The 1865 Switzerland County and Ohio County, Indiana, Fair awards appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 16 Nov 1865 – Page 1, Column 3
Awarded by the Agricultural Association of Switzerland and Ohio Counties, at their Fourteenth Annual Fair, held at Enterprise, Sept. 19, to 23, ’65.
Class No. 1—Horses for all Purposes.
- 4 years old, Jas. H. Campbell, 2d Henry Dibber
- 3 years old, W. B. Douglass, 2d Thomas Croxton
- 2 years old, Frank Miller
- 1 year old, E. B. L. Ford
Brood Mares.
- 3 years old, William Stewart, 2d Ed. Marshall
- 4 years old, Joseph Stewart, 2d Abram Tinker
- 3 years old, James Huston, 2d G. G. Bond
- 2 years old, Jacob Wait, 2d Flavius Drake
- 1 year old, David Seward
Sucking Horse Colts, John Lostutter, 2d Henry Demaree.
- 4 years old, Isaac Stone, 2d J. N. Searcy
- 3 years old, Wm. Brightwell, 2d J. H. McDonald
- 2 years old, Henry Dibble, 2d S. P. Giffin
- 1 year old, James Huston
Matched Horses, G. W. Dickason.
Matched Mares, Jon. Wainscott.
Class No. 3—Saddle Horses
Stallions, 4 years old, A. S. Downey
Geldings, 4 years old, Allen & Laundrum, 2d H. V. J. Hanna
- 4 years old, J. E. Griffin, 2d, H. J. Harris
- Under 4 years, James H. McDaniel, 2d S. H. Hoggins
Class No. 4—Speed Ring.
- Trotting Stallion, Jas. H. Campbell
- Pacing stallion, A. S. Downey
- Mare, W. H. Dunning
- Mare, James Howard
- Pacing gelding, Joseph Smith
- Racking mare, James H. McDaniel
- Racking gelding, 2d Allen & Landrum
Class No. 5—Sweepstakes on Horses.
- Best stallion, Henry Dibber
- Best gelding, H. J. Harris
- Best mare, G. G. Bond
Class No. 6—Guage Ring, Time 1 mile in 4 minutes.
- Horses. Time 3 minutes 58 sec, Simon Beymer.
Class No. 7—Jacks and Mules.
- Jack any age, Henry Dibber, 2d J. Fothergill
- Jennet any age, D. K. Lamb, 2d, G. J. Downey
- Mule 3 y’r old, S. B. Hyde, 2d P. S. Pate
- Mule 2 years old, Thomas P. North
- Mule 1 year old, Nathaniel Fish, 2d Peter Lostutter
- Mule colt, A. R. Adams, 2d Samuel Atkinson
Class No. 8—Horses and Mules for Draught.
- Draught horses, J. F. Pate
- Draught mules, Wm. C. Kemp
Class No. 9—Horned Cattle
- Bull 3 years old, James Cole
- Bull 1 year old, Thomas McCreary
- Cow 3 years old, Wm. Northcott, 2d W. H. Cunningham
- Heifer 2 years old, C. C. Culp
- Heifer 1 year old, Abram Tinker
And Steers.
- Yoke cattle 4 years old, Thomas McCreary
- Steers 2 years old, Henry Dibble
Class No. 11—Milch Cows.
- Milch cows, James Cole, 2d Thomas McCreary
Class No. 12—Fat Sheep and Cattle.
- Fat cow, John Swanhodlt
- Fat heifer, 2d Jordan Wainscott
- Fat sheep, James Cole, 2d James Cole
Class No. 13—Sweepstakes on Cattle.
- Best bull 1st premium, Thos. McCreary
- Best cow, Wm. Northcott
- Best heifer, Jordan Wainscott
Class No. 14, Fine Wooled Sheep.
- Buck 1 year old, Geo. W. D. Culp, 2d Geo. W. D. Culp
- Ewe 1 year old, Geo. W. D. Culp, 2d Geo. W. D. Culp
- Buck lamb, Geo. W. D. Culp, 2d Geo. W. D. Culp
- Ewe lamb, Geo. W. D. Culp
Class No. 15—Middle Wooled Sheep.
- Buck 1 year old, John Lostutter, 2d Jas. H. McDaniel
- Ewe 1 year old, Jas. H. McDaniel
- Ewe 1 year old, John Lostutter
- Ewe lamb, Geo. W. Saddler
Class No. 16—Long Wooled Sheep.
- Buck 1 year old, George Millican, 2d Geo. Millican
- Ewe 1 year old, William Oxley
- Ewe lamb, Wm. Oxley
Class No. 17—Sweepstakes on Sheep.
- Best buck any age, George Millican
- Best ewe any age, George W. Saddler
Class No. 18—Hogs.
- Boar 1 year old, Elijah Dickason, 2d Nathaniel Fisk
- Under 1 year old, Albert Hyde, 2d George W. Bryson
- Breeding sow, T. Works, 2d John Gillespie
- Sow shoat, Albert Hyde
- 5 pigs 6 months old, Thomas Works
Class No. 19—Plows, Harrows, and Cultivators.
- Sod plow, George H. Keeney
- Cultivator, G. W. Dickason
- 2 horse harrow, James Lacy
- Ox yoke, James Cole
- ½ Doxen axe handles, Jordan Wainscott
Class No. 20—Mills, Presses, and Wooden Ware.
- Wire hay rake, Jos. G. Melick
- Cutting bok, Jos. G. Melick
- Drag saw, S. R. Tinker, 2d B. F. Keeney
- Wire hay rake, 2d Martin Keeney
Class No. 21—Reapers, Mowers and Wagons.
- Reaper and mower, James Butler, 2d J. D. Banta
- Single mower, B. N. McHenry, 2d David Seward
- 2 horse wagon, G. W. Dickason, 2d G. W. Dickason
- 2 horse spring wagon, C Dickason
- 1 horse spring wagon, G. Dickason
Class No. 22—Carriages and Cabinet Ware.
- 2 horse carriage, G. W. Dickason
- 1 horse carriage, G. W. Dickason
- 1 horse buggy, B. L. Simmons, 2d G. W. Dickason
- Cabinet furniture, John D. Dams
Class No. 23—Other Mechanical Products
- Rifle Gun, Geo. Gillespie, 2d H. A. Tinker
- 2 barrel gun, James Butler, 2d Levi Sedam
- Sewing maching, Jonah Anderson
- Horse shoeing, O. H. P. Sedam
Class No. 24—Vegetables.
- ½ bus. Beans, Loren W. Mallet, 2d Jor. Wainscott
- 3 squashes, G. W. Culp
- 1 doz. Beets, John Moore, 2d Howard Stow
- 3 pumpkins, John Moore
- 6 cabbages, William Corson, 2d Shelometh Stow
- ½ bus onions, Nick Sedam, 2d Hoosier Keeney
- ½ bus sweet potatoes, J. F. Pate, 2d John Gates
Class No. 25—Grain and Seed.
- Bus yellow corn, Jacob Baker, 2d Jas. Cole
- Bus white corn, W. H. Cunningham, 2d James Cole
- Bus red wheat, Jor. Wainscott, 2d Jacob Baker
- Bus white wheat, James Lacy
- Bus rye, Jor. Wainscott, 2d Jacob Baker
- Bus barley, James Cole
- ½ bus flax seed, Josephus Cole, 2d John Moore
- Bus timothy seed, Jacob Baker
- ½ bus clover seed, William Oxley
Class No. 26—Field Crops.
- 15 acres corn, averaging 123 bushels and 16 pounds per acre, C. H. Humphrey
Class No. 27—Farms.
- Farm, Wm. C. Kemp
- Garden, Uziel H. Stow, 2d Michael Sedam
- Fruit orchard, Shelometh Stow, 2d Uziel H. Stow
- Farm house, Wm. C. Kemp, 2d Geo. J. Downey
- Barn, Sam. B. Hyde
- Hay press, Wm. C. Kemp, 2d Sam. B. Hyde
Class No. 28—Poultry.
- Pair African Bantams, Mrs. John Moore
- Pair Poland Ducks, Mrs. John Moore, 2d Henry Dibber
- German Geese, Henry Dibber
- Turkeys, Mrs. John Moore
- Brama Pootras, James Cole
- Cross breed Chickens, Geo. W. Saddler, 2d Jas. Cole
- Common Ducks, Eliza McHenry, 2d Geo. W. Sadder
Class No. 29—Plain Sewing, Needle Work and Embroidery.
- White Quilt, A. Cunningham
- Piece work quilt, Hester Nichols, 2d Mrs. M. P. Stone
- Counterpane, Lavinia Wait
- Tidy, Miss M. Gillespie, 2d Mrs. John Shaw
- Child’s sack, Md’s Detraz & co., 2d Mrs. G. W. D. Culp
- Cloak, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Velvet bonnet, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Silk bonnet, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Straw bonnet, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Ladies cap, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Ladies Head Dress, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Silk dress, Md’s Detraz & co.
- Shirt, Mrs. W. Goodner, 2d Miss M. Gillespie
- Home made flannel dress, Mrs. S. J. Hizer
- Calico dress, Miss M. Moore
- Artificial flowers, Miss E. Walker
- Ornamental bead work, Miss M. Gillespie, 2d Miss M. Gillespie
- Silk embroidery, Mrs. V. Dufour
- Worsted embroidery, Miss M. Shaw, 2d Miss M. Shaw
- Sthes uncl’g, Miss E. Walker, 2d Mrs. H. Stow
- Specimen needle work, Miss S. Meeker, 2d Miss S. Meeker
- Embroidered shawl, Mrs. M Dunning
- Embroidered dress, Mrs. M Dunning
Class No. 30—Domestic Manufactures.
- 5 yards tow linen, Mrs. A Wade, 2d Mrs. Martha Baker
- 5 yards linen diaper, Mrs. Martha Baker, 2d Mrs. William Goodner
- 5 yards of jeans, Mrs. Fanny Pocock, 2d Mrs. S. J. Hizer
- 5 yards of white flannel, Mrs. S. J. Hizer, 2d Jorden Wainscott
- 5 yards of colored flannel, Mrs. Mary Hizer, Mrs. Fanny Pocock
- 5 yards of cotton diaper, Mrs. Martha Baker
- 5 yards of bagging, Mrs. A. Wade
- 5 yards of rag carpet, Eli Bradford, 2d Lavinia Wait
- 5 yards of kersey, Mrs. Martha Baker, 2d Mrs. Charles Mendall
- Pair of wool blankets, Mrs. A. Wade
- Double wool coverlets, Mrs. Jane Atkinson, 2d Mrs. S. Atkinson
- Single coverlets, Mrs. Mary Hizer
- Pair wool knit stockings, Mrs. L. W. Mallet, 2d Mrs. William Goodner
- Pair cotton stockings, Mrs. Sarah J. Wisner
- Pair wool knit socks, Mrs. Fanny Pocock, 2d L. W. Mallet
- 5 yards of white kersey, Mrs. S. J. Hizer
- Pair knit mittens, Lavinia Wait, 2d Mrs. Martha Baker
- 5 pounds stocking yarn, Mrs. Fanny Pocock, 2d Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Pair knit suspenders, Mrs. Nancy Lostutter, 2d Mrs. Martha Baker
- Pair linen sheets, Mrs. A. Wade, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Pair linen tablecloths, Mrs. Martha Baker, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Pair wool knit gloves, Mrs. A. Wade, 2d Mrs. Sarah J. Wisner
Class No. 31—Linen, Cotton and Woolen Fabrics Made by Machinery.
- Ten yards plain flannel, Mrs. John Moore, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Ten yards jeans, Mrs. Mary Downey, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Pair blankets, Mrs. S. J. Hiser, 2d Mrs. Mary Downey
Class No. 32—Leather Manufactures.
- Single harness, B. L. Simmons
- Saddle and bridle, S. R. Tinker
Class No. 33—Flowers and Fine Arts.
- Greatest variety flowers, Miss Margaret Gillespie, Mrs. John Moore
- Display cactus, Miss Margaret Gillespie, Mrs. Jane Cole
- Collection of roses, Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Single roses, Miss M. Gillespie
- Single plant in bloom, Miss Margaret Gillespie, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Single plant not in bloom, Miss Margaret Gillespie, Mrs. John Moore
- Bouquet, Mrs. Nancy Lostutter, 2d Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Variety shrubbery, Mrs. John Moore
- Specimen landscape painting, Miss Columbia Kessler, 2d Miss Columbia Kessler
- Hair flowers, Miss Mary J. Webb
- Collection photographs, William Ruggles, 2d J. C. Ricketts
Class No. 34—Jellies, Pickles, Preserves, and Canned Fruit.
- Jar peach preserves, Mrs. Shelemoth Stow, 2d Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Jar quince preserves, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Jar tomatoes, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Jar strawberries, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Collection preserves, Mrs. L. W. Mallet, 2d Mrs. Nancy Lostutter
- Jar currant jelly, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Jar grape jelly, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Jar raspberry jelly, Ms. L. W. Mallet
- Jar gooseberry jelly, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Jar blackberry jelly, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Collection Jellies, Mrs. L. W. Mallet, 2d Mrs. Nancy Lostutter
- Quart dried raspberries, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Quart dried black berries, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Quart dried currants, Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Collection dried fruits, Mrs. L. W. Mallet, 2d Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Collection canned fruit, Mrs. Shelemoth Stow, 2d Mrs. Nancy Lostutter
- Spiced sweet pickles, Mrs. Nancy Losttuer
- Mango pickles, Mrs. William Darmine
- Peck dried peaches, Fanny Pocock, 2d G. W. Downey
- Cucumber pickles, 2d Mrs. Henry D. Tinker
- Peck dried apples, G. J. Downey, 2d Mrs. Martha Baker
- Peach Jelly, Mrs. Shelemoth Stow
- Apple jelly, Mrs. Shelemoth Stow
Class No. 35—Table Comforts.
- 5 pounds of butter made in June, Nancy Lostutter
- 5 pounds of butter made in Sept, Lavinia Wait
- 5 pounds of maple sugar, Martha Baker
- 5 pound of maple molasses, Nancy Lostutter
- 5 pounds strained honey, Mary J. Webb, 2d Mrs. John Moore
- 10 pounds honey in comb, Silas R Potter
- Gallon sorghum molasses, Silas R Potter, 2d William Carmine
- Bread, salt rising, Mrs. John Gates, 2d Wm Carmine
- Bread, yeast rising, Miss Lavinia Wait
- Home made cake, Nancy Lostutter, 2d Nancy Lostutter
- Sample fancy cake, Mrs. H. A. Tinker
- 5 pounds lard, Mrs. Martha Baker, 2d Mrs. William Carmine
Class No. 36—Fruits.
- Collection fruits of all kinds, Shelomoth Stow
- 12 varieties apples, G. J. Downey, 2d J. A. Humphrey
- 6 varieties apples, Uziel H. Stow
- Collection winter apples, Shelomoth Stow
- Specimen peaches, Uziel Stow, 2d Shelomoth Stow
- Specimen quinces, John Moore, 2d John Moore
- Specimen grapes, Uziel H. Stow, 2d John Moore
Class No. 37—Flour and Meal.
None on exhibition.
Class No. 38—Wine, Cider and Vinegar
- Native grape wine, Mrs. Robinson, Nancy Lostutter
- Blackberry Wine, Nancy Lostutter, Mrs. H. A. Tinker, 2d Mrs. L. W. Mallet
- Elderberry wine, Mrs. Spaulding
- Currant wine, Mrs. L. W. Mallet, 2d Mrs. N. Lostutter
- Cider vinegar, Sophia Wait, 2d Martha Baker
- Vinegar (not cider), Martha Baker
Class No. 39—Miscellaneous.
- Half bushel onion setts, Nicholas Sedam
- Ladies’ collar, Mrs. Howard Stow
- Bale hay, Samuel B. Hyde
- Broom head, H. T. Owens
- Forge Tueyre for blacksmiths, Henry A. Platt
- Grist mill, B. F. Keeney
- Fancy basket, Mrs. Jane Atkinson
- Sorghum blade stripper, S. Wolcott
- Horse hay fork, Martin Keeney
Class No. 40—Lady Equestrianism.
- 1st, Miss Landrum, 2d Miss Wygall
A. HARRIS, Pres’t.
I. Nowottny, Sec’y.