Category Archives: Switzerland County Court Records

Switzerland County Court Packets – Part 3

Documents created by the courts or presented to the courts as evidence can be found in the court packets. FamilySearch has digitized the Switzerland County, Indiana packets.

The digitized civil cases include civil, criminal, probate, and divorce cases, naturalizations, military records, and more.

Images are available for free on FamilySearch Images.

See Switzerland County Court Packets for additional indexes and frequently asked questions.

See Switzerland County Court Records and Probate Records for more records.

Switzerland County Court Packets – Part 2

Documents created by the courts or presented to the courts as evidence can be found in the court packets. FamilySearch has digitized the Switzerland County, Indiana packets.

The digitized civil cases include civil, criminal, probate, and divorce cases, naturalizations, military records, and more.

Images are available for free on FamilySearch Images.

See Switzerland County Court Packets for additional indexes and frequently asked questions.

See Switzerland County Court Records and Probate Records for more records.

Switzerland County Circuit Court Complete Record Book Index 1816-1832

The following is an index of Switzerland County, Indiana Circuit Court Complete Record Books, covering 1816-1832.

Additional details on cases may also be found in the Circuit Court Order Books and in loose papers complied in Circuit Court packets.

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests Page.

Switzerland County Divorce Packets – Part 1

Documents created by the courts or presented to the courts as evidence can be found in the court packets.

Divorce files can also be found in the court packets and probate packets.

Images are on FamilySearch with a free account in the collection: Switzerland County, divorce records, 1823-1950. A detailed guide for using the index to locate the images is available.

Documents have been unfolded and flattened inside file folders by FamilySearch. The images for each packet will typically begin and end with an image of a file folder or envelope. Make sure to scroll forward and backwards in the image sets to locate the beginning and end of each packet. Some packets contain multiple cases.

See Switzerland County Court Packets for additional indexes and frequently asked questions.

See Switzerland County Court Records and Probate Records for more records.

Switzerland County Court Packets – Part 1

Documents created by the courts or presented to the courts as evidence can be found in the court packets.

The digitized civil cases include civil, criminal, probate, and divorce cases, naturalizations, military records, and more.

Images are on FamilySearch with a free account in the collection: Switzerland County, civil case files, 1823-1900. A detailed guide for using the index to locate the images is available.

Documents have been unfolded and flattened inside file folders by FamilySearch. The images for each packet will typically begin and end with an image of a file folder or envelope. Make sure to scroll forward and backwards in the image sets to locate the beginning and end of each packet. Some packets contain multiple cases.

See Switzerland County Court Packets for additional indexes and frequently asked questions.

See Switzerland County Court Records and Probate Records for more records.

Researching at the Switzerland County Courthouse

I spent an October 2016 morning at the Switzerland County Courthouse researching my family. I brought a list of records to search for including my ancestor’s will that was missing from the FHL microfilm, circuit court order book pages missing from the FHL microfilms (obviously whoever microfilmed Switzerland County records had problems turning pages), and probate packets of my ancestors’ estates. Plus I just wanted to explore what genealogically relevant materials were available for future research trips.

The Switzerland County, Indiana Courthouse is located at 212 West Main Street in Vevay, Indiana. The courthouse is currently open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Parking is free on the surrounding streets.

When I arrived, I checked in at the recorder’s office located in the back of the building on the left, if you enter from Main Street. Deed books and their indexes are located in the vault in the Recorder’s office.

One of the employees in the Recorder’s office unlocked the genealogy room in the basement for me. The genealogy room contains the probate books, court books, marriage books, mortgage books, tax books, insanity records, and much more.

Loose papers for probates, court cases, marriage returns, and more are located in filing cabinets organized by the first letter of the first surname mentioned. So if you are searching for a court case, you’ll may need to search through multiple letters to find which individual the packet is filed under. These packets are not organized by type or date. Additional packets are unsorted in other filing cabinets.

I had hoped to pull and copy a number of probate packets during my research trip. Because the packets are minimally organized, it took much longer than I had anticipated to find what I wanted. Instead of searching just the probate packets by year, I had to search through all of the drawers (between 1 and 8 drawers for each letter) and through all of the probates, court cases, and other packets for the beginning letter of each surname. The positive is that I was able to find records that I did not previously know about, including a few court cases that involved my ancestors and the arrest warrant of my great grandfather (he drove an overloaded truck over a muddy road and got in trouble, not super criminal, but still interesting).

There are two tables in the genealogy room that makes it easy to pull records and review them. A copy machine is also available. Copies are $1 each. Alternatively, you can bring a digital camera or use your smartphone to take photos of records for free. Computers and other electronic devices are allowed.

Switzerland County Circuit Court Rules – 1845

In April 1845, the Switzerland County, Indiana Circuit Court wrote down the rules for how the court would function. They also wrote down their rules for Probate Court in 1833.

The following is a transcription from:
Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book L, p. 401-4, April 1845.

April Term 1845

The Court now here order that the following rules of Practice be entered of record, and that the same be observed in this court,

Admission of Attornies &C.

1st. When application is made for admission to the bar of this Court, the applicant shall furnish the court with a certificate of his good moral character, and satisfactory proof that he is twenty one years of age, and a citizen of the United States.

2d. The President Judge will then examine the applicant or appoint three members of the bar as examiners, who shall examine the applicant, and on the filing of a written report by the majority of the examiners favorable to the applicant, his Commissioner will be signed by the President Judge.

3d. No Attorney of this Court shall be received as bail or surety in any cause in Court, unless as security for non resident parties.


4th. Motions may be made immediately after the orders of the preceding day an[d] read and signed, and the opinions of the Court delivered in; but at no other time, unless in Cases of necessity, or in relation to a cause when called in course.

5th. Motions are to be made by the Counsel in the order in which their names stand on the roll; but no one is to make more than one motion at a time.

6th. When a motion is founded on a matter of fact, which is not admitted nor apparent on the record, it must be supported by affidavit.

7th. All motions for new trials, or in arrest of Judgment, must be made, and a statement in writing of the points in which the motion is founded, filed with the clerk the same or succeeding day after the verdict of the Jury shall be given; unless further time shall be granted by the Court.

8th. All motions to set aside proceedings for irregularity, to set aside non-suits, to make entries in Journal, nune pro tune; or for amending Journal, to set aside awards, or for attachments, shall be made in writing, setting forth the grounds of such motion, and filed, and when the proceeding is not in its nature exparte, the opposite party or his counsel shall have twenty-four hours notice.

9th. Upon motions founded upon affidavit for a continuance of a cause, no argument shall be heard in support of it (unless specially requested by the Court) and but one Counsel against it.

10th. The party making a motion, or an objection in the nature of a motion, will be heard in argument by one Counsel. If the Court do not thereupon overrule the motion or objection, the opposite party will be heard by one Counsel, and the mover or objector will be heard in reply; the discussion is then at an End.


11th. On motion for a Continuance, no Contradictory, supplemental, or amended affidavit shall be permitted.

12th. Notice to take depositions in term time, shall not be considered reasonable notice.

13th. In all cases in law or Equity, where there has been one or more depositions taken and filed, either party shall have a right to have the deposition or depositions published, without prejudice, at any time before the case shall be set down for a final hearing in chancery, or the Jury is sworn in suits at law.

Bills of Particulars.

14th. If a bill of particulars be demanded, or oyer craved of any writing obligatory, or inspection of a note asked, the party demanding the same shall have as long to file his pleadings after the same shall have been furnished, as he would be entitled to, at the entering of the rule.


15th. No Rule to Join in demurrer shall be necessary; but on demurrer being put in, the opposite party shall join instanter.

Proof of Notice.

16th. Proof of publications required by law, and of notices shall in all cases be by affidavit, with a copy of the publications or notice attached—all of which shall be filed with the clerk.

Bills of Exceptions.

17th. When parties except to any order, opinion, or Judgment of the Court, a memorandum in writing of the particular order, opinion, or Judgment excepted to, shall be made by the Counsel excepting, at the time the order is made, or opinion, or Judgment pronounced, and delivered to the Court immediately.

Clerk’s Files.

18th. No papers or records filed in Court, or in the Clerk’s office, shall be taken therefrom, except by a member of the Court, unless the Clerk shall take a receipt for the same; and each party may have a copy of any paper, or of his adversary’s pleadings, the expense of which may be taxed in the bill of costs. During the trial of a cause, the parties shall be equally entitled to the use of the papers on file.

19th. No paper shall be received on file in a cause, until the title of the Cause, the number of the Case to which it belongs, and the Character of the paper, be endorsed thereon.


20th. The names of the parties must be entered on the record, and on the dockets of the Court and Clerk without abbreviation, unless the names exceed five.

21st. The causes on the Docket at any term must be numbered, and when referred to, the number must make a part of such reference.

22nd. In Criminal Causes, the substance of the Sheriff’s return must be entered on the Docket of the Court and Clerk, together with the names of the recognizers, if any there be; and the Sheriff shall file all process served three days before term.

23rd. In Civil Causes, the substance of the Sheriff’s return upon Original process, and the date of the service, must be entered upon the docket of the Court and Clerk, after the manner prescribed in the foregoing rule.


24th. In the trial of Causes, but one Counsel on each side shall be permitted to examine or cross examine the same witness; and no witness once dismissed from the stand, shall again be called, until the other testimony is gone through, except at the request of a Juror, or by permission of the Court.

25th. Upon a final hearing, each party will be heard by two Counsel only, unless leave of the Court, which may never be asked for, except in a case of importance and difficulty; the party upon whom the onus lies, is entitled to open and close the argument.


26th. No cause will be delayed by reason of the absence of Counsel, unless on good cause shewn.

27th. Judgment by Confession may be entered up at any time during the term by the Clerk, without application to the Court; the Warrant of attorney, when the confession is by attorney being filed with an affidavit of a disinterested person, of the execution of the warrant.

28th. Agreements of parties in reference to a cause when Entered on record, will be enforced, or if in writing signed by the parties. Agreements not disclosed by a plea, or proved as above, may never be mentioned in argument, or brought into discussion.

29th. Witnesses may be called at the door, from a written list to be furnished by the party desiring them to be called. A party may array his own witnesses, but if he desires them to be called, he must be prepared to furnish the list aforesaid.

30th. When the Sheriff calls witnesses he must promptly announce the names of those who do, and of those who do not answer. Parties are to be called at the Bar, unless otherwise ordered.


31st. Bills, pleas, answers, and special replications, or responses in Chancery, must have a left hand margin not less than one inch widw, and the pages and lines must be numbered. References thereto, by exception or otherwise must note the pages, and lines containing the matter referred to.

32d. No litigated Chancery Causes will be received on Submission, either with, or without argument, until the parties furnish the Court with an abstract—of facts charged and admitted, or not well denied—of facts aversed in Avoidance—of facts proved, with references to the proofs, establishing the same—of evidence counteracting the evidence of party upon whom the onus lies, with references as aforesaid—each party show by his abstract, that which it behooves him to show. One party furnishing such abstract is entitled to a reasonable rule against the opposite party, to furnish the same on his part in order to submission.

33d. Exceptions to a Master’s report must be made in writing, on or before the first calling of the Cause after the report is filed, unless further time be granted by the Court.

34th. Exceptions to a Master’s report must particularly point out such parts of the report as are excepted to, or the parts not so excepted to, will be taken as admitted.

35th. If the Court is dissatisfied with the master’s report it may Refer it back to the Master with special directions.

Will and Dolly, persons of color, vs. James Jones Jr.

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Complete Record Book 1816-1818, p. 68-73, Will vs. James Jones Jr., October 1816; FHL digital film 7834321.

Will alias William & Dolly his wife persons of colour vs. James Jones Junior} Pleas in the Switzerland Circuit Court held at Vevay in and for the county of Switzerland, before the Honorable Jesse H. Holman President and Circuit Judge and William Cotton and James McClure, Esquires Associate Judges of said Court of the Term of October in the  year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and Sixteen,
John Francis Dufour, Clerk.

Switzerland County SS: Be it remembered, that heretofore, towit previous to the March Term of this Court in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and sixteen, the following papers were transmitted to and received at the Clerks office of this said Court, on a [change] of venue from the Franklin Circuit Court in and for the County of Franklin and the Indiana Territory—towit,

Indiana Territory, Switzerland County} The United State, to the Sheriff of said County: Greeting:

You are hereby commanded to taken into your custody the body of James Jones Junior, if he is to be found in your Bailwick and safely keep, so that you have his body before the Judges of our Franklin Circuit Court, at their Term to be holden at the Court house in and for the County of Franklin, on the 2nd Monday in March next, to answer unto Will a man of colour and Dolly his wife a woman of colour in a plea of trespass Assault and Battery & false imprisonment damage two thousand Dollars, and have then there this writ

Witness John R. Beatty, Clerk of said Court this 7th day of February in the year of our Lord, 1815.
[signed] John R. Beaty C. F. C. C. [Clerk, Franklin County Circuit Court]

Indiana Territory, Franklin County} Sct. I, Benjamin Smith one of the associate Judges of the Franklin Circuit Court, in and for the County of Franklin, Indiana Territory doth hereby order That Dolly a person of Colour shall be allowed to bring suit for her freedom in forma pauperis against James Jones Junior on the service of a cop of this order by the Sheriff of the county aforesaid, do give bond & security to the Sheriff by him to be approved, that he will not remove the said Slave Dolly without the Jurisdiction of this court, during the pendency of this suit, under the penalty of one thousand Dollars and that he will suffer of said Dolly to attend to the preparation and trial of suit, and visit her counsel when necessary, or in case of failing to give such bond and security that the Sheriff do take the said Slave into his possession and hire her out for the best price and in the best manner, he can within this County; and that he reserve the said hire, subject to the order of the Circuit Court for Franklin County and I do further order, and direct the Clerk of the Court aforesaid, to issue a capias in the cause aforesaid, and a copy of this order to accompany the same immediately. And I do further assign to the said Dolly Amos Lane, John Test and James Noble Esquires as her counsel for the prosecution of the suit aforesaid.

The said Dolly upon making application to me did comply with the third section of the act entitled “an act providing a mean and help and speed poor persons in their suits.” February 7th 1815.

[signed] Benjn. Smith {Seal}

Memorandum endorsed on the aforesaid was as follows, to wit

This action is trespass Assault & Battery and false imprisonment and bail is required as per special order accompanying the wit—

[signed] Lane, Noble & Test atts for plff.

And afterwards, to wit, on the second Monday in March in the year aforesaid on the [?] day of the aforesaid writ came the Sheriff of Franklin County by his deputy and returned the aforesaid writ to the Judges of the Franklin Circuit Court as appears by the endorsement in the words following, to wit

Cepi Corpus Jonathan McCarty deputy Sheriff of F. C. I Jonathan McCarty that the within named defendant refused to give a bond and security as per special order of Judge Whiteworth herewith accompanying.

[signed] Jonathan McCarty, Depy Shff F. C.

Indiana Territory, Franklin County} SS. In the Circuit Court of Franklin County

Will alias William a man of colour and Dolly his wife a woman of colour complain of James Jones Junior in custody &c. of a plea of trespass assault and Battery and false imprisonment. For that whereas the said James on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen in the county aforesaid, and within the Jurisdiction of this Court with force and arms, in and upon the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William then and there did beat, wound, bruise and evilly intreat and her the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William there and there did imprison and confine for a long time, to wit, for the space of thirty days, so that her life was greatly dispained of and others wrongs to the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William then and there did against the peace and dignity of the United States and this their Territory of Indiana and so the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William say they are injured and have sustained Damages to the amount of two thousand dollars and therefore they bring suit &c.

[signed] Lane, Test & Noble, atts for Plffs

Pledges &c} John Doe, Rich Roe

And afterwards, to wit, at the November rules of this Switzerland Circuit Court, held at the clerks office in Vevay in said County of Switzerland before the Clerk of said Court on the first Monday in November in the year eighteen hundred and fifteen came the plaintiffs by their attornies and entered a rule for the defendant to appear and plead to their declaration on file in this cause on or before the next December rules, to be held at the clerks office aforesaid on the first Monday in December there next following or Judgement by default and the cause was continued &c.

And afterwards, towit, at the December rules of this court held at the clerks office in Vevay aforesaid, before Clerk of this Court on the first Monday in December in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and fifteen until which time this cause was continued, came the plaintiffs by their attornies and the defendants being solemnly called came not, and the clerk thereupon on motion of the plaintiffs by their attornies, entered the defendants default by Judgment for want of a plea to the declaration aforesaid, & the Cause was continued until the Term of this Court to be held at Vevay in and for the County of Switzerland on the twenty fifth day of March eighteen hundred and sixteen.

At which day, to wit, on the twenty sixth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen at the March Term of the Switzerland Circuit Court aforesaid held at Vevay aforesaid before the Judges thereof until which time this suit had been continued came the parties aforesaid by their attornies and with their assent the Judgment by default heretofore rendered in the Clerks office this Court in this Cause was set aside and the defendant thereupon by his attorney filed a plea of the general issue as also a plea of Justification—in the words and figures following, to wit-

And the said James Jones by his attorney comes and defends &c. when &c. and as to the force and arms &c. and whatever is against the peace and as to the bruising and wounding &c. in the said declaration mentioned the said James Jones says he is not guilty thereof and of this he puts himself upon the Country. J. Dill atty.

And for further and second plea in the behalf agreeably to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided as to the residue of the said supposed Trespass Assault & Battery false imprisonment &c. by the plaintiff aforesaid against the said James Jones alledged he says that the said plaintiff her action, aforesaid, out not to have or maintain because he says that the said Dolly wife of the said Will alias William at the time when the said supposed Trespass &c. Assault & false imprisonment is alledged to have been committed and long before, to wit, the 23rd day of April 1808 – one James Jones Junior the said defendant did for the sum of one thousand dollars purchase of one Joshua Brown to whom the said Dolly was then a Slave – the services and time of the said Dolly together with Bill alias Will her husband, as he lawfully might do And the said defendant saith that the said James Jones father of the defendant removed with the said Dolly to the County of Dearborn in the Indiana Territory on the fifteenth day of May 1808 – at which time towit on the said 15th day of May 1808 – at the County of Dearborn in the Indiana Territory the said Dolly wife of the said Will the plaintiff aforesaid for and in consideration that the aforesaid James Jones father of the said Defendant had paid laid out and expended, for the use of the said Dolly and her husband the aforesaid Bill alias William and their family the aforesaid sum of one thousand dollars she the said Dolly did of her own voluntary will, act and consent bind and place herself as an apprentice or servant to the James Jones Senr. for the space or term of seventeen years from the said 15th day of May 1808 agreeably to the provisions of a Law of the Indiana Territory passed and approved the 17th day of September 1807 before the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Dearborn County Indiana Territory as follows, towit, also Dolly a black woman aged near twenty three years agrees with her said Master James Jones to serve him seventeen years from the date 15th day of May 1808 before me Samuel C. Vance Clk. Com. Pleas – Which time of service of apprenticeship was on the [blank] day of December 1814 Transferred to the said Defendant by the said James Jones the said defendant’s Father and which said Term of service or apprenticeship of the said Dolly wife of the said William alias Will was on the 2nd day of February the day of the date of issuing the said writ of her the said Dolly and yet is unexpired and because the unexpired Term of Service of her the said Dolly was by the aforesaid James Jones defendant’s father transferred to the said Defendant. And was on the said second day of February 1815 and yet is unexpired he the said Defendant did take and restrain the said Dolly the plaintiff aforesaid as an apprentice, aforesaid, without that, that the said defendant in any other manner or way took, restrained or exercised, control over or assaulted the said Dolly as he the said Defendant lawfully might do, which is the same residue of the said supposed trespass, assault & Battery, wounding & false imprisonment aforesaid by the said plaintiff alledged & this he is read to verify wherefore he prays Judgment of the said plaintiff her action ought to have or maintain &c.

[signed] J. Dill, atty.

And afterwards, to wit, on the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixteen aforesaid, came the plaintiff into Court and had this suit placed at the foot of the Docket.

And afterwards, to wit on the twenty eighth day of March of the same mount & year aforesaid, before the Court came the parties aforesaid by their attornies and with their assent this cause is continued until the next Term of Court.

And afterwards, to wit, at the next Term of this Court held at Vevay in and for the County of Switzerland aforesaid before the Judges thereof, on the twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen until which time this cause was continued, came the parties aforesaid by their attornies and with their assent this cause was continued until the next Term of this Court.

And afterwards This day to wit, on Monday the twenty eighth day of October of this same Term in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and sixteen before the Court aforesaid came the parities aforesaid by their attornies and by consent of both parties this cause is dismissed at the Defendants costs as per agreement now on the files of this Court. It is therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiffs aforesaid recover of James Jones Junior the defendant aforesaid their costs by them about this suit in this behalf expended and the said defendant in mercy &c.

Switzerland County Circuit Court Order Book S

The following is an index of Switzerland County, Indiana Circuit Court Order Book S. This book covers the second part of the second part of the May 1871 Term through the November 1872 Term.

This book was viewed on FHL microfilm 2440146.

Order books detail the daily business brought before the court. Additional details on cases may also be found in the Circuit Court Complete Record Books and in loose papers complied in Circuit Court packets.

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests Page. Abstracts are available in Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book Abstracts, 1869-1872 | Paperback | PDF ebook

Switzerland County Circuit Court Order Book R

The following is an index of Switzerland County, Indiana Circuit Court Order Book R. This book covers the second part of the second part of the May 1869 Term through the first part of the May 1871 Term.

This book was viewed on FHL microfilm 2440146.

Order books detail the daily business brought before the court. Additional details on cases may also be found in the Circuit Court Complete Record Books and in loose papers complied in Circuit Court packets.

Digital copies are available through the Record Requests Page. Abstracts are available in Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court Order Book Abstracts, 1869-1872 | Paperback | PDF ebook