Military pensions granted in Switzerland County, Indiana appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 28 Mar 1895 – Page 4, Column 4
Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency:
- Thomas Tait, Sugan, Indiana. Original, new law. Rate $6.00.
- Wm. A. Richards, deceased, Carrollton, Kentucky. New law. Rate $12.00.
- Silas Ward, Sugar Branch, Indiana. Old law, reissue. Rate $30.00.
- John J. Walker, Sanders, Kentucky. Increase; Mexican War. $12.00.
- Abijah Myers, Preston, Kentucky. Original, old law. Rate $12.00; back pay $600.00.
- James Polley, Jay, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law. Rate $16.00.
- Lafayette Turner, Vevay, Indiana. Reissue, old law. Rates: $6.00 from March 19, 1883 and $8.00 from October 4, 1893. Back pay about $300.
- George W. Land, Aaron, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law. Rate $24.00.
- John P. White, Florence, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law. Rates: $14.00 from Nov. 12, 1891; $16.00 from Dec. 16, 1891 and $17.00 from Nov. 22, 1893.
- Thomas H. McKay, Brooksburg, Ind. Increase, old law. Rate $12.00.
- George Adams, deceased, Vevay, Indiana. Increase, old law. Rate $17.00.
- John Conrad, Florence, Indiana. Increase, old law. Rate $12.00.
- Sylvester R. Heath, Sugar Branch, Indiana. Pay for rations $22.75.
- Grandison Tollion, Sparta, Kentucky. New law, original. Rate $6.00. Back pay $330.
Vevay Reveille – 7 Nov 1895 – Page 5, Column 2
Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions through his agency:
- Mary McDaniel, widow of Aaron McDaniel, Vevay. Reissue $56.
- Augustus Hall, Ghent, Kentucky. Increase, old law, rate $14.
- Robert E. Hall, Center Square, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $25.
- Charles Allen, Vevay, Indiana. Reissue and increase, old law, rate $17. Back pay $322.
- Wm. S. Brent, Hammels, Kentucky. Original, old law, rate $12.
- John G. Long, Vevay, Indiana. Reissue, old law, rate $17. Back pay $602.
- George Rice, Carson, Carroll County, Kentucky, additional, new law, rate $10.
- Daniel Grebe, Bee Camp, Indiana, reissue, old law, rate $12.
- Richard Swift, Sparta, Kentucky, new law, original, rate $8, back pay over $316.
- George Adams, deceased, Vevay, Indiana, reissue, old law, rate $17.
- Louiza Adams, Vevay, Indiana, old law, rate $12.
- Robt. Thompson, North Landing, Indiana, new law, reissue, rate $6.
- Jane Curling, Ghent, Kentucky, original, new law, rate $8.
- Warren Roberts, Madison, Indiana, increase, old law, rate $30.
- John L. Shadday, Bennington, Indiana, reissue and increase, old law, rates $12 from Sept. 24, 1890, $14 from Sept. 28, 1892, $17 from Apr. 11, 1894.
- Melissa, widow of Hiram Buchanan, Craig, Indiana, supplemental for helpless child, rate $2, back pay $120.
- Margaret E. McCarter, New Eagle Mills, Kentucky, original, new law, rate $8.
- David McCarter, Berkshire, Kentucky, original, new law, rate $12.