Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ allowances appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 11 Dec 1890 – Page 5, Column 2
Made by the Board of County Commissioners of Switzerland County, Indiana, at their special session, October 28, 1890, and at their regular term, December, 1890, covering a period of three months:
For Jefferson Township, last quarter—Charles McVey, Trustee.
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Simeon Leach, $10.70
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Mr. Hewitt, $11.50
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Mrs. G. J. Taylor, $6.50
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Mrs. Bosa, $7.30
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Reuben Shafer, $3.30
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Mrs. Jane Bosaw, $3.00
- F. L. Grisard, goods for Joseph Peelman, $12.00
- Joseph Thamann, keeping tramp, $0.25
- John Dickason, coal for Simeon Leach, $1.00
- John Dickason, coal for Mrs. Bosaw, $1.00
- John Dickason, coal for Mr. Hewitt, $1.00
- John Dickason, coal for Mrs. Schenck, $2.00
- John Dickason, coal for Mrs. George Saberton, $1.00
- John Dickason, coal for Mrs. Lorain Wilcox, $2.00
- Henry Trafalet, conveying to poor Mrs. Mark Smith and family, 2 trips, $6.50
- Adrian Bliss, conveying to poor house Hawes Redd, $3.00
- Julia Wolf, keeping Bennie Barker 3 mos, $8.00
- Mary Gortamiller, keeping Jno. Gortamiller 3 mos, $8.00
- Noah Martin, regular qr allowance, $10.00
- Alfred Rous, coal for Mrs. Lorain Wilcox, $1.10
- Alfred Rous, coal for Simeon Leach, $2.20
- Alfred Rous, coal for Mrs. Jane Bosaw, $1.10
- Alfred Rous, coal for Mrs. Morris, $1.10
- Alfred Rous, coal for Mrs. George Saberton, $1.0
- Alfred Rous, coal for Mr. Hewitt, $1.10
- A. J. Schenck, goods for Mrs. Lock, $3.00
- A. J. Schenck, goods for Mrs. Boggs, $8.14
- C. V. Thiebaud, goods for Mrs. E. Simpson, $8.00
- P. T. Hartford, goods for Hawes Redd, $2.00
- P. T. Hartford, goods for Mrs. Lock, $3.00
- C. O. Thiebaud, school books for poor children, $2.77
- J. R. Mitchell, keeping Ella Sheets 3 mos, $6.00
- Frank Boswell, care of Henry Bell last sickness, $6.00
- P. T. Hartford, shoes for John Shafer, $1.50
- Loring & Clendening, clothing for John Shafer, $7.00
For York Township, last quarter—George Clendening Trustee.
- J. M. W. Langsdale, goods for Margaret See, $3.00
- J. M. W. Langsdale, goods for Nancy Clements, $3.00
- Elmer Reeves, taking to poor house Henry Israel, $3.00
- Indiana Fulton, keeping Sallie Nipper 3 mos, $8.00
- Schrumpf & Told, goods for Calvin Fredenburg, $5.00
- Schrumpf & Told, goods for Elizabeth Chase, $5.00
- Schrumpf & Told, goods for Harriet Burk, $3.00
- Schrumpf & Told, goods for Nellie Skidmore, $8.00
- Schrumpf & Told, goods for Nancy Clements, $5.00
- Schrumpf & Told, goods for Sarah and Luella Miller, $13.00
- Schrumpf & Told, taking to poor house Robert Kilgore, $3.20
- George N. Reeves, goods for Henry Israel, $10.00
- George N. Reeves, goods for Clarence McClellan, $1.50
- George N. Reeves, goods for Sarah Burk, $8.00
- J. I. O’Neal, flour and meal, Calvin Fredenburg, $3.00
- W. C. Robinson, goods for Margaret See, $3.00
For Posey Township, last quarter—Jacob C. Baker, Trustee.
- Green Brothers, provisions for A. J. Boyd, $5.00
- Green Brothers, provisions for G. W. Price, $3.50
- Harris & Galbreath, goods for Christian Icenogle, $5.00
- Harris & Galbreath, goods for Mrs. John Craig, $5.00
- Mrs. J. H. Wade, taking care of Jessie Lamkin two weeks, $0.80
- Eliza A. Lee, keeping Jesse Lamkin 4 mos, $2.00
- Wm. Rowin, goods for Mrs. John Gurley, $5.00
For Cotton Township last quarter—John W. VanOsdol, Trustee.
- S. R. Heath, goods for T. J. Heath, $3.00
- J. H. Gibbs, goods for David Tibbetts, $1.50
- J. H. Gibbs, goods for Indiana Johnson, $2.00
- J. H. Gibbs, goods for Harry Humphrey, $8.00
- A. J. Sedam, goods for David Tibbetts, $7.83
- Sedam & Potter, goods for Robert Sedam, $3.67
- O. H. P. Sedam, keeping Earl Miles last qr, $8.00
- D. P. Oak, keeping Henry C. Graves last qr, $10.00
- Jacob Hizer, keeping Margaret Brown 1 mo, $2.50
- Hugh Pickett, keeping Leona & Lula Pelsor 1 qr, $18.00
- Mary Richmond, keeping Hugh Pelsor last qr, $8.00
- Cyrus Tinker, keeping Chester Pelsor 3 mos, $8.00
- Sarah Lawton, keeping Ben Pelsor 1 qr, $8.00
- Wm. Hanna, keeping Edith Miles last qr, $8.00
- Harvey Faudre, keeping May Johnson and Orville Bosaw 1 qr, $18.00
For Pleasant Township, last quarter—B. F. Rogers, Trustee.
- Abner Gates & Son, goods for H. H. Buchanan, $2.00
- Abner Gates & Sons, goods for Jane Nelson, $6.50
- John S. Steel, goods for W. R. Southerland and wife, $12.00
- John S. Steel, goods for Martha Griffin, $3.00
- John S. Steel, goods for Maria Lientz, $6.50
- Joanna Pierce, allowance for Wm. R. Sutherland, $3.00
- A. C. Adams, allowance for Maria Lientz, $3.00
- Lawrence Welch, provisions for John Courtney, $8.00
- Mary Rogers, keeping Anna Bray 3 mos, $8.00
- John M. Riley, allowance for Mrs. McDaniels, $8.00
- Taylor Wainscott, cords wood for Wm. R. Sutherland, $3.00
- Ben. Rogers, load of wood for Wm. R. Sutherland, $0.50
- Levi Orem, one load of wood for Wm. R. Sutherland, $0.50
For Craig Township, last quarter—George D. Madary, Trustee.
- James Cooper, keeping Jane Cooper 3 mos, $8.00
- George D. Madary, boat passage for Chas. Brown, $2.00
- George D. Madary, books for 3 pauper children, $1.20
- B. D. Scott, groceries for Elijah Davis family, $17.78
- Robert Stevens, clothing for Rachel Robert’s children, $13.28
- Hall & Fallis, provisions for Ostrander family, $9.00
- B. F. Smith, shoes and boots for Chas. Williams’ family, $5.75
- O. S. Waldo, clothing for 2 orphan children at Alex Tilley’s, $3.00
- Scott & Brown, provisions for Chas. Williams’ family, $5.00
Expense of County Asylum, E. S. Adams Superintendent and Miscellaneous Pauper Allowance.
- Enoch S. Adams, keeping and care of 40 inmates of Poor House full quarter, and part of quarter, $522.51
- Enoch S. Adams, repairs on Poor House, etc., $33.75
- Z. I. Yonge, materials for bedding at Poor House, $27.65
- A. J. Schenck, hinges for Poor House, $0.25
- J. K. Pleasants, lumber for Poor House, $25.39
- Union Furniture Co., beds and chairs for Poor House, $21.50
- D. M. Haskell, stove and pipes for Poor House, $6.50
- C. V. Thiebaud, lime, nails, etc., for Poor House, $6.05
- Wm. F. Goldenburg, sewer pipe and grates for Poor House, $6.00
- Geo. W. Haskell, coffin for Sarah Adams, $5.00
- Dr. John H. Shadday, poor Dr. for Craig Tp 3 mos, $22.50
- Dr. O. A. Price, poor Dr. Markland precinct 6 mos, $15.00
- Dr. P. S. Sage, poor Dr. for Jefferson Tp 3 mos, $25.00
- Dr. R. G. Simpson, poor Dr. for Cotton Tp 6 mos, $22.00
- Dr. R. M. Copeland, poor Dr. Bennington precinct for 6 months, $15.00
- Dr. J. M. W. Langsdale, poor Dr. Florence precinct for 6 months, $12.50
- Dr. E. M. Cheever, poor Dr. Posey Tp 6 months, $37.50
- Dr. Scott Culbertson, poor Dr. Moorefield precinct 6 months, $15.00
- Jas. A. VanOsdol, Co. Supt., for quarter ending Nov. 29, 1890, $210.00
- Geo. S. Pleasants, Co. Attorney, salary and fee in the Chas. Morris case, $40.00
- D. B. Lee, election expense and filing accounts, $88.75
- Wm. Tait, County Treasurer, 1 qr salary, $200.00
- D. N. Haydon, Auditor’s salary, care of school funds and filing fees, $499.55
- Orson A. Potter, 6 days as Commissioner, $21.00
- Wm. O. Marble, 6 days as Commissioner, $21.00
- C. D. Green, 5 days as Commissioner, $17.50
- Wm. H. Scott, 1 day as Commissioner, $3.50
- Oscar Williamson, 6 days as Sheriff Commissioner’s Court, $12.00
- Schrumpf & Told, fencing change Log Lick road, $100.00
- J. W. Smiley, livery hire for Commissioners, Hunt’s creek road, $1.00
- A. Benedict, lumber for Markland, Florence, Hunt’s and Plum creek bridges, $64.00
- Albert Duplan, work on Florence bridge, $5.00
- Thos. Wright, work and material used on Log Lick bridges, $16.60
- G. D. Madary, expense of fencing new road, lands of A. Shaw and J. Thiebaud, $221.00
- Oscar Williamson, serving Trustees with notice to open new road, $1.45
- Charles McVey, repairs on Hunt’s creek bridge, $20.50
- P. T. Hartford, printing, advertising election, etc., $235.85
- W. J. Baird, printing, advertising election, etc., $197.65
- W. H. Morrison & Co., stationery and office supplies, $14.90
- Wilson Humphrey & Co., stationery, etc., $43.70
- Wm. B. Burford, election supplies and stationery, $76.65
- Sentinel Printing Co., books and stationery, $70.95
- Oscar Williamson, care and boarding prisoners, $64.90
- J. W. Boyd, fixing stove pipes in jail, $1.00
- Scott & Brown, supplies for jail, $4.30
- Alfred Rous, coal for jail, $5.50
- John Dienmer, witness fee State of Indiana vs. Smith Roberts, $5.00
- A. J. Schenck, wire screens, hinges, knobs, etc., for Sheriff’s house, $4.00
- Oscar Williamson, summoning juries, $30.00
- Oscar Williamson, cleaning Court House cistern, $3.00
- Oscar Williamson, care and cleaning of Court House rood and yard, $23.00
- John Dickason, 800 bushels coal for Court House, $76.00
- Wm. F. Goldenburg, stove pipe and fixtures for Court House, $11.65
- Wm. M. Patton, glazing and repairs Court House, $3.15
- Hiram Corns, ice for Court House, $2.03
- C. V. Thiebaud, repairing chair for Auditor’s office by Harry Wallace, $1.25
- D. B. Lee, office expense, expressage, etc., $5.90
- C. O. Thiebaud, supplies for Court House, $3.65
- F. L. Grisard, glass, locks, &c., for Court House, $5.85
- Z. Yonge, matting and baize for doors, $48.10
- Wm. Tait, postage, cleaning office and flue, $9.50
- D. N. Haydon, postage, expressage, P O box rent for three years, &c., $12.75
- Golay & Stevens, supplies for Court House, $3.71
- Charles Phillips, cleaning soot out Court House chimneys, $5.00
- Oscar Williamson, posting election notice of precinct notice divisions, etc., $51.00
- D. D. Haydon, delivering poll books, etc., to Election Inspectors, $8.50
- John Pattie, making election booths and ballot boxes, $192.00
- Ben F. Rogers, expense of Election Sheriffs, $6.00
- J. W. VanOsdol, expense of Election Sheriffs, $6.00
- Geo. Clendening, expense of Election Sheriffs, $6.00
- Geo. Madary, expense of Election Sheriffs, $9.00
- Jacob C. Baker, expense of Election Sheriffs, $9.00
- Chas. McVey, expense of Election Sheriffs, $15.00
- Ben F. Rogers, hauling and setting up booths, $5.00
- J. W. VanOsdol, hauling and setting up booths, $5.00
- Geo. D. Madary, hauling and setting up booths, $8.00
- Geo. Clendening, hauling and setting up booths, $5.00
- Chas. McVey, hauling and setting up booths, $8.00
- Jacob C. Baker, hauling and freight on election booths, $6.70
- Wm. B. Burford, supplies for Election Commissioners, $5.15
- A. J. Schenck, rope for election chutes, $19.85