Category Archives: Switzerland County

Switzerland County, Indiana genealogy resources

Switzerland County Circuit Court – Feb 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, Circuit Court report appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 21 Feb 1901 – Page 5, Column 3


State vs. George W. Rayl; assault and battery. Plea of guilty, and fined $1.00.

State vs. James Foree; assault and battery. Trial before Court, verdict not guilty.

Harriet Petty, et als, vs. Henry Petty et als; for partition of real estate. Report of sale of land by Stephen H. Stewart, Commissioner, approved and deed confirmed. Sold at appraised value–$311 cash—to George Cook.



All acts of Clerk in vacation were approved.

Estate of David C. Richards, being less than $500, was set off to widow, Hannah Richards.

Estate of Henry Charlton; final report of Rollin Charlton, Administrator, approved and discharged.

Guardianship of Addie Beck; report of Guardian W. S. Kincaid approved and discharged.

Several cases were continued.

Vevay Reveille – 7 Mar 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Court Report.

Grace B. Thatcher vs. Oda P. Thatcher; divorce. Granted and she given possession of the two year old child.

Eliza J. Lee vs. James W. Ferguson et als. George S. Pleasants appointed temporary receiver.

State ex rel County Auditor vs. Gabriel Phillip, for possession, judgment for plaintiff.

Louis Bennett vs. Thena Turner, partition. Court found land not susceptible of division, and ordered it be appraised and sold by a Commissioner.

Mary Ann Rous vs. Daniel Brindley; for an injunction; verdict for defendant.

State vs. Joseph Krummel; attempt to provoke an assault. Guilty, fined $1. He was also charged with carrying concealed weapons, but the court found he was not guilty.

Menerva Taylor appointed guardian of Henry Taylor, a person of unsound mind.

Louis Bennett vs. Thena Turner et als, for partition. Leonard E. Smith, Commissioner reported sale of land for $200, full appraised value. Approved.

Hubert Eaglin vs. Lenora Eaglin; divorce, granted.



Thos. Carver appointed administrator of the estate of John Callahan.

Wm. E. Stewart appointed admin of the estate of Abner Stephenson.

Guardianship of Fannie M. Graham, Susie Graham, guardian, reported sale of real estate to Francis E. Steffin for $65. Approved.

Estate of Ostrum Boright, final report Wm. D. Cole, administrator, approved.

Flora Hall Schenck, executrix of Ulysses P. Schenck, deceased, given permission to transfer to herself certain bonds and stocks.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Jun 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for June 1901 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 27 Jun 1901 – Page 4, Column 1

Selar Mead and wife to Jno. Shannon

Charles Dibble and wife to Charles Tyler and wife

Caroline M. Griffith to Cora E. Slate

Lucian Harris, Guardian, to Millard McFarland and wife

Lucian Harris, Guardian, to Malanthon McFarland

Susan Jennings et al to William A. Courtney

Edward C. Shull, Sheriff, to John S. Heady

James Cole and wife to Jackson Shadday and wife

James A. VanOsdol, Guardian, to Wilson D. Tyler and wife

Angeline Pessler and heirs to Abijah Brindley and wife

Marion R. Cole and wife to Joseph M. Jack

Mier Brook and wife to Mary E. Reed

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – May 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for May 1901 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 2 May 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Morton D. Thiebaud et al to Millard McFarland and wife
  • Morton D. Thiebaud et al to Melanethon McFarland and wife
  • R. R. Stout and wife to Catherine Valentine
  • Mary B. Burrows et al to James Curry

Vevay Reveille – 9 May 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Nancy Eaton to Lina M. Wheat and Mary E. Harris
  • Stephen Linas to Lina M. Wheat and Nancy Eaton
  • Elizabeth Konkle to Henry Konkle
  • Ann Lauderbaugh et al to John Joyce
  • Chas. Dibble to A. E. Merritt
  • John W. Brinson and wife to Wm. K. Brinson
  • Wm. K. Brinson and wife to Sarah C. Scothern

Vevay Reveille – 23 May 1901 – Page 5, Column 4

Deeds Recorded.

  • Jane Ross to Hayes W. Ricketts
  • Sarah R. Callaham et al to Mary Wiley
  • Thomas R. Callahan et al to Sarah R. Callaham
  • Sarah R. Callaham et al to Thomas R. Callaham
  • Lucille A. Protsman and husband to John Romans
  • Mary D. Patton to Alice Yonge
  • Perry K. Cotton to Andrew J. Monroe
  • Henry Strops to Rose Holden

Vevay High School Graduation – 1901

Vevay High School [Switzerland County, Indiana] graduation report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 16 May 1901 – Page 5, Column 3


The Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement of Vevay High School was held at Metropolitan Hall last Friday evening, when a class of two young men and twelve young women received their diplomas and bid a final adieu to their school days.

While all the arrangements for the occasion had been made in concurrence with time honored customs, still every detail was marked with the progressiveness of the age, and the result was that public opinion pronounced this Commencement one of the most thoroughly enjoyable and successful ever held in Vevay.

Green and white—the class colors formed a pleasing contrast in the stage decorations, setting off to a splendid advantage the gilt letters composing the class motto: “Be What You Seem To Be.”

The audience was unusually large, many of those present coming from a distance. Prof. E. M. Danglande, Superintendent of the Schools, made a few well chosen remarks, and then in succession introduced the graduates. The orations, while necessarily brief, impressed the hearers with the thought, time and care that that had been used in their preparation, and the uniform case and oratorical power displayed by every member of the class was the subject of much favorable comment. Good music by a harpist and violinist was a pleasing feature of the exercises. Each minister of the city was accorded a place on the program, Rev. Tedford invoking the Divine Blessing, Rev. Christensen conferring the diplomas and Rev. Tedford pronouncing the Benediction. The following acted as ushers: Misses Clara Kiesel, Mary Orem, Nella Stucy, and Leila Thiebaud; Messrs. Craig Baird, Earl Brown, Charles Grammer and Clyde Culbertson.

The class of 1901 and their orations were as follows:

  • Mary Lanham, “Ever Onward.”
  • Perle Brindley, “Buds of Promise.”
  • Beryl Anderson, “Our Rubbicons.”
  • Laura Edna Hollcraft, “What Will They Say?”
  • Alice L. Orem, “Old, Yet ‘Tis New.”
  • Jennie M. Dupraz, “Voices That Speak To Us.”
  • Bessie Gretchen Reed, “Choose Your Timbers with Greatest Care.”
  • Alvan Burton Dodd, “Our Country.”
  • Belle Thiebaud Dufour, “Shakespeare’s Brutus.”
  • Pearl E. Haskell, “Wait a Minute.”
  • Grace N. Brindley, “A Plea For Simplicity.”
  • Elizabeth A. Houze, “The Sense of Nonsense.”
  • Anna Belle Sutherland, “Castles in Spain.”
  • Aime Todd, “Our State.”

The high school instructors are Prof. Ernest Danglade, Superintendent; Julia L. Knox, Principal; Grace Stepleton and Hannah Waldenmaier, Assistants.

Vevay Public School Promotions – 1901

Vevay Public Schools [Switzerland County, Indiana] promotions for 1901 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 16 May 1901 – Page 4, Column 3

Promotions of the Vevay Public Schools.


To Senior Class:—Anna Davison, Maude Davidson, Arla Jackson, Clara Kiesel, Mary Orem, Nellie Stucy, Lella Thiebaud, Maggie Krummel, Craig Baird, Agnes Boyle.

To Junior Class:–Clara Allen, Anna Curry, Ivy Haskell, Bess Heady, Flora Kiesel, Nettie Pleasants, Anna Reed, Lula Scott, Clyde Culbertson, William Griffith, Charles Grammer, William Houze, Josie Bowen, Roy Johnson (c), Ethal Scott (c), Myrtle Fallis, Afra Brindley.

To Sophomore Class:–Mable Cotton, Madge Fallis, Carrie Haskell, Helen Mead, Anna Webb, Mable Told, Clair Porter, Clyde Norisez, Freddie Thuneman, Carl Weaver, Howard Allen, Chester Kiesel.

To Freshman Class:–Nora Buchanan, Etta Coleman, Florence Houze, Hallie Haskell, Ola McClanahan, Stella Means, Jeanette Tandy, Clara Works, Nella Works, Maggie Windhizer, Bell Turner, Savilla Cole, Lewis Ward, W[?] Works, Philip Golay, Earl Golay.



To Eighth Year:–Lura Bowen, Landon Brindley, Rollin Buschman, Scott Carter, Anna Chapman, Fannie Culbertson, Madge Day, Helen Grammer, Gretchen Hall, Myrtle Jaynes, Gill Long, Mildred Loring, Hattie Means, Fred Miller, Bertha Myers, Lillian Scott, Hannah Twineham, Willie Wahl.

To Seventh Year:–Katie Orem, Alice Brown, Lulu Henry, Edith Kiesel, Emma Land, Harriet Tandy, Carolina Thuneman, Leila May Porter, Leo Johnson, Golda Andrews, Nellie Brown, Cecelia Dittgen, Ellie Hunter, Clara Graham, Walter Lock, Harry Davison, Willie Johnson, Willie Lawrence, Charlie Windhizer.

To Sixth Year:–Fred Myers, Inslee Grisard, Clair Andrew, Roy Peelman, George Rayl, Henry Moxley, Opp Seiglitz, Darwin Fallis, Claude Brindley, Joseph Mead, Thomas Danglade, Milo Gaudin, Valla Bosaw, Opha Twineham, Mabel Benedict, Wilhelmina Demaree, Curtis Muret, Lucinda Furnish, Lella Stacy, Gertrude Houze, Blanche O’Neal, Mattie Orem, Marie Thuneman, Citha Gordon, Alice Jackson, Dora Twineham, Nannie Weaver, Grace Saberton, Robert Burns.

To Fifth Year:–Dollie Baxter, Frank Bear, Maude Benedict, Emma Chapman, Kiesel Cole, John Danglade, Grace Davison, Allison Garner, Mabel Gray, Casper Fallis, Ida Fancher, Mary Hail, Burell Hildebrand, Thurman Jackson, Nannie Jones, Susie Lanmunyon, Isabelle Long, Edgar Kincaid, Bennie Martin, Charlie Moody, Arnold Osborn, Paul Seiglitz, Hannah Smith, Alpha Simpson, Flora Roberts, William Roberts, Lulu Robinson, Elizabeth Tandy, Gertrude Wahl, Marion Williamson, Edith Windhizer, Frank Weales, Arthur Furnish, Charles Banta, Frank Pavy.



To Fourth Year:–Lizzie Allen, Henrietta Thuneman, Isabella Webb, Clara Weales, Viannia Webster, Helen Plummer, Edith Loring, Eva Krummel, Ruth Kelso, Nettie Haydon, Loretto Dittgen, Irana Fallis, Margaret Davison, Pansy Bladen, Jessie Banta, Edward Means, Howard Hudson, Walter Bascom, Charles Lark, William Klein, John Mead, Frank Pelsor, George Williams, Walter Scott, Andrew Twineham, Dumont Grisard, Boston Geary, Vernon Baxter, Lawrence Hughes, Ira Perkins, Robert Slade.

To Third Year:–Iva Bales, Lilly May Bledsoe, Annie Brown, Ruby Buchanan, Ethel Brooks, Alice Garner, Lizzie Lazzell, Jessie Mitchell, Helen Rook, Pearl Schaum, Pauline Simmons, Jennie Stucy, Julia Tandy, Claudie Webster, Flaudie Webster, Ernest Bowie, Ferdie Bowie, John Butler, Lawrence Dufour, Walter Gaudin, Adolph Hildebrand, Harry Land, Willie Marsh, David Means, Fred Moody, Robert Oakley, James Rook, Dan Williams, Earl Gray, Lola Gordon, Ivan Ricketts.

To Second Year:–Ellie Allen, Mabel Brindley, Atha Baxter, Marguerite Bascom, Nora Beatty, Ella May Beatty, Laura Bladen, Lida Cotton, Elizabeth Grammer, Minnie Kelley, Ruth Plummer, Jennie Schoonover, Nona Saberton, Mamie Woodruff, Irene Walden, Dale Benedict, Clinton Burgess, Clemens Demann, Irwin Foutty, Edward Lazzell, Elmer Marsh, Frank Ricketts, David Ward Sieglitz, Carlyle Simmons, B. Slade, Byron Tilley, Harold Tardy, Paul Thuneman, Porter Webster, Thurman Woodruff.



HIGH SCHOOL.—SOPHOMORE CLASS—Grace Noble Simpson, Bessie Gertrude Neal.

FRESHMAN CLASS:–Eva May Simpson.

To Eighth Year:–Claude M. Jones, Freeman Cheatum, Justine Jones.

To Sixth Year:–Ethel May Jones, Benjamin Neal.

To Fourth Year:–Nanny B. Washington.

To Third Year:–Arnold Smith, Cordia P. Jones, Elizabeth Cheatum.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Apr 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for April 1901 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 4 Apr 1901 – Page 1, Column 4

Land Sales.

  • William H. Wright and wife to Jas. K. Reed
  • Harvey J. Zearing and wife to Lora Winscott
  • Phebe Stelpleton and husband to James Hilycord
  • James Brett and wife to Goodloe Brindley
  • Ida I. Gullion and husband to Calvin R. Smith and wife
  • Frank P. Brockschlager and wife to Willard E. Orem
  • Nancy J. Moore and husband to Ella Higham
  • Elijah Pendry to Hiram R. Brown
  • John W. Brinson and wife to Casper Nichousemyer

Vevay Reveille – 4 Apr 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Henry Buddenburg and wife to Ernest Buddenburg
  • John Q. Cochran and wife to John H. Oatman
  • R. H. Smith to Amie Smith
  • John Elfers and wife to Joseph Goodner
  • Samantha S. Miller to John Washmuth
  • Andrew J. Myers and wife to John W. Turner
  • Van S. Brandon to Lillian G. McCormick
  • John S. Steele and wife to John A. Anderson

Vevay Reveille – 18 Apr 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • William Johnston to Geo. W. Johnston
  • Philander Morrison and wife to Chas. C. Morrison
  • Geo. W. Johnston to Evaline Teats
  • Ben H. Ryker, Admr., to Cyrus D. Tinker
  • Elisha Brown to Geo. M. and Henry W. Rodgers
  • Helen Holcraft to Common School Fund
  • Alfred Shaw et al Trustees to W. R. Plummer et al Trustees, etc.
  • Clara Siebert and husband to Nancy J. McCreary and husband
  • Levin J. Woolen, Auditor, to Hiram Vandorin
  • Lona F. Winscott to Harvey J. Zearing
  • Trustees Indiana and Phoenix Lodges, I O O F, Vevay; to James R. Hart
  • John F. Hufford and wife to Walter Hufford
  • Emma M. Tarbox to Josiah Riley

Vevay Reveille – 25 Apr 1901 – Page 5, Column 4

Land Sales.

  • J. H. Hitchens and wife to Emma J. Richards
  • Carroll S. Tandy to Robert H. Clements

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Mar 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for March 1901 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 7 Mar 1901 – Page 1, Column 4

Land Sales.

  • J. M. W. Langsdale and wife to Wm. H. Wiley and wife
  • Bruce B. Whitman and wife to Millie Vantyle and B. F. Vantyle
  • Hiram Vandorin and wife to Clyde Vandorin and wife
  • Samuel Dunn and wife to Wm. F. Slade and wife
  • Josephine Todd to Magdaline Osborn
  • John Hastie to Martha J. Ricketts
  • A. L. North and wife to Geo. Cook

Vevay Reveille – 7 Mar 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Harriet Petty to Geo. Cook
  • Stephen H. Stewart to George Cook
  • Henry C. Trafelet and Amie L. Trafelet to Edward Brindley
  • Millie Vantyle and J. T. Vantyle to Lou Heath
  • Irvin W. Roberts and wife to Andrew J. Brown
  • Ella Higham and husband to Joseph and Eliza Miles
  • Geo. W. Armstrong and wife to Thos. J. Boyd
  • Thos. J. Stewart to Guy Ricketts

Vevay Reveille – 28 Mar 1901 – Page 5, Column 4

Land Sales.

  • Franklin P. Higham to Geo. W. Armstrong and wife, Eva
  • Ulysses Thompson and wife to Nettie S. Hatch
  • Trustees Phoenix and Indiana Lodges to Daniel Trafelet
  • Leonard E. Smith, Commissioner, to Lewis Bennett
  • John W. Sheane and wife to Chas. B. Sheane
  • Chas. B. Sheane and wife to John W. Sheane and wife
  • Francis E. Steffen and wife to Helen A. Aldred
  • Jasper N. Brindley and wife to Jas. B. Brett
  • Clinton E. Thompson to James I. Scudder and wife
  • Eugenia S. Eddy and husband to John L. Pavey
  • Susie Graham to Francis E. Steffen
  • Henry Buddenburg and wife to John B. Orr and wife

Cotton Township School Exhibit – 1901

Cotton Township, Switzerland County, Indiana, school exhibit report appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 14 Mar 1901 – Page 4, Column 4

Cotton Township School Exhibit.

Saturday, March 2, 1901, several schools of Cotton Township sent work for exhibition. This was judged by intelligent committees with the following awards:


Maps of Central States.—Lula Marble, first honor; Isreal Heath, second honor; Carl Campbell, third honor.

Portrait.—W. W. Cunningham, first honor.

Map of United States.—Carl Campbell, first honor.

Business Letter.—Carl Campbell, first honor; Essie L. Hyde, second honor.

Review of “The Great Stone Face.”—Cullie Clark, Shilo, first honor; Pauline Works, Allensville, second honor; Hallie Morrison, Sugar Branch, third honor.

Illustrations of Physiology.—Ray Humphrey, first honor; Elbert Tinker, second honor; Essie L. Hyde, third honor.

Penmanship.—Lulu Marble, first honor; Ray Humphrey, second honor; Hallie Morrison, third honor.

Straight Line Printing.—Essie L. Hyde, first honor; Ray Humphrey, second honor.



Review of “The Great Stone Face.”—Lizzie Potter, first; Carrie Sedam, second.

Map of Indiana.—Pearl Mead, Allensville, first; Lizzie Potter, East Enterprise, second; Henry Oak, Harmony, third.

Map of Central States.—Alma Cole, Greenwood, first; Alvin Althoff, Morton, second; Carrie Sedam, East Enterprise, third.

Map of United States.—Lucy Hyde, Allensville, first; Elbert Tinker, Allensville, second.

Relief Map of North America.—Lucy Hyde, first; Lizzie Potter, second; Elbert Tinker, third.

General Drawing.—John Cunningham, Sugar Branch, first; John Wiley, Greenwood, second; John Cunningham, third.

Straight Line Printing.—Minnie Higham, Allensville, first; Alma Cole, second; Polly Oak, third.

Writing.—Alma Cole, first; Minnie Higham, second; John Cunningham, third.

Business Letters.—Alma Tinker, first; Lucy Hyde, second; John Cunningham, third.



Clara Althoff, first; Grace Licking, second; Pearl Richards, third.

Illustrations of Physiology.—Eva Gary, first; Leslie Littlefield, second; John Cunningham, third.



Friendship Letters.—Manly Chase, Earnestine Pavy, Don Cutshaw, Alice Taylor, Lula Thatcher, Christine Barker.

Business Letters.—Josie Pavy, Dellie Boyd, Grace Nelson.

Original Poetry.—Lenore Smith, Lenore Dorrel, Theodore Smith, Harmony.

Reproduction Stories, (third year)—Erta Means, Alice Taylor, Edith Mitchell.

Drawing.—Dellie Boyd, Ernest Means, Don Cutshaw, Williard Whitham, Lawrence Smith.

Writing.—Manly Chase, Dellie Boyd, Grace Nelson, Lizzie Boyd, Don Cutshaw.

Reproduction Story, (fourth year.)—Ernest Means, Josie Pavy, Lula Hunt.



Drawing, (first year.)—Aldine Hizer, Allensville, first; Erta Oak, second; Harris Dorrel, third.

Writing, (first year.)—Erta Oak, Greenwood, first; Artie Chase, second; Lelia Cordry, third.

First Year Printing.—Aldine Hizer.

Second Year Drawing.—Mary Cutshaw, Greenwood, first; James Higham, second.

Second Year Writing.—Mary Cutshaw, first; Luelie Stevenson, second; Elsworth Lockwood, third.

Second Year Printing.—Ruby Higham, first.

Second Year Letters.—Mary Cutshaw, first.



First year, Mabel Holdcraft.

Second year, Mary Cutshaw, first; Fred Lockwood, second.

Third year, Clarence Holdcraft.

Fourth year, Lulie Hunt, first; Josie Pavy, second.

Fifth year, Maud Mead.

Sixth year, Cullie Clark, first; Lulie Marble, second.

Written Theme, “The Crowded Streets.”—Henry Oak, first.

Switzerland County Real Estate Transfers – Feb 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, real estate transfers for February 1901 appeared in:

Vevay Reveille – 7 Feb 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • William H. Smith and wife to Chas. W. Smith
  • Martin M. Barker and wife to Edgar C. Ford
  • Edgar C. Ford to Martin M. Barker
  • C. L. Jackson and wife to John H. Jackson
  • Helen A. Aldred and husband to Eva E. Cayton
  • W. R. Thomal et al to Helen A. Woodman
  • Amanda Holdcraft and husband to Eugene McCreary
  • Edward E. Kelso and wife to Wm. H. Thompson

Vevay Reveille – 14 Feb 1901 – Page 4, Column 1

Land Sales.

  • Wm. Marsh to Trustees Masonic Lodge, No. 81, East Enterprise
  • Henry L. Walker to Tithamyer Henry
  • Robert W. Scott and wife to John Wolf
  • James D. Downey and wife to John W. and Orson Tinker
  • George Cook and wife to Alice Chase and Stephen Chase
  • Mary E. Brown et al to John Brown and wife, Lillie
  • Alice and Steven Chase to Jas. B. Powell

Vevay Reveille – 21 Feb 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

Land Sales.

  • Robert W. Chapman and wife to A. J. and L. T. Porbat
  • Andy H. Detmer and wife to Frederick A. Sickman and wife
  • Lizzie Clark and husband to Mary E. Brown
  • Margarette L. Bryson et al to John Parker
  • Sarah H. Dennis and Wm. Dennis to Grace Dibber and Chas. L. Dibber
  • John W. Tinker to Orson P. Tinker
  • Barbar[?] [?] to Oll[?] Benn[?]
  • Theo [?] to [?] Langsdale

Switzerland County Commissioners – Feb 1901

Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 7 Feb 1901 – Page 5, Column 3

County Business.

Thomas Land, Walter Lock and C. C. Morrison, County Commissioners, met in regular session last Monday, adjourning Tuesday.

J. P. Orem, County Treasurer, reported payment of Bond No. 2, Free Gravel Roads in Cotton Township; $329.00. Alos payment of interest coupons on above bonds no. 2 to 4; (inclusive) $7.41 each. Bond and interest coupons cancelled by Board. Also for Free Gravel Road Bonds in Pleasant Township, 1 to 6–$500 each; No. 7, $130. Also payment of interest coupons, 54 at $25 each, and 6 at $6.50 each. Also for Free Gravel Road in York Township (Dorrell Road) payment Bond No. [?], $500, and 10, $152. Payment interest coupons; 6 at $25 and 6 and $7.60. Scott Road, payment Bonds 5 to 7 (inclusive) $500 each, and 8, $377. Interest coupons; 27 at $25 and 9 at $18.75. Also Free Gravel Roads in Jefferson Township; payment Bonds Nos. 18 and 19, $500 each, and No. 20, $4.50. Interest coupons; 17 at $25 and 6 at $22.50.

The County Auditor reported the following bonds and interest coupons outstanding and past due: [See newspaper.]

Wm. B. Streeter, State Agent Board of Charities, was given permission to take away from the County Orphan Asylum and place in homes the following children: Hester Courter, Nora Boggs, Pearl Boggs, John Taylor, and Bert Vandever, and that Claudie Wright would be removed later. That homes should be found for the Beatty children and Glenn Vandever, among their relatives without expense to the county, or otherwise they would be placed in homes by the State Agent. That application should be made for the admission of Ethel Richards, George Taylor and Daisy A. Smith to the School for feeble minded children. In case Ethel Richard be not admitted to said school for feeble minded, that she be returned to the Orphans Home in this County from the Orphans Home at Plymouth, Illinois.