Tag Archives: 1915

Aurora 1915 Directory

Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana directory from:
Shaw, Archibald, editor. History of Dearborn County, Indiana. Indianapolis : B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc, 1915.

Business Directory of Aurora

Attorneys—McMullen & McMullen, L. E. Davies, W. M. Dean, prosecuting attorney, Thomas C. Carmichael.

Agents—Thomas Ewin, Baltimore & Ohio; William Klausing, Big Four.

Auto garage and dealers—Nieman & Linkmeyer, H. S. Neal, Citizens’ garage, Andrew Burk, manager.

Bakeries—Walter Frank, Samuel Watts.

Barbers—Phillip Cosby, Henry Teaney, Louis Hauck, William Ruble, Albert Knippenberg, Paul Schroer.

Band—Harry Smith, director.

Business college—Lee Richmond.

Blacksmiths—Henry Doctor, William Knollman.

Banks—First National, Aurora State Bank.

Chiropractor—John Good.

Confectionery—George Demas.

Carpenters and contractors—J. C. Wright & Son, Jesse Trester, Truitt & Probst.

Clothing—Edward Schulz, Model Clothing Store, Ira Farmer, manager; Siefferman & Haug, Dennis Burke, J. R. Macker.

Coal Dealers—Pittsburgh Coal Company, Opp Coal Company, M. Duke.

Druggists—J. A. Riddell, C. W. Olcott, John Ullrich.

Dry goods—Frank H. Rieman, Chambers & Stevens, John F. Vinup, Frank M. Cox, J. W. Martin, Mrs. Celia Bush.

Dentists—H. J. Longcamp, J. E. Cole, C. L. VanOsdol.

Factories—Royer Wheel Company, Steadman Foundry and Machine Works, Cochran Chair Company, Aurora Coffin Company, Aurora Tool Works, Aurora Furniture Company, Wymond Cooperage Company, Indianapolis Chair and Furniture Company, Acme Milling Company, Star Milling Company, Aurora Brick Works, Aurora Creamery, H. W. Smith Chair Company.

Furniture—J. C. Schuler & Son, Dearborn House Furnishing Company, Theodore Heck & Company.

Groceries—Bailey Grocery Company, D. B. Feaney, Chambers & Stevens, Conaway Grocery Company, R. S. Zeh, Thieman Brothers, Fred Pelgen, John E. Steele, William Harrison, Mrs. C. F. Taylor, J. H. Snyder, Charles Steigerwald, James Everett, Jacob B. Bebinger, E. H. Niebaum & Son, Harry Wood.

Harness—Sawdon & Schooley.

Hardware—Johnston & Smith, Sawdon & Schooley, H. B. Spaeth & Company, J. H. Kuhlemeier & Son.

Hotels—Cottage Hotel, M. V. Heath, proprietor; Campbell House, Thomas Campbell, proprietor.

Ice cream—Henry Knippenberg.

Jewelers—William Leibe, Phillip Horr, R. W. Clark, W. T. Bascom.

Laundry—Aurora Steam Laundry, W. S. Walker, manager.

Livery—Emery Nocks, G. H. Stier, Joseph Goulding, Edward Holthouse.

Lumber dealer and building superintendent—R. C. Mattox.

Meat—Stoll Meat Company, W. F. Scharf & Son.

Mayor—Thomas C. Carmichael.

Milliners—Samuel Somerfield, G. & L. Cochran, Flora Hubbartt.

Newspapers—Dearborn Independent, Aurora Bulletin.

Optometrists—Leslie Horr.

Physicians—H. H. Sutton, E. J. Libbert, J. M. Jackson, James Treon, J. L. McElroy, C. G. Marshall, E. R. Wallace, Ella S. Holmes.

Pool room—Ed. Everett.

Postmaster—M. E. Maloney.

Photographer—Mrs. Mary Drake.

Restaurants—E. C. Borgerding, Mary Mason, Heath Brothers, S. C. Watts.

Saloons—John Conowa, George Weaman, Gus Martin.

Shoe Stores—John Neff, Frank Schipper.

Second-hand stores—Charles Winkley, Fred Ruscher.

Theaters—Grand, Petcher & Kyle; Lyric, Petcher & Kyle; Empire, Ross Macker.

Undertakers—John H. Stier, Ed. Holthause.

Varieties—Harry Vigran, Chas. Scheuerman.

Veterinarian—T. J. Martin.

Lawrenceburg 1915 Directory

Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Indiana directory from:
Shaw, Archibald, editor. History of Dearborn County, Indiana. Indianapolis : B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc, 1915.

[The directory does not have a date, but the book was published in 1915.]

City of Lawrenceburg Business Directory

Abstractors—James H. Ewbank.

Agents—C. D. Langham, Big Four; H. H. Dixon, Baltimore & Ohio; M. E. Ferris, People’s Telephone Association; Charles Leist, Wells-Fargo and American Express; C. E. Balsley, Western Union Telegraph Company.

Attorneys—E. G. Bielby, Givan & Givan, W. N. Hauck, Russe & Russe, C. J. Lang, Thomas S. Cravens, Iran N. Miller, Charles A. Lowe, Cornet & Hayes.

Auto garages—Ed Vogelgesang, V. J. Yingling.

Auto dealers—Dearborn Auto Company.

Bakeries—Conrad Kraus, A. Hoffmeier.

Barbers—Richard Nelson, Edward Seekatz, Louis Kirsch, Charles W. Dawson, Robert Kirsch.

Boat house—C. F. Billups.

Blacksmiths—Charles Rabe, John Knippenberg, J. R. Meyer.

Butchers—William F. Fox, Peerless Meat Market, Blyth & Ruth.

Banks—Dearborn National Bank, People’s National Bank, German-American Bank.

Building societies—German Perpetual Building Association, Dearborn County Loan and Building Association.

Bands—Eagle Band, Carl Roehrig, leader; Lawrenceburg Military Band, Henry Junker, leader; Junior Military Band, Miss Lottie Harry, leader.

Confectioners—A. R. Klepper, Ernest Kestner, Herman Klepper, Kirtley Baker, Emma Kimmel.

Clothing—Clyde Predmore, I. Frankel, E. Dober, N. Frankel & Company, Gordon Underselling Store.

Coal dealers—Frederick Wesler, People’s Coal Company, Schneider Coal Company.

Druggists—A. F. Schmidt, C. W. Fitch, L. Lommel, McCullough Drug Company.

Department stores—C. W. Decker, Ernest G. Oertling.

Dry goods—Philip J. Emmert, C. McKWim, C. M. Jackson, W. M. Corbin, F. C. Heck, A. Kress, S. B. Harris, William Deushcle.

Dentists—Edwin J. French, Samuel E. Harryman, G. M. Terrill, Guy H. Smith.

Factories—James & Meyer Buggy Company; Ohio Valley Coffin Company; Lawrenceburg Roller Mills Company; A. Wieman & Company; William F. Ritzmann; Batesville Lumber and Veneer Company; Frohlicher Shoe Company; Bauer Cooperage Company; Garnier Brewery;

James Walsh & Company; rectifying house; Suer Brothers, brick manufacturers; George H. Bishop & Company, Lawrenceburg Tool Company; Lawrenceburg Gas Company.

Florist—Fred Ruff.

Groceries—G. H. Wood, O. A. Stockman, James McGranahan, Schleicher Brothers, John A. Bobrink, Louis H. Helmuth, Glockner’s Cash Grocery, Adam Vesenmeier, Thomas Vaughan, H. J. Bechtel, H. G. Warneford, Elmer Haversick, George Brill, L. & M. Wolff.

Hardware—E. Barrott & Son, C. O. Kemp.

Hotels—Reagan House, Peter Reagan, proprietor; Nees House, Thomas Nees, proprietor; New Central.

Jewelers—John F. Hornberger, I. N. Biddle, R. Kupferchmidt.

Insurance—Miller & Elder, A. J. Hassner, W. S. Fagaly, O. A. Stockman, Grace Walker, Frances Jones, Earl P. Gooden, Edward Hayes, Edward Metzger, Julius Schneider.

Electricians—Decker & Hauck, F. C. Dile.

Granite works—Henn & Huschart.

Feed store—William W. Bihr.

Hay and Grain—George T. Bateman.

Laundry—Favorite Steam Laundry.

Livery and Undertaking—Fitch Brothers.

Livery—R. S. Jackson.

Lumber—J. C. Wright & Sons, Lawrenceburg Lumber Company.

Merchant tailors—Kreig Brothers.

Millinery—Miss Fannie McGranahan, Bryant Sisters.

Newspapers—Press Printing Company, Register Printing Company. The News.

Physicians—E. J. Emmert, O. S. Jaquith, F. M. Mueller, A. T. Fagaly, George F. Smith, H. H. Dwyer, E. D. Bateman.

Pool rooms—R. B. Moore.

Photograph gallery—George O. Lane.

Postmaster—Albert Spanagel.

Rags and old iron—Louis Schustermann.

Restaurants—L. W. Gramer, T. T. Miller, L. H. Aylor.

Stoves and tinware—John Roehm, F. Stuber & Son.

Shoe store—Frederick Pfalzgraf, William G. A. Schneider, Mrs. A. Schneider, C. O. Miller, A. L. Fox, Seekatz Shoe Store.

Shoe repairers—Schmarr Brothers, Anthony Tschaen.

Shoe and boot makers—Emanuel West.

Real estate—Warren Tebbs.

Theaters—The Gem, Terrilla & Vesenmeier, The Liedertafel Opera House.

Veterinarian—J. L. Axby.