Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1887

Proceedings at the May 1887 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 12 May 1887 – Page 2, Column 4


State vs. John Morgan, grand larceny, dismissed.

State vs. John P. Ebels, selling to minor, dismissed.

State vs. Fannie Diggs, indictment ignored.

Catharine Ake vs. George Ake, divorce, dismissed by plaintiff.

Andrew S. Winkley et al vs. William Leive, et al, partition and for receiver. Change of venue to Ohio county.

Andrew S. Winkley et al vs. William Leive, on account. Change of venue to Ohio county.

State vs. John Steig, petit larceny. Plea of guilty. Sentenced to State Prison for two years, fined $1 and disfranchised for 3 years.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Symmes S. Jelley, Administrator et al. To satisfy lien. Finding and judgment for Plff.

Gerhard B. Schult et al vs. Royal P. Snell et al. Foreclosure chattel mortgage. Decree and judgment for Plaintiffs for $239.14.

John Cairns vs. Christian Oelker et al. Foreclosure, decree and judgment for Plaintiff for $674.75.

Charles Lods vs.William Lazenby et al. On note. Dismissed.

Catharine Spidel vs. James R. Vail et al. Foreclosure, decree and judgment for Plaintiff for $1670.60.


James Vinson vs. O. & M. Railway Company. Damages.

George W. Foreman vs. John H. Ebley. Change venue from Ripley county.

John Harper vs. John W. Fuller. Change venue from Ripley county.

Charles T. Johnson vs. Philip Emminger. Change venue from Ripley county.

William G. Wood vs. Calvin Carter. Change venue from Ripley county.

Michael Zimmer vs. Frank Straley. Appeal.

Nathan H. Wilson et al vs. Wesley Wilson et al. To quiet title.

William Rosenbeck vs. Annie Rosenbeck. Divorce.

Center Building Association vs. Caroline R. Stark et al. Foreclosure.

Same vs. Alice V. Wilber et al. Foreclosure.

Same vs. Elizabeth Pickelheimer et al. Foreclosure.

Same vs. Thomas O. Lindsay et al. Foreclosure.

City of Aurora vs. Michael Zimmer. Appeal.

Theresa Meyer vs. Wilhelm Meyer. Divorce.

Andrew S. Winkley et al vs. William Leive. On account.

Same vs. Thomas O. Lindsey. On account.

Silas Hayes vs. O. & M. Railway company. Damages.

Catharine Spidel vs. James R. Vail et al. Foreclosure.

John Cairns vs. Christian Oelker et al. Foreclosure.

Union Building Association vs. Strawder Cheek et al. Foreclosure.

Walter S. Baker vs. John A. Parks et al. On account.

Gustave J. Thumser vs. John Schobin et al. Foreclosure.

Leonard Vogt vs. John Vogel. On contract.

Charles Lods vs. William Lazenby et al. On note.

John F. Meyer et a vs. Nancy Frazier et al. Damages.

Crescent Brewing Company vs. John Probst, Treasurer. Injunction.

Francis Swales vs. Sarah Grubbs et al. To set aside deeds.

Elizabeth D. Tuck vs. John W. Livingston. To recover real estate.

John Silbernagel vs. Andrew Vetter Jr. et al. To cancel mortgage.

Herman Ferger vs. Franz J. Messang et al. On note.

Lou A. Greer vs. Thomas O. Lindsay et al. On note.

James Wymond vs. William A. Greer. On note.

Martha O. Lostutter vs. City of Aurora et al. Injunction.


Wilson H. Swales vs. estate Barbara H. Rees, deceased. Claim allowed $10.

James Bowton vs. same. Claim allowed $9.50.

John W. Liddle et al vs. same. Claim allowed $12.63.

Henry Sleet vs. same. Claim allowed $40.

Francis Swales vs. same. Claim allowed $76.50.

Estate of Almarion Smith, deceased. Estate set over to widow as less than $500.


Estate George Mader, deceased. John Gindling, Executor.

Estate Joseph Taylor, deceased. Will A. Greer, Administrator.


Will of Martin Tittel.

Will of Nancy Wise.


Estate of George Wood. Henry Wood, Guardian.

Estate of Joseph Tittel. Christina Tittel, Administratrix.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Mar 1887

Allowances made at the March 1887 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Apr 1887 – Page 4, Column 2

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their March session, 1887, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Centre Township.

  • O & M Railway Co., ticket to Kansas for blind man
  • Jacob Goenawein, Trustee, as overseer of poor; cash for transportation of paupers
  • B W Buffington, groceries for Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs. Ann Smith, Mrs. George Loslin
  • Joseph C Green, sundries for Mrs. Eliza Cook
  • Denton & Radspinner, groceries for Mrs. Mary Peters, Mrs. Jennie Schroeder, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Lambkin
  • Charles Wright, groceries for Jennie Farrar, Jane Parker, William Vinson, Mrs. Carter, John Gray, Thomas Rand
  • David Peters, groceries for Mrs. Margaret Ross, Mrs. H Hahn
  • John W Scott, groceries for Mrs. E Trester, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Wm Noble
  • Wm E Lambkin, groceries for Mrs. G Clark, Mrs. C Lambkin, Mrs. Hattie Cruse
  • Charles Fehling Jr., groceries for Mrs. George Loslin, Mrs. Kate Hauck, Mrs. John Goodpasture, Mrs. Mary Bentz
  • Herdegan & Kress, groceries for Charles Bailey
  • Albert Bloom, groceries for Mrs. E Trester, Mrs. Garrity, Mrs. Thomas Hangen
  • Johnston & Co., groceries for Mrs. Jacob Shuler
  • O P Cobb & Co., groceries for Mrs. Steuvers
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries for Wm Theetge, Mrs. Goodpasture, Mrs. Jane Cheek
  • Fred Opperman, groceries for Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. Kate Welsh
  • James Wheeler, groceries for Mrs. Ben Mills, Mrs. Wm Clause, Mrs. George Loslin
  • Robert Maybin, groceries for Nancy Bailey, Mrs. R Campbell, John Crist, John Lothredge, Eliza Lewis, Wm Theetge
  • Jos G Parks, meals and lodging for paupers
  • Louis Grossholz, meals and lodging for paupers
  • John A Nees, meals and lodging for pauper
  • Levi E Cromwell, nursing Jesse Davis
  • Aurora Gaslight & Coke Co., coal for Mrs. Bickey, Mrs. Jennie Pate, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. C Bailey, Mrs. Jennie Parker, Mrs. Henry Hahn, Mrs. Charles Lambkin, Mrs. M Woods, Mrs. Vansickle, Benj Mills, Alex Criswell
  • Thomas W Sargent, coal for H Nieman, Mary Bentz, Thomas Rand, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Kleaver, Mrs. Peters, Alex Criswell, David Wrider
  • Ernst H Niebaum, dry goods for Mrs. Fritz Thomas
  • Sam Somerfield, dry goods, etc., for Wm Brown, Mrs. Fritz Thomas’ child, Geo Bailey’s child, Wm Acre’s children
  • Lena Epstein, clothes for Mrs. Fritz Thomas’ boy
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin and shroud for Charles Bailey
  • Mathew Harring, coffin for George Loslin, James Hess’ child
  • F A York & Co., conveyance for burial of James Hess’ child
  • G W Taylor Sr., transportation and conveyance for burial of paupers

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • Fred Rodenberg, Trustee, as overseer of poor; cash for transportation of paupers
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries for Mrs. Steve Smith, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Taylor Bailey
  • Schleicher Bros., groceries for John Fisher, Nevitt children, Mrs. White, Mrs. Bradley
  • Archie Shaw, groceries for Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. McRight, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Knapp
  • Charles Israel, groceries for Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Cavanaugh
  • Mrs. W J Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Bruce and sister
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Winters, Mrs. Waldridge
  • Herman Oertling, groceries for Mrs. Jos Whitcomb, Samuel Roswell, Mrs. S Russell, Mrs. M Wolf
  • George Fahlbush, groceries for Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Bradley
  • Mrs. John Siemantel, groceries for Mrs. Bennett
  • H R Helmuth & Son, groceries for Mrs. Mary Young, Mrs. Ricketts, Nevitt children, Wilbur Ragen, Eke Smothers
  • Joseph McGranahan, groceries for Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Moody
  • Thomas Freeman, groceries for Mrs. Tilford
  • John Deuschle, groceries for Mrs. A Truelock, Mrs. Wolford
  • Frank Federle, meals and lodging for paupers
  • John Shaw, meals and lodging for paupers
  • Frank Freeman, meals for pauper
  • A D Cook, coal for Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Jos White, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Lizzie Weber, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Konkle, Taylor Bailey, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Marshall, T Dawson, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Jeffries
  • George Beckenholdt & Co., coal for Mrs. Pierce, Knorr, Grill, Bruce, Smith, Louis, Young, Tout, Sanders, McRight, Morand, Stack, Nevitt children, John Fisher, Mr. Sterling
  • Early & Daniel, coal for Mrs. Martin, Tilford, Skinner, Grill, Bruce, Leindecker, Shoulds, White, Morand, Bennett, Young, J Fisher, Holland, Bailey, Howard, Knapp, Pierce, Marshall, West, French
  • Fred Wesler, coal for Mrs. Morris, Leindecker, Zack Holland, Sanders, Kaufman, John Fisher
  • J S Dorman & Co., dry goods, shoes for W H Penhollow
  • Louis Adler, dry goods and shoes for Nevitt children
  • L Deuschle, dry goods, shoes, etc. for Mrs. Dollerhigh, Mrs. Hossel, Mrs. Wolford
  • Anton Schneider, shoes for Mrs. Hossel, Mrs. Stack
  • William Schneider, shoes for George and Frank Losey, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. McGanan
  • Samuel Dickinson, coffin and hauling of Bradberry’s child, Fannie Diggs’ child, Ben Herron’s child, Wm Carter’s child, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. George Harner, Mrs. Jane Conner, Ben Herron’s child
  • Louis Kohlerman, coffin and hauling of James Speaks, unknown man; digging grave
  • John Sortwell, digging three graves

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries for Anna Evans, Thomas Acre, Betsy Spangler
  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Jane Peasley, Harrison Conaway
  • John N Calvert, groceries for Ayres Hulton
  • Benj Blue, meat for Ayres Hulton
  • Thomas Croxton, taking pauper to asylum

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • John Roser, Trustee, as overseer of poor; cash for tickets for pauper
  • J F Tebbs, agent, rent for Mrs. Jane Burns
  • Jonas Williams, wood
  • August Viel, board for pauper
  • E D Bowlby, groceries for John Haas

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • John Armstrong, Trustee, overseeing poor; cash paid for coal for pauper
  • T W Cottingham, groceries for Mary Peters, Warren Tout, Jane Christy

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Henry Fangman, Trustee, overseer of poor
  • John Andres, groceries for Wendel Lubbe; coffin for John Barth
  • John Gensheimer, coffin for Frank Wempe’s child

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Henry C Assche, Trustee, overseer of poor
  • Adam Sahn, flour for Mat Meier
  • Philip Weis, flour for Jane Leffler
  • Jacob Miller, conveying pauper to asylum

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Wm F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Layborn, Alice Vinson

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • T M Johnson, Trustee, overseer of poor
  • H D Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis
  • F Slater & Son, groceries for Mary E McMahon

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Edward Grubbs, boarding Jane O’Conner’s children

Poor—Miller Township.

  • A W Cottingham, Trustee, overseer of poor

County Asylum.

  • Thomas Duncan, cash paid; salary as Supt
  • Charlotte Duncan, matron, salary
  • Wm McKinstry, work
  • Louis Drake, work
  • Sarah Collier, work
  • Kate Wilson, work
  • Lawbgh & Napoleon Turnpike Co., toll
  • Philip Weiss, flour
  • W F Crocker, groceries
  • Johnston & Co., coffee
  • Tebbs Bros., tobacco and barrel oil
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., salt and pork
  • F R Dorman & Co., pants and hats
  • Francis Swales, attending sick horse
  • W H Swales Jr., horse
  • Mark Hansell, horse
  • Alex Ruble, mending shoes
  • G W Taylor, taking wagon from Aurora
  • W F Cook, firebrick and clay
  • O P Cobb & Co., hardware
  • H P Spaeth & Co., tinware
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., four coffins

Books and Stationery.

  • Sentinel Printing Co., books, etc.
  • Journal Company, pens, etc.
  • Wm B Burford, bonds, etc.
  • L W Cobb, letterheads
  • Thos Winegardner, paper and fasteners

Public Buildings.

  • Jno Grille, repairs in Treasurer’s office
  • Jas McLeaster, repairing doors, windows
  • W F Cook, repairs on jail, court house
  • A D Cook, repairing jail pump
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas
  • J G King & Co., coal oil or jail
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling wood

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing delinquent list, sale of bonds, etc., adv. School lands
  • Cincinnati Enquirer Co., advertising sale of bonds
  • L W Cobb, same
  • Everett & Gregory, sundry printing

Officers’ Salary.

  • Julius Severin, Auditor, salary
  • John Probst, Treasurer, salary
  • George W Johnston, Commissioner
  • Nic Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • George A Swales, Commissioner

County Superintendent.

  • H B Hill, salary
  • W B Burford, blanks for Supt
  • Hunter & O’Brien, adv. Examination

Specific Allowance.

  • Geo W Johnston, carriage for Commissioners to Harrison
  • J H Russe, stamps and expressage
  • Julius Severin, same
  • L E Beinkamp, examining books
  • Louis Kohlerman, carriage for Com

Court Expense.

  • Dan Guard, serving petit jury, serving jury commissioners

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • Dan Guard, serving commissioners

Expense of Criminals.

  • Dan Guard, boarding prisoners
  • J S Dorman & Co., clothing for prisoner

Board of Health.

  • John H Russe, Clerk, making a certified copy of registered physicians

Expense of Assessing Revenue.

  • Isadore Brichler, one day as Assessor of York Township

Roads and Highways.

  • Seth Platt, land taken for road
  • Julius Severin, Auditor, making plans and specifications for 7 culverts
  • Josiah Campbell, 4 days as roads viewer
  • Thomas Gaynor, road viewer
  • John E Heustis, road viewer
  • Jas Lods, supt., erection of culvert
  • John Roser, erection of culvert
  • Henry Bulthaup, 3 days with team
  • D M Guard, serving road viewers

Lawrenceburgh Bridge.

  • Julius Severin, Auditor, making plans specifications for bridge abutments
  • Work on fill at bridge: Ernest Eberhart, Michael Daly, Charles Shindler, John Stack, George Guard, Victor Noswog, John Schaffner, Brower Rickets, Peter Homer, Thomas Quinn, Martin Sartori, Paul Schindler, Frank Roswong, Frank Strayley, Benjamin Heustis, Linus Fasnacht, Fred Zinser, Albert F Jack, John Zinser, Parker Rand, N J Walsh

Aurora Bridge.

  • Julius Severin, making specifications
  • O P Cobb & Co., hardware
  • H P Spaeth & Co., hardware
  • John Cobb & Co., lumber
  • Wm J McHenry
  • L G Hurlbert, lumber
  • Chas Fisk & Son, making bolts, etc.
  • Chas Fisk, labor paid on temp bridge, timber paid for
  • Thomas Rand, work on bridge
  • Wm Teaney, work on bridge
  • John Anderson, work on bridge
  • Charles Sasaman, lumber
  • H C Westmeyer, hauling stone
  • John A Nees, coal oil used on old bridge
  • Peter Zimmerman, ferrying

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Apr 1887

Proceedings of the April 1887 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 7 Apr 1887 – Page 2, Column 3

Samuel Jentz vs. Frederica Jentz, divorce; trial by Court. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Charles E. Green vs. George Ann Green, divorce; trial by Court. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

John H. Leeker vs. Frederica Huseman et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $1595.83.

John D. Meyers vs. O. & M. Railway Co., damages. Judgment for plaintiff for one cent and costs.

John A. Parks et al vs. Walter S. Baker, injuction; trial by Court. Judgment for plaintiff for one cent damages and retraining order made perpetual.

The Aurora Distilling Co. vs. Louis Lang et al, attachment. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Hugh D. McMullen et al vs. Charles S. Hisey et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $342.55.

Mutual Loan & Building Association vs. Patrick Maloney et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment in favor of plaintiff for $317.80; in favor of S. D. Langtree for $2013.90.

Hugh D. McMullen et al vs. Malinda Brocks Noble et al, ejectment. Judgment for plaintiff for possession, and in favor of Crescent Loan and Building Association for $347.56 and decree of foreclosure.

Martha Garside, Executor, &c. vs. Dewitt Fitch et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $1323.00.

James Playford, Executor, &c. vs. Estate of George Griffin, deceased. Mortgage claim of $3028.97 allowed by the Court.

Henry Wiest vs. George Gompf et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $2720.00.

Samuel B. Chamberlain vs. William A. Moore et al, to satisfy mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff.

William Meister vs. Margaret Meister, divorce; trial by Court. Decree of divorce and custody of minor children granted plaintiff.

Alexander Crunk vs. Estate of Nancy B. Hayes. Claim allowed by Court of $400.55.

Mark L. Bond vs. Jennie Bond, to annul marriage contract. Judgment for defendant on finding of the jury.

B. F. Connelly, of Detroit, Michigan, was admitted to practice.


Estate of George Mader, deceased, John Gindling, Executor.

Guardian of George Mader heirs, Eliza Mader, Guardian.

Estate of Rose A. McMullen, John C. Sims, Administrator.

Estate of James Grubbs, Andrew Young, Administrator.

Estate of Wm. M. Terrill, Ella Terrill, Administrator.

Estate of Thomas Adamson, Morris H. Spidard, Executor.

Guardian heirs of Laura H. Ludlow, Omer T. Ludlow, Guardian.


Estate of Thomas Miller, Daniel H. Miller, Administrator.

Estate of Peter Stenger Sr., Peter Stenger Jr., Administrator.

Estate of Margaret Goddert, W. C. D. Stevenson, Administrator.


Will of George Mader.

Will of Thomas Adamson.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Mar 1887

Proceedings of the March 1887 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 10 Mar 1887 – Page 3, Column 4


Olive Laws vs. Mary Cannon et al. To set aside deed and partition. Judgment against plaintiff on demurrer.

J. & A. Simpkinson et al vs. William W. Lamar; on note. Default and judgment against defendant for $435.20.

State vs. Clarence Spangler; passing counterfeit money. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

Mutual L. & B. Association vs. Lucy Rider et al.; foreclosure. Dismissed by plaintiff.

First National Bank of Aurora vs. John McGuire et als; on note. Judgment against defendants by agreement for $299.45.

State ex rel John M. Pate et als vs. James M. North et als. Dismissed by relators.

Theresa S. Sutherland vs. Frank Sutherland; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Mary A. Weaver vs. John Weaver. Divorce dismissed by plaintiff.

State vs. Annie Kahr; grand larceny. Plea of guilty and sent to Female Reformatory until arrival at age of 18.

State vs. Cornelius Buchanan; attempting to provoke assault and battery. Dismissed by Pros. Attorney.

State vs. Jacob Kilthan; provoke. Trial by jury. Defendant acquitted.

Martha E. Burk et al vs. Barney Simson; injunction. Settled and dismissed.

August Marmer vs. Jacob Kuhn et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment vs defendants for $479 in favor of plaintiff, and $323 in favor of George B. Wilson.

John Lahmeier vs. Dedrick Kramer et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment vs defendants for $595.84 due plaintiff; $459.28 in favor of John B. Garnier, and $481.44 in favor of M George Bieler.

Catharine Cady vs. John W. Truitt et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment vs defendants for $232.21.

State vs. John P. Ebel; selling to minor. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

Joseph C. Small, Receiver, &c. vs. Nicholas Oester et al. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $50.

The Aurora Distilling Co. vs. Alexander Behlman Jr.; attachment. Default and judgment for $880.20.

The Aurora Distilling Co. vs. Stern, Lazarus & Co.; attachment. Default and judgment for $1593.09.

George S. Crawford vs. George F. Randall. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

Elizabeth Garside, Executor &c. vs. Catharine Defenbaugh et als; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for $518.50.

Theresa Grill vs. Jacob Foshag; on note. Dismissed and costs paid.


Margaret Fitch vs. Christopher Daily, on note.

Theresa Grill vs. Jacob Foshag. On note.

Hugh D. McMullen vs. Henry Mehrhoff et al. On account.

Enoch H. Miller vs. Samuel S. Webster et al. On judgment.

James B. Miller vs. Wm. W. Wilson et al. On note.

Lizzie B. Cheetham vs. John B. Cheetham. Divorce.

William S. Holman et al vs. Rachel Shanks et al. On account.

Zephaniah Heustis vs. Oliver L. Matthews. On notes.

John H. Lecker vs. Frederica Huseman et al. Foreclosure.


Estate of Francis M. Johnson—Thos. M. Kyle, Administrator.

Estate of Barbara H. Rees—John Rees, Administrator.

Estate of William Bohle—Frederick Bohle, Administrator.

Estate of James M. Hook—Ignatus Hook, Administrator.

Estate of Eliza Elliott—Joseph M. Bossong, Administrator.

Guardian of heir of Francis M. Johnson—Jennie E. Johnson, Guardian.

Guardian of heirs of James L. and Rose A. McMullen—John C. Sims, Guardian.

Guardian of Caroline Stokes, insane—John W. House, Guardian.

Guardian of Elizabeth Stoops, insane—William H. Green, Guardian.

Guardian of Wm. D. Prichard, insane—Hugh D. McMullen, Guardian.

Guardian of Bessie G. McKinney—Mahlon H. McKinney, Guardian.


Estate of George W. Nevitt—Joseph D. Curtis, Administrator.

Guardian of Omer T. Hayes—Frank J. Lang, Guardian.

Estate of Barnhard Miller—Albert Huber, Administrator.

Estate of Gideon Renner—Frank J. Lang, Administrator.

Guardian of Charles Zieginbein—Sophia Ziegenbein, Guardian.

Estate of James M. Hook—Ignatius Hook, Administrator.


Will of Philip Kastner.

Will of John Lahmeier.

Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Mar 1887 – Page 3, Column 5


Margaret Fitch vs. Christopher Daily, on note. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Hattie Stulb vs. Louis Veit, to recover real estate, trial by Court. Finding and judgment for plaintiff.

Maria L. Koehler vs. Wm. T. Edward et als, to correct description and quiet title. Finding and judgment for plaintiff.

Centre L. & B. Association vs. Henrietta Woolever et als, foreclosure. Dismissed by plaintiff.

James B. Miller vs. Wm. W. Wilson, on note. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $56.35 and costs.

State ex rel Julius Severin, Auditor, &c. vs. Strawder Cheek et als, foreclosure. Judgment and decree for plaintiff for $1134.89 and costs.

Herman Hass vs. John Hass, ejectment, trial by jury. Finding and judgment for plaintiff.

Leopold Kupferschmid vs. Hayden H. Miller et als, foreclosure. Settled and dismissed.

Mutual L. & B. Association vs. Joseph Tague et als, foreclosure. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Maria M. Schmalz et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $192.15; for defendant George Beckenholdt for $259.57.

Upon petition of Abram H. Vail his name was changed to that of Holman Vail.


Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Anna M. Schmalz et al. Foreclosure.

The Aurora Distilling Co. vs. Louis Lang et al. Attachment.

Gerhart B. Schulte vs. Royal P. Snell et al. Replevin.

Emil Calman et al vs. Edwin B. Dobell Sr. On note.

John Buchta et al vs. Angeline J. Buchta. Partition.

Sarah Smith et als vs. Mathias Miller. On judgment.

Charles Lods vs. John Mullen et al. Foreclosure.

August Ulrich et als vs. Maggie Ulrich et als. Partition.

Ellen Wempe vs. Francis Wempe. Divorce.

Henry Wiest vs. George Gompf et al. Foreclosure.


Estate of Thomas Davis, Wilkison Smith, Administrator.

Estate of Benjamin Wilson, Wilkison Smith, Administrator.


Estate of John Lahmeyer. George Lahmeyer, Executor.

Guardian of Ernest E. Wilson, Melville Wilson, Guardian.

Estate of Eliza Wood, Daniel H. Crozier, Administrator.


Will of Peter Stewart.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1887

Proceedings at the February 1887 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 24 Feb 1887 – Page 3, Column 3


State vs. John P. Hornaday; dismissed.

State vs. Harmon Muller; dismissed.

Charles Cochran’s estate vs. Henry Koehler et al; foreclosure; dismissed.

John B. Garnier vs. estate of Catharine Gernert, dec’d; claim of $12.65 allowed at claimant’s costs.

John T. Penny, Trustee, &c., vs. Malcolm T. Andrews et al; for satisfaction of mortgage. Trial by Court and judgment for plaintiff.

State vs. William P. Sinclair; burglary; plea of guilty and sentenced to eight years in State Prison and disfranchised for ten years.

Henry Peters & Son vs. estate of Catharine Grenert, dec’d; claim of $270.21 allowed.

Traugott W. Kestner vs. Joseph Ottoway et al; on note; default and judgment against defendants for $98.65 and costs.

James B. Curtis vs. Michael Giegoldt; replevin; dismissed.

State vs. Michael Vahey; petit larceny. Trial by Court; sentenced to the State Prison for one year, fined $1, and disfranchised for one year.


William Meister vs. Margaret Meister; divorce.

John T. Penny, Trustee, vs. Malcolm T. Andrews et al; to satisfy mortgage.

Catharine Ake vs. George Ake; divorce.

Maria L. Koehler vs. William T. Edwards et al; to quiet title.

Frederick Widau et al vs. George E. Kolb et al; appeal from Commissioners.

Benjamin Headley vs. William C. Mulford; on note.

Andrew S. Winkley et al vs. William Leive et al; partition, &c.

Josephine B. Benz et al vs. Charles Lods et al; to set aside Will.

H. D. McMullen et al vs. Charles S. Hisey et al; foreclosure.

Charles E. Green vs. George Ann Green; divorce.

John Lohmeier vs. Dedrick Kramer et al; foreclosure.

Charles F. Defflbacher et al vs. Herny Mehrhoff et al; on account.

H. D. McMullen et al vs. Malinda B. Noble et al; ejectment.

L. Kupferschmid vs. Hayden H. Miller et al; foreclosure.

Mary A. Weaver vs. John Weaver; divorce.

Mutual Loan and Building Association vs. Patrick Garrity et als; foreclosure.

Same vs. Joseph Tague et als; foreclosure.

Same vs. Lucy Rider et als; foreclosure.

Same vs. Patrick Maloney et al; foreclosure.

John Simpkinson et al vs. William W. Lamar.

First National Bank of Aurora vs. John McGuire et al; on note.

Charles Rolf vs. Robert Wilber et als; on account.

Mutual Loan and Building Association vs. Thomas O. Lindsay et als; foreclosure.

Joseph G. Parks et al vs. Frank Mathias et al; foreclosure.

Catharine Cady vs. John W. Truitt et al; foreclosure.

James B. Curtis vs. Michael Giegoldt; replevin.

Center Loan and Building Association vs. Henrietta Woolever et al; foreclosure.


Estate of Ann E. Burress, dec’d; L. G. Adkinson, Executor.

Estate of Philip J. Schaeffer, dec’d; Levina N. Schaeffer, Administratrix.


Estate of Rhoda C. Johnson; Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of James C. Cordry; Isaac M. Truitt, Administrator.

Estate of Christopher Buchta; Levin P. Chance, Administrator.


Will of Sophia E. Miller.

Will of Martin Christman.

Benjamin Vail Jr., of Aurora, was admitted to practice.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jan 1887

Proceedings of the January 1887 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Jan 1887 – Page 2, Column 2


Louis E. Beinkamp vs. Margaret Giegoldt, on note. Trial by jury. Verdict and judgment for Plaintiff for $347.83 and costs.

Joseph G. Parks et al vs. Sun Fire Office, on Policy of Insurance. Trial by Jury. Verdict and judgment for Plaintiffs for $1000 and costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Anton Amann et al vs. B. Frank Green et als, foreclosure, chattel mortgage. Trial by Court. Judgment for Plaintiffs for costs, and in favor of Defendant John Hornberger for $40.

Catharine Gillig vs. estate John Jeffries, deceased. Trial by Court. Claim allowed for $16 and costs.

Elizabeth Kuhn vs. Jacob Kuhn et al, for support. Dismissed by Plaintiff.

Nathaniel Anthony vs. Harrison Risinger. On note. Judgment vs. Plaintiff for costs on demurrer.

John S. Morris vs. St. Marks Episcopal Church, et als. On contract. Trial by Court. Finding and judgment for Defendants for costs.

Lewellyn N. Crigler et al vs. Peter W. Hartman et al, on account. Trial by Jury. Verdict and judgment vs. defendant Peter W. Hartman for $264.70 and costs. Judgment in favor of Defendant Peter Hartman for costs.

Frederick Jents vs. Samuel Jents, alimony. Judgment on demurrer vs. Plaintiff for costs.

State ex rel Alta Jackson vs. William Tucker, bastardy. Dismissed by relatrix.

John S. Dorman & Co., vs. Estate Nancy B. Hayes, deceased. Trial by Court. Claim allowed for $1268.58 and costs.

State ex rel Wilkison Smith et al vs. Aristides Tufts, Trustee Washington Township, mandamus. Finding and judgment for Plaintiffs and writ of mandate granted vs. Defendant.

Leopold Kupferschmidt vs. O. & M. Railway Co., et als. Injunction. Dismissed at costs of City of Lawrenceburgh.

Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Nancy and Jacob Jones, Foreclosure. Decree and judgment vs. Defendants for $169.90 and costs.

Sally Maria Lane vs. George W. Lane, judgment revived for $14,561.44.

Susan Roser vs. Estate Sarah D. Franklin, deceased. Trial by Court. Claim allowed for $95.50 and costs.

Eliza Swift et al vs. Estate Nancy B. Hayes, deceased. Trail by Court. Claim allowed for $1400 and costs.

Nathan H. Wilson et al vs. Hamilton Conaway et als to contest will. Compromised and judgment rendered in accordance therewith.


Charles Cochran’s estate vs. Henry Koehler et als. Foreclosure.

Peter Walter et al vs. Louisa Ahlbrandt et als. Partition.

John A. Parks et al vs. Walter S. Baker. Injunction.

State ex rel Auditor D. C. vs. Strawder Cheek et als. Foreclosure.

Wilkison Smith and Charles R. Campbell were appointed as Jury Commissioners for the ensuing year.

The following gentlemen were admitted to the bar during term: John R. Smith, Jason B. Brown, and James R. Hayes.


Guardian of Arthur L. Hayes—John G. Bauer, Guardian.

Guardian of Barbara Krentzer—Louis E. Beinkamp, Guardian.

Estate of Francis M. Miles—W. C. D. Stevenson, Administrator.

Estate of Harrison Wade—Charles W. Stapp, Administrator.

Estate of Elvira Daily—Charles W. Stapp, Administrator.

Estate of Belle H. Weitzel—Joseph M. Bossong, Executor.


Guardian of Mabel Criswell et al—Susan Criswell, Guardian.

Estate of Wm. Duncan—Charles W. Stapp, Administrator.

Guardian of David T. Nevitt—Geo. W. Nevitt, Guardian.


Will of John Nitters.

Will of Belle H. Weitzel.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Dec 1886

Allowances made at the December 1886 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 17 Feb 1887 – Page 3, Column 6

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their December session, 1886, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Centre Township.

  • James M Wheeler, groceries for Benj Mills, Wesley Hancock
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries for Charles Bailey
  • Charles Fehling Jr., groceries for Mary Burns, Catharine Hauck
  • Albert Bloom, groceries for Mrs. E Trester
  • Wm E Lambkin, groceries for Mrs. Charles Lambkin
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal for Mrs. Chamberlain
  • Aurora Gas Light and Coke Co., coal for Mrs. Theetge, Lambkin, Vansickle, J Pate
  • R A McConnell, clothing, shoes, etc., for Mrs. E Trester, Lee Winscott, Ralph Smith, Lillie Doer
  • Lena Epstein, clothing for Ed Griffith
  • Wm Lieve & Bros., books for poor children
  • George W Taylor Sr., conveyance for paupers
  • F A York & Co., conveying pauper family to Burlington, Ky.
  • Johnston & Co., groceries for Jacob Schuler
  • Fred Opperman, groceries for Mary Hughes, John Kerrigan, Catharine Welsh, Jenny Gray
  • Henry Wood, groceries for tramp, Jennie Farrar, Wm Brown
  • Denton & Radspinner, groceries for Ella Baker, Mary Peters, Mrs. Caster
  • Joseph G Parks, boarding paupers, etc.
  • Jacob Groenawein, cash expended on paupers

Poor—Lawrenceburg Township.

  • Schleicher Bros., groceries for Mrs. Martin, Wright, Alice Powell, Kleine, Younker, Holland, Mrs. John Fisher, John Cheek
  • Mrs. Siemantel, groceries for Mrs. Bennett
  • Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Tilford
  • John Denschle, groceries for Mrs. Dollerhugh
  • Herman Oertling, groceries for Mrs. Steve Smith
  • Archie Shaw, groceries for Mrs. Stack, Mrs. Tilford, Nevitt children
  • Joseph McGranahan, groceries for Mrs. Goodwin, Rissell, Holland, Mary McRight
  • Mrs. Wm Fitch, groceries for Mrs. Bruce and sister
  • Fred Wesler, coal for Mrs. John Fisher, Steve Smith, McRight, Marshall, West, Dollerhugh, Howard, America Becker, Bennett, Martin, Adams, Younker
  • Geo Beckenholdt & Co., coal for Henry Young, Mrs. Bruce and sister, Steve Smith, Knapp, Marshall
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller, medical services for Bennett child
  • E B H Owens, lodging and meals for Albert Miller and two children
  • Greendale Cemetery Co., digging graves for four paupers

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Philip Weis, flour for Mrs. Jane Leffler
  • Wm Schweitzer, sundries for Mrs. Jane Leffler
  • Adam Sahn, flour for Joe Huber and family
  • Henry C Assche, cash paid for railroad fare and meals for paupers
  • C H Bruns, coffin for Mathias Meier

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Wendal Labbe, groceries for Philip Spring

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Thomas Croxton, conveying pauper to asylum
  • Wm Rowland, groceries for David Hess
  • J C Vandolah, groceries for Jane Peasley
  • Henry Tonemaker, shoes for pauper

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • Van D Chance, groceries for Eliza Elliott
  • H D Moore, groceries for Isaac Davis
  • F Slater & Son, groceries for Mary E McMahon
  • F M Johnson, ticket, meals and lodging for paupers

Poor—York Township.

  • James B Pyles, groceries for Simon Miller
  • Isadore Brickler, conveying pauper to county asylum

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • George Hallowell, meals and ticket for pauper
  • James A Scott, same

Poor—Logan Township.

  • John Lutz, two cords of wood for Elizabeth Ward
  • Edward Grubbs, boarding three children

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Wm F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Layborn

County Asylum.

  • Thomas Duncan, cash paid for sundries; salary as Superintendent
  • Charlotte Duncan, matron, salary
  • Katie Wilson, service
  • Sarah Collier, service
  • Lewis Drake, service
  • John Sims, service
  • Lena Epstein, clothing
  • John W Roberts, harness, etc.
  • H Semon & Son, fruit trees
  • Elizabeth Lamar, dry goods
  • Wm Lieve & Bro., journal and ledger
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries
  • Alex Ruble, repairing shoes
  • P Perlee, delivering package to asylum
  • H G Kid, buckets etc.
  • Wm Pummill, hardware and repairs
  • G Gutzwiller, one new wagon and blacksmithing
  • Geo W Hall, meat, tobacco, etc.
  • Lawbgh & Napoleon Turnpike Co., toll
  • Thos Emerson, dry goods
  • W F Crocker, dry goods and groceries
  • Amos Sims, work on farm
  • Thos Sargent, coal
  • Tebbs Bros, barrel oil and barrel salt
  • Fred Mauntel, writing desk
  • O P Cobb & Co., sundries
  • Gerhard & Hilbert, wagon work
  • Early & Daniel, seed
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., two coffins
  • Wm H Jordan, soap
  • Nic Vogelgesang Jr., wagon work

Public Buildings.

  • Tebbs Bros., brooms
  • John G King & Co., oil for jail
  • Andrew Young, repairs of doors
  • John Grelle, same
  • Early & Daniels, coal
  • Henry Hitzfield, repairs, etc.
  • James McLeaster, repairing windows, roof and chimney
  • Sam Sweeney, shoveling coal
  • J E Brooks, tubing for gas
  • H G Kidd, repairing stoves
  • Lawbgh Gas Co., gas
  • Schleicher Bros., oil for jail
  • Sparks Bros., sundries
  • L Kupferschmidt, repair of clock
  • R Walter, paint, oil, etc. for roof
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., one load kindling
  • Wm H Jordan, paint, etc.
  • Israel Crist & Son, hardware, etc.

Public Printing.

  • J E Larimer, publishing railroad notice
  • Everett & Gregory, same
  • L W Cobb, same
  • Hunter & O’Brien, printing

Specific Allowance.

  • Heber Haynes, examining Treasurer books
  • Aurora Furniture Co., book case for school room
  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, making reports
  • Gutenberg Co., newspaper for Co. Asylum
  • Jas D Gatch, Treasurer, stamps, etc.
  • Charles Fisk, expense of Com’s to Cin
  • Julius Severin, Auditor, stamps, expressage, etc.

Roads and Highways.

  • D M Guard, Sheriff, serving Road Viewer
  • Nelson Baker, lumber for small bridges
  • S Trester, work on bridge at Cochran
  • John Renck, road viewer
  • Ernst Hopmeiere, same
  • Benj Wethered, work on Wallace Branch bridge
  • Levi Miller, JP, swearing road viewers

Books and Stationery.

  • Sentinel Printing Co., books
  • Baker & Thornton, same
  • Wm B Burford, same
  • Novelty Stamp Co., Treasurerr, file stamp
  • Martin Kieffer, binding reports

Officers’ Salary.

  • Julius Severin, Auditor
  • James D Gatch, Treasurer
  • John Probst, Treasurer
  • Charles Fisk, Commissioner
  • Nicholas Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • George H Swales, Commissioner
  • George W Johnson, Commissioner

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • D M Guard, Sheriff, serving Com’s
  • L W Cobb, publishing allowances
  • D M Guard, Sheriff, attending Commissioners court

Aurora Bridge

  • J F Trulock, rope used on old bridge
  • L S Isdell, one day as expert
  • A T Gridley, services at bridge
  • O P Cobb & Co., nails, etc., for temporary bridge
  • Geo Trester et al, work at bridge
  • Thomas Rand, same

Lawrenceburgh Bridge.

  • Lomas Forge and Bridge Works, balance on contract

Court Expense.

  • D M Guard, Sheriff, serving juries


  • Mary B Bolly, erroneous taxes

County Revenue.

  • C R Campbell, swearing appraisers

Expense of Elections.

  • Warren Tebbs, Clerk, swearing inspectors, etc.
  • D M Guard, Sheriff, posting notices

Laughery Bridge.

  • Geo L Siemantel, repairing floor in the Laughery bridge

County Superintendent.

  • H B Hill, salary as County Supt.

Expense of Criminals.

  • D M Guard, Sheriff, boarding prisoners

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1886

Proceedings of the December 1886 term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 9 Dec 1886 – Page 2, Column 2


State vs. Joseph Daniels, petit larceny. Dismissed.

State vs. Joseph Grah, petit larceny. Dismissed.

State vs. Elizabeth Ratjen, selling without license. Dismissed.

State vs. Charles S. Hisey, burglary. Dismissed.

State vs. Bonny Ewan, false pretenses. Dismissed.

State vs. Martin Garrity, assault and battery with intent to kill. Dismissed.

Lizzie Cosby et al vs. O. & M. Railway Co., damages. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Louis W. Cobb vs. Erastus S. Downey, damages. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Edward C. Fredrick vs. Helen M. Ward, appeal, trial by court, finding for defendant. Appeal to Supreme Court.

George Fox vs. Freiberg & Workum, on contract. Judgment vs. defendants for $30 and vs. plaintiff for costs.

Jesse D. Taylor, Executor vs. Harriet C. Taylor, to construe policy. Judgment vs. defendant for costs.

William Leive vs. Edson S. Winkley, on contract. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Indiana Furniture Manufacturing Co. vs. John Cobb et al, on contract. Change of venue to Decatur County.

Jackson Cosby vs. O. & M. Railway Co., damages. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Rachel Shanks vs. Geo. W. Robinson, damages. Change of venue to Decatur County.

John C. Huxsoll vs. Jos. S. Wymond, damages. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Charles Bruce vs. Eliza Bruce. Divorce. Decree of divorce given plaintiff.

Otho Billingsley vs. Jacob Goenawein, appeal. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

Otto H. Feustel vs. Julia Feustel, divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Enoch H. Miller vs. Samuel S. Webster et al; to revive judgment. Judgment vs. defendant Webster for $491.15.

Alex B. Pattison, Guardian, vs. Emma Klingelhoffer et al, foreclosure. Dismissed.

John N. Greer vs. Oliver P. Cobb et al, on note. Dismissed.

Bazil N. McHenry et al vs. Lytle W. Parks, on note. Default and judgment for $279.80 and costs.

William H. Penhollen vs. Adaline Junker, damages. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Charles G. Clements vs. Leonard Klingelhoffer et al, foreclosure. Judgment.

State ex rel Ebenezer Cheeney et al vs. Ohio Valley Coffin Co., mandamus. Writ of mandate granted.


Crescent Building Association vs. John S. Morris et al, foreclosure.

John D. Myers vs. O. & M. Railway Co. Damages.

Louis M. Foulk et al vs. George W. Lane. Damages.

Olive Laws vs. Mary Cannon et al. To set aside deed and for partition.

Warren Tebbs vs. Alice Brannon et al. Foreclosure.

Hattie Stulb vs. Louis Viet. To recover real estate.

Elizabeth Garside, Executrix, vs. Catharine Defenbaugh et al. Foreclosure.

August Marmer vs. Jacob Kuhn et al. Foreclosure.

Traugott W. Kestner vs. Joseph Ottaway et al. On note.

German Lawrenceburgh Building Co. No. 3 vs. Edwin B. Dobell Jr., et al. Foreclosure.


Estate of Patrick Nead, Mary Nead, Administrator.


Estate of Anthony Bletter, Charles Lods, Special Administrator.

Guardian of James Connolly, James Ennis, Guardian.


Will of Jack Henderson.

Will of Peter Meister.

Lawrenceburg Register – 23 Dec 1886 – Page 2, Column 4


State vs. Dedrick Kramer, selling without license. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

State vs. Dedrick Kramer, selling without license. Trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

State vs. Albert Knapp, petit larceny. Plea of guilty, sentenced to State prison for one year, fined $1 and disfranchised for two years.

State ex rel William J. Smith, Trustee Miller Township, vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co., mandamus. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Ex-parte Margaretha Zimmerman et als, partition. Report of sale by Commissioner.

Joseph Schwabacher et als vs. Louis Veit, on note. Dismissed by plaintiffs.

Edward Fefler vs. Henry Mehrhoff, damages. Settled and dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Job Miller vs. C. I. St. & C. R. Co., (4 cases). Appeal settled, and stricken from docket.

Henry Wick et als vs. Crescent Brewing Co., on note. Judgment for plaintiffs for $1,981.64 and costs.

Elizabeth P. McKinney vs. Fred Rodenberg, Trustee, et al, injunction. Judgment for plaintiff and appeal to Supreme Court.

Lena Epstein vs. Andrew Frieberger, appeal. Trial by jury, verdict and judgment for plaintiff for $12.75 and costs.

John B. Garnier vs. Rudolph Walter, ejectment. Change of venue to Decatur County.

John S. Dorman vs. America McKee, appeal. Trial by court, judgment for plaintiff for $40.83.

John H. Bunning, Administrator, vs. Bernard H. Krieger et als, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for $1,512.50 and costs.

Ignatius Hook vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co., damages. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Zephaniah Heustis vs. Oliver L. Matthews, injunction. Judgment for plaintiff and one cent damages.

John F. Trulock vs. O. & M. R. W. Co., damages. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Star Loan and Building Association vs. Daniel Turner et al, foreclosure. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Stat Loan and Building Association vs. Hannah M. Stevens et al, foreclosure. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Crescent Building Association vs. John S. Morris et al, foreclosure. Decree and Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $433; in favor of Clark Canfield, Guardian, for $361, and in favor of Wm. J. McHenry for $892.25.

Warren Tebbs vs. Alice Brannon et al, foreclosure. Decree of foreclosure and judgment for $1,184.35.


Caroline M. Hayes vs. Symmes M. Jelley, Administrator, et al. To satisfy lien.

Martha Garside, Executrix, vs. Dewitt C. Fitch, et al. Foreclosure.

Nancy West vs. Ezra G. Hayes et al. Supplementary to execution.

Peter Pfalzgraf vs. George Motherland et al. To recover real estate.

Aurora Distilling Co. vs. Alexander Bihlman Jr. Attachment.

Aurora Distilling Co. vs. David H. Sterm et al. Attachment.

Mary A. Weaver vs. John Weaver. Divorce.


Will of Ezekiel Martin.

Will of Theresa Lamb.

Will of Michael Dumont.


Guardian of Joseph Blettner, Henry Fangman, Guardian.

Estate of Theresa Lamb, James D. Parker, Executor.


Estate of Joseph Hayes, A. E. Nowlin, Administrator, &c.

Guardian of Laura J. Myers, John W. Liddle, Guardian.

Estate of David Ellis, W. L. H. Givan, Administrator.

Estate of Margaret E. Wills, A. P. Daughters, Executor.


Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1886

Proceedings of the November 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 18 Nov 1886 – Page 2, Column 3


Court convened on Monday with the following new cases on docket:

Susan Rosser vs. estate of Sarah Franklin. Claim $95.

Otto H. Feustel vs. Julia Feustel. Divorce.

State ex rel Alta Jackson vs. William Tucker. Bastardy.

Nathan H. Wilson vs. Hamilton Conaway and others. To contest will.

Enoch H. Miller vs. S. S. Webster. To revive judgment.

Samuel Jents vs. Frederica Jents. Divorce.

Isaac Showalter vs. George B. Buckingham. Mechanics lien.

Ignatius Hook vs. C. I. St. L. & C. Railroad. Damages.

Z. Heustis vs. O. L. Mathews. Injunction.

Joseph G. Parks vs. Sun Fire Office. On policy insurance.

Jefferson Rittenhouse vs. Jane S. Rittenhouse. Demand $5,000.

Hattie Crist vs. Wilson Crist. Divorce.

Alex Pattison, Guardian, vs. L. Klingelhoffer. Foreclosure.

John W. Greer vs. O. P. Cobb & Co. On note.

B. N. McHenry & Co. vs. L. W. Parks. On note.

John F. Truelock vs. O. & M. Railway Co. Damages.

W. H. Penhollen vs. Adaline Junker. Damages $80.

L. J. Wilson, Administrator, vs. W. W. Wilson. On note.

Franklin Bank of Cincinnati vs. Julius Severin. On bill of exchange.

Daniel Macker vs. L. Klingelhoffer. To set aside deed.

Star Loan and Building Association vs. Daniel Turner. Foreclosure.

Lawrenceburg Register – 25 Nov 1886 – Page 2, Column 5



Lydia Wuest vs. estate of Nancy B. Hayes, $6.30.

Kestner Bros. vs. estate of Nancy B. Hayes, $19.57.

M. P. Hayward vs. estate of Nancy B. Hayes, $29.25.

Thomas Winegardner vs. estate of Nancy B. Hayes, $8.55.

W. M. Terrill vs. estate of Nancy B. Hayes, $106.00.

H. G. Kidd vs. estate of Nancy B. Hayes, $24.89.

State vs. John T. Boorman, surety of the peace. Dismissed.

Margaret Briddell et al vs. Augustus Langley, partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Harriet Dunn vs. Daniel Collins et al, foreclosure. Final report and discharge of Receiver.

Mutual Loan and Building Association vs. James Kinnett et al, foreclosure. Dismissed at costs of cross-complainant John A. Parks.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Louisa S. Lillie et al, foreclosure. Stricken from docket.

Ex-parte Henry Telker Jr. et al, partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

State ex rel Mollie Rabenstein vs. Wm. H. Truitt, bastardy. Dismissed at cost of relatrix.

Josephus Buffington vs. Thomas L. Baker, guardian, &c., claim. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

John A. Parks, Guardian, vs. Thos. O. Lindsay, on note. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Emma Kaster Pavey vs. William A. Pavey. Plaintiff authorized to convey real estate without defendant joining in conveyance.


James D. Gatch vs. Walter Fitch et al. Foreclosure.

Emma Sellers vs. Ira Kimball. On account.

Elizabeth Kuhn vs. Jacob Kuhn et al. Alimony.

Star Loan and Building Association vs. Hannah M. Stevens et al. Foreclosure.


Estate of Henrietta Herzog, Will A. Greer, Administrator.

Estate of Christian Foos, Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of Winfred Roberts, W. F. Howard, Administrator.

Estate of William Marshall, W. F. Howard, Administrator.

Estate of Hardman Abington, W. F. Howard, Administrator.

Estate of Thomas Jamison, W. F. Howard, Administrator.

Guardian of Louisa Devore, Charles M. Devore, Guardian.

Guardian of Joseph Taylor, Andrew J. Taylor, Guardian.

Guardian of Mary Platt, H. D. McMullen, Guardian.

Guardian of Eliza A. Guard, (Miller) Daniel M. Guard, Guardian.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Oct 1886

Proceedings of the October 1886 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 7 Oct 1886 – Page 2, Column 2


The following business has been transacted in the Circuit Court since our last publication:

Final report made and approved in the estate of Leah Hayes.

John Borman, of Jackson township, who was arrested on a peace warrant, gave bond in the sum of $300 for his good behavior.

Benjamin J. Grant, of Aurora, filed his bond as constable of Center township and it was regularly approved.

Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Oct 1886 – Page 2, Column 4


The following new cases have been filed in Circuit Court since our last report and, the following business has been transacted, the Court on Tuesday having adjourned until the 28th instant:

Frederick Jents sues Samuel Jents and H. & S. Pogue sue Ezra G. Hayes, both for money only, while Theresa S. Sutherland has tired of married life and wants the Court to divorce her from her husband, Frank Sutherland. The case of the State vs. Charles S. Hisey has been continued till the next term and the defendant released on giving his own recognizance in the amount of $500. John Hornberger vs. Maria C. Schultze et al, partition ordered and Jacob Foshag, Thomas C. Annis and Christ. Lommel appointed commissioners; Herman Hass vs. John Haas, injunction granted against John Haas, Louisa Haas, and Jacob Schrader restraining them from removing or disposing of crops on certain real estate and restraining John Haas from setting fire to a dwelling house on the same; Agnes B. Suits, Administratrix of the estate of William B. Suits, deceased, has been granted leave to sell certain real estate to pay the estate debts and the liens against the same have been marshaled.

Lawrenceburg Register – 28 Oct 1886 – Page 3, Column 5



Guardian of Inez M. Boyd, Hiram Fritz, Guardian.

Estate of John F. Ellerbrook, Hamilton Conaway, Administrator.

Estate of James Grubbs. Estate set over to widow, being of less value than $500.


Leoyd S. Isdell vs. James Skelton et al, foreclosure.

Lomas Forge and Bridge Works vs. Board of Commissioners, on contract. Settled and dismissed by plaintiffs at their own costs.