Switzerland County Juries – Mar 1892

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jury list appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 17 Mar 1892 – Page 4, Column 1

Court Jurors.

Dr. A. G. Craig and P. K. Cotton, Jury Commissioners, yesterday drew the names of the following gentlemen to serve as Petit Jurors during next term of court, which will commence next Monday:

George Moredock, Jackson Land, John H. Daubenheyer, William Beaty (all of York Township), Montgomery Patton, Albert G. Bakes (Jefferson), Frank W. Cole, Henry Kelenbeck, Jacob B. Shadday (Pleasant), Robert Sheldon (Posey), Robert Bovard (Cotton), Lincoln Means (Craig).

In accordance with order of court that Grand Jurors be selected every other term, no Grand Jury was drawn for this term.