Allowances from the September 1882 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 9 Nov 1882 – Page 4, Column 4
Made by the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Ind., at their Sept. session, 1882, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county.
Poor of Lawrenceburgh Township.
- B P Heustis, rent for Jos Cooper
- Walter Fitch, rent for Mrs. J Smith
- H R Helmuth, groceries for Mrs. Williamson
- A Schneider, shoes for Mrs. Gradon
- E Gilland, rent for Mrs. Andy Williamson
- Nicholas Gillig, rent for Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Knorr
- Martin Johann, rent, Mrs. Junker
- S Strasburger, dry goods for Nancy Jones, Freddie Kirsch
- Sparks Bros., groceries for Mrs. Howard, for small pox patients
- Eneas Barrott, rent for Mrs. McCright
- Warren Tebbs, rent for Mrs. Williams
- Mrs. Chris Scherger, rent for —
- George Meyer, rent for Louisa Schmidt
- Jacob Anderson, rent for Mrs. Kaiffer
- Charles Elder, rent for Alice Holden
- John Huth, rent for Eva West
- J M Palmer, meals for transient paupers
- John B Garnier, rent for Hugh Sterling
- Geroge Husehart, rent for Sarah Bennett
- Hannah Marshall, rent for Mrs. Junker
- Drury Northern, rent for Mrs. M. Howard, Mrs. Roberts
- Geo Schnidler, groceries for Mrs. Schultz
- Tebbs Bros., groceries for Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Carter
- Isaac Hayes, rent for Jane Howard
- Geo Schleicher, groceries for S A Martin
- Julius Currus, groceries for Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Stressing, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Emma Clark, Mrs. Junker
- Charles Israel, groceries for Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Tilford, Mrs. Beach
- G Genner, coal for Mrs. Doran, Mrs. Knorr, Mrs. Bruce
- Mrs. Nancy Jones, for case of Sebastian Green
- W H Burk, groceries for Mrs. Farrell, Geo Harper, Mrs. R Cooper, Mrs. Duran, Mrs. McAdams
- Mary Stack, regular allowance
Poor of Center Towship.
- J M Wheeler, groceries for George Hopping
- Dr. F Rectanus, cash paid on account of poor, overseeing poor
- Herdegen & Kress, groceries for Elizabeth Walker, W Powell, Mrs. Smith, John Peters, Miss V Sickles
- Simon Siemantel, groceries Mrs. Watkins, Wm McCartney, Mrs. Wooley
- F Recktanus, cash paid for transient poor
- C Goldsmith & Bro., clothing for Joseph Peters
- G W Taylor, transportation for paupers
- McConnell & McAvay, clothing and dry goods for poor
- Chas Fehling, groceries for Mrs. Hauck, Mrs. Schipper, Mrs. Readen, Mr. Lumley
- J L & F J Giegoldt, meat for poor
- P Kastner, groceries for Adam Senger, Mrs. Gray
- A Bloom, groceries for Mrs. Blasdell, H A Moran
- John A Nees, groceries for Mrs. E Paulner, meals for transient poor, meals for Chas Greener
- Frank Housomeir, groceries for John Goodpasture
- P Dobel, groceries for Wm Brown, Mrs. Bowler, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Drew
- P Kohler, groceries for Mrs. Randall, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Wanke
- Fred Krete, groceries for Mrs. Martin Kerrigan, Mrs. Snetzer, Mrs. Sieber
- O P Cobb, groceries for Mrs. Garrison
- Margaret Pelger, groceries for Mrs. Wenzel, Mrs. Acre, Mrs. Sallie Rhea, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Winscott, Mrs. Mitchell
- Herman Rabe, groceries for John Melson, Mr. Hudson, Mrs. Weishorn
- Thos Wright, groceries for Mrs. Shank
- F Opperman, groceries for Thos Hughs, Mrs. Mahoney, Kate Welsh, Martin Kerrigan
- Fred Mantel, coffin for Mrs. Robinson, infant Koch, infant Farrell, infant Tone
- J C Green, groceries for F Swertzferger, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Carpenter
- W W Brison, transportation of paupers
- Robert Maybiun, groceries for Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Kerrigan
- B Margalith & Son, groceries for Maria Cook, Henry Bittner
- Chambers, Stevens & Co., groceries for Mrs. Bussell, Mrs. Smith, Miss Teaney, Mrs. Videto, Mrs. Jehn, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Powell
- Mrs. A Earl, groceries for Mrs. Ross
- Tebbs, Brogan & Co., groceries for Mrs. Cofield, Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Theegee
- F A York, transportation for pauper
- Randall & Carter, groceries for Mrs. Kerrigan
- John Full, house rent for Mrs. Ross
- John Ryan, house rent for Mrs. Bolar
- M R Lukens, house rent for John Tanny
- Henry Woods, goods for poor
- Lucinda Acre, regular allowance
- Mrs. A Rumsey, care of Kate Murphey
Poor of Jackson Township.
- R Choirsll, groceries for Mrs. McDermott
Poor of Manchester Township.
- W F Crocker, groceries for Mrs. Laiborn
- D G Devore, groceries for Fred Briggs
Poor of York Township.
- M Ridinger, cash paid for coffin
- C W Robertson, burial clothes for pauper
- A Schott, for burying pauper
- Rosa Ridinger, regular allowance
- Simeon Miller, regular allowance
- Louis Faucett, regular allowance
Poor of Clay Township.
- James Sheperd, regular allowance
- Conway & Nester, groceries for Evelina Borders
- Emily Walker, for Milk for Minnie Love
- J C Vandolah, groceries for Thos. Acre, Minnie Love, Hannah McFarland, Mrs. Peasley; shoes for J Fleming
- Fred Tholke, groceries for Elizabeth Evan
- C Zegenbein, groceries for poor
- W W Withrow, groceries for Mary Johnson, Hannah Evan, Fannie Leason
- Ralph Smith, for case of Higgins children
- Jane Sheperd, regular allowance
Poor of Kelso Township.
- Dr. E M Ratcliffe, medical treatment of F [?]
- P Weis, flour and meal and groceries for M Mathias
- Caroline Schmit, regular allowance
- John George Witt, blind allowance
Poor of Logan Township.
- Jas O McCracken, groceries for L Larr
- Fagly & Brown, groceries for Mrs. Ward
Poor of Sparta Township.
- Jennings & Noble, groceries for Alice Vinson
- H D Moore, groceries &c. for Isaac Davis
- F Horman, groceries for John Border
- F Slater, groceries for Henry Meyers
- Ellen Mack, regular allowance
Poor of Miller Township.
- Jacob Sefton, care of insane wife
Exp. County Revenue.
- Francis Lang Est., am’t due on collections as per Sup. Court
- W H Kyle, same
- Chas Lods, same
- L W Cobb, printing as per order
- Hunter & O’Brien, printing as per order
- J E Larimer
Books and Stationery.
- M Keiffer, as per order
- Hunter & O’Brien
- W B Burford
- Levy Bros.
New County Asylum.
- W F Cook, for galvanized iron chimney tops and drain tile
- Henry Stenger, Supt. New building
- Edward Greenham, labor
- Douglas Greenham, labor
- Alex B Pattison, services as architect
Specific Allowances.
- D H Miller, livery hire
- Warren Tebbs, postage and expressage
- W H Kyle, postage and expressage for Treasurer and Auditor
- M Ridinger, work and material on Guilford Bridge
- Jos Tittel, work and material on Wilson and Tanner’s Creek Bridges
County Sup’t.
- H B Hill, bill for services
Officer’s Salaries.
- W H Kyle, Treasurer
- Alex B Pattison, Auditor
- Garret Bosse, Commissioner
- Chas Lods, Commissioner
- Abram Briggs, Commissioner
- H Bulthaup, Commissioner
Expense County Asylum.
- J V Niecolli, tile for building for insane
- Phoebe Getta, labor at Co. Asylum
- Lewis Hoff, labor at Co. Asylum
- Geo Ruble, labor at Co. Asylum
- Lizzie Manlief, labor Co. Asylum
- Thos Duncan, salary and cash paid out
- Andrew Bates & Co., groceries
- Fluch Bros., groceries
- Geo Hall, beef
- David Perlee, blacksmithing
- Manchester Turnpike Co., toll
- Jacob Gettel, mending shoes
- Sebastian Greenham, hauling coal
- J W Roberts, harness
- Douglass Greenham, digging ditches
- Peter Perle, hauling
- W H Kyle, cash paid for bone dust
- McAlpine, Pope & Co., dry goods
- Chris Oelker, coffins
- I Crist & Son, hardware
- W F Crocker, merchandise
- John Sims, Sheriff, boarding prisoners
Roads and Highways.
- John C Sims, serving notices
- Geo C Columbia, recording notices
- Conrad Smith, land for road purposes
- Eva Delacroix, land for roads
- John Delacroix, land for roads
- John Foudong, land for roads
- D W Lake, land for roads
- Wm Hopper, land for roads
- Wm B Cox, land for roads
- P McAvan, land for roads
- Julia Kremer, land for roads.
Public Buildings.
- Francis Lang est., bbl. Coal oil for jail
- A D Cook, rubber hose for Court House and work on jail
- W F Cook, hardware for jail
- Sparks Bros., brooms for Court House and jail
- Lawrenceburgh Gas Co., gas for public building
- B P Heustis, straw for jail
- Tebbs Bros., soap
- W Tebbs, arranging and selecting old papers in Clerk’s office
- S Strasburger, merchandise
- George Beckenholdt & Co., coal for public buildings