Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Mar 1885

Allowances made at the March 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 16 Apr 1885 – Page 4, Column 1

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their March session, 1885, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Lawrenceburg township, expense of Poor.

  • C. Israel, groceries to Mrs. Pierce, Z Holland, Mrs. Gratzy, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Squires, Perry Carter, Parry, Hugh Sterling, Mrs. Farwell, Joe Cross, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Colvin.
  • A G Tebbs, groceries to Mrs. Eichler, Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Diggs, A Truelock, Perry Carter, Zach Holland, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Rosa Derman, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Best, Emma Ellis, Wm Winters, E Stevens, Mrs. Richards, K Fisher, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Kohr.
  • J M Palmer, feeding and lodging tramps
  • C W Elder, feeding and lodging tramps
  • J F Hammerle, groceries to Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Colvin
  • Sparks Bros., groceries to Mrs. Lay, Mrs. Howard, Wm Winters, Mrs. Derman, Diggs, Tilford, Standriff, Richards, Sweeney, J T Bailey
  • John Berghaus, groceries to Mrs. Sours, Rickets, D Marsh
  • Jacob Shepard, groceries to R Young, Mrs. Best, Mrs. Arnold
  • Joseph McGranahan, groceries to Mrs. Junker, Squires, Goodwin, Speckman, Saunders, Tout, Perry Carter, E Stevens, Sam Russell
  • Sam Dickinson, overseer of poor
  • Louis Kohlerman, coffin and burying child
  • Geo P Seekatz, shoes for Mrs. Harper, Sarah Graden, Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Miles
  • W J Fitch, groceries to Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Diggs
  • Wm Seekatz, shoes for Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Harper
  • McConnell & McAvoy, clothing for Thomas Rork
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., coffin and robe for Mrs. Savage
  • A G Tebbs, groceries to Mrs. Squires, Diggs, Riddell, Lewis, Colvin, Goodwin, Wm Bennett, John Weaver
  • John Isherwood, groceries to Mrs. Ruby, Flush, Bartels, G Harper
  • John S Dorman, shoes for Marsh girl, Mary Emberson
  • Charles Seekatz, shoes for Mrs. Tilford
  • F R Dorman & Co., shoes for Mrs. Sweeney, John Colvin, Mrs. Derman, Mrs. Keane, Mrs. Farwell; dry goods for Enoch Stevens, two orphan boys, Mrs. Colvin
  • Jacob Shepard, groceries to H Young, Mrs. Russell, Arnold, Best, Mack, Mr. Sortwell
  • Wm Stevenson, groceries to Emma Mason, Hugh Sterling, Alice Farwell, Sam Russell, Samuel Russell
  • Schleicher Bros., groceries to Mrs. Harding, Fisher, Kohr, P Mason, Grasty, Keane
  • Jacob Rief, boarding transient poor
  • Wm Schneider, shoes for Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Junders’ children
  • John S Dorman, shoes for Mrs. Bennett
  • Fitch & Shaw, groceries to Mrs. McSweeny
  • W J Fitch, groceries to Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Thornburgh
  • F M Hood, groceries to Joe Rissell, H Sterling, Ellen Huff, Mrs. Herron, John Polking
  • P J Emmert, goods to Mrs. Rissell, J D Pulliam, Mrs. Carbinal, Mrs. Buchanan, John Best, Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Diggs
  • J H & M J McLean, groceries to Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Lewis, John Polking, Mr. and Mrs. White, Mrs. Tout
  • Early & Daniels, coal to Henry Standriff, Mrs. Morris, Miss Rich, Mrs. Jeffries, Sam Sweaney, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Henke, Perry Carter, Andy Lay, Mrs. Tilford
  • Beckenholdt & Beckman, coal to Ed Savage, John Schafner, John Polking, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Speckman, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Goodwin, George Eichler, Frank Hitchaback, Mrs. Diggs, Williams, McKinney, Tout, James Meyers, Perry Carter, John Polking, Mrs. Kauffman, Nancy Smith, Cunningham, Arnold, Kohr, Speckman, Bartels, Kane, Morris, Kunkel, Riddell, Rissell, James Miles, John Weaver
  • Gideon Renner, coal to Mrs. Martin, Palmer, Knorr, Arnold, Kuntz, Kohr, Massett, Mack, S Russell, Kauffman, Ada Junker, Sauer, B Marshall, Huff, Marsh, Fisher, Best, Pierce, Pabner, Williamson, Lewis, Rickets, Young, Farwell, Page Sortwell, Hugh Sterling, Wm Riddell, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Squires, Frank Polking, Mrs. Ellis, Dorn, Holden, George Kelley, Mrs. Stack, A Mason, S Bennett, Schultz, Ben Anderson, Mrs. Harding, Best, Ruby, Levi Miller, Beiger, Jane Saunders, Thomas Wallace
  • Samuel Dickinson, cash items for transportation of sundry persons, and for expense of sick persons

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Albert Bloom, groceries to Sarah Smith, Wm Clark, Wm Cherry, Mrs. Hauck, Wm Stoney
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin for Mrs. Jeffries, Chas Yandergriff
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries to Mrs. Walker, Bierman’s children, Mrs. Theetge, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Spicey McKain, John Criss, Mrs. Acres, Jennie Thompson, John Vogel, Wm S[?]oney, Wm Vinson, John Bush, Mrs. Wm Wirsche, Wm Ehlerman, Mrs. Malinda Garrison, Wm Curry, Robert T Day, Robert Kirkpatrick, John Goodpaster, Emma Wood
  • James M Wheeler, groceries to Mrs. Hopping, Hider Stonebacker, Mrs. Lothridge
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries to Jennie Farrar, D Faulkner, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. McCain, Mrs. Riley, Wm Baker, Mary Wood
  • J C Green, groceries to Mrs. Worley, Mrs. Barkdoll, H and S Johnson, Mrs. Cook
  • Chambers, Stevens, & Co., groceries to Wm Vinson, Woolever, John Thompson, Mrs. Hagey, Jane Clark, Mrs. Rabbitt, Mrs. Noble, Wm Farrell, Steve Peters, Campbell, Gray, Mrs. Sanders
  • Wildridge & Buffington, groceries to Henry Miller, Thomas Rand, Wm Vinson, Willie Criss, Mrs. Barkdoll, Frank Glaub, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Garrison, Wm Stevens, Charles Faulkner, Ernst Mooney, Jennie Farrell, Frank Klever
  • N C Murdoch & Co., groceries to John Crist, Wm Stevens, Martin Grooves, Wm Kelley, Mrs. Beardon, Sarah Smith
  • F Opperman, groceries to Mary Hughes, John Kerrigan, H A Johnson, Kate Welsh, Mrs. Wooley
  • Robert Maybin, groceries to Joe Buffington, Mrs. R Campbell, Alex Criswell, Mrs. Tracey, John Thompson, Henry Miller, Dora Powers, Fred Cook, Eph Bailey, Nancy Bailey, Mrs. Hagey, Jennie Farrell, Mrs. Riley, John Gray, Gottlieb Kirsch, Carrie Sabie, George Clark, Robt Kirkpatrick, Joe Jeffries, Mrs. Barkdoll, Wm McCartney, Wm Kelley, Wm Stoney, Mort Groves, Sarah Caffil, Robt T Day, Wm Brown, James Burdon, Chas Faulkner
  • Geo W Taylor, burial expenses of Wm Thompson, Goodpaster, John Barkdoll, Old man Thompson, Mrs. Jeffries, Rhoda Thompson, Marle E Riley, Mrs. Chas Lampkin; moving Mrs. Bradley; transportation to asylum for Mrs. Vidite, Mrs. Shanks, children of Vinson, Mrs. Vinson, Mr. Gleason
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal to Mrs. Chamberlain, Jennie Thompson, Mrs. Campbell, Wm Theetge, Faulkner, A Criswell, M Groves, J H Walters, J Jeffries, VanSickles, Wm Stoney, Wm Acre, J Cottell, Mrs. McCain, Mrs. Barkdoll, Moody, Fr Kelaver, Mary Burns, Mrs. Bleasdale, Mrs. Warner, Mooney, Wm Peters, Wm Kelley
  • Aurora Gas Co., coal to Mrs. Farrell
  • Geo W Mitchell, overseer poor; cash to John Sortwell; for burying Mrs. Jeffries; transportation of paupers; to A Hill & Son for transportation of paupers; Richard Winkley for moving paupers; to Thomas Holmes for moving paupers; to C C Mueller, for whisky for Mrs. Jeffries; transporting Mrs. Wooley to Asylum
  • John A Niehaus, for milk for John H Thompson
  • John A Nees, for keeping transient poor
  • Thomas Wright, groceries for Mrs. Curry; groceries for Lizzie Warner
  • Wm T Day, coffin, robe and box for John H Thompson
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries for Mrs. Van Sickles
  • Johnson Bros., groceries for Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Powers, Henry Miller, J Buffington, Stephen Peters, Carolien Bardol, Wm Strong, Wm Riley
  • Henry Wood, groceries to Mrs. Hagey, John Ross, Mrs. Noble, Wm Curry, John Gray, John Goodpasture, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Warner, John Criss, Nancy Bailey, Mrs. Steney, Sarah Smith, Wm Peters
  • Philip Kastner, groceries to Sarah Smith
  • Chas Fehling, groceries to Charles Faulkner, Mary Burns, Henry Miller, John Vogel, John Acres, Robt Kirkpatrick, Wm Kelley, Mrs. John Gray, Jennie Thompson, Mrs. M Rose.

Poor Harrison Township.

  • E D Bowlby, groceries to B Howard, Bill Smith, M Congo
  • Benedict Singer, overseer of poor

Poor Manchester Tp.

  • Louisa Slater, for sundry meals for tramps
  • Thomas Emerson, groceries to Fred W Briggs
  • W F Crocker, groceries to Mrs. Laybourn
  • Daniel Platt, overseer poor

Poor Washington Tp.

  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries for Mrs. Loughridge
  • J M Wheeler, groceries for Mrs. Loughridge
  • A M Campbell, overseer of poor

Poor Clay Tp.

  • J C Vandolah, groceries to Evaline Noble, Jacob Fleming
  • Wm Teke, transporting poor to Asylum

Poor Sparta Tp.

  • John C Miller, cash sundries and overseer of poor
  • Fred Homan, groceries to John Border
  • H C Moore, allowance to Isaac Davis, 6 months

Poor Jackson Tp.

  • H Marxen, coffin for John Hepka
  • J P Van Wedding, overseer poor

Poor Kelso Tp.

  • F M Palmer, conveying paupers to Asylum

Poor Miller Tp.

  • Wm J Smith, coffin for Geo Conner
  • W J Smith, overseer poor
  • Robt Hargitt, groceries for Mrs. Huff, Mrs. Geo Conner

Poor York Township.

  • Henry Hammerle, sundries for Mrs. Mann
  • Francis Miller, groceries for Mrs. Mann

Public Buildings.

  • John S Dorman & Co., blankets for jail
  • A D Cook, repairing jail
  • L Kupferschmidt, repairing clock
  • A G Tebbs, supplies for jail
  • Early & Daniels, coal for jail and Court House
  • Sparks Bros., supplies for Court House
  • E C Baldwin, supplies for C House
  • Rudolph Walter, glass for C House
  • Dennis Halpin, shoveling coal
  • Henry Gerkin, shoveling coal
  • Albert Gerkin, shoveling coal
  • Law’bgh Gas Co., for gas
  • H G Kidd, sundry repairs to stoves
  • F R Dorman, supplies for jail

Specific Allowances.

  • Bell Telephone Co., for use of Telephone
  • Dan Miller, carriage hire
  • W W Brison, carriage hire
  • Julius Severin, stamps and express
  • Warren Tebbs, stamps and express

County Board of Health.

  • Warren Tebbs, clerk’s fees
  • W H Terrill, stationery & stamps

Expense of Elections.

  • John C Sims, posting notices of election

Commissioners Court of Expense.

  • Daniel M Guard, serving summons

Court Expenses.

  • John C Sims, serving jury summons
  • Daniel M Guard, serving jury summons

Expense of Criminals.

  • Daniel M Guard, boarding prisoners

Roads and Highways.

  • Daniel M Guard, serving road viewers
  • John Weiss and Job Little, for stone furnished
  • John Cairns, service as reviewer
  • John A Cole, service as reviewer
  • Valentine Draut, services as reviewer

Printing and Advertising.

  • Sam Chapman, blanks for Clerk
  • Hunter & O’Brien, sundry blanks and advertising

Books and Stationery.

  • A G Tebbs, wrapping paper
  • Wm B Burford, sundry books
  • Sentinel Co., sundry books and stationery
  • O H Hassleman, order book

Officers’ Salaries.

  • Charles Fisk, salary as Commissioner
  • T T Annis, salary as Commissioner
  • John Fisk, salary as Commissioner
  • Julius Severin, salary as Auditor
  • James D Gatch, salary as Treasurer

Bridges and Culverts.

Lawrenceburg Bridge.

  • Jos Tittle, repairing floor, labor and Lumber

Wilson Creek Bridge.

  • Sutton Mill Co., lumber furnished North Hogan Creek Bridge
  • Hugh D McMullen, service as Engineer
  • Dorsey & Hahn, balance on abutments
  • Wrought Iron Bridge Co., superstructure
  • John H Thompson, stonework
  • Geo E and J W Johnson, lumber
  • H C Busse, lime and labor
  • O P Cobb & Co., lime

County Asylum.

  • Thomas Duncan, salary as Sup’t
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as matron
  • Charles Tally, farm hand
  • Louis Drake, farm hand
  • Katie Wilson, female servant
  • Ph Weiss, sundry flour and feed
  • Early & Daniels, coal
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., sundry groceries
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., sundry dry goods and groceries
  • Fred Bellman, for pork
  • Rufus Rice, for potatoes
  • C H Bruns, for coffins
  • James Murdock, for potatoes
  • C H Bruns, for coffins
  • James Murdock, for potatoes
  • Law’bgh and Napoleon Turnpike, for toll
  • T T Taylor, for farm tools and potatoes
  • L B Harbaugh, mending tinware
  • Thomas Duncan, sundry cash items
  • O P Cobb Co., two butcher knives
  • Baker Bros., lumber and flour
  • A Hill & Son, transporting paupers
  • John Feist, one cow and calf
  • Wm Pummill, mending shoes and sundries
  • W H Jordan, drugs
  • Chas Fisk, expense settling insurance
  • Hezron Haynes, farm implement
  • Ed Darling, cutting cord wood
  • Peter Perlee, conveying packages
  • Wm F Crocker, sundry groceries
  • Heustis & Powell, sawing lumber for new County barn
  • Henry Hagadorn, stone work for foundation
  • John E Wymond, insurance
  • Chas Rabe, iron work for barn
  • Frank Platt, hauling stone
  • W J M McHenry, lumber
  • Prestley Jolley, on contract

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1885

Proceedings of the February 1885 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 5 Feb 1885 – Page 2, Column 4


Court convened Monday with the following new cases on the docket:

James Wymond vs. Frank Ulrich, administrator estate of Frank Ulrich Jr. On note $1,100.

William Sims vs. W. L. H. Givan, administrator estate of David Ellis. Claim $231.

Phoebe Gettel vs. William Pummill Jr., surviving partner Gettel & Pummill. Claim $100.

B. Brueggeman vs. John Feist, administrator estate Catherine Frey. Claim $98.

Mary A. Elder vs. Sarah A. Kerr, administrator estate of Enoch Kerr. Claim $288.

George C. Voshell vs. Ferris J. Nowlin, administrator estate of Mathias Voshell. Claim $9.

T. M. Kyle vs. Wm. A. Greer, administrator estate of Peter Darling. Claim $28.

Mahlon Stokes vs. George Hollowell. Appeal.

Daniel A. Miller vs. Joseph H. Burkam. On account $1,126.

Lawrenceburgh Furniture Co. vs. John C. Brand. Attachment.

Susan Gatch vs. John Frantz et als. Demand $1,515.

Christian Brand vs. John C. Brand. Attachment.

James W. Lansberry vs. Julia C. Lansberry. Divorce.

John A. Conwell vs. Ellen Heaton. Foreclosure.

John S. Morris vs. John Smith. On account $169.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Jacob Rief et als. Foreclosure.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. John Mohr et als. Foreclosure.

Theresa Ratjen vs. Louis Ratjen. Divorce.

Carrie B. Spooner vs. John M. Palmer. Foreclosure.

Edward Hayes Jr. vs. C. I. St. L. & C. Railroad. Damages.

Sarah Smith vs. Howard Watts. On judgment.

Dell S. Prichard vs. Moore’s Hill Lodge, I. O. O. F. Demand $2,000.

Warren Tebbs, trustee, George B. Fitch. Foreclosure.

T. W. Kestner vs. W. H. Burk. Foreclosure.

State ex rel Julius Severin, auditor, etc., vs. Peter Schneider et als. Foreclosure.

Same vs. Mary A. Nevitt et als. Same.

Same vs. Catherine Griffin. Same.

Ellen Heaton vs. Elijah Heaton. Divorce.

John A. Conwell vs. John Buettner. Foreclosure.

German Building Co. No. 8 vs. Louisa Hoog. Foreclosure.

Margaret Lang, administrator estate of Jacob Lang, vs. C. I. St. & C. R. R. Damages.

State ex rel Auditor vs. John M. Milourn. Foreclosure.

T. W. Kestner vs. George F. Kestner. Notes.

Susan White vs. David White. Divorce.

Lizzie Cosby vs. O. & M. Ry. Damages.

Lawrenceburg Register – 12 Feb 1885 – Page 3, Column 5


Louisa Stanley vs. John Stanley. The court grants a divorce. Judgment against the defendant for costs.

Landolin Geiger vs. Joseph Emmenacker, adm’r. Judgment against the plaintiff for costs.

Emma Biddinger vs. Caroline Anthony. Dismissed at pl’ffs costs.

George C. Voshell vs. Ferris J. Nowlin, adm’r. Claim $9 allowed.

T. M. Kyle vs. W. A. Greer, adm’r. Claim of $28 allowed.

George W. Robinson vs. Rachael Shank. Report of arbitrators filed. The report award that neither of the defendants is liable to the plaintiff for any damages whatever; and further award that the plaintiff pay one-half of the costs of this arbitration, and award that the defendants also pay one-half of the cost. The arbitrators were in session ten days.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Bertha Stein and others. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $1,064; judgment in favor of Catharine Krah for $592; judgment in favor of David J. Johnson for $227.

George B. Fitch, guardian of Omer T. Hayes, vs. Edward Hayes and others. Judgment against Edward and George Hayes for costs. The judgment in favor of Edward Hayes against the estate of Leah Hayes for $5,000, given in March, 1884, is set aside and held for naught. The judgment in favor of George Hayes against the same estate for $5,600 is also set aside. The defendants appeal from the decision of the court and are given 20 days to file appeal bond to take the case to the Supreme Court.

German Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Louisa Hoog. Judgment against the defendant for $812.

Carrie B. Spooner vs. John M. Palmer. Judgment against defendant for $457.

Final reports made in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of Maurice Stack
  • Estate of Melville Cannon
  • Guardianship of Anna C Hodel
  • Guardianship of Catharine Wind
  • Estate of Frances Fisher
  • Estate of Patrick Bergen
  • Guardianship of Abiah H. Guard
  • Estate of Morton Justis
  • Guardianship of William, Lizzie and Frank Emmert
  • Estate of William G. Ransdell
  • Estate of Alex M. Siegmundt
  • Guardianship of Anna, William and Dora Sunderbruck
  • Estate of William T. Ferris

The estate of Henry Weitzel being of less value than $500, is set over and vested in Belle H. Weitzel.

W. C. D. Stevenson appointed administrator of the estate of Humphrey Cain. Bond $1,500.

The will of John Rohm admitted to probate.

Edward Jones appointed guardian of David White. Bond $1,800.

Wilkinson Smith, administrator of the estate of John Cornforth, vs. Temperance Cornforth. The administrator files a petition to sell real estate.

John A. Conwell, guardian of Grace Wymond, is granted privilege to sell real and personal property belonging to his ward.

Partial reports made in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of minor heirs of Joseph Sherbaugh
  • Guardianship of William Allen
  • Guardianship of Rachael B. Guard
  • Guardianship of heirs of Dora Bidner
  • Guardianship of heirs of Sandford Burton
  • Guardianship of Maggie L. Burk.

Lawrenceburg Register – 19 Feb 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


Ex parte Philip Horr et als. W. S. Holman Jr. makes report of sale of real estate in the city of Aurora.

Wm. Wheeler vs. B. N. McHenry. Judgment against estate for costs.

Isaac Hayes vs. estate of Leah Hayes. Judgment against estate for costs.

B. Brueggeman vs. estate of Catharine Frey. Claim of $103 allowed.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Warren West. Judgment against defendant for $514. Defendant takes an appeal to the Supreme Court.

Ross Hayes against Peter Walter. Judgment against defendant for $72.

Abraham Junker et als vs. Zeph Heustis. Change of venue to Ohio county granted.

James W. Lansberry vs. Julia C. Lansberry. Court grants a decree of divorce. Judgment against defendant for costs.

State vs. Mary Nevitt et als. Foreclosure of school mortgage. Judgment against defendants for $904. Judgment in favor of William Huber for $565.

John Billingsley vs. Strawder Cheek. Jury find for defendant, and judgment is rendered against the plaintiff for costs.

Isabella Watts vs. Dan M. Guard, sheriff. The jury find that the sheriff held the corn in question unlawfully, and assess plaintiff’s damages at $8.

Sarah Smith vs. Howard Watts. Judgment against defendant for $2,408. Same vs. same. Judgment against for $495.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Herman F. Lilly. Judgment against defendant for $281.

Final reports made in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of heirs of William and Sarah Shutts
  • Estate of Leah Hayes
  • Estate of Edward Israel
  • Guardianship of heirs of Elizabeth Lake

Jennie Doran appointed guardian of Charles Doran, insane. Bond $500.

The will of James Smith admitted to probate. He bequeaths all of his property to his wife.

Will of Letitia McClure probated. She divides her estate as follows to: George and William Armstrong; Sarah, Catharine, and Emma Armstrong; Catharine Swales; David McClure; James and John McClure; W. C. McClure. The remainder of her property to be divided among her five sons.

Anton Blettner appointed guardian of Joseph B. Blattner. Bond $2,300.

Partial reports made in the following trust:

  • Estate of Laura M. Hayes
  • Guardianship of Alma Lenover
  • Guardianship of Julia A. Spaeth
  • Guardianship of Harry and Edward Knoeble
  • Guardianship of Melanethon Wicks
  • Guardianship of Eva N. Stenger
  • Guardianship of heirs of Israel Garrigus

The following new cases have been brought:

  • Harriet Bainum vs. John H. Wilke. Foreclosure.
  • Ex parte John K. Hammerle. Partition.
  • F. H. Sale vs. George Cain.
  • Frank Slater vs. Libbeus A. Bell.
  • Nancy West vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Ejectment.
  • Louis Lingg vs. Anthony Blettner. Damages.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Dec 1884

Allowances of the December 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 25 Dec 1884 – Page 3, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Dec. session, 1884, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Public Buildings.

  • W H Jordan, window glass, putty, etc.
  • L Kugferschmidt, repairing clocks
  • C A H Hitzfeld, repairing shelves, etc.
  • Geo Willers, repairing locks and keys
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., for gas
  • H G Kidd, repairing stoves, etc.
  • W F Cook, new stoves for court house
  • John C Sims, sundries
  • W J Fitch, oil, brooms, etc., for jail
  • Early & Daniels, coal
  • Gideon Renner, coal
  • Sparks Bros., sundries for jail and c h
  • H Gerkin, paid labor for dumping coal
  • J H Burkham, lumber furnished

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • John C Sims, serving summons

Expense of Criminals.

  • John C Sims, boarding prisoners
  • B J Grant, transporting prisoners

Expense of Elections.

  • J C Sims, posting notice of elections

Books and Stationery.

  • Martin Kieffer, 1 gross pens
  • Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., 4 gross pens
  • John Calvert, letter heads
  • Wm B Burford, books
  • Chatfield & Woods, stationery
  • Sentinel Co., books and stationery

Roads and Highways.

  • John C Sims, serving road viewers
  • Harvey McClure, service as road viewer
  • Thomas Nead, road viewer
  • Geo Steinmetz, road viewer
  • Jos Deffner, road viewer
  • Chas R Campbell, road viewer
  • L D Leming Sr., road viewer
  • Henry Fangman, road viewer
  • Chas Hornbach, road viewer
  • I W Truitt, qualifying viewer
  • Josiah McLeaster, making fence
  • John C Miller, for paving road

Printing and Advertising.

  • J E Larimer, notice to taxpayers
  • Everett & Gregory, notice to creditors
  • Hunter & O’Brien, sundry blanks and ad

Officers’ Salary.

  • H B Hill, salary as County Sup’t
  • T T Annis County Commis
  • Chas Fish, County Commis
  • John Feist, County Commis
  • Julius Severin, County Auditor
  • Jas D Gatch, County Treasurer

Specific Allowance.

  • Charles Fisk, expense to Harrison
  • Julius Severin, postage, expr. And telegr
  • Jas D Gatch, postage, expr.
  • Warren Tebbs, postage, expr.
  • A Schafer, for use of horse
  • T T Annis, sundry telegrams, toll, etc.
  • Geo W Taylor, horses and carriage to asy
  • F A York & Co., horses and carriage
  • L Kohlerman, horses and carriage

Bridges and Culverts.

Dillsboro Bridge.

  • Jordan Wainscott, for stone
  • F A Transier, pertaining painting

Jamison Creek Bridge.

  • Henry Stenger, for rebuilding bridge

White Water Bridge.

  • Michael Bogenschott, for paving river shore to protect same

Wilson Creek Bridge.

  • W Brown, hauling lumber
  • T T Annis, sundries
  • J C Small, fence posts and lumber

Laughery Bridge.

  • O P Cobb & Co., sundry hardware
  • G W Taylor, spring wagon for painter
  • Chas Fisk, lumber furnished
  • C C Mueller, brushes for painters

New North Hogan Bridge.

  • H C Busse, service as sup’t
  • A T Gridley, service as surveyor
  • Dorsey & Hahn, contractors of abutments and paid sundry orders given by them

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • F Slater & Son, sundry groceries to Mary & Ellen McMahan
  • Fred Homan, groc, Peter Bradley, John Borders
  • John C Miller, overseer of poor

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker, groc for Mrs. Laybourn

Poor—Logan Township.

  • James Lods, for Cath Kuhn’s reg allow, cash paid sundries for sundry poor persons

Poor—Miller Township.

  • Robt Hargitt, groc for Geo Conner

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, provisions for Geo Ash

Poor—York Township.

  • F Miller, sundries, C Glaescher, insane; Peter Mann, insane
  • Geo Scheib, care of Geo Glaescher
  • Rosa Marmet, transporting paupers

Poor—Centre Township.

  • John Wildridge, groceries for Jennie Parr, John Chris, Mrs. Spice Means, Henry Miller, Thomas Rand, John Parson, S Woolley, James Lancy, John Thompson, Thos Clark
  • Henry Wood, groceries for Vina Saunders, Mr. Ross, Mrs. Chamberlain
  • Thomas Wright, groceries for Vina Saunders, John Chris, Mrs. Hagey, Mrs. Jennie Farrell, Mrs. Elizabeth Curry
  • Albert Bloom, groceries for Wm Cheek, Mrs. Sarah Smith, Mrs. Hauck
  • Charles Fehling Jr., groceries for Mrs. Jennie Thompson, Thos Acres, Mrs. Berry, Maria Riley, James Howard, Mrs. John Vogel
  • Robert Maybin, groceries for Eph Bailey, Mrs. Barer, Wm McCartney, Wm Brown, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. A Criswell, Thos Acres, Wm Posey, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Saunders, John Thompson, Mrs. Chamberlain
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin for Wm Thompson
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries for Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Farrar
  • F Opperman, groceries for John Kerrigan, H A Johnson, Kate Welsh, Martin Kerrigan, Mary Hughes
  • McConnell & McAvoy, outfit for Smith’s son; clothing for A Criswell, Mrs. Vanoy; shoes for Vina Saunders, Mr. Woolley, Lee Winscott; pants for a tramp
  • Geo W Mitchell, cash paid for transportation of tramps and sundries

Lawrenceburgh township, expense of Poor.

  • Gideon Renner, coal for Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Nancy Smith, Mr. Kaufman, Mrs. B Marshall
  • George Beckenholdt & Co., coal for Ed Savage, Mrs. Kohr, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Swainey, Mrs. Sowers, Schultz, Geo Eckler
  • W J Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Bruce
  • Charles Israel, groceries for Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Farwell, Mrs. Gratsey, Mrs. A Williams, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Peirce, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Gratsey
  • T M Hood, groceries for Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Ellen Huff
  • H R Helmuth, groc, Mrs. Williamson
  • Fitch & Shaw, groce, William Riddle
  • J H & M J McLean, groceries for Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Lewis, James White, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Gratsey, Mrs. West, Mrs. Tout
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Williams, Mrs. C Davis, Mrs. T Bailey, Mrs. Ellen Huff, Mrs. Derman, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Sweeney
  • A G Tebbs, groceries for Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. A Truelock, Mrs. John Best, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Derman, Mrs. Kohr, Mrs. Eichler, Mrs. Pulliam
  • John Isherwood, groceries for Mrs. Flush, Mrs. Rube, Walter Sharp
  • Gideon Renner, coal for R Anderson, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Young
  • John Dorman, for James White
  • John M Palmer, boarding tramps
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., coffin for Mrs. Wadkins
  • McConnell & McAvoy, clothing for McCloskey, deaf and dumb

County Asylum.

  • Thos Duncan, salary as sup’t
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as matron
  • Cassie Manlief, service
  • Kate Wilson, work
  • Lawbgh and Napoleon turnpike, toll
  • Sam Claspill, mending harness, shoes, etc.
  • Thos Duncan, sundry cash accounts
  • P Weis, flour and cornmeal
  • Henry Fangman, cow
  • Sam S[?], span of Norman horses
  • John McGuire, pair of mules
  • Lewis Drake, service
  • Chas Talley, service
  • Wm McMullen, beef, corn and sundries
  • Geo W Hall, fresh meat
  • Samuel Kennedy, hauling coal
  • Marius Huls, hauling coal
  • Rezin Gearheart, seed wheat
  • Benjamin Rumsey, steers
  • James Hallowell, yarn
  • John W Roberts, harness
  • Bradford & Bond, harness
  • Early & Daniels, wheel barrows
  • O P Cobb & Co., syrup and sundries
  • Marmet Coal Co., coal
  • H Chairsell, agt, frt on coal
  • A D Cook, new pump and sundries
  • Robt McMullen, threshing wheat
  • Wm F Crocker, groceries and sundries
  • Josiah Duncan, potatoes
  • Joe Small, receiver, lumber
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., coffins
  • Robt Maybin, sugar, molasses, coffee, etc.
  • Sparks Bros., seed and sundries
  • Excelsior Iron and Copper Works, work
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., sundries
  • A G Tebbs, potatoes and beef
  • Prestley Jolley, making plans for barn
  • Alex Ruble, cutting timber
  • C C Cross, cutting timber
  • Sam McMullen, cutting timber
  • Geo Heller, furnishing sand
  • Peter Heller, hauling sand
  • Grant Greenham, quarrying stone
  • Sebastian Greenham, hauling stone
  • Everett Hall, hauling with team
  • Plubius Huls, moving dirt
  • Benj Drake, work on foundation
  • Amos Sims, quarrying stone and sand
  • Austin Barrows, stone work
  • Ed Darling, work on foundation
  • Wall Rider, stone work
  • Early & Daniels, lime for foundation
  • William Manlief, cutting timber
  • Peter Bidner, hauling lumber
  • Benj Bruce, hauling timber
  • Theodore Cross, hauling stone
  • Andrew Bruce, work on foundation
  • Plubius Huls, quarrying stone
  • Nelson Hall, sundry hauling
  • Elias Canfield, hauling
  • Wm Sims, hauling logs
  • Samuel Kennedy, hauling lumber
  • Benj Bruce, hauling logs
  • Wheeling Iron & Nail Co., nails
  • H Chairsell, agt, frt on nails
  • Cutter & Savidge Lumber Co., lumber
  • H Chairsell, agt, frt on lumber
  • Chas Moser & Co., paint
  • L M Dayton, hardware
  • H Chairsell, agt, freight
  • W F Cook, cement
  • F Thoms & Co., iron work for barn
  • O P Cobb & Co., cement
  • Ohio Butt Co., hardware
  • Nathan Stedman, castings
  • H P Spaeth & Co., sundry hardware

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Dec 1884

Proceedings of the December 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 18 Dec 1884 – Page 2, Column 4


Thomas Nead, George H. McClure and L. D. Leming Sr, viewers, report that a road in Harrison township should be vacated from the beginning point to the State line.

Charles R. Campbell and Joseph Deffner, viewers, report that the road laid by viewers Anthony Blattner, Joseph Probst and Otha W. Grubbs is not of public utility.

Henry Fangman, George Steinmtz and Charles Hornbach, viewers, report that the proposed highway in Miller and York townships is of public utility. Thomas W. Harper presents a claim for damages to the amount of $1,000.

Joseph F. Radcliff is appointed physician of Kelso township, presents a petition for the building of a bridge opposite the village of Trenton on the west bank of White Water. The matter was referred to Commissioner Annis to examine into the cause and report.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1884

Proceedings of the November 1884 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Nov 1884 – Page 3, Column 4


John P. Moore vs. John M. Kimball. On note, $500.

Mary Bolly vs. Robert Martin and others. Foreclosure.

George B. Fitch, guardian of Omer T. Hayes, vs. Edward Hayes, Adm’r Leah Hayes and others.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Burkhardt Schmalz; foreclosure.

Abe Junker vs. Zeph Heustis; injunction. Same vs. same; to review judgment.

John Billingsley vs. Strawder Cheek; demand, $1,500.

A. G. Tebbs vs. Thos. E. Francis; on note.

Lawrenceburg Building Society vs. Thos. E. Francis; foreclosure.

State ex rel Lucy O. Whitney vs. W. C. Bennett; on bond.

Abe Junker vs. Zeph Heustis; damages.

Henry F. Baker vs. Sarah Ann Baker; divorce.

Wood Mower and Reaper Co. vs. Peter Beck; demand, $105.

George W. Robinson vs. Rachael Shanks; damages.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Warren West; on note.

State ex rel Mahala Kunkel vs. Burt E. Huffman; bastardy.

State vs. Charles Davidson; on bond.

Nancy Ann Gardiner vs. Eden Purdy; appeal.

William S. Lewis vs. Mary J. Lewis; divorce.

George J. Frey vs. John Feist, adm’r Catharine Frey; claim $267.

T. E. Craig vs. T. M. Kyle, adm’r Hannah Burton; claim, $38.75.

Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Nov 1884 – Page 3, Column 3


George W. Johnston makes final report as administrator of the estate of Elias Chisman, and is finally discharged.

David H. Stapp, administrator of the estate of Mary Plummer, makes report of sale of real estate in Aurora to James W. Walton.

John C. McCullough makes final report as administrator of the estate of Martin Hoog.

George Proctor, administrator of the estate of David Rickard, makes report of sale of real estate in Clay township to Lilly Rickard.

Henry Peper appointed administrator of estate of Frederick Wolker. Bond $250.

A. H. Gibson vs. Fred. Tholke. Judgment against the defendant for $607.93.

John Zeh appointed commissioner to make sale of real estate in the partition suit of Margaret Zimmerman and others.

Wilson Swales Sr. vs. Estate of Joseph Koehler. Claim of $10 allowed.

Frederick Morningstrong vs. W. H. Baker. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Wm. H. Bunger vs. Lucinda Powell. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

America E. Hook vs. W. S. Burroughs. Dismissed a plaintiff’s costs.

M. H. Harding vs. City of Lawrenceburg. Dismissed at costs of defendant.

Kate Huler vs. Henry Huler. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

George J. Frey vs. John Feist, adm’r estate Catharine Frey. Claim of $267 allowed.

The following new cases have been brought:

  • Zeph Heustis vs. Abe Junker. Damages.
  • John R. Miller vs. Fred Tholke. On note.
  • John A. Conwell vs. W. H. Small. On note.
  • Ross Hayes vs. Peter Walter. On account.
  • Preston Conaway vs. Fred Tholke. On note.
  • Robert Simpson vs. Zeph Heustis. On note.
  • Samuel Woodside vs. D. A. Harding. On account.
  • Edward LeCraw vs. Miami Stove Works. On account.
  • Ex parte Margaret Zimmerman et als. Partition.

Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Dec 1884 – Page 2, Column 4


A. G. Tebbs vs. Thos. Francis. Judgment against defendant for $209 and costs.

E. G. Hayes vs. A. E. Nowlin, administrator. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Abe Junker vs. Zeph Heustis. Judgment against defendants for costs.

State vs. George W. Robinson. The jury after having been out some 18 hours in the consideration of this cause report that they can not agree.

State vs. Charles Nolte. Jury find the defendant not guilty.

Julius Severin vs. Board of Commissioners. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

State vs. Charles Davidson and D. H. Stapp. Judgment against D. H. Stapp for $100.

State vs. Theodore Burkam. Assault and battery. Defendant enters a plea of guilty. Fine $5 and costs.

State vs. Solomon Gould. Pleads guilty. Fined $2 and costs.

William Miller vs. Estate of Barnhart Miller. Claimed $22 allowed.

Samuel Woodside et als vs. D. A. Harding et als. Judgment against defendants for $92.68.

In the matter of the Guardianship of Omer T. Hayes; George B. Fitch, guardian. W. H. Bainbridge and other creditors file petition for the removal of guardian.

Sarah Criswell appointed guardian of Clara Lane Criswell. Bond, $4,000.

Final reports made in the following trusts:

  • Guardianship of Andrew Beinkamp.
  • Estate of Sarah A. Isgrigg.

The following new cases have been brought:

  • Charles F. Schwenkmeyer vs. Fred Tholke and others. Foreclosure.
  • Caroline M. Hayes vs. Clara M. Walker. Partition.
  • Same vs. William Schneider. Same.
  • Same vs. Samuel McElfresh. Same.
  • Same vs. Hattie O’Brien. Same.
  • Hannah Stevenson vs. James N. Bachelor. Foreclosure.
  • Isabella Watts vs. Daniel M. Guard. Foreclosure.
  • German Building Society vs. Fred Henke. Foreclosure.
  • Webter Wagon Co. vs. John M. Palmer. On note.

Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Dec 1884 – Page 3, Column 3


Charles W. Stapp, adm’r of the estate of Adam Clemens, makes report of sale of real estate.

Eugene Curry appointed guardian of Catharine Dexheimer. Bond, $280.

Joseph D. Curtis makes final report as guardian of David L. Nevitt, an insane person, and presents his resignation of said trust.

Hamilton Conaway, executor of the estate of James Johnson, makes report of sale of real estate.

Martin Corcoran vs. Mary Corcoran. Judgment against defendant for $610.

The bond of R. E. Slater, Prosecuting Attorney elect of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, was presented, which was approved by the Court, and he is sworn as Prosecuting Attorney according to law.

State ex rel Mahala Kunkel vs. Burt E. Huffman. Judgment against defendant for $400.

Josephine Hulscamp vs. City of Aurora. The jury find for plaintiff, and assess her damages at $100.

Stephen Heustis vs. Hartford Insurance Co. Judgment against defendant for $450.

Lawrenceburg Building Society vs. Margaret Francis. Judgment against defendant for $267.

John A. Conwell vs. W. H. Small. Judgment against def’t for $244.

Mary Bolly vs. Robert Martin and others. Judgment against defendants for $723. George Givan appointed receiver to take charge of the real estate and collect the rent, and credit the same on this debt.

Ex parte Philip Horr and others. Wm. S. Holman Jr. is appointed commissioner to make sale of real estate.

John R. Miller vs. Fred Tholke. Judgment against def’t for $203.

Preston Conaway vs. Fred Tholke. Judgment against def’t for $711.

Abe Junker vs. Zeph Heustis. Plaintiff dismisses care at his own costs.

W. A. Wood Reader Co. vs. Henry Beck. Plaintiff acknowledges that the debt has been paid, and this case is dismissed.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Warren West. Judgment against defendant for $250.

George W. Robinson vs. Rachael and Isaac Shanks. Parties agree to submit case to arbitrators. James McKinney, Ferris Nowlin and Geo. B. Ward are appointed arbitrators.

Nancy Ann Gardiner vs. Eden Purdy. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Robert Simpson vs. Zeph Heustis. Judgment against def’t for $132.

The will of Mrs. Henry Hitzfeld admitted to probate. She leaves all her property to her husband.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Sep 1884

Allowances of the September 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 2 Oct 1884 – Page 4, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Sept. session, 1884, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

County Asylum.

  • Tatum, Embry & Co., cattle for county farm
  • C C Cross, work on county farm
  • T W Kestner, for transportation and driving cattle to county farm
  • Robert Maybin, beans
  • W F Crocker, sundry supplies
  • James Griffith, for washing machine
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., dry goods
  • Wm Pummil, horseshoeing and repairing wagons
  • Samuel N Claspill, for mending shoes for inmates
  • E S Downey, sulky plow
  • H J Marshall & Co., paint
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as matron
  • Chas Tally, wages as farm hand
  • Peter Heller, wages as farm hand
  • Anna Laughlin, wages as servant
  • Amos Sims, work on farm
  • Louis Drake, for 3 months as farm hand
  • Thomas Duncan, salary as supt
  • Cassey Manlief, wages as servant
  • Thomas Duncan, sundry, cash accounts
  • H Chairsell, 2 tones bone dust
  • Law’bgh and Napoleon turnpike, toll
  • C Goldsmith & Bros, sundry clothing for the inmates
  • David Perlee, sundry repairing of farm implements

Public Buildings.

  • Wm Damon, labor at court house
  • Belle Garrison, cleaning court house
  • Frank Sims, cleaning jail
  • Carrie Rich, cleaning court house
  • Dave Donaldson, whitewashing jail
  • Law’bgh Gas Co., sundry repairs
  • Rudolph Walter, for sponges
  • Sparks Bros., sundries for court house and jail
  • Henry Gerlin, cleaning court house
  • Law’bgh Gas Co., for gas
  • Henry Hitzfield, for sundry repairing of furniture
  • Archibald George, drayage
  • George Tebbitts, shoveling coal
  • Early & Daniels, sundry hardware
  • Gideon Renner, anthracite coal
  • I Crist & Son, hardware
  • Law’bgh Gas Light Co., gas

Expense of Criminals.

  • John C Sims, boarding prisoners
  • Chas E Glass, reward for arresting a fugitive criminal

Assessing Revenue.

  • I C Vandolah, asst assessor, Clay tp
  • Van S B Crowley, assessing Clay tp
  • Jos Wilhelm, assessing Kelso tp
  • Isidore Brichler, assessing York tp
  • John Berauer, assessing Jackson tp
  • Martin Kieler, binding assessment blanks

Roads and Highways.

  • Charles Schindler, filling approaches on Wilson Creek bridge, assisting surveyor
  • Joseph Gross, assisting surveyor
  • Albert T. Gridley, surveying Wilson creek road, Lawrenceburgh and Aurora gravel road
  • Jeremiah McLeaster, labor, making fence on Wilson Creek road
  • John C Sims, subpoena for road viewers
  • Sol Longenecker, damages for land taken for road purposes
  • John A Cole, services as road viewer
  • Chas Rachenbach, services as road viewer
  • D F Williams, services as road viewer

Bridges—Laughery Bridge.

  • Jos S Buffington, labor, painting bridge
  • Wm Christopher, painting bridge
  • Thos. Thompson, painting bridge
  • Willison Criss, painting bridge
  • Geo Fenton, painting bridge
  • Sohn E Theetge, painting bridge
  • Wm Wheeler, painting bridge
  • James E Christopher, painting bridge
  • Thomas F Harwood, painting bridge
  • F Thoms & Co., iron work on bridge
  • Michael Moran, iron work on bridge
  • Chas Mueller, paint brushes
  • Chas Leibecke, paint and oil

Dillsborough Bridge.

  • Jas E Christopher, labor painting bridge
  • Wm Christopher, painting bridge
  • Frank Transier, painting bridge
  • James Riddle, sundry paint and oil
  • F A York & Co., sundry hauling

Hogan Bridge (Aurora).

  • Jas E Christopher, labor painting bridges
  • Wm Christopher, painting bridges
  • Josephus Buffington, painting bridges
  • Michael Moran, drayage
  • Chas C Mueller, paint and oil
  • Lomas Forge and Bridge Works, adjusting bridge

Wilson Creek Bridge.

  • Michael Bogenschott, making rips raps, rebuilding abutments
  • Albert T Gridley, service as engineer
  • J C Small, receiver, lumber
  • Josiah McLeaster, making fence
  • Wm Brown, drayage
  • Joseph Tittel, lumber
  • Joseph A Mendell, labor
  • Lomas Forge and Bridge Works, for new iron superstructure

Lawrenceburgh township, expense of Poor.

  • Frank X Volz, provisions, Jac Weyland
  • Mr. Hood, groc for Mrs. Eichler
  • Schleicher Bros., groc, Henry Schmoel, Mrs. Sherrod, Mrs. Schultz
  • John M Palmer, boarding transient poor
  • Chas E Ferris, medicine for poor
  • Jos McGranahan, groc, Mrs. Junker, Lonnsberry, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Cath Davis, Mrs. Derman
  • Gideon Renner, coal for Mrs. Sours, Mrs. Bruce
  • G Beckenholdt & Co., coal, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Mack
  • Sparks Bros., groceries, Mrs. Williams, John T Baily, Mrs. Derman
  • John Isherwood, grocer, Mrs. John Flush, Mrs. John Calvin, Mrs. Mary Yarber, Mrs. Ruby
  • J S Dorman, dry goods, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Sarah Graden, Mrs. Eickler
  • J F Hammerle, grocer, Mrs. Stack, Mrs, Buchanan, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Sherrod, Mrs. Colvin
  • Herman Oertling, groc, Mrs. Weggand
  • S Strasburger, dry goods, Mrs. Buchanan

Poor—Centre Township.

  • McCreary & Niebaum, dry goods for Taylor Johnson, Mrs. Bealman, Mrs. Betterton
  • Riverview Cemetery, graves for poor
  • A C Murdock, grocer, Mrs. Geo Gray, Mrs, Sarah Smith, Mrs. Mary Guager, John Crist, W S Martins, Timothy James
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries and dry goods, Mrs. Viditto, Mrs. Hagy, Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs. Vinson, Mrs. Powers
  • J M Wheeler, grocer, Mrs. Mary Ropping, Mrs. Thos Acre, Mrs. Eph Bailey
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries for Mrs. Walker, Wm McCartney, Wm Theetge
  • Robt Maybin, grocer, Wm Theetge, D Powers, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Eph Bailey, Mrs. Christy, Mrs. Brown
  • Thomas Wright, groc, Wm Vinson, Mrs. Thos Rand, Mrs. Vina Sanders, Mrs. Hagy, Mr. Timothy James, Mrs. Viley Dear
  • J C Green, groceries, Thomas Ackers
  • Geo W Taylor, sundry carriages for funerals of poor
  • John Wildridge, groc, L Winscott, Wm McCartney, Timothy James, Mrs. Eph Bailey, Wm Cheek
  • Fred Opperman, groc, Mrs. Thos Hughes, Mrs. Kate Welsch, Mrs. Mar Kerrigan, Mrs. Billy Dair, Mrs. John Kerrigan
  • Chas Fehling Jr., groc, Mrs. Barns
  • John A Neese, sundry meals for transient paupers
  • Nicholas Scharfenberger, boarding
  • Riverview Cemetery Co., graves for poor
  • Wm T Day, coffins for poor
  • Mrs. Pelgen, groceries, Mrs. Bittner, Mrs. Thos Ackers
  • Albert Bloom, grocer, Wm Cheek, Mrs. Cath Hauck
  • Henry Wood, grocer, Mr. Ross
  • Chas Mattox, agent O & M R R, Transportation of poor
  • Herdegan & Kress, groc, Mrs. V Sickles
  • A Hill & Son, transportation of paupers
  • Levy, Baker & Co., blank trustees orders for poor

Poor—Washington Township.

  • A M Campbell, expenses for caring for and taking sick man to county asylum

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • H D Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis for 9 months
  • John C Miller, transporting as insane man to county asylum

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • Wm Shroyer, coffin and burial expenses for child of Wm Smith
  • Wm Meade, boarding transient paupers

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Frank Busald, groc, Mrs. Strasinger
  • J P Van Wedding, conveying
  • Mrs. Strasinger to county asylum

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries for Annie and Elizabeth Evans

Printing and Advertising

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • L W Cobb

Books and Stationery.

  • Wm B Burford
  • Sentinel Co.
  • O H Hasselman
  • John Calvert
  • Levy, Baker & Co.

Specific Allowance.

  • T & A Pickering, tapeline
  • Henry Hitzfeldt, drawing tools
  • George L Gatch, sundries
  • F A York & Co., expense of commissioner’s court
  • D H Miller, sundry hauling for county
  • Julius Severin, postage and expressage

Officers’ Salary.

  • Jas D Gatch, Treasurer
  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • Chas Fisk, Commissioner
  • John Feist, Commissioner
  • H B Hill, County Sup’t

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Sep 1884

Proceedings of the September 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Sep 1884 – Page 3, Column 2


Liquor licenses granted to the following: William Teke, Dillsboro; Ben Sprang, Lawrenceburg; E. Braunagle, C. S. Notmeyer, and Andy Friberger, Aurora.

The contract for furnishing hard coal for the public buildings was given to Gideon Renner. Beckenholdt & Co., were the successful bidders for supplying soft coal.

James Ruble, a late private of Company C., of the 16th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, presents a claim that the Bounty voted to Volunteers was never received by him.

Joseph Deffner, W. C. Buffington and Charles Campbell appointed reviewers to view a proposed highway in Logan Township, and report at the December session.

Charles Rachenbauch, John A. Cole and D. F. Williams, viewers appointed to view a proposed highway in Harrison and Logan Townships, and make their report, and report that said proposed highway will be of public utility. There being no remonstrance against said road, by order of the Board said road was granted.

John P. Walker, William Wethered and William Teke, viewers, report that the highway examined by them in Manchester township is not of public utility, and the Board declare said road vacated and condemned.

Henry Fangman, Charles Hornbach and George Steinmetz appointed viewers to view highway in York and Miller townships, and report at December session.

Thomas Nead, Harvey McClure and L. D. Leming appointed viewers of proposed highway in Harrison township.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Jun 1884

Allowances of the June 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Jul 1884 – Page 4, Column 3

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their June session, 1884, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.



  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Levi Miller, Geo Wolber, Mrs. Sherrod, Refugee
  • Wm Schneider, shoes for Farwell, Perry Carter, Mary Rounds, Mrs. Morris
  • A G Tebbs, groceries for John Best, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Colvin, Austin Truelock
  • Jacob Anderson, groceries, Mrs. Kaiffer, Mrs. West
  • C Israel, groceries for Mrs. Carter, J D Pulliam, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Grasty, Mrs. Goodwin, Perry Carter
  • I M Dunn, groceries for Mrs. Roberts
  • John Feist, caring for Wm Miller
  • Fitch & Shaw, groceries for J D Pulliam, Hester Miles, Jacob Cady
  • L Adler, dry goods, Amanda Buchanan; 1 pair pants for J Lewis; dry goods for Mrs. Minor
  • J M Palmer, meals and lodging for 18 destitute persons
  • G Renner, coal for Mrs. Walz, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Sauer, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Bunel, Mrs. John Florsch, Mrs. Kauffman, Mrs. Schulz
  • A Schneider, shoes for C Miller, Mrs. Ruby, Jeffers, Herron, Tilford
  • W J Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Bruce, John Colvin
  • K of L Co-op, Union, groceries for John Poking, Mrs. Grasty, Jacob Cady, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Lewis
  • Wm Seekatz, shoes for Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. H Coleman, Mrs. Harper, Perry Carter
  • Early & Daniel, coal for Mrs. West, Mrs. Tont, poor of Lawbgh tp
  • Jacob Shepard, groceries for B Arnold, H Young
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for J Bremer, Mrs. Kauffman, J Bremer, C Ulrich, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. West


  • R Maybin, groceries for Wm Brown, Mrs. E Bailey, Wm Theege, Mrs. D Marsh, Mrs. Thos Tracy, Mrs. Maban
  • Chas Felding, groceries for Mrs. Berns
  • O & M R R, transportation of paupers
  • Thos Wright, provisions, Mrs. M Acre
  • J Wildridge, provisions for John Chriss
  • McConnell & McAvoy, goods, A Criswell
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., provisions for Wm Teegee, Mrs. T Tracy
  • J C Green, provisions for Thos Acres
  • Henry Wood, groceries for Mrs. Par
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., supplies for Mrs. Videtto, Mrs. Haggy
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal for Mrs. Dier
  • F Opperman, goods for Thos Hugs, Kate Welch, Mrs. Walker, D Dyer
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries, T H Sanders, Mrs. Pickens, Mrs. R Campbell
  • J M Wheeler, groceries for Mrs. Dier, Thos Aker, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Hopping
  • O T Canfield, shoes for Mrs. Black
  • S Siemantel, groceries for W McCordery
  • Robert Maybin, groceries for Wm Theege, Mrs. Hagey, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Campbell, Jane Farrow, Wm A Criswell, Mrs. J Alexander, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. C Walker
  • Albert Bloom, groceries for Mrs. Farrows
  • C Fehling, groceries for Mrs. Schroder, Mrs. Owens


  • Wm J Smith, cash paid for G and T Medd
  • Robt Hargitt, goods for Mrs. Huff


  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Mrs. Leasure, Mrs. Walker
  • D C Misner, coffin for Mrs. E Minkes


  • T W Cottingham, trustee, supplies for John Stitt, Mary Peters, Overseeing poor


  • P Weis, flour for Mrs. Geffler


  • Benedict Singer, trustee, burial of child of Rudolph Faber


  • W F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Sayborn


  • F Homan, supplies for James Breadly, John Barders, Mrs. Eliza Eliiott
  • F Slater & Son, supplies for Mrs. and Miss McMahon


  • H B Hill, for 62 days services as Supt, postage and stationery


  • John C Sims, Sheriff, boarding and discharge of prisoners


  • J C Sims, posting election notices, serving inspectors of elections


  • Everett & Gregory, printing postponement of tax sale
  • Hunter & O’Brien, public printing


  • Warren Tebbs, sundry services, postage
  • J D Gatch, making statistical report
  • Julius Severin, expressage and postage, preparing list of allowances
  • F A York, livery for commissioners
  • Julius Severin, set drowing instruments
  • J D Gatch, postage, stationery


  • Martin Kieffer
  • Wilstach, Baldwin & Co.
  • Sentinel Co.
  • Wm B Burford
  • Levy, Baker & Co.
  • Glage, Weigman, Schleicht & Co.
  • Cincinnati Legal Blank Co.
  • C A Bradley


  • J C Small, Receiver, for lumber
  • Peter Heifer, for labor
  • Anna Laughlin, labor
  • Louis Drake, labor
  • Cassie Manlief, Labor
  • H P Spaeth, for stove pipe
  • H Risinger, for pair spectacles
  • O P Cobb & Co., for nails
  • C Oelker, for coffins
  • Charlotte Duncan, service as matron
  • Wm Pummell, blacksmithing
  • Charles Fletcher, hogs furnished
  • Thomas Duncan, services as Supt
  • H Hall, hogs furnished
  • Rufus Rice, hogs furnished
  • Benj Mortin, for potatoes
  • L & N Turnpike Co., toll
  • Thos Duncan, for sundries
  • Early & Daniels, sundries
  • S N Claspill, making and rep harness
  • W F Crocker, for groceries
  • Alex Ruble, for labor


  • A T Gridley, surveying
  • J C Sims, serving precept on trustee of Hogan tp
  • Jemima Barber, land taken for roads
  • J C Sims, serving road viewers
  • Anthony Blattner, viewing roads
  • John Probst, viewing roads
  • Otho W Grubbs, viewing roads


  • W H Dunn, Hogan township
  • C Buchanan, Cesar Creek tp
  • O F Cloud, Harrison tp
  • E A Clong, Harrison tp
  • Isadore Brichler, York tp
  • Frank Connolly, Logan tp
  • John Berauer, Jackson tp
  • F A Berauer, Jackson tp
  • Joseph Wilhelm, Kelso tp
  • D H Beatty, Centre tp
  • W R McConnell, Centre tp
  • John McConnell, Centre tp
  • John P Leininger, Manchester tp
  • L P Chance, Sparta tp
  • S F Blasdel, Miller tp
  • Geo F Randall, Washington tp
  • Thomas Watts, Lawrenceburgh tp
  • Chas W Elder, Lawrenceburgh tp
  • Benj Wethered, Member Board Equal’n
  • Ephraim Butterfield, Member Board Equal’n
  • Wm Lazenby, Member Board Equal’n
  • Joseph Buchert, Member Board Equal’n
  • J C Sims, serving, Member Board Equal’n
  • C W Elder, witness before Board Equal’n
  • Thomas Watts, witness before Board Equal’n


  • L E Rees, furnishing stone
  • R W Rees, hauling stone
  • Cobb’s Iron & Nail Co., for nails


  • W J Fitch, groceries furnished
  • J C Sims, money paid on acc’t jail
  • H G Kidd, repairing jail
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., lava burners furnished
  • City Sub, Tel. Co. use of telephone 3 mos
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for jail
  • A H Andrews, for slating Co. Supt room, for desks
  • August Willer, repairing locks
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for gail
  • W F Cook, hardware furnished
  • A D Cook, rep pumps and sundry work
  • Sparks Bros, for groceries


  • Henry Stenger, repairing bridge
  • Geo Shoebridge, for lumber


  • Van Shanks, protecting bridge


  • R C Bond, post mortem


  • J C Sims, serv Petit Jury, Commissioners; John Feist, Com


  • J D Gatch, Treasurer
  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • John Feist, Commissioner
  • T T Annis, Commissioner

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1884

Proceedings of the May 1884 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 8 May 1884 – Page 3, Column 3

The following new cases have been commenced:

Oliver P. Cobb vs. William Block. Demand $3,000.

National Bank of Rising Sun vs. Harrison Small et als. Demand $500.

W. H. Dowdell vs. John Haas et als. Foreclosure.

State ex rel Henry Hammerle, Trustee York township, vs. Michael Reidinger and others. On bond.

John C. McCullough, administrator of the estate of Martin Hoog, made report of the sale of real estate to Joseph Bechtel for the sum of $1,890.

Final reports made in the following trusts:

Estate of Lucy Guion

Estate of Amos M. Wright

Guardianship of heirs of George L. Buhrlage

Guardianship of heirs of George Kueher

McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. vs. Peter Urton. Judgment against defendant for $160.

Warren N. Hauck was admitted to the bar on motion of W. H. Bainbridge.

George C. Columbia vs. Rebecca Beatty et als. Judgment against defendants for $441.

George W. Baker vs. Thos. M. Hood. Judgment against defendant for $305.

State vs. Henry Schroeder. The defendant is charged with manslaughter by killing “Bubby” Day. In default of bail he was sent to jail to await trial.

State vs. Wm. McLaughlin. The defendant was indicted by the last grand jury for grand larceny. The larceny consisted in stealing a horse from George Lowe of Hardentown. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and fixed the punishment at four years in the penitentiary. McLaughlin is only 19 years old.

State vs. Wm. Dodd and David Diggs. The defendants were charged with stealing a rubber overcoat of Dr. Liddell. The jury found Dodd guilty, and fixed his punishment at one year in the State prison. Diggs was acquitted of the charge of larceny.

Patrick J. McCormick is appointed guardian of Mary Kuhn, who is declared to be a person of unsound mind, and incapable of managing her estate with reason and discretion.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Mar 1884

Allowances of the March 1884 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Apr 1884 – Page 1, Column 6

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their March session, 1884, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.


  • Jacob Sefton, regular allowance


  • Thomas Duncan, salary
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary
  • Thomas Duncan, sundries
  • S N Claspill, repairing harness
  • Law’bgh and Napoleon Turnpike Co. for toll
  • Alex Ruble, repairing shoes
  • Gettle & Pummel, blacksmithing
  • C Oelker, for one coffin
  • Geo Givan, for pork
  • Casey Manlief, for work
  • Geo Ruble, for work
  • Annie Laughlin, for work
  • Wm Pummel, blacksmithing
  • W F Crocker, groceries for County Asylum
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for County Asylum
  • R E Slater, bed comforts
  • Robert Mabin, dry goods
  • J C Small, receiver, lumber


  • Thomas Emmerson


  • Henry Bulthaup, superintending construction


  • William Damon, cleaning Court House
  • Carrie Rick, cleaning Court House
  • Belle Rich
  • Henry Truitt, for securing part of fence
  • Sparks Bros, groceries for Court House and Jail
  • C W Elder, for assisting janitor at Court House
  • William Damon, cleaning Court H
  • J B Schoeder, hinges for C H door
  • Wash Howard, work at jail
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for Court House
  • W J Fitch, groceries for C H & Jail
  • H Alfred and F Goble, cleaning C H
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for C H and Jail
  • S. Strasburger, dry goods for C H


  • John S Dorman, for dry goods
  • C Israel, groceries for Morris Carter, Mrs. Herron, Morris Carter, Mrs. Herron, Perry Carter, J D Pulliam, Mrs. Farell, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Grasty, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Ruby, Clara Osborn, Mrs. Eads, poor
  • F R Dorman, dry goods for Alice Farrell, Mrs. Cady, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Colvin
  • N Lotton, groceries for poor
  • W J Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Marshall
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for Mrs. Brower, Barbara Arnold, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Diggs, B T W S Anderson, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Farrell, Wm Ulrich
  • H R Helmuth, groceries for Mrs. Williamson, R Moore, Mrs. K Knorr
  • S Strasburger, dry goods for Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Miller
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Williams, Henry Morris, Mrs. Diggs
  • Fitch & Shaw, groceries for Mrs. Miles
  • J F Hammerle, groceries for Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Grasty, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Herron
  • Samuel Dickinson, sundries for poor
  • J C Gray, flour for J Polking; groceries for H Sterling, J Polking
  • N Lotton, groceries for H Young, A Trulock
  • H Oertling, groceries for Mrs. Eads, Mrs. H M Weigand
  • G Renner, coal for Mrs. Junker, H Young, J Polking, Mrs. Cady, Mrs. Mabin, Mrs. Souer, Mrs. Casebaum, J Calvin, Nancy Smith, Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Bruce, Knorr, Osborn, Carter, Junker, Cady, J Best, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Sterling, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Davis, R Moore, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Kimmel, A Furtisch, Mrs. Dorn, Fred Schlaut, Nancy Jones
  • J H McLean, groceries for Mrs. Knorr, J D Pulliam, Mrs. Coleman, John Polking, Catharine Davis, Mrs. Osborn
  • John Berkhouse, groceries for B. Rickets, Mrs. Rickets, Grenate, Christ Hoover, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Justice, Mrs. Blenket, M Shafer, H Newton, Wm Osborn, Mrs. Grenate


  • Wm Day, for burial of Mrs. Hammond
  • Mary Pelgen, groceries for Mrs. Winscott
  • F N York, transporting paupers
  • Robert Mabin, groceries for Mrs. Criswell, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Hickey, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Blond, Mrs. Criswell, Mrs. J Barns, Mrs. D Bush, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Powers
  • Ph. Kastner, groceries for Mrs. Barenz, Ben Farrell, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Christy
  • Simon Siemantle, groceries for Wm Brown, Mrs. Mauer
  • Henry Wood, coal for Mora, Melson, Mrs. McKane, Mrs. Scribner, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Akers, for hauling, John Ross, Mrs. Bitner, Mrs. Viditoe, Mrs. Dair, Mrs. Campbel, Mrs. Weiscoff, Mrs. Criswell, Mrs. Akers, John Kriss, Mrs. Mabey, Hudson, Fred Cook, Brown, David Marsh, Akers, S. Viditoes, Mrs. Ross, Campbell, Moran; groceries for Grasty; coal for Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Dair, Mrs. Hughs, Mrs. Criswell, Mrs. Wilson
  • John A Nees, lodging and boarding John Veit, John Geitner, Joseph Bossart, Mrs. Wooley, John Bricks, M Bower, Farrel & wife, John Eckert, J. Stockston, pauper, Geo Hoose, Chas Brown, Wm Wallace, John Walsh, Frank Sweet, W S Sherer, H Williams and wife, Wm Black, Wm Daily, A Hunt, Mr. Chance, Geo Harry, Thos Kimsay, Chas Allen, Wm Fisher, Diggs & family; groceries for Mrs. Bitner, Mrs. B Farrel, Mrs. Jonsan, Mrs. Hess, S Buffington, N Sharlenb’gr, H Jonsan; taking pauper to Co. Asylum; lodging and boarding C Weatherhead, Oscar Sny, N Klemm, Nathan Jones, J Baeringer, Math Harnet, Jack’n Bryat
  • T Wright, groceries for D Marsh, M Antis, D Bush, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Hess
  • McCreary & Niebaum, dry goods for pauper
  • Fred Mauntel, burial of H Bitner
  • Dr. Rectanus, sundries for poor
  • M Teanney, goods for pauper
  • A E Sargent, coal for John Mathews, Mrs. Acry, M Kerrigan, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Hughs, John Kerrigan, Mrs. Hagy
  • Mary Pelgen, coal for Thos Acre
  • C Goldsmith & Bro., clothing for J. Dorns, R Acres, Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Powers, McCain, Hammond, J Van, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Marsh, Mrs. Campbell, Oscar Baker, Mrs. Owens, J. Crist, D Diggs, Mrs. Hess, C Doarley, Vahig, Wooley
  • Chas Fehling, groceries and fuel for Jane Howard, Mrs. Farrell, H. Johnson
  • Abert Bloom, groceries for J. Scribner; cash for Mrs. Griffin
  • George Taylor, burying pauper
  • Simon Siemantel, groceries for S. Tanner


  • W F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Layborn


  • Bowlby Bros., groceries for John Handy, Wm Smith, L Hayes
  • Benedict Singer, sundries for poor


  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Martha Warner, Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Akers, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Leasure
  • Oliver S Mulford, conveying paupers to Asylum
  • Ham Conaway, conveying paupers to Asylum, sundries for poor


  • Fred Slater, groceries for Mary McMaben
  • F Homan, groceries for John Parden, P Breadly
  • John C Miller, overseer poor


  • H B Hill, services as County Superintendent


  • Julius Severin, stamps, expressage
  • D H Miller, livery for county


  • J D Gatch, services as Treasurer
  • Julius Severin, services as Auditor
  • John Feist, services as Commissioner


  • B F Trester, repairing bridge


  • Charles Schindler, for protecting bridge during flood


  • James Billingsly and others, work on bridge
  • John Truelock, work on bridge
  • B F Trester, work on bridge


  • George Crocker, for land taken for road
  • Geo W Johnson, services as road viewer
  • Harrison Abbott, services as road viewer
  • W H Kyle, services as road viewer
  • Wm A Cottingham, services as road viewer
  • M T Johnson, services as road viewer
  • G H McClure, services as road viewer


  • Hunter & O’Brien, public printing


  • J N Calver, Blank Affidavits
  • Indianapolis Journal Co., books and stationery
  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co., books and stationery
  • Wm Buford, books and stationery