Category Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County, Indiana genealogy resources

Vevay High School Graduation – 1898

Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 5 May 1898 – Page 4, Column 3

Vevay High School Commencement.

The thirty-second commencement exercises of the Vevay High School were held Friday night, April 29, at Metropolitan Hall, which was filled with relatives and friends to witness the last lesson of the four young ladies and two young gentlemen, who bid adieu that night to the school duties of Vevay High School.

The stage was tastefully decorated in the class colors, red and white, and blooming plants. The class motto, “Truth Shall Conquer,” in red letters on a white ground was arranged in the center of the background.

The class was one of the smallest that has graduated from this school, but one of the brightest, the orations showing originality and much preparation. Where all did so well it would not do to discriminate in favor of any particular one.

The music was furnished by the Vevay Orchestra. The ushers were Misses Carrie Brown, Edna Kincaid, Grace Shaw, Zella Jain and Messrs. Walter Baird, George Scott, Howard Cole and Earnest Griffith. The invocation was by Rev. J. Murray Taylor.

The following are the graduates and their subjects:

If we Knew, Miss Edith May Golay; We Build the Ladder We Climb, Miss Luella Brindley; Our Country—Its Possibilities, Mr. Harry B. Dupraz; Face the Foe, Miss Olive Marie Dufour; Problem of Invention, Mr. William Henry Spivey; In gathering Roses lookout for the Thorns, Miss Emma Frances Kemp.

Rev. W. E. Morris skillfully conferred the diplomas.

Superintendent Amie Trafelet and Prof. E. P. Danglade, Principal, have every reason to be proud of the class of 1898.

Rev. R. A. Kemp dismissed the audience.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Mar 1898

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 3 Mar 1898 – Page 4, Column 1

Circuit Court.
Perry E. Bear, Judge; Clarence J. Roberts, Prosecuting Atty; L. E. Smith, Deputy.


Guardianship of the heirs of Eben and Lucy Gray; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of the heirs of Angeline Thiebaud; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of Lewis and Emma Detraz; final report as to Lewis and partial report as to Emma. Approved.

Guardianship of Edna and Theo Scott; partial report. Approved.

Estate of John W. Banta, deceased; final report. Approved.

Estate of Brown & Cunningham, assigned; final report. Approved.

Estate of Nancy M. Dyer, deceased; final report. Approved.



Eugene Scudder et al vs. John W. Scudder et al; report of sale of real estate by Commissioner. Approved.

State vs. Irvin Peters; appeal. Nullied.

State vs. Ab. Houze; heavy hauling on public roads. Plea of guilty; fine $5 and costs.

State vs. John B. Moore; assault and battery. Plea of guilty; fine $1 and costs.

C. A. Bridges & Co. vs. Oliver S. Clendening and Joseph E. Hart; on note. Judgment for plaintiff.

Sophia Tinker et al vs. John M. Tinker and Lewis C. Tinker; partition. Ordered.

Lillie C. Stoops vs. Ulyses P. Stoops; divorce. Granted and plaintiff given custody of children and $500 alimony.

Samuel Stoops vs. George Stoops et al; partition. Report of Commissioners approved.

Court will resume next Monday.

Vevay Reveille – 17 Mar 1898 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court.
Perry E. Bear, Judge; Clarence J. Roberts, Prosecuting Atty; L. E. Smith, Dep.


Guardianship of Charles Blodgett et al, Robert Sharp, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the minor heirs of Henry Lock, deceased, Philip I. Lock, Guardianship; final report. Approved.

Thomas Carver, Admin., vs. Nancy Platt et al; report of collection of purchase money. Approved.

Estate of Merit R. Aldrich, deceased, Elizabeth Aldrich, Admrx.; final report. Approved.

Estate of Mary White, deceased, Francis M. Griffith, Admr.; final report. Approved.

Estate of Charlotte Schmeid, deceased, Thomas Carver, Admr.; final report. Approved.

Estate of Thomas F. McCreary, deceased, Wm. H. Scott, Admr.; final report. Approved.

Estate of Sarah A. Long, deceased, Wm. S. Kincaid, Admr.; final report. Approved.

Guardianship of Frankie L. Stucy et al, Barbara Stucy, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the Guardianship of David Leap, Jos. B. Ramseyer, Guardian; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Lewis Schroder, deceased. Wm. Tait, Admr.; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the last Will of Serena Schroder, deceased, Wm. Tait, Admr.; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the last Will of Jennie Schroeder, deceased, Wm. Tait, Admr.; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Wm. Butcher, deceased, Hozier J. Harris, Admr.; petition to sell personal property at private sale. Sale ordered.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1898

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1898 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 10 Mar 1898 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • C. J. Ryan to Thaddeus D. Ryan
  • Edward C. Shull and wife to Clarence T. Dean
  • Susie and Charles Park to Benj. H. North
  • P. R. Lostutter and wife to Fredrick Aschermad
  • Wm. H. Brett and Lucy E. Brett to Wm. H. Brett, Jr., and Frank Brett
  • John Stewart to Darius Stevens
  • Olive Cowan et al to Malcomb Cowan
  • Malcomb Cowan et al to Oliver Cowan
  • William Mercer to William N. Mercer
  • Montgomery Patton and wife to Amie Golay
  • Joseph Stoops and wife to John Stoops
  • Flora Clevenger and husband to Benj. H. North
  • Rosia B. Pickett to Benj. H. North
  • Theophilus Markland and wife to Benj. H. North
  • Benj. H. North and wife to Emily Ricketts
  • John Stoops and wife to John W. Scudder
  • John N. Gerard to Myer Brooks
  • Wm. D. Green et al to Luther C. Buck and wife
  • Rhoda E. Downey to Harry Tinker

Vevay Reveille – 17 Mar 1898 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Geo. I. Moore to John W. Bunger
  • Isabelle McFadden et al to Robert McFadden
  • Mary F. Lewis and husband to John F. Kittenbrink
  • Jane Dugan to Albert G. Craig
  • Geo. W. Harris et al to Harvey Harris and Comelia P. Harris
  • Jesse P. and Nancy J. Bellamy to Mary M. Pavy
  • Mary M. Pavy and husband to Edward F. Bellamy
  • Mary M. Pavy and Samuel Pavy to Lewis C. Golay
  • Matilda A. Stoops to Milton Peelman and wife

Vevay Reveille – 24 Mar 1898 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Viola J. Tyler et al to Wilson D. Tyler and wife
  • Miranda Norris to A. J. Norris
  • Mary E. Merrill to Jeffery Miles
  • Agnes Schnaitter to Ellen Peters and wife
  • Useba Shover et al to O. D. Fry
  • Warden Bliss et al to Rollen Bliss
  • James McHenry et al to Joseph McHenry
  • Andrew J. Norris to Miranda Norris
  • John W. Jacobs and wife to Jesse G. Gregory
  • Taylor Markland and wife to Benj. H. North
  • Ann Lester and husband to Benj. H. North

Switzerland County Jurors – Feb 1898

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court jury list appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 17 Feb 1898 – Page 4, Column 1

Petit Jurors.

The Petit Jurors for February term of Court are: Lemuel Emmerson, Milo Ogle, John Brown, John Diltz, Wm. R. Gardener, William Ralston, Chas. Jarvis, Leander Scudder, George Clendening, William Sharp, Fred Detraz, Daniel Mellick.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1898

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1898 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 10 Feb 1898 – Page 1, Column 3

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Marion Webster and wife to John W. Hall
  • Gustaf H. Schrumpf to Rachel Scudder
  • Thomas Newbold and wife to Wm. M. and C. R. Green
  • Elias R. Hannis to Kezzia Hannis
  • Eugene W. Heath and wife to Clara E. Tyler
  • Wm. M. Mercer et al to Cordelia Hulley
  • Empress Hanna and husband to J. L. Sedam
  • J. L. Sedam and wife to Henry D. Tinker

Vevay Reveille – 17 Feb 1898 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Rhoda Markland et al to Mary J. Rayl
  • Jos. E. Hart, Auditor, to J. E. Williams
  • George Stoops to Leeone Stoops
  • Emily S. Walker et al to George H. Bunger
  • Mary J. Rayl to Warden Bliss
  • Margaret Scott et al to Robert Scott
  • Mary Ann Fisher to Hiram Van Dorin
  • Ralph Scout and wife to Jonathan Carpenter
  • David Konkle and wife to Elmer Taylor and wife
  • John Bray to Edward Taylor and wife
  • Adrian Markland and Benjamin H. North
  • Julia A. Wolf to Eliza D. Dufour

Vevay Reveille – 24 Feb 1898 – Page 5, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Jos. E. Hart, Auditor, to Jacob S. Cole
  • William Lampton and wife to Samuel McClellan and wife
  • Alphonze Markland and wife to Benjamin H. North
  • John L. Smith to Thaddeus B. Ryan
  • Susan Brinson and husband to John Farrell and wife
  • Ralph P. Cotton to Orah E. Heady
  • Jas. H. Gilbert and wife to Mary E. Gilbert
  • George S. Pleasants, Com., to Matt [end of report]

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jan 1898

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for January 1898 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 20 Jan 1898 – Page 8, Column 2

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Sylvester Morrison and wife to Harvey Buchanan
  • Clarence Gurley and wife to James Kent
  • David J. Adkinson et al to Benjamin H. North
  • Ben. F. Detraz and wife to Oscar Burress
  • Emma Lindenschmidth and husband to Mary Lindenschmidth
  • Mary Cayton to Adaline Rowin
  • Mary Cayton to Jennette Cayton
  • Mary Cayton to Nancy J. Moore
  • Mary Cayton to Helen A. Aldred
  • Albert L. Robinson and wife to Evin Carver
  • Wm. Stephenson and wife to Margaret Aarman
  • Rosa and Clyde Baker to Edgar Dibble
  • Theophlus Markland et al to Expart Partition Circuit Court.
  • Maria J. Graves, V. S. to Amanda C. and Geo. W. Rayles
  • Estate of Wm. Cooper, deceased, Certificate of order vesting estate to widow.
  • Cathrine Manford to Kezia [?] Wehner
  • John Hannis and wife to Elias [?] Hannis
  • Julia Ann Peelman and husband to Vevay Deposit Bank
  • Lavina Turner and husband to Frank Crittermiller
  • Elenor Detraz to Jacob J. Banta and wife

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Nov 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 25 Nov 1897 – Page 4, Column 2


Switzerland Circuit Court convened last Monday. Judge Perry E. Bear and Prosecuting Attorney Clarence J. Roberts were very cordially received by the Attorneys, Court officers and others having business in Court. They are recognized as gentlemen of legal ability and the highest integrity.

Among the Attorneys from a distance are: S. H. Stewart, Rising Sun; Lucian Harris, Patriot; Albert Clashman, Madison.

The Grand Jury met Monday and adjourned Wednesday evening.

The Petit Jury convened Wednesday.

On account of Thanksgiving today Court adjourned Wednesday evening until Friday morning.

Vevay Reveille – 2 Dec 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Circuit Court.
Perry E. Bear, Judge; Clarence J. Roberts, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.


Estate of George Krall, deceased, Charles N. Ward, admr.; final report. Approved and admr. discharged.

Estate of Gideon Stevens, deceased, John D. North, admr.; report of sale of personal property. Sale confirmed.

Estate of Nancy M. Dyer, deceased, Wm. M. Wycoff, exr.; petition to sell crops. Sale ordered.

Carrie Sailor vs. Wm. H. Pavy, Jr., admr. &c.; claim; demand $75. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

James Harris vs. John D. North, Jr., admr.; claim; demand $36. Allowed.

Estate of Eliakim Stoops, deceased, Samuel Stoops, admr.; final report. Approved and admr. discharged.

Guardianship of Callie Bennett and George Bennett, John D. Phillips, guardian; final report as to George. Approved.

Guardianship of Chas. O. Peak, Chas. S. Peak, guardian; final report. Approved and guardian discharged.

Guardianship of Katie M. Douglas et al, Dilver Douglas, guardian; final report as to Kate M. Douglas and Fannie H. Pangburn, and partial report as to the others. Approved.

Guardianship of Gary Powell, Sylvester Powell, guardian; report and resignation. Approved and guardian discharged upon payment of costs of guardianship proper.

Wm. S. Kincaid, admr., vs. James Long et al; report of collection of balance of purchase money $175.70. Approved.

Wm. H. Pavy, Jr., vs. Wm. H. Pavy, Jr., &c., claim; demand $41.25. Allowed for $38.15, attorney’s fee and costs.

Guardianship of Jane Cooper, a person of unsound mind, James Cooper, guardian; final report. Approved and guardianship discharged upon payment of costs of guardianship.

State ex rel Jeremiah Leap vs. Esther Leap; for guardianship. Prayer granted.

Louis Romerill vs. Wm. Tait, admr., &c.; claim; demand $22.75.

Mary B. Wiseman and William Tait, admr. &c.; vs. William Tait, admr. &c.; claim; demand $132.50. Allowed.

Wm. Tait, admr. &c., vs. Wm. Tait, admr. &c.; claim; demand $25.00 and interest. Allowed.

In the matter of the last will of William T. Wiley, deceased, Thomas R. Wiley, exr.; partial report. Approved.

Wm. Tait, admr. &c., Jennie Schroeder, deceased, vs. Wm. Tait, admr. &c., of Lewis Schroeder, deceased; claim; demand $224.16. Allowed with interest.

Mary B. Wiseman vs. Wm. Tait, admr. &c., Lewis Schroeder, deceased; claim; demand $224.16. Allowed with interest.

Wm. M. Wycoff vs. Wm. M. Wycoff, exr. estate of Nancy M. Dyer; claim; demand $15.00. Allowed.



Angie Walker vs. Cordelia Peak; on account. Dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

State vs. Thomas Harper; injuring toll gate. Nollied.

Schrumpf & Told vs. Samuel W. Lostutter et al; to quiet title. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Elizabeth Marsh vs. Elbert Marsh; divorce. Continued for publication of non-resident notice.

Patriot Deposit Bank vs. Jerome B. Warwick and Annie E. Warwick, foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff for $923.21, attorney’s fees and costs.

John T. Boulton et al vs. Alexander Lemmons et al; report of George S. Pleasants, Commissioner, of collection of 3d installment of purchase money. Approved.

State vs. Willie Spivey; disturbing religious meeting; plea of guilty. Fine $5 and costs.

State vs. Grant Mennett; injuring toll gate. Nollied.

State vs. Bettie and Lou Smith; nuisance. Continued, subject to good behavior of defendants.

State vs. Julia Ricketts and El Ricketts; keeping house of ill fame, prostitution and maintaining a nuisance. Continued, subject to the good conduct and behavior of defendants.

Maria J. Graves vs. Amanda C. Rayl and George W. Rayl; to recover real estate, damages and to quiet title. Judgment for defendant, and cross complaint cross-defendant, Earl Wintizer, on the real estate mentioned in complaint, to secure to him board and clothing until he arrives at the age of 21.

Wm. J. Platt vs. Henry A. Platt; partition. Judgment for partition. Wm. H. Madison appointed Commissioner to make sale.

State vs. Fred. Jennings; disturbing religious meeting; plea of guilty. Fine $5 and costs.

State vs. Clifford Plew; disturbing religious meeting; plea of guilty. Fine $5 and costs.

The Cincinnati Leaf Tobacco Warehouse Co. vs. James V. Anderson and Marion Anderson; on notes. Judgment for plaintiff for $3,858 and costs.

Theopluius Markland, Adrian Markland et al; ex parte partition. Report of partitioners approved.

The Grand Jury returned 14 indictments. Examined 48 witnesses.

All official acts performed by the Clerk during vacation by the Court approved.

State vs. Ad. Markland; public intoxication; plea of guilty. Fine $1 and costs.

State vs. George Brown; trespass. Nollied.

City of Vevay vs. John E. Williams and Julia E. Williams; to enforce lien. Dismissed.

Jesse P. Bellamy vs. Joseph D. Froman, Treasurer Switzerland County; to replevin. Judgment by agreement.

Susie Bell Twineham vs. Millard F. Wainscott; partition; report of sale. Approved.

John J. Jack vs. Mary H. Jack, foreclosure; demand $900. Judgment by agreement.

Charles V. Thiebaud vs. John Satchwell; appeal. Writ of attachment quashed and judgment by agreement.

Samuel Stoops vs. George Stoops et al; partition. Geo. W. McKay, Howard Stow and Jos. E. Melick appointed Commissioners to make partition.

State ex rel Jos. E. Hart, Auditor vs. Wm. Hollingsworth; foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff.

State vs. George Leap; assault and battery; trial by Court; guilty. Fine $1 and costs.

State vs. Thomas Leap; assault and battery; trial by Court. Not guilty.

State vs. Orval Bosaw; petit larceny; plea of guilty. Sentenced to Reform School for Boys.

Ida J. Gullion vs. George S. Gullion; divorce and alimony; trial by Court. Divorce granted plaintiff, and $500 alimony. Defendant given custody of the two children.

Vevay Reveille – 9 Dec 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.
Perry E. Bear, Judge; Clarance J. Roberts, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.


Robt. Glenn, admr. estate of James D. Glenn, deceased, vs. Jennie Glenn et al; petition to sell real estate. Sale ordered.

Estate of Caroline J. Tandy, deceased, Carroll S. Tandy, exr.; final report. Approved.



State vs. Millard F. Wainscott; grand larceny; trial by court. Not guilty.

Julia L. Ford vs. John T. Ford; divorce. Granted; plaintiff given custody of child, Ora Ford.

Eugene Scudder et al vs. John W. Scudder et al; to redeem real estate and partition. Judgment for plaintiff.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Sep 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 9 Sep 1897 – Page 4, Column 5

Circuit Court assembled last Monday. The Grand Jury was in session up to yesterday. Among the attorneys from a distance in attendance are John B. Coles and S. H. Stewart, Rising Sun; A. D. Vanosdol, Madison; W. R. Johnson, Lawrenceburg. Last evening Judge Friedly adjourned Court until after the Fair—will meet Monday.

Vevay Reveille – 16 Sep 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.
W. T. Friedly, Judge; A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.


The Clerk reported the following official acts performed by him during vacation.

Will of Margaret Powell probated.

Estate of Jennie Cole; Wm. Tait appointed Administrator.

Estate of Gideon Stevens; John N. North appointed Administrator.

Albert J. Jackson was appointed Guardian of Charley R. Jackson

Samuel McCreary was appointed Guardian of Dawson Stewart.

George S. Pleasants was appointed Trustee of Estate of Riley Land, assigned.

The above acts in vacation were appointed.

Estate of John Peters. Being under $500, estate set off to his widow Rossann Peters.

Estate of Harvey Rayl. Being under $500, estate set off to his widow Julia Ann Rayl.

Estate of William P. Cooper. Being under $500, set off to widow Mary E. Cooper.

Estate of Wm. T. Detraz; Benjamine Detraz Administrator. Final Settlement approved and he discharged.

Estate of Thomas F. McCreary. William H. Scott allowed claim of $517.50.

Estate of John W. Banta. Henry D. Banta allowed claim of $150.

Estate of Nancy M. Dyer. O. P. M. Hallgarth allowed claim of $3.

Estate of Sarah A. Peters. John W. Smiley allowed claims of $45 and $85.75.

Estate of Rebecca Short; Robert Scott, Administrator. Final report approved and he discharged.

Estate of Wade H. Jack; Mary H. Jack, Executrix, presented her report and resignation. Accepted on conditions.

There were several partial reports of Administrators and Guardians presented and approved.



Schrumpf & Told vs. Dorwin Marshall and Elizabeth Marshall. Judgment for $257.20 and foreclosure of mortgage.

Martha A. Pavey vs. John Bray et al. Judgment against Geo. D. Madary, purchase money of real estate for $256.35 and foreclosure of mortgage.

Eliza A. Billings vs. Mary G. Gardner et al. Judgment for $291.80 and foreclosure of mortgage.

Barney A. Klenburg vs. Joseph F. Cousins. Judgment for $152.85 and foreclosure of mortgage.

Loretta Outcalt vs. Fred Outcalt; divorce. Granted.

Susie Belle Twineham vs. Millard F. Wainscott et al; partition of real estate. Michael W. Long appointed Commissioner.

Mary Cayton vs. Nancy J. Moore; to quiet title to real estate. Judgment for plaintiff.

Thomas Thompson vs. Fred L. Grisard; on note. Judgment for $480.

Elizabeth L. Adams vs. James B. Gullion; for possession of real estate. Judgment for plaintiff, but writ of possession not to be issued before Dec. 4, 1897.

Peter Culbertson vs. David Rayl and Mary J. Rayl. Judgment for $550, and foreclosure of mortgage.

Joseph Jagers vs. Lucilla Protsman and Wm. R. Protsman. On application of plaintiff case dismissed at his cost.

Abram Boggs vs. Orel Boggs; divorce. Granted, and he given possession of the three children.

State vs. John King; disturbing public meeting and public intoxication. Plea of guilty; fined $6.

City of Vevay vs. John E. Williams and Mathew Brown; to recover wharf boat rent. Application of defendant for change of venue granted, and case sent to Jefferson County.

Eliza J. Detraz vs. James Anderson and others. Judgment for $1349.81 and foreclosure of mortgage.

W. S. Dickason & Co. vs. Benj. F. VanOsdol; on account. Judgment for $52.17.

Several cases continued and several dismissed.

The Grand Jury reassembled last Monday and is still in session.

The case of J. P. Carter vs. Oliver S. Clendening; for possession of real estate, last Tuesday came up before Hon. W. D. Ward, Special Judge. Yesterday he sustained the demur of the defendant to complaint of the plaintiff, and gave plaintiff permission to amend complaint. This continued the case.

Vevay Reveille – 23 Sep 1897 – Page 4, Column 1

Circuit Court.
W. T. Friedly, Judge; A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.

State vs. Ab. Brown; disturbing public meeting and public intoxication. Plea of guilty as to intoxication. Trial by Court. Fined $5.

Hiram Jennings vs. Susan M. Jennings; divorce. Granted.

State vs. Charles Conkling; disturbing religious meeting. Plea of guilty. Fined $5.

John F. Plew vs. Susan Jennings, Hiram Jennings and Robert Williams; for possession of real estate. Court found that plaintiff’s title rested on purchase make on tax sale, and was imperfect and invalid, but was given judgment for amount he paid at tax sale, and he was given judgment for $9.67 and legal interest, and a lien on real estate until paid, and that defendants pay this within thirty days, and if not paid then Sheriff to sell the land.

Last Thursday the Grand Jury reported they had visited the Poor Farm, found 21 inmates, ranging from 2 to 100 years, of the 21 16 were males and 5 females. One child colored. Nine are insane and idiotic—8 men and 1 girl.

They also visited the Children’s Home in Vevay and found 9 inmates—7 boys and 2 girls. All properly cared for, healthy, neat and clean.

The Grand Jury was discharged Thursday.

W. B. Fate & Co., a corporation, and Francis M. Griffith vs. James V. Anderson and Mary M. Anderson; replevin. Judgment for plaintiffs.

Chester Leland vs. Mary Leland; divorce. Granted.

State vs. Martin V. Turner; assault and battery with intent. Trial by Jury. Found guilty of assault and fined $1.

Vevay Deposit Bank vs. George D. Madary et al; on note. Judgment for $391.20.

Vevay Deposit Bank vs. George D. Madary et al; on note. Judgment for $391.87.

Vevay Reveille – 30 Sep 1897 – Page 4, Column 1

Circuit Court.
W. T. Friedly, Judge; A. D. VanOsdol, Prosecuting Attorney; L. E. Smith, Deputy.


Estate of Wm. Dickason, Chas. W. Lee, administrator, petition to sell personal property at private sale. Sale ordered.

Estate of Wm. P. Dickason. Mary C. Dickason allowed claim of [?].

Wm. S. Kincaid, administrator, vs. James Long et al; report of collection of purchase money. Approved.

Thomas Carver, administrator, vs. Nancy Platt et al; report of collection of second installment of purchase money. Approved.

Francis M. Griffith de bonis non with the will annexed of [?] McKay, Sr., vs. James McKay and [?] McKay. Report of sale of [?] approved and sale continued.

Estate of Charlotte Schmied, Thomas Carver Administrator; petition to settle as insolvent. Ordered.

Estate of May Ann Bruner. [?] J. Harris appointed administrator.

Estate of Ostrum Boright, Wm. O. Cole Administrator; petition to sell personal property at private sale. Sale ordered.

Estate of David K. Armstrong, Israel P. Loring, administrator. [?] report approved and administrator discharged.

Estate of Rebecca Short; petition for an order of distribution of [?]. Distribution ordered.

Estate of Sarah Peters, John W. Smiley executor. Final report approved.

Last will of Peter Nichols, Wm. S. Kincaid executor. Final report approved and administrator discharged.

Estate of Charlotte Schmeid, Thos. Carver administrator; motion for distribution among the [?]. Distribution ordered.

Estate of Jeremiah McCreary, [?]son Land, administrator, [?] his partial report and [?]. Accepted on conditions.

Estate of John C. Atkinson, David Atkinson, administrator. Final report approved and administrator discharged.

Wm. Tait, administrator with the will annexed of Lewis Schroder vs. Mary Schroder et al; petition to sell real estate. Sale ordered.

In the matter of the minor heirs of John B. Hastings, Mary C. Hastings, guardian. Final report approved and guardian discharged.

Estate of Mary E. Roberts, Wm. H. Pavy, administrator. Report of sale of real estate approved.



John Bray et al vs. Uly Bray et al; petition to sell real estate and charge lien. Judgment for plaintiff.

State vs. John B. Moore; assault and battery with intent to commit murder. Trial by jury; found not guilty.

State vs. George Ergihir; larceny. Trial by Court; not guilty.

State vs. Lucian Bales; larceny. Trial by Court; not guilty.

State vs. Bennie Barker; insanity. Trial by jury; found to be insane and dangerous to the community if suffered to remain at large.

John B. Carter vs. Oliver S. Clendening et al; for possession. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement.

Ex Parte Theophilus Markland, Adrian Markland et al; partition. George W. McKay, Ebenezer Philips and Samuel Stoops appointed Commissioners to make partition.

State vs. John Orr; disturbing public meeting and public intoxication. Nollied as to disturbing public meeting and plea of guilty as to public intoxication; fined $1.

The case of O. S. Clendenning vs. the Board of Commissioners of Switzerland County, for extra work done on Plum Creek gravel road, came up before W. D. Ward, special Judge, last Monday, with a jury. The case will probably last all this week. For the plaintiff, W. R. Johnston and H. D. McMullen. For the defendants, G. S. Pleasants, C. S. Tandy and F. M. Griffith.

LATER.—The point being raised by attorneys for the defendant yesterday that a county official, the County Auditor, Joseph E. Hart, had an interest in the contract made by Clendenning and his claim for extra work that a county official had no legal right to share directly or indirectly in such matters, that therefore the contract was illegal. This morning Judge Ward sustained this legal point raised by the defendants and ruled accordingly. The Jury returned a verdict in favor of the county.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Nov 1897

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for November 1897 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 25 Nov 1897 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.
Deeds Recorded Since Our Last Report.

  • Lewis Chapman and wife to John N. Weathers
  • Albert G. Craig and wife to Andrew J. Norris
  • Simon Beymer et al to Schrumpf & Told
  • Enoch S. Adams and wife to Albert Garner
  • Ira L. North and Grace North to Eliza J. Andrew and husband
  • Wm. S. Pavey, Jr., Administrator to John E. Williams
  • Francis M. Griffith, Adm. de bonis non, to Wm. S. McKay
  • A. C. Downey and wife to R. R. Stout
  • Amanda Gullion and husband to Virgina A. Barton
  • Circuit Court to Julia Ann Rayl
  • Circuit Court to Rosann Peters
  • Samuel W. Lostutter and wife to Gustaff H. Schrumpf
  • Julia Ann Rayl to John P. White
  • James M. Lemmon and wife to Elizabeth M. Hall
  • Robert L. Tilton and wife to Juliatte Franklin
  • Hosier J. Harris and wife to William Butcher
  • John M. Kelly and wife to Simon Beymer
  • Fannie Vandever to Oscar Newton Farrel
  • Kate Carpenter and husband to Cora B. Richards
  • Charles Markland and wife to John I. O’Neal
  • Wm. M. Lewis et al to Henry Thomas
  • George W. Dufour and wife to Chas. A. Dufour
  • Mary Cayton, V. S., to Nancy J. Moore et al

Switzerland County Pensions – 1897

Military pensions granted in Switzerland County, Indiana appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 22 Apr 1897 – Page 4, Column 4

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency.

Montgomery P. Baird, Lamb, Indiana, reissue, rerating and increase, old law; rates $4 from April 3, 1873; $3 from June 18, 1884; $8 from August 18, 1886; $10 from April 16, 1890; $12 from December 24, 1890; $14 from March 27, 1895. Back pay about $787.20.

James A. Brindley, New Marion, Indiana, old law, restoration and reissue; rate $12.

George Findley, Vevay, Indiana, old law, reissue and increase; rates $10 from January 20, 1890; $12 from September 3, 1890.

William Fulton, Quercus Grove, reissue, old law; rate $17.

John W. Evett, Florence, Indiana, old law, reissue and increase; rate $10.

Lulie B. Weldon, Sanders, Kentucky, old law; rate $8.

Wm. C. Hall, Sanders, Kentucky, old law; rates $8 and $14.

Heirs of Elijah Hall, Sparta, Kentucky, old law; rates $10 from July 3, 1895 and $14 from March 19, 1886.

Uzillal, widow of Cornelius Onderdock, formerly of Brooksburg, Indiana, now of Calera, Alabama, new law; rate $8.

Asahel Carpenter, Center Square, Indiana, new law; rate $12.

Ann F. Carpenter, Patriot, Indiana, new law, rate $8.

Brownie Green, Ghent, Kentucky, old law, increase; rate $10.

Montgomery Patton, Vevay, Indiana, reissue and increase, old law; rates, $10 from December 16, 1891, and $21 from November 18, 1896.

William Bennett, Markland, Indiana, old law, reissue and increase; rate $17.

Vevay Reveille – 22 Jul 1897 – Page 5, Column 4

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency viz:

Francis V. W. Cole, Bennington, Indiana, old law, increase; rate $14.00.
Van S. Brandon, Moorefield, Indiana, reissue and increase; old law, rates $10 from June 29, 1897; $14 from May 23, 1894.

John Tolliver, Warsaw, Kentucy, old law, increase; rate $10.

William Bennett, Markland, Indiana, old law, reissue; rate $17.

Hugh H. Lamb, Mt. Sterling, Indiana, old law, original; rated at $8 from Nov. 1, 1890; $12 from Dec. 20, 1893.

Garret Furnish, Vevay, Indiana, old law, increase; rate $24.

Louisa J., widow of Volney Peelman, Vevay, Indiana, old law; rate $12.

Eli Croxton, East Enterprise, Indiana, old law, increase; rate $17.

Manuel J. Bryam, Quercus Grove, Indiana, old law, increase; rate $8.

Joseph Patterson, Florence, Indiana, old law, reissue and increase; rate $12.

John Moxely, Vevay, Indiana, old law, reissue and increase; rate $14.

Peter Hall, Sugar Branch, Indiana, new law, additional; rate $12.

Aaron Haukins, Bennington, Indiana, old law, reissue and increase; rates $8 from Aug. 15, 1890; $10 from Feb. 5, 1892; $17 from May 1, 1895.

Colledge M. Sipple, Elliston, Kentucky, old law, original; rates $2 from April 10, 1886; $4 from July 29, 1887; $6 from Mar. 2, 1895; back pay $512.

Thomas W. Holmes, Sugar Branch, Indiana, new law; original; rate $8.