Category Archives: Dearborn County Court Records

Dearborn County Commissioners – Dec 1851 Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the December 1851 Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

December Session 1851

Page 210


  • Zera Vinson
  • Jonathan Hallowell

Report by John Smith and John Kyle, visitors to County Asylum.

Allowed to John Ross for making coffin for pauper

Allowed to Tharp & Baker for shelters for jail

Allowed to William Sheets for books for offices

Allowed to C. Armstrong for coffins for paupers and [?] for use of jail

Allowed to A. F. Gray & D. A. Rewlan for services arresting horse thief


Page 211

Allowed to Wymon & Ferris for coal for Court and offices

Allowed to Delzell & Taylor for books and stationery for offices

Allowed to William Nothun for graveling street

John Mason of Kelso Township exempted from road work.

Henry Wanke – license to keep a store in Jackson Township

Allowed to Alex Brown for taking John Durham, Jr., to Asylum


Page 212

Allowed to Michael Rudisell for digging grave for pauper

Allowed to Andrew Moss for digging graves for paupers

Stults H. Bolsa – license to retail liquors in Kelso Township

W. H. Conaway & Co. – license to keep as tore in Centre Township

Joseph Bartholomew – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Benjamin Vail – license to keep a store in Laughery Township


Page 213

Abram Showalter – license to keep a store in Jackson Township

Warren Steel & Co. – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

George Tousey – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township


Page 214

Anthony Opp – license to keep a store

James Mortaugh – license to keep as tore in Kelso Township

Owensby & Helmuth – license to keep store in Lawrenceburg Township

Thomas T. Edes & Co. – license to keep as tore in Lawrenceburg Township

Allowed to Cornelius O’Brien for articles for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Josiah Rewlan for setting grate and brick furnished jail


Page 215

Allowed to Noble Hamilton for office rent, coal and tax receipts

Allowed to Hugh F. Smith for use of buggy to Asylum

Allowed to Hermon Niemeyer for repairing stoves at Clerk’s office and Court House

Allowed to James Cummings for making two coffins for paupers

Allowed to James Sawdon for services as keeper of County Asylum

Allowed to Joseph Johnson for articles for use of paupers at Asylum

Allowed to James C. Cordry for articles for County Asylum


Page 216

Allowed to George Sheldon for balance on grate for jail

William L. S. Jones – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

Herman Benson – license to keep a store in York Township

Benjamin Morgan – license to keep a store in Harrison Township


Page 217

Allowed to Zera Vinson for hauling jail doors from Wilmington and taking same out of jail at Wilmington

Allowed to Sandford Moody for shaving criminals while in jail

Allowed to John F. Richards for boarding criminals in jail

Cornelius O’Brien authorized to erect an addition to Clerk’s office.


Page 218

Cornelius O’Brien and Theodore Gazlay authorized to repair Court House.

Theodore Gazlay authorized to procure a safe for Treasurer’s and Auditor’s office.

Allowed to Zera Percivall for cloak furnished prisoner

Allowed to R. Rogers for services as Auditor

Court adjourned.

Dearborn County Commissioners – Sep 1851 Called Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the September 1851 Called Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

September Called Session 1851

Page 208


  • William S. Ward
  • Zera Vinson
  • Jonathan Hallowell

Reuben Rogers authorized to rent toll house at bridge at New Lawrenceburg.

Allowed to Moses Collin for burying drowned man

Allowed to N. D. Folbre for publishing notices to borrowers of school fund

Allowed to Samuel Moore for conveying drowned man to grave

Allowed to Squier Watts for his [?] for Board of Equalization

Allowed to Jethro Morris for repairs made to Court House


Page 209

Francis W. Jackson appointed one of students to attend Bloomington College

Court adjourned.

Dearborn County Commissioners – Sep 1851 Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the September 1851 Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

September Session 1851

Page 196


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • William S. Ward
  • Zira Vinson

William S. Ward elected president of board.

Michael Sumendall – license to retail liquors in Centre Township

James D. Lozier – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Allowed to Jonathan Ross for markers and coffins for paupers

Report by John Smith and John Kyle, visitors to County Asylum.


Page 197

Petition of George Cornelius and others for road. Land of Samuel B. Wood, George Cornelius, James Carabaugh, Benjamin Brewington, Jacob Welhoff. John Columbia, William Armstrong and John Feney, viewers.


Page 198

Epstine & Co. – license to keep a store in Centre Township

S. Haddenback & Myers – license to keep a store in Centre Township

William Krass – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Board of equalization’s report.


Page 199

Elijah Thatcher – license to keep a store in Clay Township

Leon Adler – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Allowed to Michael Shum for burying drowned man

Allowed to Daniel Jayne for making coffin for drowned man

Allowed to Arthur Bush for services conveying drowned man to shore

Allowed to Isaac N. Cochran for conveying body of drowned man to grave


Page 200

Allowed to Joseph Johnson for articles for paupers at Asylum

Allowed to John Sawdon as keeper of County Asylum

Allowed to James C. Cordry for articles for paupers at Asylum

Allowed to Josephus Clark for completing assessment


Page 201

Andrew Kretline – license to retail liquors in Centre Township

Michael Kimmell – license to retail liquors in Centre Township

William Lemmon – license to retail liquors in Clay Township

William Bickett – license to keep a tavern in Clay Township


Page 202

Allowed to John Scott for services and labor on County Asylum

Tax adjustment on land of heirs of Thomas Miller.

George Moor of Lawrenceburg Township appointed County Surveyor

John Godley and William B. McCullough, administrators of estate of Jefferson Rittenhause made tax overpayment.


Page 203 [Continued.]


Page 204

Allowed to Harding and Tate for professional services rendered prisoners in jail

Allowed to Lane & Hibbard for publishing county expose

Allowed to Addison W. Smith for repairs made to jail

Allowed to B. B. Root for publishing county expose and coroner’s inquests

Allowed to H. S. & J. Applegate for stationery for offices

Allowed to Noble Hamilton for office rent for treasurer

Allowed to Reuben Rogers for services as Auditor


Page 205

Allowed to John F. Richards as keeper of jail

Allowed to W. W. Hibban for publishing county expose and notices of elections, &c.

Tax rates for 1851.


Page 206

Robert Wieber allowed credit on road tax for services erecting bridge on public highway in Laughery Township.

Mayhew & Wright – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg

Simon Hammersmith – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

James Burk – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Wymond and Ferris – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Jacob Opp – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Krap & Sturns – license to keep as tore in Lawrenceburg Township


Page 207

James M. Torrence – license to keep a store in Logan Township

Philip J. Kuhn – license to keep a store in Jackson Township

David A. Brooks – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

John C. Moor – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

Dearborn County Commissioners – Jun 1851 Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the June 1851 Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

June Session 1851

Page 169


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • Zera Vinson
  • William S. Ward

Allowed to Josiah Rewland for catching drowned man, making coffin and expenses burying said man

Allowed to Jonathan Ross for making barn frame for County Asylum Farm and making coffin for Hannah White, a pauper

Joseph Feger – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township

Leonard Gearhart – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township

Allowed to William Horner for assessing Logan Township

Allowed to John Kyle, Jr., and John Smith for visiting County Asylum


Page 170

Report of John Kyle, Jr., and John Smith, visitors to County Asylum.

Paupers of Asylum:

  • Philip Snyder
  • John Flannagan
  • Sophia Hervey
  • Elizabeth Love
  • Edmund Nowland
  • Winney Flannagan
  • Ann Gay
  • Albert Hunter
  • John Nehemiah, wife and 2 children
  • Heziah Dail and 2 children
  • Abigail Sullivan and 1 child
  • 2 idiots


  • Levi Garrison and wife left April 2
  • Matilda Russell left April 30
  • Geo Webb left May 20


  • Hannah White died March 23


Allowed to Hamilton Conaway for assessing Clay Township

Allowed to William Lemmon for assessing Caesars Creek Township

Allowed to John Fenimore for assessing Laughery Township


Page 171

Allowed to William L. Hansell for assessing Miller Township

Allowed to William H. Bannister for assessing Jackson Township

Allowed to Samuel J. Johnson for assessing Centre Township

Allowed to Joseph Weitzel for assessing York Township

Allowed to Andrew Lonergan for assessing Kelso Township

Joseph Weizel – license to keep a grocery in York Township

Richard D. Slater, citizen of York Township, presented remonstrance of John Weinberger and others for additional precinct.


Page 172

Allowed to William Winkley for making two bones for drowned man in Centre Township

Allowed to Wilson L. Wheeler for assessing Sparta Township

Stephen Livingston – license to keep a store in Wilmington, Laughery Township

Allowed to C. R. Campbell as assistant assessor

Allowed to Enoch W. Jackson as assistant assessor

Allowed to John Mahoney as assistant assessor

Allowed to Isaac T. Cole as assistant assessmor


Page 173

Allowed to Brown & Goble for printing blanks and Coroner’s Inquest

Allowed to Michael Shum for digging graves and burying two men found drowned in Ohio River

Allowed to Moses Tebbs for assessing in Harrison Township

Allowed to John W. Dawson for use of Ragan Philbrook and others for services rendered burying drowned man and making coffin &c.

Lapish & Sellers – license to keep a store in Harrison Township

John Netters – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township


Page 174

Levin B. Lewis – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Chambers & Co. – license to keep a store in Centre Township

George Cornelius presents petition for road in Laughery and Sparta Townships. Land of Samuel B. Wood, George Cornelius, James Carbaugh, Benjamin Brewington, Jacob Welhoff, John Spidall, Elizabeth Carbaugh, Seth Buffington, Thomas Hubbard, Mrs. Goulding. Petition signed by: George Cornelius, John Christy, Johue Buffington, Jacob Welhoff, Seth Buffington, Peter Hennegan, James Carbaugh, Daniel H. Wood, Samuel R. Wood, R. H. Givan, E. Chaffin, Benj. Brewington, WM. G. Marshall. John Columbia, William Armstrong and John Teney appointed viewers.


Page 175

Michael Steinmetz – license to keep a tavern in York Township

Mary Kisler – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township


Page 176

Elias Heustis – license to keep a store in Manchester Township

Maurice Keump – license to keep a store in Kelso Township

G. Cloud – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Allowed to James Aiken for potatoes for County Asylum

Allowed to John Akins for oats for County Asylum


Page 177

Joshua Brewington – license to keep a store in Laughery Township

James D. Bowen – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

Hugh Scott – license to keep a store in York Township

Allowed to John Sawdon as keeper of County Asylum

William Green – license to keep a store in Manchester Township

Allowed to James C. Cordry for articles for paupers at County Asylum

Allowed to Daniel Roberts for articles for paupers at County Asylum

Allowed to Platt & Eldridge for articles for County Asylum


Page 178

Allowed to John B. Clark for articles for County Asylum

Allowed to Joseph Johnson for articles for County Asylum

Allowed to Edward Clements for articles for County Asylum

Allowed to Edwin Canfield for assessing

Allowed to George W. Lane for publishing notices of Coroner’s Inquest

Allowed to A. J. Gray for collecting money from D. Rice for exhibiting a circus in Aurora

John W. Dawson – license to keep a store in York Township

Norval Sparkes – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Joseph Antrim – license to keep a store in Miller Township


Page 179

Ferris McCullough & Co. – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

J. H. Watkins – license to keep a store in Laughery Township

William O’Brien – license to keep a store in Jackson Township

R. P. Squibb – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Elrodd & Sewell – license to keep a store

Joseph West – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Allowed to Thomas Wright for arresting horse thief


Page 180

William Swift – license to keep a store in Kelso Township

George Bittman – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township

Jacob Gebhartt – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

George Bittman – license to keep a store in Kelso Township


Page 181

Jacob Morrison’s account.

Allowed to Theodore Gazlay for making five maps of Township for assessors

Allowed to A. W. Smith for repairs made to jail


Page 182

Allowed to Jonathan Tibbets for assessing Manchester Township

William Turner – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

Allowed to Samuel Osgood for extra services as Sheriff

Allowed to Delzell & Co. for books for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Michael Lang for repairs made to Clerk’s office

Allowed to Applegate & Co. for stationery for Clerk’s and Auditor’s office

Allowed to William Sheets for books for Recorder’s and Auditor’s office

Allowed to James Partlow for conveying drowned man to graveyard

Allowed to Thomas Lampkin for conveying drowned man to graveyard

Allowed to Tidings & White for bringing body of a man found in Ohio River to shore


Page 183

Allowed to George Porter for bringing body of drowned man found in Ohio River to shore

Allowed to John Shoemake for coffin and burying Henry Davis, a pauper of Manchester Township

Assessment adjustments.


Page 184

Allowed to John Scott for services on County Asylum farm

Allowed to George B. Fitch as assessor

Allowed to Henry Boese for making tables and desks for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Daniel Conaway for assessing


Page 185

Grand Jury for August Term 1851:

  1. Thomas Lord, Manchester Township
  2. George Greer, Laughery Township
  3. Reuben Moor, Lawrenceburg Township
  4. Philip Wise, Jackson Township
  5. John Brumley, Jr., Sparta Township
  6. Abram Roland, Lawrenceburg Township
  7. William Firth, York Township
  8. Joseph Trester, Centre Township
  9. George Crozier, Miller Township
  10. John Fagan, York Township
  11. Joseph Grove, Centre Township
  12. Robert Hargate, Miller Township
  13. Conrad Row, York Township
  14. Libbeas A. Bell, Sparta Township
  15. James Goote, Miller Township
  16. John Doyle, Jackson Township
  17. John Teny, Sparta Township
  18. John L. Bailey, Centre Township

Traverse Jury for 1st week, August Term 1851:

  1. John Henderson, Jr., Harrison Township
  2. Henry Likely, York Township
  3. Thomas F. Rhodes, Laughery Township
  4. Isaac Kaughman, Lawrenceburg Township
  5. Silas Balser, Kelso Township
  6. Thomas Gayon, Clay Township
  7. David A. Hall, Lawrenceburg Township
  8. Jacob Clements, Jackson Township
  9. Robert D. Brown, Laughery Township
  10. William Tate, Sr., Lawrenceburg Township
  11. Anthony Morgan, Jackson Township
  12. Elial Chaffin, Sparta Township

Traverse Jury for 2nd week, August Term 1851:

  1. George Cook, Miller Township
  2. J. M. Bottinburgh, Jackson Township
  3. James Carbaugh, Sparta Township
  4. John Gibson, Miller Township
  5. John Palmer, York Township
  6. William Bruce, Laughery Township
  7. Samuel Craig, Logan Township
  8. Solomon O’Brien, Jackson Township
  9. Martin Trester, Laughery Township
  10. William Glasdon, Logan Township
  11. Stokely Dills, Manchester Township
  12. Charles Owen, Sparta Township


Page 186

Traverse Jury for 3rd week, August Term 1851:

  1. David Ellis, Miller Township
  2. Samuel McMullor, Manchester Township
  3. John Crofur, Sparta Township
  4. Thos. M. Brackenridge, Harrison Township
  5. James A. Angevin, York Township
  6. Jacob W. Egleston, Clay Township
  7. Oliver Gates, Miller Township
  8. William Donlan, Kelso Township
  9. Vandolah Swallow, Clay Township
  10. Thomas Cottingham, Harrison Township
  11. Lawrence McGaire, Kelso Township
  12. James Johnson, Clay Township

Traverse Jury for 4th week, August Term 1851:

  1. Anderson F. Gage, Lawrenceburg Township
  2. Francis Rhinehart, Kelso Township
  3. George P. Low, Laughery Township
  4. William S. Miller, Lawrenceburg Township
  5. James A. Eastly, York Township
  6. James Clements, Laughery Township
  7. Timothy Guard, Lawrenceburg Township
  8. Jacob Knote, Kelso Township
  9. B. F. Burlingame, Laughery Township
  10. John Liddle, Miller Township
  11. George Lewis, Manchester Township
  12. John Langley, Centre Township

Grand Jury for February Term 1852:

  1. Amos Reese, Lawrenceburg Township
  2. Jacob Goodapple, York Township
  3. Henry Walker, Cente Township
  4. Sherwood Blasdell, Miller Township
  5. George Morris, Manchester Township
  6. Hugh Alexander, Sparta Township
  7. George Barber, Logan Township
  8. James McKay, Kelso Township
  9. Edwin Canfield, Laughery Township
  10. Robert M. Fowler, Lawrenceburg Township
  11. Addison Chandler, Manchester Township
  12. Wilson Dorman, Sparta Township
  13. John Godley, Harrison Township
  14. Mathias Rush, Kelso Township
  15. Stephen Levingston, Laughery Township
  16. Charles Jolly, Logan Township
  17. Peter C. Wilcox, Manchester Township
  18. Smith L. Moore, Sparta Township

Traverse Jury for 1st week, February Term 1852:

  1. R. Hargate, Miller Township
  2. A. J. Alden, Jackson Township
  3. Thomas Wilson, Clay Township
  4. John Ewbank, Miller Township
  5. James Foster, Kelso Township
  6. G. W. Taylor, Laughery Township
  7. Joseph M. Harper, Lawrenceburg Township
  8. Michael O’Conner, York Township
  9. John Cobb, Centre Township
  10. Isaac Vandansdoll, Miller Township
  11. Frebourn Lewis, Kelso Township
  12. Isaac T. Cole, Clay Township

Traverse Jury for 2nd week, February Term 1852:

  1. George Bonham, Logan Township
  2. Charles Tibbets, Manchester Township
  3. Conaway Bainum, Centre Township
  4. Aaron R. Bonham, Miller Township
  5. James K. Shoats, York Township
  6. John Maston, Sparta Township
  7. Elisha Miller, Harrison Township
  8. James Howell, Manchester Township
  9. Charles Bruce, Laughery Township
  10. William Lard, Logan Township
  11. Richard S. Anderson, Manchester Township
  12. William Eversol, Sparta Township


Page 187

Traverse Jury for 3rd week, February Term 1852:

  1. James Frazer, Miller Township
  2. Samuel J. Alden, Jackson Township
  3. Thomas Fenton, Centre Township
  4. Leroy Flemming, Lawrenceburg Township
  5. Jonathan Hall, York Township
  6. Abram Pierson, Clay Township
  7. Moses Crist, Lawrenceburg Township
  8. Linus Hamlin, Manchester Township
  9. William Walser, Laughery Township
  10. Wilson H. Swales, Logan Township
  11. Phillip Shott, Kelso Township
  12. Elijah Huffman, Laughery Township

Traverse Jury for 4th week, February Term 1852:

  1. Charles Burk, Logan Township
  2. Valentine Noe, Kelso Township
  3. Samuel Wymond, Clay Township
  4. Edward B. Hunt, Lawrenceburg Township
  5. Hugh Scott, York Township
  6. James Rand, Caesars Creek Township
  7. William Darling, Miller Township
  8. Alfred J. N. Platt, York Township
  9. John Willhof, Laughery Township
  10. Thomas Annis, Miller Townshipo
  11. George Givan, Manchester Township
  12. Newton Canfield, Laughery Township


Page 188

Allowed to John Fagan as assessor

Allowed to Isaac T. Cole as assessor

Allowed to J. H. Brower & Co. for professional services rendered James Brown

Allowed to Platt & Eldridge for lumber for County Asylum

Allowed to Seth Plat as viewer of roads in York and Manchester Townships

Allowed to R. & O. Parry for articles for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Cornelius Vanhorn as viewer of road

Report on road in Miller and York Townships.

Wrights Corner in Manchester Township selected as additional precinct for holding elections. G. S. Jaquith appointed inspector. Stokely Dills, George M. Lozier and Hiram Crowwell appointed Judges of elections.

Lawrenceville in Jackson Township selected as additional election precinct. William Stone appointed inspector. John M. Bottenburg, Dudley K. Rafferty and George S. Williams appointed Judges of elections.

House of Jacob Wilhelm in Kelso Township selected as additional election precinct. Jacob Knote appointed inspector. Charles Wilhelm, Anthony Hahn and Daniel Mason appointed Judges of elections.

Allowed to William S. Ward for procuring lumber for erection of barn on County Asylum farm


Page 190

Allowed to George B. Sheldon for articles for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Enoch E. Adams for [?] for offices

Allowed to Cornelius O’Brien for articles for Clerk’s office

George Younker – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township

Allowed to Benjamin Sylvester for articles furnished R. Bell, a pauper in Centre Township

Allowed to Cheek & Raymond for printing blank Grand Jury subpoenas

Allowed to John F. Richards for boarding prisoners in jail


Page 191

Ordered refunded to Gaff & Co. half of tax charged Gaff Bush & Co. for interest in Steamboat Diana which was incorrectly paid.

William Becket – license to keep a tavern in Clay Township

Michael Leightner – license to keep a tavern in York Township

Allowed to Zere T. Percivall for cleaning Court House

Allowed to George Tousey for window blinds for Auditor’s office


Page 192

Auditor’s report on funds in Treasury.


Page 193

Treasurer’s report.


Page 194

Allowed to Sandford Moody for shaving prisoners in jail

Noble Hamilton, Treasurer, makes report.

Allowed to Noble Hamilton for fuel and office rent

Allowed to Gerrard Wempe for arresting horse thief


Page 195

William Beckett exempted from road work.

Ordered that land owned by John Smith and located in Kelso Township be attached to York Township.

Allowed to J. Crosby for painting offices

Allowed to Josephus Clark for assessing

Allowed to Reuben Rogers for services as Auditor

Court adjourned.

Dearborn County Commissioners – May 1851 Called Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the May 1851 Called Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

May Called Session 1851

Page 168


  • Zera Vinson
  • William S. Ward

Isaac T. Cole, Edwin Canfield and John Fagan appointed assistant appraisers.

Court adjourned.

Dearborn County Commissioners – Mar 1851 Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the March 1851 Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

March Session 1851

Page 135


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • William S. Ward
  • Zera Vinson

Lewis Grengard – license to keep a tavern in Lawrenceburg

Allowed to Josephus Clark for professional services prosecuting suit of forcible entry and detainer against William A. Kerr to recover the possession of a public building in Wilmington heretofore used as a public jail

George Fry – license to keep a tavern in York Township


Page 136

Reuben Rogers, Auditor, filed his bond with Stephen East, William Headley and Hamilton Conaway, his securities.


Page 137

Reuben Rogers, Auditor, filed bond with Josiah Chambers, Townsend J. Taylor, Thomas J. Taylor, Wm. F. Stevens, George Greer, L. E. Stevens, and Wm. S. Speakman, his securities.


Page 138

Allowed to H. Dill for articles furnished County Asylum

Allowed to David Leroy for professional services rendered paupers at Asylum

Allowed to Hezekiah Dill as keeper of County Asylum

Allowed to Jonathan Ross for making coffin for pauper who died in County Asylum

Allowed to Andrew Moss for digging grave for three paupers

Allowed to J. W. Gordon for professional services to pauper

Allowed to James Partlow for conveying body of drowned man to grave

Allowed to James M. Hayes for making coffin for Knowles child


Page 139

Allowed to John R. Clark for sundries furnished County Asylum

Allowed to Daniel Roberts for sundries furnished County Asylum

Allowed to Seth Platt for articles furnished County Asylum

Allowed to Hugh F. Smith for conveying Mary Yarnall to Asylum

Allowed to William S. Miller for coal for use of jail

Allowed to Brown & Goble for printing blanks and advertising

Allowed to Oliver Heustis for expenses &c. in apprehending and conviction of Governor N. Keikman, a [?] thief

Allowed to Israel Ketcham for conveying Hannah White, a pauper, to County Asylum


Page 140

Report of Henry White, George Robertson and John Mahoney, viewers on road in Kelso and Jackson Townships. Lands of Christian Mabes.

Petition of John W. Dawson and others to appoint viewers for road. Cornelius Vanhorn, Seth Platt and Stokely Dills appointed viewers.


Page 141

Report of visitors to County Asylum.


Page 142

E. Dumont authorized to collect jury fees.

Allowed to Addison W. Smith for carpenter’s work at jail

Allowed to H. H. J. Applegate for stationery for offices

Allowed to William Sheets & Co. for books for offices

Joseph Blatner – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

Jacob Gaster – license to keep a tavern


Page 143

Valentine Stumph – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

John F. Cheek, attorney for Wm. H. Bowen, presents account for attendance as witness in case of Indiana vs. Govnor A. Kerkman, a horse thief and cash paid Deputy Marshall for bringing Jeadiah White (a criminal) from Cincinnati. Refused and appealed.

Allowed to George Hume for removing Wm. A. Kerr from jail in Wilmington

Allowed to Chambers & Co. for articles for paupers in County Asylum


Page 144

Allowed to James Cummings for making coffin for Darby Coyl, drowned man

Allowed to Levi E. McQuithey for plastering jail

Allowed to George Conner for coffin and other expenses for burying G. Cable

Joseph Shinep– license to keep a grocery

Benjamin Sylvester – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Charles Yeager – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township

George Voglesang – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

H. F. Smith – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township


Page 145

Henry Schue – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

Allowed to Nathaniel Leonard for coffin for two paupers of Harrison Township


Page 146

Allowed to Michael Shum for digging grave and burying three paupers within Centre Township

Isaac Davis – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

Allowed to Abram Brower for paper for Clerk’s office

Petition of Trustees of Congressional Township 7, Range 1 west.


Page 147

Allowed to H. S. & J. Applegate for stationery for Clerk’s office

Gerrart Wemp – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township


Page 148

Michael Boly – license to keep a grocery in Kelso Township

Henry Rosenbaum – license to keep a grocery in Centre Township

James C. Corany – license to keep a store in Laughery Township

Joseph Steinmetz – license to keep a store in Manchester Township


Page 149

Peter B. Vail – license to keep a store in Centre Township

David Moor – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

George Chandler – license to keep as tore in Lawrenceburg Township

Benjamin Stockman – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Oliver P. Gray – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

H. L. Dean – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Alexander Swartz – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township


Page 150

Appointed Trustees of County Seminary: Robert B. Brown, Benjamin Barlingham, David Kerr, Benjamin Vail, and Daniel Conaway of Laughery Township; William S. Holman, William T. Harris and Jacob Morrison of Centre Township; John B. Vail of Lawrenceburg Township; Charles Jolly of Logan Township; John Brumley of Sparta Township and Seth Platt of Manchester Township.

Allowed to E. E. Adams for stationery for offices

Allowed to Abram Lozier for articles furnished paupers at County Asylum

Guilford, York Township selected as additional place for elections. Charles R. Campbell appointed inspector and John Frazan, James McGinnis and Joseph Hansall appointed Judges of elections.


Page 151

Allowed to George Y. Chandler for articles for paupers

Allowed to Zera Vinson for removing Wm. A. Kerr out of jail at Wilmington

Josephus Clark of Center Township appointed County Appraiser. Daniel Conaway of Laughery Township; Enoch W. Jackson of Miller Township; Charles R. Campbell of York Township; and John Mahoney of Kelso Township appointed assistant appraisers.


Page 152

Allowed to Noble Hamilton for fuel, printing, &c. for offices


Page 153

Heinrich Wedelstaedt for two locks and one shovel for Clerk’s office

Gustof Wierling – license to keep a grocery in Centre Township

John Long – license to keep a grocery in Centre Township

Frederick Notmire – license to keep a grocery in Centre Township

Allowed to C. Armstrong for table for Recorder’s office and repairing gate

Allowed to C. O’Brien for articles for Clerk’s office


Page 154

Allowed to William V. Cheek for costs in the following cases: Indiana vs. J. Pnney, G. Dunn and Nathan Powell; William Perry vs. Joseph Dart, Alexr H. Dill and J. Phinney; State on relation of Wright vs. Wm. A. Clark; Saml. Roberts vs. John Tufts Sr. and others; and case of insanity of Mills Robinson.

Allowed to J. H. Brower for professional services rendered James Brown. Rescinded.


Page 155

John P. Kimmell – license to keep a tavern in Centre Township

Allowed to George W. Roberts for articles for Asylum

Charles Fahlon – license to keep a grocery in Centre Township

Holland & Dair – license to keep a store in Harrison Township

Allowed to John Mahoney, George Robertson and Henry White for viewing road


Page 156

Anderson Londergan – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Townsh

Kelso, Logan, Clay, Centre and York Townships voted for liquor licenses.

Allowed to Brown & Goble for blanks for assessors

Allowed to N. D. Folbre for publishing notices for proposals for keeping County Asylum


Page 157

John Sawdon’s proposal to keep County Asylum accepted.

David L. Roy appointed physician for County Asylum.


Page 158

Henry Zimner – license to keep a grocery in Centre Township

Ann McGrath – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

John Kyle of Manchester Township and John Smith of Laughery Township appointed visitors to County Asylum.

Allowed to John F. Richards for services as jailor and repairs to building

Allowed to Sandford Moody for shaving prisoners in jail


Page 159

Robert H. N. Scott – license to keep a tavern in Centre Township

Allowed to E. P. Bond for professional services rendered pauper removed from National Hotel to house for those afflicted with small pox

Examinations of bonds and mortgages.

Allowed to Reuben Rogers for services as Auditor


Page 160

Purchase of bridge at New Lawrenceburg from Lawrenceburg and Tanners Creek Bridge Company. Stephen Ludlow, president of company; Isaac Dunn and David Woodward, Trustees. Jonathan Hallowell and William S. Ward, commissioners. Green Sparkes, George Ross, Reuben Moore, Lawrenceburg Township Trustees.


Page 161 [Continued.]

Page 162 [Continued.]


Page 163

Auditor’s report on Congressional Townships.


Page 164 [Continued.]

Page 165 [Continued.]

Page 166 [Continued.]


Page 167

Report on County Funds.

Court adjourned.

Dearborn County Commissioners – Jan 1851 Called Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the January 1851 Called Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

January Called Session 1851

Page 133


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • William S. Ward
  • Zera Vinson

Application for location of a highway through lands of Omer Tousey, Mary Pinkard  Margaret Pinkard, Catharine Pinkard, William Pinkard, Thomas Pinkard, heirs of Catharine Pinkard, deceased; Andrew Morgan, John Callahan, John Rees, David Rees, Amos Rees, John Billingsley, Perry Cobb, Mack Cheek, Lazarus Cheek, Strawder Cheek, George W. Cheek, William Cheek, Harry Cheek and McDonald Cheek, heirs of George Cheek, deceased; and Henry Walker. William T. Ferris and other file petition.


Page 134

Board purchased from Samuel Murphy land for use of County Asylum.

Court adjourned.

Dearborn County Commissioners – Dec 1850 Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the December 1850 Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

December Session 1850

Page 117


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • William S. Ward
  • Zera Vinson

Allowed to William F. Smith for services rendered Wm. H. Hill, a pauper in Laughery Township

Allowed to Henry Bose for making table for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Addison W. Smith for carpenter’s work and materials for Recorder’s and Auditor’s offices

Allowed to Henry Raymond for attorney’s fee in case of Auditor vs. Aurora Corporaion

Allowed to T. F. Lapish as assessor

Allowed to Samuel Osgood for cash paid for repairing stove pipe for Court House

Allowed to Seth Mayhew for service and material for Recorder’s and Auditor’s offices


Page 118

Allowed to William Sheets & Co. for delinquent record and paper

Allowed to Abram Brower for Clerk’s fee in case of G. Palmer and postage, setting glass and repairs to Stoves

George Kolb – license to keep a tavern in Harrison Township

Allowed to Samuel Osgood for extra services as Sheriff


Page 119

Thomas Edes – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Warren Steel & Co. – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Burke & West – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Thomas Hargate – license to keep a store in Miller Township


Page 120

Joseph Bartholomew – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

James Martaugh – license to keep a store in Kelso Township

George Tousey – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

J. A. Curtis – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Allowed to Olvier P. Gray for articles for use of Jail

F. M. Gray – license to keep a store in Manchester Township

H. L. Weedelstaedt – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township


Page 121

Henry White, George Robertson of York Township, and John Mahoney reappointed viewers.

George W. Baldridge – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Vail & Fenimore – license to keep a store in Laughery Township

W. W. Conaway & Co. – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Moses Shott – license to keep a store

Allowed to William S. Miller for coal for Court House


Page 122

W. & C. Webber – license to keep a store in Centre Township

Anthony Opp – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

John B. Clark and Seth Platt, visitors to County Asylum, made report.

David Leroy & Co. – license to keep a store in Manchester Township

Allowed to Seth Platt as visitor to Asylum and boards for use of Asylum Farm

Allowed to David Leroy for professional services to paupers at Asylum

Allowed to H. Dill for services as keeper of County Asylum and articles furnished paupers at Asylum


Page 123

Allowed to Peter Platt for repairs made to Asylum

Allowed to John B. Clark for articles furnished paupers at Asylum

Platt & Eldridge – license to keep a store in Manchester Township

Owensby & Helmath – license to keep as tore in Lawrenceburg Township

Andrew Morgan – license to keep a ferry across Laughery Creek at Aurora to Rising Sun

Hugh. M. Allen – license to keep a ferry across Ohio River from Aurora


Page 124

Allowed to N. D. Folbre for publishing notices to borrowers of school funds and delinquent sale &c.

Allowed to Brown & Goble for printing notices to borrowers of school fund and notice to delinquents and blanks for Clerk’s office

Allowed to G. B. Sheldon for stoves and stove pipe and coal buckets for Court House and offices

Allowed to John Hornberger for repairing Aurora Bridge

Allowed to Cyrus Armstrong for making table for Auditor’s office

Allowed to William Kraas for articles for paupers and candles for Court House

Allowed to H. F. Smith for conveying pauper to Asylum


Page 125

Allowed to Abram Lozier for articles furnished paupers at Asylum

Allowed to James Aiken for articles for paupers at Asylum

Benjamin Morgan – license to keep a store in Harrison Township

Allowed to George W. Lane for publishing notices to borrowers of school funds and delinquents

Allowed to Ephraim Burroughs for making hand cuffs

Allowed to A. W. Smith for making door and door frame for jail

Bates & Neel – license to keep a store in York Township


Page 126

Allowed to A. G. Cloud for articles for pauper

Allowed to C. J. Craig for prosecuting Mr. Pierce

Allowed to Wymon & Ferris for coal for Jail

Allowed to E. P. Bond for professional services to criminals in Jail

Allowed to Seth Mayhew for cutting out door through wall at Jail

Allowed to S. S. Dunn for cash paid for Telegraph dispatches in case of Kerkman

Allowed to Noble Hamilton for office rent for Treasurer, desk, stationery and candles

Allowed to John F. Richards for boarding prisoners in Jail


Page 127

Allowed to H. Dill for use of John P. Snell and L. Snell for blacksmithing and wagon work for County Asylum

Ordered legal notice be given to William A. Kerr by Zera Vinson to leave house now occupied by him in Wilmington and give peaceable possession of said premises to Zera Vinson.

Allowed to G. Shubner for making coffin for pauper

Allowed to John Jacob Houck for articles for paupers

Allowed to A. D. Sayer for professional services rendered Hill


Page 128

Application of Samuel Hummell to refund him out of School Funds.

Allowed to Peter B. Vail for articles furnished John Gary, a pauper

Allowed to Hiram Wright for money expended in conviction of Samuel Crist

Allowed to Benjamin Pelbean for money expended arresting and conveying Samuel Crist from Indianapolis to Lawrenceburg

Allowed to Sandford Moody for shaving prisoners in Jail


Page 129

Warren Tebbs – license to keep a tavern in Harrison Township

Jacob Morrison appointed agent to superintend and take charge of property belonging to the county in Aurora.

Landlin Hermon – license to keep a tavern in York Township

Allowed to David Wright for services as witness in case of S. Crist

Allowed to Hiram Wright for services as witness in case of S. Crist

Allowed to E. E. Adams for stationery for office

Allowed to Samuel Osgood for delivering certificates of election to delegates


Page 130

Allowed to Zera T. Percival for cleaning Court House

Allowed to Zera Vinson to defray expenses of removing Mr. Dodridge and family from Asylum to their home in Pittsburgh

Allowed to Reuben Rogers for services as Auditor

Rueben Rogers appointed to superintend work on Jail.

Board adjourned.


Page 131

Deed – Reuben Rogers, Auditor, to Isaac Bruce


Page 132 [Continued.]

Dearborn County Commissioners – Sep 1850 Called Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the September 1850 Called Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

September Called Session 1850

Page 109


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • Zera Vinson
  • William S. Ward

George Moore, County Surveyor, makes report. Jonathan Blasdel, Daniel Baldridge, and Henry Walker, viewers. Road from Joseph Hayes’ farm formerly John Crandon’s in Lawrenceburg Township to Walter Hayes’ dwelling. David Levice and Garrett Farrell, chainmen. Adam Barringer, axeman.


Page 110 [Continued.]

Page 111 [Continued.]

Page 112 [Continued.]


Page 113

Philip Peter Kroh – license to keep a tavern in Harrison Township

James Todd exempted from road work.

Allowed to William H. Hill, a blind man, for his temporary relief

Ordered a building be erected for Auditor’s and Recorder’s office. Reuben Rogers appointed agent.

Remonstrance of Timothy Guard, James Guard, David Guard, Enoch Hayes, Moses Hayes and Mary Jane Hayes, his wife, Jacob Marguitt and Lusinda Marguitt, his wife, against change in State Road from house of Joseph Hayes to state line. Overruled. Appealed to Circuit Court.


Page 114

Allowed to Moses McGrider for wood for Court and County offices


Page 115

Deed – Reuben Rogers, Auditor, to George Voglesang


Page 116 [Continued.]

Dearborn County Commissioners – Sep 1850 Session

The following is an abstract of the Dearborn County, Indiana, Commissioners’ Records for the September 1850 Session. For digital copies of the records, visit the Record Requests Page.

Dearborn County Commissioners’ Records – Book 5

September Session 1850

Page 90


  • Jonathan Hallowell
  • William S. Ward
  • Zera Vinson

Jonathan Hallowell elected President of Board.

Jacob Wilhelm – license to keep a tavern in Kelso Township

Allowed to William S. Miller for building cistern and other mason work for County

Allowed to William Lemmon for taking enumeration of Caesars Creek Township

Allowed to Robert Pattison for taking enumeration of Clay Township


Page 91

Allowed to J. S. Ferris as assessor

Allowed to Samuel J. Johnson as assessor

Allowed to C. C. Jaquith as assessor

Allowed to William Donlan as assessor

Allowed to William Sheets & Co. for books for Clerk’s, Recorder’s and Auditor’s office

Allowed to John F. Richards for keeping Jail

Allowed to J. & H. S. Applegate for paper and pens for Clerk’s, Recorder’s and Auditor’s office

Allowed to James Cummings for making coffins for William Watkins, John Gary, Samuel Hunter, Jacob Gire, William Roberts’ child and Mr. Vaughn, paupers in Centre Township

Allowed to G. B. Sheldon for pipe for County Jail


Page 92

Allowed to Hugh F. Smith for conveying paupers to County Asylum

Allowed to A. W. Smith for repairs to Jail and cistern

Noble Hamilton, Treasurer, files bond with David Macy, George H. Dunn, George B. Sheldon, James W. Weaver, Elijah S. Blasdell, George Ross, and George Tousey, his securities.


Page 93 [Continued.]


Page 94

R. & O. Parry – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

James M. Torrence – license to keep as tore in Logan Township

Allowed to Harding & Tate for attending Wm. White while with small pox

Allowed to John McQuistian for nursing William White who had small pox

Allowed to John Sowers for nursing William White who had small pox


Page 95

Allowed to Michael Shum for digging four graves for pauper

Allowed to G. Shaubner for making coffin for drowned man

Allowed to John Milburn for flour and meal for paupers at County Asylum

Allowed to N. D. Folbre for publishing county expose and Coroner’s Inquest

Allowed to John B. Hall for publishing Treasurer’s report and notice of election

Allowed to C. O’Brien for office rent

Harrison Dawson, Frederick Sowden and D. H. Hopping, viewers, make report on road through lands of Amos Rees, David Nevitt and Joshua Sanks.


Page 96

Allowed to Harrison Dawson for viewing road

Allowed to Frederick Sowders for viewing road

Wright & Mayhew – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg Township

Bird Pate, Jr., & Co. – license to keep a store in Clay Township

Abram Showalter – license to keep a store in Jackson Township


Page 97

Elijah Thatcher – license to keep a store in Clay Township

John C. Moor – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

David A. Brooks – license to keep a store in Sparta Township

John B. Clark – license to keep as tore in Manchester Township

Davis Shots – license to keep as tore in Clay Township

Nathaniel Leonard – license to keep a store in Harrison Township


Page 98

James Burk & Co. – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg – voided

John Jacob Hoack – license to keep a store in Lawrenceburg

T. J. Taylor – license to keep a store in Centre Township


Page 99

Allowed to C. R. Campbell as assessor

Allowed to John Aikins for corn furnished keep of the Asylum

Allowed to George Powell for wood for Court House

Allowed to Daniel Frazer for wood for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Cyrus Armstrong for chairs for Court House

Report of J. B. Clark and Seth Platt, visitors to County Asylum.


Page 100

Allowed to James M. Hayes for making coffins for paupers

Allowed to James M. Clark for pork for paupers at Asylum

Allowed to Seth Platt for articles furnished Asylum and as visitor to Asylum

Allowed to John B. Clark for visiting and articles furnished County Asylum

Allowed to Cyrus Armstrong for making coffins for paupers

Allowed to Ferris McCullough & Co. for articles for Clerk’s office

Allowed to H. Dill for articles for County Asylum

Allowed to R. Hollister for glazing at Court House

Allowed to Abram Lasier for articles for paupers

Allowed to H. Dill for services as keeper of County Asylum


Page 101

Allowed to H. Dill for use of H. F. Smith for use of cookery stove at Asylum

Allowed to Zera Vinson for conveying pauper to County Asylum

Allowed to James Partlow for conveying body of drowned man to graveyard


Page 102

Allowed to Sandford Moody for shaving criminals in Jail

Allowed to Boas Bell for lock and making key

Allowed to John D. Crontz for fastening lock to Jail door

Election of Justice of the Peace in Ceasars Creek Township to fill vacancy of Joseph P. Brush. Election of Justice of the Peace in Centre Township to fill vacancy of Frederick Hoff. Election of Justice of the Peace in Clay Township to fill vacancy of William S. Mezner.


Page 103 [Blank.]


Page 104

Settlement of Cornelius O’Brien, late Treasurer.


Page 105 [Continued.]

Page 106 [Continued.]


Page 107

James Stafford – license to keep a tavern in Lawrenceburg Township

Francis Staker – license to keep a grocery in Lawrenceburg Township

Allowed to Henry Boese for lock &c. for Clerk’s office

Allowed to Benjamin F. Burlingame for making coffins for Elijah Bruce’s child, a pauper of Laughery Township

Allowed to Abram Brower for making poll books and tally papers &c. for August election


Page 108

Allowed to Benjamin J. Lindsay for making coffin for Wm. Longley, a pauper in Centre Township

Allowed to Reuben Rogers for services as Auditor

Allowed to Abram Brower for cash paid by him as Clerk

Oliver P. Cobb authorized to build bridge at mouth of Wilson Creek in Centre Township.

Board adjourned.