The Switzerland and Ohio County, Indiana, Fair awards appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 8 Oct 1868 – Page 1, Column 3
Awarded at the 17th Annual Fair of the Switzerland and Ohio County, Agricultural Society.
Class 1—Horses for All Purposes.
- Best Stallion over 4 years, Hugh Hamilton; 2d T. Dickason.
- Best Stallion over 3 years old, James Griffin; 2d Ed. Marshall.
- Best Stallion over 2 years old, Heman Bradley; 2d Wm. McCoy.
- Best Stallion over 1 year old, Peter L. Davis; 2d S. B. Hyde.
- Best Brood mare, Wm. Dehart; 2d J. H. Hoggins.
- Best Mare 4 years old, L. P. Bradford; 2d Heman Bradley.
- Best Filly 3 years old, L. C. Buck; 2d Green Sevar.
- Best Filly 2 years old, J. R. Stewart; 2d Woodford Dehart.
- Best Filly 1 year old, L. C. Buck
- Best sucking horse colt, W. J. Cooper; 2d F. M. Hamilton
- Best suckling mare colt, Wm. Dehart; 2d Simon Dehart
- Best gelding 4 years old, S. J. Searcy; 2d Isaac Stone
- Best gelding 3 years old, Wm. Dehart; 2d L. A. Clark, Jr.
- Best gelding 1 year old, J. H. Hoggins; 2d Henry Dibble.
- Best span matched geldings, G. W. Hunter.
Class 2—Horses for Light Harness.
- Best stallion 4 years old, H. Ralston
- Best stallion 3 years old, D. Culbertson
- Best gelding 4 years old, H. Ralston; 2d G. W. Hunter.
- Best gelding 3 years old, Simon Dehart
- Best mare 4 years old, E. M. Buffington
- Best pair geldings, L. Bledsoe
Class 3—Saddle Horses.
- Best stallion 4 years old, James W. Tandy; 2d Wm. McCoy
- Best gelding 4 years old, J. H. Hoggins; 2d J. H. Hoggins
- Best mare 4 years old, Heman Bradley
- Best stallion under 4 years, T Dickason
- Best gelding under 4 years, Green Severs; 2d R. N. Vernon
Class 5—Sweepstakes on Horses.
- Best stallion; T. Dickason
- Best gelding, G. W. Hunter
- Best mare, Heman Bradley
Class 6—Guage Ring.
- First premium, Ed Marshall
Class 7—Jacks and Mules.
- Best jack, Samuel Stewart
- Best mule 4 years old, J. M. North; 2d James Griffin
- Best mule 3 years old, J. C. Bovard; 2d Thomas Thatcher
- Best mule 2 years old, Elza Abbott
- Best mule 1 year old, James Huston; 2d Lewis Sutton
- Best mule colt, Lewis Sutton; 2d John Henry
Class 8—Heavy Draught Horses
- Best stallion, Wm. McCoy; 2d W. B. Douglass
- Best mare, Jordan Wainscott
- Best heavy draught team, Robert A. Harris.
Class 9—Horned Cattle
- Best bull 2 years old, Wm. J. Cooper; 2d C. A. Thiebaud
- Best bull 1 year old, L. Bledsoe; 2d E. P. Goddard
- Best bull calf, Wm. J. Cooper
- Best cow, John W. Morrison; 2d Thomas Works
- Best heifer 2 years old, Kincaid & Bro.
Class 10—Working Cattle
- Best yoke cattle, 4 years old or over, P. L. Davis; 2d R. White
- Best yoke cattle 3 years old, S. B. Dennis
- Best yoke cattle 2 years old, H. Dibble; 2d S. B. Dennis
- Best yoke steers 1 year old, John Armstrong
Class 11—Milch Cows
- Best milch cow, Robert A. Harris; 2d Wm. J. Cooper
Class 12—Fat Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs
- Best bullock, Robert A. Harris; 2d Kincaid & Bro.
- Best cow, Kincaid & Bro.; 2d Robert A. Harris
- Best sheep, E. P. Goddard; 2d E. P. Goddard
- Best hog, S. Stow; 2d U. H. Stow
Class 13—Sweepstakes on Cattle.
- Best bull, Lem. Bledsoe
- Best cow, R. A. Harris
Class 14—Fine Wool Sheep
- Best buck, John Stewart
- Best ewe, John Stewart; 2d James Cole
- Best buck lamb, John Stewart
- Best ewe lamb, John Stewart
Class 15—Middle Wooled Sheep
- Best buck, David Scott; 2d James Cole
- Best ewe, David Scott; 2d Jas. Cole
- Best buck lamb, David Scott; 2d S. J. Searcy
Class 16—Long Wooled Sheep
- Best buck, James Cole
- Best ewe, W. P. Oxley; 2d W. P. Oxley
- Best buck lamb, W. P. Oxley; 2d W. P. Oxley
- Best ewe lamb, James Cole
Class 17—Sweepstakes on Sheep
- Best buck, fine wool, John Stewart
- Best ewe, fine wool, John Stewart
- Best buck, middle or long wool, S. J. Searcy
- Best ewe, middle or long wool, S. J. Searcy
Class 18—Hogs
- Best boar, 1 year or over, N. Fisk
- Best boar under 1 year, H. Cunningham; 2d Rufus Dibble
- Best breeding sow, U. H. Stow; 2d W. B. Douglass
- Best sow, shoat under 1 year, Rufus Dibble; 2d H. Cunningham
- Best 5 pigs, U. H. Stow; 2d Rufus Dibble
Class 19—Plows, Harrows and Cultivators.
- Best 2 horse plow, U. H. Stow; 2d Joseph Melick
- Best sod plow, Abram Tinker
- Best 2 horse harrow, G. W. Murphy; 2d W. B. Douglass
- Best ½ dozen axe handles, D. A. Morris; 2d Wm. Barkis
Class 20—Mills, Presses and Wooden Ware.
- Best threshing machine, B. W. Clark
- Best pump, Robert Hunt
- Best specimen cooperage, tight work, Thomas J. Heath
- Best specimen cooperage, slack work, Thomas J. Heath
- Best apple peeler, J. W. Gary
- Best cutting box, J. G. Melick; 2d John Gaither
- Best churn, N. Fisk; 2d Soloman Washer
- Best washing machine, David Scott; 2d H. S. & H. Espy
- Best wire hay rake, U. H. Stow
- Best farm gate, U. H. Stow; 2d Gilbert Gibbs
- Best 6 willow baskets, H. S. & H. Espy; 2d Lewis Coons
- Best 6 wooden buckets, H. S. & H. Espy
- Best 12 corn brooms, H. S. & H. Espy
- Best 6 washboards, H. S. & H. Espy
- Best nest tubs and best nest keelers, H. S. & H. Espy
- Best bee hive, Martin Keeney
- Best beam scales, H. S. & H. Espy
- Best 1000 shingles, J. G. Melick
- Best 1000 hay hoops, Wm. Harkis
- Best clothes wringer, H. S. & H. Espy; 2d Solomon Washer
- Best manure fork, Thomas Works; 2d H. S. & H. Espy
- Best pitchfork, Wesley Tinker
- Best horse hay fork, John W. Morrison; 2d H. S. & H. Espy
- Best potato hook, G. J. Doweny; 2d U. H. Stow
Class 21—Reapers, Mowers and Wagons.
- Best 2 horse wagon, G. W. Murphy
- Best two horse spring wagon, G. W. Murphy
- Best single mower, Thomas H. Sutton; 2d R. M. Bishop & Co.
Class 22—Cabinet Ware, &c.
- Best rocking chair, Thomas Works
Class 23—Other Mechanical Products.
- Best cook stove and fixtures, Thomas Works; 2d Thomas Works
- Best sewing machine, Tardy & Detraz
- Best corn basket, W. P. Oxley
- Best knitting maching, S. B. Tibbets
- Best 6 pieces tinware, H. S. & H. Espy
Class 24—Vegetables
- Best doz beets, Mrs. Bailey; 2d U. H. Stow
- Best sweet potatoes, Dixon Clement; 2d Joseph Clements
- Best 6 cabbages, Jane Sutton
- Best celery, Dixon Clement
- Best Irish potatoes, U. H. Stow; 2d L. Coons
- Best 3 sweet pumpkins, John Sullivan; 2d L. W. Mallet
- Best parsnips, U. H. Stow
- Best watermelons, H. C. Picket; 2d J. Sullivan
- Best pumpkins, Nelson Tarbox; 2d David Scott
- Best onions, Susannah Wainscott; 2d S. Stow
- Best egg plant, Mrs. J. H. Smith
- Best carrots, James M. Roberts; 2d U. H. Stow
- Best squashes, David Scott; 2d John Sullivan
- Best citrons, George Melick; 2d Charles Melick
- Best onion setts, Loring & Dwight Smith; 2d James Cole
- Best white beans, Nancy Robertson; 2d George J. Downey
- Best Lima Beans, J. G. Melick; 2d Mrs. J. R. S. Smith
- Best collection Irish potatoes, Dixon Clement, 2d George J. Downey
- Best collection vegetables, Dixon Clement; 2d George J. Downey
Class 25—Grain and Seed.
- Best yellow corn, James Cole; 2d W. McFadden
- Best white corn, H. Cunningham; 2d M. Hannah
- Best red wheat, J. Wainscott; 2d J. Wainscott
- Best rye, Jacob Baker; 2d Jacob Baker
- Best oats, Jordan Wainscott; 2d Isaac Stone
- Best barley, Martin Scranton
- Best flax seed, John Hill
- Best [illegible] seed, W. H. Melick; 2d W. H. Melick
- Best orchard grass seed, D. Scott; 2d D. Scott
- Best red clover seed, D. Scott; 2d D. Scott
Class 26—Field Crops
- Best acre white wheat, Howard Stow
- Best acre red wheat, Wm. McFadden; 2d W. P. Oxley
- Best acre oats, Howard Stow; 2d J. Wainscott
- Best bale hay, Lewis Coons
- Best broom corn, Chas. Melick; 2d W. P. Oxley
- Best specimen tobacco, W. P. Oxley; 2d W. P. Oxley
Class 28—Poultry
- Best pair chickens, James Cole; 2d James Cole
- Best pair geese, H. Cunningham; 2d M. Hannah
- Best pair turkeys, John Stewart; 2d M. Keeney
- Best pair ducks, J. Stewart; 2d Milo Hannah
- Best pair guinea fowls, John Hill; 2d L. Coons
- Best collection poultry, James Cole
Class 29—Plain Sewing, Needlework, and Embroidery
- Best solid work quilt, Mrs. A. Wade; 2d Mrs. G. W. Hunter
- Best patchwork quilt, Miss Malvina Hyde; 2d Mrs. G. W. Hunter
- Best tidy, Miss Anna C. Thompson; 2d Mrs. Mary A. Harris
- Best child’s sack, Mrs. O. C. Ewards; 2d Tardy & Detraz
- Best cloak, Tardy & Detraz
- Best wash stand mat, Mrs. N. Jackson; 2d Mrs. C. C. Mallet
- Best pair lamp mats, Mrs. James Chandler; 2d Mrs. Calkins
- Best suit men’s clothing, made by lady, Amanda English; 2d Sarah Hizer
- Best shirt, Martha J. Clement; 2d Julietta Brickel
- Best ladies’ head dress, Tardy & Detraz
- Best silk dress, Tardy & Detraz
- Best silk bonnet, Tardy & Detraz
- Best velvet bonnet, Tardy & Detraz
- Best straw bonnet, Tardy & Detraz
- Best ladies’ cap, Tardy & Detraz
- Best ladies’ sunbonnet, Julietta Brickel; 2d Julietta Brickel
- Best home made flannel dress, Mrs. Olive Bradford; 2d Elizabeth Houze
- Best worsted dress, Tardy & Detraz
- Best calico dress, Julietta Brickel; 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best shell work, Mrs. Malvina Hyde
- Best bead work, Anna M. Griffith
- Best burr work, Miss Malvina Hyde; 2d Nancy Gould
- Best silk embroidery, Tardy & Detraz; 2d Mary McFadden
- Best linen embroidery, Mrs. John Moore
- Best cotton embroidery, Mrs. J. Fleming; 2d Mrs. S. Westcott
- Best suit ladies’ underclothing, Lucinda Dutch; 2d Miss Malvina Hyde
Class 29—No. 2—For Children under 12 Years
- Best work on perforated paper, Lily A. Fleming
- Best patchwork quilt, Julia McCulloch; 2d Miss Cunningham
- Best pair stockings, Juliet Works; 2d Miss Moore
- Best pair socks, O. L. Smith
- Best pin cushion, O. J. Oxley; 2d O. J. Oxley
Class 30—Domestic Manufactures.
- Best 5 yards tow linen, Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best 5 yards flax linen, Martha J. Clement
- Best 5 yards linen diaper, Mrs. E. Mendall; 2d Charlotte Works
- Best 5 yards jeans, Charlotte Works; 2d Mrs. Mary Buttles
- Best 5 yards white flannel, Sarah Hizer; 2d Mrs. S. Wescott
- Best 5 yards col’d flannel, Mrs. Mary Buttles; 2d Martha J. Clement
- Best 5 yards linen toweling, Martha J. Clement
- Best 5 yards barging, Matilda Lee
- Best 5 yards rag carpet, Charlotte Works; 2d Mrs. L. M. Oxley
- Best 5 yards girthing carpet, Mrs. A. Edgar
- Best 5 yards kersey, John Hill; 2d Mrs. Mary Buttles
- Best 5 yards linsey, Mrs. Mary Buttles; 2d Mrs. Elizabeth Cutter
- Best 5 yards plain linsey, Mrs. A. Wade; 2d Mrs. Nancy Lostutter
- Best 5 yards cotton and linen fabric, Mrs. Eliza Cutter; 2d Mrs. Mary Buttles
- Best pair wool blankets, Mrs. Mary Buttles; 2d Mrs. L. M. Oxley
- Best pair cotton and wool blankets, Mrs. Jacob Baker; 2d Mrs. S. Wescott
- Best single coverlet, Mrs. Mary Buttles; 2d Julietta Brickle
- Best pair wool stockings, Martha J. Clement; 2d Martha Scranton
- Best pair cotton stockings, Mrs. Caulkins
- Best pair wool socks, Mrs. S. J. Wisner; 2d Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best pair wool mittens, Mrs. Howard; 2d Miss Susan Baker
- Best pair wool mitts, Rosanna Bailey; 2d Mrs. Olivia Buttles
- Best knit comfort, Will M. Smith; 2d Mrs. Nancy Lostutter
- Best 5 lbs stocking yarn, Fannie Pocock
- Best flax sewing thread, Charlotte Works; 2d Matilda Lee
- Best pair suspenders, Hattie Melick; 2d Mary A. Smith
- Best pair linen sheets, Mrs. A. Wade; 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best pair linen tablecloths, Charlotte Works; 2d Martha J. Clements
- Best pair wool gloves, Lizzie Spaulding; 2d Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best pair linen stockings, Mrs. Eliza Cutter; 2d Mrs. John Moore
Class 31—Linen, Cotton and Woolen Fabric Made By Machinery.
- Best 10 yards satinett, S. Stow
- Best pair blankets, Susannah Wainscott; 2d Mrs. C. Stow
- Best 10 yards jeans, Mrs. Olive Bradford; 2d Fannie Pocock
Class 32—Leather Manufactures.
- Best side saddle and bridle, Juliet Works; 2d Matilda Morrison
Class 33—Flowers and Fine Arts.
- Best variety of flowers growing, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best Boquet, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d Mrs. R. L. Simmons
- Best variety of shrubbery, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d Mrs. R. L. Simmons
- Best display of Cacti, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d H. J. Cole
- Best collection dahlias, Mrs. B. L. Simmons; 2d Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Best collection roses, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d Mrs. John Moore
- Best single plant in bloom, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Best single plant not in bloom, Miss Margaret Gillespie; 2d Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Best hair flowers, Mrs. Stewart
- Best hair work, Rosanna Heath
- Best landscape painting, Miss Mary E. Sparks; 2d Miss Mary E. Sparks
- Best flower painting, Miss Mary E. Sparks
- Best oil painting, Miss Mary A. Dickason
- Best ambrotype, R. R. Houghton
- Best photograph, R. R. Houghton
- Best collection pictures, R. R. Houghton
- Best penmanship, by person between 13 and 21 years, Miss Mattie A. Sparks; 2d Miss Mary A Dickason
- Best penmanship by person under 13 years, Miss Sophia Dickason; 2d Maria C. Dickason
Class 34—Jellies, Picklees, Preserves and Canned Fruits.
- Best jar preserves, Sarah Hizer; 2d Eliza J. Goodner
- Best jar jelly, Eliza J. Goodner; 2d Mrs. E. P. Goddard
- Best collection jellies, Martha J. Clement; 2d Mrs. Bell Stewart
- Best jar fruit butter, Mrs. Lavina Wait
- Best collection canned fruit, L. M. Oxley; 2d Mrs. E. P. Goddard
- Best jar pickles, Sarah Hizer; 2d Lizzie Robertson
- Best collection pickles, Mrs. L. M. Oxley
- Best collection dried fruit, Mrs. M. J. Downey; 2d Mrs. C. C. Mallet
- Best 5 lbs June butter, Mrs. Lavina Wait; 2d Emily L. Smith
- Best 5 lbs September butter, Mrs. Mancy Lostutter; 2d Emily L. Smith
- Best 10 lbs cheese, George W. Potter; 2d Mrs. C. C. Mallet
- Bst 5 lbs maple sugar, Mrs. Jacob Baker; 2d Mrs. Jacob Baker
- Best maple molasses, Emily L. Smith
- Best 5 lbs strained honey, Martin Keeney
- Best 10 lbs honey in comb, Mrs. John Moore
- Best gallon sorghum, E. S. Cooper; 2d G. W. Potter
- Best loaf salt rising bread, Mary A. Carnine; 2d Jane Sutton
- Best loaf yeast bread, Mrs. David Scott; 2d Mrs. David Scott
- Best home made cake, Caroline Tinker; 2d Miss Lavina Wait
- Best home made pie, Miss Lavina Wait
- Best collection bread, cakes and pies, Mary McFadden
- Best 5 lbs lard, Mrs. Jacob Baker; 2d Miss L. Wait
- Best tomato catsup, Mrs. H. D. Tinker; 2d Mrs. Howard Stow
- Best cucumber catsup, Mrs. Howard Stow
Class 36—Fruits
- Best collection fruits, S. Stow
- Best collection apples, 12 varieties, S. Stow
- Best collection apples, 6 varieties, G. J. Downey; 2d Julietta Brickle
- Best collection pears, Nancy Robertson; 2d Wesley Fleming
- Best specimen peaches, U. H. Stow; 2d Mrs. Louisa McCartle
- Best quinces, George J. Downey; 2d Mrs. C. C. Mallet
- Best specimen grapes, H. D. Tinker; 2d J. R. S. Smith
- Best bushel apples, H. J. Cole
- Best doz tomatoes, U. H. Stow; 2d Mrs. S. Wescott
Class 37—Flour and Meal
- Best barrel flour, J. S. Haynes & Bro.
- Best 50 lbs rye flour, Jas. Brown; 2d Jas. Brown
- Best bushel corn meal, William Carnine; 2d J. S. Hayes & Bro.
Class 38—Wine, Cider and Vinegar.
- Best native grape wine, Lizzie Robertson; 2d S. Stow
- Best blackberry wine, Nancy Robertson
- Best elderberry wine, Nancy Robertson
- Best currant wine, Mrs. Emily L. Smith; 2d U. H. Stow
- Best apple cider, Wm. Goodner; 2d G. J. Downey
- Best cider vinegar, George McCulloch; 2d C. D. Bruner
- Best raspberry wine, Lizzie Robertson; 2d Nancy Robertson
- Best vinegar, other than cider, Howard Stow; 2d G. W. Potter
Class 39—Miscellaneous Articles on which No Premiums Had Been Offered.
- Boot crimper, McFarland & Richmond
- Maul, Wm. Barkis
- Mallet, Morton Barkis
- Husk basket, Lizzie Robertson
- Horse shoes, S. Rugsell
- Headblock & 5th wheel, Thos. Cloxton
- Floor clamp, E. A. Hall
- Inverting, Rosanna Bailey
- Edging, Rosanna Bailey
- Lace, Rosanna Bailey
- Roofing Bracket, Peter Richmond
- Breakfast shawl, Mrs. Mary A. Harris
- Door alarm, Wm. Goodnet
- Quilt, Mrs. Olive Bradford
- Men’s knit underclothing, Mrs. A. Edgar
- Ladies’ knit underclothing, Mrs. A. Edgar
- Shetland wool shawl, Mrs. Harvey Northcott
- Ladder, Marth Keeney
- Picture frame, Mrs. Caulkins
- Fig tree, Sewal R. Webb
- Rose insertion and edging, Anna C. Thompson
- Two pair pigeons, John Stewart
- Plaster paris frame, Mrs. Bell Stewart
- Window sash, S. Stow
- Step ladder, S. Stow
- Sterescope, Walter H. Wells
- Potatoe onions, Dixon Clement
- Man’s straw hat, Mrs. C. L. Stewart
- Door mat, Nancy Lostutter
- Selection school books, Miss Sarah J. Smith
- Shot gun, J. H. Banta
- Grain cradle, James Markland
- ½ dozen gourds, L. N. Oxley
- Bread mixing & kneading machine, D. Scott
- Pin cushion, Miss M. Hyde
- Soda fountain, Wm. Crowell
- Wheel jack, John Murphy
- Drail till, Branaham & Roe
- Spade, Wesley Tinker
- Child’s suit, Mrs. Goodner
- Lemon syrup, Wm. McFarland
- Mammoth gourd, Benjamin Dennis
Class 40—Equestraianism
- Best boy rider (under 12 years), Charles Butz; 2d Billy Dickason