estate of Nicholas Mosmer.
  • Guardianship of the heirs of Christine and Casper Miller.
  • Estate of Wilhelmina Feuss.
  • Guardianship of Emma J. Ward.
  • Guardianship of Stella and Clark Savage.
  • Guardianship of David A Harding.
  • Estate of William Lowe.
  • Guardianship of Grayson Cheek.
  • Guardianship of Pearl Duncan.
  • Estate of Joshua Yerkes.

Henrietta Buhrlage appointed Guardian of the heirs of George I. Buhrlage.

Benj. Plummer, Executor of the estate of Mary Jane Heuston, makes report of sale of real estate.

Charles Kohlep appointed Administrator of the estate of Mary Mueller.

W C D Stevenson, Administrator of the estate of Wm Foster, reports sale of real estate.

Will A Greer appointed Administrator of the estate of Lucy Guion. Bond, $4,000.

Thomas Heaton vs. Stephen Gaston. Andrew P Daughters makes report of sale of real estate as Commissioner.

Edward P Bradstreet, the well known attorney of Cincinnati, was admitted to practice at the bar of this Court.

Judgment was rendered against Michael Strickfaden for $500 in favor of Christina Roth, for the support of a bastard child, and that he be kept in jail until the same is paid.

Lewis W Cobb vs. Robert Criswell. Civil action for damages for assault and battery. In consideration of the receipt of $230 the plaintiff releases all claims against defendant on account of assault.

State vs. Robert Criswell. Assault and battery. Pleads guilty, and fined $2 and costs.

Elizabeth Winkley vs. O F Roberts. Judgment against defendant for $636.

A R Bruce vs. Samuel Stockwell. Judgment against defendant for $20.

Julius Currus vs. Estate of Jennie Hazelwood. Judgment against defendant for $167

Andrew Hornbeck vs. Michael Kolb. Judgment against defendant for $25.

North Hogan Gravel Road Company vs. Oliver P Cobb and others. Judgment against defendants for costs.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Jun 1881

Allowances of the June 1881 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 7 Jul 1881 – Page 3, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Ind., at their June term, 1881, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.



  • To Charles Israel, groceries for Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Wieband
  • James Burk, house rent for Mrs. H Sterling, Mrs. Crite
  • John Weaver, wood and groceries
  • Chas Brogan, groceries for [?], Mrs. Pearson
  • W J Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Dorn
  • Chas Seekatz, pair shoes for Mrs. Beach
  • Cath Lang, groceries for Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Morand, Mrs. Willey
  • Mrs. P Long, for Carrie Rich, boarding and nursing
  • Julius Currus, groceries for Jennie Howard, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Godfrey
  • J Billingsley, house rent for Mrs. Williams
  • G Renner, coal for poor, cash pd on account of poor
  • John Sortwell, digging grave
  • Moore & Spooner, groceries for Mrs. Locy, Nancy Alfred
  • Chr Scherger, house rent for Mrs. Reig, Mrs. Sherrod
  • Mrs. Hauck, house rent for Rhoda Bennett
  • [?], agt house rent for Mrs. [?]
  • J Anderson, groceries for Mrs. Kaise
  • [?], groceries for Mrs. [?]
  • [?], house rent for Mrs. [?] Eads
  • [?] Miller, medical attend on poor
  • Joseph May, 1 pair shoes for Mrs. Niebrand
  • John Huth, house rent for Mrs. West, Mrs. Kaiser
  • Dr. Wm Terrill, med attc on poor
  • D Northern, house rent for Mrs. Roberts
  • Ed Gilland, house rent for Mrs. Williamson
  • And Wagner, house rent for Rhoda Bennett
  • Mrs. Geo Meyer, house rent for Louisa Schmidt, Mrs. Bennett
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Dunnan
  • Jos McGranahan, groceries for Mrs. Temple
  • Wm Huber, house rent for Mrs. Wiegle
  • Dr. Green, med atten on poor
  • Fred Rodenberg, groceries for Mrs. Williamson
  • Mrs. Kuntzler, 3 mos
  • S Strasburger, dry goods for Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Loh
  • N Gillig, house rent for Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Knorr
  • Isaac Hayes, house rent for Mrs. Jenny Howard
  • John Hornberger, house rent for John Godfrey


  • Herdegan & Kress, groceries for Mrs. Van Sickles, Mrs. Smith, Elizabeth Walker, Mrs. A McKain
  • Phil Kastner, groceries for Sarah Warner, Adam Sengers
  • Herman Rabe, groceries for Martha Bruce, Mrs. Wisehorn
  • Geo Siemantle, groceries for Jacob Felting
  • A Lozier, groceries for Cinthia Robertson, Kate Dom, Mrs. Heck
  • F A York, charge for hearse
  • Aurora Gas Co., coal for Mrs. Walker and Wm Powell
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries for Mrs. Garrison, Geo Burton
  • R A McConnell, pair shoes for William Theethge
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries for Mrs. Smith, Miss Vidito, Mrs. Jehue, Beaver, Mrs. Teaney, Mrs. Bussell
  • Henry Wood, groceries for Mrs. Dacon, Mrs. Heck
  • A Bloom & Bro., groceries for Mrs. Blasdell, Mr. Moran
  • Fred Kreite, groceries for Mrs. Martha Kerrigan, Mrs. Luhn and rent
  • Geo Oswald, boarding Anton Ott
  • Langtree & Mitchel, groceries for Thos Tracy, Mrs. Cofield, Mrs. Hudson, Bill Theege
  • Thos Wright, groceries for Mrs. Schenck
  • E Brewington, house rent for Cinthia Robertson
  • Peter Koehler, groceries for Mrs. Schumaker, Job Jamis
  • F Opperman, groceries for Mrs. Thos Hayes, Mrs. Mahoney, Martin Kerrigan, Kate Welch
  • Charles Fehling, groceries for Mrs. Shepper, Mrs. Hock
  • Mrs. M Pelgen, groceries for Mrs. Red, Mrs. Broils, Mrs. Wenzel, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Winscott, Wm Powell
  • Wymond & Hayes, groceries for Mrs. Rabbitt, Mrs. Miller, A Burkdale, Mrs. H Brewington
  • W W Brison, groceries for John Melson, Mary Bolar
  • F Housemeyer, groceries for John Goodpasture
  • T & J W Gaff & Co., coal for poor
  • Miss Earl, groceries for Mrs. Ross
  • McCreary & Niebaum, dry goods for poor
  • P Dobel, groceries for Wm Brown, Mrs. Baker, Dave Bruner, Henry Miller, Mrs. Tapling
  • J M Wheeler, groceries for Mrs. Ramsay, John Kerrigan, Geo Wollford, Mrs. Geo Hopping
  • M Maloney Sr., house rent for Mrs. Carlin
  • S Siemantle, groceries for Wm McCartney, John West, Mrs. Watkins, Tom O’Day
  • John A Nees, groceries for Wm Thompson, John Bush, Benjamin Wills, Henry Hartin, board for transient pauper
  • Dr. F Rectanus, cash paid for poor, 35 days overseeing poor


  • Dr. A P Daughters, groceries for Alice Vinson, Johnson Knapp
  • Ellen McMahan, refunded for taxes
  • James Beatty, trus., cash paid Jacob Hoover
  • H D Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis


  • Adam Feller, for Martin Glaub, taking care and nursing while sick
  • Henry Derflein, digging grave
  • Lorenz Antwain, home rent for Michael Matz
  • Wendel Labbe, groceries for Mrs. Helfrich
  • John Andreas, for coffin
  • Peter Werst & Co., groceries for Mathias Matz
  • P Weis, groceries for M Mathews


  • W W Withrow, groceries for Hannah Ewing
  • Fred Tholke, groceries for Hiram Thompson, Charles Burgess
  • F & J Young, groceries for Elizabeth Spangle
  • J W E Hartley, sundries for Ann Marsh, Mrs. Lozier, groceries
  • Henry Wittenburg, coffins for Ann Marsh and Chas Burgess
  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Thos Acre


  • Chas Brogan, for John Calvin
  • Dr. L J Collins, med attendance on J Diggs, Jacob and Mrs. Calvin
  • Jacob Sefton, care of Mrs. Sefton
  • W J Fitch, groceries for J Calvin


  • Henry Steet, coffin & funeral exp
  • Mrs. D R Curran, groceries for Ellsworth


  • Nathan Wallace, care and fun’l exp for Francis Hartman


  • W T Day, coffin Mrs. John Stitt


  • W F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Laybourne


  • Wm B Burford
  • Witstach, Baldwin & Co.
  • Journal Company
  • Sentinel Company


  • W H Kyle, postage and cash
  • Warren Tebbs, postage
  • P L Matheus


  • Rezin Rees, road viewer
  • I R Dunaway, oaths to viewers
  • John C Sims, serving notices
  • Geo C Columbia, recording deeds


  • J Garrigus, 18 bus potatoes
  • Geo Ruble, work on farm
  • Manchester turnpike comp., toll
  • James Burk, salt
  • Fred Slater, groceries
  • Lizzie Manlief, work
  • S McMullen, 2 barrels salt
  • M Hoff, 100 bu corn, 16 bu potatoes
  • Thos Duncan, cash for sundries, 1 quar salary
  • Lewis Hoff, work
  • H Bilby, mending boots and shoes
  • David Perlee


  • Hunter & O’Brien, envelopes, printing
  • Willard Cobb


  • Jno Cobb, lot rent framing bridge
  • C Bauer, work Wilmington bridge
  • W Schindler, Harrison bridge


  • D H Miller, buggy hire


  • C Brogan, sundries for c h
  • F R Dorman, sundries for jail
  • Senaca Ketchum, work on jail
  • Moore & Spooner, Matches
  • S Strasburger, oil cloth
  • G Renner, coal
  • Tebbs Bros., coal oil for jail, brooms
  • M Noyes, straw ticks for jail
  • Mrs. Junker, washing for jail


  • H B Hill, salary and exps
  • Jos White, jan., for examinations


  • W H Kyle, treasurer
  • Alex B Pattison, auditor
  • Abram Briggs, comm’rs
  • Garrett Bosse, comm’rs
  • Michael Hoff, comm’rs

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1881

Proceedings of the February 1881 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 3 Feb 1881 – Page 2, Column 5

Circuit Court.

The February term of the Circuit Court will begin on next Monday. The following is a list of the new cases filed:

John Wolfgang Kress vs. Estate of Lorenz Roesch. On note for $100.

McCreary & Niebaum vs. Guardian of Malinda Miller. On account $2.25.

Estate of J. H. Smith vs. Estate of Omer Tousey. On account $45.

Elizabeth Emmerson vs. Charles Emmerson. Divorce.

Charles Clark vs. Job Miller. Appeal.

Mary Koch vs. Ludwig Koch. Divorce.

Lou Ann Greer vs. Abraham Epstein. Appeal.

William Fenton vs. O. & M. R’y. Damages.

George W. Glardon vs. Mary Glardon. Appeal.

Margaretha Gass vs. Frank Schwing and others. On note, and to set aside deed.

Martha Clark vs. George Clark. Divorce.

Perry Small vs. W. R. McConnell. Replevin.

A. R. Bruce vs. Samuel Stockwell. Appeal.

Henry Semmons vs. Abram Epstein. Attachment.

Jetta Glaser vs. same. Attachment.

Wm. Roushein vs. same. Attachment.

Henry Semmons vs. same. Attachment.

Andrew Hornbeck vs. same. Attachment.

Estate of Amos Crozier vs. D. D. Crozier. On account.

Joseph Papenbroch vs. August Behrens. Foreclosure.

Gottlieb Spreen vs. Louis Veit. On account, $1,200.

Rosa Eilers vs. Lizette Ruskamp and others. To quiet title.

Ernst Schroeder vs. City of Aurora. Damages, $500.

Estate of David Powers vs. Ezra Hayes. Demand $20,000.

Jacob Cady vs. C., I., St. L., & C. R’y. Damages, $200.

Guardian of Carrie Hurley vs. White Water R’y. Damages. $3,600.

W. P. Beckett vs. Wilkerson Smith. Trespass and damages.

Margaret Uphouse vs. John Uphouse. Divorce.

First National Bank of Cincinnati vs. W. H. Rogers et al. On note, $100.

Robert Courtney vs. James D. Willis. On draft, $500.

Rebecca J. Barkis vs. James W. Pate. To quiet title.

H. D. McMullen vs. Nancy Halberstadt and others. Demand $3,000.

Executors of Joseph Hayes vs. J. H. Burkam and others. To gain possession of real estate.

B. F. Trester Jr. vs. School of City of Aurora. On contract. Demand $2,429.

Clem Robertson vs. T. J. Cooper. Demand $350.

Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Feb 1881 – Page 3, Column 2


B. N. McHenry vs. estate of Henry Brockenhoff. Judgment against defendant for $122.

State vs. Henry Grossholtz, grand larceny. The Prosecuting Attorney entered a nolle prosequi, and the defendant was discharged.

Henry Ellinghausen vs. Sylvia Richardson. Verdict: “We, the jury, find that the defendant did wrongfully detain the property of the plaintiff named in the complaint, and that the plaintiff is entitled to possession thereof.”

Ben Taylor vs. Ellender Taylor. Decree for divorce granted against defendant.

Sarah Purnell vs. Helena Krentzer. Slander. Judgment against the plaintiff for costs.

Lawrenceburg Register – 10 Mar 1881 – Page 2, Column 3


Will A. Greer makes final report as administrator of the estate of Jacob Giegoldt.

Michael Renjer appointed guardian of the heirs of Simon Jaeger.

Sarah Criswell makes final report as administratrix of the estate of Robert Criswell.

George M. Roberts makes final report as administrator of the estate of Sally Truitt.

Frank Marsh makes final report as guardian of Harvey R. Marsh.

Mary Junker appointed guardian of John A. Junker.

Jacob Walter makes final report as guardian of the heirs of Joseph Suter.

Rhoda Booth adopts a certain female child, aged about five weeks, and the child is named Alma Booth.

D. H. Stapp appointed guardian of William Allen, an insane person.

Margaret H. Dickins appointed administratrix of the estate of Frances A. Dickins.

Henry Bobrink petitions to be released as surety on the bond of Hannah Marshall, guardian of the heirs of Anson Marshall.

George W. Glardon vs. Mary T. Glardon. The jury find that the defendant is entitled to the possession of certain property, and is given judgment for one cent damages.

Estate of Amos Crozier vs. David D. Crozier. Judgment against defendant for $180.

William Morgan vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Judgment against the defendant for costs.

Margaret Uphouse vs. John Uphouse. Judgment and decree for divorce against defendant.

Ernst Schroeder vs. City of Aurora. The jury find for defendant.