Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Jun 1889

Allowances made at the June 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Jul 1889 – Page 4, Column 1

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their June session, 1889, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Robert Maybin—Groceries furnished: Jos Jones, Bridget Cooper
  • Herdegen & Kress—Groceries for A Pohl
  • C M Beinkamp—Groceries furnished: Cynthia Baker, Thomas Rand, transient family
  • L M Cheek—Groceries furnished: Wm Holdron
  • John A Nees—Groceries furnished: Joe Jones
  • B W Buffington—Groceries furnished: Wm Powell
  • Thos Sargent—Coal furnished: Geo Smith, Joe Jones, H Broyles, Thos Brooks, Cynthia Baker, Emma Chamberlain
  • A Hill & Son—Coal furnished: Wm T McMurry
  • E H Niebaum—Shoes furnished: G Clark
  • G W Griffin—Groceries furnished: C Perrin, Thos Rand
  • J C Green—Groceries furnished: B Mills
  • P Pelgen—Groceries furnished: Dora Sperlock, H Broyles
  • John Brannon—Groceries furnished: Kate Walsh, Sarah Clark, Bridget Kerrigan, Nancy Hune
  • Chas Fehling—Groceries furnished: John W Anderson, H Broyles, Wm Smith, Mahala Teaney, Johanna Thoms, Margaret Ross, Wm McMurray
  • Fred Mauntel—Burial cases furnished Geo Smith, C Lambkin
  • Wm Webber—Groceries furnished: Bud Gray
  • F Mauntel—Burial case furnished Jennetta
  • River View Cemetery
  • Ed Holthouse—Burial case furnished drowned lady
  • Jacob Schuler—transportation
  • Lawrence Fowler—Board furnished: Louis Burton while sick

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • Jacob Spanagel—Groceries furnished: Henry Young, Charleston, Mrs. Mack
  • John Burkhouse—Groceries for Mrs. Hays
  • John Isherwood—Groceries furnished Jas Dodd, Mrs. Kaufman, Mrs. Williams
  • C Israel—Groceries furnished Mrs. Best, Charleston
  • Jos McGranahan—Groceries for C Kelly, Goodwin, Mart Skinner, Mat Burk, John Shepard
  • A Shaw—Groceries furnished Parson
  • Geo Fahlbush—Groceries furnished Thos Darling
  • Geo Wood—Groceries furnished Bruce sisters
  • Sparks Bros.—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Morand
  • Ernst Meyer—Groceries furnished: Henry Young
  • P J Emmert—Clothing furnished: Mrs. Carl, Mrs. Brown, Cavannaugh children
  • W F Cook—Coal furnished: Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Krona, Nancy Jones, B T W S Anderson, C Kelly, Mrs. Morand
  • Fred Wesler—Coal furnished: Mrs. Smith, Mary Young
  • Dan M Guard, boarding tramp
  • J P Lommel, digging grave for Perry Carter’s child
  • Early & Daniel—Coal furnished: Tout, Fisher
  • Schleicher Bros.—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Whitcomb, Mrs. Kreider, Mrs. Fisher

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • H D Moore—Groceries furnished: Isaac Davis, J Colshire
  • Joseph Bossong, bringing insane person to Lawrenceburgh and expenses
  • Joseph Bossong, notifying Peter Shed

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Fred Ginter, groceries to Sarah Fleming
  • Wm Rowland, groceries to Betsy Spangler and Jane Peasly
  • Tyler & Co., groceries to Sewel Sheldon
  • M E Withrow, groceries to Thomas Akra

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • John Hayes, groceries to Jane Christie and Joe Taylor

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Gerhart Fetter, groceries to Caroline Smith
  • Wendel Labbe, groceries to Susan Helfrich

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Clement Sterwald, groceries to Mat Mais
  • Wm Cors, conveying pauper to County Asylum
  • John Graff, conveying pauper to County Asylum
  • Stohlman & Schweitzer, groceries to Rebecca Henke

Poor—York Township.

  • Otto Hammerle, cash paid to Peter Mann

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • O P Pyles, groceries to Scribner
  • W F Crocker, groceries to Mrs. Callahan
  • Josiah Duncan, overseeing poor

Poor—Miller Township.

  • John S Dorman, shoes to Mrs. Wm Bennett

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • John W. Liddle & Ingam, groceries to Elizabeth Crouch
  • Tebbs Bros., clothing to Geo Mead
  • John Cheatham, boarding tramp
  • Geo H Hollowell, boarding tramp
  • John Roser, overseeing poor

County Asylum.

  • A J Cheek, salary as Sup’t
  • A J Cheek, money expended
  • Mary J Cheek, salary as matron
  • Lizzie Cheek, work
  • Purnel Cheek, work
  • Benj Bruce, work
  • Minda Roof, work
  • John Sims, work
  • Sam McMullen, ax handle and fling saw
  • Geo Gutzwiller, blacksmithing
  • Alex Ruble, carpenter work
  • Jane Dorman, potato plants
  • Wm Givan, pork
  • Edward Holthouse, safe
  • P Weis, bran
  • W F Cook, repairs
  • W F Crocker, groceries
  • R McIlvain, blacksmithing
  • Wm Chambers, tobacco
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., merchandise
  • Michael Bidner, plants
  • B W Buffington, groceries
  • John Kleuber, clothing
  • Geo Wolfarth, shoemaking
  • D H Clark, shoemaking
  • Marshall & Co., oil and plants
  • M E Leming & Co., lumber

Public Buildings.

  • Adaline Junker, washing
  • M E Leming, lumber
  • James McLeaster, building fence
  • Excelsior Iron Roofing Co., stable
  • Probst, Baker & Co., stable frame and lumber
  • E E Ferris & Co., oil and paints
  • Robert Mitchell Furniture Company, office table
  • H G Kidd, miscellaneous
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Company, gas
  • W F Cook, coal
  • Geo W Merkel, contract for erection of stable
  • Geo H Wood, oils and bucket
  • John S Dorman, blankets and bed ticking
  • Sam McElfresh, insurance on stable
  • James Carter, kindling
  • Sparks Bros., water pitcher

Specific Allowances.

  • John H Russe, report to Board of Health
  • F M Griffith, expense of insane
  • Sam J Huston, postage
  • Geo W Johnston, transportation to tramp
  • E D Moore, postage, expressage and box rent

Assessing Revenue.

  • John Axby
  • Marion Laws
  • Alice Laws
  • Geo Turner
  • Clara Turner
  • Van S B Crowly
  • O F Cloud
  • Edward Cloud
  • Frank Bittner
  • Francis H Bittner
  • Anthony Schneitzer
  • John S Pieper
  • James House
  • F J Theobald
  • John Theobald
  • Benj Withered
  • Frank Connolly
  • P L Matheus
  • Gus G Matheus

Roads and Highways.

  • Charles Hoenbach, road viewer
  • James Lods, road viewer
  • Charles Bowton, road viewer
  • Lawrence Kappish, road viewer
  • John Renck, road viewer
  • Geo T Hudson, road viewer
  • Benj Withered, road viewer
  • Sam B Sanks, road viewer
  • J W Johnson, road viewer
  • Jos Wilhelm, road viewer
  • Fred Moerling, road viewer
  • T B Cottingham, road viewer
  • Hezron Haynes, road viewer
  • Bennain Holden, damages
  • Barney Simonson, damages
  • Anthony Healy, damages
  • Henry Kolb, damages
  • Rebecca Robertson, damages
  • Cyrus Canfield, damages

Aurora Bridge.

  • Michael Bogenshott
  • Albert T Gridly
  • L S Isdell
  • Scott Misener
  • Henry Hagadon
  • A Hill & Son
  • George E Johnston
  • G W Johnston, for Fred Thoms
  • F J P Bracket

Officers’ Salary.

  • George W Johnston, Commissioner
  • H Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • Geo A Swales, Commissioner
  • E D Moore, County Auditor
  • Samuel J. Huston, County Superintendent

County Revenue.

  • A Tufts, enumerating voters
  • John H. Armstrong, enumerating voters
  • Robert & Stapp, attorneys fee against Kyle, Gatch and Severin
  • Otto Hammerle, enumerating voters
  • John Roser, enumerating voters
  • C Smith, for land deeded to Dearborn county
  • J S Smith, recording deed from C Smith to Dearborn county
  • John Reorme, enumerating voters

Commissioners’ Court.

  • Hezron Haynes

Expense of Court.

  • Hezron Haynes

Coroner’s Inquest.

  • Everett & Gregory


  • Daniel M Guard, boarding prisoners

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • J E Larimer

Books & Stationery.

  • Sentinel Printing Company
  • Wm B Burford

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jun 1889

Proceedings of the June 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Jun 1889 – Page 3, Column 4


State vs. Charles Clark—Assault and Battery. Fine, $20, county jail 3 days.

State vs. same—Assault and Battery. Fine, $5.

State vs. James Maines—Fornication. Fine, $25, county jail 24 hours.

State vs. Henry McDaniels—Fornication. Fine, $25, county jail 24 hours.

State vs. Harry Howe—Assault and Battery. Trial by jury, defendant acquitted.

State vs. Irwin Udell—Assault and Battery. Trial by jury, defendant acquitted.

State vs. Henry Aherns—Petit Larceny. Fine 1 cent, county jail 5 days, disfranchised 1 year.

State vs. Otho Loyd—Provocation. Trial by jury, defendant acquitted.

Henry Schrader vs. Board of Commissioners et al—Damages. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Maggie Shank vs. George W. Robinson—Malicious Prosecution. Change of venue to Ohio county.

John B. Garnier vs. Anna L. Beinkamp et al—Foreclosure. Dismissed and costs paid.

William Wheeler vs. David H. Stapp. Judgment vs. defendant for $2,000 and costs.

William Wheeler vs. David H. Stapp. Judgment vs. defendant for $2,163 and costs.

Joseph C. Small, Receiver, vs. Consolidated Coal Company et als—To quiet title. Judgment for plaintiff.

Riley Curtis et al vs. George Kriete—On notes. Compromised and dismissed.

Thomas J. Wood vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Company et al—On note. (Two cases.) Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

George C. Longnecker vs. Geo. Singer—Appeal. Trial by jury. Verdict and judgment for defendant.

Charles M. Bowers vs. George Griffith—Damages. Change of venue to Ohio county.

Alexander M. Campbell vs. Henry Goethman et al—On note. Judgment vs. defendants $673.95 and costs.

John E. Charles vs. John W. Davis—Attachment. Judgment and decree for plaintiff for $613.31 and costs.

Center Loan and Building Association vs. David H Stapp et als—Foreclosure. Decree and judgment vs. defendants, in favor of defendant William F. Stevens, for $4,181.28 and costs.

Daniel Macker vs. Leonard Klingelhoffer et al—To set aside deed, &c.—Stricken from docket.

Nelson T. Baker vs. Susan Gatch et al—On contract. Trial by jury. Judgment for plantiff for $30 and costs.

Lou Ann Greer vs. Thomas O. Lindsay et al—To set aside deed &c. Finding for defendant, W. C. Henry, at his costs.

Nashville Iron, Steel and Charcoal Company vs. Thomas W. Sargent et al—Replevin. Trial by jury. Verdict and judgment for plaintiff.

Joseph C. Small, Receiver, vs. City of Lawrenceburgh et al—Injunction—Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs on demurrer.

Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Company vs. Thomas W. Sargent et al. Replevin. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs on demurrer to evidence.

Absolom C. Wallace vs. John W. Duncan et als—On legacy. Judgment by agreement for plaintiff for $200 and costs.

David H. Stapp, Administrator of William Duncan, deceased, vs. John W. Duncan et al—On legacy. Judgment by agreement for plaintiff for $100 and costs.

Frank Tittel vs. estate of Joseph A. Garnier, deceased—Claim. Trial by Court. Claim allowed, $62 and costs.

Patrick McAvene vs. Cora McAvene et al—Partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Dwight R. Herrick vs. John H. Simpkinson—Attachment. Settled and dismissed.

Sarah Jane Steig vs. John Steig—Divorce. Decree of divorce and custody of child given plaintiff.


Jennie M. Stapp vs. George F. Harlow Jr. et als—For accounting.

Frederick Oehlmon et al vs. Conrad Smith—Appeal.

Lew H. Griffith vs. Charles M. Bowers—Libel.

Jacob Walter et al vs. John H. Russe—Demand.

Sarah Maines vs. James Maines—Divorce.

State ex rel John Collett vs. Sylvester S. Gorby—Ouster.

George Schmidt vs. Louis Bihr—Injunction.


Lowrey Jackson, Martin J. Givan, Oliver M. Hall, Levi Miller.


Guardian Henry Peterman—William Borgman, Guardian.

Estate of Joseph Proctor—William H Proctor, Administrator.

Estate of Nathaniel Todd—John C. Sims, Administrator.


Estate of Elizabeth Howerton—Edwin L. Jaquith, Administrator.

Estate of Melville R. Cannon—Joseph D. Curtis, Administrator.

Estate of William F. Kerr—Catharine E. Kerr, Administratrix.

Guardian heirs of Louisa McAvene—Warren Tebbs, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Olive Laws—Thomas P. Laws, Guardian.


Will of Frederick Schneider.

Will of Joseph Donk.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1889

Proceedings of the June 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Jun 1889 – Page 3, Column 4


Josiah Duncan, Trustee of Manchester township, submits his report showing receipts and disbursements of the money donated by the Commissioners for building bridge at Hogan Hill on the State road, and foot bridge over Tanner’s Creek at Manchester Station. The report was accepted and approved.

Refunders were granted as follows: To Jonathan Rannels, $1.75; Emma Homan, $2.40; Sarah J. Allen, $23.76; A. A. Bloom, 79 cts; Martin Schuerman, $1.

John Roser and fifty-three other citizens and freeholders of Harrison petition the Commissioners to purchase the toll road in Harrison township known as the Mt. Carmel and Johnston Fork Turnpike, and Harrison, New Trenton, Rochester and Brookville Turnpike; and in order to determine the wish of the people of said township on the question of purchasing said turnpike, ask that the same be submitted to a vote of the township. The Commissioners grant the prayer of the petition, provided the petitioners defray all of the expenses of the election, viewing, &c., and said purchase is to be made by the Trustee of Harrison township, and he shall reimburse the petitioners. A. T. Gridley, County Surveyor, and George C. Columbia are selected as surveyor and appraiser.

Henry Glazier, a member of the Bright House Thief Detective Association, appointed Constable.

Liquor license granted unto the following: Joseph Bechtel, Stephen Meyers, Anthony Gardner, John Bamart, Adam Kastner, Stahl & Harry, George Fahlbush, Michael Klein, George Fahlbush, Michael Klein, W. H. Charlton, Thomas Nees, all of Lawrenceburgh; Gerhardt Martin, David Peters, Peter Zimmerman, John H. Siemantel, John Pelgen, Adolph Schulze, Anthony Kastner, Jacob Kirsch, all of Aurora.

Henry C. Assche, Trustee of Jackson township, asks permission to borrow $600 for the purpose of building a school house in District No. 8 in said township.

Charles Bowton, Lawrence Kappes and T. B. Cottingham, viewers appointed to view a proposed road in Harrison township, report in favor of said road. The same gentlemen, acting as reviewers, reported that the following named persons would suffer damages by reason of the opening of the proposed road: Benj. Holden, $35; Barney Simonson, $60; Henry Kolb, $25; and Anthony Healy, $25. The Board accept the report, and authorize the payment of the damages.

Sam B. Sanks, J. W. Johnson and Benj. Wethered, viewers and reviewers, report in favor of the proposed road in Hogan township, and report the following damages: Lytle W. Parks, $120; Cyrus Canfield, $75.

John Renck, Joseph Wilhelm and Fred Moerling, viewers and reviewers, report in favor of proposed road in York and Miller townships, and assess the damages of Rebecca Robertson at $200. This makes a bee line road from Guilford to Wrights Corner.

John Huddleston Sr., Wolfgang Dennerline and William Fox were appointed viewers to view proposed road in Manchester township, near Wrights Corner.

$100 was allowed to John Armstrong, Trustee of Hogan township, for the building of a bridge over the branch at Plum Point Schoolhouse.

It is ordered that no clothing or supplies be furnished to patients sent to the Insane Hospital unless there is first filed an affidavit that neither the patient nor relatives have any means to furnish the same.

A. J. Cheek, Superintendent of the County Asylum, reports that for the quarter ending June 1st there were 37 inmates in the asylum. Twenty-four of the inmates are upwards of fifty years of age—the oldest being Frederick Finkey, aged eighty-five years. Only nine are fit for work. The youngest inmate is one of the Carpenter family, having been born in the asylum in 1884.

Liquor license granted unto John Philip Ebel, Charles Martin, George Frank, Simon Siemantel and Louis Weiss, all of Aurora.

In the matter of the incorporation of the Manwaring burying ground in Harrison township, the consideration of the same was postponed until the next session.

For many years the citizens of Kelso and adjoining townships have petitioned and prayed for a bridge across Tanner’s Creek, and now that long needed  want will be supplied, as the Commissioners on Tuesday arrived at the following decision: “The Board having under construction of a bridge over Tanner’s Creek, at the point where the Harrison and Napoleon State Road crosses the same in Kelso township, and being of the opinion that a bridge should be built at that point, now order and direct that the Auditor cause a survey and location of site for said bridge to be made, and that he cause plans and specifications for the construction of said bridge to be made and placed on file in the Auditor’s office, and that said survey be made and specifications be placed on file not later than July 5th, and that the Auditor cause advertisement for bids for erection of said bridge to be received up to 12 noon August 1st, 1889.”

After a personal examination of the Hogan Creek Bridge at Aurora, the Board accepted the same, and ordered warrants drawn in favor of the contractors.

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Jun 1889 – Page 2, Column 3


The reports of the Receipts and Disbursements for the past fiscal year of Auditor Moore and Treasurer Probst were approved, and will be found in another column.

David H. Stapp, attorney for Joseph G. Parks Jr. and others, asked for a re-opening of the reviewers report in the matter of damages for a new road in Hogan township. It seems that Lytle W. Parks put in a claim for damages on account of right of way for the new road, and it now transpires that Parks does not own the land, having transferred it to his sons did not put in any claim, and having slept on their rights, it is very probable that they will not receive any damages. Mr. Parks’ forgetfulness in regard to transferring his property may cost his sons $200, as that was the amount awarded him for damages.

Liquor license was granted unto Michael Braunagel, of Aurora, and George H. King, of Weisburg.

The Township Trustees filed their levies for next year with the Commissioners, and the rate will show a slight reduction from last year. The reform Trustee of Sparta township wanted 12 ½ cents for one fund and 3 ½ cents for another fund, but the Commissioners took compassion upon the employees of the Auditor’s office and cut off the ½ cent. Charley Walser was on the verge of turning gray when he thought of computing ½ cent rates for weeks during the hot days of July and August.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1889

Proceedings of the May 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 30 May 1889 – Page 3, Column 5


State vs. Fred Pelgen—Seduction. Dismissed.

William Wheeler vs. Cobb’s Iron and Nail Co. et al. On note. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Samuel W. Cooper vs. Joseph H. Burkam et al. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Peter Koehler vs. Patrick Garrity. Specific performance. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

John B. Coles vs. Estate of Dewitt C. Wilber, deceased. On account. Claim allowed $167.85 and costs.

Maggie E. Tuft et als vs. Henry D. Tuft. Partition. Partition made by Commissioners.

William Willman et al vs. George J. J. Luther. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Robert D. Connell vs. Estate of Dewitt C. Wilber, deceased. On account. Claim allowed, $150.50 and costs.

Aaron Huffman vs. Estate of Lucinda Christopher, deceased. On note and mortgage. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Robert A. McConnell vs. same. Claim allowed, $14.42 and costs.

Ex-parte Pemma Gatch. For change of name. Name changed to Pemma Nowlin.

Omer T. Ludlow, Guardian, vs. Isaac M. Dunn et al. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $108.35 and costs.

State vs. John McMara, Mike Murray and William H. Gaines. Grand larceny. Plea of guilty. McMara sentenced to State prison for one year, Murray for 18 months and Gaines to county jail for 30 days.

Crescent Building Association vs. Sophia M. Miller et als. Foreclosure. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Centre Building Association vs. Indiana Stapp et als. Foreclosure. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Lou Ann Greer vs. Elijah Greer et al. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $506.88 and costs.

Leah A. Haynes vs. Flora Nowlin. Damages. Judgment for defendant on demurrer. Appeal to Supreme Court.

State vs. John Steig. Grand larceny. Sentenced to State prison for 5 years, fined $1 and disfranchised for 5 years.

Mary E. Wilson vs. Gottlieb Leitner. To recover real estate. Dismissed and costs paid.

Uriah Stevens vs. Patrick McInally. Replevin. Judgment for plaintiff and $15.00 damages.



Ernestine Schaeffer vs. Barbara Schwipps et al. Foreclosure.

John B. Garnier vs. Anna L. Beinkamp et al. Foreclosure.

Same vs. Louisa Beck et al. Foreclosure.

Washington Kirkpatrick vs. Lewis Wilson. Appeal.

John E. Trumbower vs. O. & M. R. W. Co. Damages.

Ex-parte Pinkney J. Trester et al. Partition.

Laura Bealman vs. John H. Bealman. Divorce.

George C. Probst vs. L. C. & D. R. W. Co. Damages.

John J. Backman vs. Susan McGuire et als. To sell real estate.

Hugh D. McMullen vs. John A. Parks et al. On account.

George M. Roberts et al vs. same. On account.

Thomas Emmerson vs. Thomas W. Hansell et al. Foreclosure.

Sarah J. Steig vs. John Steig. Divorce.


The will of George Freyn, the will of John A. Kress and the will of Anthony Braun were probated.


Guardian of Alice Kaster, Alex B. Pattison, Guardian.

Guardian of Joseph B. Blettner, Henry Fangman, Guardian.

Estate of Louisa N. Gould, Henry B. Fullerton, Administrator.

Estate of H. D. and C. M. Tufts, H. D. Tufts, surviving partner.


Alice J. Day vs. Estate of Emily C. Day, $100.

Eva L. Day vs. same, $100.

Ellen M. Day vs. same, $13.

Carrie G. Hansell vs. Estate of William L. Hansell, $185.85.

Same vs. same, $73.95.

Mark L. Howell vs. same, $338.56.

Same vs. same, $113.71.

George H. Smith vs. same, $107.90.

George W. Hargitt vs. same, $3.00.

S. Strasburger vs. same, $214.83.

John C. Sims vs. Estate of James L. McMullen, $65.00.

F. Rodenberg & Co. vs. Estate of Otho W. Dowden, $3.50.


Guardian of Eleanor Burk, Fannie B. Wymond, Guardian.

Estate of Elizabeth Hansell, Mark L. Hansell, Administrator.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1889

Proceedings of the May 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 16 May 1889 – Page 2, Column 2


Court convened on Monday with the lightest docket for twenty-five years. The following is a list of new cases on the docket:

George E. Kalb, Administrator of the estate of Jonathan Barber, deceased, vs. Ruth Barber; partition.

Thomas J. Lucas et al vs. Nancy Jones; ejectment.

Alex M. Campbell vs. Henry Gothomer; on notes.

Thomas W. Sargent vs. Leonard Stoll; on note.

Lou Ann Greer vs. Elijah Greer; on note.

Abram Lozier vs. Charley Roof et al; foreclosure.

D. H. Baldwin & Co. vs. Sparks Lozier et al; on notes.

Cyrus Canfield vs. I. M. Dunn et al; on note.

O. T. Ludlow, guardian, vs. Michael Klumpf et al; foreclosure.

O. T. Ludlow, guardian, vs. I. M. Dunn et al; on note.

Jugunda Tittel et al vs. John B. Garnier et al; partition.

D. R. Herrick vs. J. H. Simpkinson; attachment.

John E. Charles vs. John W. Davis; attachment.

Peter Koehler vs. Patrick Garrity; specific performance.

Uriah Stevens vs. Patrick McInally; replevin.

Cohen & Co. vs. Standard Manufacturing Co.; on account.

H. H. Dowden vs. Virgil Dowden et al; partition.

Frank Tittel vs. Estate of Joseph A. Garnier; claim on account.

Aaron Huffman vs. Estate of Lucinda Christopher; claim on notes and mortgage.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Mar 1889

Allowances made at the March 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Apr 1889 – Page 4, Column 2

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their March session, 1889, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Centre Township.

  • Wm Webber—Groceries furnished: Sarah Clark, Mary Abdon, Mrs. C Perrin, Mrs. Geo Smith, Mrs. C Lambkin
  • J. H. Vanhouten—Groceries furnished: Emma Chamberlain, Hannah Byrns, H Clark, C Perrin
  • David Peters—Groceries furnished: Margaret Ross, Wm Smith
  • C. M. Beinkamp—Groceries furnished: Ella Baker, R. Hall, Thos. Rand, Cynthia Baker, Malinda Block
  • J. C. Green—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Benj. Mills
  • Blythe Buffington—Groceries furnished: Wm Powell, Sarah Clark
  • Herdegan & Kress—Groceries furnished Mrs. A Pohl
  • L M Cheek—Groceries furnished: Miss Emma Chamberlain, Thos Rand, Wm Holdron
  • Fred Opperman—Groceries furnished: Mary Hughs, Catharine Walsh
  • Chas. Fehling—Groceries furnished: Mrs. H Broyles, Mahala Teaney, Wm T McMurray, Margaret Ross, Wm Smith, Johannah Thoms
  • M. Pelgen—Groceries furnished: Dora Sperlach, H. Broyles, L Theetge, Wm Powell, M. Pelgen
  • John Brannon—Groceries furnished: Nancy Hunt, George Gray, Catharine Walsh, Mary E Trester, Sarah Clark
  • G. W. Griffin—Groceries furnished: E Knapp, Thomas Rand, C Perrin
  • Robert Maybin—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Goodpasture, Bridget Cooper, A Ponl
  • Andy Kastner—Groceries furnished: G Smith, John Goodpasture
  • A Epstein—Clothing furnished: George Gray, Wm. Smith
  • Aurora Distilling Co.—Coal furnished: E Van Sickles, R. Campbell, M Brooks, Emma Chamberlain, A Pohl
  • George W Taylor—Conveyance to Asylum
  • F Mauntel—Undertaker
  • A Hill & Son—Coal furnished: Mary Abdon, A Shoemaker, W T McMurray, R Campbell, Hannah Burns, Wm Powell
  • Thos. W. Sargent—Coal furnished: Dora Sperlach, K Walker, Wm. Smith, Mary Abdon, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Broiles, A Pohl, Wm Thompson, George Smith
  • L Grossholtz—Boarding tramps
  • Wymond Cooperage Co.—fuel furnished
  • Wm T Day—Undertaker
  • E. Lamar—Shoes to Louie Burton
  • T Studenberg—Shoes to George Smith
  • Catharine Schieb—Caring for Dora Sperlach
  • Jacob Schuler Jr.—Transportation

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • Schleicher Bros.—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Krona, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Kriter
  • Spanagel & Co.—Groceries furnished: Henry Young, Mrs. Vinson, Mrs. Mack, Joseph Mondary, Mrs. Schaeffer, Mrs. Daumet
  • H R Helmuth—Groceries furnished: Mary Young, Mrs. McMullen, H Klefker, Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Hayes
  • A Shaw—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Parsons, Perry Carter, Wm Brown, Buarks
  • Jos McGrannahan—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Goodwin, Mart Skinner, Perry Carter, Jane Sheppard, Mrs. Eads
  • George H Wood—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Bruce
  • George Fahlbush—Groceries furnished: Thomas Darling
  • Harry Dobell—Groceries furnished: Nancy Jones, Mrs. Brown
  • Tebbs Bros.—Groceries furnished: Wm Winters, Mrs. McAdam
  • Sparks Bros—Groceries furnished: Thomas Darling, Mrs. Martin
  • H Oertling—Groceries furnished: Nancy Jones, Mrs. Thomas Marshall
  • C Israel—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Best
  • Wm F Cook—Coal furnished: Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Bruce, Nancy Jones, Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Early, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Krona, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Parsons, Mary Young, Mrs. Best, J Mondary, Mrs. Caloway, Mrs. Schaeffer, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Jeffries, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Brown
  • Early & Daniel—Coal furnished: Mrs. Krona, Mrs. Klefker, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Grill, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Leindecker, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Early, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Phelster, Mrs. Whitcomb
  • Fred Wesler—Coal furnished: S A Martin, Henry Young, Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Kaufman, MRs. Moeers, Mrs. Fisher
  • Freeman & Stein—Coal furnished: Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Mary Young, Mrs. Charleston
  • Samuel Dickinson, Undertaker—Coffin and carriage furnished: McAdams, Kate Dodd, Holland, H Morris, Dudley, Minnie Early, Mrs. Morrison, Clarinda Osborn, Barney Losey, Jennie Howard, Ben Cave
  • L Kohlerman, Undertaker—Coffin and carriage furnished: James B Hills, James White, J O’Kane; Mitchell, conveyed to Co. Asylum
  • Greendale Cemetery Association
  • J P Lommel—Digging grave
  • F Rodenberg—Transportation
  • Fred Volz—Boarding tramp
  • John Shaw—Boarding tramp
  • R H Gould—Transportation
  • Anton Schneider—Shoes furnished: Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Phister, Mrs. Johnson
  • F. R. Dorman—Shoes
  • L R Swift & Son—Shoes to Wm Bennet

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • Eldo Chance—Conveyance and digging grave for Belle Bradford
  • J S French—Coffin and box to Belle Bradford
  • A P Daughters—Medical attention to Belle Bradford
  • Peter E Shed—one day and mileage as witness to Belle Bradford
  • V D Chance—Groceries to Mrs. Margaret Bradford
  • H B Gault—Groceries furnished
  • H D Moore—Groceries to Isaac Davis and Jesse Colshire
  • O M Loyd—Overseeing poor; transportation

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • John Hayes—Groceries furnished: Jane Christy, Margaret Stitt
  • Aurora Distilling Co.—Coal furnished: M Stitt, Jane Christy, Sarah Buffington
  • John Armstrong—Overseeing poor

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Edward Grubbs—Boarding poor
  • Clark and Fagally—Groceries to S. Tarr

Poor—Miller Township.

  • Wendel Labbe—Groceries Furnished: Joseph Huber
  • Gerhard Fette—Groceries furnished: Caroline Smith, Joseph Huber
  • Chas Seekatz—Shoes to Mrs. Helfrich
  • Jos. Folzlogel—Taking paupers to County Asylum
  • Harmon Hodmeyer—Shoes to pauper

Poor—York Township.

  • Otto Hammerle—Overseeing poor

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • W F Crocker—Groceries to Mrs. Callahan

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Wm. Rowland—Groceries furnished: Harrison Conaway, Betsy Spangler, Jane Peasley
  • M. E. Withrow—Groceries furnished: Thomas Akra
  • Fred Ginter—Groceries furnished: E and A Evans, Sarah Fleming
  • Tyler & Vandolah—Groceries furnished: Sewel Sheldon
  • H H Kamping—Clothing to Wm Buchorn
  • John Steuver—Overseeing poor

County Asylum.

  • Thos Duncan, money paid out; salary
  • Charlotte Duncan, salary as Matron
  • Katie Wilson, work
  • Clara Ruble, work
  • John Sims, work
  • Andrew Johnson, work
  • John Bidner, pork
  • Geo. Wolforth, repairing shoes
  • Wm F Crocker, hardware
  • John Kleuber, clothing
  • E Lamar, shoes
  • C M Beinkamp, groceries
  • Alex Ruble, carpenter work
  • George W. Hall, groceries
  • Wm Pummill, blacksmithing
  • P Weis, bran
  • Sebastian Ross, harness
  • Geo Gutzwiller, blacksmithing
  • Sparks Bros., seeds
  • B Buffington, groceries
  • Gerhard Hilbert, repairing wagon
  • Frank R Dorman, clothing
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., dry goods
  • John Kleuber, clothing
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., coffin and box

Public Buildings.

  • R Petitt, repairing lightning rod
  • F R Dorman, oil cloth
  • George Day, painting Commissioner’s room
  • John Schwab, masonry on new barn
  • George W. Wood, groceries for jail
  • K Crist, hardware
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co., kindling

Specific Allowances.

  • L Kohlerman & Son, horses and carriage
  • John Probst, postage and cards
  • S J Huston, postage
  • J H Russe, postage, expressage and telegraphing
  • E D Moore, postage, expressage and telegraphing

Public Printing.

  • Everett & Gregory, coroner’s inquest
  • L W Cobb, Treasurer’s notice and paper for county asylum
  • J E Larimer, delinquent list
  • Hunter & O’Brien, miscellaneous

Books and Stationery.

  • Wm B Burford
  • Sentinel Printing Company

Insane Persons.

  • F R Dorman

County Revenue.

  • J H Russe

Roads and Highways.

  • John Heustis
  • Hezron Haynes, Sheriff

Expense of Court.

  • Hezron Hayes

Commissioners’ Court.

  • Hezron Hayes


  • D M Guard


  • D M Guard

Aurora Bridge.

  • C H Glandorf
  • J E Johnston & Co.
  • Nathan K Stedman

Officers’ Salary.

  • E D Moore
  • H Vogelgesang
  • Geo W Johnston
  • Geo W Swales
  • S J Huston, County Superintendent

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Apr 1889

Proceedings of the April 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 4 Apr 1889 – Page 2, Column 3


Henry Roudebush et al vs. Charles E. Dair, Trustee, &c.; to modify judgment. Judgment for defendant on demurrer.

State vs. John Clark; surety of the peace. Dismissed.

W. C. D. Stevenson vs. estate of Francis M. Miles, deceased; on note. Claim allowed, $324.86.

State ex rel Commissioners of Decatur county vs. Edward D. Moore, Auditor, &c.; mandate. Judgment for defendant on demurrer. Appeal to Supreme Court.

State vs. Maggie Shank—(3 cases). State vs. William Vansickle; petit larceny. State vs. Charles M. Carter; seduction. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

State vs. Robert Shepherd; assault and battery. Trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

Carl G. Walter vs. the unknown heirs of Robert Piatt, deceased, et als; to quiet title. Decree and judgment for plaintiff.

George A. Smith vs. Nathan G. Daniels et als; foreclosure. Decree and judgment for plaintiff for $1,525.12.

State vs. John Morgan; petit larceny. Trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

Louis Ott vs. Squire Osborn; slander. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Emma Spangler vs. Clarence Spangler; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Charles H. Conaway, of Dillsborough, admitted to practice at this bar.


The Union Loan and Building Association vs. Frederick Studenburg et als. Foreclosure.

Alex B. Pattison vs. Sanford Tuthill et al. On note.

Virgil Dowden, administrator, vs. Joseph Vaughn et al. Foreclosure.


Hamilton Conaway vs. estate of Francis M. Miles; on account. Claim allowed, $10.

J. Marshall Barkley vs. estate of Aaron Purcell; on account. Claim allowed, $187.38.

Oliver T. Canfield vs. Aurora Iron Co.; on order. Claim allowed, $28.10.


Estate of John H. Hargitt.

Estate of Mathias Clore.


Estate of Michael Radspinner; Levi P. Chance, administrator.

Estate of Franz H. Pottebaum; John H. Donselman, executor.

Estate of Frederick H. Kamping; Frederick Schulenborg, executor.

Estate of Sarah A. Southard; Wilson H. Swales Jr., administrator.

Estate of Henry Klein; Mary Klein, administratrix.

Guardian of Arthur F. Garrison, William B. Miller, guardian.


Guardian of Isaac Swift et als; Lineaus R. Swift, guardian.

Guardian of Katie A. Klein et als; Mary Klein, guardian.

Estate of Henry Klein; Mary Klein, Administratrix.

Estate of George W. Johnston; George E. Johnston, Administrator.

Guardian Charles W. Orndorff et als; Columbus Johnston, Guardian.

The will of William B. Miller was probated.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Mar 1889

Proceedings of the March 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 28 Mar 1889 – Page 3, Column 3


Board of Commissioners vs. William H. Kyle. Judgment vs defendant by agreement for $101 and costs.

State vs. Edward Tilford and Henry Harper; petit larceny. Dismissed by Prosecuting Attorney.

Annie Baxendale vs. David W. Baxendale; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Eva Eschman vs. Nicholas Eschman; divorce. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Omar F Roberts vs. C. I. St. L. and C. R. W. Co.; on account. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Aaron Huffman vs. Samuel G. Sweet et al; foreclosure. Dismissed and costs paid.

August F. Sommer vs. Estate of John McGuire, deceased. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs for want of prosecution.

Frederick Slater vs. estate of Thomas Rice, deceased. Claim allowed $88.65 and costs.

Robert Huddleston vs. Logan J. Collins et al; foreclosure. Final report and discharge of receiver.

Elizabeth West vs. Joseph H. Burkam et als; injunction. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Louisa Giegoldt vs. Michael Zimmer et al; on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $5 and costs.

H. A. Conaway, administrator &c., vs. Lewis Wilson et als; on account. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Frederick Oehlman vs. estate of Dewitt C. Wilber, deceased; on account. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Aurora National Bank vs. Aurora Iron Co. et als; proceedings at plaintiff’s costs.

State ex rel Katie Keeler vs. Joseph Lowe; bastardy. Settled, dismissed and costs paid.

Katie Keeler vs. Joseph Lowe; breach of promise. Trial by Court. Finding and judgment for defendant.

George W. Newman vs. Agnes Newman; divorce. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Evaline Todd vs. Joseph F. Todd; divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Mary Abbott vs. Nathaniel Abbott; divorce. Decree of divorce, custody of children and personal property given plaintiff.

Henry Tilford vs. Betty Tilford; divorce. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.



Emeline Roudebush et al vs. Chales E. Dair, trustee et al. Injunction.

Rosa Landers vs. Martin Landers—Divorce.

William                  Wheeler vs. David H. Stapp et al. On note.

Crescent Building Association vs. Newton Canfield et als. Foreclosure.

Same vs. Sophia M. Miller et als. Foreclosure.

Same vs. John A. Parks et al. Foreclosure.

Commissioners of Decatur county vs. Edward D. Moore, Auditor. Mandate.

George W. Newman vs. Agnes Newman. Divorce.



Estate of John Crozier, deceased; James F. Crozier, administrator.

Estate of Oliver P. Small, deceased; William H. Kyle et al, executors.

Estate of Roberts & Suits; Leroy Roberts, surviving partner.

Estate of D. Cattellier Co.; Warren Tebbs, Assignee.

Estate of Nancy B. Hayes, deceased; John S. Dorman, executor.

Guardian heirs of William B. Suits, deceased; Agnes Suits, guardian.

Guardian Arthur Hayes; John G. Bauer, guardian.

Guardian John P. Hornaday; George B. Tebbs, guardian.

Guardian Harry Knoebel et al; Chas. Schnell, guardian.


Guardian heirs of David Small, deceased; James W. Tebbs, guardian.

Guardian heirs of Charles Libbert, deceased; Henry J. Libbert, guardian.

Guardian heirs of William S. Markland, deceased; Ezra F. Jackson, guardian.


Hugh G. Kidd vs. Estate of Otho W. Dowden, deceased, $8.60.

John H. Roberts vs. Estate of Dewitt C. Wilber, deceased, $5.50.


Will of Henry Meinsen, deceased.

The estate of Will Beinke, deceased, was set over to his widow as being worth less than $500.

Henry P. Spaeth was released as surety on bond of Helen F. Bloom, as Guardian of heirs of August Bloom, deceased.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Mar 1889

Proceedings of the March 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Mar 1889 – Page 3, Column 4


The Township Trustees made their annual settlement of Road, Township and Dog Funds, and the following is a summary of the report:

  • Otto Hamerle, Trustee, York Tp.
  • Henry Assche, Trustee, Jackson Tp.
  • John Roser, Trustee, Harrison Tp.
  • Josiah Duncan, Trustee, Manchester Tp.
  • John Armstrong, Trustee, Hogan Tp.
  • A. Tufts, Trustee, Washington Tp.
  • John Steuver, Trustee, Clay Tp.
  • C. Nolte, Trustee, Cesar Creek Tp.
  • Jacob Schuler, Trustee, Center Tp.
  • Fred Rodenberg, Trustee, Law’bgh Tp.
  • Henry Fangman, Trustee, Kelso Tp.
  • John Brown, Trustee, Logan Tp.
  • F. M. Jackson, Trustee, Miller Tp.

Mark L. Hansell, a member of the Bright Horse Thief Detective Association was appointed Constable.

License to retail liquor was granted to F. X. Volz, Stephen Meier, John Deuschle, Frank M Fitterer, Otha W. Hayes, and Peter Stein, Lawrenceburgh; Kosmos Frederick, Harrison; W. S. Underhill, Aurora.

The offer of Thomas Craig of $10 for the piece of land belonging to Dearborn county, situated in the town of Guilford, was accepted, and the Auditor was instructed to make deed for the same.

Alex. P. Pattison, N. R. Stedman and James Everett were appointed school fund appraisers for the third district.

T. B. Cottingham, Charles Bowton and Lawrence Kappes were appointed viewers of proposed road in Harrison township.

John Renck, Joseph Wilhelm, and F. Mehrling were appointed viewers of proposed road in Miller and York townships.

Benj. Wethered, Sam. B. Sanks and Wesley Johnson were appointed viewers of proposed road in Hogan township.

Charles Hornbach, George T. Hudson and James Lods were appointed viewers of proposed road in Kelso township.

A petition was presented praying for the erection of a bridge across Laughery Creek near Guionsville. The petition was signed by 200 taxpayers of the county.

John E. Heustis of Dearborn and William Stegner of Ripley county, viewers appointed to view a proposed location of a road between Ripley and Dearborn counties, report that the road would be of great utility, and they recommend that the petition for the road be granted.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Dec 1888

Allowances made at the December 1888 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 31 Jan 1889 – Page 3, Column 3

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their December session, 1888, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • C. Israel—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Paul Lemuel, Mrs. Best, Mrs. David Diggs
  • H. R. Helmuth—Groceries furnished: H Kleiker, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Laird
  • Schleicher Bros.—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Grill, C Craig, Hester Miller, Mrs. Krona, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Sanders
  • George Wood—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Bruce and sister
  • John Tuthill & Co.—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Ed Johnson
  • A. Shaw—Groceries furnished: Mr. Brown
  • Herman Oertling—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Cavanaugh
  • Sparks Bros.—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Jeffers
  • John Isherwood—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Williams
  • Louis Ellerbrook—Board furnished: tramps
  • Wm. Schneider—Shoes furnished: tramps
  • Wm. Schneider—Shoes furnished: Mrs. Carl and Geasly
  • Anton Schneider—Shoes furnished: Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Henry Young, Mrs. Johnson
  • P. J. Emmert—Merchandise Furnished: Taylor Baylery, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Collins, Wm Brown, Mrs. Carl, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Carter
  • Wm. F. Cook—Coal furnished: Mrs. B. Ricketts, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Nancy Jones, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Marshall, H Young, Mrs. Best, Mrs. Grill, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Jeffries
  • L. Swift & Son—Clothing furnished: Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. McCracken, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Carll
  • Early & Daniels—Coal furnished: Mrs. Krona, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Hayes, Taut, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Leindecker, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Krow
  • Daniel M. Guard—Board furnished: paupers

Poor—Centre Township:

  • Chas. Fehling—Groceries furnished: Margaret Ross, Mahala Teaney, Johannah Thoms, Mrs. H Broyles, L Theetge, Wm Smith
  • J. C. Green—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Benj Mills
  • John Kleuber—Clothing furnished: Joe Peters
  • J. H. VanHouten—Groceries furnished: Mrs. C Perrin, Hannah Byrns, Emma Chamberlain
  • Louis Lotton—Board furnished: tramps
  • John Brannon—Groceries furnished: R Welsh, Nancy Hunt
  • O. T. Canfield—Merchandise furnished: Joe Jones
  • Fred Opperman—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Hughs
  • Robert McConnell—Clothing furnished: James Vahey, Wm Smith
  • Blythe Buffington—Groceries furnished: Miss Emma Chamberlain
  • Fred Mauntel—Conveyance furnished: Mat Shank to county asylum, Al McMurray to county asylum, Martin Cochran to county asylum
  • E. Lamar—Merchandise furnished: Sarah Steg, Mrs. Smith and daughter, Joe Jones, Mrs. Noble and daughter, Mrs. Lictschge
  • M. Pelgen—Groceries furnished: Wm Powell, Dora Sperlach
  • Albert Bloom—Groceries furnished: Dora Sperlach
  • Herdegan & Kress—Groceries furnished: Amanda Gray, Albert Pohl
  • Robert Maybin—Groceries furnished: Joe Peters, James Howard, Wm Smith, Wm Walker, Bridget Cooper
  • Wm Webber—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Lambkins, Mrs. Abdon, Mrs. Howard
  • Martha Bruce—taking care of sick
  • Hannah Burns—taking care of sick
  • Lafe M. Cheek—Groceries furnished: Wm Holden
  • C. H. Beinkamp—Groceries furnished: Wm Theetge, J Freiberg, Mrs. Radcliff, Wm Powell, Ella Baker
  • Andy Kastner—Groceries furnished: Mrs. J Freiberger
  • Thos. W. Sargent—Coal furnished: Miss Chamberlain, Margaret Ross, Dora Sperlach, Mrs. Van Sickles, Wm Thompson, B Burns, A Pohl, Mary Abdon
  • Wymond Cooperage Co.—Fuel furnished
  • J. R. Cole & Son—Conveyance to Cemetery
  • M Maloney—Undertaker
  • Ed Holthouse—Undertaker
  • Jacob Schuler—Transportation

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Wendel Labbe—Groceries furnished: Philip Spring, Joseph Huber
  • Gerhardt Fette—Groceries furnished: Joseph Huber, Caroline Smith
  • Chas Seekatz—Shoes to Caroline Smith
  • Fred Morgan—Shoes to Joseph Huber

Poor—Sparta Township.

  • H. D. Moore—Groceries furnished: Isaac Davis, J. Colshure and wife

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Wm. Rowland—Groceries furnished: Jane Peasley, Harrison Conaway, Sewel Sheldon, Betsy Spangler
  • M. E. Withrow—Groceries furnished: Mrs. John Loftus, Thomas Aker
  • Fred Ginter—Groceries furnished: A and E Evans, Sarah Fleming, Sewel Sheldon

Poor—York Township.

  • Otto Hammerle, cash

Poor—Hogan Township.

  • T. L. Baker—Hauling coal: Margaret Stitt, Jane Christy, Sarah Buffington
  • John Hayes—Groceries furnished: Margaret Stitt and Jane Christie
  • John Armstrong—Cash paid out

Poor—Harrison Township.

  • Wm. Schroyer—Undertaker

Poor—Manchester Township.

  • Perry Piles—Groceries to Mr. Scribner
  • Wm. F. Crocker—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Callahan

Poor—Logan Township.

  • Haddock & Clark—Groceries furnished: Elizabeth Ward
  • Ed. Grubbs—Boarding three children

Poor—Miller Township.

  • T H Nowlin & Co.—Groceries furnished: J Connor, J Dodd

Roads and Highways.

  • J W Truitt and J P Swearing—Viewers

Public Buildings.

  • G H Wood—Soap and oil for jail
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co.—Gas
  • H G Kidd—Furnishing stove and repairing
  • H Risinger—Repairing clock
  • Ohio Valley Coffin Co.—Kindlings
  • W F Cook—Hardware etc.
  • J S Dorman & Co.—merchandise
  • E C Baldwin—Desk stool
  • Sparks Bros.—Mops and handles

Specific Allowance.

  • E D Moore—Postage and box rent
  • S J Huston—Postage
  • D H Miller—Horses and carriage
  • John Probst—Box rent
  • J H Russe—Postage and expressage

Expense of Elections.

  • D M Guard
  • J H Russe

Expense of Criminals.

  • D M Guard—Boarding prisoners

Court Expense.

  • D M Guard

Commissioners’ Court.

  • D M Guard

Laughery Bridge.

  • F M Miller

Wilmington Bridge.

  • Wm Larrison—repairing bridge

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • Everett & Gregory
  • J E Larimer

Books and Stationery.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • Sentinel Printing Company
  • Wm B Burford
  • Baker & Thornton

Officers’ Salary.

  • E D Moore, Auditor
  • Geo A Swales, Commissioner
  • G W Johnston, Commissioner
  • N Vogelgesang, Commissioner
  • S J Huston, County Superintendent