Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Mar 1884

Proceedings of the March 1884 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Mar 1884 – Page 2, Column 5


Final report is made in the following Estates and Guardianships:

  • Guardianship of heirs of Maria and Fred Miller.
  • Estate of Barbara Volk.
  • Estate of Johann Kuhn.
  • Guardianship of James Prichard.

Frederick O. Gerard is permitted to adopt Daniel Jones, aged 12 years and Jennie Jones aged 10 years. The mother consented to the adoption, and it is not known whether the father is alive or not. The children take the names of Daniel Jones Gerard and Jennie Jones Gerard.

The will of August Maletzky is admitted to probate, and John H. Droge is appointed executor.

Ferris J. Nowlin is appointed administrator of the estate of Marthia Voshell, and John Wulber is appointed administrator of the estate of John G. Cors. Both estates are solvent.

The last will of Joseph Distal is admitted to probate.

Elihu Alden and August Thomas have brought suit against the Mail Line Company. The plaintiffs were the owners of the steam tug Western Wave, which the steamer City of Madison sunk during the month of February. The claim is that the Madison caused the disaster by negligence, and bring suit for $2,250 damages.

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Mar 1884 – Page 3, Column 2


Miami Stove Works vs. City of Lawrenceburgh. On motion of plaintiff this case is transferred to Greensburg for trial. This is the case in which Centre street, the entrance to the Fair Grounds, is in controversy.

George Eineal vs. Jacob Hans et al. Judgment vs. defendants for $392.

Emil Strobel vs. Bertha Stein. Judgment against defendant for $96.

John Snyder vs. Snyder & Baker. Judgment against defendant, Baker, for $345.

William Dair and others vs. Lotta B. Scott. Partition of real estate. Harry S. Probasco is appointed commissioner to make sale of certain real estate.

John C. Miller, Trustee of Sparta township, vs. John Spencer. Jury finds for the plaintiff, and assesses his damages at $5.

Louis Weitzel vs. Isidore Brichler. Judgment against defendant for $29.

State vs. William Smith. Grand larceny. Trial by jury. The jury return verdict sentencing Smith to the State Prison for five years and fining him $25. Smith is a negro, and was charged with stealing an overcoat and gun from Harry Probasco.

John Miller vs. John Miller. Administrator’s claim for $104 is allowed.

The Will of Francis de Sales Verdin is admitted to probate. Francis de Sales Verdin is appointed Executor, and gives bond in $1,400.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Mar 1884

Proceedings of the March 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Mar 1884 – Page 2, Column 3


The commissioners elected John Feist of York township, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of John Buchert. The vote stood—Feist, 2, Henry Fangman, 1.

T. T. Annis was elected President of the Board.

The report of Thomas Duncan, Superintendent of the County Asylum for the year ending March 1st, 1884, was carefully examined and the same was accepted.

The contract with McMullen and Downey, of Aurora, to serve as county attorneys continued for one year at $150.

The Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company was given the privilege of locating telegraph poles on the ridge road.

Friday was road day, and the session was a busy one.

The auditor was authorized to purchase a set of Platting instruments for the county.

The opening of the much talked of road between Cochran and Wilmington was ordered on Tuesday. This fills a long felt want, and is a great benefit to a large section of country.

Settlements were made with the Township Trustees, and their affairs found to be in first class shape.

The Board will continue in session today.

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Mar 1884 – Page 3, Column 3


The question of electing a secretary of the County Board of Health again came up before the Board. At several meetings in January the vote stood at tie, and as only two members of the Board could be present, no election could be had and the matter was left until the Board was full. Dr. Terrill was elected to the position, receiving the votes of Annis and Feist. Dr. Henry of Aurora, received the vote of Fisk. The salary was fixed at $150 per year. The secretary is to act as physician of the jail in addition to his duties.

The following named physicians for the poor were appointed for the various townships and at the salary set opposite the names per year:

  • Harrison, W. H. Swales Sr.
  • Logan, W. H. Swales Jr.
  • Sparta, A. J. Bowers
  • Kelso, E. M. Radcliffe
  • Manchester and co. asylum, T. M. Kyle
  • Jackson, Pierre Fermier
  • Miller and York, S. S. Collins
  • Centre, W. C. Henry
  • Clay, F. H. Sales
  • Washington, Fred Treon
  • Cesar Creek, J. M. Barkley
  • Hogan, W. H. Dunn
  • Lawrenceburgh, W. M. Terrill

John Probst, Antony Blattner and Otha W. Grubbs were appointed viewers for the vacation and relocation of a public highway in Logan township. They are to report at the June meeting of the Commissioners.

Mr. Annis was appointed to meet with the Commissioners from the various counties in the state at Indianapolis. The meeting is called to confer together with reference to conducting county business to a better advantage.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1884

Proceedings of the February 1884 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 31 Jan 1884 – Page 2, Column 5


The February term of the circuit court will commence on next Monday. The docket is a very light one and strikes terror to the hearts of the attorney. The following is a list of the new cases:

State ex rel Josephine Stahla vs. Edward Hayes. Bastardy.

Peter S. Givan vs. George S. Crawford. Action on account demand $175.

Louisa Stanley vs. John Stanley. Petition for divorce.

Enoch M. Tyrell vs. William McMullen. Appeal.

Mary Ann Goodrich vs. Mortimer Goodrich. Petition for divorce.

George B. Wilson vs. Fred Kessler. Appeal.

Mary Sullivan vs. Sarah J. Thompson. Petition for partition.

D. H. Miller vs. George Gruenenfelder. Appeal.

Fannie S. Johnson vs. Joseph Johnson. Petition for divorce.

William Dair et al vs. Lollie B. Scott. Complaint in partition.

Stephen Heustis vs. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Demand $700.

Samuel M. Kennedy vs. James B. Wilson. Complaint for slander. Demand $10,000.

Charles L. Olcott vs. T. L. Baker. Demand $200.

Fred Humfeldt vs. Joseph Scharl. Appeal.

Emil Strohle vs. Bertha Stein. On account.

John F. Spencer vs. A. P. Daughters. Foreclosure.

Lucinda Acra vs. B. F. Trester Jr. Demand $150.

State ex rel Bertha Holland vs. Sames Miller. Bastardy.

Hinton & Cole vs. William Henkey. Replevin. Damages $150.

Thomas W. Pate vs. Hiram Fisk. Demand $500.

Fred Aman vs. Kennigunda Aman. Petition for divorce.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Dec 1883

Allowances at the December 1883 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 3 Jan 1884 – Page 2, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Dec. session, 1883, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.


  • G Renner, for Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Martin, Nancy Smith, Mrs. Ruby
  • Sparks Bros., for Mrs. Nancy Smith, Mrs. Howard
  • T M Hood, for Mrs. Pulliam
  • L B Daniel & Co., for Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Tilford, Mr. Sterling
  • Chas Israel, for Mina Grasty, J D Pulliam, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Fairwell
  • Fitch & Shaw, for Barbara Arnold
  • G Beakenholdt & Co., for Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Mauck, Mrs. Arnold
  • Tebbs Bros., for Margaret Smith, Mrs. Williams, E F Blackburn
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, for Mrs. Dorn
  • John S Dorman, for Mrs. Closky, Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Eickler
  • Sparks Bros., for Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Jastico, Mrs. Tilford
  • Geo Seekatz, for Mrs. Bittner, Mrs. Stack
  • Jos Bechtel, for E Colvin, Mary Vogel, Alice Farewell, Ben Wells, Barbara Arnold
  • Wm Schneider, for Carrie Miller, Mary Richards
  • H Oertling, for H M Wiegand
  • John Wallingford, for sick man
  • Isaac May, for McClosky
  • A Wagner, for Thos Perin
  • Jacob Anderson, for Mrs. Kaiser, Geo Andrews
  • Tebbs & Lotton, for Austin Trulock


  • F A York, for Mrs. Martin, Timothy James
  • John A Nees, for Mrs. Winscott, sundries for poor
  • Martha Pelgen, for Mrs. Winscott, Mr. Bittner
  • Fred Rectanus, sundries for poor
  • Henry Wood, for Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Akers, Mrs. H Bittner, Mrs. Geo Mager, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Akers, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Akers
  • Albert Bloom, for H A Moran, J Seribrun
  • Wymond & Haynes, for Thos Yahe
  • Simon Siemantle, for Mrs. Wooley
  • Robert Mabin, for Geo Gray, Wm Thege, Mrs. Criswell, Mrs. Wooley, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Criswell
  • J M Wheeler, for Mrs. Wooley, John Kerrigan
  • M Maloney, for unknown man and wife
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., for Alfred Smith, A Schott, Mrs. Mayers
  • McConnell & McAvoy, for Mrs. Shanks, Miss Lotherage, Jane Alexander, Wm Brown, J L Peters, J Alex, F Jaynes, Mrs. Acres


  • Elizabeth Dorst, for Mary King
  • Mary Haas, for Mary King
  • Elizabeth Smith, for Mary King


  • H C Rugg, for Ida Foclenius


  • J C Vandolah, for Martha Shepherd


  • W F Crocker, for Mrs. Layborn


  • H D Moore, for Isaac Davis


  • P Weis, for Mrs. Lefler
  • C Oelker, for burying pauper


  • Henry Fangman, for Mr. Schneider
  • Geo Witt, regular allowance
  • Geo Fetter, for Phil Spring


  • George Gutzwiller, blacksmithing
  • O F Heustis, one barrel molasses
  • Excelsior Iron and Copper Works
  • James Ruble, hauling coal
  • Frank Reburger, meat casks
  • John Dorman, pork
  • Robert McMullen, pork
  • John Manlief, hauling coal
  • Tebbs Bros, groceries
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, tobacco
  • John S Dorman, dry goods
  • W F Crocker, groceries
  • Isaac Dunn, one barrel coal oil
  • George Ruble, work
  • Edward Ketcham, potatoes
  • Charlotte Duncan, 1 quarter salary
  • Robert Ketcham, potatoes
  • Thomas Duncan, cash paid out, 1 quarter salary
  • Louis Hoff, work
  • Lizzie Manlief, work
  • James Ruble, potatoes
  • Anna Laughlin, work
  • Lawrenceburgh & Napoleon turnpike
  • S N Claspill, repairing shoes
  • G W Hall, beef
  • H Haynes, lumber
  • I Crist & Son, hardware
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., clothing


  • Louis Graff, keys
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling
  • City and Sub Telegraph Assoc
  • Tebbs Bros, 1 dozen brooms
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co.
  • W G Ellis, repairing doors
  • I Crist & Son, hardware
  • Sparks Bros., groceries
  • W H Jordan, glass and paint, oil and drugs
  • H G Kidd, stovepipe and castings


  • Thomas Winegardner
  • W B Burford & Co.
  • Sentinel Co.
  • Levy, Baker & Co.
  • John N. Calvert
  • C F Bradley
  • Warren Tebbs
  • E T Bartholomew
  • Warren Tebbs
  • Julius Severin


  • J D Gatch, stamps, paper, etc.
  • James Murdock, seal and die for stamp
  • P L Mathens, examining books, etc.
  • Thos Johnson, examining books, etc.
  • H D McMullen, plans and specifications Hayes’ Branch Bridge


  • Warren Tebbs, certificate, list marriage license


  • William French, state vs. Robt Stinson
  • R H Gould, buggy hire
  • J C Sims, boarding prisoners


  • J E Larimer
  • Hunter & O’Brien


  • Harris Fitch, horse and buggy hire
  • J D Gatch, repairing safe


  • John C Sims, serving jury commis, state vs Albert Ross, serving grand jury, serving petit jury
  • Chas Decker, state vs. Albert Ross


  • J D Gatch, one quarter salary
  • Henry Bulthaupt, salary as comm
  • Charles Fisk, salary as comm
  • T T Annis, salary as comm
  • John Buchert, salary as comm
  • Julius Severin, salary as auditor


  • Merrit Leming, viewer
  • Hiram Powell, viewer
  • J F Meyer, viewer
  • Ernst Hopmeyer, viewer
  • Robert Givan, viewer
  • Hosea Wood, viewer
  • Isaac R Dunaway, swearing viewers
  • J C Sims, serving viewers


  • H B Hill, salary as supt
  • Jos White, salary as janitor


  • Joseph Tittle, repairing
  • Joseph Bechtel, nails
  • City National Bank, lumber


  • Jasper Ross, stone
  • Henry Crouse, stone
  • W F Crocker, nails
  • Henry Hangadorn, work


  • Cotton Cross, building bridge
  • Robert Elliott, stone
  • Michael Tearle, stone
  • H Haynes, sawing lumber
  • City National Bank


  • Wrought Iron Bridge Co., for construction of superstructure


  • George Steel, cleaning floors

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Sep 1883

Allowances of the September 1883 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Dec 1883 – Page 3, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Sept. session, 1883, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.


  • Samuel Dickinson, trustee, transportation of poor, coffins, &c.
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, for Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Thornburg
  • H Oertling, for Mrs. Carter
  • G Renner, coal for Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Bruce, Nancy Smith, Mrs. Schultz
  • John M Palmer, for Mrs. Sykes and daughter
  • John M Palmer, for John G Scott
  • Charles Israel, for Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Justice
  • Jacob Anderson, for Mrs. West, Mrs. Kaifer
  • Tebbs Bros., for Mrs. Justice, Mrs. Williams
  • John Sortwell, digging grave for Richard Pullam
  • P J Emmert, for Mrs. Braden, school house, Mrs. Rossel, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Junker
  • J F Hammerle, for Benj Wells, Mrs. Cath’n Rupp, Mrs. E Calvin, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Grasty, Mrs. Sours
  • Tebbs & Lotton, for A Truelock
  • H R Helmuth, for Mrs. A Williamson
  • Schleicher Bros., for Mrs. Ulrich, Mary Morgan


  • F Rectanus, Trustee, transportation of transcient paupers
  • W W Bryson, for conveying William Stupps to County Asylum
  • Margaret Pelgen, for John Bush, Mrs. McDonald
  • Ph Kastner, for Mrs. Laugbridge
  • Albert Bloom, for H A Moran
  • Robert Mabin, for J Melsen, Mrs. Wm Thutge, Mrs. Jane Alexander
  • Robert Mabin, for Geo Grey
  • C Goldsmith, for Mrs. Laughridge, Acre, Jas Prow
  • F A York, for conveying poor to County Asylum
  • John A Nees, for Anna Snelt, Mrs. Cary Sneft, Dan Sullivan, — Moore, John Potter, John Keiterback, Geo Carroll, John Meyers, M H Lynn, George Goller, Sarah Cample & three children
  • George W Taylor, for conveying paupers
  • M Giegoldt, for J J Mulden, wife and three children
  • Herdigan & Kress, for Mrs. Wooley
  • Fred Mantle, for G W Hopping, Noah Murrill
  • McConnell & McAvoy, for P Bling, A Smith


  • Fred Tholke, for Rebeca Thompson
  • C C Misner, for Rebecca Griffin
  • J C Vandolah, for Jane Shepherd


  • J C Sims, for C Hudson


  • Wm F Crocker, for Mrs. Layborn


  • Henry Tangman, cash paid


  • Warren Tebbs, for Sec. Board of Health


  • Hunter & O’Brien, for printing


  • J C Sims, serving Board of Equalization.


  • W F Crocker, for groceries
  • Peter Perlee, hauling hay fork, rope, &c.
  • Charlotte Duncan, one quarter salary
  • Lewis Hoff, for work
  • Emma Manlief, for work
  • George Ruble, for work
  • H Chairsell, boan Meal
  • Samuel Claspill, repairing shoes
  • Gettel & Pummill, blacksmith and wagon work
  • Thomas Duncan, for cash paid, one quarter salary
  • Lawrenceburgh and Napoleon Turnpike Co., toll
  • Lizzie Manlief, work
  • Robert McMullen, for threshing
  • Thomas Greenham, work
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., for clothing
  • Daniel Stone & Co., for coal
  • John S Dorman, dry goods


  • L B Daniel, lime and cement
  • T T Annis, cash paid for work
  • D H Miller, buggy hire
  • Henry Hagadorn, work
  • John Buchert, buggy hire


  • Ignatz Chisman, work done


  • H B Hill, Superintendent services, postage and expressage


  • A B Pattison, stamps and expressage
  • J D Gatch, stamps and hauling safe
  • Warren Tebbs, indexing


  • W B Buford
  • Sentinel Co.
  • Merrill, Meige & Co.
  • Wilstach, Baldwin & Co.
  • Martin Kieffer
  • Levy, Baker & Co.


  • H G Kidd, sundries for Court House
  • Sparks Bros., matches for C. H. and soap for jail
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, oil and lime for jail
  • J S Dorman, sundries
  • Martin Tittle, repairing pavement
  • Perry Skinner, painting on Court House
  • George Huschart, stone step for Court House


  • J C Sims, serving grand and petit jury for Sept. term, 1883


  • Samuel Dickinson, Trustee Lawrenceburgh Township
  • F Rectanus, Trustee, Center Tp
  • Thomas Rinearson, Trustee Manchester township
  • Henry Tangman, trustee Kelso tp


  • J C Sims, serving road viewers
  • John Buchert, work on bridges


  • J C Sims, conveying criminals to Plainfield and boarding prisoners


  • F R Dorman, clothing furnished


  • A B Pattison, salary as Auditor
  • J D Gatch, salary as Treasurer
  • Henry Bulthaup, salary as Commissioner
  • John Buchert, salary as Commissioner
  • T T Annis, salary as Commissioner

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1883

Proceedings of the November 1883 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 22 Nov 1883 – Page 3, Column 4

Court convened on Monday with the following new cases on the docket:

Herman Lindeman vs. Peter Walter. On account.

Daniel Schluter vs. Fred Zinser and others. Demand $500.

Ezra Knapp vs. Silvia Richardson. Damages, $5000.

Rebecca Robertson vs. James Cooper and others. On bond.

Joseph Maffey vs. Phillip Kestner. Appeal.

Agnes Hilbert vs. Mary Gutzweiler. Slander.

Caroline Dexheimer et al vs. John Dexheimer Sr. and others. Foreclosure.

Joseph Donk vs. Nick Oberting, Foreclosure.

Elizabeth Gabel vs. John Sibernagel. Appeal.

David W. Wood vs. Louis Hitzfield. Appeal.

Nancy Reed vs. James Reed. Divorce.

Mary T. Randall vs. Charles H. Randall. Divorce.

David J. Johnson vs. Bertha Stein. On account.

James McKinney vs. Job M. Hayes. Attachment.

McCreary & Niebaum vs. William H. Small. Appeal.

John C. Miller, Trustee, vs. John Spencer. Appeal.

Fred Weileman vs. Jacob Haas. Appeal.

Lou S. Colshir vs. Robert Stinson. Bastardy.

Lawrenceburg Register – 29 Nov 1883 – Page 3, Column 4


Charles Kohlepp makes final report as administrator of the estate of Mary Mueller.

David H. Stapp resigns his trust as guardian of William Allen, an insane person, and Isaac S. Hafer is appointed in his stead.

Peter Endress makes final report as administrator of the estate of Engel Sunderbruch.

George B. Fitch makes final report as guardian of Jane Stack.

Isaac Hayes presents his final report as administrator of the estate of Sarah C. Miller, and is discharged.

Final report and order of the distribution of the surplus in the estate of Isaac Dunn is made.

The following new cases have been placed on the issue docket.

John A. Park vs. Elizabeth A. Towner. Foreclosure.

W. A. Greer, adm’r H. Herzog, vs. Droge & Donselman. On note.

John Snyder vs. Snyder & Baker. On note.

George W. Prior vs. Job M. Hayes. Attachment.

John H. Oester vs. Nicholas Oester. Demand $3,000.

John W. Briggs vs. Hannah Barton. Demand $500.

Isaac W. Butterworth vs. Robert A. Keen. Attachment.

Adaline Junker vs. Jacob Junker. Possession of real estate.

John B. Garnier, executor, vs. estate of M. Hoog. Foreclosure.

Lawrenceburg Register – 6 Dec 1883 – Page 3, Column 2


The will of Francis Stork has been admitted to probate. He leaves the greater part of his property to his wife.

Leander Lindsay makes final report as guardian of Cordelia Hess.

Joseph Emmenecker is appointed administrator of the estate of Peter Emmenecker. Bond, $3,000.

Ohio County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1883

Proceedings of the November 1883 Term of the Ohio County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Spectator – 8 Nov 1883 – Page 8, Column 1

Ohio Circuit Court.

The following business had been transacted by the October term of the Ohio Circuit Court, Judge N. S. Given, presiding, up to Tuesday evening, Nov. 6:

Matilda Merrill et al vs. Louisa Welsh et al. Final report of S. H. Stewart, Commissioner.

James M. Reister vs. Randolph School Township. Dismissed.

A. Lozier vs. D. L. Wade et al. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $1006.82, and $50 attorney fees.

T G and Hester Ruddle vs. Estate of John Kilgour. $75 allowed claimant.

Petition of Margaret K Hannah, guardian, etc. Report filed.

Samuel Lostutter vs. Alfred Wilson. Judgment for plaintiff for $767.43.

Ezra Hastings vs. Stephen M. Hastings. Dismissed.

State of Indiana vs. James Conner, petit larceny. Discharged.

W W Williams was appointed guardian ad litem of Emma and Indiana Peters, and Anna and Edith Armstrong.

Thomas W Pate vs. Hiram Fisk. On note. Jury failed to agree and were discharged.

A C Downey vs. Melissa Peters et al. Judgment of foreclosure.

John B Coles vs. James C Ricketts. Action on account. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $239.25.

Charles Winkley vs. John P. and Meribah Hannah. Judgment for $293.66.

B C Calkins vs. Joseph Clore. Judgment for $3435.40 with costs.

John Clore vs. Joseph Clore. Judgment for $3435.40.

State vs. Hugh Bodle. Assault and battery. Plea of guilty. Fine $3 and costs.

State vs. Lewis T Cooper. Carrying concealed weapons. Fine $5 and costs.

T J Pickelheimer vs. Fred Hess and wife. On note. On trial.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1883

Proceedings of the September 1883 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 6 Sep 1883 – Page 3, Column 4


Frederick Slater vs. Thomas A. Jennings. Appeal.

James B. Wilson vs. Preston Conaway. Appeal.

David E Clements vs. James C Bruce. Appeal.

Annie Owen vs. John Lewis and others. Foreclosure.

John F Huseman vs. John Sims and others. Damages.

John Obringer vs. John Hornberger. Appeal from assessment.

Daniel H Miller vs. Joseph H Burkam. Decmand $100.

Mary E Frazer vs. James M Frazer. Divorce.

Joseph Garside vs. Benj Simonson. On note.

Perry Small vs. Abe Epstein and others. Replevin.

Sarah V Hawkins vs. Charles T Hawkins. Divorce.

A P Daughters vs. C A Ketcham. Foreclosure.

John D Bowles vs. Benj Simonson. On note.

James E Bedunnah vs. H F Powell. Replevin.

Louis Mauss vs. F R Dorman. On account $400.

Joseph Bossong vs. William Allen. Appeal.

George Kocher vs. Alois Wicker. Foreclosure.

Joseph H Burkam vs. Thomas E Frances. To enforce mechanic’s lien.

Jasper Stone vs. James Fox. Appeal.

Mary A Goodrich vs. Mortimer Goodrich. Divorce.

Slater & Dandy vs. Elizabeth Haas. On account $150.

George Koller vs. Jacob Schieb. Damages.

William Huber vs. Sarah Shepperd. To quiet title.

Mary F Randall vs. Charles H Randall. Divorce.

Elizabeth Powell vs. Thomas Powell. Foreclosure.

W F Stevens vs. W H Dunn. On note.

Abram Lozier vs. Thomas L Baker. On note.

Abram Lozier vs. Libbens A Bell. On note.

Warren West vs. Ezra G Hayes. On notes and account.

Abram Lozier vs. Jonathan B Bruce. On note.

W F Stevens vs. W H Small. On note.

Lilly Speedy vs. Harry Speedy. Divorce.

Edward Hayes vs. George B Fitch, guardian. Injunction.

Richard Hawks vs. Eliza N Bush. On note.

G V Stevenson vs. Hamilton Conaway. On note.

Louisa Langtree vs. Julius Hauck Sr. Demand $300.

Margaret Fitch vs. W H Small. On note.

Henry Goebel vs. Aaron W Tabor. For relief.

Citizens National Bank of Greensburg vs. Henry Fitch. On note.

Ellis M Potter vs. W H Burk. On account.

Abram Lozier vs. John B Stewart. Foreclosure.

Aurora Lodge, I O O F, vs. George Philipps. Demand $400.

John O Harpham vs. Rosa Lee Harpham. Partition.

Rosa Badaacht vs. George Badaacht. Partition.

Nancy Reed vs. James Reed. Divorce.

Daniel H Miller vs. W R Spooner. On note.

Dawson Blackmore vs. W H Burk. On account.

John F Whittaker vs. Jennie C Whittaker. Divorce.

George W Jackson vs. Henry Fitch. On note.

Jennie Day vs. George E Day. Divorce.

John Hornbach, guardian, vs. St. John’s Church of Dover. On note.

Mart Bitner vs. City of Aurora. Damages.

Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Sep 1883 – Page 3, Column 3


The Court ordered the release of James McCune from custody. McCune is the individual who was accused of “shoving” a ten dollar Confederate bill on Alex Moody.

John K. Thompson served as Judge on Saturday, Judge Givan being absent from the city.

W. F. Stevens et al vs. William H. Dunn. Judgment against defendant for $472 and costs.

State of Indiana on the relation of W. J. Smith, Trustee of Miller township, vs. C. I. St. L. & C. Railroad. The defendants are ordered to erect a good bridge over their railway in Miller township.

A. Damon vs. Susan White. Judgment against defendant for $104 and costs.

On motion of George M. Roberts, Maurice Winfield, of Cass county, is admitted to practice law in this Court.

Margaret Fitch vs. W. H. Small and others. Judgment against defendant for $346 and costs.

Abram Lozier vs. Libbens A. Bell. Judgment against defendant for $642 and costs.

Ellis M. Potter vs. W. H. Burk. Judgment against defendant for $157 and costs.

Warren Tebbs vs. Estate of Charles Brogan. Judgment against defendant for $110 and costs.

The Petit Jury was sworn in on Monday, and is composed of the following persons: Robert Hargitt, Hugh Huston, Wm. Lingg, John Dills, Jacob Abdon, Richard E. Ward, Isaac Bruce, Wm. VanTrees, Wm. Morton, Merrit Leming, B. C. Eversole and Michael Reagan.

Wm. Wheeler vs. Mattie McAdams. Judgment against defendant for $544.

State vs. Frank Ost, charged with stealing $19 from Louis Kaiser of Yorkville. The case was tried by the jury, and a verdict of not guilty was rendered.

State vs. Jerome Wilson and Joseph Voorhees. Two indictments for petit larceny. Defendants enter plea of not guilty.

State vs. George Kenal. Petit larceny. Enters plea of not guilty.

Rosa Badaacht vs. George Badaacht. Charles S. Jelley appointed commissioner to sell certain real estate.

John A. Harpham et al vs. Rosa Lee Harpham. Charles S. Jelley appointed commissioner to sell real estate.

W. L. H. Givan appointed administrator of the estate of David Ellis.

John D. Prichard appointed guardian of Melvin Prichard, insane.

Final reports made in the following trusts:

  • Estate of George W. Hamlin.
  • Estate of James Beatty.
  • Estate of John Schaefenberger.
  • Guardianship of Kate Lamermeir.
  • Guardianship of Calvin Suit.
  • Guardianship of Anna Rossfeldt.

John C. Hibbetts appointed Administrator of the estate of William T. Ferris.

The following new cases have been added to the docket:

B. N. McHenry vs. Leonard Klingelhoffer. Demand $100.

W. D. H. Hunter vs. W. H. Small and others. On note.

Ex parte Esther Beatty et al. Partition.

Edward Hayes vs. Jacob H. Miller. Foreclosure.

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Sep 1883 – Page 3, Column 3


Judgments have been rendered against Henry Fitch and D. W. C. Fitch in favor of the following parties: Citizens National Bank of Greensburg, First National Bank of Greensburg, First National Bank of Rising Sun, Fourth National Bank of Cincinnati, Third National Bank of Cincinnati, National Branch Bank of Madison, First National Bank of Indianapolis, Stedman & Co. of Aurora.

Judgment rendered against Henry Fitch in favor of the following parties: George W. Jackson, Alex McDonald, Emma J. Gazlay, Post & Co., Howell, Gano & Co., William Coffin, E. B. Radcliffe, Geo. D. Winchell, John B. Brumblay, W. J. Oneal, Goss & Phillip, Kelly, Rathbone & Co.

Richard Hanks vs. Eliza N. Bush. Judgment against defendant for $123.

State vs. Oscar Trulock. The defendant enters a plea of guilty to the charge of carrying concealed weapons and is fined $5.

B. F. Trester Jr. vs. D. T. Downey et al. Judgment against the defendant for $600.

Palmer Chisman vs. Aurora and Laughery Turnpike Co. The jury find for the plaintiff, and assess his damages at $240.

Edward Hayes, administrator, vs. Wm. Schimmelpfening. Judgment against defendant for $115.

National Branch Bank of Madison vs. Thomas Watts and Joseph Stapp. Judgment against defendants for $1,227.

State vs. James Cooper. The defendant enters a plea of guilty to the charge of assault and battery, and is fined $50.

George B. Goodheart of Cincinnati is admitted to the bar on the motion of R. E. Slater.

Catharine Losecamp has entered suit against Joseph Losecamp for divorce.

Estate of Smith Platt vs. Elizabeth Platt et al. Richard Platt, administrator, makes report of sale of real estate.

Final reports were made in the following trusts: Estate of Samuel Hiett and estate of William Robertson.

Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Sep 1883 – Page 3, Column 3


Final reports were made in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of Wm. E. Buhrlage.
  • Estate of William Kaufman.
  • Estate of Lorenz Roesch.
  • Estate of Mary L. Abbott.
  • Estate of Casper Badacht.

It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the estate of James L. Redding was worth less than $500. The entire estate is given to the widow, Harriet Redding.

Edward Hayes vs. Jacob H. Miller. Judgment against defendant for $621.

Nicholas Vogelgesang et als vs. Nicholas Vogelgesang et als.

Commissioners make report of sale of certain real estate.

David E. Clements vs. James C. Bruce, suit for damages. Jury find for the defendant.

Emaline Rogers vs. L. Drake & Co. The deed executed to W. E. Monfort by the plaintiff is set aside and it is ordered that the real estate be conveyed to B. F. Rogers.

The following new cases have been placed on the issue docket:

Sam Z. Brackenridge, receiver, &c., vs. Robert A. Keen. Attachment.

First National Bank vs. Henry Fitch & others. Proceeding supplementary to execution.

Julius Knost vs. John W. Roberts. On account.

Adaline Junker vs. Jacob Junker. Divorce.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Peter Hartman. On draft.

George Koller vs. Jacob Scheib. The jury find for the plaintiff as against the defendant Jacob Scheib, and assess his damages at $12.

Robert E. Slater vs. Elizabeth Haas. Judgment against the defendant for $50.

George Kocher vs. Alois Wicker. Judgment against defendant for $235.

State vs. Warren West. Perjury. The defendant enters a plea of not guilty, and is bound over in the sum of $1,000, with Thomas Watts as security.

Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Oct 1883 – Page 3, Column 2


The following new suits have been placed on the issue docket:

A. E. Nowlin, adm’r estate of Joseph Hayes, vs. Samuel McElfresh. Motion for leave to issue execution.

John D. Haynes et al vs. John C. Stegner. On note.

Jennie C. Whittaker vs. John F. Whittaker. Divorce.

B. B. Bradley et al vs. George Langford et al. Damages, $500.

State of Indiana vs. Mary Wallingford, Bertha Stein, Rosa Stein and Jennie Sein. Indictment for riot. The jury find the defendants not guilty.

Michael Bogenschott vs. Harrison and Brookville Turnpike Co. Judgment against defendant for $22.

Louisa Langtree vs. Julius Hauck Sr. and others. Judgment against defendant for $114.

Asa Andrews vs. R. D. Slater et als. Samuel McElfresh makes final report as Receiver, and is discharged.

Franciska Loew vs. John Ulrich Loew. Judgment against defendant for $300.

Abram Lozier vs. J. B. Bruce et al. Judgment against defendant for $389.

State vs. Charles Kenner. Selling liquor without license. The defendant bound over in the sum of $100, with H. D. McMullen as surety.

Joseph Bossong makes final report as executor of the estate of Joseph Bossong.

Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Oct 1883 – Page 3, Column 3


William H. Dowdell makes final report and resignation in the following trusts:

  • Estate of John H. Clause.
  • Estate of George B. Sheldon.
  • Guardianship of James McCracken.

Mary S. Mather makes final report as guardian of James G. and John M. Mather.

Walter V. Denton, administrator estate of Samuel Elwell, vs. Mary Ann Elwell and others. The administrator is ordered to sell real estate.

Joseph Garside vs. Benjamin and Barney Simonson. Judgment against defendant for $3,665.

John D. Bowles vs. same. Judgment against defendant for $2,553.

Rose Riedinger vs. Michael Riedinger. Judgment against defendant for $409.

Ohio County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jun 1883

Proceedings of the June 1883 Term of the Ohio County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Spectator – 28 Jun 1883 – Page 8, Column 4

The following business was disposed of at the June term of the Ohio Circuit Court:


State of Indiana vs. Scott Sink—assault and battery with intent to kill. Trial by jury and verdict of $5 fine and five years in the penitentiary.


A. R. Hanna vs. Estate of Dillie Hanna, $115 allowed. Lydia Hanna vs. Estate of Dillie Hanna, $63 allowed.


The following guardianship reports were made and approved: Heirs of William T. Hemphill, heirs of John E. Grieve; guardianship of Araminta Palmer, and Rea and Lizzie Martin.

Estate of Jane Williams, deceased; land ordered sold.


Nannie C. Fallon vs. William J. Fallon. Divorce, granted.

Belle Sink vs. Scott Sink. Divorce, dismissed.

Prudence Sparks vs. Oscar Sparks. Divorce, dismissed.

State ex rel Ed. D. Moore vs. Warren West. Settled.

Margaret K. Hannah, guardian exparte. Land ordered sold at private sale.

H. D. McMullen vs. E. G. Hayes. Judgment for plaintiff for $250.

Ex. rel. Ed. D. Moore vs. E. G. Hayes. Judgment for plaintiff for $1,848.27.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1883

Proceedings of the May 1883 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 3 May 1883 – Page 3, Column 2


The will of Mrs. Catharina Chisman was probated Thursday. The will gives Mrs. Ann Chisman $200. The balance of her property is given to her brothers, sisters and other relatives.

Joseph S. Jett vs. Eli D. Bannister. It is ordered and adjudged by the court that this cause be dismissed and declared fully and finally settled.

Elam H. Davis for John J. Backman, vs. Lillie J. Lamar and others. Report of sale of real estate and approval of deeds.

Lewis G. Hurlbert vs. Pardee Beach; judgment against defendant for $14.19.

William Leive and Stapp vs. Melvin Cannon and others. Judgmetn against defendants for $85.

Peter Vogel vs. William Powell; judgment against defendant.

Final reports were made in the following estates and guardianships:

  • Guardianship of Nancy Spahn
  • Guardianship of John U. Buhrlage
  • Estate of Thomas Whiteford
  • Estate of Joshua Brewington Sr.
  • Estate of Ann Allee
  • Estate of Zeriah Hyland
  • Estate of William L. Connell
  • Estate of George Kalb
  • Assignment of Joseph May
  • Guardianship of Magaretha Jaeger.

Estate of Joseph Sassaman—the personal property of this estate not amounting to $500, the same is set off to the widow.

Hamilton Conaway was appointed administrator of the estate of John F. Ellerbrook; bond $4000.

Richard Platt, administrator of the estate of Smith Platt, vs. Elizabeth Platt and others. Ordered to sell real estate.

The estate of James Wills is reopened for the purpose of settling a claim against the United States Government.

George W. Johnston, administrator of the estate of Elias Chisman, vs. Catharine Chisman and others. Ordered to sell real estate.

Isaac Hayes, Edward Hayes Jr., and James Miller were each fined $5 and costs on the plea of guilty to carrying concealed weapons.

Alfred Warffeuls charged with stealing brass from the Cobb’s nail mill entered a plea of guilty. He was fined one cent and sent to the county jail for 10 days.

Thomas Garrity was tried for receiving the goods stolen by Warffeuls. The Garrity was fortunate in having plenty of evidence and was acquitted.

Frank Graves has been lying in jail for six months charged with seduction. The prosecution witness failed to materialize and Graves was given his liberty.


Board of Commissioners of Dearborn County vs. Charles H. Smith. Appeal.

State ex rel Grabell Sable vs. Frank Buffington. Bastardy.

M. Bogenshott vs. Harrison, New Trenton and Brookville Turnpike Company. Appeal.

Lydia Bennett et als vs. Cyrus Osborn. Partition.

John M. Douglas, Receiver, vs. Henry Hahn. Replevin.

John B. Garnier, Guardian, vs. Lawrence Rupprecht et al. Attachment.

John W. Butler vs. The Miami Valley Manufacturing Co.

James Johnson vs. Henrietta Niebrugge et als. On bond.

William H. Warrick vs. Henry Schuck et al. On note.

Portsmouth Wagon Stock Co. vs. Lawrence Rupprecht et al. Attachment.

Fred Emmert vs. Samuel Mason. To satisfy mortgage.

Lulu Wheeler et al vs. Edgar Wheeler. Partition.

State ex rel Lizzie Steig vs. John Speckman. Bastardy.

Maggie E. Ross vs. John Ross. Divorce.

Louisa Ahlbrandt et als vs. Robert Hones et al. Partition.

Johnson Hub and Spoke Co. vs. Lawrence Rupprecht et al. Attachment.

Edward D Moore, adm’r, vs. Warren Weit et al. On bond.

Frederick Herzog Jr. et al vs. Frederick Herzog. Partition.

Franciska Loew vs. John Ulrich Loew et al. For relief.

Elizabeth D Tuck vs. Andrew F Collins et al. Foreclosure.

William Leive et al vs. Melville Cannon et al. On lease.

Mary Mahoney vs. John Mahoney. Divorce.

Charles Stevens vs. Sarah M Stevens. To recover real estate.

Palmer Chisman vs. Aurora and Laughery Turnpike Co. Damages.

Barbara Hollister vs. Lewis Hollister. Divorce.

Myron H Harding vs. Ezra G Hayes, ex. Release as surety.

John Groff vs. Lawrence Rupprecht et al. Attachment.

National Lafayette Bank vs. W B Stevens. Attachment.

Herman Klepper vs. John Ulrich Loew. Foreclosure.

Charles W Stevens vs. C I St L & C R R. Damages.

Maggie N Blaisdell et al vs. Mina Huseman et al. Foreclosure.

John Biger et al vs. Lawrence Rupprecht et al. Attachment.

Patrick Moran vs. Mary Burk. Foreclosure.

State ex rel John M Pate et al vs. James M North et al. From Ohio county.

Elizabethh Kessing vs. Alfred C Jenkins. On note.

Zephaniah Heustis vs. Caroline Junker et al. Foreclosure.

William Bohmer vs. Edwin B Dobell et al. Damages.

National Bank of Rising Sun vs. W H Smal et al. On note.

W H Burk vs. Prentice B. Skinner. Attachment.

Lawrenceburg Register – 10 May 1883 – Page 3, Column 3


Final reports in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of Margaret and Keturah Wicks.
  • Estate of Mary Armstrong.
  • Estate of George Heckheiser.
  • Estate of Benjamin Burlingame.
  • Estate of Thomas Spicknall.
  • Guardianship of Chisman.
  • Ezra G. Hayes and Warren West.

Executors of the estate of Joseph Hayes file their resignation of their trust. Ambrose Nowlin is appointed as their successor and files his bond for $50,000, with Ferris J. Nowlin and Joseph Groff as sureties.

Hannah Barton is declared to be a person of unsound mind.

An inquest of restoration says that John Briddell heretofore adjudged insane is a person of sound mind and capable of managing his estate with reason and discretion.

Fred Rudolph pled guilty to the charge of carrying concealed weapons. Fined $5 and costs.

James Johnson vs. Henry Niebrigge, judgment against defendant for $645.

The celebrated Junker case, that has been hanging fire through several terms of court, has been decided at last. Jacob Junker was married to his second wife in 1867. In 1869 he bought a piece of property and deeded it to his dead wife, Mary Junker, instead of the living one, Adaline. The family was at peace then, and there was no cause for complaint, as the second wife thought the title of the property was in her name. A few years ago Mrs. Junker discovered that she did not own the property, and war was declared. The fight has been going on in the courts ever since. Mrs. Junker was the victor and will gain possession of the property, as the jury decided that there is no law for deeding property to a dead person.

William H. Burk vs. Prentice B. Skinner. Judgment against defendant for $275.

Adaline Junker vs. Mary E. Junker. Judgment against defendant, and plaintif given possession of real estate.

Lewis W. Florea, a member of the Shelby county circuit court, and Charles F. Jones, a member of the Franklin circuit court, were admitted to the bar.

State vs. Victor Oberding. Pleads guilty to the charge of carrying concealed weapons, and fined $3 and costs.

State vs. William Bennett. Pleads guilty to carrying concealed weapons, and fined $5 and costs.

State vs. Frank Ost. Grand larceny. Bound over to next term of court.

Zeph Heustis vs. Caroline Junker. Judgement against defendant for $1270.

National Bank of Rising Sun vs. Harrison Small. Judgment against defendant for $3100.

Lawrenceburg Register – 17 May 1883 – Page 2, Column 4


William H. Warrick vs. Henry Schuck. Judgment against defendant for $402.

Elizabeth Kessing vs. A. C. Jenkins. Judgment against defendant for $185.

Elijah Huffman vs. Ira Kimball et al. Fred Slater, commissioner, makes report of sale of real estate to John N. Thompson for $300.

L. P. Newby, a practicing attorney of Knightstown, Ind., was admitted to the bar on motion of Albert W. Gaines.

Samuel W. Hillman vs. Andrew P. Daughters. Judgment against defendant for $408.

William H. Small vs. Benjamin Trester Jr. et al. Judgment against Malinda Noble and Thomas Brocks for $350.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Daniel Miller. Judgment against defendant for $299.

Charles W. Stevens vs. C. I. St. L. & C. Railroad. Judgment against defendant for $250.

Edward D. Moore, administrator, vs. estate of Joseph Hayes. Ambrose Nowlin is ordered to sell the real estate belonging to deceased and gives bond for $220,000.

Anna Patzker vs. Frank Patzker. Judgment and decree of divorce.

State vs. James Cooper. Assault and battery with intent to kill. Bound over in the sum of $500.

William Wheeler vs. Robert T. Day. Judgment against defendant for $685.

A. W. Gaines, trustee of W. H. Murdoch, makes final report.

An inquest of insanity was held upon Stephen Riedinger, and he was adjudged a person of unsound mind and incapable of managing his estate.

Lawrenceburg Register – 7 Jun 1883 – Page 3, Column 3


Court convened on Thursday, after two weeks suspension of business.

Final reports were made in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of heirs of Chris Wesler
  • Estate of Nancy Hudson
  • Estate of Frances J. Schaeffer
  • Estate of Nathaniel Todd
  • Estate of John D. Littell
  • Guardianship of Mary Moody
  • Estate of Nelson Ketcham
  • Guardianship of heirs of Wm. Stolzhizer
  • Estate of Lavina Ayers.

Judge Givan haven been counsel in the case of Vail vs. Vail before his election as Judge declined to try this cause, and appointed Hon. A. C. Donwey as Judge pro tem to try the case.

The last will of John Joseph Hartman, late of St. Leon, was admitted to probate. He leaves all of his property to his wife.

The will of Nicholas Gillig, late of Lawrenceburg, was admitted to probate. He gives all of his property to his wife, Catharine Gillig.