The following article appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 10 Oct 1889 – Page 1, Column 3
See also: Switzerland County Military Records
With Present Post Office Address Where Known.
Anderson, Jas. W.; Wideawake, Ky.
Adkinson, Samuel; South Haven, Kansas.
Adkinson, Joseph K.; dead.
Adams, James N.; killed.
Armstrong, Geo.; Locust, Ky.
Anshutz, Gottleb W.,; dead.
Bellamy, Flavious J.; dead.
Baird, Wm. P.; dead.
Brindley, Elijah; killed.
Burns, Barney; killed.
Baxter, Francis W.; dead.
Bristow, Isaac W.; dead.
Bondurant, Dewit W.; dead.
Baird, Geo. P.; Owen, Ind.
Brindley, Henry J.; Vevay, Ind.
Brindley, John; Vevay, Ind.
Brindley, Wm. G.; Wideawake, Ky.
Brooks, Eli; Noblesville, Ind.
Buchanan, Capt. Jacob S.; Evansville, Ind.
Brown, Daniel; Milton, Ky.
Banta, Henry D.; Lamb, Ind.; wounded.
Bardwell, August C.; P. O. unknown.
Cunningham, Chas. S.; killed.
Cline, John; dead.
Clark, Chas. R.; New Albany, Ind.
Cotton, Henry W.; Alameda, California; wounded.
Cole, Benjamin; Mt. Sterling, Ind.
Daily, Joseph D.; Austin, Mo.; wounded.
Daily, Lorenzo D.; Brooksburg, Ind.
Dumont, Sidney M.; Vevay, Ind.
Dunn, Wm. D.; dead.
Dyer, David; Vevay, Ind.; wounded.
Eblin, John L.; P. O. unknown; wounded.
Ellis, Enis; P. O. unknown.
English, Jas. E.; New Washington, Ind.
Fallis, David W.; killed.
Ferguson, Wm. H.; killed.
Farrell, Silas; dead.
Farrell, John; Moorefield, Ind.
Farrell, Hannibel; Bennington, Ind.
Gilbert, Capt. B. F.; Carsville, Ky.
Gordon, Harrison; Huntington, West Virginia.
Harvey, Pruitt D.; dead.
Howigen, Michael; dead.
Hatch, Lewis F.; Vevay, Ind.; wounded.
Haskell, David M.; Vevay, Ind.; wounded.
Hays, Adam O.; P. O. unknown; wounded.
Heath, Francis A.; P. O. unknown.
Hollenback, Cornelius; P. O. unknown.
Hollenback, John H.; P. O. unknown.
Hufford, Jas. L.; Evansville, Ind.
Hart, Joseph A.; Vineyard, Ind.
Jackson, Francis A.; Warsaw, Ky.
Johnston, Wm. R.; Aurora, Ind.
Kieth, John M.; wounded.
Kirkpatrick, David W.; Carrollton, Ky.; wounded.
Kassabaum, Fred. W.; Aurora, Ind.; wounded.
Kern, Jacob; Moorefield, Ind.
Kern, David C.; Moorefield, Ind.
Lee, Capt. Chas. W.; Indianapolis, Ind.; wounded.
Little, Geo.; died.
Long, J. C.; Vevay, Ind.; wounded.
Lancaster, Wm.; Jetmore, Kansas.
Lamson, Rodolph; North Madison, Ind.
Lamson, Lieut. Thos. D.; Neoga, Ill.
Livings, Francis; Allensville, Ind.
Lawrence, Theodore; Ladoga, Ind.
Miller, John P.; dead.
Morton, Oliver F.; dead.
Mix, Lyman W.; Indianapolis, Ind.
Matthews, Elijah; Manville, Ind.
McKay, Chas. D.; Brooksburg, Ind.
McKay, W. M.; Greensburg, Ind.
McKay, W. M.; Greensburg, Ind.
Miller, Jas. S.; Cincinnati, Ohio; wounded.
Mead, Wm. W.; Indianapolis, Ind.
Moxley, Francis W.; St. Marys, O.
More, John; Salunda, Ind.
Newkirk, Chas. M.; Bennington, Ind.
Patton, Maj. Wm.; dead.
Pettit, Willer J.; dead.
Porter, Lieut. Robt. P.; Owen, Ind.
Pate, Jas. W.; Paultown, Ind.
Phillips, Thadius; Aurora, Ind.
Phillips, James; Indianapolis, Ind.
Pollock, Alexander, P. O. unknown.
Poston, Sanford; P. O. unknown.
Poston, Calvin R.; Patriot, Ind.
Quinn, James; dead.
Quinn, Jas. A.
Quirk, John.
Robert, Robt. W.; dead.
Rochat, Chas. W.; dead.
Reed, Jas. K.; Brookville, Ind.; wounded.
Redd, Jas. E.; Fresno, Cal.
Roberts, Moses P.; Mockport, Ind.
Rodgers, Henry E.; P. O. unknown.
Sedam, Levi; dead.
See, Robt. W.; dead.
Sturman, Jas.; P. O. unknown.
Sharp, Wm.; wounded.
Stratford, Thos. W.; Indianapolis, Ind.
Stratford, Alfred; Indianapolis, Ind.
Sauvain, John W.; Mt. Sterling, Ind.
Short, Robt. B.; Milton, Ky.
Seymour, Wm.; Jersey, Ind.
Siebenthal, Andrew J.; Vevay, Ind.
Sprague, Daniel; Florence, Ind.
Stevens, Wm. H.; Florence, Ind.; wounded.
Tompson, Jas. W.; Indianapolis, Ind.
VanOsdol, Christopher C.; killed.
VanOsdol, Argus D.; Madison, Ind.
Vanice, Jacob B.; P. O. unknown.
Weaver, John E.; killed.
Wood, Fletcher D.; wounded.
Wright, James M.; dead.
Wright, Ira M.; Neoga, Ill.
Webb, Wm. W.; dead.
Wallace, Geo. W.; P. O. unknown.
Watters, John; Lamb, Ind.; wounded.
Workman, Benjamin; P. O. unknown; wounded.
Weaver, Henry B.; Logansport, Ind.
Weaver, Augustus C.; Mud Lick, Ind.
Yarnal, Edward B.; Dallas, Tex.