Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jan 1889

Proceedings of the January 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 17 Jan 1889 – Page 2, Column 2


George R. Nicklin et als vs. Aurora Iron Co. et als. Trial by Court; finding for plaintiffs—about $8,000. In favor of First National Bank of Aurora, $13,172.02; James R. Vail, $1,171.29; John Thumser, $962.74; Thos W Sargent, $7,471.56; Nathan Stedman, $4,303.86.

John Mahoney vs. Ann Mahoney; divorce; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

South Branch Lumber Co. vs. Wm J McHenry; on note; default and judgment for $416.50.

Jonathan Boyce vs. Wm J McHenry; on note; default and judgment, $435.83.

John Black et als vs. Cobbs Iron and Nail Co et al; judgment for plaintiffs and cross complaints aggregating about $50,000.

Cobbs Iron and Nail Co vs. City of Aurora; on account; judmgnet for plaintiff by agreement for $1,000.

Centre Lan and Building Association vs. Henrietta Woolever et al; foreclosure; judgment for plffs for $15.00, and decree of foreclosure.

Joseph H Burkam vs. Elizabeth West et als; to quiet title; trial by Court; finding and judgment for defendants; appeal to Supreme Court.

Clement W Robertson vs. John W Cooper et als; on note; trial by Court; finding and judgment for defendants; appeal to Supreme Court.

Henry Stenger vs. Estate of James P Sater; attachment; trial by jury; finding and judgment for plff for $1,000.

On petition of Ella M C Murdock—name changed to Emma M C Coulter.

John Cunningham vs. Mary A Rice et als; foreclosure; default and judgment for plaintiff for $1,541.33. For Margaret E Skirving, $514.40.

James B Miller vs. Estate of Emeline Hisey, dec’d; claim on note; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Anna Chambers vs. Wm Chambers Jr.; for support; dismissed and costs paid.

Noah S Givan vs. John Doty et als; on account; default and judgment for $115.

Aurora National Bank vs. Aurora Iron Co; on notes; judgment for plffs by default by $3,576.90.

Abram Hill vs. John Probst et al; injunction; trial by Court; finding and judgment for defendants; appeal to Supreme Court.

Gerhart A Roberg vs. The D Catillier Co; foreclosure; trial by Court; judgment for plff for $4,106.66. Appeal to Supreme Court by defendant Joseph E Small.

George W Taylor vs. Estate of Lucinda Christopher, dec’d; claim for $30 allowed.

Mary Simmonds vs. Estate of James P Sater, dec’d. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.



Estate of Rebecca Fox—Martin V. Fox, Administrator.

Estate of Benjamin J. Spooner—Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of George A. Geis—Alois Rosenberger, Administrator.

Estate of Francis A. Walliser—F. A. Walliser, Administrator.

Guardian of Rosa and Joseph A. Garnier—John B. Garnier, Guardian.

Guardian of heirs of Elvira Dailey—Noah S. Givan, Guardian.


Estate of Otho W. Dowden—Virgil Dowden, Administrator.

Estate of Maria A. Glaneman—John G. Easley, Administrator.

Estate of William L. Hansell—A. E. Nowlin, Administrator.

Estate of Clarinda Osborn—John Feist, Administrator.

Guardian of heirs of Aaron Vogt—John D Focke, Guardian.

Guardian of heirs of Carrie Mulford—Thomas Downton, Guardian.

Guardian of Mary Huber (insane)—Albert Huber, Guardian.

Will of Wm L Hansell probated.

In assignment of O P Cobb & Co. Joseph E Small, Receiver, is discharged and property conveyed to Company.

Ernst H Niebaum makes voluntary assignment to Fred Smith for benefit of creditors.

Estates set apart to widows as worth less than $500:

Estate of Jacob Lang

Estate of John Stitt

Estate of Oliver S Mulford

Estate of John Tyler

Estate of Frederick Meyer

Estate of Henry Leive

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Dec 1888

Proceedings of the December 1888 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Dec 1888 – Page 3, Column 3


At the request of Amzi Garrigues, Captain of the Manchester Horse Thief Detective Association, the following named gentlemen were appointed as Constables: John Reidel, Michael Bidner, Oliver L. Mathews, Thomas Duncan, George Heller and George Givan.

Henry Gerkin was appointed janitor of the Court House for one year, form the first day of January, 1889, at a salary of $45 per month.

Jacob Shuler Jr., Trustee of Centre township, reported the expenditure of the $800 donation for the repairing of “Hog Back.”

Dr. T. E. Craig, Secretary of the County Board of Health, submitted his annual report. During the nine months ending Sept. 30th, 1888, one hundred and two deaths and two hundred and seventy-one births were reported. Six reports of diseases dangerous to the public health were reported.

John E. Heustis was appointed commissioner to examine proposed highway on boundary line between Ripley and Dearborn counties—the location of which is petitioned for by twenty-four freeholders of Ripley county.

On account of the death of John McGuire, one of the sureties on the bond of Jacob Schuler, Trustee of Centre township, the said Trustee was ordered to execute a new bond.

The Auditor was instructed to present the Aurora Gas Company with an account for $50 for one year’s use of the Hogan Creek bridge in the city of Aurora for supporting gas main of said company.

Thomas Duncan, Superintendent of the County Asylum, made his semi annual report for the term ending November 30th. On June 1st the number of inmates was forty-seven. Since that date eleven have been discharged—leaving thirty-five now in charge of the county.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Sep 1888

Allowances made at the September 1888 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Oct 1888 – Page 4, Column 3

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their September session, 1888, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • H. Oertling, groceries furnished: Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Cavanaugh
  • Jos. McGrannahan, groceries furnished: John Fisher, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Chance
  • Sparks Bros., groceries furnished: Mrs. Jeffers
  • G. C. Columbia, groceries furnished: Mrs. Bruce and sister
  • A. Shaw, groceries furnished: Mrs. Brown
  • Tebbs Bros., clothing furnished: Sherman Easum
  • John Isherwood, groceries furnished: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Parsons, Mart McCracken
  • Spanagel & Co., groceries furnished: Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Vinscins, Mrs. Tout
  • Robert Foote & Co., groceries furnished: Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Early, Mrs. Crona
  • C. Israel, groceries furnished: Harry Goodwin, Mrs. Best
  • G. H. Wood, groceries furnished: Mrs. Bruce and sister
  • J. S. Dorman & Co., clothing furnished
  • Anton Schneider, shoes furnished: Mrs. Brown
  • F. U. Volz, boarding furnished: tramps
  • Graham & Co., groceries furnished: Nancy Smith, Mrs. Knuer
  • Louis Ellerbrook, boarding tramps
  • Frank Federic, same
  • L. Kohlerman, undertaker
  • John A. McIntyre, undertaker, coffin for floater
  • Greendale Cemetery Association, burying paupers
  • J. P. Lommel, digging grave in old cemetery
  • D. M. Guard, Sheriff, sending Eliza Easum to Richmond, Ind.
  • D. M. Guard, Sheriff, taking Sherman Easum to Richmond, Ind.
  • A. Beckman, coal furnished: Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Grill, Mrs. Hays

Poor—Centre Township.

  • E. H. Niebaum, clothing furnished: Thomas children
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries furnished: John Hess, Hannah Byrns
  • J. H. VanHouten, groceries furnished: Mrs. Perrin
  • Chas. Fehling, groceries furnished: Joanna Thomas, Mahala Teaney, Margaret Ross, Mrs. Fryberger, Wm. Smith
  • John Brannon, groceries furnished: Mrs. Welsh
  • F. Mauntel, undertaker
  • R. A. McConnell, clothing furnished: Mrs. Gray
  • John A. Nees, groceries furnished: Mrs. J. Henry, John Goodpasture, Wm. Powell, Fred Finke
  • A Kastner, groceries furnished: Mrs. J. Fryberger
  • Wm. Webber, groceries furnished: Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Lambkin
  • Fred Opperman, groceries furnished: Mary Hughes, Wesley Hancock
  • Ed. Holthouse, undertaker
  • Geo. W. Taylor, livery hire furnished
  • J. A. McIntyre, coffin for floater
  • Jacob Schuier Jr., transportation
  • J. C. Green, groceries furnished: Mrs. Mills, Wesley Hancock
  • E. Lamar, shoes furnished to Sarah Steig and Anna Davis
  • L. M. Cheek, groceries furnished: Wm. Holdon

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries furnished: Anie and Elizabeth Stevens, Sarah Flemming
  • Wm. Rowland, groceries furnished: Jane Peasley, Harrison Conaway, Betsey Spangler
  • M. E. Withrow, groceries furnished: Mrs. John Loftus, Thos. Aker

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • John Hays, groceries furnished: Margaret Stitt, Jane Christy

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • H. D. Moore, groceries furnished: Isaac Davis
  • F. Homan, groceries furnished to James Sebree
  • Slater and Heustis, groceries furnished to Mary McMahon

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Stollman & Schweitzer, groceries furnished to Mrs. Hawks

Poor—York Township.

  • Otto Hammerle, cash expended

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • W. F. Crocker, groceries to Mrs. Callahan
  • O. P. Pyles, groceries to Mr. Scribner
  • F. Dohlerman and John Vogel, taking sick tramp to county asylum

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Ed. Grubbs, boarding three children

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Wendel Labbe, groceries furnished: Joseph Huber, Philip Spring
  • Gerhardt Fette, groceries furnished: Joseph Huber, Caroline Smith
  • Geo. J. Witt, money advanced by county

County Asylum.

  • Thomas Duncan, salary
  • Thomas Duncan, money paid out
  • Charlotte Ducan, salary as matron
  • John Sims, work
  • A. Johnston, work
  • Kate Wilson, work
  • Clara Ruble, work
  • L. & M. Turnpike Co., toll
  • Curtis & Kyle, twine furnished
  • Stohlman & Schweitzer, harrow and seed furnished
  • E. Lamar, shoe furnished
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries furnished
  • Geo. Robinson, corn furnished
  • B. Buffington, groceries furnished
  • Frank Swales, medicine furnished
  • John Kleuber, clothing furnished
  • Indiana Voksblatt, newspaper furnished
  • Geo. Gutzweiler, blacksmithing
  • Whitman & Barnes, grain drill

Public Buildings.

  • Wm. Stevenson, one box soap for jail
  • G S Lozier, organ for teacher’s room
  • Henry Hitzfield, work on Court House
  • Henry Gerkin, freight on matting &c.
  • Henry Gerkin, Court House
  • John Shillito, matting for Court Room
  • Fred Wesler, coal for Court House and Jail
  • James Skelton, material and labor on sidewalk and jail
  • G. C. Columbia, 5 gallons coal oil for Jail
  • Henry Gerkin, miscellaneous
  • Early & Daniel, coal for Court House
  • N. Vogelgesang, railroad fare to Cincinnati to purchase grain drill
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for Court House
  • G. H. Wood, oil to Jail
  • Sparks Bros., sundries for Court House
  • R. Walters, window glass &c., for Court House

Specific Allowance.

  • J. H. Russe, railroad fare and expenses to insane to Indianapolis
  • J. H. Russe, expressage and postage
  • John Probst, postage
  • S. J. Huston, same
  • E. D. Moore, same
  • D. H. Miller, horse and buggy
  • Martin Kieffer, binding of Trustees’ Reports for August

Road and Highways.

  • Isaac Carbaugh, land taken for road purposes
  • D. M. Guard, serving summons on road viewers
  • John Heustis, road viewer
  • George Rush, road viewer
  • John Abdon, road viewer

Books and Stationery.

  • Baker & Thornton
  • Thomas Winegardner
  • Martin Kieffer
  • Wm. B. Buford
  • D. M. Guard
  • Sentinel Printing Co.

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • J. E. Larimer

Officers’ Salary.

  • E. D. Moore, salary as Auditor
  • G. W. Johnston, salary as Commissioner
  • G. A. Swales, salary as Commissioner
  • N. Vogelgesang, salary as Commissioner
  • D. M. Guard, Commissioner’s Court
  • D. M. Guard, expense of criminals

Assessing Revenue.

  • D. M. Guard, serving summons to Board of Equalization
  • J. A. McIntyre, expense of poor
  • S. J. Huston, County Superintendent

Laughery Bridge.

  • B. P. Heustis, work on bridge

Dillsborough Bridge.

  • R. W. Miller, repairing bridge

Harrison Bridge.

  • John Roser, labor on bridge

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1888

Proceedings of the December 1888 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Dec 1888 – Page 2, Column 3


George C. Columbia vs. Estate of Warren West, deceased. Claim allowed, $37.00 and costs.

James Lamb vs. Elijah Heaton et al. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

David W. Brownfield vs. John Hornbach. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs for want of prosecution.

Francis Worley vs. O. P. Cobb et als. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Margaretta Gass vs. Leopold Kupferschmidt, Trustee, &c., et als; Partition. Dismissed and costs paid.

Lou A. Greer vs. Zylphia J. Kelley et als; partition. Dismissed and costs paid.

John W. House vs. Estate of Emily C. Day, deceased. Claim allowed, $30.00 and costs.

Lena Epstein vs. Estate of Charles Bruce, deceased. Claim allowed, $23.00 and costs.

Magdalena Kreutzer vs. Estate of Michael Kreutzer Jr., deceased. Claim dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Dunn & Bielby vs. Estate of Emily C. Day, deceased. Claim allowed $52.24 and costs.

Abiah Hayes Jr. vs. Timothy Guard et als; partition. Dismissed at costs of Joseph H. Burkham.

George W. Keen, administrator, vs. Samuel C. Brackenridge. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Francis M. Miller vs. Estate of John McGuire, deceased. Claim allowed, $1,600.00 and costs.

Mary E. Vanhorn et als vs. John A. Vanhorn et al; partition. Judgment of partition by agreement.

Eva J. Tanner vs. Joseph F. Tanner; divorce. Decree of divorce and $500.00 alimony granted plaintiff.

Mary J. Guard et als vs. Omer T. Hayes et als; partition. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Greendale Furniture Co. vs. Harry N. Dobel. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Henry Miller vs. Mary E. Brumblay et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for $707.05 and costs.

John W. House vs. Estate of Joseph Proctor, deceased. Claim dismissed at defendant’s costs.

John Harper vs. John W. Fuller; appeal. Judgment on demurrer vs. Fuller for costs.

William T. Turner vs. Effie N. Turner; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff. Alimony to defendant in the sum of $350.00.

Joseph Ross vs. Nancy D. Platt. Injunction. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Thomas Kilner vs. Reuben H. Tyrrel et al; on note. Dismissed at costs of Robert Ketcham.

James F. Crozier vs. Mary E. Brumblay et al; on note. Judgment vs. defendant for $587.24 and costs.

Ella M. C. Murdock vs. Archibald C. Murdock; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

William H. Canfield vs. Enos Barrott; mechanic’s lien. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Star Building Association vs. William C. Carroll et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $99.50.



Evaline Todd vs. Joseph F. Todd; divorce.

Joseph C. Small, Receiver &c. vs. City of Lawrenceburgh et al; injunction.

John Mahoney vs. Ann Mahoney; divorce.

William H. Canfield vs. Enos Barrot; mechanic’s lien.

Aaron Huffman vs. Samuel G. Sweet et al; foreclosure.

Thomas J. Darling vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co.; damages.

Frederick A. York vs. John A. Parks; on settlement.

Marcus Collins vs. Mary E. Cornwell et al; foreclosure.

Catharine Lang vs. Cristian Ahnefield et al; foreclosure.

Ollie M. Kelly vs. Matthew Kelly; divorce.

William Rowland, Administrator, vs. America H. Pate et al; foreclosure.

William C. Henry et al vs. George W. Taylor Jr. et al; foreclosure.

William Cassady vs. Francis Swales.



Guardian of Irene Wood—Joseph W. Bedunnah, guardian.


Estate of James P. Sater—Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of Zachariah T. Baker—Charles W. Stapp, Administrator.


John S. French vs. Estate of Emily C. Day, deceased, $40.00.

John B. Garnier vs. Estate of Henry Beck, deceased; $285.80.


Will of William Stone, deceased.

Will of George F. Gibbons, deceased.

Will of Jonathan Barber, deceased.

Harrison Vanhorn adjudged of sound mind by a jury.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1888

Proceedings of the November 1888 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 8 Nov 1888 – Page 3, Column 3


Robert Hamilton and Oliver P. Cobb et al; on note. Dismissed at costs of defendants.

Mary F. Ketcham vs. George Ketcham; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Benjamin Heustis vs. C. & S. O. R. R. W. Co.; damages. Dismissed at costs of plaintiff.

George Knopfle vs. Mary Longnecker; mechanic’s lien. Dismissed at costs of plaintiff.

Theresa Bennett vs. William Bennett; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Sallie A. Elliott vs. Nathaniel Elliott; divorce. Dismissed at costs of defendant.

Eliza Henderson vs. Alexander H. Henderson; divorce. Dismissed at costs of plaintiff.

State of Indiana vs. John Hopkins and John Herron; petit larceny. Plea of guilty, sentenced to county jail for three hours, fined one cent and disfranchised for one year.

John A. Parks et al vs. Benjamin F. Trester Jr., et al; mechanics lien. Dismissed at costs of plaintiffs.

Elam H. Davis, Arthur P. Marshall and Randall J. Wymond, appointed appraisers for city of Aurora.

Moore’s Hill College vs. Estate of Thomas Jennings; on note. Claim allowed for $200.

Philip J. Gross vs. C. I. St. L. & C. Ry. Co.; injunction. Dismissed and costs paid.

Thomas Watts vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R’y. Co.; injunction. Dismissed and costs paid.

People’s National Bank vs. Clara M. Walker et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $625.45.

Same. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $550.00.

Mount Carmel and N. T. Turnpike Co. vs. John Doty et al; injunctions. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Fitch & Haas vs. Estate of Warren West, deceased; on account. Claim allowed for $30.68.

Harris Fitch vs. Estate of Warren West, deceased; on account. Claim allowed for $3.

William H. Green vs. Estate of Francis M. Miles, deceased; on account. Claim allowed for $16.80.

Otho W. Grubbs vs. Estate of Lucy E. McCracken, deceased; on account. Claim allowed for $5.79.

James Lambertson vs. Elijah Huffman; for receiver. Final report and discharge of receiver.

State ex rel John Wittmer, Supervisor &c., C. I. St. L. & C. R’y Co.; injunction. Dismissed at relatrix costs.

Thomas Mears vs. Cobbs Iron and Nail Co.; on account. Dismissed for want of security for costs.

Charles T. Johnson vs. Philip Ensminger; appeal. Dismissed at costs of Ensminger.

Aaron Huffman vs. Louis W. Cobb et al; on note. Dismissed and costs paid.

Jane A Gibson vs. Oliver P. Coob et al; foreclosure. Dismissed and costs paid.

State vs. James McCooley; petit larceny. Dismissed by Prosecutors.

State vs. Louis Veit; assault and battery. Dismissed by Prosecutor.

State vs. Samuel Parker; assault and battery. Dismissed by Prosecutor.

William J. Ferrin vs. Western Union Telegraph Co.; damages. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Charles Klein et al vs. Jacob C. Wiles; on account. Dismissed for want of security for costs.

William Wheeler vs. Samuel Trester et al; foreclosure. Dismissed and costs paid.

George W Newman vs. Agnes Newman; divorce. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

State vs. Edward Gaston; grand larceny. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

State vs. Joseph W. Cornforth; assault and battery with intent to kill. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

Henry Danziger vs. Mrs. Studer; on contract. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $25.

State vs. Arnold Cloud; assault and battery with intent to kill. Trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

William H Small vs. Board of Commissioners; damages. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Ellen Heaton vs. Elijah Heaton; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Fourth National Bank of Cincinnati, O., vs. Oliver P. Cobb et al; foreclosure. Dismissed and costs paid.

Anna Parks vs. Frederick A. York et al; on contract. Settled and dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Mutual Loan and Building Association vs. Charles Stedman et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $778.35.

Same. Decree for E H Niebaum for $101.13.

Same. Decree for James H. Vanhouten for $64.27.

Same. Decree for Kerrigan & Brannon for $69.00.

Same. Decre for A. E. Burkhart & Co. for $53.32.

Roger B Williams vs. Elmer E Eyster et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $313.13.

Sadie James vs. Thomas James; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Consolidated Coal and Mining Co. vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Co. et al; on note. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Ex parte Charles C Mueller et al; partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

John H. Koehler vs. Jeannette Koehler; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Ellen Spirvy et al vs. John F. Tebbs, guardian &c. et al. Judgment for plaintiff.

Andrew J. Stopher vs. Marcus Barker et al; damages. Trial by jury, verdict and judgment for plaintiff for $350.

Charles L Hunter vs. Henry Reinkin; on warranty. Verdict and judgment for defendant.

Joseph Rosenfeld vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company; on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $125.

A Montgomery & Co. vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company; on note. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

George Siekerman vs. Estate of Aaron Purcell, deceased; on account. Claim allowed for $10.

Mattie L Givan vs. David James et al; to quiet title. Trial by Court, decree and judgment for plaintiff.

Star Building Association vs. Orison Cannon et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $784.26.

Same. Decree and judgment for F A Slater for $238.30.

Allemania Lodge, No. 134, I. O. O. F. vs. Frederick Thoms et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $730.

Same. Decree and judgment for Frederick Probst, $223.80.

Charles H. Borden et al vs. Frank F Taylor; on account. Dismissed and costs paid.

James O McCracken et al vs. William O McCracken et al; partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Jane E. Justis vs. William Justis; partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Arthur Canfield vs. Jacob F. Bossong et al; on note. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $213.73.

Benjamin R. Bruce et al vs. Jonathan B Bruce et al; to set aside deed &c. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

John Wilson vs. Eliza J Speer et al; partition. Judgment for defendants by agreement.

Abraham Brower vs. Adam Schwing et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $198.20.

Aurora National Bank vs. Thomas W Sargent et al; replevin. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Sarah J Hart vs. William J. McHenry et al; attachment. Compromised and dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Union Building and Loan Association vs. Thomas O Lindsay et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff.

Charles Lods vs. Louisa Eter et al; partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

William Schlewinksy vs. City of Aurora et al; damages. Trial by jury, verdict and judgment for defendants.

James Wymond vs. William Wilson et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $654.13.

Mary C Webster vs. William Maybin; breach of marriage promise. Trial by jury verdict and judgment for plaintiff for $6,000. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Cyrus Canfield vs. John H Riggs; attachment. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $125.

Mary A Harding et al vs. Zephaniah Heustis; on note. Default and judgment for plaintiff for $220.50.

George F. Grassel vs. Joseph Bulack; attachment. Dismissed and costs paid.

State vs. David Allen; petit larceny; plea of guilty, and sentenced to State prison for one year, fined five dollars, and disfranchised for two years.


Allmania Lodge, &c., vs. Frederick Thoms et al; foreclosure.

Jane A Gibson vs. Oliver P Cobb et al; foreclosure.

Lou Ann Greer vs. Edward Mathias; damages.

George H Nicklein et al vs. Thomas W Sargent et al; labor claims.

Louisa Giegoldt vs. Michael Zimmer et al; on note.

Peter Vogel vs. Sylvia A Richardson et al; foreclosure.

Star Building Association vs. Orison Cannon et al; foreclosure.

Clem W Robertson vs. John W Cooper et al; on note.

Union Building Association vs. T O Lindsay et al; foreclosure.

Eva Eschmann vs. Nicholas Eschmann; divorce.

Ex parte Sarah D Holcomb et al; partition.

Mary A Harding et al vs. Zephaniah Heustis; on note.

Aurora National Bank vs. Thomas W Sargent et al; replevin.

Charles H Borden et al vs. Frank F Taylor; on account.

George F Grassel vs. Joseph Bulach; attachment.

Arthur Canfield vs. Jacob F Bossong et al; on note.

William H Platt vs. Leonard Klingelhoffer et al; mechanic’s lien.

Carl G Walter vs. unknown heirs of Robert Piatt, dec’d, et al; to quiet title.

William T Turner vs. Effie N Turner; divorce.

Annie Chambers vs. Wm Chambers Jr.; for support.



Final reports were made in the following estates:

Charles S. Hayes—Charles F. Hayes, administrator.

Harriet Bainum—Conway Bainum, administrator.

Richard Wymond—Jacob H. Blasdel, administrator.

Anthony Blettner—Charles Lods, administrator.

Elvira Dailey—C. W. Stapp, adm’r.

James Smith—Wilkinson Smith, administrator.

Henry Klein—Alex Beckman, adm’r.

Wm Bohle—Fred Bohle, adm’r.

Joseph Juchs—John Probst, adm’r.

Margaretha Kirsch—Christ Lommel, administrator.

John Lahmeyer—George Lahmeyer, executor.

Robert Duck—Catharine A. Duck, administrator.

Charlotte Mason—Charles G. Hahn, administrator.

Lucy E. McCracken—O. W. Grubbs, administrator.

John M. Mueller—Charles C Mueller, executor.

Eliza Wood—Daniel H Crozier, adm’r.

Armour Stevenson—Wm Stevenson, administrator.

Estate partnership of Powell & Kalb, Alice C Powell, assignee.

Guardianship of Barbara Kreutzer—Louis E Beinkamp, guardian.

Guardianship of heirs of Margaretha Kirssh—C J B Ratjen, guardian.

Wilbur Shepherd—Jos F Vandolah, guardian.

Eliza Siegmundt—Will A Greer, guardian.

Margaret Buckhorst—Wm H Kyle, guardian.



Estate of Michael Kruetzer Jr.; Wm G Gerlach, Adm’r.

Estate of John McGuire; Elam H Davis, Adm’r.

Estate of James A Kelsey; David H Stapp, Adm’r.

Estate of Louisa McAvene; Albert Huber, Adm’r.

Estate of James McKinney; Elizabeth P McKinney, Am’x.

Estate of John H Riggs; Joseph D Curtis, Adm’r.

Estate of Josephine Phillips; August Burgermeister Jr., Ex’r.

Estate of Margaret Buckhorst; Henry Bode, Adm’r.

Estate of Alex Beckman; John C Hibbets, Adm’r.

Estate of Nathaniel Todd; John C Sims, Ex’r.

Estate of Wm Justis; Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Guardian heirs of Michael Kreutzer Jr.; Wm G Gerlach, guardian.

Heirs of Louisa McAvene; Albert Huber, guardian.

Heirs of John Skinner; Frank R Dorman, guardian.

Heirs of Jonathan Lewis; George Hayes, guardian.

Heirs of George H Gibson; Thomas H Gibson, guardian.

Heirs of Charlotte Mason; Charles G Hahn, guardian.

Heirs of Elvira Dailey; Noah S Givan, guardian.

Heirs of Margaretha Kirsch; Charles J B Ratjen, guardian.

Heirs of John M Mueller; Arthur P Marshall, guardian.

Heirs of Minick Ahart; Benjamin V Gould, guardian.



Will of Robert Mason

Will of Michael Kreutzer Jr.

Will of George Schwab Jr.

Will of Johann H Rabenstein

Will of Nathaniel Todd

Will of John A Hoffman

Will of Alexander Beckman

Will of Nickalos Klee

Will of Nickalos Vogelgesang



Charles F Ross vs. Estate of Dewitt C Wilber, $10.

F H Sale vs. Estate of Francis M Miles, $62.

Lawrenceburg Register – 22 Nov 1888 – Page 3, Column 4


The regular November term of Court convened on Monday with the following new cases on the docket:

Daniel B. Sink vs. Estate of Aaron Purcell, deceased. Claim on account, $24.

John W. House vs. Estate of Emily C. Day, deceased. Claim on account, $30.

Same vs. Estate of Joseph Proctor, deceased. Claim on account, $30.

Lena Epstein vs. Estate of Chas. Bruce, deceased. Claim on account, $23.

Magdalena Kreutzer vs. Etate of Michael Kreutzer Jr., deceased. Claim on note, $1,200.

George W. Taylor vs. Estate of Lucinda Christopher, deceased. Claim on account, $30.

Dunn & Bielby vs. Estate of Emily C. Day, deceased. Claim on account, $52.

Francis M. Miller vs. Estate of John McGuire, deceased. Claim on note, $1,600.

Lewis H. Dennis vs. Eugene Curry. Appeal.

State ex rel Mary E. Hamilton vs. Olive Ann Gray. Appeal.

Emma Spangler vs. Clarence Spangler. Divorce.

Aurora National Bank vs. Edward E. Stevens. Attachment and garnishment.

Klein, Putzel & Co. vs. Jacob C. Wiles. On account.

Eva J. Tanner vs. Joseph F. Tanner. Divorce.

Henry Tilford vs. Betty Tilford. Divorce.

John B. Garnier vs. Rudolph Walters. Motion to tax costs.

State of Indiana ex rel Katie D. Keeler vs. Joseph Lowe. Bastardy.

N. S. Givan vs. John Doty and others. On account.

Patrick McAvene vs. Cora McAvene and others. Partition.

Ella Murdock vs. Archibald Murdock. Divorce.

Henry Miller vs. Mary E. Brumblay. Foreclosure.

Katie Keeler vs. Joseph Lowe. On contract of marriage.


Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Jun 1888

Allowances made at the June 1888 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 28 Jun 1888 – Page 3, Column 4

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their June session, 1888, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal furnished: Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Chamberlain, A Chriswell, Mrs. Van Sickle
  • Charles Fehling, groceries furnished: Mrs. John Goodpasture, Harvey Johnson, Hannah Byrns, Mahala Teaney, Mrs. Ezra Knapp, Margaret Ross, Harry Flour, Mrs. J Fryberger
  • A Steigwaldt, groceries furnished: Noah Ferfield, Mrs. C Lamkin
  • River View Cemetery Association, nine burial permits to paupers
  • John Wildridge, groceries furnished, Mary Barnes, E Neff, Wm Muller, Mrs. Fryberger
  • L W Cheek, groceries to Wm Golden
  • Wm Maybin, groceries furnished, Mrs. John Fryberger, Hannah Bryns, Margaret Stitt, Adam Henley
  • Ph Kastner, groceries to Jas Howard
  • J M Wheeler, groceries furnished Wesley Hancock, James Trester Sr., Mrs. Ben Mills
  • Chambers & Stevens, groceries furnished Wm Powell
  • J H Van Houten, groceries furnished Wm Theetge, Wm Powell, W M Blackburn
  • Wm Webber, groceries furnished, Wm Theetge, Wm Burns, Wm Powell, John Hess
  • P Pelgen, groceries to Wm Powell, Mrs. F Ulrich
  • F Opperman, groceries furnished Katharine Walsh, Mrs. Hancock, Thomas Garrity, Mary Hughes
  • T W Sargent, coal to Wm Theetge, Mrs. Van Sickles, Mrs. Ulrich, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Fryberger, Mrs. Jesse Henry, Mrs. Broiles, Mrs. Chamberlain
  • John Brannon, groceries to Wm Holden, Cynthia Baker, Thomas Garrity
  • J H Green, groceries to James White, Katharine Walsh, Ben Mills
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries furnished Wm Thompson
  • A Bloom, groceries to Joe Jones, Mrs. John Cheek, Thomas Rand
  • J W Scott, groceries to Wm Alleman, Mrs. C Lamkin
  • Wymond Cooperage Co., fuel furnished Margaret Ross
  • Louis Lotton, furnishing lodging and meals to H Foster
  • Jacob Goenawein, boarding tramps and transportation of same
  • Rosa Goenawein, shoes furnished Mrs. Underwood, Marcus Bailey, Mrs. Campbell, Wm Smith, Mrs. Thomas
  • L Epstein, clothing to Mark Bailey
  • Jacob Schuler Jr., Trustee, transportation of poor
  • Henry Wood, groceries and coal to Anna Danvers, Mrs. Thos Rand, C Perrin, C Lamkin, A Criswell, H J Cole

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • A Beckman, coal furnished Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Early
  • Tebbs Bros., groceries to Mrs. Orsborn
  • Schleicher Bros., groceries to John Fisher, Taylor Bailey, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Best, Mrs. Krona, Mrs. Miller
  • Foote & Spanagel, groceries to Mrs. Mack, Jennie Ray, Mrs. Carll, Mrs. Ender, Mrs. Early, Mrs. Grill, Mrs. Kroma, Mrs. Brower Ricketts
  • Wm Stevenson, groceries to Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Wm Carll
  • A Shaw, groceries to Wm Brown
  • Tuthill & Co., wood to Mrs. Carr
  • A Beckman, coal to Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Leindecker, Bruce sisters, Mrs. Hayes
  • Mrs. Siemantel, groceries to Mrs. Bennett
  • Anton Schneider, shoes to Wm Brown, Mrs. Carl, Mrs. Liddle
  • H Oertling, groceries to Nancy Jones, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Holland
  • Mrs. G C Columbia, groceries to Mrs. Bruce
  • H Helmuth, groceries to Mrs. Ricketts, Nancy Young, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Marshall, George Dodd, Wm Holland
  • D M Guard, Sheriff, boarding transient paupers
  • Early & Daniel, coal to Mrs. Jeffers, Mrs. French, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Krona
  • Sparks Bros., groceries to Mrs. Jeffers, Abe Locey, Mrs. Williams
  • John Isherwood, groceries to Ben Heron, Mrs. Williams, M McCracken, John Ake, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Carl, Mrs. Parsons
  • E Meyers, groceries to Henry Young
  • J P Lommel, digging grave for John Bradburn, pauper
  • Greendale Cemetery Association, digging graves for six paupers

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries furnished E and Annie Evans, Jacob Goodpasture, Thomas Acra, Noah Goodpasture
  • M E Withrow, groceries furnished W H Conaway, Thomas Acra
  • Wm Rowland, groceries furnished Betsey Spangler, Jane Peasley
  • J M Calvert, groceries furnished James Lindsay, Hannah Love, Sarah Flemming
  • Wm C Wulber, overseeing poor
  • Simon Conaway, clothing furnished Mary Hamilton
  • D E Misner, coffin to child of Evaline Noble

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • D E Bowlby, groceries to Chas Wescot, Daniel Bibby, John Haas
  • John Cheatham, boarding four tramps
  • John Roser, overseer poor

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Austin Barrows, temporary aid to poor
  • S E Givan, medical service to same, of Mrs. Callahan

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Henry Assche, overseeing poor

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Haddock & Clark, groceries to Sib Tarr
  • James Lods, overseeing poor
  • Edward Grubbs, boarding three children of Jane Connor

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Gerhard Fette, groceries to Phil Spring, Joseph Huber, Caroline Smith

Poor—York Township.

  • Joseph Miller, taking pauper to county asylum

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • Slater & Heustis, groceries furnished Mary E McMahan
  • Frank M Johnston, overseeing poor
  • H D Moore, groceries to Isaac Davis

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • Dr. W C Henry, medical aid to Mrs. Christy
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal furnished Mary Peters, Jane Christy, Margaret Stitt
  • T L Baker, hauling coal for poor
  • John Hayes, groceries to John Lottridge, John Stitt, Jane Christy
  • John Armstrong, transportation

Poor—Miller Township.

  • Liddle & Ingham, groceries furnished Linu Kirkwood, Jonathan Connor, Elizabeth Crouch, James Dodd, Elizabeth Vantrese
  • Wm A Cottingham, overseeing poor

County Asylum.

  • Thomas Duncan, salary
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary, matron
  • Kate Wilson, labor
  • Louis Drake, labor
  • Wm McKinstry, labor
  • John Sims, work
  • James Murdock, oats
  • Gutzwiller, blacksmithing
  • Jane Dorman, sweet potato plants
  • R McElwain, blacksmithing
  • George Wolfarth, repairing shoe
  • Clara Ruble, work
  • John Windhorst, pressing hay
  • L N Turnpike Co., toll
  • H P Spaeth, hardware
  • G W Hall, tobacco
  • H Nieman, potatoes
  • H V Barnes, cherry trees
  • P Weis, corn, bran, etc.
  • John W Roberts, repairing harness
  • Conaway Bainum, corn
  • Robert Maybin, groceries and tobacco
  • H G Kidd, hardware
  • Sparks Bros., groceries
  • Chambers & Stevens, clothing
  • H Small, service of horse
  • Thomas Duncan, money paid out

Officers’ Salary.

  • Geo. W. Johnston, Commissioner
  • G. A. Swales, Commissioner
  • N. Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • E. D. Moore, service

Laughery Bridge.

  • H C Miller, work
  • Chas Bauer, labor and tools
  • A H Green, hardware
  • Wm Baker, work
  • Josephus Buffington, work
  • Patrick Garrity, work
  • Patrick Maloney, work
  • Thomas Clark, work
  • Joseph Pate, work
  • Jacob Clark, work
  • Wm Ellerman, work
  • Simon Calhoun, work
  • Tilford Giffin, work
  • G E Johnston, lumber
  • L G Hulbert, hardware
  • H P Spaeth, hardware
  • Hunter & O’Brien, sale bills
  • Geo W Johnston, service

Assessing Revenue.

  • J. F. Piper
  • Benj. Withered
  • George Turner
  • Van S. B. Crowley
  • Clay Turner
  • Anthony Schnelzer
  • Frank Connolly
  • Marion Laws
  • Alice Laws
  • James House
  • John Theobald
  • John Axby
  • Frank Bittner
  • Francis Bittner
  • Anthony Schnetzer
  • P. L. Mathews
  • L. S. Matthews
  • Oliver Cloud
  • Edward Cloud
  • Asa B. Hubbartt
  • Ella C. Hubbartt
  • N. Vogelgesang, Board of Equalization
  • G. W. Johnston, Board of Equalization
  • Geo. A. Swales, Board of Equalization
  • Harrison Abbott, Board of Equalization
  • C. J. B. Ratjen, Board of Equalization
  • John Feist, Board of Equalization
  • Peter Bidner, Board of Equalization
  • D. M. Guard, serving summons on Assessor

Aurora Bridge.

  • Wm Theetge, work on sidewalk

Public Buildings.

  • Thos. W. Sargent, coal for Court House
  • Lawrenceburg Gas Co., gas for Court House
  • Mrs. G. C. Columbia, goods furnished jail
  • Sparks Bros., grass seed and brushes for Court House
  • A. Beckman, coal for jail
  • H. G. Kidd, hardware for jail and Court House
  • August Willers, work at Court House
  • Henry Gerkin, articles purchased for Commissioners’ room
  • L. Kupferschmidt, clock for Recorder’s office

Specific Allowance.

  • E. D. Moore, postage and expressage
  • Heber D. Haynes, expert accountant
  • D. H. Miller, carriage to County Farm
  • S. J. Huston, postage
  • John H. Russe, miscellaneous items

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • J. E. Larimer
  • Henderson Achert Lithograph Co.

Books and Stationery.

  • Sentinel Printing Co.
  • Baker & Thornton
  • Wm. Burford
  • Martin Kieffer

Roads and Highways.

  • D. M. Guard, serving notice to road viewers
  • Wm. C. Mulford, land taken for road
  • Wm. C. Mulford, qualifying road viewers
  • Wm. R. Campbell, same
  • A. Doll, 3 days as road viewer
  • Michael Renck, same
  • L. Kappes, same
  • John B. Kneevan, same
  • Chas Burgay, same
  • John C. Miller, land taken for roads
  • Anthony Witt, same

Refunders of Taxes.

  • John Albers
  • Geo H Mattenheimer
  • Joseph Massett
  • John Lochner
  • Peter Bidner
  • Wm Praute
  • Marcus Eversole
  • Amor Rumsey
  • George C Ruppert

Commissioners’ Court.

  • D M Guard, summoning Commissioners

Court Expense.

  • D M Guard, serving Jury

Expense of Criminals.

  • D M Guard, boarding prisoners

Expense of Insane.

  • John H Russe, expense to Jasper Marshall to asylum

County Superintendent.

  • S J Huston, salary

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1888

Proceedings of the June 1888 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 21 Jun 1888 – Page 3, Column 3


Henry C. Assche was authorized to borrow $800 on account of the Special School Fund of Jackson Township.

Liquor Licenses were granted to John D. Meyer, Stahl & Harry, John Pelgen, John Witmer, Gerhard Martin, Peter Zimmerman, W. H. Charlton, Michael Zimmer, Joseph Bechtel, Frank Maffey, Adolph Schulze, John Bamart, John H. Siemantel, Michael Braunagle, David Peters, George Fahlbush, Michael Klein, John Sicking, Adam Kestner, George Frank, Stephen Meyer, George Konig, Frank Weikle, Jacob Kirsch, Anthony Kastner, Simon Siemantel, Charles Martin, Louis Weiss, F. H. Rusher, John P. Ebel.

On account of erroneous assessment and collection of taxes refunders were allowed as follows: John Albers, $9.93; George Mattenstein, #3.47; Joseph Massett, $1; John H. Lockner, $2.50.

Michael Renck, Anthony Doll and Lawrence Kappes, viewers appointed to view proposed road in Miller township, report that the road is of public utility. Remonstrances were filed against road by O. T. Jackson, Charles Hey and W. R. Guard. The Board appoints Jacob Abdon, George Roesch and John Heustis reviewers to view and assess the damages of Messrs. Jackson, Hey and Guard.

John B. Kneevin and Charles Burgny, viewers of proposed road in Kelso township, report that the estate of Jacob Mueller would be damaged $120 by the opening or change of the road.

George Schmidt was allowed damages in the sum of $40 for opening of road in Kelso Township.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1888

Proceedings of the May 1888 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 10 May 1888 – Page 3, Column 4


Traugott W. Kestner vs. John Bartron et als; Partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Levinia N. Schaeffer vs. Nellie L. Nead et als; Partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

The H. C. Stuver Implement Co. vs. Erastus S. Downey; on account. Default and judgment for plaintiff for $267.00.

Louisa B. Willette vs. George W. Keen; on judgment. Judgment for plaintiff for $15,474.11.

James M. Wheeler vs. estate of Louisa N. Gould, deceased. Claim allowed, $101.27.

John N. Greer vs. estate of Louisa N. Gould, deceased. Claim allowed, $734.86.

Jane N. Hopping vs. estate of Louisa N. Gould. Claim allowed, $128.59.

Jacob C. Wiles vs. Edward Hayes Jr., on note. Judgment for plaintiff on default for $72.86.

Peter K. Dedrick vs. Erastus S. Downey; on account. Default and judgment for plaintif for $1,200.

Mary A. Dobel et al vs. Margaret E. Lalley et al; partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Abram Lozier vs. Otha Billingsly et al; on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $310.80.

John M. Kareth vs. Michael Zimmer et al; on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $505.10.

William D. H. Hunter vs. William H. Small et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $731.89. For McHenry & Co., $88.25.

Mary S. Cheek vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R. W. Co., ejectment. Judgment vs plaintiff on demurrer for costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Martha E. Burk vs. William H. Burk et al; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $2,395.67.

George I. Moore vs. Erastus S. Downey; on note. Default and judgment for plaintiff for $253.85.

State ex rel Lena Hauck vs. Peter Pelgen; bastardy. Dismissed by relatrix.

David W. Brownfield vs. John Hornbach; demand. Default and judgment for plaintiff for $125.00.

William Wheeler vs. John A. Parks; on contract. Trial by Court. Judgment for plaintiff for $2,400.



Jane E. Justis vs. William Justis. Partition.

Allen B. Wilber et al vs. Robert E. Wilber et al. Partition.

Mary A. B. Price vs. James A. Price. Divorce.

Mutual Loan and Building Association vs. Charles Stedman et als. Foreclosure.

Sallie A. Elliott vs. Nathaniel Elliott. Divorce.

C. W. Robertson et al vs. Virgil Dowden. On account.

Same vs. same. On account.

Charles L. Hunter vs. Henry Reinkin. Damages.

Lucy Jaquith vs. estate of Joseph Proctor. Claim.

Mary C. Webster vs. William Maybin. Breach of promise.

William Wheeler vs. John A. Parks. On contract.

Cincinnati National Bank vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Co. et al. On notes.

Aaron Huffman vs. Louis W. Cobb et al. On note.



Guardian of Carrie Smith; Fred Fangman, guardian.

Guardian of heirs of Eliza Sparks; Isaac R. Dunaway, guardian.

Estate of Robert Charters; Catharine Charters, administratrix.

Estate of Francis M. Johnson; Thomas M. Kyle, administrator.

Estate of Edward T. Hubbartt; James L. Hubbartt, Administrator.

Guardian of heirs of Louisa Lux; Joseph Lux, guardian.



Estate of Alice Goettel; Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of Robert Charters, Catharine Charters, Administratrix.

Estate of Christena Steigerwaldt, Louis Kohlerman, administrator.

Guardian of Okala Turner; Perry Wilson, guardian.

Estate of Dewitt C. Wilber; Allen B. Wilber, administrator.

Guardian of Bailey H. Watts; Peter Barwinger, guardian.


Will of Joseph McCreary.

Will of Anthony Gass.

Will of Elizabeth Kinney.


C. W. Robertson vs. estate of Margaret Lang, $55.44.

Adam Lang vs. same, $153.63.

Lawrenceburg Register – 31 May 1888 – Page 3, Column 5


Oliver Abdon et al vs. Calvin Powell et al; partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

State vs. Charles Wright et al; malicious trespass. Dismissed.

State vs. Andy Frank; petit larceny. Dismissed.

Columbus Johnston vs. Estate of Jos. Proctor. Claim allowed, $86.00 and costs.

George E. Johnston vs. Estate of Jos. Proctor. Claim allowed, $84.00 and costs.

Lucy Jaquith vs. Estate of Jos. Proctor. Claim allowed $95.20 and costs.

The Cincinnati National Bank vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Co. et als; on note. Judgment for plaintiff on default for $624.15 and costs.

State ex rel Carrie Weber vs. Frederick Pelgen; bastardy. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Joseph W Cornforth vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company, trial by Court. Finding and judgment for plaintiff for $45.00 and costs.

Leopold S. Fechheimer et al, Lowmen’s Sons & Co., Levy, Price & Co., Mendel, Berman & Co., Heilborn, Hildman & Co. vs. W. H. Held & Bro. Judgments for plaintiffs by agreement amounting to $1,316.91 and costs.

Hattie Held vs. Louisa Macker; mechanic’s lien. Trial by Court and finding and judgment for defendant.

Mary A. B. Price vs. James A. Price; divorce. Decree of divorce and custody of child granted plaintiff.

Thomas J. Merhling vs. Jerry B Mack; on account. Trial by Court, judgment for plaintiff for $90.50 and cost.

John F. Merhling vs. Jerry B. Mack; on note. Trial by Court, judgment for plaintiff for $73.72 and costs.

Leonard Harman vs. John F. Giegoldt; on account. Trial by jury, verdict and judgment for defendant.

George W. Taylor vs. the Estate of Mary E. Milburn; on account. Trial by Court, claim allowed $980.91 and costs.

Nicholas Gale et al vs. Henry Haas; appeal. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs for want of prosecution.

Albert Corsan vs. Hartzell Buchanan et al; appeal. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $290.00.

State vs. Silas Nickles and Hiram Scranton; petit larceny. Plea of guilty, sent to jail for eight days, fined $3 and disfranchised for three months.

Susan Werst vs. Frank Kottman et al; on notes. Trial by Court, judgment vs. Frank Kottman for $129.75 and costs; and judgment against Frank Kottman et al for $59.05.



Consolidated Coal and Mining Company vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company et al. On note.

John Church & Co. vs. Christian Vogel et al. On contract.

Charles Lods vs. Louisa Etor et al. Partition.

William L. Russell vs. Andrew Norrell et al. To quiet title &c.

Thomas Means vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company. On account.

A. Klauber’s Sons I & M Co. vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Co. et al. On note.

Same vs. same. On note.

Eliza Henderson vs. E. H. Henderson. Divorce.

Joseph Rosenfeld vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Co. On note.

Mary Klein vs. Frederick Kessler et al. On note.

Robert Hamilton vs. O. P. Cobb & Co. On note.

Alex Montgomery et al vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company. On note.

John Cobb et al vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company. For receiver.

Margaretta Gass vs. Leopold Kupferschmid et al. Partition.



Estate of Orin G. Wilson. Zilpa A. Wilson, Ex’t.

Estate of Squire Watts. Morgan Watts, Administrator.

Guardian Ezra Shanks. Eliza Shanks, Guardian.

Estate of Barbara H Rees. John J. Rees, Administrator.

Guardian of Florence Billingsley. James Billingsley, Guardian.

Guardian of James Billingsley et al. Otho Billingsley, Guardian.

Estate of Samuel Todd. Wm. C. Mulford, Administrator.

Estate of John Maloney. Anton Ullrich, Administrator.

Estate of Thomas Adamson. M. H. Spillard, Executor.


Guardian of James Billingsley et al. Otho Billingsley, Guardian.

Guardian of Florence Billingsley. James Billingsley, Guardian.

Estate of Catharine Wilson. W. C. D. Stevenson, Administrator.

Estate of O. P. Cobb & Co. Joseph C. Small. Assignee.


Will of Catharine Wilson.

Will of William Meyer.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Mar 1888

Proceedings of the March 1888 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 1 Mar 1888 – Page 3, Column 4


State vs. Wm. Seifert; appeal. Bond forfeited in the sum of $50. John N. Calvert bail.

Sarah Belle Martin vs. Adelbert Martin; Divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Aurora Gas Light Coal and Coke Co. vs. James D. Gatch, Treasurer Dearborn County; Injunction. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Center Building Association vs. William C. Henry et al; Foreclosure. Dismissed at Defendant’s costs.

David H. Stapp vs. Charley Rolf et al; Foreclosure. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Stoddard Manufacturing Company vs. Erastus S. Downey; on Notes. Dismissed and costs paid.

George Hayes vs. Estate of Squire Watts; on Note. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Jennie Schrader vs. Henry Schrader; Divorce. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Elizabeth Erdman vs. Elizabeth Cottman; on Note. Default and judgment for Plaintiff for $74.00.

Leonidas H. Voshell vs. Orange T. Gookins et al; Foreclosure. Judgment and Decree for Plaintiff for $1,880.85.

William D. H. Hunter et al vs. Edwin B. Dobell et al; Foreclosure. Decree and Judgment for Plaintiffs for $3,692.55.

William D. H. Hunter vs. Edwin B. Dobell; on Note. Judgment for Plaintiff on default for $361.07.

William F. Crocker vs. Andrew Sims; On notes. Default and judgment for Plaintiff for $569.50.

Frederick A. Yorke vs. William W. Lamar et als; to set aside Deed &c. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Aurora Gas Light Coal and Coke Co. vs. Estate of George Griffin, deceased; on Account. Dismissed at costs of F. A. York.

Aurora Distilling Company vs. James W. Russell; Attachment. Decree and judgment for Plaintiff for $1,448.00.

Leah A. Haynes vs. Heber D. Haynes; Divorce. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

Alfred M. Cohen, of Cincinnati, Ohio, admitted to practice.


Hattie Held vs. Louisa Macker; Mechanics Lien.

William J. Ferrin vs. Western Union Telegraph Company; Damages.


Estate of Rhoda Johnson; Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Guardian of Bailey H. Watts; John H. Russe, Guardian.

Guardian of Thomas Freeman; Edward Hayes, Guardian.


Guardian for heirs of Henry Albers; William Cross, Guardian.


Will of Warren West.

Will of Michael Moster.

Will of Lucinda Christopher.

Lawrenceburg Register – 29 Mar 1888 – Page 3, Column 3


The following cases were dismissed: George Knorr, selling without license; Michael Fitterer, selling without license; Henry Charlton, selling on Sunday, 2 cases; Frank Federle, selling on Sunday, 4 cases; George Burton et al, obstructing highway; Jacob Lining et al, obstructing highway; George Vanhorn, provocation; George Williams, blackmailing.

Anna M. Jelley vs. Symmes M. Jelley et al. Partition. Returned to Ohio county.

Anna M. S. Jelley vs. Symmes M. Jelley, adm’r, et als. Claim. Returned to Ohio county.

Frank Griffin vs. O. & M. R. W. Co. Damages. Judgment against plff. for costs on demurrer. Appeal to Supreme Court.

John Gabriel vs. Estate of George A. Geis, deceased. Claim. Allowed $100 and costs.

John M. Palmer vs. Estate of William M. Ferrill, deceased. Claim. Allowed $100 and costs.

Emma Pavy vs. William A. Pavy. Divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Sarah J Jackson et als vs. Francis Swales; on contract; change of venue to Ohio county.

State of Indiana vs. Andrew J Biddinger; obstructing highway; trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

State vs. Frank Federle; selling on Sunday; plea of guilty and fine of $10 and costs.

State vs. Henry Charlton; selling on Sunday; trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

The Center Building Association No. 1 &c. vs. Zelpha Kelley et als; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

John F Meyer et als vs. Nancy Frazier et als; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Center Building Association No. 1 vs. Jennie B Stapp et al. Foreclosure; dismissed and costs paid.

Center Building Association No. 1 vs. Indiana Stapp et al; foreclosure. Dismissed and costs paid.

Gandy Belting Co. vs. Erastus S. Downey; on account; default and judgment for $205 and costs.

Walter S Baker vs. John A Parks et als; on account; Joseph G Parks vs. Estate of Thomas Adamson, deceased; claim; allowed $65.

Mary E Rumsey et als vs. Hamilton Conoway; judgment for plaintiffs by agreement for $500 and costs.

Andrew S Worley et al vs. William Leive et als; partition; final report and discharge of commissioner.

William J McHenry vs. David B Knickerbocker et als; mechanics lien; judgment against plaintiff on demurrer for costs. Appeal to Supreme Court.

John Perrine & Son vs. Mary E Longnecker; on note; trial by court; judgment for plaintiff for $106.60.

Albert Bloom et al vs. Helen F Bloom et als; partition; final report and discharge of commissioner.

Abram Lozier vs. George W Ferrill; on account; trial by jury; finding and judgment for defendant.

Eleanora Egan vs. John J Eagan; divorce. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

State ex rel F Rodenberg, trustee, vs. C I St. L & C R W Co.; injunction; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Jasper Buhr et al vs. Henry Zopfl; attachment; dismissed and costs paid.

Mututal Loan and Building Association vs. Thomas Watts et al; foreclosure; dismissed and costs paid.


James Greer vs. Louis M Foulk et al; on note.

Robert McMullen vs. Erastus S Downey; on note.

John M Kareth vs. Michael Zimmer et al; on note.

Thomas J Merkling vs. Jerry B Mack; on account.

John F Merkling vs. Jerry B Mack; on note.

Gandy Belting Co. vs. Erastus S Downy; on account.

James O McCracken et als vs. William O McCracken; partition.

Hornet Coal Co. vs. Frederick Wesler; replevin.

Abram Lozier vs. Otto Billingsly et al; on note.

Exparte Charles C Mueller et als; partition.

Levina N Schaeffer et als vs. Ella L Nead et al; partition.

John Haukwell vs. Norval V Durham; on note.

Central L & B Association No. 1 &c. vs. Jennie B Stapp et al; foreclosure.

Same vs. Indiana Stapp et al; foreclosure. Same vs. Leonard Klingelhoffer et al; foreclosure.



Estate of Sarah Southard; Wilson H Swales, adm’r.

Guardian heirs of Adam Weis; Louis Weis, guardian.

Estate of Lucinda Christopher; Elijah Christopher, executor.

Estate of Franz H Pattibaum; John H Donselman, executor.

Estate of Christian Kruse; Christian Nieman, executor.


Will of Franz H Pattibaum.

Will of Alice Goettel.

Will of Christina Kruse.

Will of Pierre Jacquot.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Mar 1888

Allowances made at the March 1888 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 29 Mar 1888 – Page 3, Column 5

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their March session, 1888, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Centre Township.

  • T. W. Sargent, Coal Furnished: Mrs. Friberger, Frank Lohr, Wm Theetge, Joe Jones, Mrs. Peters, Jacob Feeny, Mrs. Vansickle, Mrs. Chas Lambkin, Mrs. Burns, Jenny Pate, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Smith, Wm. Thompson Sr., Mrs. Broils, Mrs. Chamberlain, Alex Criswell, Wm. Smith, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Devol, Mrs. Porter, Wm. Powell.
  • F. Opperman, Groceries Furnished: Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. Kate Walsh, Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. Wm. Stevens.
  • Chas. Fehling Jr., groceries furnished: Mrs. H Broyls, Ezra Knapp, Harvey Johnson, Mrs. John Steig, Wm. Powell.
  • Giegoldt, Beinkamp & Co., groceries furnished: Thomas Rand, Wm Theetge, Mrs. John Friberger.
  • David Peters, groceries furnished: William Smith, Nance Bailey, Peter Steinerbach, Margaret Ross.
  • Mrs. B. & A. Steigewoldt, groceries furnished: Mrs. Lizzie Lambkin, Mrs. Noah Falrfield.
  • J. C. Green, groceries furnished: James White, Mrs. J Lotridge, Mrs. George Gray.
  • J. M. Wheeler, groceries furnished: James White, Mrs. Ben Mills.
  • G. H. Droge, groceries furnished: Joe Jones.
  • Lafe M Cheek, groceries furnished: Mrs. Chamberlain.
  • Herdegen & Kress, groceries furnished: Joe Jones, Mrs. M. Wood.
  • R. A. McConnell, clothing furnished: Thos Ekers, boy.
  • John Scott, groceries furnished: Alex Criswell.
  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal furnished: Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Vansickle, A Criswell, Mrs. Pate.
  • John Wildridge, groceries furnished: Mrs. Hannah Burnes, Mrs. Jno Freiberger, Mrs. Lambkin, Noah Fairfield, Mrs. C Perrin, John Cheek.
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries furnished: Wm Theetge, Wm Powell, Mrs. S Pate, Wm Smith.
  • Rosa Goenawein, shoes furnished: Mrs. Wm Clause, Mrs. C Lampkins, Mrs. Seber, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Nobles, Mrs. Alex Criswell, Geo Bailey, Mrs. M. Walker, Mrs. Clark.
  • F. A. York & Co., transportation furnished: Marcus Bailey, Alonzo Thompson, Harvey Johnson.
  • Fred Mauntel, coffin furnished: Mrs. Holden’s child
  • Ph. Kastner, groceries furnished: Mrs. G Smith
  • Wm. Day, coffins furnished: Mrs. V Heagey, Joe Bradley.
  • Jacob Kirsch, board and lodging furnished: one female tramp
  • Lou Grosholz, board and lodging furnished: six tramps
  • Jacob Goenawein, transportation: transient paupers
  • Rosa Goenawein, shoes furnished: Wm Smith’s girl, Mr. Harrie’s boy, Mrs. Noble’s girl, Mr. Vincent’s boy, Mrs. Underwood’s boy, Mrs. Williams’ girl, Mrs. Smith’s girl, Lon Thompson, Mrs. Lockridge, Wm Steven’s boy, Mrs. Griffin’s girl, Mrs. Grey, Lidia Thompson, Mr. Jone’s boy.

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • F. H. Volz, meals and lodging furnished: transient paupers
  • Sparks Bros., groceries furnished: Taylor, Balley, Mrs. Jeffers, Abe Locey, Mrs. McAdams
  • Mrs. Siemantel, groceries furnished: Mrs. Bennett
  • John Burkhouse, groceries furnished: Wm Brown, Mrs. Hayes
  • Mrs. G. C. Columbia, groceries furnished: Mrs. Bruce and sister
  • Herman Oertling, groceries furnished: Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Nancy Jones, Wm. Carl
  • Foote, Spanagel & Co., groceries furnished: Joe Gray, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Akler
  • Archie Shaw, groceries furnished: William Winters, Mr. Brown
  • C Israel, groceries furnished: Mrs. Smith, Ben Herron
  • Watkins & Watkins, groceries furnished: Mrs. Akley
  • Henry Helmuth, groceries furnished: Mrs. Laird, G Chance, Mrs. Eaders, B Ricketts, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Clark, Mrs. Hunt
  • Jos. McGrannahan, groceries furnished: Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Weaver, John Fisher, Waney Smith
  • Love Bros., groceries furnished: Wm Winters, Mrs. A Holland, Mrs. Jane Knapp
  • Andy Schneider, shoes furnished: Mrs. Collins
  • L. Kohlerman, undertaker: coffins furnished and burial of paupers
  • Samuel Dickinson, undertaker, coffins furnished: Ben Cave, Austin Trulock, Colored Preacher, Sullivan Smith, Jas Moody
  • W. F. Cook, coal furnished: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Bruce, Henry Young, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. S A Martin, John Fisher, Mrs. Bennett, Nancy Jones, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. West, Taylor Bailey, Mrs. Akler, Mrs. Standriff, Mrs. Knorr, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Brower Rickets, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Grill, Mrs. Sanders
  • A Beckman, coal furnished: Mrs. Bruce and sister, Mrs. Jeffers, Mrs. Leindecker, Mrs. Grill, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Toute, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Nancy Jones, Mrs. Martin, Taylor Bailey, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Leindecker, Mrs. Hunt
  • Early & Daniels, coal furnished: Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Tout, J Akler, Mrs. Sanders, J Fisher, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Best, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. West, Mr. Burns, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Knorr
  • Fred Wesler, coal furnished: C Craig, Mrs. Easting, John Fisher, Mrs. Smith
  • Daniel M. Guard, Sheriff D C, boarding transient paupers
  • John Probst, aid to transient poor
  • Fred Rodenberg, transportation to transient poor
  • John Shaw, meals and lodging H B Robert

Poor—Miller Township.

  • Liddle & Ingram, groceries furnished: Jonathan Connor, David Marsh, James Dodd, Eilhu Kirkwood

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Wm. Rowland, groceries furnished: Mrs. Jane Peasley, Mrs. Spangler
  • Wm Barkley, M. D., medical services rendered Mrs. Press Hamilton
  • Frederick Ginter, groceries furnished: Anna and Elizabeth Evans, Thomas Abra
  • J. C. Vandolah, groceries furnished: Noan Goodpasture, Sarah Fleming

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • Joseph Bossong, transportation furnished Walker children
  • H. D. Moore, groceries furnished: Isaac Davis
  • Slater & Heustis, groceries furnished: M. E. McMahan

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • Aurora Distilling Co., coal furnished: Jane Christy, John Stitt
  • John Klueber, clothing furnished: Wm Clause
  • T L Baker, coal and wood furnished: Jane Christy, John Stitt
  • John Hayes, groceries furnished: Jane Christy
  • John Armstrong, services rendered overseeing the poor

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Dennis Nead, wood furnished: Elizabeth Ward
  • John Haddlock, wood furnished: Sibyl Tarr
  • Edward Grubbs, boarding furnished: Jane O’Connor

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • E. D. Bowlby, groceries furnished: Samuel Biber
  • Thos. Cauthrow, Agt., transportation furnished transient paupers

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Joseph Duncan, services rendered: overseeing poor

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Wendel Labbe, groceries furnished: Philip Spring
  • Gerhard Fette, groceries furnished: Caroline Smith
  • Harmon Nodmeyer, shoes furnished: Caroline Smith
  • Henry Fangman, services rendered: overseeing the poor

Poor—York Township.

  • Otto Hammerle, services rendered: overseeing the poor

County Asylum.

  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., one coffin
  • L. N. Turnpike Co., toll for 1 qr
  • P Weis, bran furnished
  • Blythe Buffington, groceries furnished
  • Alexander Rubel, mending shoes
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., clothing furnished
  • E Lamar, shoes furnished
  • W. C. Wulber, transportation furnished
  • C. M. Beinkamp, tobacco and coffee furnished
  • Stohman & Schweitzer; timothy seed furnished
  • E. F. Harmeyer, cutter furnished
  • S Ross; repairing harness
  • S E Givan, M. D., medical aid
  • Thomas Duncan, 1 qr sal as Supt
  • Charlotte Duncan, 1 qr sal as Matron
  • Thomas Duncan, cash expended
  • Louis Drake, 1 qr salary as laborer
  • Wm McKinstry; 1 qr salary as laborer
  • Alice Collier, service, 1 qr salary
  • Katie Wilson, service, 1 qr salary

Public Building.

  • Sparks Bros., sundry articles furnished Court House
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling furnished Court House
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for 1 qr
  • Albert D Jackson, repairing tables and door
  • A Beckman, coal for jail
  • Mrs. G C Columbia, coal oil and brooms for jail

Expense of Criminals.

  • Daniel M Guard, Sheriff, boarding prisoners

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • J E Larimer
  • Sam Chapman

Specific Allowance.

  • John H Russe, postage and express
  • John Probst, postage
  • S J Huston, stamps and cards
  • J S Prichard, recording deed
  • P L Mathews, services on bonds
  • E D Moore, postage and expressage

Books and Stationery.

  • Sentinel Printing Co., books and stationery
  • Wm B Buford, same
  • Indianapolis Book and Legal Blank Co.
  • Martin Kieffer

Roads and Highways.

  • Fred Peters, three days services as road viewer
  • Ernst Hopmire, three days services as road viewer
  • Columbus Johnson, three days services as road viewer
  • Wm Wulber, two days service as road viewer
  • Benjamin Withered, two days service as road viewer
  • James Vinson, two days service as road viewer
  • Daniel M Guard, Sheriff, serving notice

Officers’ Salary.

  • E D Moore, service for quarter
  • G A Swales, Commissioner
  • G W Johnston, Commissioner
  • N Vogelgesang, Commissioner

Aurora Bridge.

  • A T Gridley, level, estimates, plans and specifications for wing walls
  • Jos Christman, stone furnished
  • Wm Teaney, two days work
  • Michael Teaney, dirt furnished
  • George Trester, service on sidewalk
  • Jesse Henry, service on sidewalk
  • John F Trulock, one day as witness and overseeing hands

Laughery Bridge.

  • Wm Ake, lumber furnished for repairing
  • Wrought Iron Bridge Co., adjusting and tightening bridge

Lawrenceburgh Bridge.

  • Joseph Tittel, lumber furnished
  • Walter Fitch, estimating contents to wing walls and making inspection and report to approaches
  • Enoch McElfresh, earth furnished to approaches
  • John Polking, five days service
  • John Schwab, building wingwalls
  • George Ampt, locust posts
  • Nathan Stedman, cast iron stars
  • R Winkley, hauling
  • Harris Fitch, two strain rods

County Revenue.

  • A T Gridley, copying old plats in Surveyor’s record
  • R E Slater, fee as Prosecuting Attorney, foreclosure school mortgage
  • Samuel McElfresh, insurance on Court House

Board of Health.

  • John H Russe, Clerk, marriage reports

Refunder of Taxes.

  • Mary E Day

County Superintendent

  • Samuel J Huston

Court Expense.

  • Daniel M Guard, serving juries

Commissioner’s Court Expense.

  • Daniel M Guard, Sheriff, summoning Commissioners