Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1891

Proceedings of the June 1891 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 25 Jun 1891 – Page 3, Column 3

County Commissioners Court.

Upon petition filed by S. K. Gold, Trustee of Harrison township, the sum of $400 is appropriated to pay for relocating a bridge over Jamison Creek.

Liquor license granted to Charles Bildner, David Peters, John W. Martin, George H. Koenig, Edward Suerman, Stephen Meyer, J. J. Petcher, Peter Zimmerman, Gerhart Martin, W. H. Charlton, Joseph Bechel & Son, Anthony Gardner, Adam Kastner, Michael Klein, George Mahr, Stahl & Harry, Anthony Kastner, Thomas Nees, John Pelgen, John Bamart.

Lewis Rawling and twenty-six petitioners pray for the relocation of a public highway in Kelso and Miller townships.

James House and twenty others petition for the location and vacation of a road in Hogan township. Chas. Abdon, James Aikens and Lafayette Plummer were appointed viewers to view the road Aug. 25th, and report their doings Sept. 8th.

C. E. Rice and twenty-five others petition for the location and vacation of a public highway leading from Holman to North Hogan Creek. Henry Busse Jr., Henry F. Meyer and Oliver Gatch were appointed viewers to view the road Aug. 27th, and report their doings Sept. 8th.

A. Ritze, John Gutapfel and Jacob Stock, reviewers of a road in Harrison township, and assess damages as follows: Joseph Haddock, Mary Caler, Louis Reckenbaen, Robert J. Ingham, Mary A. Nowlin, Henry Apparius, Benire Holden, Michael Renck, heirs of John Harshoner, L. Schaick. The report was received and matter continued.

Joseph Wilhelm, Daniel Bohle and Johann Roell, reviewers of a road in Harrison township, and assess damages as follows: Peter Emsel, heirs of John Hairschour, Susie Scheick, Magdalena Weis, Lawrence Scheick. Report approved and damages ordered paid.

Joseph Grogan and James Bowton, reviewers of a road in York township, and assess damages as follows: William Fox, Harrison Vanhorn. Report approved, and damages ordered paid.

W. H. Curtis, Chris Lange and Edward Guy, viewers for the vacation of a road in Center township, recommend that the road be vacated. The Trustee of Center township ordered to close the road.

John Albers, William Moemke and James Ennis report in favor of a road in Harrison township, and assess the damages of the heirs of Andrew Vetter at $185. Report approved and damages ordered paid.

George C. Mullen and eighty others petition for the location of a road in Center township, John Renck, William Fox and James Bowton appointed viewers to view road on August 27, and report their doings on Sept. 8th. Harley H. Sutton, Georgie E. Sutton and F. A. Slater file remonstrance. Thomas Allen and forty others file a remonstrance against the opening of the road.

Martin Roof and forthy others file a remonstrance against a proposed road in Hogan township.

W. F. Howard appointed Constable for Harrison township.

George McKinney, John Haddock and H. B. Glazier appointed Constables upon recommendation of Bright Detective Association.

Liquor license granted Simon Siemantel, George Fahlbush, Charles Martin, Jacob Kirsch, Louis Weis, John Siemantel, Michael Braunagel, and John P Ebel.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jun 1891

Proceedings of the June 1891 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 4 Jun 1891 – Page 3, Column 4

Court House Notes.

In opening this department, and as a preface, we may say that in reporting court cases, only those will be reported in which some final action has been taken. New cases will be noted and any items of general interest which may be gleaned. Since our last issue we note as follows:


Staum & Nickels vs. Clemens Post, judgment by default, $487.88 and costs.

Abiah Hayes Sr. vs. Louisa Beck, admr., claim $118.00 allowed.

Arthur G. Tebbs vs. Edwin B. Dobell, on account; trial by jury, verdict by plaintiff in sum of $80.

Mary Hume vs. Robert Whiteford, Exr., claim: judgment for $85.

Robert A. McConnell vs. George C. Probst, settled and dismissed.

State ex rel Katie Knahn vs. August Viel Jr., bastardy; $75 and costs; paid and case dismissed.


Guardianship of Temerance Davis, Benj. Withered appointed guardian.

Partnership J. & O. P. Cobb & Co., John Cobb appointed to settle as surviving partner.

Estate Andrew Lodge, deceased, will admitted to probate.

Guardianship Ella Wood, Francis Worley, deceased Guard., Jos. D. Curtis, admr., final report.


State vs. Andres Mossert, petit larceny, plea of guilty, five days in county jail, $1 fine and disfranchisement six months.

State vs. Henry Shuman, same.

State vs. Robert Gray and Rebecca Ray, petit larceny, plea of guilty. Robert Gray two years in State’s prison, Rebecca Ray eighteen months in female reformatory.


Henderson Peters vs. Elizabeth Peters, divorce.

The People’s Building and Loan Company vs. Adam Kerr, foreclosure.

Sarah F. Prescott, Guardian, vs. Eliza Ellinghousen et al, foreclosure.

Anna Wheeler vs. Harry Wheeler, divorce.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1890

Proceedings of the December 1890 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 1 Jan 1891 – Page 3, Column 4

Court Docket—December Term, 1890.

Margaret Miller, Admr., vs. C. I. St. L. & C. R’y Co. Damages.

Caroline M. Hayes vs. Joseph H. Burkam et als. Partition.

John B. Garnier vs. George Beckenholdt. Accounting.

Bernard Schipper vs. City of Aurora. Damages.

Franklin Bank, Cin., vs. Julius Severin. Bill of exchange.

Warren West et als vs. Caroline M. Hayes et als. Partition.

Eleanor Burk et als vs. Edward Hayes. Partition.

James Greer vs. Louis M. Foulk et als. On note.

John Cobb et als vs. Cobb’s Iron & Nail Co. For Receiver.

Louisa B. Willette vs. George W. Keen et als. Proceedings supplementary to execution.

Martha Arnold vs. Charles Dair et als. Ejectment.

John B. Garnier vs. Hezron Haynes, Sheriff. Injunction.

Rosa Landers vs. Martin Landers. Divorce.

George C. Probst vs. L. C. & D. R’y Co. et als. Damages.

State ex rel John Collett vs. Sylvester S. Gorby. Ouster.

John S. Dorman vs. Charles McDole et als. To quiet title.

Fielding W. Grimsley vs. Andrew J. Bowers et als. On note.

Laura Bealman vs. John H. Bealman. Divorce.

Ezra Cassaday vs. Wm Cassaday et als. To quiet title.

Lillie Britton vs. William E. Britton. Divorce.

City of Lawrenceburg vs. Thomas Watts et als. Condemnation.

Crescent Brewing Co. vs. Frederick Reichert. On note.

Oliver P. Cobb et als vs. City of Aurora. Damages.

Rowland W Holman exr. vs. George Griffin et als. Foreclosure.

Archibald George vs. Mary E. George. Divorce.

Aurora Nat’l Bank vs. Aurora Iron and Nail Co. Proceedings supplementary to execution.

John W Carson vs. Daniel Conaway et als. Partition.

Josephine Stoll vs. Charles D. Williams et als. Relief.

Edward H Green et al vs. Charles Hisey et als. Partition.

Michael Singer, admr., vs. Martin V. Fox. Damages.

Emma J. Smith vs. James Colligon et als. To quiet title.

Michael Singer vs. Martin V Fox et als. Damages.

William Littrell vs. Rose Littrell. Divorce.

John N. Milburn vs. estate of Mary E Milburn, dec’d. Claim $1221.46.

Julius Cassaday vs. estate of Sarah Cassaday, dec’d. Claim $520.

Amanda Cassaday vs. estate of Sarah Cassaday, dec’d. Claim $520.

Mark L Hansell, admr., vs. Ambrose E Nowlin, admr. &c. Claim $3453.

Union B L F & S Ass’n vs. Leander F. Chisman et al. Foreclosure.

Lou Ann Greer vs. city of Aurora. Damages.

George M Roberts et al vs. City of Aurora. Damages.

William C Henry vs. estate of Michael Kreutzer Jr., deceased. Claim $24.25.

Riley W. Curtis vs. William H. Kyle et al. On note.

Robert Clarke et als vs. Harrie Emrie. Attachment.

Alfred Oscamp et als vs. Hezron Haynes, Sheriff. Replevin.

Sherwood F Blasdell et als vs. Geo. W. Robinson et als. Appeal from commissioners.

Henry Hahn & Co. vs. Harry Emrie. Attachment.

Union B L F & S Ass’n vs. Caroline Shepherd et als. Foreclosure.

Frederick Fisher vs. August Fiel et al. On note.

Warren N Hauck et al vs. Abram Lozier. On account.

Ethan A Wilber vs. George W Mitchell et als. Ejectment.

Rowland W. Holman, ex’r vs. Oliver P Cobb et als. Foreclosure.

Abram Brower vs. Board of Commissioners. On account.

Sarah A Clark vs. Franklin F Taylor. Foreclosure.

Union B L F & S Ass’n vs. John Egan et als. Foreclosure.

Alice Abdon vs. Mariah Vanmiddlesworth et als. Damages.

City of Lawrenceburgh vs. O & M R’y Co. Condemnation.

William H Small vs. Thomas J Acra et als. Damages.

Rebecca B Dearman vs. Charles Dearman. Divorce.

State ex rel Mary Lothridge vs. Thomas Acra. Bastardy.

Board of Commissioners vs. Aurora G L C & C Co. Ejectment.

Lenora P Dobell vs. Anna M Hauck et al. Damages.

James Sebree vs. William P Squibb et als. On contract.

Nancy A Turner vs. Mary J Fine et als. Partition.

Rebecca Cheek vs. Edward Cheek. Divorce.

Louis Kriete vs. John Petcher et als. On contract.

Mary Corcoran vs. City of Aurora. Damages.

Louisa Macker vs. C C C & St. L R’y Co. et als. Damages.

Jacob M Bill vs. Delena Anderson et al. Partition.

Charles Clore vs. Benjamin C Walker. Damages.

Sophia Tholke vs. Frederick Tholke. Appeal.

Frank L Griffin vs. A & L Turnpike Co. Appeal.

Adele Fullerton vs. O & M Railway Co. Damages.

Dewitt C Hayes vs. Margaret Giegoldt et als. Injunction.

Lorenzo D Finch et als vs. Sarah E Cole et als. Partition.

City of Lawrenceburgh vs. Joseph H Burkam et al. On bond.

Lizzie Ross vs. Pinkey R Ross. Divorce.

Frederick Boertzel vs. William Sacket et als. Vendor’s lien.

Caroline M Hayes vs. William Reed et als. On notes.

Joseph Cornforth vs. Thomas Acra. Appeal.

Calvin F. Diffenbacher et al vs. Henry Mehrhoff et als. On judgement.

Catharine Severin vs. Benjamin F Trester Jr. et als. On bond.

Henry Simonson vs. town of Harrison. Appeal.

Virgil Dowden, adm’r &c. vs. Joseph Vaughan. To recover real estate.

John P Hornaday vs. C C C & St L R’y Co. Appeal.

State ex rel Amelia Wilkening vs. Charles F Mulford. Bastardy.

Samuel A Maxwell et als vs. Harry Emrie. Attachment.

Andrew Ritze, adm’r vs. Jno. Christman et al. Foreclosure.

Mary A Schwartz vs. John Johnson et al. Injunction.

Adam Bruce vs. estate of Jane Bruce, deceased. Claim $200.

Sarah Buffington vs. estate of Cynthia Griffin, dec’d. Claim $33.

Richard C Bond vs. estate of Cynthia Griffin, dec’d. Claim $251.25.

William T Day vs. estate of Cynthia Griffin, dec’d. Claim $30.

J. R. Cole’s Sons vs. estate of Cynthia Griffin, dec’d. Claim $30.

Louis W. Cobb vs. estate of Cynthia Griffin, dec’d. Claim $3.

Elizabeth Chisman vs. estate of Cynthia Griffin, dec’d. Claim $25.

Jacob Theobald vs. estate of Jacob Schneider, dec’d. Claim $216.

Celestine Amann vs. estate of Jacob Schneider, dec’d. Claim $1020.

Azel Hauk vs. estate of William A Russell, dec’d. Claim $33.98.

J S French vs. estate of Edward L O’Farrell, dec’d. Claim $27.

Rawson & Root Lumber Co. vs. William J Smith, assignee, &c. Claim $1302.80.

Francis Worley Jr. vs. estate of Francis Worley, dec’d. Claim $444.12.

John Brose et al vs. John Christman et al. Foreclosure.

Emma Mendell vs. William P. Heustis. False imprisonment.

O & M R’y Co. vs. Joseph H. Burkam. On bond.

Samuel H Collins vs. Joseph H Burkam. Damages.

City of Aurora vs. Charles Hisey et als. On assessment.

Domineck Risch vs. John Christman et al. On note.

Emma Brum vs. Nicholas Brum. Divorce.

Hamilton Conway vs. Preston Conaway. On note.

John B Garnier, adm’r &c. vs. F S Chatard, Bishop &c. et al. On note.

John B Garnier, adm’r &c. vs. F S Chatard, Bishop &c. et al. On note.

Samuel H Collins vs. Caroline E Collins. Divorce.

John H Russe vs. George W Taylor Jr. On note.

Sophia Wilkins vs. Heinrich Schlutter et al. Partition.

Maud McConnell et al vs. George Lowe et al. Partition.

Maud McConnell et al vs. Fannie Wymond et al. Partition.

Lizzie Cosby et al vs. O & M R’y Co. Damages.

Jackson Cosby vs. O & M R’y Co. Damages.

Mahlon B Kerr, adm’r vs. Peter Dieffenbaugh et als. Foreclosure.

George Robertstein vs. Adolph Schulze. Attachment.

John P Roeder vs. Barbara Roeder. Divorce.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1890

Proceedings of the November 1890 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 13 Nov 1890 – Page 3, Column 3

Court Report.

Union B. L. F. & S. A. vs. Belle Boyd et als—Foreclosure. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Blythe W. Buffington vs. Sarah Block—on account. Dismissed and costs paid.

Blythe W. Buffington vs. William Block et al—on note. Dismissed and costs paid.

William Block vs. Blythe W. Buffington—damages. Dismissed and costs paid.

Camilla Thermer vs. Adolph Schulze et al—on note. Dismissed and costs paid.

William J. Smith, assignee &c., vs. Joseph H. Spellmire et als. Trial by court; finding and judgment for defendants.

Union B. L. F. & S. A. vs. John Egan et als—foreclosure. Decree and judgment by default for $1,190.65 and costs.

Anna Malony vs. Dennis Malony—divorce. Trial by Court; decree of divorce and custody of child given plaintiff.

William Sawdon vs. Thomas W. Pattison et al—foreclosure. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Frederick Mauntel vs. Estate of Jacob Teaney, deceased. Claim allowed, $58 and costs.

Ezra Cassaday vs. John F Gibson et al—foreclosure. Decree and judgment by default for $448.70 and costs.

Henry Hornberger et al vs. John F. Hornberger et al—partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Otha Hayes vs. Edward Hayes—appeal. Dismissed and costs paid.

Missouri E. Hudson vs. George E Hudson—divorce. Trial by Court and divorce granted.

Martha Vaughan vs. Virgil Dowden, administrator—redemption. Judgment vs plaintiff on demurrer; appeal to Supreme Court.

State vs. William Doutielle—grand larceny. Dismissed.

John B. Clergy vs. John W. Schneid et al—foreclosure. Decree and judgment by default for $118.67 and costs.

Jane Russell vs. Andrew Norvell—relief. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Frederick W. Becker vs. Louis Kohlerman—on account. Dismissed and costs paid.

Elizabeth Kerr vs. John D. Simonson et al—partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Milwaukee Harvestor Co. vs. Edward Cooper—on notes. Default and judgment for $124.81 and costs.

Third National Bank of Cincinnati vs. Henry Fitch et al—on note. Default and judgment for $18,453.36 and costs.

Third National Bank of Cincinnati vs. Dewitt C. Fitch—on note. Default and judgment for $12,533.25 and costs.

Amanda Elliott vs. Charles Elliott—divorce. Trial by Court and divorce granted.

Minnie Adkins vs. Lincoln Adkins—divorce. Trial by Court, decree of divorce, custody of child and judgment for $600 given plaintiff.

State vs. Seneca Hancock—cruelty to animals. Dismissed.

State vs. Joseph A. Noble—surety of the peace. Dismissed.

State vs. Henry Willman—surety of the peace. Trial by Court and defendant acquitted.

State vs. Thomas Acra—provoke. Dismissed.

Calvin F. Diffenbacher et al vs Christina Mehrhoff et al—ejectment &c. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Margaret Miller vs. C. C. C. & St. L. R. W. Co.—damages. Change of venue to Ohio county.

Otho Loyd vs. Charles Miller—libel. Change of venue to Ohio County.

Mattie B. Acra vs. Emery Little. Trial by Court, finding and judgment for plaintiff for $265 and costs.

Woodward Iron Co. et als vs. Miami Stove Works et als—final report and discharge of receiver.


Frank L. Griffin vs. A. & L. Turnpike Co.—appeal.

Adele Fullerton vs. O. & M. R’y Co.—damages.

Trustees Insane Asylum vs. William S. Tyler, guardian—on account.

Dewitt C. Hayes vs. Margaret Geigoldt et al—injunction.

Lucian J. Wilson vs. Temperance Cornforth—foreclosure.

Lorenzo D. Finch et al vs. Sarah E. Cole—partition.

City of Lawrenceburgh vs. Joseph H. Burkam et al—on bond.

Harry Wood vs. Estate of Francis Worley, deceased—claim.

Banner Brewing Co. vs. Andrew A. Westendorf et al—foreclosure.

Sarah E. Heustis vs. Estate of Elias Heustis—claim.

Lizzie Ross vs. Pinkney R. Ross—divorce.

Frederick Boertzel vs. William Sackett et al—on notes.

Mary A. Schwartz vs. Frederick Wesler et al—foreclosure.

Joseph Cornforth vs. Thomas Acra—appeal.

Jennie Schrader vs. Henry Schrader—divorce.


Guardian of Edna P. Conger—T. W. Cottingham, Guardian.

Estate of Barbara Stock—Jacob Stock, Administrator.


Guardian heirs of William Russell—Joseph W. Houston, Guardian.

Guardian heirs of Israel Garrigues—James M. Garrigues, Guardian.

Estate of John G. Cors—John Wulber, Administrator.

Estate of Mary A. Thompson—John N. Calvert, Administrator.

Estate of Francis M. Miles—W. C. D. Stevenson, Administrator.

Estate of Maria Bechtel—George Weismiller, Executor.

Estate of John Steig—Frank Rink, Administrator.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Proceedings – Dec 1890

Proceedings of the December 1890 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 25 Dec 1890 – Page 3, Column 3

Commissioner’s Court.

In the matter of the settlement heretofore made with the Ex-County Treasurers Kyle, Lods and Lang, the following order was made:

“The Board having under consideration the settlement and accounts of the Ex-Treasurers Charles Lods, Wm. H. Kyle and Francis Lang, and being satisfied that each of said Ex-Treasurers are indebted to the county; and having extended to the said parties ample time for investigation of their said accounts, and no report having been made to the Board, and no adjustment of the matters made, now therefore order and direct that the County Attorney be and is hereby ordered to bring suit in the Dearborn Circuit against each of the said Ex-Treasurers for the balance remaining in their hands due said county. Said suits to be commenced not later than December 23, 1890, if the said amounts are not paid before that time. And the Auditor is directed to forthwith send to each Ex-Treasurer or his representatives a copy of this order.”

Enoch B. Nowlin allowed $145 for land taken for road purposes in Miller township.

J. H. Russe, Clerk, presented a proposition to index the marriage records of the county from 1826 to 1891 for the sum of $475. The proposition was accepted, and work ordered to be done.

Refunders—T. J. Lucas, $7.96; R. G. Frederick, $18.35; Elizabeth Kottman, $2.40; and St. Johns Lutheran Church, $5.84.

Frank M. Palmer was appointed Constable for Clay township.

The salary of the Janitor of the Court House was fixed at $45 per month.

Emma Buffington, an inmate of the County Asylum, was apprenticed to R. L. S. Baldwin of Sparta township.

Peter Einsel and others petition for the relocation of a road in Harrison township. John Ege, Charles Hornbach and William Fox were appointed viewers.

Michael Renck and others petition for the relocation of a road in Harrison township. Henry Fangman, Geo. Morgan and Lawrence Kappes were appointed viewers.

William Grubbs and others petition for the relocation of a road in Logan township. James Powell, Wm. Kyle and Perry Pyles were appointed viewers.

John Vogel and others petitione for the relocation of a road in York township. Henry Reinkin, Harry M. Shanks and Nathaniel Elliott were appointed viewers.

Joseph Cornforth was appointed Constable of Hogan township.

The Cesar Creek road matter, after being before the Board for more than a year, was compromised, and the road will now be opened. The following damages were ordered to be paid: Henry Ohlmansick, $100; H. R. Wolf, $150, and E. H. Heusman, $100.

John E. Heustis, Peter Bidner, and Fred Albers, viewers, report the proposed road in Jackson township is of public utility. There being neither remonstrance nor claim for damages the Board ordered the road opened at once.

Joseph Trester was appointed Constable of Center township to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of James Thompson.

George Ragsdale was awarded the contract for putting a new floor on the Wilson Creek Bridge.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1890

Proceedings of the February 1890 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 20 Feb 1890 – Page 3, Column 4

Court Report.

Tebbs Bros. vs. estate of Ellen Jemison, deceased; claim allowed, $179.13 and costs.

William T. Day vs. estate of George Griffin, deceased. Dismissed at claimants costs for want of prosecution.

Frederick Uhlman vs. estate of Dewitt C. Wilber, deceased. Trial by Jury; finding and judgment for defendant.

Margaret Feller vs. Ernst Feller, divorce; trial by Court, decree of divorce, custody of children and $700 alimony given plaintiff.

Nettie Booth vs. Frank Booth, divorce; decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Andrew P. Daughters vs. George W. Moore, on note; trial by Court, judgment for plaintiff for $543.50 and costs.

Hoover & Gamble vs. Fitch & Hass, on contract; judgment for plaintiff for $161.60 and costs.

State vs. Francis M. Patterson, petit larceny; plea of guilty, sent to county jail for 30 days, fined $1 and disfranchised for 3 years.

Frederick Oehlman et als vs. Conrad Smith, appeal; trial by Court, judgment for plaintiffs for $42.70 and costs.

John Phillips et al vs. Bernard Messling et als, partition; final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Abram Lozier vs. Charley Rolf et als, foreclosure; decree and judgment for plaintiff for $3,492.30.

Same vs. Holman, executor, $1,501.62.

Same vs. Ezra G. Hayes, $141.55.

Thomas J. Dowden vs. the estate of Otho W. Dowden, deceased; claim allowed, $167.70 and costs.

Ella Wheeler vs. Sarah Buffington, foreclosure; decree and judgment for $184.40 and costs.

Cyrus Canfield vs. Zylpha J. Kelley et al, foreclosure; decree and judgment for $527.50 and costs.

State ex rel Cora Skinner vs. Edward Tilford, bastardy; dismissed by relatrix.

Mollie Messersmith vs. estate of Joseph A Garnier, deceased; claim allowed, $125 and costs.

Ella Wheeler vs. Adolphus E. Merit et als, on note; judgment for plaintiff for $550 and costs.

Elmer E. Eyster vs. Aaron H. Sattler, on contract; trial by Court and judgment for defendant.

Anna Wheeler vs. Harry Wheeler et als, for support; judgment for plaintiff for $450 and costs.

State vs. Mack Hollister, assault and battery; trial by jury and defendant acquitted.

Margaret M. Hughes vs. James T. Hughes, to sell real estate; final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Margaret M. Hughes vs. James T. Hughes, divorce; decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

Thomas Emerson vs. Thomas W. Hansell et als, foreclosure; dismissed at defendant’s costs.

Jacob F. Hammerle et al, trustees &c., vs. John B. Garnier, administrator, &c., dismissed by plaintiffs.

Mary L. Bradley et al vs. Miami Stove Works, for receiver; dismissed by plaintiffs.


Albert Ewan et als vs. Ewan et als, ejectment.

Michael Singer vs. Martin V. Fox et al, damages.

William Littrell vs. Rose Littrell, divorce.

Isadore H. Robbins et al vs. Zephaniah Heustis, partition.

Michael Singer vs. Harrison N. T. R. & B. Turnpike Co., injunction.


Estate of Elias Heustis, deceased—John E. Heustis, Administrator.

Estate of Alexander Beckman, deceased—George E. Heustis, Administrator.

Estate of Lilly Rickard, deceased—John E. Proctor, Executor.

Guardian of Francis M. Cole—William S. Tyler, Guardian.


Estate of Jonathan Barbor, deceased—George E. Kolb, Administrator.

Estate of Simon Conaway—Hamilton A. Conaway, Administrator.

Estate of Dewitt C. Wilber—Allen B. Wilber, Administrator.

Estate of Clarinda Osborn—John Feist, Administrator.

Estate of James P. Sater—Warren Tebbs, Administrator.


Will of Ernst Reinking, deceased.

Will of Adolphus Kristner, deceased.

Will of John Clark, deceased.

Will of Lilly Rickard, deceased.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Dec 1889

Proceedings of the December 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 12 Dec 1889 – Page 3, Column 4


Refunders—John and Lulu Wheeler, $2.67, improvements destroyed by fire; F. W. Steuver, $7.42, erroneous tax; Jennie P. and Marion Stark, $29.02, erroneous tax.

The deficiency of the interest on the Common School Fund of $366.18, and the interest on the Congressional School Fund of $255.14, was ordered paid out of the county revenue.

Liquor license granted to Edward C. Frederick, Louis Veit and George Frieberger.

Dr. S. B. Chamberlain was elected Secretary of the County Board of Health at an annual salary of $150.

John Ege, John Lutz and F. C. Buffington appointed to view the location of proposed road in Miller township, reported that the road is of public utility.

George Sawdon, John P. Walker and Aristides Tufts appointed viewers to view Wirtz Mill and Farmer’s Retreat road.

Harrison Abbott, Wm. S. Tyler and Joseph Beckett appointed to view Laughery Creek road in Cesar Creek township.

Josiah Campbell, George W. Robinson and James Liddell appointed to view road leading from West Harrison to Logan township.

A. J. Cheek was re-elected Superintendent of the County Asylum for one year. Capt. Cheek has given general satisfaction as Superintendent, and maintains the high standard attained by his predecessor, and his re-election is the right thing and an endorsement that is deserved and well earned.

Liquor license—John A. Nees and George Schroeder.

John Ege, F. C. Buffington and John Lutz reviewers appointed to assess the damages which may be sustained on account of the opening of road in Miller township, report as follows: George W. Robinson, $100; Eliza and Margaret Shanks, $75; E. B. Nowlin, $125; E. W. Jackson, $100; Annie E. Nowlin, $55; heirs of J. Z. Nowlin, $105; Frances E. Jackson, $15; Joseph A. Jackson, $100.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Oct 1889

Proceedings of the October 1889 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 17 Oct 1889 – Page 4, Column 1


Peter K. Dedrick vs. Franklin F. Taylor—on note. Judgment vs. defendant by agreement for $83.60 and costs.

State ex rel Louis Paulowsky vs. Charles Schrader—surety of the peace. Dismissed at costs of relator.

State ex rel Wilkinson Smith et als vs. Aristides Tufts, Trustee—mandamus. Dismissed and costs paid.

Charles Bruce vs. Sophia Bruce—divorce. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff.

David Cohen et al vs. The Standard Manufacturing Co.—on account. Dismissed and costs paid.

John E. Trumbower vs. O & M Ry Co.—damages. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Lew H. Griffith vs. Charles M. Bowers—libel. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Joseph Glardon vs. Mary Canfield et als—partition. Dismissed and costs paid.

Bank of Commerce vs. Franklin F. Taylor et al—on note. Dismissed and costs paid.

Joseph Bechtel vs. Maria E. Weber et al—replevin. Dismissed and costs paid.

Jennie M. Stapp vs. George F. Horlan Jr. et als—for accounting. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

William A. Bennett et al vs. Tuthill & Co.—on account. Judgment for plaintiffs for $489.46 and costs.

Aurora National Bank vs. William A. Bennett et al—injunction. Finding and judgment for plaintiff.

Harry Lindsay vs. Julius Freiberg et als—damages. Cause removed to U.S. Court.

State vs. John Buckly—petit larceny. Plea of guilty; sentenced to county jail for 5 days, fined 1 cent and disfranchised for 1 year.

State vs. Edward Williams—petit larceny. Plea of guilty; sent to county jail for 7 days, fined 1 cent and disfranchised for 1 year.

Temperance Davis et als vs. Richard Hubbartt et als—to satisfy mortgage. Decree for plaintiffs.

Ex parte Pinkney J. Trester et al—partition. Final report and discharge of Commissioner.

Jacob Walter et al vs. John H. Russe. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Olive Laws vs. Columbus Powell et als. To set aside final report. Stricken from docket.

George Schneidt vs. Louis Bihr—injunction. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs; appeal to Supreme Court.



Abram Lozier vs. George W. Griffin et al.

Crescent Brewing Co. vs. Frederick Reichert et al—on notes.

Union L & B Association vs. Belle Boyd et al—foreclosure.

Same vs. Isabella McIntyre et al—Foreclosure.

Same vs. Isabella McIntyre et al—foreclosure.

Oliver P. Cobb et al vs. City of Aurora—damages.

John V. Canfield vs. Robert Ketchum et al—to quiet title.

Harrison, N. T., R. & B. Turnpike Co., vs. Michael Singer—appeal.



Estate of Lorenzo D. Leming—Merit Leming, Administrator.

Estate of Wilson Dorman—Sarah E. Dorman, Executrix.

Guardian of Matilda Heckheiser—Herman Heckheiser, Guardian.

Guardian of Arthur H. Canfield—Clark Canfield, Guardian.

Guardian of Carrie Seidler—William Seidler, Guardian.

Guardian of Effie Hathaway—Theodore Shockley, Guardian.

Guardian of heirs of David Guard—Nancy G Hayes, Guardian.

Guardian of James Powell Jr.—James Powell, Guardian.

Guardian of Harry Wood—Francis Worley, Guardian.


Estate of Peter Stewart—William H. Green, Administrator.

Estate of George Huschart—Margaretha Huschart, Executrix.

Estate of Sarah Cassady—Warren Tebbs, Administrator.

Estate of Catharine Schwartz—Charles F. Schwartz, Administrator.

Guardian of Laura L. Beckman—W. D. H. Hunter, Guardian.


Will of Eliza Canfield.


Estate of Louis M. Foulk

Estate of Joseph Sutton

Estate of William Bosse

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Allowances – Sep 1889

Allowances made at the September 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 26 Sep 1889 – Page 4, Column 1

Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, at their September session, 1889, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.

Poor—Lawrenceburgh Township.

  • Tebbs Bros—Groceries furnished Mrs. Cave
  • Sparks Bros.—Groceries furnished to Mrs. Williams
  • Archie Saaw—Groceries furnished: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Smith
  • Jos McGrannahan—Groceries furnished Bruce sisters
  • Wm Stevenson—Groceries furnished Mrs. Smith
  • Jacob Spanagel—Groceries furnished Mrs. Elder, Mrs. F Darling
  • John R Tuthill—Groceries furnished Mrs. Junker, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Holland, Mart Skinner
  • Early & Daniel—Coal furnished Mrs. Fisher
  • J P Lommel, digging grave in old cemetery
  • Greendale Cemetery Association—digging grave
  • John Shaw—money paid for clothing for Cavanaugh children

Poor—Centre Township.

  • F. Opperman—Groceries furnished: Mary Hughes, Ben Mills
  • J C Green—Groceries furnished Ben Mills
  • Chas Fehling—Groceries furnished Mrs. McMurray
  • Wm Webber—Groceries furnished Mrs. Sperloch, Mrs. Cynthia Baker, Mrs. Kirkpatrick
  • L M Cheek—Groceries furnished Wm Holden
  • John Brannon—Groceries furnished: Sarah Clark, Mrs. Kerrigan, Wm Holden
  • Herdegen & Kress—Groceries furnished Mrs. Pohl
  • C M Beinkamp—Groceries furnished Cynthia Baker
  • E Lamar—Clothing furnished Anna Steel, W Walker children
  • F Mauntel—undertaker
  • Ed Holthouse—undertaker
  • Jacob Schuler Jr.—transportation

Poor—Clay Township.

  • Wm Rowland—Groceries furnished: Jane Peasley, Betsy Spangler
  • Fred Ginter—Groceries furnished: Sarah Fleming, Clothing furnished Jacob Fleming, Boarding tramp
  • D C Misner—undertaker
  • J V Huffington—transportation

Poor—Kelso Township.

  • Jacob Berry—Groceries furnished Frank Smidt
  • Gerhart Fette—Groceries furnished Caroline Schmidt
  • John Genscheimer taking pauper to county Asylum

Poor—York Township

  • F A Hornback—Groceries furnished Rosa Ridmyer

Poor—Jackson Township.

  • Henry C Assche—Overseeing poor

Poor—Miller Township.

  • Sparks Bros.—Groceries furnished John Russel

County Asylum.

  • A J Cheek, salary as Superintendent, money expended
  • Ben Bruce, work
  • Purnel Cheek, work
  • Lizzie Cheek, work
  • Minda Roof, work
  • Mary J Cheek, salary as matron
  • Mosby & Hodson, groceries
  • B W Buffington, groceries
  • Chambers, Stevens & Co., clothing
  • Early & Daniel, agl implements
  • Lafayette Plummer, corn
  • W F Duncan, work
  • George Wolforth, mending shoes
  • E Lamar, clothing
  • Jacob Lawrence, mules
  • Manchester Turnpike Co., toll

Assessing Revenue.

  • A. B. Hubbartt, assessing and board of equalization
  • Ella C. Hubbartt, deputy assessor
  • George W. Johnston, board of equalization
  • F M Johnston, same
  • Henry Bulthaup, same
  • Warren Tebbs, same
  • Thomas Nead, same
  • N. Vogelgesang, same
  • Geo A Swales, same
  • Hezron Haynes, serving board and serving witnesses
  • Marion Laws, attending board
  • James House, same
  • Anthony Schnetzer, same
  • John Pieper, same
  • Frank Bittner, same
  • Frank Connolly, same
  • Georg W. Turner, same
  • John Theobald, same
  • John Theobald, same
  • Van S B Crowley, same
  • Benj Withered, attend board
  • P L Matheu, same
  • O F Cloud, attend board
  • John Axby, same
  • Fred Dagner, witness before the board
  • Henry Licking, same

County Revenue.

  • Henry Fangman, taking enumeration of voters
  • C Nolte, same
  • Josiah Duncan, same
  • J. C. Steuver, same
  • Jacob Schuler Jr., same
  • F. M. Jackson, same
  • Henry Asschee, same
  • Fred Rodenberg, same
  • A. T. Gridley, surveying school land

Specific Allowances.

  • K Crist, hardware to court house
  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas
  • Geo Wood, groceries to jail
  • Sparks Bros., matches to court house
  • Barwinger and Gleason, painting offices to court house
  • Louis Adler, blankets for jail
  • Henry Hitzfield, repairs at court house
  • James McLeaster, for rental of tools
  • Herman Russe, repairing offices to court house
  • Miami Valley Furniture Co., lumber
  • Fred Wesler, coal to court house and jail
  • Geo Diggs, shoveling coal at court house
  • Minter Pernell, same
  • Henry Schuman, same
  • S J Huston, stamps and cards
  • J H Russe, same
  • E D Moore, same
  • J S Prichard, copying mortgages
  • J H Russe, acknowledgement of deed
  • N Vogelgesang, expense of Board at Dover and telegram
  • D H Miller, horse and carriage
  • Jos Bossong, taking Dietrich Schilling to County Asylum

Books and Stationery.

  • Sentinel Printing Company
  • J C McCullough
  • Wm B Burford
  • Martin Kieffer
  • Baker & Thornton

Public Printing.

  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • Everett & Gregory

Roads and Highways.

  • Hezron Haynes, serving road viewers
  • Wolfgang Dennerline, road viewer
  • Wm Fox, same
  • John Huddleston, same
  • Geo Singer, same
  • Geo Wollung, same
  • W A Cottingham, same

Officers’ Salary.

  • E D Moore
  • N Vogelgesang
  • Geo W Johnston
  • Geo A Swales
  • S J Huston
  • Hezron Haynes, serving summons to commissioners
  • D M Guard, expense of criminals

Harrison Bridge.

  • John Roser, repairs

Aurora Bridge.

  • Michael Bogenhott, making approaches

Wilmington Bridge.

  • Jacob Schuler Jr., for repairs

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Proceedings – Sep 1889

Proceedings of the September 1889 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 12 Sep 1889 – Page 4, Column 4


Mack Hollister was awarded the contract for painting the Wilson Creek, Tanner’s Creek and Salt Fork Bridges. Five bidders were contesting for the work, but Holliser was the lowest.

License to sell liquor granted to Frank Federle, Leonard & Bryant, Herman Altemeyer, George Knorr, Peter Pfalzgraf, F. W. Oester, Frank Maffey, Louis Grosholtz, and Wm. Teke.

Trustee Armstrong, of Hogan, reported the proper expenditure of the money donated for the building of a bridge in that township. The amount donated being $100.

Frank M. Jackson, S. L. Blasdell, James Bundy and others petitioned for a road in Miller township. The road will go through the lands of George W. Robinson, Eliza Shanks, Enoch B. Nowlin, Enoch W. Jackson, Mrs. Annie E. Nowlin and Mrs. Frances E. Jackson. John Lutz, John Egge and Frank Buffington were appointed viewers to view the route of the proposed road.

Louis Parks and others were awarded $125 damages for land taken for road purposes.

John Huddleston, Wof Dennerline, and Wm. Fox appointed to view a road in Manchester township, report the road unfavorable and of no public utility, and they report that the road petitioned to be vacated is of public utility.

Henry Assche, Trustee, is given $65 for the building of a bridge in Jackson township.

In the matter of the petition for the purchase of the Johnson Fork and Mt. Carmel Turnpike Companies, the Commissioners refuse to call the election contemplated, for the reason that the appraisement of the pike is too high. The appraisers appraised the value of the Johnson Fork and Mount Carmel Turnpike at $700 per mile, or a total of $1,518. The valuation of the Harrison and Brookville pike is placed at $1,000 per mile, or a total of $5,380. The Board being satisfied that the latter appraisement is a reasonable value for the pike, order an election in Harrison township for the purpose of determining whether the citizens favor the purchase of the pike. The election will be held next spring, when township officers are to be elected.

James Palmer was allowed $50 for land taken for road purposes in Kelso township.

H. M. McDaniel was awarded the contract for flooring the Wilmington Bridge at Aurora. He furnishes the lumber at the rate of $17.95 per thousand feet. Three bidders were after the contract.

John V. Canfield was appointed Justice of the Peace of Hogan township in place of S. E. Givan, who failed to qualify after being elected.

Henry B. Glazier was appointed Constable at the request of the Bright Horse Thief Detective Association.

The report of A. J. Cheek, Superintendent, for the quarter ending August 31st, shows fifty one inmates in the County Asylum.

Lawrenceburg Register – 19 Sep 1889 – Page 4, Column 4


Henry Gerkin was elected janitor of the Court Hosue for the term of one year from January, 1890, at a salary of $45 per month.

John Schwab was given the contract for building a stone culvert on the Guilford pike. The contract price being $205, of which amount the Township is to pay $75 and the County the balance.

Joseph Gieger was appointed Superintendent of the stone work on abutments to bridge over Tanner’s Creek in Kelso Township.