Below is a list of Revolutionary War veterans from Dearborn County, Indiana. The list is from History of Dearborn County, Indiana. Indianapolis: B. F. Bowen & Company, 1915.
Given Name | Surname |
John | Able |
John | Baker |
Joseph | Barlow |
Charles | Bisbee |
John | Calhoun |
John | Campbell |
Isaac | Cannon |
Peter | Carbell |
Baylis | Cloud |
Charles | Cook |
John | Cooper |
John | Crandon |
John | Day |
John | DeMoss |
Zebulon | Dickinson |
John | Dixon |
Hugh | Dunn |
James | Dykman |
John | Elliott |
Jacob | Ellsbury |
Michael | Euler |
Jonas | Frazier |
John O | Gullion |
David | Hall |
David | Haney |
Joseph | Hannegan |
Joseph | Hayes |
William | Henderson |
Moses | Hendrickson |
Eli | Hill |
Thomas | Johnston |
Job | Judd |
William | Kerr |
Moses | Lacy |
Peter | Lawrence |
James | Leeds |
Moses | Lindley |
Daniel | Loder |
Samuel | Marsh |
George | Mason |
John | Mead |
William | Meserve |
Noah | Miller |
Ephraim | Morrison |
Jabez | Percival |
Zebulon | Pike |
David | Porter |
Henry | Rander |
Henry | Rayner |
David | Reamble |
Elijah | Rich |
Samuel | Richardson |
Robert | Ricket |
Daniel | Riddington |
Winthrop | Robinson |
Enoch | Sacket |
John | Sacket |
James | Scott |
John | Shaver |
Daniel | Shed |
John | Six |
James | Skeets |
William | Smithers |
Ezra | Stanson |
Samuel | Stone |
Jacob | Taylor |
Jacob | Toothman |
Gideon | Towers |
Benjamin | Walker |
Timonty | Ward |
Isaac | Way |
Daniel | Welch |
Samuel | Whetstone |
William | White |
Robert | Wright |