Category Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County, Indiana genealogy resources

Vevay Old Time Music Contest – 1900

The Vevay, Switzerland County, Indiana, Old Time Music Contest report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 10 May 1900 – Page 1, Column 2

Old Time Music Contest.

The Old Time Music Contest given at the Opera House last Friday evening, under the auspices of Vevay Lodge of Woodmen, and directed by Harry Walters, was a success in every sense that the word implies. As soon as the doors of the house were open the crowd commenced to pour in and the audience was soon one of the largest ever gathered in the hall. Neighbors of the Woodmen in uniform acted as ushers and handled the big crowd successfully. There was a large number of old time musicians entered for the contests and after the audiences had selected I. P. Loring, O. S. Johnson and D. G. Manning, Judges, the fun started. Arkansas Traveler, Fisher’s Hornpipe and other old time tunes, were played in all kinds of keys, in all kinds of time, in all kinds of ways, by all kinds of fiddlers, and the fun waxed fast and furious. Then there was no chance for monotony for between the fiddling contests were interspersed contests on other musical instruments and in dancing, cake walking, etc. Also two very creditable dramatic sketches. As a whole it was one of the most unique entertainments that has been seen in Vevay for many years and the audience showed no hesitation in expressing their approval. The Woodmen netted a neat sum for the lodge treasury. The following are the prizes, which were generously donated by the Vevay business men, and, with a few exceptions, the names of the winners.

C. Sieglitz—one solid gold ring to best dramatic lady. Miss Nancy Williamson.

Thiebaud & Co.—one plush Album to second best dramatic lady. Sid Dupraz.

Lewis & Pleasants—one fine umbrella to best gent performer in dramatic sketch. Miss Margurite Clendenning.

O. S. Johnson—five pair gent’s half hose to second best dramatic gent. Fred. Tardy.

T. R. Humphrey—presses one suit of clothes for best looking fiddler. Hayes Duval.

Riley Land—one cuspidor to the fiddler with the largest feet. Ed. Sigmon.

Thiebaud & Co.—one plush album to 2nd best Arkansas Traveler player. Ned Hankins.

E. P. Downey—one smoked ham too best old fashioned fiddler. George Moody.

Julius Kahn—one fine shirt to second best old fashioned fiddler. Owen Hopper.

J. E. Walton—1/2 dozen best carbonette photos to best solo singer. Miss Hattie Davis.

E. M. Stevens & Co.—one nice lamp to best mandolin player. Joe Dow.

Oliver Haskell—box toilet soap to second best mandolin player. Mr. Culver.

N. M. Fallis—one fine clothes brush to best guitar player. Dorsey Yates.

N. M. Fallis—one hair brush to second best guitar player. Dorsey Yates.

Z. I. Yonge—one pair suspenders to fiddler playing in most positions best. Ned Hankins.

N. M. Fallis—one comb to the best lady cake walker. Miss Washington.

Wm. Rook—one box good cigars to best Arkansas Traveler player. Albert McCreary.

LeClerc Hotel—Supper, lodging and breakfast to 2nd best Arkansas traveler player.

Schad Bros.—One buggy whip to fiddler playing Fishers Hornpipe best. Mr. Allen.

E. P. Danglade—One galvanized iron tub to 2nd best Fishers Hornpipe player. David Higgins.

Siefert Bros.—One hair cut and shave to longest haired fiddler.

Loring, The Clothier—One fine hat to fiddler dancing to his own music best. Albert McCreary.

L. W. Golay—one fiddle bow to one playing on fiddle of his own make. Mr. Culver.

J. K. Pleasants & Son—one boys suit to youngest boy fiddler. Mr. Culver.

Carter Shoe Co.—One pair ladies tan shoes to best lady fiddler. Miss Dow.

E. E. Hunter—One mammoth loaf of Bread to largest family of fiddlers. George Moody.

E. M. Stevens & Co.—One bottle of Celery Nervine to sickest looking fiddler. John Sturgeon.

A. V. Danner—One set Ebony handled knives and forks to the oldest fiddler. John Sturgeon.

Vevay Reveille—One years subscription to the worst fiddler. Sam Allen.

J. E. Williams & Bro.—Pair of Misses shoes to best girl dancer. Miss Hattie Davis.

J. H. Brown—4 cans fruit to best lady cake walker. Miss Washington.

J. H. Brown—2 cans of fruit to 2nd best lady cake walker. Miss Davis.

Phoenix Hotel—Supper, lodging and breakfast to fiddler coming the farthest.

C. V. Thiebaud—Water set to best all around fiddler. Geo. Cole.

City Roller Mills—Sack of patent flour to the tallest fiddler. Dave Higgins.

City Roller Mills—Sack of patent flour to the slowest fiddler. John Sturgeon.

C. G. Boerner—One gent’s watch chain to the best fiddler playing on a fiddle of his own make. Mr. Culver.

John Wiley—Sack of flour to the best buck and wing dancer. Albert Washington.

Mrs. J. Wahl—one pair of lace curtains to best gent dancer. Lewis Hankins.

Chris. Reinicke—five pounds of bologna to the hungriest looking male cake walker. Hayes Deval.

Jacob Wahl—hair cut and shave to longest whiskered fiddler. Joe Dow.

Vevay Hotel—supper, lodging and breakfast to fiddler playing best from “Kentucky.”

The Democrat—one year’s subscription to the homliest fiddler. Sam Allen.

W. McHenry—five pound roast beef to second best banjo player. John Mack.

W. L. Fisk—center table to best buck and wing dancer. D. Yates.

Wm. Demann—one picture to best jig dancer. Ned. Hankins.

Lizzie Kelly—bunch of silk roses and ribbon to best lady fiddler. Miss Dow.

H. K. Knox—one pair of gent’s shoes to best clogg dancer. Wes. Rutherford.

Committee—one box of pills to the laziest fiddler. John Sturgeon.

W. F. Goldenburg—one granite coffee to the best Fisher’s Hornpipe player. Mr. Rutherford.

D. A. Davis—pair of baby shoes to the youngest married fiddler. Wes. Rutherford.

Alvin Buchanan—Imperial plow point to the homliest farmer fiddler. Geo. Cole.

The Times—one year’s subscription to the best whistler.

W. E. Benedict—6 bars of soap to the second best whistler. Louis Hankins.

Our friends—Donated money to buy trunk to be given to the best all round fiddler. David Hankins.

Our Friends cake to best cake walkers. Albert Washington and Hattie Davis.

Switzerland County Commissioners – Mar 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 8 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

County Commissioners

Met last Monday. The first day Township Trustees presented their reports. Tuesday was spent in miscellaneous business. Yesterday the matter of contracting for building free gravel roads in Posey Township came up. J. E. Williams was the only bidder, $33,000 for constructing the entire system of roads. This exceeded the four cent limit by about $5,00, and for that reason was not accepted. The matter was continued. Yesterday afternoon the Board adjourned until next Monday.

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Feb 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court reports appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 15 Feb 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

Circuit Court.

Court begins next Monday, Judge Bear presiding. Last Monday Jury Commissioners J. B. Voris and Dr. A. C. Craig and Clerk E. E. Kelo drew the names of the following to serve as jurors:

GRAND JURY.—Isaac Hart, Decatur Chase, Richard Wickman, William Langhorst, Clay C. Hall, John Lamb.

PETIT JURY.—Wm. Lamson, Charles Rochat, Scott Clements, Wm. Ricketts, Henry S. Pickett, Thomas Anderson, Ed. A. Brindley, Clarence Krall, Arthur Taylor, C. W. Brown, John L. Muret, Omer H. Wiley.

Vevay Reveille – 1 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.


John McKinzie, admr. estate of Alexander McKinzie, deceased, vs. Cinderella McKinzie, et al; partition of real estate. Defendants defaulted; submitted to Court; evidence heard. Partition ordered. Wm. H. McKay, Perry K. Cotton and Richard Shadday appointed to make partition, and report at present term of this Court.

Estate of Joseph A. Boyd, deceased; estate being less than $500, set off to widow, Dora Belle Boyd.

Guardianship of Fred Works, A. J. Works, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Guardianship of the heirs of Fred. Essman, deceased; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Sallie Hall, deceased, Geo. S. Pleasants, exr.; executor files petition for an order directing him to transfer certain stocks and bonds belonging to said estate, and to make distribution to the legatees. Distribution ordered.

In the matter of the firm of Hall & Lewis, Jas. K. Pleasants, receiver; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Sallie Hall, deceased, executor files account of sale of personal property. Approved.

Estate of John J. McCreary, deceased, Edgar Peak, admr.; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the heirs of Edwin A. Hall, deceased, Charles E. Hall, guardian; partial report. Approved.

In the matter of the heirs of Angeline W. Thiebaud, deceased, Rudolph L. Thiebaud, guardian; partial report. Approved.

Estate of Frank W. Peters, deceased, estate being under $500, set off to widow, Indiana Peters.

Hozier J. Harris, admr., vs. Ann Jacobs; petition to sell real estate. Report of sale of note given for purchase money. Approved, and this matter adjudged finally disposed of.

Estate of Joseph Jacobs, deceased; final report. Approved.

John Neal vs. John B. Rochat, exr. Lucy Conboy, deceased; claim; demand $32. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Finding for plaintiff. Judgment against defendant for costs.

Rollin Charlton, admr. estate of Henry Charlton, deceased, vs. Maria Charlton et al; report of sale of real estate filed. approved.

Estate of Anna Jain, deceased, Anna J. Taylor, admrx.; final report. Approved.

Estate of Joseph H. Netherland, deceased; report of sale of personal property. Approved.

Guardianship of Charles R. Jackson; final report. Approved.

In the matter of the heir of Lewis O. Schroeder, deceased; partial report. Approved.

Estate of John W. Hall, deceased. Estate being under $500, set off to widow, Laura J. Hall.

Harvey J. Zearing was admitted to practice as an attorney at this bar.

All the official acts performed by the Clerk during vacation were by the Court approved.



State vs. Ella Phillips; assault and battery. Finding of not guilty.

State vs. James Justice and Frank Evans; Sabbath breaking. Nollied.

State vs. John Wright; petit larceny. Continued for service of alias warrant.

John Lockridge vs. the city of Madison; damages. Dismissed.

State vs. Thomas Pickett; selling liquor to minor. Continued.

John W. Miles vs. Wm. B. Miles, et al; partition. Defendants Wm. B. Miles defaulted. Defendants Cora M. Miles, Fred Miles and Lucy E. Miles being under 21 years of age, Court appointed Lucian Harris guardian ad litem of said defendants. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Partition ordered. Hiram H. Bakes, Amie Nelson and Ben N. Davis were appointed Commissioners to make partition.

Augustus Frazier vs. Sarah Frazier; divorce. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Finding for defendant; divorce not granted; judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Lucilla M. Griffith vs. Joshua D. Griffith; petition to mortgage without consent of husband. Defendant being a person of unsound mind, Court appoints Geo. B. Hall guardian ad litem for said defendant. Answer filed of said guardian. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Judgment for plaintiff.

Maud F. Oakley vs. Fred E. Oakley; divorce. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Taken under advisement.

State vs. William O. Jones; perjury. Nollied.

State vs. Geo. Rayl and Ed. Burk; assault and battery with intent to murder. Trial by jury; evidence heard; submitted without argument. Finding of not guilty.

Vevay Reveille – 8 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.
Judge Perry E. Bear.

Estate of Thomas Hoffman, deceased, Geo. S. Pleasants, admr.; sale bill filed. Approved.

Last will and testament of Wm. Hall, deceased; final report. Approved.

Guardianship of Hannah J. Paugh, insane; final report. Approved.

John McKinzie, admr., vs. Cinderella McKinzie et al; petition to sell real estate. Report of Commissioners filed and approved. Perry K. Cotton and Richard Shadday appointed appraisers, and sale ordered.

Assignment of Kahn & Cohen; final report. Approved.

Guardianship of Lutie Vaughn et al, John Vaughn, guardian; petition to sell real estate. Prayer granted.

James M. Long was admitted to practice as an attorney at this bar.



John S. Heady vs. Thomas Cotton et al; foreclosure. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Judgment for plaintiff.

Hiram H. Bakes et al vs. John H. Thomas et al; foreclosure. Submitted to Court; evidence heard. Judgment for plaintiff.

State vs. Fred Kassebaum; hauling heavy load over free gravel roads. Plea of guilty; fine $5.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Apr 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for April 1900 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 12 Apr 1900 – Page 5, Column 2

Land Sales.

  • Argus D. VanOsdol et al to Eliza J. Ralson et al
  • Sarah E. McCreary and husband to Sidney H. Snyder
  • Clara Waltz and husband to Milo and Emma Ogle

Vevay Reveille – 19 Apr 1900 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Sarah E. McCreary and husband to Sidney H. Snyder
  • Clara Waltz and husband to Milo and Emma Ogle
  • Virgil A. Stewart et al to James F. Stewart
  • Alex. Staffen and wife to Lemuel Seaver
  • John Wiles and wife to George Martin

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1900 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 1 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.

  • John W. Gribbon to Charles Gribbon
  • Charles Markland, Sr., to Trustees I. C. A. Lodge
  • Mary Fisk to E. M. C. Hickman
  • Robin Charlton, admr., to Francis M. Charlton and wife
  • Griffith Dickason and Mary E. Dickason to Milton R. Cole
  • Harvey Wycoff and wife to Elias R. Hannis
  • Julia A. Phillips and husband to Jas. A. Stewart
  • Robert S. Cochran and wife to Edw. and Jennie Krall

Vevay Reveille – 8 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 2

Land Sales.

  • James M. Scott, admr., to Joseph A. Myers
  • Daniel Cotton and wife to the Union Furniture Company
  • John J. Elsrod et al to George W. Turner et al
  • James Archer and Ida Archer to Harvey Gray
  • Jennie Martin and husband to John Swango
  • James M. Scott, admr., to Noah Oliver
  • Emma T. Netherland and Addie L. Netherland to Noah Oliver
  • Martha E. Hart to Trustees Ebenezer M. E. Church
  • Adrian Boright and wife to George Burroughes
  • Annabelle D. Stewart and Earl M. Stewart to George H. Bunger
  • Jennie Martin and husband to John Swango
  • Elizabeth Wiley and husband to Jennie Martin
  • James M. Scott, admr., to Wallace Netherland

Vevay Reveille – 15 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Frank P. Higham et al to Herman H. Body
  • John Stoops and wife to Ben. McKay and wife
  • Abel F. Douglass and wife to Henry Birkemeier
  • Emeline Cayton et al to Ernest H. Schroeder
  • Isaac W. Richards et al to Louis Oline and wife
  • John W. Smiley and wife to Sarah J. Dyer
  • William Sauvain and wife to Clay Hall and wife
  • Alvira Schoffner and husband to Edward Truett and wife
  • Harvey Bair and wife to Martha J. Richter
  • W. E. Morris and wife to Ulysses G. Sigmon and wife
  • Elija Wade and wife to Pinkney Craig
  • Ulelah J. Bales and husband to B. W. Simmons
  • Albert V. Long Duplan to Herman Barklow
  • Herman Barklow and wife to Albert V. Long uplan
  • Frank P. Higham et al to Herman Barklow
  • Joseph B. Ash and wife to Pricilla B. Milligan
  • Harvey Gray and wife to Albert K. Clements
  • Jacob C. Webb et al to Cornelia J. Webb
  • Perry Dickason and wife to Griffith Dickason
  • George Dickason and wife to Griffith Dickason
  • John F. Houze, Aud., to Milton R. Cole
  • John F. Houze, Aud., to Warren Sharp

Vevay Reveille – 29 Mar 1900 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Pauline Addis et al to Emeline Cayton
  • Julia A. Roberts to U. S. Peters and wife
  • Morton C. Thornburg to R. M. Thornburg
  • Eliza Porter to Edw. Dawler
  • Matilda Stoops to Edward Dawler
  • Charles O. Potter and wife to Wm. P. and Ella D. Hanna
  • Frederick L. Thiebaud and wife to Charles Washmith
  • Loren E. Carnie to Leonard O. Voris
  • Garret Furnish and wife to Frank and Delphia Brett
  • Mary C. Hastings et al to John F. Sullivan and wife
  • Barney Klenburg and wife to Ira Banta and wife
  • Martha J. Stevens to Ulelah Bales
  • J. F. Houze, Aud., to Lucille M. Griffith
  • Casper H. Thomas to John F. Thomas
  • Andrew J. Porter and wife to Tabitha Cayton
  • James M. Scott, Admr., to Henry K. Knox
  • John O. Hamilton and wife to Charles Fancher

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1900 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 1 Feb 1900 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Mary E. Hastings et al to Amos A. Hastings and wife
  • Julius L. A. Hastings to Florence Dodd
  • Julius L. A. Hastings et al to Jane Dugan
  • Margaret A. Roberts and husband to Franklin A. Osborn
  • Zella C. Dufour and husband to Franklin A. Osborn
  • Zella C. Dufour and husband to James McBrown
  • Trustee Posey Township to Trustees Morning Star Lodge
  • Millard F. Turner and wife to Ephriam and James M. Turner
  • Samuel J. Roberts and wife to Benjamin Rasor and Anne Rasor
  • B. M. Bledsoe and wife to Lem. Bledsoe, Jr.
  • Harry S. McCreary and wife to Dallas and Eliza J. McCreary
  • Joseph F. McKay and wife to Alvin Adams and wife
  • Hessie M. Peak and husband to A. N. Buck
  • Ferdinand Jain and wife to Mary E. Jackson
  • Benjamin F. Wiley and wife to Albert Beckman
  • Selar Mead, Admr., to William P. Warner

Vevay Reveille – 8 Feb 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.

  • Ella Houze and husband to Ivan D. Saberton
  • Emma T. Netherland and Addie T. Netherland to Wallace Netherland
  • Howard Lineback to Clara B. Nichol
  • Benj. L. Wiley and wife to William R. Wiley
  • Benj. L. Wiley and wife to William R. Wiley
  • Gustaf H. Schrumpf and wife to Jesse M. McCreary
  • William C. Robinson and wife to Albert Howard
  • Robert M. Lyon and wife to Salem Sheldon
  • Katherine P. Lewis et al to Ivy Marie Lock

Vevay Reveille – 15 Feb 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.

  • Dilver Bradford et uxor to William Thomas Faunce
  • Ernest E. Osborn and wife to Ralph R. Stout
  • Carroll S. Tandy and wife to Mary Ellen Lowe
  • William Chrisman and wife to Chris. Chrisman
  • Eliza J. McCreary et al to Harry S. McCreary

Vevay Reveille – 22 Feb 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.

  • Augustus Hatton and wife to Jane A. and Jno. D. Pavy
  • Alfred Adams to Anthony Adams
  • Charles Markland to Mary A. Greenleaf
  • Lewis Ostrander et al to John W. Brown
  • Mary Porter et al to Isaac McKay
  • Alex. Staffen and wife to Lemuel Seaver
  • Jacob R. Keafer to Andrew W. Richards
  • Robert D. Anderson to Isaac McKay
  • Griffith S. Byram and wife to James W. Oak and wife
  • Emma Schmied and husband to Todwick Farrar

Switzerland County Commissioners – Feb 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 8 Feb 1900 – Page 4, Column 1

County Business.

Thomas Land, Wm. A. Shadday and Walter Lock, Commissioners, met last Monday and adjourned Tuesday.

Elmer E. Hufford, no. 1; W. S. Humphrey, no. 2; Geo. B. Lostutter, no. 3; Inspectors for special election in Posey Township on proposition to build free gravel roads, filed the results of the votes cast. Road no. 1, yes 132, no 279; no. 2, yes 331, no 81; no. 3, yes 200, no. 187; no. 4, yes 230, no 156; no. 5, yes 186, no. 192; no. 6, yes 278, no 122; no. 7, yes 279, no 103; no. 8, yes 372, 113; no. 9, yes 262, no. 129; no. 10, yes 204, no 185.

It will be seen from above that all roads had a majority except nos. 1 and 5. Bids will be received March 7 for building the eight roads votes for. The total cost of road election in Posey was $202.25.

It was ordered by the Board that the order heretofore entered on Dec. 6, 1899, with reference to working prisoners, confined in the county jail, for non-payment of fines be modified as follows:

“That the Street Commissioner shall be paid for guarding such prisoners by the city of Vevay, Indiana; that if the city refuses to pay the same, said order be rescinded from this date.”

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jan 1900

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for January 1900 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 4 Jan 1900 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • James Courter and Susan Courter to James Irvin Courter
  • Henry Schroeder and wife to Geo. and Susan M. Platt
  • Wm. M. Green et al to Robert A. Jamieson
  • Henrietta Hatton et al to Harry C. Adams
  • Milton Hayes and wife to James Joyce
  • L. E. Smith Com. to Lucinda Silvers

Vevay Reveille – 11 Jan 1900 – Page 4, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Milton Hayes and wife to James Joyce
  • Ferdinand Jain and wife to Scott Culbertson
  • R. Jain, guardian to Phoebe E. Moxley
  • Anna J. Taylor et al to Phebe Moxley
  • Trustee Morning Star Lodge, No. 148, F. & A. M. to Trustee Posey Township
  • B. H. North and wife to William B. Gordon
  • John Steele and wife to Lou A. Acre
  • Lewis C. Golay and wife to Jno. W. Haskell
  • Wm. D. Cole, admr., to Wm. C. Curry
  • Kezia Welmer to Martha A. Dennis
  • Geo. A. Voris and wife to John F. Lauvermeyer

Vevay Reveille – 25 Jan 1900 – Page 4, Column 4

Land Sales.

  • Nora E. McGuire and husband to James V. Farain
  • Nancy J. Bellamy et al to Abijah Brindley
  • Anabel Fish and husband to Jessie Sprague and children
  • Gillian F. Banta to Samuel R. Ford
  • Martha J. English and husband to Mary E. and Susa A. Saddler
  • Henry A. Marsh to Margaret R. Roberts
  • Simon Stoops and wife to Ulyses S. Stoops
  • Lenord O. Voris to Henry C. Thomas
  • John Lamb and wife to Samuel Lamb
  • Abijah Brindley and husband to Cornelius Clements

Vevay Reveille Subscriptions – 1899

Subscribers to the Vevay Reveille appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 29 Jun 1899 – Page 4, Column 1

The following are among those who have our thanks for recent subscriptions paid to the Reveille:

  • James W. Banta, Craig
  • F. M. Charlton, Chicago
  • James M. Scott, Vevay
  • W. Scott Welch, Bennington
  • Abel Stout, Aaron
  • John Buchanan, Aaron
  • Abe Johnson, Sugar Branch
  • Ira Stout, Aaron
  • Stephen Jones, Florence
  • Mrs. S. O’N. Pleasants, Vevay
  • Mrs. Harriet E. Richmond, East Enterprise
  • Mrs. M. E. Dickason, Lexington, Kentucky
  • Geo. Scudder, Vevay
  • Miss Jennie Lester, Mt. Sterling
  • Sylvester W. Waltz, Fresno, California
  • B. P. Thiebaud, Springfield, Ohio

Switzerland County Pensions – 1899

Military pensions granted in Switzerland County in 1899 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 25 May 1899 – Page 5, Column 3

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions granted through his agency:

Martin Funk, Markland, Indiana. Old law, increase; rate $14.

Nancy Ann, widow of Jacob Carver, Warsaw, Kentucky. Old law; rate $12.

Isabella, widow of John G. Long, Vevay. Old law; rate $16.

Michael Konkle, Jay, Indiana, reissue. Old law; rate $6.

Clinton Miller, Madison, Indiana, reissue. Old law; rate 16.

Joseph W. Cotton, Grayson, Kentucky, original. New law; rate $6.

Matthew Worstelle, deceased, Moorefield, Indiana, restoration and increase. Rate $14.

Mary Worstelle, Moorefield, Indiana, original. New law; rate $8.

Joseph M. Fulton, East Enterprise, Indiana, new disability. Old law; rate $12 from Jan. 18, 1889, and $14 from Jan. 3, 1894. Back pay $592.

Jacob Harper, Ghent, Kentucky, original. New law; rate $12.

Albert B. Banta, Carrollton, Kentucky, reissue. Old law; rate $10.

John Boyd, Eagle Station, Kentucky, increase. New law; rate $10.

John Brown, Ghent, Kentucky, increase. Old law; rate $14.

Laura A., widow of Robert C. Burnham, Louisville, Kentucky. New law; rate $8.

Patrick O’Brien, Vevay, original. Old law; rate $12.

Charles M. Newkirk, Bennington, Indiana, increase. Old law; rate $72.

Edward F. Bellamy, Moorefield, Indiana, increase. Old law; rate $17.

Vevay Reveille – 23 Nov 1899 – Page 5, Column 1

Dr. VanPelt reports the following pensions through his agency:

Isaac M. Smith, Aaron, Indiana, Supplemental, old law, rate $2.00.

John O. Martin, Aaron, Indiana, old law, increase, reissue, rate $24.

John Neal, Bennington, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $30.

Lafayette Turner, Brooksburg, Indiana, old law, reissue, rates: $8 from March 19, 1888; $10 from Oct. 4, 1893; $14 from Oct. 9, 1895. Back pay, $510.

John C. Kellar, China, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $12.

James M. Long, Quercus Grove, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $17.

Asa A. Stone, Jonesville, Owen County, Kentucky, old law, original, rate $6.

Levisa Hamilton, widow of John Hamilton, Warsaw, Kentucky, new law, rate $8.

Cautious Choat, Bennington, Indiana, old law, reissue, rate $12.

Thomas Edmonson, Centre Square, Indiana, old law, reissue, rates: $4 from Feb. 25, 1864; $8.00 from June 1, 1872; $12.00 from Apr. 26, 1882; $16.00 from Nov. 9, 1887; $24.00 from Nov. 28, 1888; and $30.00 from Sept. 14, 1898.

Killes Lee, Canaan, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $24.00.

Jacob Kern, Moorefield, Indiana, old law, increase, rate $17.00.

Martha J. Ricketts, widow of George Ricketts, Markland, Indiana, new law, rate $10.00.

Montgomery P. Baird, Lamb, Indiana, old law, rate $17.00.

Heir of Brownie Green, Ghent, Kentucky, old law, rate $14.00.