Switzerland County Commissioners – Dec 1872

The following article appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 21 Dec 1872 – Page 2, Column 1

Proceedings of County Commissioners.

Among other business transacted by the County Commissioners, was the following:

Madison Mayfield was appointed a Constable.

In the matter of C. W. Bruner and others, for location of highway in Cotton Township, Silas Potter, Samuel B. Hyde and Ovid Potter, were appointed viewers, who will report at the next session of the Commissioners.

William G. Campbell, Thomas Delaney, John J. Roberts and John G. Cotton, of Vevay; and Joshua Scranton, of Patriot, were granted Licenses to retail liquors.

In the matter of the Petition of John Higham and others, for location of road in Posey Township, Wade H. Jack, Henry Dibble and Charles Dibble were appointed viewers, to report at the March Term.

In the matter of the Petition of P. Rumrill and others, for location of highway in Craig Township. Viewers reported and road granted.

County Bonds were ordered to be issued to the amount of $2,500.00.