Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Mar 1883

Allowances of the March 1883 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 3 May 1883 – Page 1, Column 7

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County, Ind., at their March session, 1883, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Expense of poor Lawrenceburg tp.

  • E Barret, house rent, E McRight
  • Wm Hood, groceries for Mrs. Williams, W C Kindle
  • W Schneider, shoes for Katy Musters, Miss Macky
  • J Siemantle, shoes for Robt Moore
  • J Currus, groceries, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Eads, S A Martin, Mrs. Beach, Eliza Roberts, D F King, D Herron, Emma Clark
  • Sparks Bros., groceries, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Durman
  • Wm Suckatz, shoes, for Mrs. Carter, F Knorr, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Thornberg
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, groceries, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Dom
  • John Sortwell, digging 3 graves
  • J S Dorman, dry goods, Mattie Steans
  • S Dickenson, cash paid for poor
  • Lotton House, board, Mrs. King & 3 children
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries, A Truelock, H Young, Mrs. Schultz
  • G Renner, coal for poor
  • L Adler, shoes, Mrs. B Arnold
  • Beckenholdt & Co., coal for poor
  • F R Dorman & Co., goods, Mrs. Rissell, R Cooper; shoes, Hen Young
  • J Anderson, groceries, Mrs. K’ser
  • Wm Burk, groceries, Alice Farrell, Mrs. Ballard, A J Fry
  • J Berkhouse, groceries for poor during flood
  • G A Kestner, meat furnished poor
  • L B Daniels, coal for poor
  • J Palmer, meals for poor

Expense of poor, Centre township.

  • McCreary & Niebaum, goods, Mrs. Powel, Mrs. Bowler, Mrs. Christy, Mrs. M Lohn, Mrs. Beaver
  • J A Nees, board and lodgings, poor
  • Dr. F Rectanus, cash paid for poor, overseeing poor
  • M Maloney, board, Jesse Hayes
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries, C Wooley, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Schroeder
  • Philip Kastner, groceries, Mrs. Bruner, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Conger, Mrs. Smith
  • Goldsmith Bros., dry goods for poor
  • F A York, transportation poor, asylum
  • G W Taylor, transportation poor, asylum
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal for poor
  • Mrs. Strunk, meals, John Wood & wife
  • F Mantel, coffins and burial, 3 paupers
  • McConnell & McAvoy, dry goods, poor
  • P Kochler, groceries, Mrs. Berns, Harvey Johnson, Mrs. Harlon, Mrs. Toner, Mrs. Goodlove, John Frost, Tom Brown
  • Henry Wood, groceries & coal for poor
  • W W Brison, taking pauper to asylum
  • S Siemantle, groceries, John Schroeder, Brown
  • W C Henry, 1 yr physician to poor

Expense of poor, York township.

  • F R Dorman & Co., goods, Mrs. Ewbank
  • H C Vincent, physician to poor, 1 yr

Expense of poor, Washington township.

  • J M Wheeler, groceries, E Pettie
  • Dr. H H Sutton, medical attention on poor

Expense of poor, Miller township.

  • W J Smith, cash paid for poor
  • H C Vincent, physician 1 yr to poor

Expense of poor, Sparta township.

  • J C Miller, cash paid for poor
  • A J Bowers, physician to poor

Expense of poor, Clay township.

  • H Conaway, overseeing poor
  • A W Miles, care and board of W Bruce
  • F H Sales, physician to poor

Expense of poor, Manchester township.

  • W F Crocker, groceries, Mrs. Layhorn, Hiram Clark
  • T H Rhinearson, cash paid for poor
  • T M Kyle, physician to poor

Expense of poor, Hogan township.

  • T W Cottingham, cash paid for poor
  • Dr. W M Dunn, service as physician

Expense of poor, Logan township.

  • H C Rugg, cash paid for poor
  • W H Swales, physician

Expense of poor, Jackson township.

  • Wm Sweitzer, groceries, Jane Loefler
  • H Chairsell, groceries, McD
  • M Buchert, services as overseeing
  • P Weis, flour for Mrs. Loefler
  • F Busald, groceries, M Mier
  • Dr. Fermier, physician

Expense of poor, Harrison township.

  • Anthony & Williams, shoes for pauper
  • Dr. W H Swales, physician

Expense of County Asylum.

  • Christ Oelker, two coffins
  • Martin Buchert, cabbage
  • Frank Reburger, barrels
  • W F Crocker, groceries
  • C W Nolte, potatoes
  • Alex Ruble, repairing boots and shoes
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries
  • George Ruble, labor
  • Louis Hoff, labor
  • Sam L Claspill, mending harness
  • Phoebe Gettle, labor
  • James McMullen, locust posts and beef
  • Thos Duncan, cash paid and salary
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as matron
  • Gettle & Pummill, blacksmithing
  • Turnpike Co., toll
  • Mark Bolley, potatoes
  • Lizzie Manlief, labor
  • Robt McMullen, threshing grain
  • H G Kidd, lamps
  • David Annis, potatoes

Expense of Public Buildings.

  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas
  • Beckenholdt & Co., coal
  • J D Gatch, cash paid for counter
  • R McMullen, cleaning court house
  • Bittner & Morris, cleaning cistern
  • Sparks Bros., buckets and brooms
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, sundries c h and jail
  • John Sims, cash paid on account of jail
  • L B Daniels, coal for court house
  • J S Dorman, blankets for jail
  • A D Cook, work & material for c h & jail
  • I M Dunn, matches
  • H G Kidd, oil lamp, &c.
  • J Morris, cleaning cistern at jail
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling wood

Expense of Books and Stationery.

  • Weistach, Baldwin & Co.
  • Indianapolis Journal Co.
  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
  • Wm B Burford

Expense of Printing.

  • J E Larmier, pub delin list and notices
  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing

Specific Allowances.

  • A B Pattison, cash pd for stamps & expr
  • Warren Tebbs, cash pd & sev in filing
  • D H Miller, buggies for commissioners

Officer’s Salaries.

  • J D Gatch, treasurer
  • A B Pattison, auditor
  • John Buchert, commissioner
  • T T Annis, commissioner
  • Henry Bulthaup, commissioner


  • E H McElfresh, work on Tanner’s creek and Wilson creek bridges
  • W J McHenry, lumber, Wilson creek b’ge
  • F A Transier, work on Dillsboro bridge
  • Zera Arnold, work on Harrison bridge
  • J Hallowell, supt Harrison bridge

Election expense.

  • S E Barkley, meals for election board
  • A Campbell, meals for election board
  • M Buchert, meals for election board
  • H Fangman, meals for election board

Expense of Road and Highways.

  • I H Carbaugh, swearing viewers
  • John Sims, serving viewers

Expense Criminals.

  • John Sims, feeding prisoners
  • F R Dorman & Co., blankets and clothes.

County Revenue.

  • Hamilton Conaway, taking statistics
  • John Sims, posting notices, auditor’s sales

Court Expenses.

  • John Sims, serving jurors


  • M Buchert, taking enumeration of votes

Ohio County Circuit Court Proceedings – Apr 1883

Proceedings of the April 1883 Term of the Ohio County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Spectator – 5 Apr 1883 – Page 8, Column 2

The Ohio Circuit Court convened on Monday with Judge N. S. Givan on the bench. The attorneys present are Hon. A. C. Downey, J. B. Coles, R. L. Davis, S. H. Stewart, J. S. Jelley, D. S. Wilber, W. W. Williams and H. S. Espey of Rising Sun; H. D. McMullen, W. S. Holman Jr., and D. H. Stapp of Aurora, and Thos. Works, of Allensville. But little business has been reached except Probate cases. The case of J. H. Pate, et al, vs. The Rising Sun and North’s Landing Turnpike Company came up and a change of venue was granted to Dearborn County. Also the case of the City of Rising Sun vs. Samuel Seward and W. R. Seward to recover attorney’s fees.

The following are the new cases docketed for this term of court:

Belle Sink vs. Scott Sink. Failure to provide.

Prudence Sparks vs. Oscar Sparks, divorce. Failure to provide.

John B Garnier vs. Simon Bartholome et al, on note, demand $2,000. Change of venue from Dearborn County.

Alonzo Wood vs. George Goodpaster. Replevin. Appeal from Justice of Peace.

Rose Pate vs. John F. Pate Jr. Divorce. Failure to provide.

Anna M. E. Smith vs. George Aufdencamp and Louisa Aufdencamp. Proceedings supplementary to execution.

Eliza Peck vs. John B. Cole and D. S. Wilber. Demand $50 ground rent on leasehold.

Julia Jenkins vs. John D. Hunter. Demand $550. Breach of contract.

James M. Reister vs. Randolph School Township. Demand $3,000. Suit for settlement of claim due from Township.

John F. Riggs, Administrator of Estate of Matilda Merrill, vs. George I. Moore and Morris P. Merrill. Demand $3,000. Ownership of bonds in controversy.

Aurora Spectator – 12 Apr 1883 – Page 8, Column 1

Ohio County Department.
Court Report.


Estate Henry E. Meyers. Report filed and exceptions thereto. Referred to a Master Commissioner.

Estate Stewart Lotton. Final report.

Estate Mahala O’Neal. Continued.

Estate John T. Whitlock Sr. Final report. Continued.

Estate James Graham. Final report.

Estate Morris P. Merrill. G. I. Moore confirmed as administrator.

Estate Matilda Merrill. John F. Riggs confirmed as administrator.

Guardianship of heirs of James M. Graham. Sarah A. Graham confirmed as administrator.

Guardianship of heirs of George J. Downey, deceased. Partial report.

Estate Wm. Gerard. R. M. Jones, administrator. Final report and administrator discharged.

Guardianship of heirs of Wayne Lostutter. Partial report.

Estate Daniel Winings. Final report.

Guardianship of heirs of Henry Loheide. Partial report.

Estate Mary J. Starkey. Final report.

Estate George Buchanan. Final report.

Guardianship of Carrie Farrell. Mrs. A. R. F. Rabb, guardian. Petition of Carrie Farrell for removal of guardian. Petition overruled.


State ex rel John G. Burgess vs. Cornelius Luther. Dismissed.

D. S. Wilber, administrator, vs. Wm. S. Buchanan. Opinion of Supreme Court entered.

Neal McGinley vs. Laura McArdle. Opinion of Supreme Court entered.

State ex rel J. M. Pate vs. james M. North. Change of venue to Dearborn County.

Kate Blair vs. James M. Blair. Dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Wm. H. Sullivan vs. estate of Robert Peters. Claim of $57.50 allowed.

Lizzie Lemmon vs. estate of M. A. Coshow. Dismissed.

John B. Williams vs. estate Jane Williams. Claim of $163 allowed.

Alex B. Williams vs. same. Claim of $150 allowed.

Cass Township vs. James B. Hill. Judgment on demurrer.

A. C. Downey vs. estate of Robert Peters. Claim of $250.50 allowed.

Prudence Sparks vs. Oscar Sparks. Continued.

John B. Garnier vs. Simon Bartholome. Continued.

Alonzo Wood vs. George Goodpaster. Appeal. Dismissed.

Ira McIntire vs. Samuel Dorrell. Appeal in replevin. Finding for plaintiff. One cent damage and return of property.

State vs. Scott Sink. Assault with intent to kill. Plea of not guilty entered. Bail fixed at $500.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Dec 1882

Allowances of the December 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Jan 1883 – Page 2, Column 6

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Dec. session, 1882, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Expense of Poor, Lawrenceburg Tp.

  • J M Palmer, board for pauper
  • W H Jordan, medicines for poor
  • Tebbs Bros, groceries, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Holden
  • Warren Tebbs, house rent, Mrs. Williams
  • Chas Israel, groceries, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Eads
  • J McGranahan, groceries, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Jones (colored)
  • John Palmer, board, Albert Rouse
  • Ernest Meyer, groceries, Mary Schutz
  • G Schleicher, groceries, Mrs. Parsons, Mary Morgan, Emma Clark, Emma Kirsch
  • Mrs. Wm Fitch, groceries, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Tilford
  • J B Garnier, house rent, H Sterling
  • Squire Watts, house rent, Jane Howard
  • L C Kohlerman, funeral exp, Mrs. Sullivan
  • D Northern, house rent, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Roberts
  • G Renner, coal, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Symnes, Mrs. J Junker, Mrs. E Dorn, Sterling Martin, Mrs. Schutz
  • G Beckenholdt & Co., coal, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Farrell
  • Wm Burk, groceries, Mrs. McAdams, R Cooper, Alice Holden, Mrs. Farrell
  • N Gillig, house rent, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Kinney
  • Geo Meyer, house rent, Louisa Schmidt
  • C Scherger, house rent, Mrs. Reig
  • Sparks Bros, groceries, Mrs. Howard, S Richards, Mrs. Beach
  • J S Dorman, house rent and dry goods, Mrs. Eads
  • Jacob Anderson, groceries, Mrs. Kaiser
  • E Gilland, house rent, Mrs. Williamson
  • G Buschard, house rent, Sarah Bennett
  • Mrs. J J Hauck, house rent
  • Peter Emmert, house rent, Mrs. Kaiffer
  • A Schneider, pair shoes, Mrs. Tilford
  • B P Heustis, house rent, Jos Cooper
  • H R Helmuth, groceries, Mrs. Williamson
  • Han Marshall, house rent, Mrs. Junker
  • Mary Stack, regular allowance

Expense of Poor, Centre Township.

  • Mrs. L Acre, regular allowance
  • Mrs. A Ramsey, reg allow care K Murphy
  • John A Nees, groceries, Mrs. L Mitchell, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. E Painter, Mrs. Stivers, Mrs. Bitner, B H Lounster; board while sick, A Kerrigan; meals, transient paupers
  • Simon Siemantle, groceries, Mrs. Watkins, W McCartney
  • A Bloom, groceries, Mrs. Blasdell, H A Moran
  • J C Green, groceries, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Brunner, Mrs. Marsh
  • Tebbs, Brogan & Co., groceries, Mrs. Cofield, Mrs. Cook
  • P Koehler, groceries, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Berns
  • B Marglieth, groceries, Mrs. M Cook, Mrs. H Bittner
  • F Housemeyer, groceries, J Goodpasture
  • R Maybin, groceries, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Campbell
  • H Haring, coffin, Jane Howard
  • H Giegoldt, boarding, J Connor and wife
  • Herman Rube, groceries, Mrs. Wieshart, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Melson
  • T Wright & Son, groceries, Mrs. Schenck, Mrs. Vincent
  • Fred Kriete, groceries, Mrs. J Kerrigan, Mrs. Sieber, Mrs. Maha
  • Mrs. Felgen, groceries, Mrs. Rea, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Wengel, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Shank, Mrs. Acre
  • F Opperman, groceries, Mrs. T Hughes, Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. M Kerrigan, Mrs. Welch
  • Phil Kastner, groceries, J Simmons, A Senger, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Gray
  • Chas Fehling, groceries, Mrs. H Redding, Mrs. Hauck, Mrs. Shipper
  • F Mantle, coffin, Chas Harrell
  • McConnell & McAvoy, dry goods, poor
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries, Mrs. Bussell, Mrs. Teaney, Mrs. Jehen, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. S Vitedo
  • C C Goldsmith & Bro., boots, J Carbaugh
  • J M Wheeler, groceries, G Hopping, Mrs. Kerrigan
  • Phil Earl, groceries, Mrs. Ross
  • F Rectanus, paid out for poor, etc.
  • Herdegen & Krees, groceries, Eliza Walker, Mrs. V Sickles
  • Henry Wood, groceries, Alex Criswell, Lothrige, Mrs. J[?]oush; coal, Mrs. Acre, H Moran; groceries, Mrs. James, Mrs. Vinson; coal, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Kerrigan
  • Randall & Carter, groceries, Mrs. Bush, R Stiver, Mrs. Dehm
  • Mrs. E Brewington, house rent, Mrs. Smith
  • John Ryan, house rent, Mrs. Bolar
  • John Full, house rent, Mrs. Ross
  • Patrick Dobel, groceries, Wm Brown, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Bowler, Mrs. True, Winnie Carlin

Expense of Poor, Clay Township.

  • Mrs. Jane Shepard, regular allowance
  • R Smith, case of Higgin children
  • Benj Bine, meat for poor
  • Mrs. Zeigenbein, groceries, Betsy Spangler
  • Fred Tholka, groceries, Elisa Evans
  • J C Vandolah, groceries, Thos Acre, Han McFarland, Minnie Love, Fannie Liesure, Mrs. Peasly, special orders
  • W W Withrow, groceries, Han Ewing, Mary Johnson
  • Dr. F H Sales, physician to poor

Expense of Poor, Sparta Township.

  • Jennings & Noble, groceries, Alice Vincent
  • H D Moore, groceries, Isaac Davis
  • Fred Slater, groceries, Mrs. Meyers
  • Fred Homan, groceries, John Border, J Bradley
  • Ellen Mack, regular allowance
  • A J Bowers, salary, physician

Expense of Poor, Hogan Township.

  • B P Boardman, groceries,
  • Dr. Dunn, salary as physician

Expense of Poor, Kelso Township.

  • Mrs. Caroline Smith, regular allowance
  • Susanna Werst, groceries, M Mathews
  • Henry Fangman, cash paid & overseeing
  • P Weis, flour, Mike Mathews

Expense of Poor, Jackson Township.

  • M Schwetzer, groceries, Mrs. J Loeffer

Expense of Poor, Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker, groceries, Wm Layborn
  • Dr. T M Kyle, salary, physician

Expense of Poor, York Township.

  • [illegible]
  • Simon Miller, care of idiot son

Expense of County Asylum.

  • Lizzie Manlief, labor
  • Geo Ruble, labor
  • Louis Hoff, labor
  • Phoebe Gettle, labor
  • Benj Murray, labor
  • Sebastian Greenham, pork
  • W H Jordan, medicine
  • Christ & Oelker, coffin
  • Tebbs, Brogan & Co., timothy seed
  • Thos Duncan, paid for sundries, salary as supt
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as matron
  • L and N Turnpike Co., toll
  • W Limkiler, blacksmithing
  • Louis Drake, pork
  • David Perlee, blacksmithing
  • Michael Keen, pork
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries
  • W F Crocker
  • E A Hillman, dishes
  • C C Goldsmith, boots and dry goods

Expense of Bridges.

  • J H Burkham, lumber, Guilford bridge
  • Z Arnold, lumber, work, Harrison bridge

Books and Stationery.

  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
  • Indianapolis Journal Co.
  • Wm B Burford
  • Martin Kiefer
  • S V Sanger

Officers Salaries.

  • J D Gatch, treasurer
  • Alex B Pattison, auditor
  • T T Annis, commissioner
  • Henry Bulthaup, commissioner
  • John Buchert, commissioner

Specific Allowance.

  • D H Miller, hauling furniture, etc.
  • Warren Tebbs, postage, etc.
  • S E Larimer, Press subscription
  • J D Gatch, postage, expressage, etc.

Roads and Highways.

  • J C Sims, sheriff, notifying viewers
  • David Hopper, road viewer
  • J McKinney, road viewer
  • Geo Nevitt, road viewer
  • J Spuck, road viewer
  • G E Kolb, road viewer

County Revenue.

  • Cath Lang, unpaid fees, due F Lang, dec.
  • Chas Loads, unpaid fees


  • Hunter & O’Brien, bill rendered
  • L W Cobb, bill rendered

County Superintendent.

  • H B Hill, salary, paid for postage

Board of Health.

  • W Tebbs, fees for certified copies of records


  • J C Sims, boarding prisoners

Court Expenses.

  • J C Sims, summoning jurors and jury com

Expense of Public Buildings.

  • W H Jordan, sundries for court h & jail
  • Sparks Bros, buckets, brooms, etc.
  • J C Sims, cash paid for sundries
  • C A Hitzfield, repairs on jail
  • S Strasburger, oil cloth, for c h

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1882

Proceedings of the November 1882 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 30 Nov 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


The will of Jacob Gutapfel, late of Jackson township, was admitted to probate on Saturday. He gives one-half of his stock to his son George, and to his wife Maria Gutapfel gives all of his real estate and personal property. His wife is appointed executor.

Final reports were made in the following trusts: Guardianship of Lewis Rohlfing; guardianship of Emma Lawdon; estate of John H. Langfels.

Joseph M. Bossong, administrator of Samuel Weitzel, made report of sale of real estate.

The will of Peter Schneider was admitted to probate on Friday.

John Cairns, commissioner in exparte Christopher Brosch, et als, makes report of sale of real estate.

The grand jury, after a session of one week, returned three indictments, and through its foreman, Leonard Spicknall, made the following report: “We the grand jurors for the November term 1882, report to said court as follows: We have been in session six days, examined some forty witnesses, investigated seven different causes, found three bills, examined the jail and county asylum found nothing in either to condemn, but at the county asylum we found much in the management and control thereof by Thomas Duncan, the present worthy superintendent, to endorse and approve and recommend him as the right man in the right place. In the investigation of the alleged killing of Patrick Nead by John Carpenter we find that said Carpenter in the difficulty between himself and said Nead at Dover in said county, acted in self defense, and committed no violation of law, but in the prior trouble at the farm of James Murtaugh, we find him the said Carpenter guilty of assault and battery upon the person of Patrick Nead.”

On Wednesday, the 22d, Robert E. Slater, prosecuting attorney, presented his bond, which was examined and approved by the court, and Mr. Slater assumed the duties of his office.

Larry Collins, of Aurora, and Mitchel Sanks, of Guilford, are serving as court bailiffs with satisfaction to all concerned.

Jacob Shepperd, of this city, as grand jury bailiff, performed all duties of his office satisfactorily to the jury and the witnesses brought before that body.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Sep 1882

Allowances from the September 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 9 Nov 1882 – Page 4, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Sept. session, 1882, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor of Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • B P Heustis, rent for Jos Cooper
  • Walter Fitch, rent for Mrs. J Smith
  • H R Helmuth, groceries for Mrs. Williamson
  • A Schneider, shoes for Mrs. Gradon
  • E Gilland, rent for Mrs. Andy Williamson
  • Nicholas Gillig, rent for Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Knorr
  • Martin Johann, rent, Mrs. Junker
  • S Strasburger, dry goods for Nancy Jones, Freddie Kirsch
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Howard, for small pox patients
  • Eneas Barrott, rent for Mrs. McCright
  • Warren Tebbs, rent for Mrs. Williams
  • Mrs. Chris Scherger, rent for —
  • George Meyer, rent for Louisa Schmidt
  • Jacob Anderson, rent for Mrs. Kaiffer
  • Charles Elder, rent for Alice Holden
  • John Huth, rent for Eva West
  • J M Palmer, meals for transient paupers
  • John B Garnier, rent for Hugh Sterling
  • Geroge Husehart, rent for Sarah Bennett
  • Hannah Marshall, rent for Mrs. Junker
  • Drury Northern, rent for Mrs. M. Howard, Mrs. Roberts
  • Geo Schnidler, groceries for Mrs. Schultz
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries for Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Carter
  • Isaac Hayes, rent for Jane Howard
  • Geo Schleicher, groceries for S A Martin
  • Julius Currus, groceries for Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Stressing, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Emma Clark, Mrs. Junker
  • Charles Israel, groceries for Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Beach
  • G Genner, coal for Mrs. Doran, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Bruce
  • Mrs. Nancy Jones, for case of Sebastian Green
  • W H Burk, groceries for Mrs. Farrell, Geo Harper, Mrs. R Cooper, Mrs. Duran, Mrs. McAdams
  • Mary Stack, regular allowance

Poor of Center Towship.

  • J M Wheeler, groceries for George Hopping
  • Dr. F Rectanus, cash paid on account of poor, overseeing poor
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries for Elizabeth Walker, W Powell, Mrs. Smith, John Peters, Miss V Sickles
  • Simon Siemantel, groceries Mrs. Watkins, Wm McCartney, Mrs. Wooley
  • F Recktanus, cash paid for transient poor
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., clothing for Joseph Peters
  • G W Taylor, transportation for paupers
  • McConnell & McAvay, clothing and dry goods for poor
  • Chas Fehling, groceries for Mrs. Hauck, Mrs. Schipper, Mrs. Readen, Mr. Lumley
  • J L & F J Giegoldt, meat for poor
  • P Kastner, groceries for Adam Senger, Mrs. Gray
  • A Bloom, groceries for Mrs. Blasdell, H A Moran
  • John A Nees, groceries for Mrs. E Paulner, meals for transient poor, meals for Chas Greener
  • Frank Housomeir, groceries for John Goodpasture
  • P Dobel, groceries for Wm Brown, Mrs. Bowler, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Drew
  • P Kohler, groceries for Mrs. Randall, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Wanke
  • Fred Krete, groceries for Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, Mrs. Snetzer, Mrs. Sieber
  • O P Cobb, groceries for Mrs. Garrison
  • Margaret Pelger, groceries for Mrs. Wenzel, Mrs. Acre, Mrs. Sallie Rhea, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Mitchell
  • Herman Rabe, groceries for John Melson, Mr. Hudson, Mrs. Weishorn
  • Thos Wright, groceries for Mrs. Shank
  • F Opperman, groceries for Thos Hughs, Mrs. Mahoney, Kate Welsh, Martin Kerrigan
  • Fred Mantel, coffin for Mrs. Robinson, infant Koch, infant Farrell, infant Tone
  • J C Green, groceries for F Swertzferger, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Carpenter
  • W W Brison, transportation of paupers
  • Robert Maybiun, groceries for Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Kerrigan
  • B Margalith & Son, groceries for Maria Cook, Henry Bittner
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries for Mrs. Bussell, Mrs. Smith, Miss Teaney, Mrs. Videto, Mrs. Jehn, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Powell
  • Mrs. A Earl, groceries for Mrs. Ross
  • Tebbs, Brogan & Co., groceries for Mrs. Cofield, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Theegee
  • F A York, transportation for pauper
  • Randall & Carter, groceries for Mrs. Kerrigan
  • John Full, house rent for Mrs. Ross
  • John Ryan, house rent for Mrs. Bolar
  • M R Lukens, house rent for John Tanny
  • Henry Woods, goods for poor
  • Lucinda Acre, regular allowance
  • Mrs. A Rumsey, care of Kate Murphey

Poor of Jackson Township.

  • R Choirsll, groceries for Mrs. McDermott

Poor of Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Laiborn
  • D G Devore, groceries for Fred Briggs

Poor of York Township.

  • M Ridinger, cash paid for coffin
  • C W Robertson, burial clothes for pauper
  • A Schott, for burying pauper
  • Rosa Ridinger, regular allowance
  • Simeon Miller, regular allowance
  • Louis Faucett, regular allowance

Poor of Clay Township.

  • James Sheperd, regular allowance
  • Conway & Nester, groceries for Evelina Borders
  • Emily Walker, for Milk for Minnie Love
  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Thos. Acre, Minnie Love, Hannah McFarland, Mrs. Peasley; shoes for J Fleming
  • Fred Tholke, groceries for Elizabeth Evan
  • C Zegenbein, groceries for poor
  • W W Withrow, groceries for Mary Johnson, Hannah Evan, Fannie Leason
  • Ralph Smith, for case of Higgins children
  • Jane Sheperd, regular allowance

Poor of Kelso Township.

  • Dr. E M Ratcliffe, medical treatment of F [?]
  • P Weis, flour and meal and groceries for M Mathias
  • Caroline Schmit, regular allowance
  • John George Witt, blind allowance

Poor of Logan Township.

  • Jas O McCracken, groceries for L Larr
  • Fagly & Brown, groceries for Mrs. Ward

Poor of Sparta Township.

  • Jennings & Noble, groceries for Alice Vinson
  • H D Moore, groceries &c. for Isaac Davis
  • F Horman, groceries for John Border
  • F Slater, groceries for Henry Meyers
  • Ellen Mack, regular allowance

Poor of Miller Township.

  • Jacob Sefton, care of insane wife

Exp. County Revenue.

  • Francis Lang Est., am’t due on collections as per Sup. Court
  • W H Kyle, same
  • Chas Lods, same


  • L W Cobb, printing as per order
  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing as per order
  • J E Larimer

Books and Stationery.

  • M Keiffer, as per order
  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • W B Burford
  • Levy Bros.

New County Asylum.

  • W F Cook, for galvanized iron chimney tops and drain tile
  • Henry Stenger, Supt. New building
  • Edward Greenham, labor
  • Douglas Greenham, labor
  • Alex B Pattison, services as architect

Specific Allowances.

  • D H Miller, livery hire
  • Warren Tebbs, postage and expressage
  • W H Kyle, postage and expressage for Treasurer and Auditor


  • M Ridinger, work and material on Guilford Bridge
  • Jos Tittel, work and material on Wilson and Tanner’s Creek Bridges

County Sup’t.

  • H B Hill, bill for services

Officer’s Salaries.

  • W H Kyle, Treasurer
  • Alex B Pattison, Auditor
  • Garret Bosse, Commissioner
  • Chas Lods, Commissioner
  • Abram Briggs, Commissioner
  • H Bulthaup, Commissioner

Expense County Asylum.

  • J V Niecolli, tile for building for insane
  • Phoebe Getta, labor at Co. Asylum
  • Lewis Hoff, labor at Co. Asylum
  • Geo Ruble, labor at Co. Asylum
  • Lizzie Manlief, labor Co. Asylum
  • Thos Duncan, salary and cash paid out
  • Andrew Bates & Co., groceries
  • Fluch Bros., groceries
  • Geo Hall, beef
  • David Perlee, blacksmithing
  • Manchester Turnpike Co., toll
  • Jacob Gettel, mending shoes
  • Sebastian Greenham, hauling coal
  • J W Roberts, harness
  • Douglass Greenham, digging ditches
  • Peter Perle, hauling
  • W H Kyle, cash paid for bone dust
  • McAlpine, Pope & Co., dry goods
  • Chris Oelker, coffins
  • I Crist & Son, hardware
  • W F Crocker, merchandise


  • John Sims, Sheriff, boarding prisoners

Roads and Highways.

  • John C Sims, serving notices
  • Geo C Columbia, recording notices
  • Conrad Smith, land for road purposes
  • Eva Delacroix, land for roads
  • John Delacroix, land for roads
  • John Foudong, land for roads
  • D W Lake, land for roads
  • Wm Hopper, land for roads
  • Wm B Cox, land for roads
  • P McAvan, land for roads
  • Julia Kremer, land for roads.

Public Buildings.

  • Francis Lang est., bbl. Coal oil for jail
  • A D Cook, rubber hose for Court House and work on jail
  • W F Cook, hardware for jail
  • Sparks Bros., brooms for Court House and jail
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for public building
  • B P Heustis, straw for jail
  • Tebbs Bros., soap
  • W Tebbs, arranging and selecting old papers in Clerk’s office
  • S Strasburger, merchandise
  • George Beckenholdt & Co., coal for public buildings

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Sep 1882

Proceedings of the September 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Sep 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


The board passed suitable and appropriate resolutions on the death of Garret Bosse, late a member of the Board, and ordered the Commissioner’s room to be draped in mourning.

Torrence Green of Cochran, presented an application for a liquor license. A protest signed by eighty-six citizens of Cochran praying that the licensed be refused was presented. The board being fully advised in the premises, grant the application for license.

The Board ordered the purchase of land in Logan township from Eva Delacroix, John Delacroix, David W. Lake, and six others for the purpose of opening a road.

Dr. A. J. Bowers appointed physician for the poor of Sparta township, at a salary of $40 per year.

Thomas Duncan was employed as superintendent of the county asylum and farm for the period of one year, at the rate of $40 per month.

Mrs. Duncan, wife of the superintendent, appointed matron of the asylum and she is to receive $10 per month for such services.

Henry Bulthaupt presented his report and resignation as trustee for Caesar Creek township. The Board appointed Dr. J. M. Barkley to serve for the unexpired term of Mr. Bulthaupt. The appointment is a good one and meets with approval of the citizens of Caesar Creek.

Several days last week occupied in discussing and disposing of road petitions.

The Commissioners after a full and careful consideration of the question of the erection of a bridge over North Hogan Creek near Lytle Parks, and a personal examination of the proposed location of said bridge feel well satisfied of the necessity of the erection of a bridge at the place asked for by the citizens of that neighborhood and in their opinion that should be the first built by the county. As the term of office of the present Board expires before the contract could be completed they deem it, but justice it the incoming board should be left free to act on work that would necessarily have to be built under their supervision. The incoming board are recommended to look with favor on the project.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1882

Proceedings of the September 1882 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Sep 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


Rebecca Robertson appointed executor of the estate of William Robertson. Bond $400, with Wm. Lazenby as security.

Oliver B. Liddell vs. estate of George B. Sheldon—claim for $200 allowed.

Isadore H. Robbins makes final report as guardian of John K. Morris.

James Murtaugh makes final report as guardian of John F. Murtaugh.

The following claims against the estate of William S. Bridwell are allowed: David E. Clemens, $2; James W. Clemens, $9.25; John P. Walker, $23.50; J. N. Milburn, $3.40; Gustave A. Robbins, $16.48; W. H. Small, $76.80; Geo. Rube, $142.50; F. Mulbarger & Son, $16.91; Aurora Valley Furniture Col, $36.30; Elizabeth Trester, $9; Elias C. Small, $14.50.

Ambrose E. Nowlin makes final report as administrator of the estate of Lee Ann B. Ludlow.

Philip Enes appointed administrator of the estate of John Schaefenberger.

The will of John M. Mueller, late of Aurora, is admitted to probate. The estate is divided equally among his children. $500 is set off for a monument for the deceased.

Eliza Bosse appointed administratrix of the estate of Garrett Bosse, deceased. Bond $15,000.

The will of Caroline Kepper, late of this city, is admitted to probate. She gives her husband a life interest in her real estate.

The Grand Jury, after a session of one week, made the following report through their foreman, William Dolan: “We have been in session six days, examined some thirty-five witnesses; found five true bills against individuals for violation of law; having visited the jail found everything in good order, and having no other business before us, we ask to be discharged.” The jury having no further business to transact is discharged until the further order of the court.

Solomon Biddinger vs. Elizabeth Biddinger, judgment against defendant for $1,563.

Lawrenceburg Register – 21 Sep 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


Final reports were made in the following estates:

  • Guardianship of heirs of Henry Shue.
  • Guardianship of heirs of Henry F. Wright.
  • Estate of Simeon Roth.
  • Guardianship of Charles Goepner.

Inquests of insanity was held on George Wood and Elias Chisman.

George Hayes vs. America McKee. Suit for possession of land. Judgment in favor of plaintiff.

Samuel McElfresh vs. Margaret P. Daily. Judgment against defendant for $240.

Emma Howard vs. William Howard. Judgment and decree of divorce for plaintiff.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Abram Junker. Judgment against defendant for $67.

Lawrenceburg Register – 5 Oct 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


Margaret Rissell vs. Mary A. Garnier and others. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $315.

John Siemantle vs. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lawrenceburgh. Judgment against defendant for $468.

George Freyn and others vs. same. Judgment against defendant for $107.

Fred Pleake vs. John F. Huseman. The jury find plaintiff is entitled to real estate in question and that he is entitled to $1,000 damages from the defendant for the unlawful detention of the same.

Henry Kriete vs. Fred Kreite. Judgment against defendant for $136.

John B. Rebuck, of Versailles, is admitted and sworn as a member of the Dearborn county Bar, on motion of Wm. S. Holman, Esq.

Lawrenceburg Register – 12 Oct 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


State vs. James Willson, attempted to provoke, acquitted.

Preston Conaway vs. Fred Fisher. Judgment against defendant for $20.

Charles Lods and others vs. Elizabeth Braun and others. Judgment in favor of Lods for $836, in favor Jacob Gebhardt for $429, in Dominick Risch for $281.

Fred Placke vs. John Husseman. Judgment against defendant for $1000, and possession of real estate.

Michael Giegoldt vs. James W. Pate. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $3000.

Agnes S. Bannister vs. Myron H. Harding, administrator. Judgment against defendant for $328.

John Dorman vs. Samuel M. Kennedy. Judgment against defendant for $127.

Final reports were made in following estates:

  • Estate of Henry Walters.
  • Estate of John Ewbank.
  • Guardianship of Peter and Kate Nead.
  • Guardianship of Rinda Mason.

George H. Robinson appointed guardian of the heirs of Adaline Jones. Bond $1000.

The will of Rebecca A. Thompson admitted to probate.

Henry Sunderbruck is declare to be a person of unsound mind, and incapable of managing his own estate.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Jun 1882

Allowances from the June 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Jul 1882 – Page 2, Column 6

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their June session, 1882, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Expense of Poor of Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • L Kohlerman, two coffins and burying paupers
  • G Renner, coal for poor
  • C Israel, groceries for Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Morrison
  • J Isherwood, groceries for Mrs. Plate
  • G Renner, cash for transporting paupers, 6 days services overseer of poor
  • Wm Schneider, shoes for poor
  • W H Burk, for – Sterling, 3 months rent; groceries for Mrs. Kinsey, Elizabeth Colvin, George Harper, Strauneger
  • C F Hayes, agt, for Mrs. Carter, house rent
  • Isaac Hayes, for Mrs. J Howard, rent; Holden, rent
  • Moore & Spooner, groceries, Mrs. Colvin
  • Dr. C J Walter, med service for pauper
  • Ed Gillan, house rent for Mrs. Williamson
  • Mrs. F Lang, groceries, Mrs. Tillford, Mrs. Squires, Sebastian Green, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. J Younker, Mrs. Stressing
  • N Gillig, for Mrs. Knorr, house rent; Mrs. Kinsey, house rent
  • Leah Hayes, for Mrs. Williams, house rent
  • C W Elder, for Mrs. Holden, house rent
  • D Nothern, for Mrs. Roberts, house rent; Mrs. Howard, house rent
  • S Strasburger, goods for poor
  • Geo Meyer, for Eliza Schmidt, house rent
  • Mrs. W M Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Bruce
  • J W Buchanan, expense of Jas Maloney
  • Dr. M H Harding, to medical services for poor prior to March 12, 1882
  • John Huth, house rent for Eva West
  • Christ Scherger, house rent for pauper
  • Martin Zahon, house rent for Mrs. Junker
  • J F Hammerle, meals furnished paupers
  • Sparks Bros., groceries, J McCloskey, Mrs. Howard, Emma Robinson, smallpox hospital, Mrs. Purnell, Mrs. McAdams
  • J S Dorman, pr shoes for Mrs. Arnold; house rent for Mrs. Eads
  • John Palmer, meals for transient poor
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries, Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. A J Junker, Jacob Stressing
  • Mary Stack, regular allowance
  • Augusta Windmiller, regular allowance
  • Jacob Anderson, groceries, Mrs. Kalfee

Expense of Poor of Centre Township.

  • Mrs. Schoemaker, regular allowance
  • Lucinda Acre for husband (blind)
  • Ann Rumsey, reg allowance for care of Kate Murphy
  • Christina Schwartzferger, reg allow
  • M Haring, house rent, Mrs. H Parker, Wm Harding, M Grady
  • John A Nees, groceries, Wm Thompson, Mrs. E Painter, Mrs. Forbes, Wm Powell, Mrs. E Jackson, Mrs. T Tracy, Julia Bush, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Gray; for transient paupers
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries, E Walker, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dohm, Van Sickle
  • Philip Kastner, groceries, Adam Sengars, Mrs. Bush
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., sundries for Mrs. Teaney, Mrs. Jehan, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bussell, Mrs. Viddito, Wm Powell
  • Fred Kreite, groceries, M Kerrigan, John Snetzer
  • Philip Earle, groceries, Mrs. K Doran, Mrs. Ross
  • Pat Doble, groceries, Mrs. Bowler, Thos Rabbitt, Wm Brown, Mrs. Tracy, Henry Miller
  • A Bloom, groceries, Mrs. Blasdel, Mrs. Moran
  • Tebbs, Brogan & Co., groceries for Wm Theetge, Mrs. Cofield, F Schott, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Garrison
  • J C Green, groceries, F Schwartzlerger, John Barkdoll, I Carpenter, Mrs. Clark
  • Marg Pelgen, groceries, Mrs. Rhea, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Wenzel, Mrs. Wainscott, Wm Powell, Wm Winter, Mrs. Jarzill
  • F Opperman, groceries, Mrs. Thos Hughes, M Kerrigan, Kate Welch, Mrs. Mahoney
  • McCreary & Niebaum, dry goods for Jane Alexander, Mrs. Carlin
  • Town of Cochran, for cash paid on account of smallpox patients
  • Dr. F Rectanus, Trustee, cash paid on account of transient paupers
  • Herman Rabe, groceries, Mrs. Hudson, John Nelson, Mrs. Weisehorn, Mat Bruce, Mrs. Keller
  • George Oswald, groceries, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bush, John Doran, Mrs. Burkman, Thos Hobbs
  • Thos Wright, groceries, Mrs. Schenck
  • B Margileth & Son, groceries, Geo Gray, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. M Cook
  • Henry Wood, groceries and coal for poor
  • Robert Maybin, groceries, Frank Parnell, Mr. Woolever, Miss Powers
  • P Koehler, groceries, Miss Strube, Mrs. Wanke, I G Carpenter, Mrs. Clark
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., clothing for poor
  • H H Lamar, dry goods for Miss Hillers and Mrs. Lothridge
  • F Housemeyer, groceries, J Goodpasture
  • S Siemantel, groceries, Mrs. Watkins, Wm McCartney, Mrs. Wooley, Mrs. J Alexander, Mrs. Gray, John Ryman
  • Ch Fehling, groceries, Mrs. Shipper, Mrs. Houck, Mrs. Hieber, Mrs. Moran, Mr. Ginger, John West
  • F A York & Co., transporting paupers
  • Dr. F Rectanus, cash paid for house rent for – Carpenter, Mrs. Brunough, Mr. Ross, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Boiair, Mr. Carlin
  • R A McConnell, clothing &c for poor

Expense of Poor of Clay Township.

  • White & Smith, meat for poor
  • Fred Ginter, groceries, Mrs. F Laisure
  • Ch Zugenbein, groceries, Betsy Spangler
  • J W E Hartley, groceries, Mrs. Ewing
  • W W Withrow, groceries, Mary Johnson, Fan Laisure
  • J C Vandolah, groceries, T Acre, Hannah Love, Mrs. Peasley, Laura Acre
  • Fred Tholke, groods for Elizabeth Evans
  • Conaway & Niester, groceries &c. for Mrs. E Borders
  • R Smith, for care of Higgins’ children
  • Jane Shepard, regular allowance
  • Dr. F Sales, 1st qr al as township physician

Expense of Poor of Sparta Township.

  • H D Moore, groceries and wood, I Davis
  • James Beatty, trustee, cash paid on account of poor
  • Fred Homan, provisions, for – Bradley, John Borders
  • John C Miller, trustee, cash paid for Jacob Hoover
  • H B Gault, provisions for P H Bradley
  • Jennings & Noble, provisions, A Vinson
  • Ellen Mack, regular allowance
  • Dr. A J Bowers, 1st quarter as township physician

Expense of Poor of Miller Township.

  • R Hargitt, goods for Elizabeth Huff
  • F M Jackson, cash paid on ac of poor
  • Tebbs Bros, groceries for Jacob Cady

Expense of Poor of Washington Township.

  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., goods for Sarah Clark
  • H Lindsay, 2 weeks board for S Clark
  • Alex Campbell, trustee, on ac of poor
  • Fred Mantel, coffin and box for poor
  • H J Marshall & Co., medicine for poor

Expense of Poor of Harrison Township.

  • Wm Mead, keeping tramps
  • Geo B Tebbs, trustee, overseeing poor
  • Rowthy Bros., pair shoes for Weber
  • Elizabeth Nichol, nursing poor person

Expense of Poor of Logan Township.

  • C W Rugg, trustee, cash paid on account of poor
  • P J McCormick, same
  • Wm Fagaly, groceries for Mrs. Ward

Expense of Poor of Kelso Township.

  • Peter Werst & Co., goods for poor
  • P Weis, flour for Mathias Matz
  • Caroline Smith, regular allowance
  • J G Witt (blind), special allowance

Expense of Poor of Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker, goods for Mrs. Laiborne, Mrs. Lowes
  • Sebastian Schneider, regular allowance
  • Dr. T M Kyle, 1 qr as physician for poor

Expense of Poor of Hogan Township.

  • Dr. Wm M Dunn, 1 qr al as physician for poor

Expense of Poor of Cesar Creek Township.

  • Dr. J M Barkley, 1 qr as township physician

Expense of County Asylum.

  • David Perlee, blacksmithing
  • Dr. T M Kyle, 1 qr as physician
  • George Ruble, 3 months labor
  • Lewis Hoff, 3 months labor
  • Thos Duncan, 1 qr salary as Supt
  • James Garrigus, for potatoes
  • Joseph Rumsey, two tons hay
  • David Ellis, hay
  • Lizzie Manlief, for labor
  • Robert Sutton, sawing lumber
  • Thos Duncan, cash paid for sundries
  • Byron S Clark, blacksmithing
  • Turnpike Company, toll
  • E S Downy, one plow
  • Garrett Bosse, goods for asylum
  • Lawrenceburgh Mill Co., bran
  • A D Cook & Bro., hardware &c.
  • Francis Lang, one box cheese
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., clothing
  • C H Flach & Bro., one barrel molasses

Expense of Elections.

  • John C Sims, posting election notices

Expense Board of Health.

  • Dr. W M Terrill, as Sec’y Board of Health; for 1 qr ending June 1, 1882

Expense of Bridges.

  • Joseph Tittel, work on Tanner’s Creek bridge
  • W H Christy, on Dillsborough bridge

Books and Stationary.

  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
  • W B Burford
  • Indianapolis Journal

Expense of Criminals.

  • J C Sims, boarding prisoners

Expense of County Superintendent.

  • H B Hill, salary and office expense, April bill; June bill


  • Hunter & O’Brien

Specific Allowance.

  • W H Kyle, treasurer, cash for stamps, expressage &c.; making delinquent collection lists

Road and Highways.

  • Julia Kremer, damages for road purposes

Officers’ Salaries.

  • W K Kyle, Treasurer
  • Alex B Pattison, Auditor
  • M Hoff, Commissioner
  • Garrett Bosse, Commissioner
  • Charles Lods, Commissioner
  • Abram Briggs, Commissioner

Expense Public Buildings.

  • J C Sims, cash paid on account of jail
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., gas for public buildings
  • Albert Parsons, setting trees
  • August Willers, repairs on court house
  • A D Cook & Bro., work and material for buildings
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling wood
  • Tebbs Bros., sundries, jail and court house
  • Mrs. F Lang, sundries, jail and court house
  • W H Burk, mops for court house
  • Sparks Bros., buckets and brooms

Assessing Revenue.

  • Fred Kipp, assessor, Cesar Creek tp
  • C Buchanan, assessor, Cesar Creek tp
  • W H Dunn, assessor, Hogan twp
  • Isaac Bruce, assessor, Hogan twp
  • John Laws, assessor, Centre tp
  • M Teaney, assessor, Centre tp
  • J H VanHouten, assessor, Centre tp
  • John Beraurer, assessor, Jackson tp
  • George Glaub, assessor, Jackson tp
  • John Theabold, assessor, Jackson tp
  • Isadore Brichler, assessor, York tp
  • John Huth, assessor, Lawrenceburgh tp
  • Henry Russe, assessor, Lawrenceburgh tp
  • Edward Hayes, assessor, Lawrenceburgh tp
  • Van S B Crowley, assessor, Clay tp
  • L P Chance, assessor, Sparta tp
  • W T Cartwright, assessor, Sparta tp
  • John Lininger, assessor, Manchester tp
  • Theo S Cross, assessor, Manchester tp
  • Wilson Grubbs, assessor, Miller tp
  • Joseph Wilhelm, assessor, Kelso tp
  • Peter Werst, assessor, Kelso tp
  • G F Randall, assessor, Washington tp
  • Frank Connolly, assessor, Logan tp
  • Samuel Sieg, assessor, Logan tp
  • Oliver F Cloud, assessor, Harrison tp
  • John R Cole, Board of Equalization
  • John C Stenger, Board of Equalization
  • Frank Nevitt, Board of Equalization
  • Adolph Merkel, Board of Equalization
  • W Tebbs, clerk, certified copies of orders
  • J C Sims, sheriff, summoning witnesses and members of Board
  • L W Cobb, publishing notice of Board

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1882

Proceedings of the June 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 22 Jun 1882 – Page 3, Column 3


The proposition of James Walker to put lightning rods on the new county asylum was accepted, and he was given the contract to do the work.

The Board fixed the rate of tax for county purposes at 55 cents on the $100, and also levied 50 cents for each taxable poll for county purposes.

Julius Severin was awarded the contract for putting an iron roof on the smoke house at the new county asylum.

George Givan was appointed Inspector of Elections in the upper voting precinct of Manchester township.

The Board ordered that all Township Trustees made a written report to the Board at the September session, showing the number of poor in each of their respective townships who are drawing aid from the county. Such report to give the name of the person, the amount received, their age and physical condition, the number dependent on the person receiving the aid, how long they have been a county charge, and any other information that may be of benefit to the Commissioners in determining what disposition they can best make of their cases.

Claims of Catharine Lang (sole legatee of Francis Lang, deceased,) for $1,911, and claim of Ex-Treasurer Lods for $525, were allowed. Mr. Lang and Mr. Lods, while acting in the capacity of Treasurer of the county, paid and accounted to the Board of Commissioners for more money than was legally and justly due from them on account of county revenue, by reason of the fact that they were not allowed by the Board the fee of one percent, on all disbursements of school taxes by them disbursed, and the claims were allowed for this reason.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Apr 1882

Proceedings of the April 1882 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Apr 1882 – Page 3, Column 2

The April term of the Dearborn Circuit Court convenes on next Monday, with the following new cases on the docket:

E B Dobell vs. Casper Wiegel. Demand on account, $57.70.

Carrie Wetzler vs. Jacob Wetzler. Divorce.

Mary A Angevine vs. Albert Steinmetz. Complaint on note; demand $200.

George W Keen vs. Samuel Brackenridge. Receiver of George W Keen & Co. Petition and complaint demanding $5,000.

Mary A Voedisch vs. John Voedish. Divorce.

Mary Koch vs. Ludwig Koch. Divorce.

F R Dorman, Adm’r estate of Louis Peterman, vs. Caroline Peterman and others. Petition to sell real estate.

Sandford Mendell vs. Emmett Bedunnah. Complaint on note.

Leonard Klingelhoffer vs. Lucinda Christopher. Complaint on account.

Mary A Angevine vs. Albert Steinmetz. Complaint on note. Demand $150.

W A Greer, Adm’r, vs. William B M[?]er—on note. Demand $2,300.

Emma Howard vs. William Howard. Divorce.

Preston Conaway vs. Fred Fisher. Complaint on notes.

In the matter of the estate of Julia A Darling. Objections to admission of will to probate.

Mary A Buffington vs. Josephus Buffington. Divorce.

James Noble vs. William H Small—on contract. Demand $400.

George W Keen, Adm’r estate of James Dair, vs. S Z Brackenridge. Demand $10,000.

Jemima Anderson vs. Henry Anderson. Divorce.

John H Thompson vs. Seth Platt. Damages $1,000.

Barbara Dill vs. H C Vincent. Complaint to reform decree.

Mary Smith vs. Jeff Smith. Divorce.

Mary A Steinmetz vs. John A Steinmetz. Complaint to be released from administrator’s bond, and for removal of administrator.

Charles Nolte vs. Alfred Helms. To recover real estate, and damages in sum of $500.

Theodore Cross vs. Lucinda Haynes. Complaint to enforce Deed Bond.

Alms & Doepke vs. E G Hayes. Complaint on note. Demand $350.

James Noble vs. Malinda Noble. Civil action to enforce contract.

Emeline Rodgers vs. Laura Drake & Co. Complaint to set aside deed.

Jacob Junker vs. Adaline Junker. Divorce.

Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Apr 1882 – Page 4, Column 3

The following new cases have been filed in Court, in addition to those published last week:

Leah Hayes vs. Edward Hayes. Ejectment and damages, $2,100.

George Hayes vs. America McKee. To recover real estate and rent.

Margaret Moerka vs. William Moerka. Divorce.

Sarah Smith vs. John P Green. Foreclosure.

Charles R Rothchild vs. George Campbell. Replevin.

Preston Conaway vs. Frank Kettle. Change of venue from Ohio county.

M R Cannon vs. F W Beecher. To recover realty and replevin.

Estate of John Schwartz vs. E G Hayes. On account.

Catharina Roth vs. Fred Dammeyer. Foreclosure.

Lawrenceburg Register – 4 May 1882 – Page 3, Column 3

Court Report.

Daniel T. Downey vs. John H. Lamar. Judgment against defendant for $750.

Edward S. Jaffray and others vs. John H. Lamar. Judgment against defendant for 31,910.

Frederick Snyder vs. Luther Holcomb. Judgment against defendant for $221.

Henry Russe, Commissioner in ex parte Jane Armstrong, makes report of sale of real estate, which is approved in all things.

The jury paid Dennis Halpin, bailiff, honor by making mention of his prompt and attentive work in their report.

Final reports were made in the following cases:

  • Estate of Thomas Darling, dec’d.
  • Estate of Jane Turner, dec’d.
  • Estate of John Ferris, dec’d.

Albion S. Jaquith appointed administrator of Christopher Jaquith.

The will of Julia A. Darling is admitted to probate, the court being satisfied that said will was duly executed in all things.

John Cairns appointed administrator of the estate of Nancy Hudson.

George Bruce appointed guardian of heirs of Louis Peterman.