The 1866 Switzerland County and Ohio County, Indiana, Fair awards appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 22 Nov 1866 – Page 1, Column 3
At the Fifteenth Annual Fair of the Switzerland and Ohio County Agricultural Society, held at East Enterprise, Switzerland County, Indiana, Sept. 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22d, 1866.
Class 1 – Horses for all Purposes.
- Best stallion 4 years old or over, A J House, 2d Henry Dibble
- Best stallion 3 yr old, Alex Jenkins, 2d Peter Dorrell
- Best 2 yr old stallion, P Blum, 2d Thomas J Hagerman
- Best 1 yr old stallion, William S Allen, 2d J H McDaniel
- Best brood mare 3 yr old or over, S J Searcey, 2d Herman Bradler
- Best mare 4 yr old or over, I. P. Bradford, 2d S Beymer
- Best filly 3 yr old, Clarence Drake, 2d W H Murphy
- Best filly 2 yr old, J Walnscott, 2d Lewis P Bradford
- Best filly 1 yr old, Peter J Lostutter, 2d G W R Culp
- Best suckling horse colt, Heman Bradley, 2d W H Buchanan
- Best suckling mare colt, Joseph R Stewart, 2d J H McDaniel
- Best gelding 4 yrs old or over, Haster J Harris, 2d Daniel Norris
- Best 3 yr old gelding, M Stofer, 2d Nelson Harris
- Best 2 yr old gelding, J H McDaniel, 2d Jas Huston
- Best 1 yr old gelding, E B L Ford
- Best pair matched horses, owned and worked together as a span, L Bledsoe
- Best pair matched mares, owned and worked together as a span, Jordan Wainscott
Class 2 – Horses for Light Harness.
- Best 4 yr old stallion, R W Rea, 2d Edwin Marshall
- Best 3 yr old stallion, Frank Miller
- Best 4 yr old gelding, W S Allen, 2d H Crouch
- Best 3 yr old gelding, J H McDaniel, 2d Ben R Smith
- Best 4 year old mare, Frank Skelton, 2d L C Ayers
- Best 3 yr old mare, J A Scott
Class 3 – Saddle Horses.
- Best stallion under 4 yrs old, Edwin Marshall
- Best gelding 4 yrs old, R A Harris, 2d W E Allen
- Best mare 4 yrs old, Hester J Harris, 2d J S Bond
- Best gelding under 4 yrs old, S H Hoggins
- Best mare under 4 yrs old, Geo W Cooper
Class 4 – Speed Ring – Horses of any Age.
- Best trotting stallion, W B Murray
- Best pacing stallion, Wm Boggess
- Best racking stallion, Henry Debber
- Best trotting mare, Frank Skelton
- 2nd trotting gelding, W S Allen
- Best pacing gelding or mare, W B Murray, 2d Milo A Hanna
- Best racking gelding, W S Allen, 2d R A Harris
Sweepstakes on Horses.
- Best stallion, Henry Debber
- Best gelding, Hosler J Harris
- Best mare, L C Ayres
Ganze Ring.
- Best gelding, S Beymer
Jacks and Mules.
- Best jack, Henry Debber, 2d Jas Whitehead
- Best mule 4 yrs old or over, Peter Lostutter, 2d J H McDaniel
- Best mule 3 yrs old, T P North
- Best mule 2 yrs old, W H Fisk, 2d W H Fisk
- Best mule 1 year old, J C Bovard, 2d A Conner
- Best mule colt, James Whitehead, 2d D C Lampkin
Horses and Mules for Draught.
- Best pair draught horses, J Fletcher Pate, 2d John Danner
- Best single draught horse, J F Pate
- Best pair draught mules, H Humphrey
- Best single mule for draught, P Lostutter, 2d J H McDaniel
Horned Cattle.
- Best bull 3 yrs old, David Goodner
- Best bull 2 yrs old, Thos F McCreary, 2d J F Pate
- Best bull 1 yr old, Jas Cole, 2d Loring Mallett
- Best cow 3 years old or over, John E Davis, 2d James Cole
- Best heifer 2 yrs old, A Tinker, 2d Aaron Miller
- Best heifer calf, Loring Mallett, 2d H Potter
- Best bull calf, L Bledsoe, 2d John E Davis
Class 10 – Working Cattle.
- Best yoke of working cattle 4 yrs old or over, N Harris, 2d T F McCreary
- Best yoke working cattle 3 years old, J R McDaniel, 2d A R Rous
- Best yoke working steers 2 yrs old, P L Davis
- Best yoke 1 yr old steers, Jas Dennis, 2d E S Richards
Class 11 – Milch Cows.
- Best milch cow, James Cole, 2d Aaron Miller
Class 12 – Fat Sheep and Cattle.
- Best bullock, J H McDaniel
- Best fat sheep, James Cole, 2d Samuel Stewart
Class 13 – Sweep-takes on Cattle.
- Best bull 2 yr old, T F McCreary
- Best cow or heifer, J H McDaniel
Class 14 – Fine Wooled Sheep.
- Best buck 1 yr old or over, G W D Culp
- Best ewe 1 yr old or over, G W D Culp
- Best ewe lamb, G W D Culp
- Best buck lamb, G W Culp
Class 15 – Middle Wooled Sheep.
- Best buck 1 yr old or over, James Cole, 2d Wm Oxley
- Best ewe 1 yr old or over, Jas Cole, 2d Samuel Stewart
- Best buck lamb, Z D Scofield, 2d James Cole
- Best ewe lamb, Samuel Stewart, 2d James Cole
Class 16 – Long Wooled Sheep.
- Best 1 yr old buck, W Tinker
- Best buck lamb, T A Stewart, 2d James Cole
- Best ewe 1 yr old or over, Wm P Oxley, 2d Wm P Oxley
- Best ewe lamb, Thos A Stewart, 2d James cole
Class 17 – Sweepstakes on Sheep.
- Best buck, Wm P Oxley
- Best ewe, Samuel Stewart
Class 18 – Hogs.
- Best boar 1 yr old or over, John E Davis, 2d Thomas Works
- Best boar under 1 yr, P L Davis, 2d U H Stow
- Best brooding sow 1 yr old, U H Stow, 2d Thomas Works
- Best sow shoat under 1 yr, Thos Works, 2d J N Wycoff
- Best 5 pigs under six months, J N Wycoff
Class 19 – Plows, Harrows and Cultivators
- Best 2 horse plow, U H Stow, 2d Clore
- Best 1 horse plow, B F Keeney
- Best sod plow, U H Stow, 2d U H Stow
- Best double shovel plow, G W D Culp, 2d M Bradford
- Best side kill plow, B F Keeney, 2d G W D Culp
- Best cultivator, G W Dickason
- Best 2 horse barrow, Josephus Cole
- Best half dozen ax handles, J Wainscott, 2d Levi Sedam
Class 20 – Mills, Presses, and Woolen Ware.
- Best threshing machine, S B Froman
- Best pumy, H J McLure
- Best hand loom, R M Jones
- Best cheese press, Edward Barker, 2d James Cole
- Best willow baskets, Lewis Koons
- Best apple peeler, J G Melick
- Best wire rake, C C Culp, 2d U H Stow
- Best cutting box, U H Stow, 2d James Lacy
- Washing machine, John Thomas, 2d David Scott
- Best rarm gate, S Hagerman
Class 21 – Reapers, Mowers, Wagons.
- Best 2 horse wagon, G W Dickason
- Best one horse spring wagon, J Thomas
- Best single mower, Henry Sedam
- Best reaper and mower, W P Oxley
Class 22 – Carriages, Cabinet Ware.
- Best 2 horse carriage, G W Dickason, 2d Wm Oxley
- Best 1 horse carriage, G W Dickason, 2d H J Harris
- Best 1 horse buggy, B L Simmons
Class 23 – Other Mechanical Products
- Best specimen marble Work, Melcher & McKimmens
- Best sewing machine, John Thomas, 2d John Thomas
- Best double barrel shot gun, Levi Sedam, 2d L Bledsoe
- Best specimen horse shoeing, E B Platt, 2d G W Dickason
- Best specimen printing, S Stow, 2d S Stow
- Best specimen tinware, B & B, 2d B & B
- Best lot edge tools, Howard Stow
- Best cook stove and fixtures, T Works
Class 24 – Vegetables.
- Best dozen beets, E Butler, 2d Thos Works
- Best half dozen vegetable eggs, Polly Grey, 2d Nancy Robinson
- Best doz parsnips, M Bradford, 2d U H Stow
- Best half dozen citrons, Geo Melick, 2d Charles Melick
- Best 3 watermelons, J Hall, 2d H C Picket
- Best half bushel onions, U H Stow, 2d N Sedam
- Best half sweet potatoes, S R Webb, 2d U H Stow
- Best 3 pumpkins Walter Wells, 2d Geo Saddler
- Best half bushel tarnips, Isaac C Bovard, 2d S R Potter
- Best 3 squashes, S S Lockwood, 2d M Bradford
- Best 6 cabbages, S S Lockwood, 2d P Goddard
- Best 3 sweet pumpkins, A J House, 2d Wm Carson
- Best half bus potatoes, J F Pate, 2d W Carson
- Best half bus onion sotts, Geo Saddler, 2d N Sedam
- Best dozen carrots, Malinda Jenkins, 2d John Moore
Class 25 – Grain and Seed
- Best bush white wheat – J F Pate, 2d Jas Lacey
- Best red wheat, S R Potter, 2d Jacob Baker
- Best rye, Jacob Baker, 2d A Tinker
- Best yellow corn, Jacob Walker
- Best buckwheat, Martin Keeney, 2d Howard Stow
- Best flaxseed, John Moore
- Best barley, J G Wescott
- Best oats, J G Melick, 2d Jas Brown
- Best white corn, S R Potter, 2d Wm Praismin
- Best orchard grass seed, David Scott
- Best timothy seed, J Wainscott, 2d Jacob Baker
Class 26 – Field Crops.
- Best acre rye, Jordan Wainscott
- Best acre potatoes, S Stow
Class 27 – Farms and Houses.
- Best practical farm house, R A Harris, 2d S Beymer
- Best fruit orchard, S Stow, 2d U H Stow
- Best garden, U H Stow
- Best farm, J Wainscot, 2d Michael House
- Best hay press, J Wainscott
- Best barn, M House, 2 J Wainscott
Class 28 – Poultry.
- Best pair poland chickens, Thos Works, 2d Wm Oxley
- Best white poland ducks, A Dibber, 2d John Moore
- Best pair cochin china chickens, Mrs. E House, 2d Mrs. E House
- Best brama pootra chickens, Wm Carson, 2d Geo W Dickason
- Best common ducks, E A W McHenry, 2d Geo Saddler
- Best cross breed chickens, James Cole, 2d Thos Works
- Best pair turkeys, Martin Keeney, 2d John Moore
- Best African baniam chickens, A Tinker, 2d John Moore
- Best pair shanghais, James Cole
Class 29 – Plain Sewing, Needlework, and Embroidery.
- Best tidy, Jane Brown, 2d Jane Brown
- Best washstand mat, E C Mallet
- Best calico comfort, Lavina Wait
- Best calico dress, Lavina Wait
- Best ornamental bead work, Mrs. John Moore, 2d M Gillespie
- Best linen embroidery, Mrs. John Moore
- Best artificial flowers, A E McGuffin
- Best cotton embroidery, L M Oxley, 2d M Gillespie
- Best work on perforated paper, L A Fleming, 2d M Gillesepie
- Best ottoman cover, O E Edwards, 2d Lizzie Shull
- Best ornamental shell work, J Ludwig
- Best worsted embroidery, Lizzie Shull
- Best childs sack, Tardy & Detraz
- Best child’s cloak, Tardy & Detraz
- Best ladies head dress, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best silk embroidery, Tardy & Detraz, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best silk dress, best worsted dress, best silk bonnet, best velvet bonnet, best straw bonnet, best ladies cap, Tardy & Detraz
- Best flannel dress, Tardy & Detraz, 2d Rosaner Lostutter
- Best pr lamp mats, Margaret Chandler, 2d Nancy Lostutter
- Best suit mens clothing, made by lady, Lizzie Spaulding
- Best suit mens clothing, made by man, L Bledsoe
- Best ladies sun bonnet, M Gillespie
- Best patch work quilt, J H McDaniel, 2d M J Stewart
- Best shirt, Julia Goodner, 2d Mrs. D Murphy
- Best suit ladies underclothes, Mrs. J North
Class 30 – Domestic Manufacture.
- Best 3 yards tow linen, Mrs. Jacob Baker, 2d Haster Wade
- Best pair linen sheets, Hester Wade, 2d Mrs. John Noore
- Best 5 yds linen diaper, Mrs. John Moore, 2d Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best 5 yrds cotton diaper, Mrs. Jacob Baker, 2d E Mendell
- Best and 2d best white flannel, Sarah Hizer
- Best 5 yds Kersey, Mrs. J Baker
- Best knit suspenders, Mrs. Jacob Baker, 2d R Lostutter
- Best and 2d best personal gloves, Sarah J Wisner
- Best cotton and wool blankets, Jane Adkinson, 2d Malinda Jenkins
- Best rag carpet, L M Oxley, 2d Lavina Wait
- Best single coverlet, L M Oxley, 2d Mary J Stewart
- Best double wool coverlet, Mary J Stewart, 2d Jane Adkinson
- Best pr wool socks, O L Smith, 2d Sarah Hizer
- Best mittens, Oletha Carnine, 2d Margaret Gillespie
- Best stockings, Wm Goodner, 2d Mrs. S. Pocock
- Best mitts, Rosanna Lostutter, 2d Elizabeth Barker
- Best 3 yds jeans, Jane Shull, 2d J Wainscott
- Best colored flannel, Mary Buttles, 2d Wm McHenry
- Best wool blankets, Mary J Stewart, 2d Hester Wade
- Best comfort, Nancy Lostutter, 2d Margaret Gillespie
- Second cotton and linen fabric, S Wescott
- Best and 2d best flax thread, Mary Buttles
- 3 lbs stocking yarn, Mrs. John Moore
Class 31 – Linen, Cotton and Woolen Fabrics, made by Machinery.
- Best 10 yds plain flannel, E A W McHenry, 2d Mrs. Jno Moore
- Best jeans, Mrs. Jno Moore, 2d R Longwood
- Best pr wool blankets, M J Stewart, 2d Sarah Hizer
- Best 10 yds plaid flannel, Sarah Hizer, 2d R Longwood
Class 32 – Leather Manufactures.
- Best set single harness, G W Dickason, 2d Thos Works
- Best and 2d best mens boots, Theibaud
- Best and 2d best ladies shoes, Theibaud
- Best 2 horse wagon harness, J Wainscott
- Best set carriage harness, R A Harris, 2d Geo W Dickason
- Best made saddle and bridle, William Brightwell, 2d Levi Sedam
- Best 3 pieces leather calf and sole, Wm Goodner
Class 33 – Flowers and Fine Arts.
- Best single plant in bloom, Mrs. John Moore, 2d Amanda English
- Best single plant not in bloom, Mrs. J Moore, 2d M Gillespie
- Best collection dahlias, Mrs. A Tinker, 2d Mary Wells
- Best portrait painting, Joel Thompson
- Best display cacti, Jane Cole, 2d Margaret Gillespie
- Best single rose, Margaret Gillespie, 2d Mrs. J Moore
- Best variety flowers in pots, M Gillespie, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best boquette, Miss Mary Wells, 2d M Gillespie
- Best variety shrubbery, Margaret Gillespie, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best specimen penmanship by any person between 15 and 21 years old, R G Simpson, 2d Mary A Dickason
- Best specimen penmanship person under 13 yrs, Sophia Dickason
- Best collection sun pictures, Tardy & Detraz, 2d R R Houghton
- Best ambrotypes, R R Houghton
Class 34 – Jellies, Pickles, Preserves.
- Best preserves, E C Mallet, 2d Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best dried fruit, E C Mallet, 2d Nancy Lostutter
- Best dried raspberries, E C Mallet, 2d O E Carbine
- Best dried currants, E C Mallet, 2d M Gillespie
- Best collection jellies, Malinda Jenkins, 2d Viola Dufour
- Best mango pickles, Mrs. Wm Carnine, 2d Polly Grey
- Best cucumber pickles, Mrs. Wm Carnine, 2d Nancy Robinson
- Best collection pickles, Viola Dufour, 2d George A. Stevens
- Best citron preserve, Viola Dufour, 2d Jacob Wait
- Best peach preserves, Nancy Lostutter, 2d Jacob Wait
- Best crab apple preserves, Viola Dufour, 2d S Stow
- Best grape preserves, Oletha Carnine, 2d Nancy Lostutter
- Best pear preserves, Oletha Carnine, 2d Viola Dufour
- Best tomato preserves, Oletha Carnine, 2d Viola Dufour
- Best apple jelly, Viola Dufour, 2d Mrs. J North
- Best grape jelly, Viola Dufour, 2d E C Mallet
- Best peach jelly, Mary J Lostutter, 2d Viola Dufour
- Best currant jelly, Mrs. J North, 2d E C Mallet
- Best quince marmalade, Viola Dufour
- Best pear marmalade, Viola Dufour
- Best collection canned fruit, Nancy Lostutter, 2d L M Oxley
- Best collection fruit butter, Viola Dufour, 2d Nancy Lostutter
- Best dried apples, Rachel Armstrong, 2d M Gillespie
- Best dried blackberries, E C Mallet, 2d Nancy Lostutter
- Best sweet pickles, O E Carnine, 2d Mrs Jacob Wait
Class 35 – Table Comforts.
- Best maple sugar, Martha Baker, 2d Martha Baker
- Best maple molasses, Mary J Stewart, 2d E L Smith
- Best sorghum molasses, S R Potter, 2d G W Potter
- Best strained honey, J G Wescott, 2d S Stow
- Best honey in comb, Oletha Carnine, 2d S Stow
- Best pie, S R Webb
- Best loaf yeast bread, Rachel Armstrong, 2d Lavina Wait
- Best loaf salt rising bread, Sarah E Potter, 2d Oletha Carnine
- Best cheese, H Cunningham, 2d Oletha Carnine
- Best loaf corn bread, Mrs. Wm Oxley, 2d W Tinker
- Best collection bread, cakes and pies, Nancy Lostutter, 2d Viola Dufour
- Best cakes, Viola Dufour
- Best cake, Mrs. R Longwood, 2d Mrs. S. B. Webb
- Best 5 lbs lard, Jane Cole, 2d Jacob Wait
- Best 5 lb June butter, Viola Dufour, 2d Mrs. Samuel Stewart
- Best 5 lb Sept. butter, Hantly L. Smith, 2d Sarah E Potter
- Best collection pies, Viola Dufour
Class 36 – Fruits.
- Best peaches, Mrs. Mat Davis
- Best quinces, Mrs. John Moore
- Best grapes, Wm Carnine, 2d Mrs. Moore
- Best collection grapes, U H Stow, 2d Mrs. Moore
- Best tomatoes, Lavina Wait, 2d Wm Oxley
- Best bushel apples, Jane Cole, 2d Samuel Adkinson
- Best collection winter apples, S Stow, 2d U H Stow
- Best 6 varieties apples, J N Wycoff, 2d S Adkinson
- Best 12 kinds apples, Jane Cole, 2d Geo J Downey
- Best collection apples, all kinds, S Stow, 2d U H Stow
- Best pears, L Bledsoe
Class 37 – Flour and Meal.
- Best 50 lbs rye flour, J Wainscott
- Best bbl flour, Howard Stow
Class 38 – Wine, Cider and Vinegar.
- Best sample blackberry wine, Mrs. Moore, 2d Nancy Robinson
- Best currant wine, Mary J Stewart, 2d Mrs. I C Smith
- Best grape wine, Nancy Robinson, 2d James Brown
- Best apple cider, J G Melick, 2d Margaret Gillespie
- Best crab cider, S Stow
- Best cider vinegar, I C Smith, 2d Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best sorghum vinegar, U H Stow, 2d Mrs. L M Oxley
Class 29 – Miscellaneous.
- Best knitting machine, R M Jones
- Best twin lag sleds, D P Oaks Jr.
- Best counterpane, Lavina Wait
- Best pair geese, Henry Dibber
- Best sugar separator, Ebenezer Butler
- Best broom corn, Darius Stevens
- Best elevating scaffold, Jos Culp
- Best flatboat pump, S S Barker
- Best US flag, N Sedam
- Best clothes wringer, Ben F Keeney
- Best brance beam hilling plow, W P Oxley
- Best half peck beans, Howard Stow
- Best manure fork, best pitch fork, best corn hoe, Henry Sedam
- Best half bush white beans, Jas Lacey
- Best shingle, E Gilbert
- Best maul, Wm Barkis
- Mallet, M Barkle
- Fancy willow basket, Mary McFadden
- Spinning wheel, John Murphy
- Bale hay, S B Hyde
- Dog skin, specimen tobacco, D K Harris
- Dozen hen eggs, J Wainscott
- Fly brush, Hester Wade
- Butter dish, P J Lostutter
- Mans gauntlets, Dr. Sage
- Buggy rims, E A Byram
- Cayenne pepper, Mr. Curron
L. BLEDSOE, Secretary.