Part of the Historic Indiana Law Project.
Abstracts of laws relating to the Indiana Territory from:
Philbrick, Francis S. The Laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-1809. Springfield, Illinois : Illinois State Historical Library, 1930. Internet Archive
1801 Laws of Governor and Judges
No. 1. A Law supplemental to a law to regulate county levies.
No. 2. A Resolution [to amend “an act regulating the admission and practice of attornies and counsellors at law.”]
No. 3. A Law to regulate the practice of the General Court upon Appeals and Writs of Eroor, and for other purposes.
No. 4. A Law respecting amendment and jeofail.
No. 5. A Law establishing courts of judicature.
No. 6. An Act repealing certain laws and acts and parts of certain laws and acts.
No. 7. A Law appointing a Territorial Treasurer.
No. 8. A resolution respecting the establishment of Ferries.
No. 9. A Law in addition to a law, entitled a law ascertaining and regulating the Fees of the several Officers and persons therein named.
No. 10. A resolution respecting the compensation of the Clerk to the Legislature.
1802 Laws of Governor and Judges.
Second Session.
No. 1. A Law for the appointment of Surveyors and their deputies.
No. 2. A Law allowing fees to the Surveyors.
1803 Laws of Governor and Judges.
Third Session.
No. 1. Resolved by the governor and judges of the Indiana Territory in their legislative capacity, that the act passed by the general assembly of the North Western Territory, on the nineteenth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, “entitled an act to encourage the killing of Wolves” be, and the same is hereby repealed.
No. 2. A Resolution, repealing certain parts of the law entitled a law ascertaining and regulating the fees of the several officers and persons therein named.
No. 3. A Law in addition to a law regulating certain Fees.
1804 Laws of Governor and Judges.
Fourth Session.
No. 1. A Law in addition to a law entitled a law to regulate the practice of the General Court upon Appeals and Writs of Error, and other purposes.
No. 2. A Law concerning Servants.
No. 3. A Law ascertaining and regulating the fees of the several officers and persons therein named.
No. 4. A Law authorizing the appointment of a Pilot.
No. 5. An act repealing certain laws and acts and parts of certain laws and acts.
No. 6. A Law to prevent forcible and stolen marriages; and for punishment of the crime of Bigomy.
No. 7. A Law to regulate county levies.
No. 8. A Law laying a tax upon law process.
No. 9. A Resolution authorizing the Governor to draw money from the territorial treasury, for the purposes therein mentioned.
No. 10. A Resolution requesting the governor to make application to Congress, for the purposes therein named.
No. 11. A Resolution authorizing the governor to contract for making copies of certain laws.
No. 12. A Resolution [to amend the law entitled a law “establishing courts of judicature.”]
No. 13. A Resolution that a circuit court shall be held in the counties of Clark, Dearborn and Wayne.
No. 14. A Resolution that the governor is hereby authorized to draw from time to time upon the Treasury of the Territory.