The Switzerland County Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 15 Dec 1881 – Page 4, Column 4
Allowances Made by the Board of County Commissioners of Switzerland County, Indiana, at their December Session, 1881:
Adrian Wolf, for keeping poor child, $10.00
Mrs. Ben Morris, for keeping old Mrs. Morris, $10.00
Mrs. Ben Morris, for keeping Deppe child, $6.00
Dr. E. M. Cheever, for 6 months pauper physician, $30.00
Peter Pelsor, for keeping Ben Pelsor, $10.00
Jacob S. Shadday, sundries for Mrs. Keaner, $3.60
Jacob S. Shadday, sundries for Mrs. McCorkill, $2.00
Wm. Smith, digging grave and burying Oliver Day, $3.00
A. B. Vannatter, for Orfa Edwards, $3.09
David B. Lee, conveying A. Boyd to asylum, $6.00
W. J. Gibbs, for keeping Lydia Gibbs, $10.00
N. N. Martin, for last quarter, $10.00
C. G. Adams, for Mrs. Lock, $8.85
C. G. Adams, for Mrs. Kelsey, $21.03
C. G. Adams, for Blodget, $4.30
C. G. Adams, for George Ann Cole, $1.00
C. G. Adams, for Mrs. McDonald, $6.00
C. G. Adams, for John Courtney, $12.75
C. G. Adams, for taking Mrs. Kelsey to Aurora, $6.75
O. D. Cunningham, for Mrs. Perkins, $6.00
O. D. Cunningham, for Mrs. Skidmore, $6.00
O. D. Cunningham, Mrs. McLelland, $4.75
Jonathan C. Ricketts, for Oliver Keith, $11.67
John L. O’Neal, for Mrs. McClelland, $5.00
John L. O’Neal, for John W. Miller, $5.60
Bledsoe & Beymer, for telegraphing in case of John Craig, $3.98
Bledsoe & Beymer, clothes for Scudder boy, $2.00
Bledsoe & Beymer, sundries for Mrs. Burke, $6.00
Ira Cooper, wood for Mrs. McLelland, $5.00
Wm. Young, coffin for Thomas Scudder, $5.00
Wm. Scott, for Oliver Keith, $4.00
Robinson & Bledsoe, for J. W. Miller, $12.00
Isaac F. Banta, for Jennie Hintzley, $5.00
Isaac F. Banta, for Elizabeth Turner, $3.00
Wm. M. Patton, for coffin to poor house, $5.00
F. J. Hollcroft, 4 coffins for paupers, $17.00
Ben Cole, for Abner Walden, $10.00
John Smiley, going after Mahala Larrison, $2.00
Love & Boyle, clothes to bury Harry Wade, $4.00
U. P. Schenck & Son, for Boggs family, $26.31
H. M. Fallis, for Ed. Manuel, $7.00
A. Benedict, for Nancy Bosaw, $9.98
A. Benedict, for Mrs. McLelland, $8.00
Oliver Cole, for Mrs. Wainscott, $7.25
Dicea Estis, for balance over Kincaid’s bill, $1.75
Wm. Lindley, for removing Mrs. Disber out of poor house, $4.00
Wesley McHenry, transporting paupers from county, $5.00
Kincaid & Brother, for Dicea Esits, $8.75
Kincaid & Brother, for Day family and Manda Willis, $6.50
Jonathan M. Froman, rent for Mrs. Kilgore, $9.00
Golay & Stevens, school books for poor children, $2.21
J. L. Thiebuad, school books for poor children, $3.85
M. G. Keeney, repairs and erecting iron bridge, $165.47
James S. Knox, for buggy hire for Gill to bridges, $9.75
John Gill, plans and specifications for stone work at Baty’s Ford and Indian Creek bridges and superintending of Indian Creek bridge, including freight on iron work, $40.50
Stribling & Walch, iron work for Indian Creek bridge, $47.56
D. C. Weaver, washers for I. C. bridge, $0.40
Banta & Cotton, abutments, &c., I. C. bridge, $332.70
County Officers.
R. T. F. Abbett, for jurors certificates and other fees, $35.60
W. W. Long, posting notices of land sale, $3.00
W. C. Robinson, quarter salary, $200.00
John Gill, quarter salary, &c., $444.53
James R. Hart, quarter salary, $282.35
W. S. Tower, summoning juries, $68.25
D. R. Drake, Commissioner five days, $17.50
Julius Muret, Commissioner five days, $17.50
Silas Howe, Commissioner five days, $17.50
W. S. Tower, Sheriff, five days, $10.00
J. P. Orem and J. P. Carter, rewriting indices, $241.77
Court House.
R. T. F. Abbett, office expense, $7.75
W. C. Robinson, office expense, $3.78
John Gill, office expense and 2 student lamps, $17.75
W. S. Tower, care of Court House, trimming trees, &c., $35.45
L. F. Works, one cord of kindling wood, $3.00
D. C. Weaver, repairs on pump, $2.50
U. P. Schenck, lime, rope, glass, &c., $2.45
Goldenburg & Son, stoves, etc., $67.38
Smith Brothers, coal oil, $1.40
George Kirth, work court room, $8.00
Golay & Stevens, lamp, &c., Recorder, $5.25
John L. Thiebaud, coal oil, lamps, &c., $11.95
Vandorn, for iron fence, $2,587.20
W. S. Tower, boarding prisoners, &c., $37.60
D. C. Weaver, 3 iron bedsteads for jail, $22.50
Sol McCallum, for lumber and work on Sheriff’s kitchen, $48.95
Books, Stationery and Printing.
Mrs. Mary S. R. Sheets, old order reissued, $37.20
W. B. Burford, books and stationery, 118.90
Indianapolis Journal Co., books and stationery, $82.10
Indianapolis Sentinel Co., books and stationery, $31.60
Levy Brothers, books and stationery, $51.35
Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., books and stationery, $48.90
Golay & Stevens, books and stationery, $2.55
W. J. Baird, public printing, $9.85
Jonathan Myers, janitor’s fees at Teacher’s Institute, $7.50