Tag Archives: court records

Dearborn County 1815 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1815. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Madison (Indiana) Western Eagle – 15 Jul 1815 – Page 4, Column 2


This is the character of our noble William Colwell, that was said to be duly sworn in as lister of all taxable property in the county of Dearborn Indiana Territory in the year 1814 he Volunteered himself before the court and Jury of Lawrenceburgh, and made oath that he went to the house of Robert Ricketts in said county, and demanded a list of his taxable property, and received all that he was willing to give in, and qualified him, after being qualified he told him, that he had two more quarter sections of land that he did not give in, but still insisted that it was not taxable property, being that it was only entered but this being brought into action before the court and Jury in said county, and William Ricketts seniour, Robert Ricketts jr, Isaac Ricketts and John Ricketts, was called upon to give in our testimony before the court and Jury in said trial, but being interrupted on oath, we did not declare whether it was before said Ricketts, was qualified, or after that he told of this said land, but believed it to be before, I myself in particular by lawyer Lane’s asking me this question, and I John Ricketts did answer that I did not remember exactly, but I believed it was before, which I can prove though said Robert was cast in said trial, though it has been reported in general through the neighborhood, that we the evidence did give our evidence against said Robert, that he did not tell of this land until he was duly qualified, though said Robert was granted a new trial, but instead of getting a new hearing, his case was thrown out of court and then said Robert for to get revenge knowing that he was innocent, did indite said Colwell for swearing false against him and said William Rickets was called upon again to give in his evidence, & William Rickets junion & I John Rickets, when we did testify the second time, that said Robert did tell of the said land before he was qualified, then it was the general report through the neighborhood that said Robert was cast the second time and that we of the last evidence did all sware false, being that we were all relations of one name, but if three or four of one name cannot declare the truth, I can prove the same to be the fact by twelve or thirteen witnesses, if any one sees fit to put me to my proof against said Colwell in this case, though the same witnesses will be called upon again, and more of the same name, which will be Susannah Rickets, Edward Rickets, Elizabeth Rickets, William Moulton, John Moulton, Susannah Moulton, Phebe Chirridon and Sarah Bennet, these is the witnesses that I will call on, and if that will not satisfy any person, I will undertake to prove that I told of the witnesses in the time of the first term, now I will leave it to the reader to judge, whether it is reasonable or not that I should sware first against my father and then in turn round and tell of these other witnesses, which undoubtedly would appear that I had sworn false, and I would be very glad if said Colwell would sue me for his character, and then I would be in hopes of getting revenge for the injury done to my character, now if any one wishes to know who was so imprudent as to write this advertisement against this nobleman, let them look down at the lower end of this advertisement and they may see that my name is,

Dearborn county, I. T. May 6th, 1815.

Dearborn County 1812 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1812. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 15 Sep 1812 – Page 3, Column 2

Dearborn county, in the Circuit Court.
William Hardin, libellant, against Amelia Hardin, formerly Amelia Garey, libellee.
On a Libel for a Divorce.

NOTICE is hereby given to the aforesaid Amelia Hardin, formerly Amelia Garey, that the aforesaid William Hardin, has this day filed his petition in the clerks office of the Circuit court in and for the said county of Dearborn, praying a divorce from the said Amelia for cause of adultery, and that she be and appear before the said court at their term to be holden at Laurenceburg, on the third Monday in October next, to shew cause if any she can shew, why the prayer of the said petition aught not to be granted.

Saml. C. Vance, Clk. C. C.
J. Dill, atty. for libellant.

Dearborn County 1811 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1811. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 13 July 1811 – Page 2, Column 4

INDIANA TERRITORY, Dearborn county, sct.}

Foreign Attachment.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a writ of attachment issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Dearborn county, Indiana territory, at the suit of Isaac Mills and Isaac Dunn, against the goods, chattles, rights, credits, lands and tenements of Barent Hulick, a non-resident debtor, in a plea of debt, 133 dollars and 31 cents, with interest from the 7th day of March, 1809, returnable to the term of August, 18110, on which the sheriff of said county hath made return that he has attached one black mare as the property of said Hulick, also, that he has summoned Mr. Samuel C. Vance, as a garnishee of said Hulick—therefore notice is hereby given to the said Barnet Hulick, that unless he do appear by himself or attorney, put in special bail to the aforesaid suit, and receive a declaration judgment will be entered against him by default, and the property so attached will be sold for the benefit of all creditors who may appear entitled to receive a share thereof, and who will legally claim the same.

SAML. C. VANCE, c. c. p. d. c.
James Noble, Atty for pltffs.

Dearborn County 1810 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1810. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 5 May 1810 – Page 2, Column 3

Indiana Territory, Dearborn county} sct.

WHEREAS Elizabeth Miller of said county and territory, has this day filed in my office, her petition to the Honorable, the Circuit court, holden in and for the said county, praying a divorce from her husband, John A. Miller, in the words and figures, following, to wit:–“To the Honorable Judge of the Circuit court, holden in and for the county of Dearborn, in the Indiana territory, humbly complaining and sheweth unto you honor—That your petitioner, Elizabeth Miller, a citizen and resident of said county, was married in the county of [blank] and state of [blank] on the [blank] day of [blank] in the year one thousand and [blank] to a certain John A. Miller, with whom she lived as his wife from the period aforesaid, until the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five, or the year one thousand eight hundred and six—and your petitioner further states, that from the time of her marriage, until the year, either one thousand eight five, or sometime on the year one thousand eight hundred and six, the aforesaid John A. Miller, her husband, treated your petitioner with the utmost rigor, and cruelty, and that either in one or other of the years last aforesaid, the said John A. Miller, left your petitioner in the county aforesaid, without either food or cloathing, and has since that time failed to contribute in any way or manner towards your petitioners support—your petitioner further states,–that when the said John A. Miller left your petitioner, he did it without any cause arising on the part of your petitioner, and that all property of consequence the said John A. Miller took with him, and has ever since his departure as far as your petitioner believes and is informed (a non resident.)

“Your petitioner therefore prays a divorce from the banns of matrimony, with her said husband, John A. Miller, and your petitioner as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c.

April 10th, 1810.
James Noble, Atty. for complt.

NOW therefore, notice is hereby given to the said John A. Miller, to appear at Laurenceburgh, on the third Monday in June next, and then and there, before our said Circuit court, shew cause, if any cause he can shew, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted.

SAML. C. VANCE, Clk. C. Court D. C.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 2 Jun 1810 – Page 3, Column 3

Foreign Attachment.

NOTICE is hereby given that a writ of attachment issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Dearborn county, Indiana territory, at the suit of Jacob Horner, against the goods and chattles, rights, credits, lands and tenements of Samuel Elliott, a non resident debtor, in a plea of trespass on the case, damage one hundred dollars and upwards, returnable to the term of April, 1810, on which the sheriff of said county hath made return that “he has attached lot No. 171, in the town of Laurenceburgh, and a number of building stone supposed to be five perch, together with one grind stone, as the property of said Elliott;” also, “that he has summoned Jabez Percival, and Samuel C. Vance, as garnishees of said Elliot.”—Therefore notice is hereby given to the said Samuel Elliott, that unless he do appear by himself or attorney, put in special bail to the aforesaid suit, and receive a declaration, judgment will be entered against him by default, and the property so attached will be sold for the benefit of all creditors who may appear entitled to receive a share thereof, and who will legally claim the same.

Saml. C. Vance, C. D. C. P.
James Dill, Attrny for plaintiff.
May 10th, 1810.

Dearborn County 1809 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1809. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 18 November 1809 – Page 3, Column 1

Foreign Attachment.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a writ of attachment issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Dearborn county, Indiana territory, at the suit of James Knight, against the goods and chattels, rights and credits, lands and tenements of Richard Reddy, a non-resident, in a plea of trespass on the case, damage twenty three dollars thirty eight and a quarter cents, returnable to the term of August, 1808, on which the sheriff of said county hath returned, that he has attached one mare as the property of said Reddy,–Notice is therefore hereby given, that unless the said Richard Reddy, do appear by himself, or attorney, put in special bail, and receive a declaration, judgment will be entered against him by default, and the property so attached sold for the benefit of all creditors who may appear entitled to receive a share thereof, and who may duly claim the same.

Saml. C. Vance, C. C. P.
James Dill, attry for plaintiff.
Lawrenceburgh, 30th Sept. 1809.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 18 November 1809 – Page 3, Column 2

Foreign Attachment.

NOTICE is hereby given that a writ of attachment issued out of the court of Common Pleas, of Dearborn county, Indiana territory, at the suit of Robert Piatt, against the goods and chattels, rights, credits, lands and tenements, of John Henderson, a non-resident, in a plea of debt, twenty seven dollars, seventeen and a half cents, returnable to the term of August 1808, on which the sheriff of said county hath returned that he has attached one mare as the property of said Henderson,–Notice is therefore hereby given, that unless the said John Henderson, do appear, by himself, or attorney, put in special bail, and receive a declaration, judgment will be entered against him by default, and the property so attached, sold for the benefit of all creditors who may appear entitled to receive a share thereof, and who will duly claim the same.

Saml. C. Vance, C. C. P.
James Dil, attry. for plantiff.
Lawrenceburg, 30th Sept. 1809.

Dearborn County 1808 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1808. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Vincennes (Indiana) Western Sun – 24 December 1808 – Page 2, Column 4

Samuel C. Vance vs. Nicholas Whitinger.
Foreign Attachment.

Whereas a writ of foreign attachment hath issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Dearborn county in the Indiana Territory, against the goods and chattels lands and tenements of Nicholas Whitinger a non-resident; at the suit of Samuel C. Vance, whereupon the sheriff of said county hath returned, that he has attached one house and out lot in or adjoining the town of Lawrenceburgh as the property of the said Whitinger. Notice is therefore hereby given to the said Nicholas Whitinger that unless he do appear, receive a declaration and enter special bail to the said upon the property so attached will be sold to satisfy the claim of the said Vance, and all others who may appear justly entitled, and who shall apply for that purpose.

James Dill aty for pltff.
26th Nov. 1808

Ohio County Military Pensions

The following are military pensions mentioned in the Ohio County, Indiana court books. The index currently covers 1814 to 1851.

Before applying for a military pension from the federal government, a person may have appeared before their local court to file a schedule of property or additional information.

Abbreviations used in the index are:

  • CCO = Circuit Court Order Book

Digital copies can be ordered on the Record Requests Page.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameWarYear
POB1a21Timothy Sr.WardRW1845

Ohio County Naturalizations from Court Books

The following are naturalizations were found in the Ohio County, Indiana court records.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1844 to 1872
  • Common Pleas Court Order Books, 1853 to 1872

To become a United States citizen, a person had to first file a declaration of intent and later return to court to become naturalized. Details in the records may include date of birth, place of birth, date and place of emigration, date and place of immigration, names of family members and more.

When using the index,

  • CCOB = Circuit Court Order Book
  • CPOB = Common Pleas Court Order Book

Digital copies can be ordered on the Record Requests Page.

BookPageGiven NamesSurnameBirthplaceYear
CCOB129FrancisTudsburyGreat Britain1845
CCOB1162GeorgeMcGowanGreat Britain1846
CCOB1356OstrimBorrightGreat Britain1848
CCOB1356ThomasDoddsGreat Britain1848
CCOB2119Frederich WilliamCutterHanover1851
POB1a129JoeScofieldGreat Britain1848
POB1a129JoshuaScofieldGreat Britain1848
POB1a139William HBlackGreat Britain1848
POB1a335Jacob HFriendBavaria1851
CPOB120MichaelFloodGreat Britain1853
CPOB1119Henry Jr.MarkerHanover1854
CPOB1128Frederick WilliamKluterPrussia1854
CPOB1241Henry Sr.MarkerHanover1856
CPOB1283Henry RWinterHanover1856
CPOB1351JohnMcGowanGreat Britain1858
CPOB1370APatrickDunneGreat Britain1858
CPOB236Cornelius JMahoneyGreat Britain1859
CPOB287Herman KWesterlageHanover1860
CPOB2383Andrew HBushmanHanover1864
CPOB384Ernst HenryNienhuserHanover1865
CC OB 3157HenrySummerfrenchtHanover1857
CC OB 3269John HStegermillerHanover1858
CC OB 3275MichaelNashGreat Britain1858
CC OB 3286John HenryKnollmanHanover1858
CC OB 3288John HenryRiemanHanover1858
CC OB 3298AdolphusDalmbertBavaria1858
CC OB 3363Ernst HenryAlbrightHanover1859
CC OB 3390JohnAlthofPrussia1860
CC OB 3422FrederickElbrightHanover1860
CC OB 3436HenryOvertraderHanover1860
CC OB 4175John FVinupHanover1866
CC OB 4176WilliamMillerPrussia1866
CC OB 4176WilliamVinupPrussia1866
CC OB 4241Bruno OBuhligGermany1867
CC OB 4400John JEganGreat Britain1868
CC OB 577HenryKlottePrussia1869
CC OB 577John FLongenPrussia1869
CC OB 5201HenryVinupPrussia1870

Ohio County Lawyers

The following is a list of lawyers who applied to and/or were admitted to the Ohio County, Indiana bar.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1844 to 1872
  • Common Pleas Court Order Books, 1853 to 1872

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests page.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameYear
CCOB117George WShaw1845
CCOB117Abram WHendricks1845
CCOB117George SSheets1845
CCOB117John AHendricks1845
CCOB117James DGlass1845
CCOB169George HDunn1845
CCOB186Daniel DPratt1845
CCOB1107Isaiah WRobinson1846
CCOB1131Charles TJones1846
CCOB1143Herbert PGaines1846
CCOB1143John WSpencer1846
CCOB1301James AWorks1848
CCOB1437Henry ADowney1849
CCOB1206Samuel FCovington1847
CCOB1268James AWorks1847
CCOB1312Henry ADowney1848
CCOB1316Marcus MDeburger1848
CCOB1458John SFrench1849
CCOB1471Caleb SHorton1849
CCOB1551Alexander CDowney1849
CCOB1551James SJelley1849
CCOB1551P LSpooner1849
CCOB1551George WShaw1849
CCOB1551Abram WHendricks1849
CCOB1551George SSheets1849
CCOB1551John AHendricks1849
CCOB1551James DGlass1849
CCOB1551J RTroxsell1849
CCOB1551James WRobinson1849
CCOB1551G HDunn1849
CCOB1551James CRicketts1849
CCOB1551Daniel DPratt1849
CCOB1551Isaiah WRobinson1849
CCOB1551John BVail1849
CCOB1551Charles TJones1849
CCOB1551John WMarshall1849
CCOB1551Wm MDunn1849
CCOB1551James AWorks1849
CCOB1551Henry ADowney1849
CCOB1551Robert NLamb1849
CCOB1551John GMcCollum1849
CCOB1551John JHayden1849
CCOB1551Samuel FCovington1849
CCOB1551Algernon SSullivan1849
CCOB1551Robt PMoore1849
CCOB214Robert NLamb1850
CCOB214John WMcCollum1850
CCOB214John JHayden1850
CCOB214Samuel FCovington1850
CCOB220John MWilson1850
CCOB275John SFrench1850
CCOB284Abyemon SSullivan1850
CCOB2179Samuel HSpooner1851
CCOB2268Robert PMoore1852
CCOB2277B MMunn1852
CCOB2401Jacob HFriend1853
CCOB2408Joseph WChapman1853
CCOB2153Robert PMoore1851
CPOB117James TBrown1853
CPOB117James BMeriwether1853
CPOB123John TLemon1853
CPOB126Jacob HFriend1853
CPOB142Abel CPepper1853
CPOB146John DHaines1853
CPOB192James WRobinson1854
CPOB1181Jason GGurley1855
CPOB1240William ACullen1856
CPOB1240John GBerkshire1856
CPOB1245Elijah MSpencer1856
CPOB1259Marcus MDeburger1856
CPOB1259Eli SRichmond1856
CPOB237John WRabb1859
CPOB2112John DCunningham1861
CPOB2391John NKerr1864
CPOB3284Jno DWorks1868
CPOB3300N SGiven1868
CPOB3301Geo RBrumblay1868
CPOB3305Robert CSummers1868
CPOB3318Samuel ReedDowney1868
CPOB3325Joshua MSpencer1868
CPOB3325Oliver BLiddell1868
CPOB3325John BColes1868
CPOB3376Lewis FWorks1869
CPOB3376William MSmith1869
CPOB483James BMcCrellis1871
CPOB487W HBainbridge1871
CPOB4132Daniel TDowney1872
CC OB 3190AugustusHitzfield1857
CC OB 3194SylvesterGould1857
CC OB 3206JohnsonWatts1857
CC OB 3258Abel CPepper1858
CC OB 3258ClarkGreen1858
CC OB 3261RichardGregg1858
CC OB 3280Isaac HCarbaugh1858
CC OB 3280Solomon PTumey1858
CC OB 3303George WRichardson1859
CC OB 3361RobertTerrill1859
CC OB 3390Stephen HStewart1860
CC OB 3393Caleb BSmith1860
CC OB 3393Erastus WGould1860
CC OB 3422John WRabb1860
CC OB 3547James CThorn1862
CC OB 493RodmanDavis1865
CC OB 4115William RJohnson1866
CC OB 4133A BVallanding1866
CC OB 4157Basil PJames1866
CC OB 4315James BMcCrellis1867
CC OB 4315William MSmith1867
CC OB 4321OliverOrmsby1867
CC OB 4321John BCole1867
CC OB 4333Wade HJack1867
CC OB 4370Robert CSummers1868
CC OB 4386Samuel ReedDowney1868
CC OB 4386John DWorks1868
CC OB 4386JoshuaSpencer1868
CC OB 56C CMcIntyre1869
CC OB 551Lewis FWorks1869
CC OB 551W WTilley1869
CC OB 5127Benjamin FClaypool1870
CC OB 5127Henry CHanna1870
CC OB 5127John JFoster1870
CC OB 5382Daniel TDowney1872
CC OB 5518John GLane1872

Ohio County Divorces

The following are divorce cases found in the Ohio County, Indiana Court Order Books.

The index currently covers:

  • Circuit Court Order Books, 1844 to 1872
  • Common Pleas Court Order Books, 1853 to 1872

The first person listed is the plaintiff and the second person is the defendant. View the original records for details on the case which may have come before the court multiple times.

Additional details may be found in the Complete Records Books and the court packets.

Digital copies of the Order Book pages are available on the Record Requests Page. Additional research is available in the Complete Record Books and the court packets by contacting tina@indianasgore.com for rates.

BookPageGiven NameSurnameGiven NameSurnameYear
CCOB143Louisa MSmileyJames HSmiley1845
CCOB176RebeccaPayneMorgan LPayne1845
CCOB1124RebeccaPayneMorgan LPayne1846
CCOB1161LavinaJonesWilliam WJones1846
CCOB1164Lorena BWiningsFrancisWinings1846
CCOB1173Lavina RJonesWilliam WJones1846
CCOB1178LavinaJonesWilliam WJones1846
CCOB1186Lorena BWiningsFrancisWinings1846
CCOB1206ElizabethBarkerJohn MBarker1847
CCOB1214Elizabeth RBarkerJohn MBarker1847
CCOB1273Elizabeth RBarkerJohn MBarker1847
CCOB1274Elizabeth RBarkerJohn MBarker1847
CCOB1277Lavina RJonesWilliam WJones1847
CCOB1286LavinaJonesWilliam WJones1847
CCOB1360James CHartEmeline DHart1848
CCOB1383James CHartEmeline DHart1848
CCOB1392Noah MBradyElizabethBrady1848
CCOB1398Noah MBradyElizabethBrady1848
CCOB1480James CHartEmeline DHart1849
CCOB1504Sarah MGerardJerome BGerard1849
CCOB1527James CHartEmeline DHart1849
CCOB1534Sarah MGerardJerome BGerard1849
CCOB1535Sarah MGerardJerome BGerard1849
CCOB1537Sarah MGerardJerome BGerard1849
CCOB249Nancy JaneWiningsWilliamWinings1850
CCOB277John MMoodyRachelMoody1850
CCOB293John MMoodyRachelMoody1850
CCOB2100John MMoodyRachelMoody1850
CCOB2121Mary AnnMcGowenGeorgeMcGowen1851
CCOB2140Mary AnnMcGowenGeorgeMcGowen1851
CCOB2141Mary AnnMcGowenGeorgeMcGowen1851
CCOB2186Abel MCadwellLeonard MCadwell1851
CCOB2189Abel MCadwellLeonora MCadwell1851
CCOB2191Abel MCadwellLeonora MCadwell1851
CCOB2219Abel MCadwellLeonora MCadwell1852
CCOB2239Abel MCadwellLeonora MCadwell1852
CCOB2275Charles DWardEllenorWard1852
CCOB2275RachelWilliamsHugh TWilliams1852
CCOB2275GeorgeMcGowenMary AnnMcGowen1852
CCOB2318Charles DWardEllenorWard1852
CCOB2318GeorgeMcGowanMary AnnMcGowan1852
CCOB2318ThomasKittleMary AnnKittle1852
CCOB2322RachelWilliamsHugh TWilliams1852
CCOB2411ArtemusThompsonMaria FThompson1853
CCOB2411Elijah CSparksEuphrasineSparks1853
CCOB2442RabbiStuckeyFrancis JaneStuckey1854
CPOB2175Francis EKingJames FKing1862
CPOB2176MaryDunningJames CDunning1862
CPOB2194Francis EKingJames FKing1862
CPOB2195MaryDunningJames CDunning1862
CPOB2223Susan MFortnerElijahFortner1863
CPOB2254JohnDeckerAmanda ADecker1863
CPOB2307Ann CWilliamsThomas NWilliams1864
CPOB2307Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2315Ann CWilliamsThomas NWilliams1864
CPOB2315Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2319Ann CWilliamsThomas NWilliams1864
CPOB2321Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2324Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2327Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2357AdalineFoxGeorge WFox1864
CPOB2357Jeremiah FHarrisonHester AnnHarrison1864
CPOB2358PeterKelleySarah JaneKelley1864
CPOB2364Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2364AdalineFoxGeorge WFox1864
CPOB2366PeterKelleySarah JaneKelley1864
CPOB2375PeterKelleySarah JaneKelley1864
CPOB2378Mary AnnScaggsRileyScaggs1864
CPOB2387JeremiahHarrisonHester AnnHarrison1864
CPOB34John WPitcherAnna EPitcher1865
CPOB320John WPitcherAnna EPitcher1865
CPOB323John WPitcherAnna EPitcher1865
CPOB343William HSmithCarolineSmith1865
CPOB379William HSmithCarolineSmith1865
CPOB381JosephBowmanAmerica SBowman1865
CPOB3135Jane EBellJoseph GBell1866
CPOB3145Jane EBellJoseph GBell1866
CPOB3147Mary EMillerWilliamMiller1866
CPOB3149Mary ElizabethMillerWilliamMiller1866
CPOB3152Mary EMillerWilliamMiller1866
CPOB3153Jane EBellJoseph GBell1866
CPOB3153Mary ElizabethMillerWilliamMiller1866
CPOB3191Mary ElizabethMillerWilliam HMiller1866
CPOB3217JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1867
CPOB3257JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1867
CPOB3261DelilahSturgeonThomas RSturgeon1867
CPOB3291JacobNealNancy ANeal1868
CPOB3370JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1869
CPOB3498JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1870
CPOB3486JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1870
CPOB3600JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1870
CPOB3605JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1870
CPOB3607JacobNealNancy AnnNeal1870
CC OB 35RabbiStuckeyFrancis JStuckey1854
CC OB 312PhilipPateSophiaPate1854
CC OB 312AdeliaCareyArchibald BCarey1854
CC OB 318RabbiStuckeyFrances JStuckey1854
CC OB 318MaryBusbyRollaBusby1854
CC OB 318ErastusChamberlainMary AnnChamberlain1854
CC OB 320HarrietShepherdEnochShepherd1854
CC OB 322Samuel MMooreMary AnnMoore1854
CC OB 322MaryBuslyRollaBusly1854
CC OB 322ErastusChamberlainMary AnnChamberlain1854
CC OB 331Samuel MMooreMary AnnMoore1855
CC OB 335Tabitha CLandGeorge WLand1855
CC OB 335WilliamMcMurrayFrancesMcMurray1855
CC OB 337ErastusChamberlainMary AnnChamberlain1855
CC OB 348JamesGouldLucindaGould1855
CC OB 375MaryBantaRodolphBanta1855
CC OB 377Tabitha CLandGeorge WLand1855
CC OB 377Mary AnnChamberlinErastusChamberlin1855
CC OB 378JamesGouldLucindaGould1855
CC OB 383JaneAbdonThomasAbdon1855
CC OB 385Sarah AWalkerJohnWalker1855
CC OB 386WilliamMcMurrayFrancisMcMurray1855
CC OB 3115MaryBantaRodolphBanta1856
CC OB 3140MaryBantaRodolphBanta1856
CC OB 3140MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1856
CC OB 3144MaryBantaRodolphBanta1856
CC OB 3146MaryBantaRodolphBanta1856
CC OB 3156Mary JaneBrownJames JBrown1857
CC OB 3159MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1857
CC OB 3161Jeremiah FHarrisonMaryHarrison1857
CC OB 3172Jeremiah FHarrisonMaryHarrison1857
CC OB 3173Jeremiah FHarrisonMaryHarrison1857
CC OB 3191ElizaMountzThomas JMountz1857
CC OB 3192SarahCalvertJohnCalvert1857
CC OB 3193WilliamEasdaleAngelineEasdale1857
CC OB 3195WilliamEasdaleAngelineEasdale1857
CC OB 3198WilliamEasdaleAngelineEasdale1857
CC OB 3200WilliamEasdaleAngelineEasdale1857
CC OB 3200MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1857
CC OB 3201Sarah EO'NealWilliamO'Neal1857
CC OB 3203MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1857
CC OB 3204WilliamEasdaleAngelineEasdale1857
CC OB 3208WilliamEasdaleAngelineEasdale1857
CC OB 3212ElizaMountzThomas JMountz1857
CC OB 3219MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1857
CC OB 3227Sarah EO'NealWilliamO'Neal1858
CC OB 3227ElizabethBowenGeorgeBowen1858
CC OB 3230AndrewWaltonMaryWalton1858
CC OB 3234AndrewWaltonMaryWalton1858
CC OB 3243Jeremiah FHarrisonMaryHarrison1858
CC OB 3243ElizaMountzThomas JMountz1858
CC OB 3243SarahRichardsJohnRichards1858
CC OB 3257ElizabethBowenGeorgeBowen1858
CC OB 3257Jeremiah FHarrisonMaryHarrison1858
CC OB 3258Mary EBakerAaron WBaker1858
CC OB 3264Mary EBakerAaron WBaker1858
CC OB 3264ElijahFortnerSusannahFortner1858
CC OB 3265JamesMurraySarahMurray1858
CC OB 3268Jeremiah FHarrisonMaryHarrison1858
CC OB 3270SarahRichardsJohnRichards1858
CC OB 3274JamesMurraySarahMurray1858
CC OB 3274ElizabethWaltonAlfred AWalton1858
CC OB 3275ElizabethWaltonAlfred AWalton1858
CC OB 3280JamesMurraySarahMurray1858
CC OB 3281ElizabethWaltonAlfred AWalton1858
CC OB 3282Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1858
CC OB 3283ElijahFortnerSusannahFortner1858
CC OB 3285Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1858
CC OB 3285ElizabethWaltonAlfred AWalton1858
CC OB 3300Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1858
CC OB 3304Clara ERussellThomas MRussell1859
CC OB 3305Sarah EO'NealWilliam AO'Neal1859
CC OB 3306JohnSissonDeliaSisson1859
CC OB 3306JamesFieldsAliceFields1859
CC OB 3309John JWorksSarah AWorks1859
CC OB 3311Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1859
CC OB 3313ElijahFortnerSusannahFortner1859
CC OB 3314Clara ERussllThomas MRussell1859
CC OB 3315ElijahFortnerSarahFortner1859
CC OB 3316Sarah EO'NealWilliam AO'Neal1859
CC OB 3316JamesFieldsAliceFields1859
CC OB 3319EmelineHuntPorterHunt1859
CC OB 3320John JWorksSarah AWorks1859
CC OB 3322Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1859
CC OB 3343EmelineHuntPorterHunt1859
CC OB 3343Daniel RKeeneyMaryKeeney1859
CC OB 3383Daniel RKeeneyMaryKeeney1860
CC OB 3384James LGibsonMargaretGibson1860
CC OB 3387ThomasShehaneMaryShehane1860
CC OB 3388EliOwensMarthaOwens1860
CC OB 3389AndrewWaltonElizabethWalton1860
CC OB 3389Sarah AHowardJames WHoward1860
CC OB 3393AndrewWaltonElizabethWalton1860
CC OB 3395James LGibsonMargaretGibson1860
CC OB 3405AndrewWaltonElizabethWalton1860
CC OB 3405Sarah AHowardJames WHoward1860
CC OB 3406AndrewWaltonElizabethWalton1860
CC OB 3406Sarah AHowardJames WHoward1860
CC OB 3418AnnGibbensJames WGibbens1860
CC OB 3418Daniel RKeeneyMaryKeeney1860
CC OB 3420AnnGibbensJames WGibbens1860
CC OB 3424AnnGibbensJames WGibbens1860
CC OB 3430AnnGibbensJames WGibbens1860
CC OB 3444Daniel RKeeneyMaryKeeney1861
CC OB 3445WilliamHustonElizabethHuston1861
CC OB 3459Sarah MWoodsJames WWoods1861
CC OB 3461MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1861
CC OB 3461Nancy JColeBenjamin JCole1861
CC OB 3464Sarah MWoodsJames WWoods1861
CC OB 3465MaryVandolahCharlesVandolah1861
CC OB 3466Nancy JColeBenjamin JCole1861
CC OB 3466WilliamHustonElizabethHuston1861
CC OB 3469Nancy JColeBenjamin JCole1861
CC OB 3479Daniel RKeenyMaryKeeny1861
CC OB 3481WilliamHustonElizabethHuston1861
CC OB 3486Martha JSmithJoseph CSmith1861
CC OB 3492Susan MFortnerElijahFortner1861
CC OB 3509Martha JSmithJoseph CSmith1861
CC OB 3510JamesTinkerMaryTinker1861
CC OB 3520Susan MFortnerElijahFortner1862
CC OB 3520JamesTinkerMaryTinker1862
CC OB 3548Sarah MFortnerElijahFortner1862
CC OB 3548JamesTinkerMaryTinker1862
CC OB 3584JamesTinkerMaryTinker1863
CC OB 416Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1864
CC OB 437Margaret ASinkDaniel BSink1864
CC OB 453MichaelWilliamsCatharineWilliams1865
CC OB 478Francis MFoxMary JaneFox1865
CC OB 482Francis MFoxMary JaneFox1865
CC OB 4116Joseph RBowmanAmerica SBowman1866
CC OB 4130Joseph RBowmanAmerica SBowman1866
CC OB 4167HuldahHammonWilliamHammon1866
CC OB 4195HuldahHamonWilliamHammon1866
CC OB 4216Margaret CTylerJudson BTyler1866
CC OB 4306HarrietToddThomas ETodd1867
CC OB 4321MichaelWilliamsCatharineWilliams1867
CC OB 4322Harriet EToddThomas ETodd1867
CC OB 4333HarrietToddThomas ETodd1867
CC OB 4340HarrietToddThomas ETodd1867
CC OB 4391Mary PCooperThomas NCooper1868
CC OB 52HuldahHammondWilliam HHammond1869
CC OB 54Mary EReedJames SReed1869
CC OB 55MalindaWalkerMarcus CWalker1869
CC OB 57Mary EReedJames SReed1869
CC OB 511HuldahHammondWilliamHammond1869
CC OB 514HuldahHammondWilliamHammond1869
CC OB 515MalindaWalkerMarcus CWalker1869
CC OB 515MaryReedJames SReed1869
CC OB 561ClaraCampbellSamuelCampbell1869
CC OB 563JuliaKostenschmidtFrederickKostenschmidt1869
CC OB 574JuliaKastenschmidtFrederickKastenschmidt1869
CC OB 5130ElizaScoginElishaScogin1870
CC OB 5133ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5133HelenaMerrillWilliam TMerrill1870
CC OB 5158ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5158Eliza JaneScoginElishaScogin1870
CC OB 5159HelenaMerrillWilliam TMerrill1870
CC OB 5161HelenaMerrillWilliam TMerrill1870
CC OB 5166Eliza JaneScoginElishaScogin1870
CC OB 5166ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5170ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5178ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5182ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5204ElmiraBurnsJohnBurns1870
CC OB 5212ElectaLindsaySamuel FLindsay1870
CC OB 5295ElizaSissonDavidSisson1871
CC OB 5298HarrietJonesJohnJones1871
CC OB 5299Samuel FLindsayElecta ALindsay1871
CC OB 5300George WMillerVirginiaMiller1871
CC OB 5305HarrietJonesJohnJones1871
CC OB 5306ElizaSissonDavidSisson1871
CC OB 5307George WMillerVirginiaMiller1871
CC OB 5307Samuel FLindsayElecta ALindsay1871
CC OB 5309Samuel FLindsayElecta ALindsay1871
CC OB 5310HarrietJonesJohnJones1871
CC OB 5311Samuel FLindsayElecta ALindsay1871
CC OB 5316Samuel FLindsayElecta ALindsay1871
CC OB 5338MaryMeadDewittMead1871
CC OB 5339George RAkeArbellaAke1871
CC OB 5340Elizabeth LHenryWilliamHenry1871
CC OB 5347MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1871
CC OB 5349George RAkeArabellaAke1871
CC OB 5351Elizabeth LHenryWilliamHenry1871
CC OB 5356George RAkeArabelAke1871
CC OB 5356MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1871
CC OB 5362MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1871
CC OB 5366MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1871
CC OB 5369OliverMoodyMariaMoody1871
CC OB 5371MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1871
CC OB 5372George RAkeArabelaAke1871
CC OB 5398AnnaHutchinsonJohnHutchinson1872
CC OB 5406MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5418MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5425OliverMoodyMariaMoody1872
CC OB 5426MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5435MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5442MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1872
CC OB 5442AnnaHutchinsonJohnHutchinson1872
CC OB 5442MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5448MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5492AnnaHutchinsonJohnHutchinson1872
CC OB 5492MaryMeadDewitt CMead1872
CC OB 5504MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1872
CC OB 5513MaryMeadDewitt CMead1872
CC OB 5521MichaelRupeCatharineRupe1872
CC OB 5525MaryMeadDewittMead1872
CC OB 5533MaryMeadDewittMead1872