Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1886

Proceedings of the September 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 23 Sep 1886 – Page 3, Column 3


Annie M. Borman vs. John Borman, divorce. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Bernard Schipper vs. City of Aurora, appeal. Judgment vs plaintiff for costs.

Thomas Johnston vs. Jonathan Bruce. Judgment vs defendant for costs.

Daniel M. Guard vs. Board of Commissioners. Judgment vs defendant for costs.

Manuel Marblestone vs. Samuel Goodman et al. Dismissed by plaintiffs.

David H. Stapp vs. Carrie Downey. Judgment vs plaintiff for costs.

George Bieler vs. Diedrick Kramer, on note. Judgment vs defendant for $468.44.

Aurora Gas Light Coke & Coal Co. vs. James D. Gatch, Treasurer &c. et al. Judgment for plaintiffs.

Mary C. Jackson vs. Joseph H. Jackson, divorce. Decree of divorce and custody of child given to plaintiff.

Jonathan Conner vs. Martha Conner. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Henry C. R. Rudolph vs. Anna M. Rudolph, divorce. Decree of divorce given plaintiff.

Charlotte Yentz vs. Charles Yentz, divorce. Decree of divorce and custody of child given plaintiff.

Thomas H. Johnson et al vs. Cobb Iron & Nail Co. Judgment vs plaintiff for costs.

State ex rel Maggie M. Smith vs. Horatio S. Mendell, bastardy. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $600.


Emma K. Pavey vs. William A. Pavey, divorce.

T. J. Smith Printing and Publishing Co. vs. Miami Valley Furniture Co.

W. H. H. Yount et al vs. Joseph Posey.

Simon Conaway vs. Benjamin Blue et als.

Anna K. Krieger vs. Bernard Krieger.

Nathaniel Anthony vs. Harrison Risinger.

John C. Huxsall vs. Jos. S. Wymond.


Harry R. McMullen, Joseph I. Little, and Joseph M. Bossong.


Estate of Daniel Taylor, Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of Margaret J. Cravens, Warren Tebbs, Adminstrator.

Estate of Caroline Hitzfield, Frank C. Briddell, Administrator.

Estate of Christopher Keller, Christopher Fox, Executor.

Guardian of heirs of John Cornforth, Mary A. Cornforth, Guardian.

Estate of Daniel T. Downey. (Less than $500; set off to widow.)

Guardian of Lura A. Roach, Romanus Roach, Guardian.

Guardian of Katie Rees, Rezin Rees, Guardian.

Guardian of Rezin Rees, A. B. Pattison, Guardian.


Lawrenceburgh Mill Co. vs. Estate of Catharine Gernert, $27.00.

Frederick Knorr vs. Estate of Catharine Gernert, $36.24.

George C. Ruppert vs. Estate of Catharine Gernert, $3.80.

N. Kirchelmer vs. Estate of Catharine Gernert, $8.35.

Hunt Soap Co. vs. Catherine Gernert, $7.50.

W. S. Fagaly vs. George W. Smith, $74.25.


Will of Benjamin Wilson.

Will of John Palmer.


Guardian heirs of John Collier, David H. Stapp, Guardian.

Lawrenceburg Register – 30 Sep 1886 – Page 2, Column 2


Simon Conaway vs. Benjamin Blue et al, on note. Default and judgment vs. defendants for $220.22.

Ex Parte Esther Beatty et al, partition. Final report filed and Commissioner discharged.


Charles Bruce vs. Eliza A. Bruce, divorce.

Otho Billingsley vs. Jacob Goenawein, appeal.


Estate of Elizabeth and Henry Telker, Henry Telker, Administrator.

Estate of Mary Bulach, John Probst, Administrator.


Estate of Rudolph Zaug, Joseph Lorenz, Administrator.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Jun 1886

Allowances of the June 1886 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 15 Jul 1886 – Page 2, Column 2

List of Allowances made by the Board of Commissioners at their Regular and Special Session Beginning the First Monday in June, 1886:


Lawrenceburgh Tp.

  • Mrs. Siemantel, groceries for Mrs. Jos. Hoover, Jacob Sheppard, Mrs. John Best
  • John Shaw, meals and lodging for three women
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Ben Howard, Mrs. Howard.
  • J. Calvin Craig
  • Fritz Hinkerg
  • Heckheiser & Koehler, groceries for Henry Young
  • Archie Shaw, groceries for Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Allex Holland, Mrs. C. Cotton, Mrs. Standriff, Mrs. Hannah Goodwin, Mrs. Stack, Mrs. H. Godfrey
  • Jacob Hammerle, groceries for Mrs. Stack, David Clear
  • Jacob Anderson, groceries for Mrs. Ellen Fisher
  • Herman Oertling, groceries for Mrs. Frank Knorr, Mrs. J. L. Vaughn
  • A. G. Tebbs, groceries for Pat Price, H. Young, T. Boswell, A. Trulock
  • Jos. Bechtel, groceries for Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Brower Rickett
  • W. J. Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Bruce and Thornburg, Mrs. McRight, Mrs. D. Tilford, Mrs. Thomas Marshall, Mrs. Holden
  • Wm. Stevenson, groceries for Mrs. Joseph Rissell, Nevitt children, S. Mitchell, Lucy Sterling, Mrs. John Godfrey
  • C. Israel, groceries for M. Diggs, David Diggs, A. Williamson, Miner Parson, I. Squives, Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. Lemuel, Jos. Cross, Mrs. Carter, John Calvin, Mrs. Smith, Geo Diggs
  • John S. Dorman & Co., dry goods and shoes for Mrs. Mary Fisher, Mrs. H. Evans, Mrs. Taylor Boswell, L. Emberson, Sheriff for jail birds
  • William Schneider, shoes for Mrs. Ake, Mrs. Wright
  • Anton Schneider, shoes for Sheriff for prisoners
  • Geo. Beckenhold & Co., coal for I. Squire, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. B. Marshall, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. A. Parker, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. H. Young, Mrs. Jos. Rissell
  • Early & Daniel, coal for Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. West, Mrs. Marshall, Thos. Garrison, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Kaufman, Jas. White, Mrs. Parker
  • Greendale Cemetery Co., burial permits for Geo. Diggs, Jane Carter
  • Louis Kohlerman, coffin and hauling for Benjamin Goodhue, George Diggs, unknown man
  • John Sortwell, digging graves for Geo. Diggs, unknown man
  • Gatch & Miller, medical services for pauper


  • W. E. Lambkin, groceries for Mrs. Chas. Lambkin
  • John D. Newhouse, milk for Fliz. Warner’s sick child
  • Chas. Fehling Jr., groceries for Thomas Acre, Jenny Thompson, Mrs. John Lewis, Mary Burns, John Steig Sr., Ezra Knapp, Katherena Hauck, Marjh Ross, Jehu Goodpasture, Eliz. Thomas
  • O. P. Cobb & Co., groceries for Mrs. M. Busby
  • Johnston & Co., groceries for Mrs. Ann Hamilton, Jacob Schuler
  • Albert Bloom, groceries for Mrs. Kath. Hauck, Mrs. Ervia Trester
  • Henry Wood, groceries for John Crist, Wm. Brown, Mrs. Sterling, Nancy Reed, Mary Burns, coal; Lotta Duval, M. Busby, R. Campbell, Mrs. C. Lambkins, Jennie Farrar
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries for John Steig, Wm. Brown
  • J. M. Wheeler, groceries for Wesley Hancock, John Lothridge
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries for Wm. Theetge, Aurella Wood, Ella Baker, Mrs. Wm. Noble, Cath Walker, John Steig Sr., Andy Theetge, Mrs. F. Kleaver, Mrs. John Goodpasture, Mr. Steinaback, Lee Wainscott, Jenny Farrar, Reuben Cooper, Thomas Clark, Chas. Wright, Sarah Smith, Mrs. John Lewis
  • Fred Opperman, groceries for Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. John Kerrigan, Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, Mrs. Cath Welsh
  • Philip Kastner, groceries for Ezra Knapp
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries for Charley Bailey, Mrs. E. Van Sickles, Jacob Schuller
  • Thos. Wright & Son, groceries for Mrs. M. Musby, Alex Criswell, Belle Ross, John Lothridge, Lavina Hagy
  • John A. Nees, lodging and meals for transient poor
  • Aurora Gas Co., coal for Mrs. John Lewis
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal for Thomas Akers, Alex Criswell, Aurelia Wood, Jenny Thompson, E. Van Sickle, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Bittner, Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. R. Campbell, K. Walters, R. Cooper, Mary Burns, Mrs. Kleaver, Wm. Theetge, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Duvall, Mrs. Schumaker, Sarah Smith, Jenny Farrell, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Hamilton, Chas. Bailey Sr., Andy Theetge, Wm. Brown
  • R. A. McConnell, shoes for Josie Burns, Mrs. Hamilton’s son, Geo. Bailey’s son, Geo. Bailey’s girl
  • Sam’l Somerfield, hats for Thos. Aker’s children
  • L. Epstein, clothes for Arthur Bailey
  • F. A. York & Co., moving Mrs. Clark and family to Dillsboro
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin for unknown drowned man
  • J. A. McIntyre, coffin for unknown floater
  • Wm. T. Day, coffin and box for Mrs. E. Baker’s child
  • River View Cemetery Co., burial permits for 13 paupers


  • Fred Ginter, groceries for Elizabeth Evans, Betsy Spangler, Thomas Acre
  • William Rowland, groceries for Wm. Hess
  • J. H. Vandolah, groceries for Jane Peasley
  • F. H. Sale, conveyance to asylum for Mary Busby


  • Susannah Wersh, groceries for Frank Gaffga
  • Wendel Labbe, groceries for Philip Spring
  • Henry Faugman, tickets etc. to Indianapolis for Ellen Gaffga
  • Fred Severs, conveyance to asylum for Jacob Oswald


  • Fred Slater & Son, groceries for Ellen McMahon
  • H. D. Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis
  • Fred Homan, groceries for John Borders, Mrs. L. Walker
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., coffins for Mrs. Wulber


  • W. F. Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Laborn
  • Alex Ruble, repairing shoes for Benj. Murray


  • Jacob Hoffman, groceries for Jas. Hoover
  • Philip Weis, flour for Jane Seffler


  • James Sods, services as overseer, etc.


  • H. D. McMullen, legal adviser to Board of Equalization
  • Dan’l M. Guard, serving Board of Equalization
  • Harry L. Nowlin, Miller Tp
  • Oliver F. Cloud, Harrison Tp
  • Ed A. Cloud, Harrison Tp
  • Frank Connolly, Logan Tp
  • John Axby, Miller Tp
  • Sherwood Blasdel, Miller Tp
  • Chas. Elder, Lawrenceburgh
  • Asa B. Hubbartt, Centre
  • Clark Canfield, Centre
  • Wm. R. McConnell, Centre
  • Ella C. Hubbartt, Centre
  • James House, Hogan
  • Elijah Huffman, Hogan
  • Marion Laws, Manchester
  • Alice Laws, Manchester
  • Thos. Rinearson, Manchester
  • Wm. Kennedy, Manchester
  • Samuel M. Kennedy, Manchester
  • Anthony Schnetzer, York
  • Samuel M. Kennedy, York
  • Frank Bittner, Kelso
  • Jos. Wilhelm, Kelso
  • John Bittner, Kelso
  • Sebastain Stemmler, Kelso
  • John Theobold, Jackson
  • John Beraner, Jackson
  • J. A. Meister, Jackson
  • Geo. W. Turner, Sparta
  • Frank Tyrrell, Sparta
  • Sam’l Allen, Sparta
  • John M. Bossong, Sparta
  • Van S. B. Crowley, Clay
  • C. F. Latham, Clay
  • John F. Pieper, Caesar Creek Tp
  • Henry Bulthaup, Caesar Creek Tp
  • Benj. Withered, Washington Tp
  • P. L. Mathews, Lawrenceburg Tp
  • Chas. W. Mathews, Lawrenceburg Tp
  • Gus G. Mathews, Lawrenceburg Tp
  • Walter Fitch, Lawrenceburg Tp
  • W. H. Wharton, Lawrenceburg Tp
  • Chas. Fisk, services as member of Board of Equalization
  • Nic Vogelgesang, member of Board of Equalization
  • Geo. A. Swales, member of Board of Equalization
  • Thomas Johnston, services on Board of Equalization
  • Jas. E. Larimer, services on Board of Equalization
  • Jno. W. Liddle, services on Board of Equalization
  • James Vinson, services on Board of Equalization


  • Thomas Duncan, sundries paid; quarterly salary as Superintendent
  • Charlotte Duncan, quarterly salary as matron
  • John Sims, quarterly salary for work on farm
  • Katie Wilson, work at asylum
  • Sarah Collier, work at asylum
  • Lawrenceburgh & Napolean Turnpike Co., toll for quarter
  • Peter Perlee, carrying packages to asylum
  • L. Epstein, clothing for inmates
  • W. F. Crocker, groceries for County Asylum
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries for County Asylum
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries for County Asylum
  • Philip Weis, flour for County Asylum
  • Tebbs Bros., oil for County Asylum
  • Martin Fox, vinegar
  • Geo. Gutzwiller, blacksmithing
  • Wm. Pummill, blacksmithing and woodwork
  • Alex Ruble, repairing boots
  • M. Barnes & Co., fruit trees
  • Louis Sattler, planting fruit trees and trimming orchard
  • John Ulrich, shellac varnish and brush
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., 3 coffins
  • O. P. Cobb & Co., hardware
  • John McGuire, cattle


  • Dan M. Guard, serving notices to viewers
  • Morand Widolf, road viewer
  • Chas. Bowton, road viewer
  • Jos. D. Curtis, road viewer
  • Jos. Deffner, road viewer
  • James Aiken, road viewer
  • Ernst Hopmeier, road viewer
  • Sam’l Turner, road viewer
  • Abram Briggs, road viewer
  • W. H. Kyle, road viewer
  • Benaire Holden, road viewer
  • John Cairns, road viewer
  • Wm. C. Buffington, road viewer
  • W. R. Campbell, J. P. swearing viewers
  • John W. Truitt, J. P., swearing viewers
  • W. S. Fagaly, J. P., swearing viewers
  • Anthony Witt Sr., land taken for road
  • Chas. Nolte, land taken for road
  • Fred Rodenberg, Trustee, amt. paid for material and labor on culvert
  • Joe Englert, stone for same
  • John Schwab, work
  • Early & Daniel, lime and cement
  • Martin Little, lime and cement


  • W. B. Burford, blanks for County Superintendent
  • Martin Kiefer, blanks for Auditor and Clerk
  • Sentinel Co., blanks for county officers
  • Baker & Thornton, pens etc.
  • Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., pencils, etc.
  • John N. Calvert, letter heads and envelopes


  • Stedman & Mullen, insurance on Court House
  • Early & Daniel, coal for jail
  • David Donson, whitewashing jail
  • City and Sub. Telephone Co., telephone for two months
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for quarter
  • Ohio Valley Co., kindling for Court House
  • Tebbs Bros., brooms and soap
  • Sparks Bros., bucket and window brushes
  • Jas. McLeaster, putting up fence
  • Zimmer & Miller, fence for Court House yard
  • Fred Wesler, coal for Court House
  • Jas. McLeaster et al, putting in coal


  • Jas. D. Gatch, Treasurer, stamps, etc.
  • Julius Severin, Auditor, stamps etc.
  • H. B. Hill, County Superintendent, stamps, etc.
  • Andrew Young, arm rests
  • J. L. Wagner Jr., lawn mower
  • J. D. Gatch, making statistical report


  • Dan M. Guard, Sheriff Dearborn County, feeding prisoners


  • Dan M. Guard, Sheriff Dearborn County, serving Grand and Petit Jury


  • Dan M. Guard, Sheriff, serving Commissioners


  • Dan M. Guard, Sheriff, posting election notices


  • O. P. Cobb & Co., nails for bridge


  • F. H. Volz, dirt for fill


  • F. M. Jackson, refunder on barn destroyed by water
  • Loyd Isdell, refunder on taxes


  • H. B. Hill, salary


  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing
  • Jas. E. Larimer, printing notice to taxpayer


  • Hunter & O’Brien, publishing Coroner’s notice


  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • James D. Gatch, Treasurer
  • Chas. Fisk, Commissioner
  • Nic Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • Geo. A. Swales, Commissioner

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jun 1886

Proceedings of the June 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 3 Jun 1886 – Page 3, Column 4


Rebecca Walters vs. Diedrick Kramer et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for $1468.15.

Adolph Schwob et al vs. Moses Kahn et al, to set aside deed &c. Judgment in favor of plaintiff Schwob for $681.95; Bates & Bacon for $293.93 and decree for sale of real estate.

E. D. Moore, Administrator, &c., vs. James F. Vaughn et al, on note. Judgment by default for $1393.55.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. William H. Burk et al, foreclosure. Judgment in favor of defendant Sater, Executor, for $3200.10 and decree of foreclosure.

Delina Eads vs. Isaac Eads, divorce. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Bazil N. McHenry vs. Benjamin F. Trester Jr., et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for $1530.72.

Herman Heckheiser vs. Michael Seifert et al, on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $207.00.

Job Miller vs. C. L. St. L. & C. Railroad Co., damages, five cases. Venue changed to Ripley county.

The case of William Sholey against the Rising Sun and Aurora Omnibus Line came to trial in the Dearborn Circuit Court and resulted in a verdict for damages in the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars. The occasion of the suit was the crippling of Sholey by driving off of the road with one of their ‘busses which was overturned on the road a short distance out of Aurora one dark night in January, 1885. An application for a new trial was refused and the case will be appealed to the supreme Court.

Elizabeth J. Sater vs. James P. Sater. Judgment for plaintiff for $600.00 per annum and decree for sale of real estate.

Joseph C. Small, Receiver, &c., vs. America McKee, on account. Judgment for plaintiff for $179.57.

James Wymond vs. John Donovan et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $872.66.

Jesse D. Taylor, Executor, vs. Henry Broyles et al, foreclosure chattel mortgage. Decree and judgment for $27.17.

John Snyder vs. William S. Snyder, on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $393.97.

Samuel Dickinson vs. Board of Commissioners. Judgment for plaintiff for $160.00

Leonard F. Keitel vs. E. B. Dobell Sr. Judgment for plaintiff for $102.61.


William Leive vs. Vina Lindsay et al.

Asa R. Mettler vs. Jas. P. Sater et al.

M. S. Bonnell vs. James P. Sater.

Edward Leffler vs. Henry Mehrhoff.

George Fox vs. Julius Freiberg et al.

Eva Tanner vs. Joseph Tanner.


Estate of James Wilson, Bridget Wilson, Administrator.

Guardian heirs of James Wilson, Will A. Greer, Guardian.

Estate of William E. Gibson, Seth Stedman, Administrator.

Estate of Peter and Barbara Lang, John Cairns, Administrator.

Estate of Elizabeth H. White, Wm. Stone, Administrator.

Estate of John Vogelgesang, Cecilia Vogelgesang, Guardian.


Guardian Heirs of Jacob Kleinhaus, Fred Kleinhaus, Guardian.

Estate of Jacob Kleinhaus, Fred Kleinhaus, Administrator.

Guardian heirs of James Murtaugh, John Carpenter, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Sarah Newman, Charles H. Newman, Guardian.

Guardian of John H. Frazier, Joseph D. Frazier, Guardian.

Estate of Catharine Garnert, John Huth, Administrator.

Guardian of Frank Vogelgesang et al, Cecilia Vogelgesang, Guardian.

Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Jun 1886 – Page 3, Column 4


Edward Hayes vs. Estate of M. H. Harding. Dismissed at costs of estate.

John B. Garnier vs. Bernard Burkhart et al, note and attachment. Judgment for $108.22 and decree for sale of real estate.

John F. Tebbs, Guardian, vs. Hannah Marshall et al, foreclosure. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $1670.82; judgment in favor of J. H. Burkam for $1449.89 and decree for sale of real estate.

C. I. St. L. & C. R. R. Co. vs. Job Miller, ejectment. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Eva Tanner vs. Joseph Tanner, for support, &c. Judgment for plaintiff for $200 and decree for sale of personal property.

Daniel M. Guard vs. Board of Commissioners. Judgment for $502.20.

Annie E. Nowlin vs. Lyman C. Whipple et al. Finding by the court for defendant.

State vs. John Theobald, forgery. Fined $10 and sentenced to State prison for two years.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. O. & M. Rw. Co., damages. Judgment vs plaintiff for costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Samuel Dickinson vs. O & M Rw. Co. et al, damages. Dismissed at defendant’s cost.

Margaret E. Smashea v. O. & M. Railway Co. et al, damages. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Rebecca L. Tate vs. O. & M. Railway Co. et al, damages. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

George Roesch vs. George W. Roesch. Dismissed.

Hannah Bruce vs. John T. Bruce et al. Dismissed.

James Aiken vs. Lytle W. Parks, on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $394.40.

William Seidler vs. Harvey B. Hill, appeal. Judgment vs defendant for $16.90 and costs.


Abiah H. Guard vs. Joseph Groff, to open settlement.

James Aiken vs. Lytle W. Parks, on note.

William Leive vs. Edson S. Winkley, on contract.


McLean Manufacturing Co., John C. McCullough, Assignee.

Estate of August Bloom, Helen F. Bloom, Administrator.

Estate of Catharine Frey, John Feist, Administrator.

Estate of Catharine Frazier, Louis E. Beinkamp, Administrator.

Estate of John D. Lytle, B. F. Trester Jr., Administrator.


Guardian heirs of Elizabeth Kuhn, David H. Stapp, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Wm. Hepworth, A. B. Pattison, Guardian.


Will of Christena Christian.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1886

Proceedings of the May 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 13 May 1886 – Page 2, Column 3


B. N. McHenry vs. Will A. Greer, administrator, &c. Dismissed by plaintiff.

John N. Calvert vs. Thomas J. Lord, on note. Dismissed.

Joseph Tittel vs. Lous Ellerbrook, on note. Judgment by default for $318.26.

Crescent Brewing Co. vs. Minerva Goodwin, foreclosure chattel mortgage. Decree and judgment for $45.10.

Robert A. McConnell vs. George A. McAvoy, for receiver. Final report of receiver.

State vs. Joseph Wymond, pointing dangerous weapon. Plea of guilty and fine of $5.

State of Joseph Wymond, assault, plea of guilty and fine of $5.

Theodore Hertwig vs. Greendale Furniture Co. Default and judgment for $122.63.

State ex rel Charles E. Dair, Trustee, &c. vs. Henry Bowdebush et al. Judgment on demurrer in favor of defendant.

Herman Haas vs. John Haas, ejectment. Dismissed.

State ex rel Manchester Township vs. Thomas H. Rhinearson et al. Compromised.

May C. Hamlin vs. Jasper Ross et al, foreclosure. Trial by court, judgment for plaintiff for $906.13.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Burkard Schmalz et al, foreclosure. Dismissed.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Elizabeth Dammeyer, foreclosure. Dismissed.

Miami Stove Works vs. City of Lawrenceburgh et al. Compromised and dismissed.

Edward Hayes vs. Joseph Emenaker. Dismissed at defendants costs.

Hattie Griffin et al vs. Cynthia Griffin et als, to contest will. Dismissed for want of security for costs.


C. I. St. L. & C. Railroad Co. vs. Job Miller. Ejectment.

Hannah Bruce vs. John T. Bruce et al. To quiet title.

Herman Hass vs. John Hass. Ejectment.

Herman Heckheiser vs. Michael Siefert et al. On note.

Nancy A. Gibson vs. Frank Mason et al. Replevin.

John Hornberger, George Beckenholdt, Thomas T. Annis, Joseph McGranahan and Martin Tittel were appointed City Commissioners for Lawrenceburgh to serve one year.


Estate of Robert Lazenby, John R. Lazenby, Administrator.

Estate of Charles O. Miller, Carrie Miller, Administrator.

Estate of Frederick Kriete, I. R. Dunaway, Administrator.


Estate of Townsend J. Taylor, Jesse D. Taylor, Executor.

Guardian of Eddie Schoenberger, Warren Tebbs, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of John Skinner, John McGuire, Guardian.


Will of Sarah Mulbarger.

Will of John Dorman.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Mar 1886

Allowances made at the March 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 1 Apr 1886 – Page 4, Column 1

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their March session, 1886, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • C Israel, groceries for Mrs. Grasty, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. C Wright, Mrs. Holden, Perry Carter, J Calvin, A Williamson, Mrs. Cavinaugh, Ben Herron, J D Pelliam, I. Squires, T Harris, K Crider, E Gregory, Wm Bennett, George Diggs, Jos Cross
  • Wm Stevenson, groceries for Mrs. Speckman, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Jos Rissell, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. John Godfrey, George Laird, M Skinner, C W Anthony, S Mitchell, Cal Sherrod, M Tout
  • Tebbs Brothers, groceries for A Trulock, H Young, D Corwell, Mrs. Lanegan, George Eckler, S Parsons, T Boswell, D Moore, Pat Price, J Isenshank, Robert Laughlin
  • Archie Shaw, groceries for Alex Holland, Mrs. Swaney, S Mitchell, Mrs. Meyers, C W Anthony, Mrs. Eckler, Wm Tilford
  • Mrs. Wm J Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Bruce and sister, Mrs. D Tilford, Mrs. Thos Marshall, Mrs. James Liddle, Mrs. Ed Liddle, M Schaefer, Mrs. S Swaney, Mrs. A McRight
  • John Isherwood, groceries for Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Cavinaugh, Mrs. Speckman, Wm Tilford, S Jeffries
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Williams, Halvin Craig, Mrs. Howard, Wm Winters, Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Parsons, Fritz Hinkey
  • Joseph McGranaham, groceries for Ben Goodrich, G L Clark, Mrs. Tout
  • H R Helmuth & Son, groceries for Brower Rickets, Mrs. Wm Bennett Sr.
  • John Deuchle, groceries for John Obringer
  • Schleicher Bros., groceries for Thos. Wallace, Mrs. H Boswog
  • George Beckenholdt & Co., coal for John Obringer, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Helfrich, Mrs. McNutt, Mrs. Rissell, Mrs. B Marshall, Mrs. Hester Miles, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. T Marshall, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Ricketts, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Bruce and sister, Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Schultzy, Mrs. McRight, Mrs. Taylor Harris, Mrs. Gran, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. T Squires, Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. J J Smith, Ben Herron, James White
  • Early & Daniel, coal for Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Farrel, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. West, Alex Holland, Mrs. Diggs, Mrs. Swaney, Mike Schafer, C W Anthony, H Jackson, Mrs. Mills, Wm Pate, Mrs. Speckman, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Marshall
  • Fred Wessler, coal for Mattie Savage, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Eliz French
  • F R Dorman & Co. for J D Pulliam, two pair shoes; Nancy Swaney, dry goods; Mrs. Bright, dry goods; Mrs. Jos Rissell, pair shoes; George Laird, dry goods; Mrs. Tout, shoes; Locy children (orphans), dry goods
  • John S Dorman & Co. for Mrs. Jno Eishenshank, 3 pairs shoes; Tom Tracy, one shirt; Transient woman, pair shoes; Mrs. Sours, dry goods; Taylor Roswell, dry goods; David Moore, shoes, etc.; Mrs. Knorr, clothing; Mrs. Eickler, shoes; Mrs. Ruby, shoes for two orphans
  • Louis Lotton, meals and lodging for transient poor
  • Louis Kohlerman & Son, one coffin and hauling for D Webster
  • John Sortwell, digging grave for D Webster
  • Greendale Cemetery Co., digging and covering grave of Ann M Beach
  • Sam Dickerson, Trustee, for coffin, shroud and carriage, A Lacy, A M Beach, Mrs. Colvin; three coffins and hauling for men killed on C I St. L & C R R; cash items and other expenses for paupers

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal for Wm Theetgee, F Glout, J H Walters, Mr. Mooney, Miss Chamberlain, Mrs. Backdoll, W S Johnson, John Kottell, G W Bailey, Jennie Thompson, Mrs. Kleaver, Mrs. Geo Griffin Jr., Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Burns
  • T W Sargent, coal for Jenny Thompson
  • Charles Fehling Jr., groceries for Thomas Acre, John Steig Sr., Mrs. Ross, Henry Knapp, Mary Burns, Jenny Thompson, Mrs. John Lewis
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries for Wm Theetgee, Mrs. Aurelia Wood, Miss Emma Chamberlain, Mrs. Cath Walker, Jacob Schuler, A M Watkins, Mrs. Lina Noble, R Cooper, Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. F Kleaver, Lee Walcott, Wm McCartney, John Lewis, John Goodpasture, Mrs. Ella Baker, Sarah VanSickle
  • Henry Wood, groceries for John Crist, John Lothridge, Eveline Wood, Wm Stepens, John Gray, Wm Brown; coal for R Cooper, Emma Chamberlain, Wilson Crist, Lotta Duval, Mrs. Charles Lambkin, L Heggy, Wm Theetge, Jenny Farrow
  • Thomas Wright, groceries for Wm Brown, John Lothridge, Jenny Farrer, John Gray, Reuben Cooper, Wilson Crist, Sarah Smith, Anna Hamilton
  • Robert Maybin, groceries for Mrs. R Campbell, Mrs. Mattie Holden, Mrs. Sarah Clark, Mrs. Eliz Warner, Wm McCartney, Wm Brown, Mrs. John Lewis; Geo B Thompson, shoes
  • B W Buffington, groceries for Reuben Cooper, Wm Brown, John Steig, Wm McCartney, Anna Broils, Henry Schrader, Emma Chamberlain, Hattie Criss, Kate Walker, Mrs. Duval
  • Fred Opperman, groceries for Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, John Kerrigan, Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. Kate Welsh; Owen Hughes, one pair shoes
  • Johnston & Co., groceries for Cath Walker, Jacob Schuler
  • Albert Bloom, groceries for Cath Houck, L Trester
  • Philip Earle, groceries for Mrs. Ross
  • W E Lambkin, groceries for Mrs. Charles Lambkins
  • Herdegan & Kress, groceries for Charles Bailey Sr.
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries for Winney Carroll, Mrs. Farrer, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Betner; Charles Bailey Sr., dry goods
  • McConnell & McAvoy, dry goods &c. for Mrs. Vahey, Wm Brown, Susan Wooley, Pat Vahey, Mrs. Burns, Caroline Backdoll, George Bailey, Martha Lothridge, Lina Noble and eight children, Mr. Acre and children, Lee Winscott
  • Elizabeth Lamar for Nancy Bailey, shoes; Mrs. John Lewis
  • For taking paupers to County Asylum, George W Taylor Sr., George W Taylor Jr., F A York & Co.
  • E F Feustel, meals and lodging
  • Louis Grozholz, meals and lodging
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin, shroud and hauling J Dolson; Coffin for Mary Hopping; coffin and shroud, Henry Schroeder
  • W T Day, coffin and box, child of W Criss
  • George W Mitchell, Trustee, 98 days overseer of poor, cash expended for transportation

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • H D Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis
  • Fred Homan, groceries for John Border
  • F Slater & Son, groceries for E McMahon
  • John C Miller, Trustee, cash expended on paupers, as overseer of poor

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • Maria Hornady, sundries for G Baker
  • Herman Haas, groceries for L Hayes
  • G W Bowlby, groceries for M Hathaway
  • Benedict Singer, Trustee, cash expended on paupers

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Frank Busald, groceries and dry goods for Wm Miller, Celestin Aman
  • P Weis, one barrel flour for Jane Lefler
  • Wm Schweitzer, sundries for Jane Lefler

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Susannah Werst, groceries for F Gaffga
  • Wm Labbe, groceries for Philip Spring
  • John Probst, Trustee, 3 days as overseer of poor

Poor—York Township.

  • Joseph A Vogelgesang, taking pauper to County Asylum
  • Anthony Schnetzer, taking pauper to County Asylum
  • Henry Hammerle, Trustee, overseer of poor

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Wm F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Laborn, Benj Murray
  • Thos Emerson, groceries for Geo Collier

Poor—Clay Township.

  • J C Vandolah, groceries, Jane Peasley
  • D C Misner, coffin for Wm Goodpasture

Poor—Logan Township.

  • John Renck, wood for Elizabeth Ward
  • Jas Lods, Trustee, valise for Ida Folenius

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • T W Cottingham, Trustee, groceries for Sadie James, Mary Peters, overseeing poor

Poor—Washington Township.

  • James M Wheeler, groceries for Cath Welsh, Adam Steel, John Cooper, Mary Hopping, Mrs. Lothridge

Poor—Miller Township.

  • Wm J Smith, Trustee, overseer of poor

County Asylum.

  • Modest Bellman & Bro., pressing hay
  • Lawrenceburgh & Napoleon Turnpike Co., toll for quarter
  • Francis Swales, doctoring horse
  • Alex Ruble, mending shoes
  • Philip Weis, flour
  • Wm F Crocker, sundries
  • Sparks Bros., clover seed
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., dry goods
  • Thos. Duncan, cash paid out
  • Tebbs Bros., meat furnished by G W Hall
  • Elizabeth Lamar, shoes, etc.
  • O P Cobb & Co., five locks
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries
  • H P Spaeth & Co., lamps, tin cups &c.
  • Robert Maybin, jeans and boots
  • Gerhardt Gilbert, repairing wagons, etc.
  • Benj Morton, pork
  • Al Bloom, seed
  • Lena Epstein, clothing
  • Sebastian Greenham, one bull
  • R C Claspill, horseshoeing
  • Lewis Probst, pork
  • Thos Duncan, Quarter salary as Supt
  • Charlotte Duncan, qr salary as Matron
  • Albert Holcombe, work on farm
  • John Sims, work on farm
  • Kate Wilson, work on farm
  • Sarah Collier, work on farm

Roads and Highways.

  • Dan M Guard, serving road viewers
  • A T Gridley, searching records for road and platting same
  • Rudolph Wolf, land taken for road
  • Harriett Little, land taken for road
  • Abe Briggs, damages for fences and crops
  • O S Mulford, swearing road viewers
  • Jno Cairns, swearing road viewers
  • Benj Wethered, service road view
  • Harrison Abbott, service road view

Public Buildings.

  • Albert Gerkin, shoveling coal
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for quarter
  • Early & Daniel, coal
  • Tebbs Bros., soap for jail
  • J S Dorman & Co., blankets, etc., for jail
  • P J Emmert, flags for decoration
  • Schleicher Bros., oil for jail
  • Sparks Bros., oil for janitor
  • Henry Gerkin, matches
  • Andrew Young, repairing furniture etc.
  • John Grelle, repairing furniture etc.
  • I Crist & Son, hardware for windows

Lawrenceburgh Bridge.

  • Pat Garrity, balance due on fill
  • Chas M White, ferrying four days
  • Ernest Everhardt, work on ferry
  • Walter Fitch, making estimates
  • Charles Schindler, work on float
  • Robert Mason, locust posts for fill
  • H C Westmeyer, hauling roads etc.
  • Enos Barrott, damages for horse

Specific Allowance.

  • L Kohlerman & Son, carriage to County Asylum
  • R H Gould, carriage to J Buchert’s funeral
  • James Murdock Jr., repairing seal
  • Martin Kieffer, frame
  • Jas D Gatch, Treasurer, stamps etc.
  • H B Hill, Co. Supt., stamps etc.
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, stamps etc.
  • Juilus Severin, Aud, stamps and express

Books and Stationery.

  • Sentinel Co., books, blanks, etc.
  • Sam Chapman, printing justice blanks
  • Haskell Engraving Co., seals for court
  • Schlicht & Field, pat Index for Recorder
  • M Kieffer, paper, ink, etc.
  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing blanks, etc.

Officers’ Salary.

  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • James D Gatch, Treas.
  • Nic Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • Charles Fisk, Commissioner
  • Geo A Swales, Commissioner

Expense of Criminals.

  • Dan Guard, boarding prisoners
  • F R Dorman & Co., shoes for prisoners

Court Expense.

  • Dan M Guard, serving jury

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • Dan Guard, summoning Commissioners.

Board of Health.

  • C G Waiters, M D, Sec’y, stamps, etc.
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, making marriage certificates

Assessing Revenue.

  • Harry Nowlin, making Assessors’ maps
  • Fred Wagner, paper for maps

County Superintendent.

  • Harvey B Hill, quarterly salary

Aurora Bridge.

  • Levi Cornwell, cleaning bridge

Wilmington Bridge.

  • John Griffin, sand for bridge

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Apr 1886

Proceedings of the April 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 1 Apr 1886 – Page 3, Column 3


Cynthia A. Griffin vs. George Griffin et al, partition. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Leopold Kupferschmidt vs. Jeremiah Mendell et al. Judgment for plaintiff by confession for $2,543.42 and decree of foreclosure.

State vs. John Kunz, contempt of court. Committed to jail for three hours.

Fred Nachman vs. Catharine Losecamp, appeal. Trial by jury, judgment for plaintiff for $15 and part of costs; judgment in favor of defendant for balance of costs.

State vs. Ed Tilford, petit larceny, plea guilty, defendant fined $1 and committed to jail for two months.

Siegmund C. Frank vs. William P. Squibb et al, on contract. Trial by jury, judgment in favor of plaintiff for $72.50 and part of costs; in favor of defendant for balance.

State vs. George Frieberger, selling to intoxicated person. Jury trial, defendant fined $10 and costs.

Frederick Ester vs. Charles Brichler et al, foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff for $158 and costs.

Abram H. Vail vs. Richard Wood et al. Dismissed.

Eden Purdy vs. James P. Sater. Dismissed.

Ferris J. Nowlin vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. R. Co. Dismissed.

George W. Robinson vs. Rachel Shanks et al, damages. Trial by jury finding and judgment for defendants. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Union Central Life Insurance Co. vs. Edwin Dobell et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $146.56. Appeal to Supreme Court.


Joseph D. Curtis vs. John A. Parks et al.

Mary C. Hamlin vs. Jasper Ross et al.

Theodore Harting vs. Greendale Furniture Co.

Nellie Kreitzer et al vs. William Kreitzer et al.

John B. Garnier vs. Bernard Burkart et al.

James Wymond vs. John Donovan et al.

David E. Sparks et al vs. Zephamiah Heutis, on account. Default and judgment for $52.05.

Amos M. Dunn vs. Edward Hayes et al. Jury trial, finding and judgment for defendant.

Anton Amann et al vs. B. Frank Green et al. Change of venue to Ohio county.

Julius Miller vs. Estate of Joseph Miller. Dismissed by plaintiff.

E. B. Nowlin vs. Estate of Lorenzo D. Leming. Dismissed by plaintiff.


Will of John Gutzwiller.

Will of Margaret Godert.

Will of Philip Frieberger.

Will of Peter Kessler.

Will of Henry Sievering.


Guardian heirs of Flora A. B. Godert, John H. Godert, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of David Wheeler, Wm. C. Henry, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of John W. Mullen, Carrie I. Shepperd, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Louisa Lux, Joseph Lux, Guardian.

Estate of James Murtaugh, John Probst, Administrator.

Estate of James Smith, Wilkison Smith, Administrator.

Estate of William E. Gibson, Seth Stedman, Administrator.

Estate of Mary Godert, W. C. D. Stevenson, Administrator.

Estate of Peter Stenger, Peter Stenger, Administrator.


Guardian heirs of Fredrick Lange, Henry C. Busse, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Anna Jene, C. H. A. Hitzfield, Guardian.

Estate of Humphrey Cain, W. C. D. Stevenson, Administrator.

Estate of Louisa Ripking, Louisa Ripking, Jr., Executor.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Mar 1886

Proceedings of the March 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Mar 1886 – Page 2, Column 3


State vs. George W. Robinson. Dismissed.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Warren West et al, on note. Dismissed.

James B. Fox vs. Mary E. Longnecker et al, foreclosure. Dismissed by plaintiff.

John F. Tebbs vs. Alf G. Markland, on note. Judgment by confession for $58.10.

Eden Purdy vs. Mary Simmons, on account. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Anton Siegel vs. Carrie Siegel, divorce. Plaintiff granted divorce.

William W. Brison vs. O. & M. Railway Co., damages. Change of venue to Ohio county.

Mary Ash vs. George H. Koenig, damages. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

R. M. Hargitt vs. Daniel Cloud et al, on note. Dismissed.

Daniel Macker vs. Leonard Klingelhoffer. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $458.32.

Harriet Thiel vs. Fred Thiel, divorce. Plaintiff decreed divorce and custody of children.

Edwin Smith vs. Estate of John Cornforth. Claim allowed $19.00.

William S. Fagaly vs. Thomas H. Nowlin. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

John W. McFaddin vs. Franklin P. Taylor. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

State vs. Frederick Nebrugge, obstructing highway. Plea of guilty, fine $1.00.

State vs. James A. Baker, petit larceny. Defendant sent to Reform school.

State vs. William Richardson, provoke. Trial by jury; defendant acquitted.

Abram H Vail vs. Richard Wood et al. Judgment vs. Edward Clements for $1719.

State ex rel Annie Johnston vs. Arthur Hayes, bastardy. Dismissed by relatrix.

Adaline Junker vs. Jacob Junker, divorce. Divorce and custody of children granted plaintiff.


Adaline Junker vs. Jacob Junker, divorce.

Rosanna B. Trisler vs. Louis Trisler, divorce.

Thomas Johnston vs. Jonathan Bruce, on nnote.

David E. Sparks et al vs. Zephaniah Heustis.


Guardian John Schabdach, Agnes Schabdach, Guardian.

Estate of Joseph Sahie, Michael M. Huschart, Administrator.

Estate of John Cornforth, Wilkison Smith, Administrator.

Estate of Mathias Voshell, Ferris J. Nowlin, Administrator.

Estate of John F. Bradley, Mary L. Bradley, Administrator.

Guardian heirs of Simon Jaeger, Michael Renjer, Guardian.


Guardian of heirs of James Smith, Lucinda Goble, Guardian.

Guardian of heirs of Flora A. B. Godert, John A. Godert, Guardian.

Guardian of Omer T. Hayes, Frank J. Lang, Guardian.

Estate of Harriet Dunn, W. D. H. Hunter, Executor.

Estate of Thomas Davis, Wilkinson Smith, Administrator.


Will of Richard Mendell.

Will of Job Littell.

Will of Peter Reindel.

Will of William E. Gibson.

Will of Joseph Grill.


Estate of Dennis McGuire.

Estate of Charles Cadle.

George B. Wilson vs. Estate of Humphrey Cain. Claim allowed $12.60.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Dec 1885

Allowances made at the December 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 31 Dec 1885 – Page 3, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Dec. session, 1885, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

  • Greendale Cemetery, three graves for tramps

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • Henry Slete, burial case

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Lou Shroyer, hat for Ida Folaloeus
  • J F Gibson, groceries for Sybol Tarr
  • Sarah Sackett, boarding Ida Folaloeus
  • James Lods, transportation and sundries for Ida Folaloeus
  • Sarah Suckett, clothing for Ida Folaloeus
  • John Andras, coffin and box for child

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Laqbourn

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • J P VanWedding, overseeing poor
  • Philip Weis, flour for Mrs. Jane Leffler
  • Wm Schweitzer, three pair of shoes for Mrs. Jane Leffler
  • Jacob Theobold, nursing Celestine Aman, 13 weeks

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • J H Sale, M.D., attending a sick tramp
  • Alex McKinstry, nursing sick tramp
  • F Slater & Son, groceries for Mary E McMahon
  • John C Miller, cash expended for sick tramp
  • H D Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Thomas Wright, groceries furnished Elizabeth Warner, Ella Baker, Mrs. Charles Lambkin, Mrs. Thomas Rand, Reubin Cooper, Mrs. Ann Hamilton, Mrs. John Goodpasture
  • Chas Fehling Jr., groceries furnished Geo W Baily, Mrs. Mary Burns, Mrs. Jennie Thompson, Mrs. G Gray
  • Herdegan & Kress, groceries furnished Mrs. VanSickle
  • Fred Opperman, groceries furnished Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, Mrs. Cath Welsh, Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. John Kerrigan
  • Jas M Wheeler, groceries furnished Mrs. May Hoppins, Mrs. Cath Welsh, Hider Stonebraker
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries furnished Caroline Backdolt
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries for Robert T Day, Mrs. E Wood, John Beach
  • Michael Maloney Jr. meals and lodging for John Davis
  • Goldsmith Bros., slippers furnished John Ross
  • Joseph Meyer, clothing furnished Wm Smith
  • McConnell & McAvoy, sundries furnished Mrs. Warner, Wm Smith
  • Wm T Day, coffin furnished George W Bailey; coffin furnished John Ross
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin furnished unknown man
  • George W Mitchell, Trustee, cash expended

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries furnished Betzy Spangler, Annie Evans, Thomas Acre
  • D C Misner, coffin
  • Wm Rowland, groceries for George Bradley
  • Wm C Wulber, railroad fare and freight for Mrs. Goodpasture
  • John Green, meals and lodging for two children
  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Jane Beasly

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • Early & Daniels, coal furnished Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Ben Marshall, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Swaney
  • Beckenholdt & Co., coal furnished Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Holcombe, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Sterling, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Risell, Henry Young, Mrs. McNutt, Mrs. Ben Marshall, B T W S Anderson, Mrs. Arnold
  • John Deuschle, groceries furnished John Obringer, Mrs. Wm Bennett
  • Archie Shaw, groceries furnished Mrs. A Holland, Mrs. Nancy Swaney
  • A G Tebbs, groceries furnished J Veach
  • Sparks Bros., groceries furnished Mrs. Williams
  • John Isherwood, groceries furnished Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Nancy Smith, Simon Kaufman
  • Henry Helmuth, groceries furnished B Ricketts, Mrs. Hidd
  • Wm Stevenson, groceries furnished Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Jos Rissell
  • Charles Israel, groceries furnished Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Wm Bennett, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. S A Martin, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. H Tilford
  • L Lotton, meals and lodging furnished Sidney Garrett, J B Beels, Mrs. M Foxcraft, Miss Lizzie Perkins
  • D H Miller, conveying Stevens family to Asylum
  • Louis Kohlerman, coffin and hauling Mrs. Swaney
  • W J Fitch, groceries furnished Mrs. Bruce and sister, Mrs. Marshall
  • Chas Sekatz, shoes for Mrs. Tilford

Poor—York Township.

  • Henry Hammerle, transferring poor

Public Buildings.

  • W H Jordan, sundries for court house
  • J C Craig, Making bench for jail
  • J H Burkam, lumber
  • A G Tebbs, soap for jail
  • Joan Anderson, making swinging doors
  • Chas Sassman, making swinging doors
  • H P Speath & Co., material for doors
  • L G Hurlbert, lumber for doors
  • Kemper Bros., material for doors
  • Russell Hollister, glazing window
  • R Walters, sponges
  • W L Dobell, repairing tables and desks
  • Sparks Bros., matches, soap, &c.
  • Crist & Son, hardware
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas
  • Francis Diggs, washing bed clothes for jail
  • H G Kidd, lamps and oil for jail, grates and fixtures
  • W H Platt, setting grates and fixtures

County Asylum.

  • O P Cobb & Co., tools and hardware
  • Eliz Lamar, dry goods, shoes, etc.
  • Henry Hagadorn, molasses
  • W H Jordan, soap
  • Peter Perlee, hauling sundries
  • Early & Daniel, hay fork and pulleys
  • C H Bruns, two coffins
  • L W Cobb, independent
  • Charles Martin, hauling lumber
  • T J Pickelheimer, lightning rods
  • John Gutzwiller, hogs
  • W F Crocker, groceries
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries
  • John Feist, cow
  • L Epstein, clothing
  • David Perlee, plow and shears
  • Wm Pummill, sundry repairs etc.
  • Chambers & Stevens, dry goods
  • Geo Gutzwiller, blacksmithing
  • L Kupferschmidt, spectacles
  • Thos Duncan, cash paid, Supt. Salary
  • Charlotte Duncan, matron
  • Katie Wilson, wages as servant
  • Sarah Collier, wages as servant
  • A Holcomb, wages as farm hand
  • John Sims, wages as farm hand
  • Lawrenceburgh & Napoleon Turnpike Co., toll

Officers’ Salary.

  • John Feist, Commissioner
  • T T Annis, Commissioner
  • Charles Fisk, Commissioner
  • Jas D Gatch, Treasurer
  • Nic Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • Geo A Swales, Commissioner
  • Julius Severin, Auditor

Roads and Highways.

  • John P Walker, road viewer
  • Dan H Crozier, road viewer
  • John Lininger, road viewer
  • Eph. Butterfield, road viewer
  • John F Piper, road viewer
  • Wm Frazier, road viewer
  • Benj Wethered, road viewer
  • Geo W Johnson, road viewer
  • Henry Bulthaup, road viewer
  • Chris Nolte, road viewer
  • James McKinney, road viewer
  • Geo W Nevitt, road viewer
  • I R Dunaway, swearing 2 road viewers
  • Dan M Guard, serving road viewers
  • Geo W Mitchell, filling for culvert
  • Marty & O’Toole, freight
  • A T Gridley, surveying road
  • Silas Kelley, assisting survey road
  • Chas Brunnell, land taken for road
  • Sophia E Miller, land taken for road
  • Trangott W Kestner, land taken for road
  • Peter Zimmer, land taken for road
  • Wm Wiesehan, land taken for road
  • John Wiesehan, land taken for road
  • Patrick Carty, land taken for road
  • Fred Wieschan, land taken for road

Coroner’s Inquest.

  • A P Daughters, M.D., post mortem on Chas Cadle

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, certificates of election, qualifying two Com’s
  • Dan M Guard, serving Commissioners for special session
  • Conrad Lattier, witness and mileage
  • G W Platt, witness and mileage
  • Dan M Guard, attending Com’s Court

Printing and Advertising.

  • Hunter & O’Brien, sundry printing
  • Everett & Gregory, notice to taxpayers
  • L W Cobb, notice to taxpayers
  • J E Larimer, notice to taxpayers

Lawrenceburg Bridge.

  • Martin Tittle, building abutments
  • Patrick Garrity, making approaches
  • Frank X Volz, filling
  • G Beckenholdt, services as Supt, laborers paid by him
  • Walter Fitch, services as engineer
  • O P Cobb & Co., oakum for float
  • F Thomas & Co., tie rods for abutmens
  • Nathan Steadman, stars, for abutm’ts
  • Ben P Heustis, hauling & labor on float
  • James McLeaster, watching at float
  • Page C Sortwell, watching at float
  • John Sortwell, watching at float
  • George Wulper, labor on float
  • John F Truelock, labor on float
  • Wm Teany, labor on float
  • Josiah McLeaster, labor on float
  • Henry Truitt, labor on float
  • Charles Jennison, labor on float
  • Charles Truitt, labor on float
  • Frank Tout, labor on float
  • James Little, labor on float
  • Levi E Cornwell, labor on float

County Superintendent.

  • H B Hill, salary for quarter

Specific Allowance.

  • Dan H Miller, conveyance for Com’s
  • H B Hill, stamps, etc.
  • W R Meyers, 8 statues of Indiana
  • Warren Tebbs, stamps, etc.
  • James D Gatch, stamps, etc.
  • Julius Severin, stamps, etc.

Expense of Criminals.

  • Louis Kohlerman, horse and buggy for Detective Owens
  • Dan M Guard, boarding prisoners

Court Expense.

  • Dan M Guard, summoning juries

Board of Health.

  • Warren Tebbs, statement of marriages

Books and Stationery.

  • Wm B Burford, books
  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co., books, etc.
  • Baker & Thornton, filing envelopes
  • Martin Kieffer, binding

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1885

Proceedings of the December 1885 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Dec 1885 – Page 2, Column 2


Moses Weiskopf vs. William P. Hall. Change of venue to Switzerland county.

State vs. Peter Koehler. Nol pros.

State vs. John Petscher. Nol pros.

Aaron Huffman vs. Joseph C. Small et al; on note. Judgment by agreement for $219.33.

Joseph Boehmer vs. John Schobin et al; on note. Judgment by default vs defendants for $225.74.

Ezra G. Hayes vs. Warren West. Claim. Change of venue to Ohio county.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Harry Warnford et al. Replevin. Judgment for plaintiff on default for one cent damages and possession of property.

Nicholas Keller vs. estate of Christopher Keller. Claim of $52.08 allowed.

John Turner vs. Thomas Johnston et al. On account. Judgment in favor of defendant, Joseph M. Johnston, against plaintiff for $700 and decree of foreclosure.

Wrights Corners Vault Association vs. Charles S. Platt. Appeal. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Julius Severin et al vs. Edwin B. Dobell et al. Mechanics lien. Judgment against Dobell for $120, and decree of foreclosure of mechanics lien.

Frank Green vs. Wm. P. Huffman. On note. Judgment by default for $305.86.

Edward Marty et al vs. John Obringer et al. Foreclosure. Decree and judgment for$641.51.

Elizabeth D. Tuck vs. John W. Livingston et al. On note. Judgment on default for $154.55.

Henry C. Vincent et al vs. David A. Harding et al. Judgment against defendants for $84.37.


Guardian heirs of George W. Hart; Sarah J. Hart, guardian.

Estate of Henry Peper; F. W. Wolke, Administrator.

Estate of John Graham. (Estate under $500.)

Estate of Margaretha C. Matheus. P. L. Matheus, Administrator.

Guardian Andrew F. Collins. A. P. Daughters, Guardian.

Estate of Rebecca Miller, Wm. H. Greene, Administrator.


Will of Benjamin Sprang.

Will of Magdalena Staub.

Will of Ann Eliza Burruss.

Will of Egidius Braunagel.


Guardian Martha A. Cloud. John F. Tebbs, Guardian.

Estate of Ann E. Burruss. L. G. Adkinson, Executor.


Frank Green vs. Wm. P. Huffman. On note.

Samuel McElfresh vs. Helen A. McElfresh. Divorce.

Henry Kimmel vs. Emma Kimmel et al. Partition.

Edward Marty et al vs. John Obringer. Foreclosure.

John F. Tebbs vs. Alf C Markland. On note.

Elizabeth D. Tuck vs. John W. Livingston et al. On note.

Mary Kuntz vs. John Kuntz. Divorce.

Thomas T. Annis vs. Zeph Heustis. On note.

Siegmund C. Frank vs. Wm. P. Squibb et al. On account.

Leah H. Fitch vs. D. W. C. Fitch. On account.

Central Chemical, &c., Co. vs. Diedrick Kramer.

John B. Garnier vs. John Bammert.

Hosea B. Herrick vs. George W. Preston.


John E. Baker and Fred S. Brown.

Dearborn County Lawyers

The following list of all lawyers admitted to the Dearborn County, Indiana bar up to 1885 appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 17 Dec 1885 – Page 3, Column 4


The following is a complete list of attorneys that have been admitted to the bar in this county, and will no doubt prove interesting reading to our readers. The list was prepared by Charles F. Ross, Deputy Clerk:

[See newspaper for dates.]

Adkinson, Elmer W

Adkinson, Francis

Allison, James Y

Allen, James M

Alden T Fox

Adams, Thomas B

Buck, Asaph

Brower, Abram

Bruce, Amos

Bettman, Bernard Jr.

Bridges, Dillon

Baldwin, Daniel P

Bishop, E H

Bradstreet, Edward P

Boyd, Edward

Blasdel, Franklin T

Brumblay, George R

Benham, Joseph S

Brown, James T

Blaslel, Jacob W

Burton, J W

Brenkert, Joseph W

Burton, J W

Brenkert, Joseph W

Bruce, Joseph T

Bowers, Marmion H

Buell, Salmon A

Brumfield, William H

Bracken, William H

Bainbridge, William H

Cole, A C

Clark, Abram S

Cushing, Courtland

Craig, Clinton P

Coil, Daniel R

Cunliff, Edwin

Chester, Elisha W

Cranch, Edwin P

Colston, Edward

Curtis, Israel C

Carbaugh, Isaac H

Cummins, John J

Cheek, John F

Campbell, John B

Coles, John B

Cheek, John F Jr.

Curtis, Louis F

Cloud, Mason J

Cassaday, Phineas M

Cutler, Robert E

Connway, Robert

Cobb, Royal P

Crane, Samuel C

Cole, William R

Cornett, William T S

Cobb, Willard

Canfield, William W

Cox, Walter T

Downey, Alexander C

Dumont, Aurelius W

Dandy, Creighton

Dunn, Charles S

Dykeman, David D

Downey, Daniel T

Dumont, Ebenezer

Dorman, Frank R

Dunn, Isaac M

Dunaway, Isaac R

Dumont, John

Detweiler, John S

Durham, James F

Day, Mathew J

Dowdell, Nathan

Drummond, Robert

Dunn, Strange S

Downey, Samuel R

Davis, Thomas H

Dunn, William M

Dowdell, William H

Eggleston, Hugh B

Eggleston, Joseph W

Ewing, John K

Evans, Robert S

Fisher, Albert H

Finch, Cyrus

Fitch, George B

Fletcher, Leslie C

Fitch, Morgan L

Francis, P W

Gaines, Albert W

Godden, Albert B

Gazlay, Carter

Gridley, Elijah

Green, Edward H

Goodheart, George B

Gaines, Herbert P

Gazlay, James W

Givan, Noah S

George, Orlando

Gregg, Pressly

Gwiggins, R S

Gazlay, Theodore

Grigley, W J

Gardiner, W Ray

Greer, Will A

Hendricks, Abram W

Harris, Addison C

Henry, Charles L

Hayes, Charles F

Hancock, Daniel J

Huntington, Elisha M

Hawley, Ebenezer S

Holland, George

Hoadley, George

Hart, Gaylord J

Hopkins, Henry

Holman, Jesse L

Haynes, John D

Hayden, John J

Howland, John D

Holman, Jesse L Jr.

Harrison, Joseph T

Hoover, John M

Howard, Nathan G

Hamilton, Noble

Hauser, Nathaniel T

Hale, Peter H

Holman, Richard H

Harding, Stephen S

Hammond, Thomas

Harrison, William H Jr.

Henderson, William

Holman, William S

Holman, William S Jr.

Hammlin, Walter S

Hauck, Warren N

Jaquith, Albion S

Jelley, Charles S

Jones, Charles F

Jones, Daniel D

Jaeger, Edmund

Johnson, E S

Johnson, Edgar M

Jones, Frank J

Jelley, James S

Johnson, John W

Jones, Samuel M

Johnson, William

Kramer, Adam A

Kelso, Daniel

Kittredge, E W

Knox, George W

Kyle, James M

Kirkendall, John N

Kelley, Moses J

Kent, Phineas M

Keon, Patrick

Knowlton, Charles F

Lane, Amos

Lyon, Benjamin C

Leland, Edwin G

Lane, James H

Lanier, John F D

Lancaster, Nimrod

Liddell, Oliver B

Lytle, Robert

Lamb, Robert N

Lincoln, Timothy D

Lindsay, Thomas O

Lyle, Wilberforce

Layman, Wilson

Lawrence, Warren W H

Mayo, Addison F

McNeil, Aaron

Mogan, Abel L

Munger, Amasa

Munn, Benjamin M

Moulton, Charles W

Major, Daniel S

Macy, David

Murdock, Ezekiel P

Miller, Enoch H

Mcnuell, George W

McMullen, Hugh D

Mathias, Henry H

Mills, Isaac

Madeira, Jacob

Moorhead, J

McLean, John R

McGraw, John

Matson, John A

Moffatt, Lewis S

Mavity, Milton S

Morrison, Samuel

Major, Stephen

Merrill, Seymour J

McCarty, W W

Morris, William R

Mizner, William S

Morrow, Wilson

McCormick, William T

Matthews, William H

Newell, John A

Newby, L P

O’Brien, Cornelius

O’Neal, Hugh

Olcott, John M

Piatt, Benjamin M

Pratt, Edmund G

Porter, George T

Pearson, Joseph

Parks, John A

Pickelheimer, Moses S

Parry, Reese H Jr.

Pitcher, William S

Patterson, William

Palmer, William H

Reed, Aquilla Q

Robertson, Charles D

Ross, Charles F

Roberts, George M

Raymond, Henry

Ryman, John

Ricketts, James C

Robinson, James W

Rall, James M

Russe, John H

Rebuck, John B

Ross, Lazarus F

Roberts Omar F

Stockinger, Adam

Spooner, Benjamin J

Stapp, Charles W

Stapp, David H

Smith, Payette

Sale, Fleetwood H

Sheets, George S

Starr, Henry

Stapel, Henry F

Scott, John H

Spencer, John W

Scobey, John S

Sleeth, James B

Schwartz, John

Swallow, John M

Simon, J T

Stapp, Milton

Spooner, Marshall A

Spooner, Philip L

Slater, Robert E

Sanford, Sidney L

Spooner, Samuel H

Spooner, Samuel H Jr.

Stewart, Stephen H

Shutts, William

Stevenson, Wm C D

Test, Charles A

Turple, David

Taylor, Daniel

Thompson, John K

Troxwell, Joseph R

Turner, J Kelton

Trisler, John A

Tebbs, Moses

Trusler, Nelson

Torbett, Oliver B

Tumy, Solomon P

Tebbs, Warren

Thompson, Wm A

Vail, John B

Williams, Addison

Willson, Charles H

Wing, Isaiah

White, John L

Watts, John S

Waterbury, James W

Watts, Johnson

Wilson, John A

Works, Lewis F

Winfield, Maurice

Werner, Percy

Wicks, Platt

Wicks, Stephen A