Patriot High School Graduation – 1896

Patriot High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 2 Apr 1896 – Page 5, Column 2


The sixth annual Commencement of the Patriot High School was held at the M. E. Church last Friday evening. The large, handsome building, which has an accommodation for about 400, was completely packed, many being unable to get seats or even standing room. The pulpit was tastefully decorated with flowers and ribbons.

The class, composed of ten members, four girls and six boys, is the largest in the history of the School, and, in point of ability, will rank with any preceding class. The orations showed careful preparation, originality, and an ability to discuss literary themes.

Following is the names of the graduates and their subjects:

  • Bessie Fletcher—Heroes.
  • Avery Huston—Invention, the Child of Necessity.
  • Mary Dibble—The Power of the Pope.
  • Hubert Broodwell—England’s Aggrandizements.
  • Bertha Harris—Are we a Race of Idolaters?
  • Nola Humphrey—Woman’s Place in Literature.
  • Fred Schroder—The Rise and Fall of a Great Nation.
  • Daisy Dibble—“Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before.”
  • Pop Green—The Magazine as an Educator.
  • George Moredock—“Put None but Americans on Guard.

The graduates acquitted themselves nobly, and merited the profuse congratulations that were showered upon them.

Rev. J. W. Johnson, of the M. E. Church, offered the Invocation, and Rev. J. D. Shultz, of the Presbyterian Church, the Benediction.

Music was furnished by home talent, excepting H. D. Conrad, of Florence, violinist.

The Instructors for the past year were: O. M. Given, Principal; M. K. Huston, Grammar Department; Miss Laura Lamson, Intermediate; and Miss Bessie Philips, Primary.

The School Board is composed of Henry Schroder, President; Edwin E. North, Secretary; Selar Mead, Treasurer.

Sunday morning Rev. Jahnson delivered an interesting and instructive Sermon to the Class. Subject, “Measure Yourself by God’s Yardstick.”

The Alumni held its annual meeting and Banquet at the school building Monday evening.