Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ allowances appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 17 Jun 1886 – Page 4, Column 5
List of Allowances
Made by the Board of County Commissioners of Switzerland County at their June session, 1886.
- F. L. Grisard, for Nancy Jennings, $12.41
- F. L. Grisard, for Mrs. F. G. Taylor, $12.72
- F. L. Grisard, for Simeon Leach, $11.10
- F. L. Grisard, for William Daily, $9.00
- A. J. Schenck, for Boggs family, $21.71
- O. S. Waldo, for Nancy Schenck, $2.10
- O. S. Waldo, for school books for poor children, $0.80
- James K. Pleasants & Son, for Hawes Redd, $8.10
- Z. I. Yonge & Co., for Joe Bullock, $6.00
- Peter E. Told, for coal for Nancy Schenck, $2.40
- Peter E. Told, for coal for N. N. Martin, $1.40
- Peter E. Told, for coal for Mrs. Cole, $1.80
- Charles V. Thiebaud, for Jane Short, $4.50
- Charles V. Thiebaud, for Mrs. E. Simpson, $6.00
- Charles V. Thiebaud, for Nancy Schenck, $1.50
- John Melcher, for coal for Saml Butler, $4.80
- John Melcher, for coal for Elizabeth Simpson, $4.44
- John Melcher, for coal for Mrs. Jennings, $3.00
- John Melcher, for coal for Mrs. Leach, $1.80
- John Melcher, for coal for Mrs. Holdcraft, $1.80
- John Melcher, for coal for Nancy Schenck, $2.00
- B. H. North, for Sarah Miller 2 qrs, $12.00
- Ben Smith, shoes for Hawes Redd, $1.50
- Scott & Brown, for Henry Wells, $3.50
- Scott & Brown, for Elizabeth Cole, $5.00
- Scott & Brown, for Dick Russell, $2.00
- Shaw & Detraz, for Dick Russell, $2.00
- Shaw & Detraz, for Jane Short, $1.50
- Shaw & Detraz, for Mark Smith, $4.00
- Shaw & Detraz, for Henry Wells, $0.50
- Harry Schmidt, for rent for Boggs, $9.00
- Geo. N. Reeves, for Sarah Miller, $12.00
- Dr. John H. Shaddy, salary as poor physician, $27.00
- Mrs. Julia Wolf for keeping Wm. Barker, $11.25
- N. N. Martin for himself, $10.00
- John Gotamuller for himself, $10.00
- Mary Kilgore for herself, $12.50
- Dicey Estes, for keeping McGee children, $12.00
- Mrs. Lucy M. Detraz, rent for Mrs. J. Orem, $6.00
- Theibaud Brothers for shoes for Jenny Cayton, $1.50
- George N. Reeves, for Sarah Miller, $2.00
- A. G. Craig, Guard, for rent for Mrs. Simpson, $3.00
- Thomas Land, for Mrs. M. Wheeler, $5.00
- Thomas Land, for Mrs. Skidmore, $5.00
- Thomas Land, for Mrs. Burk, $5.00
- Mrs. Indiana Fulton, for keeping Sallie Nipper, $10.00
- Mrs. Farrar, keeping and nursing Mrs. Perkins, $28.00
- Schrumpf & Told, for Calvin Fredenberg, $5.00
- Ben H. North, for Jos. McLanahan, $5.00
- Ben H. North, for Polly McLelland, $5.00
- Ben H. North, for Polly McLelland (old), $10.00
- John I. O’Neal, for Polly McLelland, $4.00
- John I. O’Neal, for Mrs. Wheeler, $3.00
- John I. O’Neal, for Calvin Fredenberg, $3.00
- Dr. Hanibal Greenleaf, pauper practice last 6 mos, $10.00
- James H. Gibbs, for Mary Merrill, $11.00
- James H. Gibbs, for David Tibbatts, $8.55
- Chas. O. Potter, for Hannah Acra, $7.00
- S. R. Heath, for Mary Wells, $6.15
- S. R. Heath, for Elias Brown, $13.94
- S. R. Heath, for Mary Merrill, $4.00
- Mrs. B. Merrill, for keeping Pelsor child, $8.00
- Hugh Pickett, for keeping 2 Pelsor children, $20.00
- John Pelsor, for keeping 1 Pelsor child, $8.00
- U. H. Stow, for Amanda English, $10.00
- Thomas Lawton, for keeping Ben Pelsor, $12.00
- Wm. Carnine, for keeping Spear children, $42.50
- Ford & Steel, for Mrs. Sutherland, $11.27
- Ford & Steel, for Mrs. Manuel, $1.00
- Ford & Steel, for Mrs. Leintz, $12.00
- Ford & Steel, for Mrs. Manford, $4.00
- Orinda H. Ricketts, for Mrs. McDonald, $8.00
- John Smith, for Mrs. Manuel, $3.00
- Ben Belden, for John Courtney, $2.50
- J. W. Vanosdol, 6 months pauper practice, $20.00
- Mary Gribben, for keeping Sarah Sheets, $4.80
- Philip Romerill for coffin for Caroline Gilbert, $5.00
- Henry M. Brindley, meat for Mrs. Nancy Brindley, $7.65
- Nat M. Fallis, for R R fair Lillie Law, $10.30
- Geo. Adams, for hauling provisions Lillie Law, $3.00
- Z. I. Yonge, clothing for Lillie Law, $4.00
- A. J. Seibenthal, for breadstuff for Ostranders, $4.71
- F. L. Grisard, for groceries for Ostranders, $5.20
- John C. Morgan, for provisions Elijah Davis, $3.18
- Z. I. Yonge & Co., for groceries L. Manford, $2.00
- A. J. Schenck, for clothing for Lillie Law, $4.25
- John M. Golay, for keeping Sarah LeClerc, $2.66
- Wm. Andrews, for keeping Martha Windhyser, $9.00
- S. Howe & Co., for John Gurley, $2.00
- S. Howe & Co., for Wm. Miller, $2.00
- E. E. & Wm. F. North, for Mrs. Joseph Baker, $2.00
- E. E. & Wm. F. North, for John Bailey, $2.00
- Geo. H. Keeney, for coffin for Mrs. Larrison, $5.00
- Geo. H. Keeney, for coffin for Joseph Miles, $5.00
F. J. Holcroft, coffin for Nancy Kennet, $5.00
Enoch S. Adams, keeping paupers etc., poor farm, $569.94
J. F. Simpson, summoning witnesses case Curry, $5.85
Wm. Smith, burying drowned woman, $2.00
P. C. Holland, salary, etc., $466.69
C. G. Adams, salary, $200.00
M. C. Walden, salary, $176.00
R. T. F. Abbett, fees, $1.50
W. R. Johnston, qr salary County Attorney, $37.50
Wm. Brindley, $28.00
Wm. H. Scott, $28.00
John F. Houze, $28.00
Jas. F. Simpson, $16.00
Wm. S. Twineham, assessing Pleasant Tp, $196.00
Jackson Land and J. H. Daubenheyer, assessing York Tp, $186.00
B. F. McIntire and Wm. Walker, assessing Posey Tp, $170.00
R. B. Littlefield, assessing Cotton Tp, $120.00
Oscar Williamson and deputies, assessing Jefferson Tp, and Vevay, $360.00
Joshua Means and L. F. Works, assessing Craig Tp, $126.00
W. H. Madison, 4 days on Board Equalization, $10.00
Julius Dufour, 4 days on Board Equalization, $10.00
H. J. Harris, 4 days on Board Equalization, $10.00
P. K. Cotton, 4 days on Board Equalization, $10.00
P. C. Holland, office expenses, $3.40
C. G. Adams, office expenses, $2.00
R. T. F. Abbett, office expenses, $2.55
M. C. Walden, office expenses, $4.00
C. G. Boerner, winding and regulating Court room clock 2 years, $5.00
F. L. Grisard, sett table castors, $0.25
J. F. Simpson, care C H, trimming trees, cleaning and salting walk, etc., $18.25
Scott & Brown, coal oil, matches, brooms, etc., $4.40
C. O. Thiebaud, sundries, $1.55
W. Nelson Lee, planting willows, around Turtle Creek bridge, $18.00
John W. Smiley, buggy for J. Gill to Turtle Creek bridge, $1.50
Thomas Land, cleaning off and superintending Turtle Creek bridge, $7.00
Ben Keeney, repairing Turtle Creek bridge, $300.00
A. Benedict, planting willows at Markland bridge, $2.00
F. F. Hord, Atty Gen for C. O. fees deducted from school fund revenue, $1,249.78
McCrellis & Pleasants, fee in above case, $50.00
Korbly & Ford, fee in above case, $75.00
Wm. J. Baird, printing and advertising, $34.20
P. T. Hartford, printing and advertising, $28.75
W. A. Knox, printing and advertising, $1.00
W. B. Burford, books and stationery, $112.90
Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., stationery, $40.70
Indianapolis Journal Co., stationery, $131.90
Baker & Thornton, stationery, $60.80
James F. Simpson, receiving, boarding and discharging prisoners, $52.40
P. E. Told, coal for jail, $3.00
A. Vandiver, posting election notices, $0.75
J. R. Houze, posting election notices, $1.50
Jas. F. Simpson, posting election notices, $29.50
Jas. F. Simpson, summoning juries, $20.00
Saml. Adams, dog tax refunded, $2.00
Jas. S. Gilbert, tax on lot in Vevay refunded, $2.00