Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1885

Proceedings of the November 1885 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 26 Nov 1885 – Page 2, Column 2


State vs. Henry H. Chance, assault and battery.

State vs. Frank Skelton, carrying concealed weapons.

State vs. Enos K. Jones, grand larceny.

State vs. Ernst Noeble, embezzlement.

State vs. George Rust, assault and battery.

State vs. Joseph Daniels, petit larceny.

State vs. Joseph Hayes Jr., concealed weapons.

State vs. Pat McLeaster, assault and battery.

State vs. Black Clarkston et al, murder.

State vs. Ben Wells et al, exhibiting gaming devices.

State vs. Smith, killing birds.

State vs. William Kendall et al, seduction.

State vs. Emmet Kest, seduction.

State vs. Mary Bierman, keeping house of ill fame.

State vs. Annie Steinmets, selling without license.

State vs. Philip Early, selling without license.

State vs. John Trennepohl, selling without license.

State vs. David Agnew, desertion of wife.

Nol pros entered in all of above.

Josiah C. Wymond vs. Mary A. Walston et al, foreclosure. Dismissed a defendant’s costs.

Julius Hoffman vs. estate of John Jeffries, claim $7.65. Allowed.

Mueller & Gogreve vs. estate of John Jeffries, claim $10.40. Allowed.

State ex rel Ida Vinson vs. George Holland, bastardy. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

William Scholey vs. Anderson & McHenry, damages. Change of venue to Ripley County.

State vs. Frank Kaster, appeal. Dismissed.

Franklin Nevitt vs. Alma F. Nevitt et al, partition. Commissioner discharged.

Luther Perkins vs. P. Louis Matheus et al, on note. Judgment vs. Andrew Krasser for $400.47

Henry H. Meyer vs. P. Louis Matheus et al, on note. Judgment vs. defendant Matheus for $283.37.

State ex rel Julius Severin, Auditor, &c., vs. Logan J. Collins et al, foreclosure, judgment for plaintiff for $974.40, for defendant Robertson for $265.00.


Louis E. Beinkamp vs. Margaret Giegoldt.

Aaron Huffman vs. Joseph C. Small et al.

Joseph Boehmer vs. John C. Small et al.

Joseph Boehmer vs. John Schobin et al.

Lewis W. Cobb vs. Erastus S. Downey.


We investigated the killing of Charles Cadle by Joseph Chance, and do not feel justified under the evidence adduced before us, to report a bill in the matter. We investigated the alleged killing of Samuel Moyer and find from the evidence presented to us that said Moyer was probably murdered, but that the killing took place on the Kentucky side of the river, and therefore beyond our jurisdiction.


Lewis G. Hurlbert vs. estate of Fred Reichert, claim $37.95. Allowed.

Excelsior Iron & Copper Co. vs. estate of Fred Reichert, claim $12.80. Allowed.

Andrew J. Bowers vs. estate of Sarah D. Frankin, claim $180.00. Allowed.

Maria Talley vs. estate of Sarah D. Franklin, claim $32.85. Allowed.


Guardian of Irene Wood, Joseph W. Bedunnah, Guardian.

Estate of John L. Snyder, John Snyder, Administrator.

Guardian of Martha A. Cloud, John F. Tebbs, Guardian.

Estate of Alexander Guard, Frank J. Lang, Administrator.

Harry C. Smith a minor adopted by John G. Smith.

Will of Michael Hofbower probated.

Estate of David Rickard, George Proctor, Administrator. Final report and discharge of Administrator.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Sep 1885

Allowances made at the September 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 15 Oct 1885 – Page 4, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Sept. session, 1885, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Lawrenceburg township, expense of Poor.

  • Sparks Bros., groceries furnished Mrs. Williams, Calvin Craig, Mrs. Howard, E Stevens, Mrs. Murrier
  • A G Tebbs, groceries furnished A G Taylor, Mrs. Keane, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Arnold
  • Schleicher Bros., groceries furnished Mrs. Keane, Mrs. Harding, James White, Mrs. Grasty, Thomas Wallace, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Knorr
  • C Israel, groceries furnished Mrs. Akes, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Farwell, J D Pulliam, Mrs. S A Martin, Mrs. Williamson, Andy Williamson, Mrs. Carter
  • W J Fitch, groceries furnished Mrs. Bruce
  • Archie Shaw, groceries furnished Alex Holland, Henry Standriff, Lewis McAlley
  • Jos. McGranaham, groceries furnished Hannah Goodwin, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Yeany, Ben Goodwin, Mrs. Harvy
  • J F Hammerle, groceries furnished Mrs. Stack, Mrs. E Stevens, Mrs. Schultz, Lee James
  • Herman Oertling, groceries furnished John Obringer, Mrs. Eisenshank, John Eisenshank
  • McConnell & McAvoy, clothing furnished Ben Murray
  • John Deuschle, clothing furnished Austin Truelock
  • John Berghaus, groceries furnished Alice Farwell, Mrs. Sours, Sam Williamson, D Marsh
  • Early & Daniels, coal furnished Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Sours
  • Louis Lotton, meals furnished transient poor

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries to Wm Nobel, Mrs. Hagey, Hannah Burns, Mary Vogel, Sarah Graden, Mrs. Vinson, Pardy Beach, Jane Alexander, Emma Clark, Lotty Duval
  • A C Murdock, groceries furnished Sarah Smith, Mrs. Farral
  • Shockley, Peters & Co., to Emma Clark, coffin
  • Phillip Kastner, groceries furnished Emma Clark, Mrs. Vinson
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries furnished Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Hagey
  • F Opperman, groceries furnished Mrs. John Kerrigan, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, John Lothridge, H A Johnson
  • Wm E Lambkin, groceries furnished Mrs. Charles Lambkin
  • Chas Fehling Jr., provisions furnished Samuel Lewis, Mary Burns, Jennie Thompson, Emma Clark, Thomas Acre
  • Robert Maybin, groceries furnished Richard Campbell, Nancy Bailey, Martin Wade
  • McConnell & McAvoy, goods furnished Susan Wooley, Jos. Peters, Wm. Smith
  • Johnston & Co., groceries furnished Cath Walker, Eliza Warner, Caroline Barkdoll
  • John Wildridge, goods furnished Mrs. Barkdoll, Henry Ahrens, Alex Criswell, Elizabeth Warner, Della Ross
  • W T Day to Henry Smith, coffin
  • Geo W Mitchell, Trustee, cash paid for sundry transportation of paupers and other matters
  • Philip Erie, groceries furnished Mrs. Wersche, Mrs. Ross
  • Geo W Mitchell, Trustee, cash paid for expressage of corpse of Ballweber
  • Henry Wood, groceries furnished John Ross, Wm Peters, Wm Vinson, Russell Parker,
  • Geigoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries furnished Emma Wood, Wm Theetge
  • Thomas Wright, groceries furnished Wm Stevens, Nancy Bailey, Alex Criswell, Mrs. George Gray, Jennie Farrar, Deb Powers, Jennie Snader

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries furnished Betzy Spangler, Thomas Acra, Ann Evans
  • J C VanDolah, groceries to Jane Peasley
  • D C Misner, groceries to Geo Bradley

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • F Slater & Son, groceries furnished to Mary Ellen McMahan
  • H D Moore, groceries furnished to Isaac Davis
  • Fred Homan, groceries furnished to John Borders

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • Ed Bowlby, groceries furnished Mrs. Congo, Wm. Smith
  • Liddle & Ingraham, groceries furnished to Marcus Hathaway
  • Mrs. Wm Meade, groceries furnished to L D Lambert
  • Benj Singer, cash items for transportation of transient poor

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Ph Weiss, groceries furnished Jane Leffer
  • J P VanWedding, overseer of poor

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Susan Werst, groceries furnished to Michael Matz

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Wm F Crocker, groceries furnished to Mrs. Wm Laburn

Public Buildings.

  • Sparks Bros., matches, soap, candles, &c.
  • A G Tebbs, mops and brooms
  • Schleicher Bros., oil
  • Henry Hitzfeld, making hat racks
  • John M Palmer, repairing jail locks
  • H G Kidd, repairs at jail and court house
  • Early & Daniels, supply of coal
  • Edward Gleason, whitewashing jail
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for court house

County Asylum.

  • W F Cook, iron roof, spouting and guttering on new barn
  • Prestley Jolley, labor on new barn
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries
  • O P Cobb & Co., carpenter tools
  • W J McHenry, lumber
  • Thos Duncan, cash expenditures
  • Jno Sims, labor harvesting and threshing
  • Lewis Drake, 3 mo. labor as farm hand
  • Kate Wilson, 3 mo. wages as servant
  • Sarah Collier, 3 mo. wages as servant
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as matron 3 mo.
  • Thos. Duncan, salary as Supt. 3 months, patent grain grader
  • F F Taylor, tobacco
  • Robert McMullen, threshing oats and wheat
  • Charles Martin, labor threshing
  • Charles Talley, labor as farmhand
  • Albert Holcombe, labor as farmhand
  • Robert Mason, locust posts
  • P Weiss, flour for asylum
  • Eph Butterfield, sheep
  • Robt Maybin, sundry groceries
  • Goldsmith & Bros., clothing for inmates
  • O P Cobb & Co., sundry hardware
  • W H Baker & Son, flour
  • John W Roberts, harness and saddlery
  • Lawrenceburgh & Napoleon Pike, toll
  • H Held, sundries
  • W F Crocker, groceries
  • Wm Pummill, blacksmithing
  • Alex Ruble, making fence
  • Chas Weitzel, cow and calf
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., sundries

Roads and Highways.

  • John Relley and others for work on washout in Logan township
  • Sophia Miller, on account of road
  • D H Clark, J. P., swearing road viewers
  • M Bogenshot, repairing culvert
  • A Briggs, material for washout
  • W H Kyle, for services a road viewer
  • O P Pyles, road viewer
  • Adam Ester, road viewer
  • H Bulthupt, road viewer
  • Christ Nolte, road viewer
  • Ben Wethered, road viewer
  • John Heustis, road viewer
  • Wm Buffington, road viewer
  • C H Busse, road viewer
  • J D Curtis, road viewer
  • Dan Guard, Sheriff, for subpoenaing road viewers
  • O S Mulford, for qualifying road viewers
  • Sarah English, for land taken for road
  • Sarah J Keeler, for land taken for road

Aurora Bridge.

  • John F Truelock, labor repairing bridge
  • Wal Rider, repairing bridge
  • Levy E Cornwell, repairing bridge
  • John Anderson, repairing bridge
  • John Stagenwaldt, repairing bridge
  • Sutton Mill Co., lumber furnished
  • George W Taylor, lumber
  • F Thomas & Co., sundry iron work
  • Nathan Stedman, iron work
  • Thomas Holmes, hauling lumber
  • W J McHenry, lumber
  • O P Cobb & Co., nails and sundries
  • B F Trester Jr., lumber
  • Charles Fisk, stone
  • Charles Williamson, lumber
  • A Hill & Son, lumber
  • F A York & Co., use of jack screws

Hogan Bridge.

  • John F Truelock, labor repairing bridge
  • Wm Larrison, repairing bridge
  • O P Cobb & Co., nails
  • Sutton Mill Co., lumber for floor
  • Geo W Mitchell, gravel for approaches

Laughery Bridge.

  • Wm Theetge, labor repairing bridge
  • Andrew Theetge, repairing bridge
  • Sutton Mill Co., lumber
  • O P Cobb & Co., nails
  • G L Siemantel, repairing approaches

Books and Stationery.

  • B Wilson Smith & Co., trustees books
  • M Kieffer, binding assessment blanks
  • Baker & Thornton, books and paper
  • Sentinel Co., sundries

Printing and Advertising.

  • Everett & Gregory, notice to taxpayers
  • Hunter & O’Brien, sundry printing of list of allowances, report blanks &c.
  • J E Larimer, press for 3 years

Expense of Criminals.

  • Dan Guard, Sheriff, boarding prisoners
  • B J Grant, transporting prisoner
  • Wm Smith, transporting prisoner

Specific Allowance.

  • Warren Tebbs, expressage and sundries
  • Julius Severin, stamps, expressage, &c.
  • Geo L Gatch, statistical report

Expense of Elections.

  • Warren Tebbs, sundries

Board of Health.

  • Warren Tebbs, statement of marriages

Expense of Assessing Revenue.

  • Dan Guard, Sheriff, subpoenaing Board of Equalization

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • Dan Guard, Sheriff, calling commissioners

Court Expense.

  • Dan Guard, Sheriff, serving petit jury

Court Superintendent.

  • H B Hill, salary

Officers’ Salary.

  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • John Feist, Commissioner
  • Chas Fisk, Commissioner

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Oct 1885

Proceedings of the October 1885 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 8 Oct 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


John B. Garnier vs. Margaret Rissel, attachment. Decree and judgment vs. defendant for $36.76 and costs.

State vs. Frank Christman, appeal. Appeal dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Emma Brossard vs. John Brossard, divorce. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Harriett Darling vs. Thomas Darling et al, partition. Sale of real estate reported.

Eliza King vs. Theodore King, divorce. Decree of divorce granted.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Louisa S. Lillie et als, foreclosure. Decree and judgment in favor of Thomas Johnston for $913.65 and in favor of Robert Runnels for $352.65.

State vs. Michael Vahey, petit larceny. Trial by jury, sentenced to one year imprisonment in State prison and disfranchised for two years.

State vs. George Horton, rape. Trial by jury, sentenced to State prison for five years.

State vs. Frank Nelson, rape. Jury trial, sentenced to State prison for 21 years.

Mrs. Rebecca J. Nelson was allowed $7.00 expenses to and from Portsmouth, Ohio, as a witness in the case of the State vs. Frank Nelson.

William H. Kyle vs. Jonathan B. Bruce et al, on note. Default and judgment vs. defendants for $71.20.

Francis Adkinson vs. estate of Enoch Hayes, claim. Dismissed by plaintiff.

William Sawdon vs. Richard T. Winkley, judgment vs. defendant by agreement for $582.30.

Indiana Loan and Building Association vs. Sarah J. Stedman, foreclosure. Decree and judgment by default for $126.25.

Aurora National Bank vs. P. Louis Mathews et al, foreclosure. Default and judgment vs. defendants for $4085.22.

Luther Perkins vs. P. Louis Matheus et al, on note. Default and judgment vs. defendants for $575.91.

German National Bank vs. P. Louis Matheus et al, on note. Default and judgment vs. defendants for $1,578.90.

Henry H. Meyer vs. P. Louis Matheus et al, on note. Judgment vs. defendants by default for $403.44.

Kate Seekatz vs. William Seekatz. Divorce. Divorce granted; alimony $100; custody of child given to defendant.

Jacob Miller vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co. Damages. Dismissed at costs of defendants.

Sophronia J. Anderson vs. Lucius L. Anderson. Divorce. Plaintiff granted a divorce and custody of children.

Frank Schroeder vs. John Miller. Appeal. Trial by Court, and finding for defendant.

Ferris Nowlin vs. Estate of Mathias Voshel. Claim. Trial by Court, and claim allowed for $481.

Charles Uttman et al vs. George F. Randall. Judgment on verdict of jury for defendant.

State ex rel Ullrich, Adm’r, vs. Patrick Dobel et al. On bond. Judgment against defendants for costs.


Mary M. Ewan vs. Napoleon B. Ewan et al. Attachment.

Jacob Donnewarth vs. Caroline Donnewarth. Divorce.

Lillian J. Lamar vs. J. Howard Lamar. Divorce.

Joseph S. Wayne Jr. vs. Edwin B. Dobell Sr. On note.

John M. Roesch vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co. Damages.

Robert E. Chaffin et als vs. Vinnie M. Lows et al. Partition.

George S. Crawford vs. George F. Randall.


Guardian Carolien E. Ewan et al.—Mary M. Ewan, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Henry Telker, dec’d—Philip Alig, Guardian.

Estate of Henry Talker, dec’d. Henry Telker Jr., Administrator.

Guardian heirs of Eleazer Small.—James Powell, Guardian.

Estate of Myron H. Harding. E. D. Moore, Administrator.

Guardian heirs of Mary C. Lyon. Rebecca Robertson, Guardian.


Estate of Peter H. Darling. Will A. Greer, Adm’r.

Estate of James W. Gibson. James Wymond, Adm’r.

Estate of Christopher Seidler. Wm. Seidler, Adm’r.

Guardian of Willie Langfels. Francis Greskamp, Guardian.

Estate of Josephine Watts. Thomas Watts, Administrator.

Claim allowed John S. Dorman & Co. vs. estate of Leah Hayes, $22.33.


Will of Anton Weber.

Will of Martin C. Ewbank.

John W. Griffin declared sane by a jury.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Sep 1885

Proceedings of the September 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 17 Sep 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


Henry Gerkin, the efficient janitor at the Court House, was reappointed for one year.

“Deeming it to the best interests of the county”—is the way the record reads announcing the re-appointment of Thomas Duncan as Superintendent and Charlotte Duncan as Matron of the County Asylum.

Henry Tholke and Fred Piper were appointed as viewers to examine the premises of Henry L. Riepking for damages for land taken for road purposes by reason of a washout by a recent flood and assess damages.

Henry Bulthaupt, Benj. Wethered and George W. Johnston were appointed viewers to view a road to be vacated in Clay Township.

In the matter of a petition to vacate a road in Logan and Harrison Township there was a strong remonstrance. Feist moved to appoint viewers to view the road and report on the utility thereof. Fisk and Feist voted for, and Annis against, the motion. Ephriam Butterfield, Daniel Crozier and John Lininger were appointed viewers.

License to sell liquor granted the following named: Louis Grosholtz, Aurora; John Kuhn, Dillsborough; George, Frieberger, Aurora; James Love, Aurora.

The following gentlemen were appointed appraisers to appraise real estate to secure school fund loans:

  • First District—James McKinney, Meritt Leming and T. W. Kestner.
  • Second District—Geo. Steinmetz, Joseph Buchert and Joseph Deffner.
  • Third District—George B. Wilson, John P. Walker and Ernst Hopmeier.

W. E. Teke and other citizens of Clay Township, present a petition asking for the building of a wagon bridge across Laughery Creek at Winters’ ford, three miles south of Dillsborough, for the reason that the creek is unfordable during a considerable portion of the year.

T. C. Jones presents his resignation as Inspector of Election for Moore’s Hill precinct in Sparta Township and George M. Givan appointed to fill the vacancy.

J. D. Curtis and H. C. Busse, viewers of road in York Township, assess the following damages: Harriett Posey $30, Christian Borgman $25, Rebecca Robinson $30, George Fuchs $40.

W. C. Buffington and John Heustis, viewers of road in Lawrenceburgh, report that Sarah J. Keeler sustained $65 damages by the reason of the appropriation of land for road purposes.

Henry Bulthaupt, Christian Nolte and Benj. Wethered report that road in Clay Township is not of public utility and the road is vacated.

O. P. Pyles and Adam Ester report favorable on the proposed road in Jackson Township and say the road would be of public utility. A remonstrance signed by D. Kramer and other citizens of Jackson Township, against the location of the road, alleging that the damages would amount to $1650.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1885

Proceedings of the September 1885 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 3 Sep 1885 – Page 2, Column 2


The following new cases have been brought for the September Term of Court, which convenes on next Monday:


  • Katharine Roberts vs. Omar F. Roberts et al.
  • City of Aurora vs. Thomas Jones.
  • Frank Schroeder vs. John Miller.
  • William Seidler vs. Harvey B. Hill.


  • John B. Garnier vs. George Beckenholdt.


  • James Lamb et al vs. Elijah Heaton et al.
  • Henry Hitzfield vs. Job Miller.
  • John Turner vs. Thomas Johnston.
  • Francis Adkinson vs. Ed Hayes, Admr.
  • Ferris Nowlin vs. Ferris Nowling, Administrator.


  • Eliza J. Lothridge vs. Levi Lemon.
  • Emma Jacques vs. Jacob Schautz Jr.
  • Alice Falwell vs. James Miller.
  • Mary Flohr vs. Charles Stagawaldt.


  • Anton Ulrich, admr, vs. Patrick Dobel et al.
  • Anna Roehm vs. Jacob Pfalzgraf.


  • Ezra G. Hayes vs. Warren West.
  • Standard Publishing House vs. Thomas M. Clark et al.


  • John A. Wagner vs. C. I. St. L. & C. Railroad Co.
  • Mary Baxendale vs. O. & M. R. W. Co.


  • Emma Brossart vs. John Brossart.
  • Mary V. Perkins vs. Alden S. Perkins.
  • Amanda A. Clark vs. Byron S. Clark.
  • Annie Agnew vs. David Agnew.
  • Kate Seekatz vs. William Seekatz.
  • Sophronia J. Anderson vs. Lucius L. Anderson.
  • Rhoda R. Carter vs. Thomas Carter.


  • Louis E. Beinkamp, admr, vs. Strawder Cheek et al.
  • Josiah C. Wymond vs. Mary A Walston et al.
  • Crescent Building Association vs. Newton Canfield et al.
  • Peter Walter et al vs. August Sunderbruch et al.
  • W. H. Bainbridge et al vs. Silvia Richardson et al.
  • John A. Conwell vs. Andrew P. Daughters.
  • George Rush vs. Geo W. Rush et al.
  • Jos. H. Burkam vs. Louisa Lillie et al.
  • Barbara Krass vs. John A. Krass et al.
  • Charles Messang et al vs. Franz J. Messang et al.
  • Catharine Stevenson vs. Warren Buchanan et al.
  • John Lohmeier vs. John F. Wesloe et al.


  • Mary Tyrrell et als vs. Geo. W. Griffin.


  • Isaac R. Dunaway, admr, vs. Christ Lange et als.


  • Jacob C. Wiles vs. Warren Watts.
  • James Aiken vs. Sylvanus Palmer et al.
  • John A. Conwell vs. Isaac M. Dunn et al.
  • W. H. Kyle vs. Jonathan B. Bruce et als.
  • German National Bank vs. P. Louis Matheus et al.


  • Caroline New et als vs. Maggie Hackman et als.
  • Eva Jones et als vs. Paul E. Hiatt et als.
  • Cynthia Griffin vs. George Griffin et als.
  • Caroline M. Hayes vs. Jos. H. Burkam.
  • Ida M. Kriebs et al vs. Flora Bell et al.


  • Jos. H. Burkam vs. Harry Warnford et al.


  • Moses Weiskopf vs. Wm. P. Hall et als.

Lawrenceburg Register – 17 Sep 1885 – Page 3, Column 3


Hugh D. McMullen et al vs. James D. Gatch, on account. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

State ex rel Alice Falwell vs. James Miller, bastardy. Dismissed at costs of relatrix.

George Rush vs. George W. Rush, foreclosure. Dismissed by plaintiff.

State of Indiana vs. Charles Davison, on bond. Dismissed and stricken from the docket.

William Sawdon vs. Elijah Heaton et al, to set aside conveyance. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

James Aiken vs. Sylvanus Palmer et al, on note. Default and judgement for $517.

John A. Conwell vs. Isaac M. Dunn et al, on note. Judgment by default for $97.60.

Jacob C. Wiles vs. Warren Watts, on note. Default and judgment for $91.83.

Louis E. Beinkamp, administrator, &c., vs. Strawder Cheek et al, foreclosure. Decree of foreclosure and judgment by default for $706.16.

Moses S. Pickelheimer, Thomas R. Hubbard, Louis E. Beinkamp, Adolph H. Merkel and John Walker were by the Court appointed as City Commissioners for the City of Aurora to serve one year.

John Vogel vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. R., damages. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Susan Helfrich vs. John Helfrich, divorce. Dismissed at costs of plaintiff.

State of Indiana ex rel Mary Flohr vs. Charles Stagawald, bastardy. Dismissed at costs of relatrix.

City of Aurora vs. John Newton. Appeal judgment on demurrer in favor of defendant.

John Lohmeier vs. John F. Wesloe et al, foreclosure. Decree of foreclosure and judgment vs. defendants for $693.25 in favor of plaintiff, and for $545.42 in favor of Dominick Roesch, and for $– in favor of Catherine Wesloe.

Oliver Abdon et al vs. Calvin Powell et al, partition. Report of sale by Commissioner.

Henry W. Smith Jr. vs. O. & M. Railway, damages. Change of venue granted to Ohio county.

Mary Baxendale vs. O. & M. Railway, damages. Change of venue granted to Ohio county.

Barbara Krass vs. John A. Krass et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment by default for $1277.60 in favor of plaintiff and $289.50 in favor of Catharine Lang.

William H. Bainbridge et al vs. Silvia Richardson et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment in favor of plaintiff for $40.

Louisa B. Willette vs. William Dair et al. Charles E. Dair appointed and qualified as Trustee in place of Solomon Longnecker, deceased.



Indiana Loan and Building Association vs. Sarah J. Stedman. Foreclosure.


Estate of Henry White, deceased, James. W. Tebbs, administrator.

Guardianship of Mary Kuhn, J. P. McCormick, guardian.

Estate of Leah Hayes, deceased, A. E. Nowlin, administrator.

Estate of Philip Bauer, deceased, Leonard Ulrich, deceased.



Estate of Henry White, deceased, Jas. W. Tebbs, administrator.

Estate of James Johnson, deceased, H. Conaway, Executor.

Estate of Joseph Schnetzer, deceased, John A. Wilson, administrator.

Guardian of Francis W. Davis, Elam H. Davis, guardian.

Guardian of heirs of Amos W. Crozier, Amanda A. Crozier, guardian.

Estate of Laura Morgan, deceased, William Probasco, Executor.

Guardian of Reuben Powell, James Powell, guardian.

Guardian of Carrie J. Goyer, Lucy A. Goyer, guardian.

Estate of Sarah A. Pearson, deceased, W. C. D. Stevenson, Executor.

Estate of Philip Bauer, deceased, Leonard Ulrich, administrator.

Guardian of John G. Backman, Elam H. Davis, guardian.



Will of Johanna Sigwart, deceased.

Will of Alfred James, deceased.



Guardian of Jennie Garrigues, James M. Garrigues, guardian.

Guardian of Henry Jeffries, Warren Tebbs, guardian.

Guardian of Elmer Sparks et al, I. R. Dunaway, guardian.



William B. Miller vs. estate of Rebecca Miller, $17.85.

Biddinger & Brackenridge vs. estate of Mary Bullach, $10.55.

Greendale Cemetery Co. vs. John Jeffries, $2.00.

The real and personal estate of Adam Goodpaster, deceased, was set over to the widow as being worth less than $500.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Jun 1885

Allowances made at the June 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 23 Jul 1885 – Page 4, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their June session, 1885, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Lawrenceburgh township, expense of Poor.

  • W. J. Fitch, groceries to Mrs. Edward Liddell, Mrs. C. Junker, Mrs. Jas. Liddell, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. John Bryant, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Alice Sweny, Mrs. Elizabeth Dorn, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Thomas Marshal.
  • A. G. Tebbs, groceries to Austin Trulock, Rosa Deman, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Charles Ellis, Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Riddell, Billy Winters, Wm. Bennett, Taylor Boswell, John Cobin, Henry Young, Mrs. S. Parsons, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Knorr.
  • John S. Dorman, for Mrs. Akers, Perry Carter
  • G. Renner, coal to Mrs. I. Squires, Smiley Parsons, Mrs. Kreitz, Mrs. Carter, Page Sortwell, Mrs. McHutt, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. S. A. Martin, Mrs. Ellis, P. Fronholtz.
  • A. Shaw, groceries to Mrs. Speckman, Mrs. I. Squires, Charles Cunningham, Mrs. Ballard, Mrs. C. Sherrod, Mrs. B. Herron, B. Lemaster, Mrs. A. Holland.
  • J. F. Hammerle, groceries to Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Hoswog, Wm. Riddle, Mrs. S. Smith, Mrs. Diggs, George Diggs, Mrs. Joe Rissel, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. E. D. Barret, Mrs. Shultz.
  • P. M. Hood, groceries to John M. Polking, Mrs. Jos. Rissel, Mrs. Z. McLeaster.
  • C. Israel, groceries to Mrs. Williamson, J. Sanders, Mrs. Herron, Perry Carter, John Williamson, H. Sterling, Mrs. Carter, P. Price, Jos. Cross, Mrs. Otto Frank, Mrs. Grasty, D. Grasty, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. E. Colvin, Mrs. Lanagan, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. A. Williamson, Mrs. McAnelly, Mrs. Apes, Mrs. S. A. Martin, Mrs. R. Pulliam.
  • John M. Palmer, board and lodging to Harriet Wissell and boy, F. White and Geo. Wilson, H. G. Holland, F. Smith, Emma G. Raymond, Adam Stinton.
  • John Sortwell, Mrs. Perry Carter.
  • Early & Daniel, coal to Mrs. French, Mrs. Bartels, Mrs. Jos. Rissel, Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Ketchem, Mrs. McHutt, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Helwig, Wm. Rezor, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Sours.
  • Joseph McGrannaham, groceries to Mrs. Squires, Perry Carter, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Spekman, Ben Goodwin, Mrs. Jeaney, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Lonsberry.
  • John Isherwood, groceries to Mack Tout, Mrs. Bartels, Mrs. Ruby, George Harper.
  • Greendale Cemetery Association for Celly G. Lay, Abby Fischer, Infant Stevens, Child from Boat House
  • Jacob Shepard, groceries to Mrs. Russel, Mrs. Mack, Page Sortwell, Mrs. B. Marshall, Mrs. Colvin, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. John Best.
  • Sparks Brothers, groceries to Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Andy Lay, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Richards, Rose Durman, Mrs. Bally, Billy Winters, Henry Standriff, Mrs. French, Wm. Riddle.
  • Louis Kohlerman, for E. B. Clark, Mrs. Perry Carter.
  • Herman Oertling for Mrs. Jno. Ohringer
  • McConnell & McAvoy, for Jeff Souers
  • Louis Lotton, boarding and lodging transient poor
  • Charles W. Elder, boarding and lodging transient poor
  • George Beckenholdt & Co., coal to Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Swaney, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Polking, Mrs. Cheek, Mrs. Speckman, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Sowers, Mrs. E. West, Mrs. B. Marshall, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. B. Rickets, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Krowder, Mrs. Riddel, Mrs. Rich, Mrs. O Bringer, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. L. Palmer, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Dorn, Mrs. Furgison, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Schultz.
  • William Stevenson, groceries to John Colvin, Sam Russel, Mrs. Wolford, Alice Powell, Mrs. E. Barrett, Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs. John Godfrey, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Maggie Schwartz, George Laird, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Storner.
  • H. R. Helmuth & Son, groceries to B. Ricketts, Page Sortwell, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Ricketts, David Marsh, Mrs. Helmig, Henry White, Henry Lang, William Bennett.

Poor-Centre Township.

  • Philip Kastner, for John Goodpastur
  • Wm. Lambkin for Mrs. Chas. Lambkin
  • Albert Bloom for Wm. Stoney, Wm. Cheek, Mrs. C. Houck
  • Sutton Mill Co., for Mrs. Riley
  • F. Opperman, for John Kerrigan, Martin Kerrigan, Mary Hughs, H. A. Johnson, A. H. Johnson, Kate Welch
  • Waldridge & Buffington, for Mrs. C. Barkdall, Ernst Mooney, M. Garrison, Strah Draper, Frank Clover
  • A. C. Murdock & Co., for Sarah Smith, Jennie Farrel
  • Thomas Wright, for Jennie Farrell, Elizabeth Warner, John Goodpasture, W. Peters, Wm. McCartney, John Gray, Wm. Stevens, Mrs. L. Hagey, Susan Wooley, Wm. Noble, Thomas Rand, Sarah Clark.
  • Charles Fehling Jr., for Mrs. Mary Burns, Mrs. Jennie Thompson, Thomas J. Acre, Mrs. John Vogle, Robert Kirkpatrick, Margaret Stevens, Frank Kleober, John Striker, John Goodpasture, Henry Miller, Mrs. Wm. Ellerman.
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., for Nancy Bariden, Mrs. Spicy McKain, Wm. Theetge, Robert T. Day, Emma Wood, George Snoded, Mrs. Wm. Vinson, M. Wood, Mrs. Singer, John Bust.
  • F. Mantel, for N. Schaffenberger, Adam Singer
  • Wm. L. Day, for Miss Rider
  • Mrs. Pelgin, for Elizabeth Ulrich
  • Herdigan & Kress, for Mrs. V. Sickles, Russell Parker, Sarah Scofield, Sallie Caffel
  • F. A. York, for John Downton
  • Geo. W. Taylor, conveyance for paupers
  • Phillip Ebel, for Mrs. Wersche
  • McConnell & McAvoy, for L. Wainscott, V. Carlin, J. Peters, Mrs. Wooley
  • R. Maybin, for Wm. Brown, Mrs. Nancy Bailey, Mrs. D. Powers, A. Criswell, Wm. McCartney, Robert T. Day, Elizabeth Warner, Mrs. Richard Campbell, Wm. Kelley, Lee Gosling.
  • A Hill & Son, transportation of paupers
  • Geo. W. Mitchell, transportation of paupers
  • J. C. Green, for W. S. Johnson

Poor—Clay Township.

  • W. Rowland, for George Bradley
  • Jane Sheppard, for Martha Sheppard
  • Fred Ginter, for Betsy Spangle, Mrs. Evans
  • J. C. Vandolah, for Evaline Noble, Mrs. Peasely
  • Fred Ginter, for Thomas Acra
  • W. C. Welbor, for overseeing poor
  • John N. Calvert, for T. M. Scudder

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • Fred Slater & Son, for Ellen and Mary McMahon
  • Fred Homan, for John Borders, Mary Griffin
  • H. D. Moore, for Mrs. Jones
  • John C. Miller, cash expenditures

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Wm. F. Crocker, for Mrs. Layburn
  • Philip Leininger, for Nicholas Gaitman
  • Thomas Emmerson, for Fred Briggs

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • J. P. VanWedding, for James Hawks
  • Edward F. Stohlman, for James Hawks
  • Philip Weis, for Jane Leffler
  • Jacob Schneider, for C. Aman

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Mathias Long, for Frank Fly
  • James C. Lods, for Frank Fly

Poor—Washington Township.

  • F. A. York, for Miss Lothridge

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Susan Weast, for Mrs. Martz

Poor—Miller Township.

  • A. G. Tebbs, for Harvey Buchanan

Poor—York Township.

  • Henry Hammerler, cash expended

County Asylum.

  • Geo. W. Steinmetz, farming implements
  • Samuel Claspill, repairing harness
  • Seth Platt, brick furnished
  • W. F. Crocker, groceries furnished
  • R. Maybin, one bbl. Molasses
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries
  • Charles Mosier, paint furnished
  • Alex Ruble, labor performed
  • Early & Daniel, sundries
  • Philip Weis, flour and meat
  • Wm. Pummill, blacksmithing
  • Grant Greenham, labor performed
  • Louis Drake, labor performed
  • Thomas Duncan, cash expended, quarterly salary as Supt.
  • Charlotte Duncan, qr. salary as matron
  • John Wolfding, potatoes
  • Amor Rumsey, hay
  • Lawrenceburgh & Napoleon Turnpike Co., toll
  • William Givan, hay
  • Phoenix Insurance Co., premium on Ins.
  • M. Bellman, oats
  • Sarah Collier, labor performed
  • Katie Wilson, labor performed
  • Charles Tally, labor performed
  • Cassie Manlief, labor performed
  • William Manlief, labor performed
  • Thomas Vaughn, labor performed
  • Cotton Cross, labor performed
  • Josiah Duncan, cutting wood
  • D. Schantz, potatoes
  • William Manlief, cutting wood
  • B. F. Rumsey, potatoes
  • W. J. McHenry, lumber
  • Bower Hay Tool Co., one hay carrier
  • D. D. Kelley, labor performed
  • Austin Barrows, labor performed
  • William Sims, cutting wood
  • Henry Hagadorn, labor performed
  • Grant Greenham, labor performed
  • W. F. Cook, iron breechen, roofing out buildings
  • Prestley Jolley, building barn and out houses

Public Buildings.

  • D. M. Guard, Sheriff, cleaning jail
  • City Sub. Telegraph Co.
  • Sparks Bros., Groceries
  • John S. Dorman, blankets
  • L. Kupferschmidt, repairing clock
  • Russell Hollister, painting jail
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co.
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling
  • Henry Hitzfield, hinges, repairing court house, repairing jail
  • W. F. Cook, repairing jail
  • Martin Kelffer, repairing jail
  • Early & Daniel, coal furnished jail
  • Geo. Tilford, shoveling coal, court house
  • Albert Gerkin, shoveling coal, court house
  • James McLeaster, shoveling coal, court house

Expense of Assessing Revenue.

  • D. M. Guard, Sheriff, serving notices
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, issuing certificates
  • Thos. Watts, assessing Lawrenceburgh Tp
  • C. W. Elder, assessing Lawrenceburgh Tp.
  • W. F. Radspinner, assessing Centre Tp
  • John F. Trulock, assessing Centre Tp
  • John Ulrich, assessing Centre Tp
  • W. B. McConnell, assessing Centre Tp
  • David B. Beaty, assessing Centre Tp
  • C. Buchanan, assessing Cesar Creek Tp
  • Oliver F. Cloud, assessing Harrison Tp.
  • Edwin A. Clowd, assessing Harrison Tp.
  • Sherwood Blasdel, assessing Miller Tp.
  • Benj. Wethered, assessing Washington Tp.
  • J. P. Leminger, assessing Manchester Tp.
  • Mary Leminger, assessing Manchester Tp.
  • L. P. Chance, assessing Sparta Tp
  • Isadore Brichler, assessing York Tp
  • Joseph Wilhelm, assessing Kelso Tp
  • Michael Bents, assessing Kelso Tp
  • W. H. Dunn, assessing Hogan Tp
  • Van S. B. Crowley, assessing Clay Tp
  • Frank Connolly, assessing Logan Tp
  • John Berauer, assessing Jackson Tp
  • George Glaub, assessing Jackson Tp

Members Board of Equalization.

  • Benj. B. Boardman
  • Peter Vogle
  • William Frazier
  • William Lingg

Specific Allowance.

  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, expressage and postage
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, making abstracts
  • J. D. Gatch, Treasurer, expressage, postage and repairing seal
  • Julius Severin, Auditor, expressage and postage
  • D. H. Miller, livery hire for Coms
  • James Ruble, amount of county bounty paid
  • Charles Fisk, toll and sundries

Court Expense.

  • Daniel M. Guard, Sheriff, serving Com.
  • Daniel M. Guard, serving struck, petit and grand juries

Expense of Criminals.

  • D. M. Guard, Sheriff, boarding prisoners

Books and Stationery.

  • Wilstach, Baldwin & Co.
  • O. H. Hasselman
  • Baker & Thornton
  • Sentinel Company
  • Martin Kieffer
  • R. Walter
  • John N. Calvert

Roads and Highways.

  • D. M. Guard, Sheriff, serv. Road viewers
  • Peter Orchel, road viewer
  • Eph. Butterfield, road viewer
  • Ralph Collier, road viewer

Printing and Advertising.

  • L. W. Cobb
  • J. E. Larimer
  • Hunter & O’Brien

Officers’ Salary.

  • J. D. Gatch, Treasurer
  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • Charles Fisk, Commissioner
  • T. T. Annis, Commissioner
  • John Feist

Coroner’s Inquest.

  • Albert D. Jackson, Coroner, for Albert Schneider, John C Brand, John Downton

County Superintendent.

  • H. B. Hill, Sup’t, quarterly salary

White Water Bridge.

  • John Reiley, cleaning bridge

Jamison Creek Bridge.

  • George Shortridge, lumber furnished.

Ohio County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jul 1885

Proceedings of the July 1885 Term of the Ohio County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Spectator – 2 Jul 1885 – Page 8, Column 2

Ohio County Department.

Circuit Court.

The following cases have been disposed of since the session began:

Ira Hewitt vs. Anna Hewitt, divorce, dismissed.

Henry Stegemiller and Wm. Sholey vs. John McAdams; plaintiffs released from defendant’s bond.

Sarah A. Kittenbrink vs. Madison Graham et al. R. L. Davis appointed guardian ad litem for minor defendants.

State ex rel J. P. Hemphill, Auditor Ohio Co. vs. Sarah E. Walston et al, forclosure; judgment for plaintiff for $271.66.

Margaret A. Wade vs. Estate of Sarah A. Wade, claim of $58.00; allowed.

Samuel Schnell vs. James S. Hemphill, dismissed.

Altschul Bro. & Co. vs. Hall & Mapes; change of venue to Dearborn county.

State ex rel Emma Smith vs. Harrison Small, bastardy; dismissed.

E. C. Kenner vs. C. E. Kenner, divorce; divorce granted the plaintiff with $1,000 alimony and the custody of the children.

Abram Junker and wife vs. Zeph Heustiss, slander case in progress of trial.

Aurora Spectator – 9 Jul 1885 – Page 8, Column 1

Ohio County Department.

Circuit Court.

George L. Moore vs. William Dorrell et als., foreclosure; change of venue to Dearborn County.

Gertrude Harris vs. George W. Powell et als, foreclosure; judgment for plaintiff for $880.27.

Wm. R. Bowman vs. Rebecca Bowman; divorce granted plaintiff.

Abram Junker and wife vs. Zeph Heustis, slander; judgment for plaintiff for $500.00.

Moses Weiskoff vs. Hall & Mapes, on account; change of venue to Dearborn County.

George Norris vs. J. C. Ricketts, on bond; judgment for plaintiff for $100.00 and costs.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jun 1885

Proceedings of the June 1885 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Jun 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


State vs. Edward Fredrick—selling without license. Fine $10 and costs.

State vs. Philip Schaeffer, six cases; William Baxendale, two cases; Dedrick Kramer, two cases; Conrad Smith, one case. Nolle Proseque in each of above cases.

Hamilton Conway, Administrator, &c., of John F. Ellerbrook, deceased, vs. Louisa Neimeyer et al—suit on mortgage bond. Decree and judgment for $2,000 and costs.

John Bieger et al vs. Lawrence Rupprecht et al. Final report and discharge of receiver.

State vs. Annie M. Steinmetz—selling without license. Fine $20 and costs.

Trangott W. Kestner vs. George F. Randall—on note. Default and judgment for $591.

Theron T. Goodrich vs. Thomas O. Lindsay, Administrator of Elizur Goodrich, deceased—claim. Dismissed for want of security for costs.

Lizzie Cosby et al vs. O. & M. R. W. Co.—damages. Judgment on verdict of jury for $3,500 and costs. Appealed to Supreme Court.

Edward Hayes vs. Ambrose E. Nowlin, Administrator of Leah Hayes, deceased—claim. Judgment for plaintiff for $1,660, and judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

George Hayes vs. Ambrose E. Nowlin, Administrator of Leah Hayes, deceased—claim. Judgment for plaintiff for $7,000 and costs.

William Huber et al vs. Frank S. Kraas, et al—to quiet title. Judgment for plaintiffs.

Margaret Lang, Administrator of Jacob Lang, deceased, vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co.—damages. Judgment on verdict of jury for $10,000 and costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.


Mutual Loan and Building Association vs. James Kinnett et al—foreclosure.

McMullen & Downey vs. James D. Gatch—on account.

William Sawdon vs. Elijah Heaton et al—on note.

Aurora National Bank vs. McLean Manufacturing Co. et al—foreclosure.

Luther Perkins vs. McLean Manufacturing Co. et al—on note.

City of Aurora vs. John Newton—appeal.


Estate of Barnhard Miller—Albert Miller, Administrator.

Estate of Henry White—James W. Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of Elizabeth H. White—Wm. Stone, Administrator.

Estate of John Jeffries—Warren Tebbs, Executor.


Guardian of Florence T. Lucas—Thos. J. Lucas, Guardian.

Estate of Hannah Bennett—Russel T. True, Executor.

Guardian of Georgianna Patrick—Sarah J. Patrick, Guardian.

Estate of John P. Thompson (insolvent)—G. A. Roberts, Assignee.

Estate of Frank Ullrich Jr.—Frank Ullrich Sr., Administrator.

George J. Petscher, minor son of George A. Petscher, adopted by Fredrick C. Petscher.


Will of John Miller, deceased.

Will of John Jeffries, deceased.

Will of John S. Alexander, deceased.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1885

Proceedings of the June 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Jun 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


The following persons were granted license to sell liquors: J. P. Ebel, John Petscher, David Peters, George H. Konig, Wm. Kasberg, Charles Fitterer, Jacob Gaffga, Geo. Siemantle, Joseph Bechtle, Louis Weiss, Fred Reichert, Simon Siemantle, John Stahl, Charles Martin, M. Kline, F. H. Rusher, John Bainart, John H. Siemantle, John Siemantle.

J. W. Eggleston, and other citizens of Clay township, presented a petition praying that a certain road in Clay township be abolished, as it is of no public utility. The following named gentlemen were appointed viewers: Benj. Wethered, Henry Bulthaupt and Christ Nolte.

Wm. Frazier, and other citizens of Clay township, presented a petition asking that a highway in Clay township be vacated. The following gentlemen were appointed viewers: John P. Walker, Henry Bulthaupt, and Christ Nolte.

William Huffman and others presented a petition asking for the location of a road in Kelso, Miller and York townships. After due deliberation the board find that the petition is insufficient in the statement of the vacation of that part of the old road and the dates of petition and notice not corresponding.

Philip Weis, and other citizens of Manchester and Jackson townships, presented a petition asking for the location of a road in Jackson township. W. H. Kyle, Perry Piles and Adam Ester are appointed viewers to examine the route of the proposed highway.

Jacob Treble, and other citizens of Jackson township, presented a petition asking for the location of a road. The matter was laid over for want of sufficient proof.

Daniel Platt, Trustee of Manchester township, lays before the board a petition signed by the citizens of Manchester, asking for a bridge across the stream at the foot of Hogan Hill, on the Lawrenceburgh and Napoleon State road. The trustee estimated the cost of the bridge $250. The board find that the change in the road is not lawful on account of the road not having been worked according to law.

At the request of Christopher Smith the report of the reviewers of a road in York and Miller townships was taken up. The board reject the petition on account of excessive damages.

Lawrenceburg Register – 18 Jun 1885 – Page 3, Column 3


Robert H. Davis appointed Justice of the Peace of Center Township to fill vacancy.

License to sell liquor was granted to the following: John H. Giegoldt, Peter Koehler, Jacob Kirsch, Peter Pfalzgraf, Adam Kestner, Philip Kestner, E. Braunagle, B. F. Green, E. F. Feistel, Geo. Fahlbush, Frank Weikle, Abram Junker, Edward Branagle, Michael Zimmer, John Sicking.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1885

Proceedings of the May 1885 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 14 May 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


Estate of Anthony Lally—final report.

Guardianship of John W. Koch—final report.

Estate of DeSales Verdin—final report.

Estate of William R. Deuchemin—final report.

Guardianship of Carrie M. Hurley—final report.

Estate of Elizabeth Hennegan—final report.

Estate of Adam Clemeny—final report.

Estate of Joseph Emenaker—final report.

Estate of Joseph Kohler—final report.

Estate of Balthasar Hammerle—final report.


Guardianship of heirs of Philip Bauer—Rosa Baurer, guardian.

Estate of John Billingsly, dec’d—Joseph D. Curtis, administrator.

Estate of Bailey Watts—John H. Russe, guardian.


Magdalean Frey vs. Estate of Catharine Frey, $157.00.

Valentine Hey Jr. vs. Estate of Valentine Hey Sr., $65.00.

Otho W. Dowden vs. Estate of Gideon Renner, $4.75.

George W. Taylor vs. Estate of Rebecca Miller, $12.00.

Oliver H. Smith vs. Estate of John Cornforth, $219.31.

W. P. Beckett vs. Estate of John Cornforth, $91.00.

Chapman Lodge No. 78 I. O. O. F. vs. Estate of Rebecca Miller, $94.00.

J. F. Hammerle vs. Estate of Balthaser Hammerle, $23.00.

Will of George Griffin admitted to probate.

James Gray declared insane by jury.

Caroline Dexheimer et al vs. John Dexheimer. Partition. Final report by Commissioner.

Bradford Mill Co. vs. John C. Stenger et al. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Nathaniel L. Johnson vs. Mary Johnson. Decree of divorce granted.

Mary A. Elder vs. Sarah A. Kerr, administrator of Enoch G. Kerr, deceased. Claim allowed for $299.10.

E. M. Ratcliff vs. estate of Catharine Frey, dec’d. Claim allowed for $21.50.

Arthur G. Tebbs et al vs. Ezra G. Bonham. On account. Default and judgment for $55.75.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Daniel M. Guard, Sheriff. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Charles Simonson, guardian vs. Strawder Cheek et al. Decree for possession of real estate.

Townsend J. Taylor vs. George W. Griffin. Judgment by agreement for $560.

John A. Conwell vs. John Buettner et al. Foreclosure. Decree and judgment for $361.53.

McCormick Harvesting Co. vs. Wesley W. Wilson. Foreclosure. Chattel mortgage. Settled and dismissed.

Jane Baker vs. William Baker. Divorce. Dismissed by plaintiff.

William J. Smith, Trustee, &c., vs. Conrad Klepper. To condemn land. Judgment by agreement, assessing damages at $125.

Susanna Werst vs. Charles Lang et al. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $130.33.

James B. Miller vs. estate of John Cornforth, dec’d. Claim allowed for $33.35.

John S. Morris vs. John Smith; on account. Dismissed by plaintiff.

William Huber et al vs. John McCullough et al; to quit claim.

Thomas B. Powell et al vs. Amor L. Bruce; appeal; dismissed at cost of defendant.

Louis Lingg vs. Anthony Biettner; damages; dismissed for want of prosecution.

George Trester vs. Joseph Schwartz; damages; dismissed by plaintiff.

Nicholas Oester vs. Michael Hoff et al; attachment; dismissed by plaintiff.

Mary Sullivan vs. Sarah J. Thompson et al; partition; final report of Commissioner.

Robert R Blair vs. William H Small; on note; dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Ex Parte John K Hammerle et al; partition; final report of Commissioner.

John C McCullough, assignee, &c., vs. George S. Crawford; attachment; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Charles Lang et al vs. Catharine Seitz et al; partition; final report of Commissioner.

Phoebe Gettle vs. William Pummell Jr., surviving partner, &c.; finding for defendant by court.


State vs. Joseph Unzeicker; grand larceny; plea of guilty; sentenced to State prison for 5 years, disfranchised, &c.

State vs. Mary Baxendale; two cases; fine $20 and cost in each case.

State vs. Mary Kreite; two cases; fine $20 and cost in each case.

State vs. Deidrick Kramer; three cases; fine $20 and costs in each case.

State vs. John Tren[?]epohl; one case; fine $20 and costs in each case.

State vs. George Fahlbush; two cases; fine $20 and costs in each case.

State vs. Jacob Huffman; three cases; fine $20 and costs in each case.

State vs. John Andras; two cases; fine $20 and costs in each case.

State vs. Wendel Labbe; six cases; fine $20 and costs in each case.

State vs. Cecelia Vogelgesang; two cases; fine $20 and costs in each case.


Joseph C. Small, receiver, vs. America McKee; on account.

Same vs. Nicholas Oester; on account.

Henry W Smith Jr. vs. O & M R R Co.; damages.

William Ireland vs. Otho Billingsley et al; partition.

Hamilton Conaway, admin’r, vs. Louisa Niemeyer et al; foreclosure.

Ex Parte Annie S Cain et al; partition.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. O & M R W Co.; injunction.

Leopold Kupferschmidt vs. O & M R W Co.; injunction.

Samuel Dickinson vs. O & M R W Co.; injunction.

Margaret E Smashea et al vs. O & M R W Co.; injunction.

Rebecca S Tate vs. O & M R W Co.; injunction.