Category Archives: Dearborn County Court Records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1874

Proceedings of the February 1874 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 12 Feb 1874 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.
Omar F. Roberts, Judge.

State of Indiana vs. Elias F. Tenney, assault and battery; dismissed by prosecutor.

Same vs. Geo. Lamping, riot; dismissed by prosecutor.

Same vs. same, assault and battery; continued.

Same vs. Elias F. Tenney, official negligence; dismissed.

Same vs. Wm. Bryant, assault and battery; plead guilty and fined $5.

Same vs. Wm. Bryant and Edward Barrett, attachment for contempt; dismissed.

Same vs. Anna Meunsch, provoke; dismissed.

Same vs. Benj. Blue, obstructing highway; dismissed.

John J. Davis vs. I. & C. Railroad; finding for plaintiff, $57.82.

R. D. Brown, administrator, vs. P. Held; judgment.

Jos. H. Burkham vs. Jas C. Smith, claim; attachment.

Mary A. Vail vs. Hiram Clark, writ of replevin.

Peter Walter vs. Louis Fisk, note; dismissed.

Atlanta Carbaugh vs. Simon Carbaugh, divorce; granted.

Milton Taylor vs. Geo. Griffin, note for $273.57; judgment.

Ed. Hayes vs. Danl. M. Guard et al, note for $1,350; judgment.

Henson D. Moore vs. Ann Bayley et al, account; judgment for plaintiff.

First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. Ezra Guard et al, not for $221; judgment for plaintiff.

Same vs. Geo. S. Wymond, note for $50; judgment for plaintiff.

Same vs. Lawrence C. Dailey and wife, on note; judgment for plaintiff.

Same vs. James C. Martin and Jos. H. Guard, note; judgment for pltff.

Same vs. James C. Hayes and James C. Martin, note for $4,015.75; judgment for plaintiff, and $105 allowed Schwartz as a reasonable attorney fee.

Same vs. James C. Martin, not for $5,836.87; judgment for plaintiff.

Wm. H. Conaway vs. Mary J. Conaway; dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Jacob Seasonwood et al vs. James Muir, for costs; judgment for defendant.

Jacob Kiger et al vs. Truitt & Miller; under advisement.

Lizzie A. Hardesty vs. O. & M. R. R.; tried by court and under advisement.

Mary E. Schlicht vs. Geo. Schlicht; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Wm. Pate vs. Frank Muescha; dismissed.

Mary A. McCullough vs. John McCullough, divorce; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Samuel Brackenridge vs. Purnel A. Tanner; judgment for plaintiff.

James M. Rumsey et al vs. Albert Chambers et al; judgment.

E. G. Burkham et al vs. E. B. Hayes et al; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Wm. Seth vs. Nancy Seth, divorce; granted.

Hanson D. Moore vs. A. P. Cady and McClure; McClure defaulted.

Albert D. Jackson vs. A. A. Helfer; judgment for defendant.

John Gutzwiler vs. Michael Egner et al; judgment for plaintiff for $428.80 and costs.

Mary Barrett vs. David Barrett, divorce; defendant defaulted.

State of Indiana vs. Jacob Gebhart, assault and battery; plead guilty and fined two dollars.

Thos. Spignell vs. Geo. Held; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Mary Baydall vs. Wm. Buffington Jr.; judgment for plaintiff.

State of Indiana vs. Mary A. Madigan, selling on the Sabbath; tried by jury, and fined five dollars.

State vs. Ritter, for malicious trespass, tearing down fence; acquitted.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 12 Feb 1874 – Page 2, Column 1

Before Judge Roberts.

Court met on Monday of last week. Since the meeting of Court the following causes have been disposed of:

No. 156—R. H. Givan & Co. vs. Ben. Plummer, Administrator of Manliffs. Claim dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 178—Robert H. Givan vs. same estate. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 198—Geo. W. Terrell vs. Rudolphs estate. Claim allowed $255.50.

No. 200—Trustees of Christian Union Church vs. S. Franklin’s estate. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 199—Strawder Cheek vs. Rudolph’s estate. Claim of $453.20 allowed.

No. 209—Warren Tebbs vs. Yerker’s estate. Claim $10 allowed.

No. 219—James C. Martin vs. Walter Hayes’ estate. Claim dismissed.

No. 686—State vs. E. F. Tenney. Indictment for official negligence. Nol Pros. by the prosecutor.

No. 722—State vs. Bryant and Barrett. Contempt. Nol Pros.

No. 735—State vs. Anna Munch. Provoking an assault. Nol Pros.

No. 744—State vs. Ben Blue. Obstructing highway. Nol Pros.

No. 846—State vs. Gebhardt. Indictment for assault and battery. Plea of guilty and fine of $2 and costs.

No. 1809—J. P. I. Davis vs. I. C. & L. Railroad Co. Trial by the Court, and judgment for plaintiff, for $28.92. This was an action to recover for wood sold the company.

No. 80—William A. Conaway vs. Mary J. Conaway. Action for Divorce. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 93—Jacob Seasongood vs. James Muir. Action on note. Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 102—State ex rel H. D. McMullen vs. The Auditor of Dearborn Co. This was an action to recover compensation for services as Attorney for the State in the Cheek case at Brookville. A demurer was sustained by the Court to the complaint, and the plaintiff refusing to plead further, judgment was rendered in favor of defendant. Appealed to the Supreme Court.

No. 278—Joseph Warner vs. Spidel. Appeal dismissed. The case came up from a Justice in Centre township.

No. 307—M. E. Schlicht vs. Geo. J. Schlicht et als. Civil action. Cause dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 325—Wm. Pate vs. Frank Mancher. Appeal from Justice dismissed at defendants costs.

No. 382—S. B. Brackenridge vs. P. A. Tanner. Appeal from Justice by defendant dismissed at his costs.

No. 398—Thomas Spicknall vs. Geo. Held. Attachment. Cause dismissed by plaintiff.

No. 399—A. D. Jackson vs. A. A. Helfer. Action on account. Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 425—E. G. Burkam et al vs. Erastus B. Hayes et al. Action on note. Dismissed.

No. 452—Peter Walter vs. Louis Fisk. On account. Cause dismissed.

No. 471—H. D. Moore et als vs. Ann Bogly et als. Foreclosure and judgment.

No. 476—R. D. Brown, administrator of N. H. Torbet, vs. P. H. Held. Judgment for $69.90 on note.

No. 744—The First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. Ezra Guard et als. Judgment on note for $421.65.

No. 487—Same vs. James Martin et als. Judgment on note for $671.67.

No. 488—Same vs. James C. Hayes et als. Judgment on note for $4,120.07.

No. 489—Same vs. J. C. Martin et als. Judgment on note for $5,936.87.

No. 455—Mary Baydoll by her next friend, John Burghahl, vs. Wm. Buffington Jr. dismissed by the plaintiff at her costs.

The State vs. William Bryant. Provoking an assault. Plea of guilty, and a fine of $2 assessed.

State vs. Mary Madigan. Indictment for selling on Sunday. Trial by Jury. Verdict of guilty and fine of $5 assessed.

The State vs. Mrs. Mary Ritter. Information for malicious trespass. The defendant was charged with pulling down a board fence in Cochran belonging to J. D. Stanford. Trial by jury. The testimony disclosed the fact that the fence in question was built across an alley. Verdict of the jury—“Not guilty.”

The State vs. Einsensmoocher. Information for disturbing a religious assembly called the “Free Methodist,” a society in Lawrenceburgh. The evidence disclosed the facts that when those people were singing and praying the defendant who was in an adjourning room, amused himself by hallowing, dancing, cat-calling and pounding on the wall with a tin pan. The case was tried by the Court, who fined the defendant $25, and costs, being the full extent of the law.

The State vs. Landen. Same charge. Trial by the Court, finding of guilty, and a fine of $20 was inflicted.

The Petit Jury for this term, as empaneled on Monday, is composed of the following gentlemen: J. D. Johnson, A. D. Hopping, Wm. McMullen, David Pritchard, Geo. W. Hall, Jerome Ellis, Armitage Morgan, Martin Buchart, John A. Cole, Thomas Darling, Charles Bowton, Michael Boll.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 26 Feb 1874 – Page 4, Column 4

Circuit Court.
Omar F. Roberts, Judge.
Reported by G. W. Mendell, Attorney, Lawrenceburgh, Ind.

No. 99. Michael Fichter vs. Otha Hayes, attachment; tried by court; judgment for $122, and judgment for costs of attachment against plaintiff.

219. Frederick New house vs. Wm. Coxen and Robert Duck; action on contract; tried by jury; verdict rendered for $42 for plaintiff.

247. Franklin Life Insurance Company vs. Adam Herdegen; appeal; dismissed by plaintiff.

249. Robert Duck vs. Fred. Newhouse and Wm. Coxen; action on contract; stricken from the docket at plaintiff’s cost.

260. Jacob Seasongood et al vs. Jno. M. Hoover; proceedings supplementary to execution; dismissed by plaintiff, with leave to withdraw papers.

269. Thos. Wallace vs. Robt. Duck; action on account; trial by jury; verdict for plaintiff for $16.50.

369. Frank Skelton vs. John B. Garnier; on an agreement; dismissed by plaintiff.

444. Laughery Turnpike Company vs. Jane E. Lynn and Eva Lynn; appeal; change of venue from Judge.

448. The Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Lafayette Railroad Company vs. Alfred A. Phillips; attachment; judgment against defendant by default.

448A. Richard H. Goodman and Francis W. Taylor vs. Alfred A. Phillips; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448B. John B. Garnier vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448C. Henry Wesler vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448D. Fred Wesler and Christ. Wesler vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448E. James H. Swope and Nimrod Lothen vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448F. Leonard Seimantel vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448G. James Burke vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted, and judgment for plaintiff for $46.35.

448H. James McKinner vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448I. Alex. Beckman vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448J. Godfrey Holterhoff vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448K. John B. Garnier and Edwin B. Dobell vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448L. Daniel M. Skinner vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted.

448M. M. Gurnsey, Y. Roots, Albert E. Smith, and Edward D. Moore vs. same defendant; claim filed under 448; defendant defaulted. All of the above claims, except James Burke’s were assigned and transferred to Godfrey Holterhoff, who obtained a total judgment for $15,027.45.

451. Jacob Troutman vs. Louis Weitzel and the I. C. & L. Railroad Company; to recover personal property; dismissed.

453. Rose Ann Rumsey and John Rumsey vs. Wm. Brewington; slander; dismissed by plaintiffs, with leave to withdraw papers.

456. Wm. H. Israel vs. Alanson R. Wells; on an account; motion by Israel to remand cause back to Switzerland county; overruled.

477. Robert D. Brown, administrator, &c. vs. Philip H. Held; on note; tried by Court; judgment for plaintiff for $377.25.

479. Daniel Chidester vs. George Becker et al; foreclosure; defendant defaulted; judgment of foreclosure and for $1,847.47.

Letitia McClure vs. Isaac Stevens; action in replevin; on trial before jury when we went to press.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 26 Feb 1874 – Page 2, Column 2

Before Judge Roberts.

Since our last report a good deal of business has been disposed of. We are informed by gentlemen of the bar that after this term, the business will be disposed of at each term.

No. 193—Dan. H. Miller vs. S. A. Vail’s estate. Claim for $49 on account. Trial by the court, and $32 allowed.

No. 205—W. H. Conn vs. James Bailey’s estate. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 260—Jacob Seasongood vs. John M. Hoover. Dismissed by plaintiff’s attorney.

No. 270—Kiger & Smith vs. Truitt and Miller. Action on agreement. Judgment for $126 against Miller and for $297.03 against Truitt. Miller was surety for Truitt.

No. 369—Frank Skelton vs. John B. Garnier. Action on agreement. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 389—John Feierstien vs. Appolonia Feierstien et als. Action to quiet title. Judgment for plaintiff.

No. 407—Geo. R. Duckworth vs. W. B. Smith. Attachment proceeding. Dismissed by plaintiff at his costs.

No. 428—Mary Barrett vs. David Barrett. Action for divorce. Trial by court (J. D. Haynes on the bench.) and judgment of divorce for plaintiff, custody of child and $800 alimony.

No. 453—Rose Ann Rumsey et als vs. Wm. Brewington. Slander. Dismissed by plaintiff, in order to bring another action.

No. 460 ½–Atlanta Carbaugh vs. Simon Carabaugh. Petition for divorce on ground of adultery. Divorce granted.

No. 463—William Seth vs. Nancy Seth. Action for divorce on the ground of adultery. Divorce granted and custody of children awarded plaintiff.

No. 477—R. D. Brown, administrator of Dr. Torbet’s estate vs. Elijah Huffman. Action on note and account. Judgment for plaintiff for $350. Trial by the court.

No. 479—Daniel Chidester vs. Geo. Becker et als. Foreclosure of mortgage and judgment for $1,847.47.

Lewis Feik vs. The State, the Clerk, Sheriff, and Prosecuting Attorney. This was an injunction proceeding to enjoin the collection of a fine and costs inflicted for selling under the old liquor law, the case having been tried after the taking effect of the liquor law of 1873. The said Felk held a license under the old law and violated it by selling to minors. The injunction was granted, because the Supreme Court have recently held that the new law repeals the old one, and that notwithstanding an individual may hold a license under the former, he is nevertheless subject to the penalties of the latter act. Injunctions were granted Henry Rief and Peter Pfalsgraff in similar cases.

No. 211—R. H. Vendelan vs. the estate of James Bailey. The case was dismissed for the want of prosecution at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 212—Hiram Burton vs. Bailey’s estate. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 243—Charles Larobee vs. Bailey’s estate. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 219—Robert Duck vs. Fred Newhouse. Proceeding to settle partnership accounts. Trial by jury, resulting in an order that each party be paid a certain amount out of the assets of the partnership.

Fred. Newhouse vs. Robert Duck. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Franklin Life Insurance Co. vs. Adam Herdegan. Action to recover on premium note. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Thomas Wallace vs. Robert Duck. Trial by jury and judgment for plaintiff for $16.50. This case was appealed by defendant, from a Justice of the Peace. This was the exact sum recovered by plaintiff before the Justice.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 5 Mar 1874 – Page 2, Column 3

Before Judge Roberts.

No. 269—Thomas Wallace vs. Robert Duck. New trial granted.

No. 271—Liticia McClure vs. Isaac Stevens. Replevin of fanning mill. Trial by jury and verdict for plaintiff and $10 damages.

No. 274—Michael Honan and wife vs. Michael Maloney. Action to recover damages for assault and battery on Honan’s wife. Trial by jury, finding and verdict for defendant, Maloney. This case attracted a good deal of attention during its progress and the result is generally approved.

No. 277—Jacob Bloom vs. William Eckels. Suit for damages in driving wagon against plaintiffs buggy in the public highway resulting in injury to the person and buggy of plaintiff. Trial by the jury. Judgment for defendant.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 12 Mar 1874 – Page 3, Column 3

Before Judge Roberts.

No. 290—Hanson D. Moore et als. Vs. Andrew P. Cady et als. Trial by court, and judgment of foreclosure and for $1,476.32.

No. 294—Thomas J. Weaver et als vs. Strawder Cheek and Eber Sherman. Action on Commissioners bond to sell land. Trial by court and judgment for plaintiff for $167.83.

No. 305—Lizzie A. Hardesty vs. The O. & M. Railway Co. Action to recover value of goods lost in transportation. Trial by jury and judgment for plaintiff for $87.50.

No. 464—J. W. Lamberton et als vs. Samuel Walker et als. Dismissed by plaintiff with leave to withdraw the papers in the case.

No. 309—Mary Powers vs. Louis Hayes. Breach of marriage promise. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 211—R. H. Vandelann vs. Estate of James Bailey. Claim reinstated on the docket. Trial by the court and $102 allowed.

No. 129—B. F. Mulford vs. O. & M. Railway Co. Claim for stock killed. Judgment for argument for $26.00, including costs before the justice and in this court.

No. 462—State on relation of Thomas W. Grubbs vs. Edward and James Grubbs. Action on bond. Trial by court and judgment for plaintiff for $89.35.

No. 310—Henry Nowlin vs. John Groban. Action to recover possession of horse. Trial by jury and finding for plaintiff and $3 damages for the unlawful detention.

No. 319—City of Aurora vs. Thomas Lindsay. Charge, disorderly conduct. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

No. 320—City of Aurora vs. Thomas Lindsay. Same charge. Dismissed as in above case.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 19 Mar 1874 – Page 2, Column 1

Before Judge Roberts.

No. 417—Thomas L. Chisman vs. Elias Chisman. Appeal from Justice Canfield, and an action for the settlement of accounts between the parties. Trial by jury and verdict for plaintiff for $120.

No. 422—Sophia Wanke et als vs. Jason Pierce. Action instituted before a justice of the peace to recover the possession of real estate. Cause dismissed on motion, because the justice had no jurisdiction of the cause of action.

No. 184—John Billingsley vs. Joseph Vinson’s estate. Claim allowed of $925 at cost of claimant, he not having filed his claim within one year after the taking out of letters of administration.

No. 387—The City of Aurora vs. John Quigley. Action to recover penalty for violating ordinance of the city of Aurora, in assaulting and beating Mary Honan. Trial by jury and verdict for the city for $1 and costs. The case was tried twice before the Mayor, which, together with the costs in this court will cause them to amount to about $150.

No. 446—The State of Indiana on the relation Keziah A. Davis vs. Enoch Hayes. Bastardy. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 396—F. A. York vs. Dexheimer. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 470—Edward Hayes vs. David M. Gaurd et als. Suit on mortgage. Judgment of foreclosure and for $1,327.17.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Dec 1873

Proceedings of the December 1873 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 4 Dec 1873 – Page 2, Column 1

Before Judge Roberts.

This is the third week of the Dearborn Circuit Court. On last Monday the Petit Jury was empaneled, and is composed of the following gentlemen: J. B. Johnson, Melville Cannon, Columbus Johnson, Peter Emmert, John McMullen, J. B. Bruce, Z. B. Sisson, Martin Trester, Geo. Boli, John Meyers, Thomas Need, John L. Rand.

These are all new men, none of them having served on a petit jury for more than two years past, and a part of them were never upon a jury before. This is the result of the workings of the new law, which requires the selection of men who have not served a jurors for more than one year before their selection. Good men can always be selected by the enforcement of this law.

Since the commencement of the present term of Court the following cases have been disposed of either by dismissal or trial:

No. 739—State vs. Otto Lowe—Assault and battery. Trial by jury verdict of guilty and a fine of $3 assessed.

No. 627—State vs. Joseph McQuiston—Assault and battery. Plea of guilty and fine of $5 assessed.

No. 222—State ex rel S. A. Runnels et al vs. Jennette and Peter Hegg—Action on guardians bond for failing to account for money according to law. Trial by the Court and finding for plaintiffs in the sum of $289.

No. 235—Gideon Renner et al vs. John Heimberger and John B. Garnier. Civil action on note. Garnier being security. Trial by the judgment for plaintiffs for $556.40.

No. 238—Henry Ashoff vs. Jacob Marshall. Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 245—Joseph Russel vs. Board of Commissioners—Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 296—James C. Martin vs. J. Findley Wamsley—Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 335—States ex rel S. B. Stembower vs. John Christopher—Dismissed at defendants costs.

No. 342—Martha Pursell vs. Asa Olmstead et al—Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 357—John Curran et al vs. F. G. Appleton—Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 374—Nicholas Miller vs. Wilhelmenia Miller—Petition for divorce. Suit abated by death of plaintiff, and stricken from the docket.

No. 375—Louisa Erhart vs. Martin Erhart—Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

No. 478—Robert Criswell vs. City of Aurora et al—Dismissed, each party paying half the costs.

No. 384—Zernah Hyland vs. Dennis Mahoney et al—Action to quit title. Trial by the Court and judgment for plaintiff.

No. 386—Geo. H. Styer vs. Geo. B. Tebbs—Plaintiff called and defaulted. Suit dismissed for want of prosecution.

No. 390—Estner Todd et al vs. John Todd—Action for portion and sale of premises decreed. F. M. Johnson appointed Commissioner, under bond of $1500.

No. 393—F. L. Lowdon et al vs. N. L. Isgregg et al—Action to foreclose mortgage, judgment of foreclosure and for $455.08.

No. 402—Charles Weltz et al vs. Antony Braun et al—Dismissed at defendants costs on payment of claims.

No. 408—Jacob Hayes vs. Chalon Goodwin et al. Judgment of foreclosure and decree for sale of mortgaged premises.

No. 419—A. A. Helfer vs. Geo. A. Riggs—Action on account. Dismissed at defendants costs on payment of claims.

No. 413—M. M. Hayes vs. D. M. Guard et al—Action on note, judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $85.19.

No. 414—M. M. Hayes vs. D. M. Guard et al—Action on note, plaintiff obtained judgment for $96.35.

No. 433—O. F. Ludlow vs. Angel Sunderbrook et al—Civil action on note. Dismissed at defendant costs.

No. 436—J. H. Burkam vs. J. H. Swope—Suit on account judgment for Plaintiff for $175.

No. 445—James Greer vs. Abram Epstien—Judgment in favor plaintiff on note for $7,645.57.

No. 446—Brookville National Bank vs. Thomas B. Calloway et als—Action on notes and bills of exchange. Judgment for plaintiff for $8,066.69.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 18 Dec 1873 – Page 2, Column 2

Before Judge Roberts.

The following cases have been disposed of since our last report:

No. 666—State vs. Albert Snyder and others. Charge of malicious trespass. Dismissed on motion of the prosecutor.

No. 704—State vs. Ellen Ferry. Indictment for living in open and notorious fornication. Trial by a jury which lasted two and a half days. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty, and assessed her punishment at a fine of $100 and imprisonment in the county jail for fifteen minutes.

No. 682—State vs. Nicholas Winters. Charge, desecrating Sabbath, plea of guilty and a fine of $2 and costs assessed.

No. 725—State vs. John T. Lemon. Charge with becoming intoxicated. Trial by Jury and verdict of not guilty. This was the first case which has been tried in this court under the new liquor law.

No. 736—State vs. A. J. Morgan. Assault and battery. Trial by the court and finding of not guilty.

No. 737—State vs. J. C. Small. Charge of assault and battery on Mrs. Mary E. Hisey. Trial by jury and verdict of not guilty.

No. 740—State vs. Keziah A. Davis. Charged with keeping house of ill fame. Trial by jury and verdict of guilty, and fine of one cent. The Jury, it is supposed put the fine very low owing to the fact that the costs amount to about $100, which will be served out in the county jail at seventy five cents per day, as defendant could not replevy the judgment.

No. 132—John Lows vs. Wm. Hueston et al. Action to recover real estate. Trial by the court. Judgment and finding for the plaintiff. There was only about one acre of ground on North Hogan creek in dispute, but the costs amount to not less than $200.

No. 363—Peter Randell vs. The Lawrenceburgh and Napoleon Turnpike Co. Action dismissed by defendant at her costs.

No. 1774—Mary Lindsay vs. John F. Lindsay. Suit for the possession of real estate. This case was tried a year and a half ago before Judge Hanna, and ever since that time a motion for a new trial has been pending. The motion was overruled, whereupon the plaintiff prayed an appeal to the Supreme Court, which was granted.

No. 318—Amor Abden vs. Clarissa Daniels and John Daniels. Cause dismissed by agreement of parties, each to pay the costs made by them respectively.

No. 734—State vs. Mary Madigan. Information for selling intoxicating liquor to a minor, one Warren Watts, the information being found under the Baxter Liquor Law. The defendant pleaded guilty on which the court assessed a fine of $10.

No. 366—John Gulhman vs. Julius Hauck and Abraham Epstien. Action on dismissed at defendants costs.

Lorenzo D. Pelton vs. W. W. Gold, wife and son. This is an action by plaintiffs to set aside, as fraudulent, a conveyance of real estate by Gold and wife to their son. The case came here from Franklin county, on change of venue. The trial began before a jury on Wednesday of last week, and continued until Tuesday evening, a night session being held to hear the conclusion of the argument. We will give the result next week.

P. S. During the progress of the trial, Mr. Barrow, one of the plaintiffs died at Harrison, O., of lung fever.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1873

Proceedings of the September 1873 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 11 Sep 1873 – Page 2, Column 3

Circuit Court Report.
September Term, 1873—Before Judge O. F. Roberts.

The State vs. John Burbank; indictment for public indecency.—Plea of guilty and fined $10. This case was tried at the last term by a jury, but the jury did not agree.—Costs about $50.

The State vs. Paul Truitt—Recognized to this court for manslaughter, in the shooting of Peter Miller. The Grand Jury at this term, heard the testimony, refused to find a bill, and recommended that the defendant and his sureties be discharged from the recognizance, which, on motion was done. Truitt may be indicted by any Grand Jury hereafter.

Nos. 700 and 701, State vs. Isabella Dodd and Geo. Kirkwood—Indictments for adultery. In these cases after being imprisoned awaiting trial, they concluded to atone for their offences by getting married. They were brought into court and married by the Judge, who then fined each one dollar and imprisoned them one hour for past offenses.

James Dinar vs. the O. & M. R. W. Co.—Dismissed at costs of defendant.

The City of Aurora vs. Andreas Smith—Charged under an Ordinance of the city with keeping a gaming house. Dismissed at the cost of the city at the adjourned term.

No. 18—Clara Balzner et al vs. Peter Nead. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 21—Hannah Goodwin vs. Chalon Goodwin. Divorce. Dismissed.

No. 27—N. S. Givan vs. The City of Lawrenceburgh. Action for services as attorney. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

No. 95—Jacob Heck vs. Christian Wesler. Action for false imprisonment. Judgment on verdict for one cent damages.

No. 144—John Alexander vs. Nancy A. Tanner, et al. Judgment of foreclosure and for $320.

No. 145—Julius Hauck vs. John Kirchman, dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Nos. 184, 185, 186, 187 and 188 being a batch of cases brought by Manlove, Receiver of the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Ins. Co., against Day, Scheffer, Gross, Curry and Bowers, on premium notes, were dismissed at the plaintiff’s costs.

No. 206—State on relation of Jane Saunders vs. A. W. Bruce et al. Suit on Administrator’s bond. Dismissed; each party paying one half of the costs.

No. 231—John Wall vs. Conrad Brandt et al. Foreclosure and judgment for $53.83.

No. 244—Francis Buffington vs. The City of Aurora. Dismissed at the adjournment of term at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 265—Joseph Tittill vs. Thos. J. Lucas. Dismissed.

No. 286—Michael Hoff vs. Frederick Yohan et al. Judgment for foreclosure and $298.

No. 288—Belinda Johnson et al vs. J. Scott Kelsey. Partition. Sale decreed.

No. 272—Mariah Rohlfing vs. Rosana Rohlfing. Partition. Sale of real estate reported and deed executed.

No. 316—William Cure vs. Emily E. Cure. Divorce. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 321—Ignatz Panter vs. Ezra Guard. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 323—Milburn Thetgee by his next friend, A. C. Thetgee, vs. Angelina B. Jones. Breach of marriage promise. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs, because the next friend had not filed written consent to be responsible for costs before process was issued.

No. 327—Peter Petre vs. Louis Quellhorst et al. Foreclosure and judgment for $731.55.

No. 330—Wm. Vosmeir vs. Herman Knippenberg, et al. Foreclosure and judgment for $1126.40.

No. 336—Seth C. Foster vs. Jos. I. Barnhart. Foreclosure and judgment for $218.15.

No. 337—Robt. Criswell vs. Henrietta Chisman et al. Foreclosure and judgment for $244.50.

No. 44—W. H. Tholke vs. John R. Miller. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 345—Katharina Roth vs. David B. Wright. Judgment on note for $127.56.

No. 346—Katharina Roth vs. Firman Marshall. Judgment on note for $99.

No. 351—Henry Reuther vs. Phillip Metz. Dismissed and costs paid by plaintiff.

No. 353—Chas. White vs. Erastus B. Hayes et al. Judgment on note for $304.50.

No. 355—John Emmert vs. Jacob Zapp. Action to set aside deed. Defendant defaulted and judgment for plaintiff.

No. 365—John Guhman vs. Hart Epstein. Judgment on note for $282.50.

No. 377—Ex Parte. E. B. Hunt et al. Judgment for partition.

No. 333—Geo. Clements vs. Sallie Kloebel et al. Judgment of partition and sale of land decreed.

No. 339—Thos. Wilson vs. Charles Libbertt et al. Judgment on note for $450.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 18 Sep 1873 – Page 2, Column 2

Circuit Court Report.
September Term, 1873—Before Judge O. F. Roberts.

We continue the report of cases finally disposed of at the present term, together with such items of interest as may transpire.

On Monday morning the 15th inst., the Petit Jury came, whereupon the following persons were empaneled as such Jury for this term: S. Greenham, Rudolph Monke, Gideon Renner, Wm. Duncan, Job Blake, Oliver F. Cloud, Ad. Glaub, John Kennedy, Ed. Jackson, Benj. Bruce, O. P. Miller, and Hugh Houston.

There is one virtue in the above jury: there is not a “hanger-on” to be found among them. All are new men and will make an excellent jury.

Since our last report, the following cases have been finally disposed of:

No. 136—Mary E. Wrennick vs. Harrison’s estate. Dismissed at defendant’s costs.

No. 158—T. E. Craig vs. Tanner’s estate. Dismissed at costs of plaintiff.

No. 179—F. A. York et al vs. Rudolph’s estate. On account. Judgment for plaintiff for $97.44.

No. 180—Aurora Gas Co. vs. Rudolph’s estate. Claim for $22.06. Allowed.

No. 181—J. M. Kreitner vs. Rudolph’s estate. Suit on account.—Judgment for plaintiff, $8.45.

No. 182—Amburgh & Bro. vs. Rudolph’s estate. Action on note—Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $1848.20.

No. 183—G. F. Randall vs. Rudolph’s estate. Claim on account. Allowed $153.57.

No. 485—James Griffith vs. Estate of Joshua Yerkes. This was an action to recover compensation for nursing and boarding deceased the last six years of his life. Trial by Court and judgment for plaintiff for $750. The testimony showed it was worth from $3 to $6 per week to take care of the old man.

No. 187—W. H. Bainbridge vs. Sherbaugh’s estate. Claim of $5 allowed.

No. 190—Chambers, Stevens & Co. vs. G. M. Chisman’s estate. Suit on account and judgment for $79.87.

W. B. Miller vs. Shuman’s estate. Claim for balance on judgment of $24.68. Trial and judgment for plaintiff for full amount of claim.

No. 686—The State vs. Geo. Link. Indictment for malicious trespass, dismissed.

No. 687—The State vs. J. Firsag. Indictment for same offense. Dismissed.

No. 690—The State vs. Chris Reiner. Assault and battery. Dismissed.

No. 691—State vs. Michael Reiner. Assault and battery. Dismissed.

No. 667—State vs. D. Robinson. Indictment for failing to return marriage license. Dismissed.

No. 98—J. H. Thompson vs. McDonald Cheek et al. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 146—John Todd vs. Jas Weaver. Dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

No. 255—Jacob Trester vs. T. L. Chisman et al. Dismissed because the plaintiff refused to plead further.

No. 295—T. E. Scoby vs. Lytle W. Parks and wife. Judgment of foreclosure and for $794.37.

No. 303—Charles Schott, Trustee etc. vs. The Commissioners of Dearborn Co. Appeal from an order of the Board. Dismissed because an appeal does not [?] at appellant’s costs.

No. 349—S. W. Conger vs. Seth Platt et al. Action on note and judgment against Platt for $1162.95, and continuance as to the other defendants.

No. 362—Jennie Henser vs. Josephus Buffington. Action for slander. Judgment for plaintiff of one cent damages and costs.

Ex Parte. Margaret Brogan et al. Judgment for sale of premises, and Schwartz, Commissioner, to sell the land. Bond of Commissioner, $6,000.

No. 398—Ex Parte. Margaretta Hanbold et al. Judgment for sale of land. Schwartz, Commissioner, to sell land. Bond $3,500.

No. 199—Henry B. Fenton vs. The Western Union Telegraph Co. Suit to recover damages for failing to deliver to plaintiff a dispatch. Trial by the court, which after hearing all the testimony, rendered judgment for plaintiff for $210. Motion by defendant for a new trial pending.

No. 718—State vs. Henry Haas et al. Information for riot. Trial by the Court and a finding of not guilty.

No. 737—State vs. George Fox—Charged with assault and battery. Trial by the court and a finding of guilty. Fine $5 and costs.

No. 719—State vs. Isaac B. Ward, Chas. Angevine and John Sawyer. Indictment for kidnapping. This cause was called for trial and a jury empaneled on Monday. The trial in progress up to Wednesday morning and had not concluded when we went to press. It is attracting a great deal of interest, as it is the first case under this charge, as we are informed that has ever been tried in Dearborn County. We will give the result next week.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 25 Sep 1873 – Page 2, Column 2

September Term 1873—Before Judge O. F. Roberts.

The business of the Court is being pushed forward rapidly. The following cases have been finally disposed of since our last report:

No. 115—W. H. Swales vs. O. Tonsey’s Estate. Claim on account. Trial by the Court and finding for the defendant.

No. 719—The State vs. Isaac Ward, Charles Augevine and John Sawyer. Kidnapping. This case, after argument of Counsel and charge of the Court, was submitted to the jury at 1 o’clock p.m. on last Thursday. The Jury retired and after an absence of fifteen minutes returned the following verdict: “We the Jury find the defendants not guilty as charged in the indictment. Gideon Renner, Foreman.” On inquiry we find, as stated in our last issue, that his is the first kidnapping case ever tried in Dearborn County.

No. 79—Edwin Gipson vs. Elizabeth Gipson. Divorce. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs for want of prosecution.

No. 208—J. H. Burkam vs. J. C. Hayes. In this case the plaintiff and also the defendant have made application for a struck jury; which was granted.

No. 721—The State vs. Edward Hayes. Assault. Dismissed on motion of the Prosecuting Attorney.

No. 379—D. M. Guard et als vs. Martha Wheelock. This was an application to have a credit entered on a judgment. Amount of credit $303. Trial by the Court. Application refused.

No. 377—Ex-Parte. E. B. Hunt et als. Partition. The Commissioners made their report which was approved, whereupon the cause was stricken from the docket. This case involved the division of the Real Estate belonging to the estate of Jesse Hunt, deceased.

No. 736—The State vs. Johnathan L. Blasbell. Information for carrying concealed weapons. Nolle Prosequi entered by the Prosecuting Attorney.

No. 720—The State vs. Amos Bruce et als. Information for trespass in moving a poplar log from the lands of Frederick Krete. Trial by a jury. Finding a guilty as to Amos Bruce and a fine of $50 assessed. Not guilty as to the two younger brothers of Amos. The testimony showed the log was worth $10. The Statute is positive that the fine is such case shall be five times the value of the article removed.

No. 741—The State vs. Frank Know. Indictment for assault and battery with intent to kill and murder one Jacob Matticks. The defendant was arraigned, plead guilty, and was put on trial before a jury last Monday. On Tuesday the jury returned a verdict of not guilty as to the intent kill, but guilty of an assault and battery, and assessed his punishment at a fine of $50 and imprisonment in the County jail for 60 days.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Dec 1870

Proceedings of the December 1870 session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Aurora Peoples Advocates – 22 Dec 1870 – Page 2, Column 2

Proceedings of the County Commissioners.

Dec. 5, 1870—Board met and elected Mr. Tyrrel, President of the Board for one year.

Messrs. Souders and Stenger presented their certificates of election and were sworn into office.

The petition of Henry Buckhorst and J. M. Laird, to locate a certain road in Lawrenceburgh township, was granted, and Nathaniel Elliot, G. S. Jaquith and Gersham Dunn appointed us viewers, to meet Feb. 25th, 1871.

Dr. S. B. Chamberlain was appointed physician for the poor in Sparta township.

The petition of George Smith, Wm. Barker and others, to change a public road in Clay township, was granted, and George M. Bill, J. H. Bailey and Henry Marshall appointed viewers, to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The petition of Thos. Bebb and others, to establish a certain road in Clay and Sparta townships, was granted. Jeremiah Watkins, H. W. Heustis and N. C. Durham were appointed viewers, to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The petition of Hamilton Conway and others, to change a certain road in Clay township, was granted, and J. D. English, George Voshel and Michael Bruce were appointed viewers to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The petition of J. L. Blasdell and others, to change a certain road in York township was granted, and Thos. Cottingham, and Richard Boughton and J. W. Grubb were appointed viewers, to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The petition of John B. Knuben, to change a certain road in Kelso township, was granted, and Columbus Kelly, Ed. Golden and Jas. Stenger, were appointed viewers, to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The petition of A. Epstein for funding of County tax, was dismissed, and an appeal taken to Common Pleas Court.

The petition of Rezin Gearhart and others, for the change of a road in Manchester township, was granted, and Jos. Steinmitz, John Bitner and Bennett Amdore appointed viewers, to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The petition of Thos. Sellers and others, for change of relocation of a certain road in Hogan township, was granted, and George Givan, James Symmes and H. R. Hall appointed viewers, to meet Feb. 25, 1871.

The report of the reviewers appointed to assess damages by location of a road in Clay township, as petitioned for by J. S. Matthews and others, accepted, and damages allowed, as follows: Sarah J. Pearson, $35; Elizabeth Burroughs, $50. George Wilson files petition for a review to assess damages in his behalf. A motion to set aside said petition overruled, and Harrison Abbott, Wilkerson Smith and Benjamin Wethered appointed to assess damages, Feb. 25, 1871.

The report of reviewers appointed to assess damages for location of a road in Miller and York townships, as petitioned for by C. R. Campbell and others, accepted and damages allowed as follows: Hannah Huddleston, $10; Lewis Blasdell, $5; John Cooper, $15; Henry Merhoff, $10.

Liquor licenses were granted to the following persons: Joseph Bechtel, Gustav Werhling, E. Braunagel, W. Linkenbach, Sampson Sheppard, Peter Koehler, and Heinrich Schmidt.

Aurora Police Court – 1870

Proceedings of the Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana Police Court for 1870 appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 16 Jun 1870 – Page 3, Column 2

Report of the Police Court for Three Months, ending June 11th.

  • Martin Koehler, retailing liquor on Sunday, fine $5.00.
  • W. H. Theetge, using obscene language, fine $1.00.
  • Elias Groves, disorderly conduct, fine $5.00.
  • Jason A. Baker, using abusive and insulting words, fine, $5.00.
  • Sanford Hill, intoxication, fine, $1.00.
  • Joseph Nathansohn, peedling without license, $1.00.
  • Martin Carrigan, assault and battery, fine $5.00.
  • Michael Tracey, assault and battery, fine $1.00
  • Laz. N. Cheek, assault and battery, fine $1.00.
  • Charles P. Balzer, carrying concealed weapons, fined, $5.00.
  • Blard Sevigune, intoxication, fined, $1.00.
  • Martin Koehler, selling liquor to minors, fined $5.00.
  • Henry Smith, selling liquor to A. Carringan, in a state of intoxication, fined $5.00.
  • A. Carrigan, using abusive language, fined, $5.00.
  • L. Adams, keeping company with a prostitute, plead guilty, fined, $2.50.
  • Caspar Thomas, intoxication, fined, $1.50.

Dearborn County Common Pleas Court Proceedings – Jan 1870

Proceedings of the January 1870 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Common Pleas Court appeared in:
Aurora Peoples Advocate – 17 Feb 1870 – Page 3, Column 4

List of Cases Disposed of at the January Term of the Dearborn Common Pleas Court.

James W. Boatman vs. Joshua Bates, et al, continued until the next term of court.

Mary A. Ganter vs. Dominicker Ganter—dismissed in vacation, at the cost of plaintiff.

Anna Perine vs. Angeline Perine—continued until the next term of this court.

Thomas Mason, guardian &c., vs. B. Bradley—by agreement of parties, this cause is dismissed at the costs of def., and plaintiff has leave to withdraw papers.

Otta G. Kincaid vs. C. H. W. Wernicke—dismissed and costs paid.

Moses Maas vs. Joshua Bates et al—continued until next term of this court.

August Schultz vs. Andrew Billings—continued until next term.

First National Bank vs. Henry F. Ferris—continued to next term of this court, and alias process awarded.

State vs. Joseph Meunch—continued to next term and alias process awarded.

State vs. David Laughlin—continued until next term, and alias process awarded.

State vs. Strawder Cheek—comes the District Attorney and says he will not further prosecute said cause, and defendant allowed to go home.

State vs. McDonald Cheek—the Prosecutor enters a nol. pros., and defendant allowed to go home.

State vs. James Waller—the Prosecutor enters a nol. pros. in the above case.

State vs. Samuel Dean—the Prosecutor enters a nol. pros. and defendant allowed to go home.

State vs. Samuel Bean—Prosecutor enters a nol. pros. and defendant allowed to go home.

State on relation of Louisa Windhorst—continued until next term and alias process awarded.

State vs. Fred. Rusha—continued to next term and alias process awarded.

State vs. John Buell—dismissed.

State vs. Geo. Nevitt—dismissed.

State vs. David Tibbetts—continued to next term and alias process awarded.

State vs. Nathan Wilson—continued to next term.

David T. Hunter vs. Vietus Radspinner—dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Walter & Schotter vs. Timothy Guard—judgment by default for $392.48.

Nathaniel Todd, Isaac Bruce, Margaret Todd, Lemuel G. Elder, Ben. P. Boardman, John Bruce, Wm. H. Small, Cyrus Canfield, and Geo. Mentell vs. The North Hogan Turnpike Co.—dismissed at the costs of plaintiffs.

Geo. W. Cochran vs. Wm. Scobell—by agreement, judgment rendered for $167.50 in favor of plaintiff.

Wm. G. Berkshire vs. James Cummings et al—dismissed by plaintiff at his own cost.

Peter Walter vs. Kosmas Frederick—judgment by default, for $105.54.

Joseph Sacks et al vs. James N. Abbott—judgment by default for $193.40.

Chas. B. Burkam vs. Timothy Guard—judgment by default for $163.60.

Leopold Peppenheimer et al vs. James H. Abbott et al—judgment by default for $247.38.

Chas. B. Burkam vs. D. M. Guard—judgment by default for $89.07.

Nicholas Lacy vs. Aurora Chair and Furniture Co.—judgment by default for $150.00.

John Spidell vs. Henry Beckman et al—continued to next term.

Lawrenceburg National Bank vs. Jacob Rief et al—Judgment by default for $267.45.

Boez Bell vs. Kosmas Frederick—judgment by default for $116.40.

State vs. Strange Noyes—the defendant moved the court to quash information, which was sustained.

State vs. H. C. Vincent—continued to next term.

Delannah Hayes vs. James C. Hayes et al—continued to next term of this court.

Geo. B. Fitch vs. Noah S. Given, adm’r et al—judgment by default for $195.88.

Henry H. Meyer vs. Noah S. Givan, adm’r et al—judgment by default for $106.50.

State vs. Michael Rupp—court granted change to Ohio county.

State vs. Oran Judd—malicious trespass; found guilty, and fined $5.00 and costs.

State vs. Benj. Woolen—motion to quash sustained.

City of Lawrenceburg vs. Elias F. Tenney—dismissed.

Edmund G. Webster et al vs. Henry Nebruggee et al—dismissed and costs paid.

State vs. William Bryant—assault and battery; plead guilty, and fined $1.00.

State vs. John B. Liddell—continued to next term of court.

Chas. B. Burkham vs. J. C. Craig et al—trial by court—judgment for $909.34.

On motion of F. Adkinson, Esq., P. W. Francis was admitted to practice at this bar.

State vs. Jeremiah Crosby—dismissed.

State vs. Geo. Laird—assault and battery—plead guilty, and fined $3.00 and costs.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. C. H. W. Wernecke—dismissed at defendant’s costs.

James A. Burdsel et al vs. John M. Hoover—judgment by default for $259.98.

Leopold Poppenheimer vs. John M. Hoover—judgment by default for $210.25.

State vs. Welton Herrick—assault and battery—trial by court, fine thee dollars.

James H. Kirkpatrick vs. Wm. H. Baker—judgment by agreement $1,200.

State vs. Robert Huddleston—continued.

State vs. Babe Skinner—continued.

State vs. John Godfrey—assault and battery—trial by court; not guilty.

State vs. W. F. Howard—assault and battery—trial by court; not guilty.

State vs. Wm. Brown—trial by jury; not guilty.

State vs. Ezra Bonham—carrying concealed weapons—trial by jury; fine one cent and costs.

Geo. Cochran vs. John Mahoney—dismissed at defendant’s costs.

State vs. Homer E. Huffman—assault and battery—continued.

James Tebow et al vs. Joseph Hayes—dismissed by agreement at def. costs.

Peter Vogel vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Co.—change of venue to Ohio county.

State vs. Taylor Baker—malicious trespass—trial by jury; guilty; fine $5.00.

State vs. Alex. Moody—assault and battery—trial by jury; fine one cent.

State vs. Clarence Ball et al—malicious trespass—motion to quash sustained.

State vs. Betsy Jackson—assault and battery—trial by jury; fine one cent.

State on relation &c. of Mary Bartholome vs. Andrew Bartholome—bastardy—dismissed.

State vs. Louis Stein—assault and battery—trial by jury; fine one cent.

Ambrose Buschler vs. Louisa Weichman—continued by agreement.

Franklin College vs. L. G. Harlbert.

Same vs. W. S. Holman—continued by agreement.

State vs. Geo. W. Kelley—adultery—trial by jury—not guilty.

Dryloss, Kahn & Co. vs. Jacob Ingenthron et al—dismissed at the cost of def.

State vs. Thomas Foster—assault and battery—trial by jury—fine one cent.

State vs. Robt. Huddleston—assault and battery—trial by jury; fine $1.25.

On motion of John K. Thompson, Esq., Mr. Geo. W. Roberts is now admitted as a member of this bar.

Julius Severin vs. The Aurora Brewing and Malting Co.—dismissed by agreement and to be transferred to Circuit Court.

Huldah Osgood vs. John B. Vail et al—continued by agreement.

Peter Barroinger vs. Wm. H. Terrill—dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

James Houiker vs. Chalon Goodwin—by agreement, the plaintiff is to recover $150.

State vs. Martin Roof—malicious trespass—trial by jury; not guilty.

H. D. McMullen & J. M. Dunn vs. Jos. Vaughan—dismissed at def. costs.

Abiah Hayes vs. B. Bradley et al—dismissed at def. costs.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Robt. E. Jeffey—trial by jury, and judgment for $217.85.

On motion of John Schwartz, Esq., Judge S. Major is admitted and sworn as a member of this bar.

Jacob Hayes vs. Geo. S. Farral—trial by court, and judgment for one hundred and thirty one dollars and eighty-five cents.

First National Bank of Aurora vs. Joel P. Ulrey et al—judgment by agreement for 285 dollars and 10 cents.

Ezra G. Patterson vs. B. Bradley et al—trial by jury; judgment for 288 dollars.

Ann Grady vs. John Shehee—dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Louis Stein vs. John Hornberger Jr. and Richard Hornberger—trial by jury; judgment for 57 dollars and 50 cents.

Jacob Harvey, adm’r vs. A. Brogan—trial by court, judgment for $40 dollars and 54 cents.

Dearborn County County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1870

Proceedings of the June 1870 session of the Dearborn County, Indiana county commissioners appeared in:
Aurora Peoples Advocate – 30 Jun 1870 – Page 2, Column 2

Commissioners’ Court.

Below we publish the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, at their June term:

Retail licenses were granted to the following named persons: F. Volz, Henry Rief, George Kiefel, Joseph Bartholome, Jacob Pfalzgraf, J. Siemantel, Fred Block, Adam Kastner, Mike Klein, W. J. Burton, Emanuel Eller, Geo. Siemantel, G. P. Vogel, Peter Pfalzgraf, George Oswald, and L. Rudolph.

Grand Jurors appointed for the September term of Circuit Court: Ezra G. Hayes, Francis Winters, Wm. H. Baker, Jona. Runnels, R. Langdale, Jos. Sherbaugh, Ayres Bramble, Ernst Huseman, G. C. Columbia, Henry Miller, D. W. C. Wilber, L. M. Foulk.

For March term, 1871: Bryant Connelly, J. B. Hollowell, Elias Chisman, J. F. Geyer, W. C. Buffington, Charles Lods, G. M. Nevitt, Nathan Elliott, Peter Geyer, S. B. Sanks, W. C. McClure, S. F. Bruce.

Inspectors of Elections: St. Joseph Precinct—Jos. Stenger; New Alsace Precinct—Anthony Blattner; Lawrenceville Precinct—Casper Bauman; New Lawrenceburgh Precinct—Gideon Renner; Cochran Precinct—J. L. Giegoldt.

The following persons were appointed as viewers to view a road as petitioned for by C. R. Campbell and others, in York township: D. Frazier, J. W. Grubbs and L. D. Leming. Time of making the same, Aug. 20th, 1870.

A petition was presented, signed by Ralph Collier and others, asking for the vacation of a certain road in Manchester township. There being no remonstrance, the road was ordered vacated.

J. Miller, J. Ewing and M. Bell were appointed to meet August 20th, 1870, to view a road in Clay township, petitioned for by J. L. Mathews and others.

W. H. Swales, A. J. Alden and L. M. Pritchard were appointed visitors to the county Asylum.

The following M.D.’s were appointed physicians for the townships named: Jackson—Dr. Perry Fermier; Hogan—Dr. J. B. Stewart; Centre—Dr. Geo. Sutton.

The plans and specifications for a new Court House, to be located at Lawrenceburgh, were received and accepted.

The rate of taxation for 1870, for county purposes, was fixed at 60 cents on the $100.

The report of the viewers appointed to assess damages, occasioned by the opening of a certain road in Hogan township, was received. Damages assessed as follows: D. Kerr’s heirs, $125; Joshua Brewington, $100.—The amount was allowed, and the road ordered to be opened.

Aurora Police Report – Jun 1869

The Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana police report for June 1869 appeared in:
Aurora Peoples Advocate – 3 Jun 1869 – Page 3, Column 1

Police Court.

The following cases have been disposed of during the past week:

Asbury Roberts, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was fined $2 and costs.

George Renner paid one dollar for the luxury of having the last word in a dispute with a woman.

Henry Mask, for fast driving, contributed one dollar to the city treasury.

John D. Moore was fined five dollars and costs for running his train through the city at a greater speed than is prescribed by law. He took an appeal to the Circuit Court.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Jun 1869

Proceedings of the June 1869 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Aurora Peoples Advocate – 24 Jun 1869 – Page 2, Column 1

Proceedings of the County Commissioners.

We are indebted to Myron Haines, Esq., Deputy Auditor, for the following abstract of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county, Indiana, at their June session, 1869:

The Board met on Monday, June 7, with the Appraisers and Deputy Appraisers of Real Estate for the county, forming the Board of Equalization, and remained in session as such, during four consecutive days. After adjusting individual grievances, the said Board reduced the appraisement of lands in the following townships, as follows: Clay, fifteen percent; Hogan, 10 percent; Lawrenceburg, five percent.

The following additions were made to the returns made in the following townships respectively: Sparta, ten percent; Manchester, five percent; Miller, five percent; Logan, five percent; Centre, five percent.

On the 11th day of June, the Board of Equalization having adjourned, the Commissioners commenced the work of the regular session.

Bills were allowed, and licenses granted to the following persons, to retail spirituous and malt liquors: A. Schulze, George Siemantel and John Siemantel.

The Board met, June 12th, and after making a large number of allowances, granted licenses to retail spirituous and malt liquors, to the following person: Frank Voltz, Henry Rief and Michael Klein.

The Board heard the petition of William Ewbank and others, for a highway, to be located in Miller township; granted the prayer of said petitioners, and appointed viewers, as provided by law.

The Board met, June 12th, and after making allowances, granted licenses to retail spirituous and malt liquors, to Jacob Pfalzgraf and Emanuel Eiller.

Appointed Pierre Fermier, Physician to the indigent of Jackson township, for one year.

Appointed Charles Briggs, of Kelso, John Andregg, of Lawrenceburgh, and Martin Trester, of Washington, as visitors to County Asylum.

They also appointed the following Inspectors of elections, for the precincts of the county:

  • St. Leon, Joseph Steuger
  • New Alsace, Anthony Blattner
  • Lawrenceville, Casimer Barrman
  • New Lawrenceburg, Gideon Renner
  • Cochran, John L. Giegoldt

The Board met June 15th, and granted license to retail spirituous and malt liquors to Andrew Kreitlein; then considered the petition of William Smith and others, for change in a public highway, in Miller township, granting the prayer of said petition, and appointing viewers, according to law.

The Board also heard the petition of Nelson Handy and others, for the laying out and establishment of a certain highway in Harrison township, granted the prayer of said petition, and appointed viewers, according to law.

Also, heard the annual report of the County Auditor, and approved the same, and ordered the same recorded and published.

Also, granted retailer’s license to Peter Pfalzgraf.

Appointed N. S. Givan, School Examiner, to serve three years, as provided by law.

Allowances were made on bills presented.

The Board met June 16th, and levied the following tax for county purposes: On each $100, taxable, sixty cents; on each taxable poll, fifty cents.

Appointed J. B. Stewart, physician to the indigent persons of Hogan township.

Appointed A. J. Bowers, physician for indigent persons of Sparta township.

Made allowances on bills.

Received the report of the County Treasurer, approved the same, and ordered the same to be entered of record. The business of the session being completed, adjourned.

Aurora Police Report – Mar 1869

The Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana police report for March 1869 appeared in:
Aurora Peoples Advocate – 18 Mar 1869 – Page 3, Column 1

Police Report.

The following cases have been disposed of since our last report:

George Oswald, selling liquor to minors, fined $2 and costs.

Magdalina Kreitzer, disorderly, fined $3 and cost.

Henry Brackenhoff, selling liquor on Sunday, fined $5 and cost.

George Oswald, selling liquor to minors, fined $2 and cost.

Fogle, disorderly, fined $1 and cost.