Category Archives: Dearborn County Court Records

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1877

Proceedings of the February 1877 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 8 Feb 1877 – Page 2, Column 2

The February term of the Circuit Court commenced yesterday and today the following judgments were taken by default:

  • Richard Wooly et al vs. Frank Andros. Judgment for plaintiff for $275.
  • Cyrus Canfield vs. Myron H. Canfield. Judgment for plaintiff for $419.13.
  • Jacob L. Nowlin vs. David M. Marsh & Co. Judgment for plaintiff for $324.20.
  • Jno. Swartz vs. Strawder Cheek. Judgment for plaintiff for costs.
  • Will F. Stevens vs. Otho Hayes. Judgment for plaintiff for $137.60.
  • James A. Clark vs. Joseph G. Parks. Judgment for plaintiff.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 15 Feb 1877 – Page 2, Column 2


1451—Wm. Wheeler vs. Hugh B. Shutts et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $335.50.

1404—Christain E. Brockman vs. Louis Stein. Judgment for pltf. for $313.42.

1441—Elizabeth Manning, Guardian, vs. Samuel Hall, stricken from docket.

1471—Able D. Breed et al vs. David Marsh et al. Judgment for pltfs for $169.07.

1472—Abel D. Breed et al vs. David Marsh et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $339.24.

1215—Henry C. Vincent vs. Liborious Dill et al. Dismissed.

1445—John Zurmuhler vs. Henry Bruckhorst et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $693.

1178—Leah Hayes Adm’x vs. Anna Rudolph. Judgment for plaintiff.

825—State of Indiana vs. Chas. Smith and Chas. Brooks. Plea of guilty. Imprisonment five years each and a fine of $100.

1063—Joseph Bruce et al vs. Eliza Langley. Dismissed.

1297—Littisha Williamson vs. Sebastian Tittel. Judgment for defendant for costs.

1115—Anna B. Rudolph vs. Wm. Wheeler et al. Judgment vs. Wheeler for costs.

783—State of Indiana vs. Archibald George. Indictment quashed.

804—State of Indiana vs. Henry Shepherd. Dismissed.

805—State of Indiana vs. Robt. Shepherd. Dismissed.

Lawrenceburg Register – 15 Mar 1877 – Page 3, Column 4

Court Report.

George W. Cheek vs. Adolph Schulze. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Benj. B. Eden vs. John Gray. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Ezra Howe vs. James L. Hartley. Judgment against defendant for $138.00 and costs.

George W. Diggs vs. Lawrence Daily et al. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Peter Walther et al vs. Andrew Vetter. Judgment against defendant for $145.32 and costs.

State of Indiana vs. Charles S. Dunn. Attachment for contempt. Defendant discharged on payment of costs.

James McKinney vs. Enoch H. Miller. This case was submitted to three arbitrators, who returned a verdict against Miller for $485.36.

Kate S. Lewis vs. David Nevitt. Judgment against defendant for $1099.32 and costs.

Hugh S. Miller vs. Zeph Heustis. Judgment against defendant for $100 and costs.

Theodore VanDorn vs. Anna Barbara Kreitzer et al. Judgment against defendants for $405 and costs.

Eli Powell et al vs. Thomas Windsor. Judgment against defendant for $40 and costs.

Andrew P. Cady vs. Hanson D. Moore. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Hannah Savage vs. C. H. W. Werneke et al. Judgment against defendant for $550.25 and costs.

Myron H. Harding vs. D. W. Marsh et al. Judgment against defendants for $1120.82 and costs.

George H. Sargent vs. Marsh & Ewbank. Judgment against defendants for $509.76 and costs.

Nettie C. Pierce vs. Omer T. Pierce. Decree of Divorce, and judgment for costs against defendant.

Philip Erle vs. Filey Campbell. Judgment against defendants for costs.



Nancy Guard was appointed Guardian of Carrie Guard.

Langtree & Haynes vs. Jacob Peters, Adm’r of Alex Seigmund’s estate. Allowed claim of $85.

John C. Holmyer submitted final report as Guardian of Catharine Guard, an insane person, now deceased.

George W. Baker, Adm’r of Peter Henegan’s estate, submitted a final report and was discharged.

Mary Howard was appointed Adm’x of Benj. Howard’s estate.

Catharine Shattuck, Guardian of Asa Shattuck’s heirs, submitted a final report and was discharged. Said Guardian was also allowed $321 for board and clothing her ward, Charles Carr.

Wesley Wilson vs. Benj. Wethered, Guardian of Catharine Duncan, and insane person. Judgment against defendant for $372.


Cases Set for Trial Under Judge Hord.


  • Charles E. Angevine vs. James A. Angevine, Adm’r of James Angevine, dec’d.
  • Aletta M. Lewis vs. same.
  • James A. Angevine vs. estate of James Angevine. Jno. K. Thompson adversary party. Two other cases of same vs. same.
  • Melissa J. Cheek vs. Thomas M. Kyle, Adm’r of Harrison’s estate.


  • Jere. D. Skeen vs. Jacob P. Dunn et als.
  • Ezra G. Hayes et als vs. J. H. Burkam et als.
  • Andrew J. Dever vs. James Cummings et als.
  • D. W. C. Fitch, Ex’r Walter Hayes estate, vs. James C. Hayes.
  • State ex rel Angevine vs. Isaac B. Ward.
  • Jennie V. Ludlow vs. James Walker.
  • W. H. Bainbridge vs. James A. Angevine.
  • John Schwartz vs. same.
  • M. H. Harding vs. D. W. C. Fitch, Ex’r Walter Hayes’ estate.
  • James Taylor vs. M. Meister et als.
  • Eagle Machine Works vs. same.
  • Atlas Works of Indianapolis vs. same.
  • State ex rel Silvers vs. Benj. F. Vail.
  • C. Aultman & Co. vs. Jos. G. Parks et al.
  • B. N. McHenry & Co. vs. Joseph Stull et als.
  • Margaret C. Pate vs. Alfred M. Pate et als.


  • McKinney vs. Miller.
  • Guard, Adm’x vs. Martin et als.
  • Smith vs. Beckman.
  • Ludlow vs. Kiefel et al.
  • Karch vs. Gartner et al.
  • State ex rel Gibson vs. Weitzel et als.
  • Slater et al vs. Slater & Andrews.
  • Gibson vs. same.
  • Sisson vs. same.
  • Weitzel vs. same.
  • Pate vs. Pate.
  • Warner vs. Wolf.
  • Watkins vs. Watkins.
  • Garnier vs. Frederick.
  • Scholle vs. Scholle et als.
  • Tousey, Executor, vs. Nevitt et al.

Lawrenceburg Register – 22 Mar 1877 – Page 2, Column 2

Circuit Court.

State ex rel Jas. R. Slivers vs. Benjamin R. Vail et als. Change of venue to Ripley County.

Margaret C. Pate vs. Alfred M. Pate. Change of venue to Decatur Co.

Ezra G. Hayes et als against Jos. H. Burkam et als. This case has been in progress of trial since the 13th inst. with a probability of being concluded by Friday.

Eagle Machine Works vs. Michael Meister. Judgment against defendant for $664.76 and costs.

Atlas Works of Indianapolis vs. Michael Meister et als. Judgment against defendants for $1128.15 and costs.

David Harr vs. Isabella Hancock et als. Commissioner appointed to sell Real Estate and files his bond in the sum of $500.

Puella M. Mulford vs. David Mulford. Decree of divorce and judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Wm. Probasco et als vs. Jacob Rief et als. Judgment against Jacob Rief for $923.18, in favor of John Wymond defendant.

State ex rel Hester Wells vs. William Heaton. A compromise was offered, and defendant was discharged from jail.

George Tousey, Exr. of the last will of Isaac Dunn, deceased, vs. David Nevitt et als. Judgment against defendants for $3940.62 and costs.

State of Indiana vs. Jacob Miller. Judgment against defendant for $25.00 and costs, and confinement in county jail for four hours.



Melissa J. Cheek vs. Thos. M. Kyle, Administrator of Thos. Harrison’s Estate. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Estate of Hugh Grubbs, deceased, James Liddell, Administrator. Administrator files inventory of Personal Property.

The will of John Andrew Kreitleni was entered to Probate.

Guardianship of William Whiteford’s heirs. Isabella Whiteford, Guardian; said guardian files her final report, and is discharged.

Estate of Benjamin Wilson, deceased, Lucian J. Wilson, Administrator. Said Administrator files an inventory and sale bill of personal property.

Lawrenceburg Register – 29 Mar 1877 – Page 2, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Jeremiah D. Skeen vs. Jacob P. Dunn et al on a motion to set aside all proceedings had in the case since a default was entered against the defendants in 1864. The action was commenced in Ripley county in 1864. Skeen purchased land from one Weir subject to a Sinking Fund mortgage. The Auditor sold the land to pay the mortgage, and Dunn purchased it, upon a writ of possession being granted Dunn, Skeen enjoined the officers from ejecting him and the suit went against Dunn by default. The case was opened in 1869 by a motion of Dunn for a new trial which was rendered against Skeen. In an elaborate written opinion Judge Hord overruled the motion.



Wm. Shanks vs. estate Anth Halverstadt. Claim for $18 allowed.

Franz P. Hofer Lobensteen made his final report as guardian of Franz Fisher, and was discharged.

Chas. E. Angevine vs. estate of James A. Angevine. Claim for $162.85 allowed.

A. M. Lewis et al vs. same estate. Claim for $80 allowed.

James A. Angevine vs. same three cases. Claim for $850 allowed.

Lawrenceburg Register – 5 Apr 1877 – Page 2, Column 4

Circuit Court.

C. Aultman & Co. vs. Joseph G. Parks and others, judgment against Parks for $240.50 and costs.

State vs. Wm. H. Gregory, grand larceny, pleads guilty, sentenced to two years imprisonment in the State Prison and fined $1.

Anna Watkins vs. Henry Watkins, divorce; cause inhuman treatment and failure to provide. Divorce granted.

Bazil N. McHenry et al vs. Joseph Stull—to enforce lien—The plaintiff contracted with Joseph Stull to make certain improvements on a building belonging to the wife of Stull, which improvements he made and took a lien on the property—trial by jury—judgment against Stull for $506 and costs, plaintiff to recover nothing from Mary Stull.

Otha Hayes and others vs. Elijah Guard and others—petition for partition—petition granted and the following commissioners were appointed to make the partition: J. J. Hauck, John Callahan and James Burk.

Agnes Haddock vs. Worchester Haddock. The plaintiff has filed complaint for divorce and alimony against defendant would dispose of certain stock in the Aurora Iron & Nail Co., of which he is the owner, she asks for order restraining him from selling this stock which request was granted.

Wm. H. Bainbridge vs. James A. Angevine—The plaintiff was the attorney of the defendant and after giving him legal advice refused to foot the bill—trial by jury—judgment against Angevine for $63.45 and costs.

State ex rel Mary Hutsebaut vs. Tom. Ferril his mother—petition to be removed from his bond which petition was granted and if Tom don’t furnish bail in the sum of $300, will remain in jail until Feb. 26, 1878.

In the will case the jury returned the following verdict: We the jury find that the will in suit is not the will of Joseph Hayes. A. J. Alden, Foreman. And the interrogatives submitted to them were answered as follows:

  1. Was Joseph Hayes at the time he executed the will in suit a person of sound mind? Answer no.
  2. Was the execution of the will in suit procured through the undue influence of any one over the mind of Joseph Hayes? Answer yes.

The plaintiff’s Ezra Hayes and others immediately filed a motion for a new trial, argument will be heard Saturday, April 7.

John W. Briggs was allowed the sum of $63.50 for expenses incurred in the arrest of Wm. Gregory.

The following cases will be heard before the special session to be held July 9: Ludlow vs. Walker; Fitch vs. Hayes; Skeen vs. Dunn; Harding vs. Fitch.

Pius Frederick vs. City of Lawrenceburgh. The defendants are restrained from moving any part of the plaintiffs buildings which they claim to be on the street.

Louis Bihr vs. John Kuntz. Judgment against defendant for $313 and costs.

John Schwartz vs. J. A. Angsvine for legal services. Judgment against defendant for $310 and costs.

Barbara Garnier vs. Agnes Frederick. Judgment against defendant for $280 and costs.

The Court ordered the Clerk to give notice of the holding of a special term of court July 9, 1877.



Katherine Roth, Executrix of Michael Roth deceased, made a final report and was discharged.

Jeremiah T. Watkins administrator of Isaac L. Cannon, made a report and tendered his resignation as such administrator, which was accepted.

David C. Wright appointed administrator of the estate of Benjamin F. Wright.

Henry Leindecker made a final report of his trust as administrator of Wm. Weaver and was discharged.

Agnes Haddock has filed a petition for divorce from Worchester Haddock on grounds of Adultery. She prays for $20,000 alimony.

The will of Mary Wesler has been admitted to probate, she disposes of her property as follows: To Christiana Schneider, $60; to Henry Wesler, $1 in addition to the $250 already given him. To Mena Roller $200; to Christ and Fred Wesler she gives her dwelling house in Newtown.

Dearborn County Commissioners Court Proceedings – Mar 1877

Proceedings of the March 1877 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 15 Mar 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Commissioners’ Court.

The Board of County Commissioners—Col. Fred. Slater, Abram Briggs and Michael Hoff—met in regular session on the 5th inst. The following persons were granted license to retail spirituous and malt liquors: Nie Fahlbush, Martin Koehler, Pius Frederick, Stephen Meier, Frank Volz, Lawrenceburgh. Charles Martin, Leonard Richt, John Quigley, Aurora.

The following appointments of the County Asylum for one year:

  • W. C. Henry, M.D., physician and surgeon to the poor of Centre township for one year, for $100.
  • Drs. Gatch & Miller, physicians and surgeons to the poor of Lawrenceburgh township for one year, for $100.
  • Dr. L. J. Collins, physician and surgeon to the poor of York township for one year, for $25.
  • Dr. W. H. Swales, physician and surgeon to the poor of Harrison, Logan, Miller and Kelso townships for one year for $100.

Haynes & Thompson, Attorneys to the Board of Commissioners for one year for the sum of $150.

The annual reports of Township Trustees were made, and will appear in due time. Also the allowances made by the Board.

Lawrenceburg Register – 22 Mar 1877 – Page 2, Column 1

Commissioners’ Court.

The Mount Sinai Cemetery Society offered certain grounds in said Cemetery for a burial place for the Poor of Dearborn County, which offer was accepted by the Board.

Dr. P. Fermier was appointed Physician and Surgeon for one year to the poor of Jackson township, at a salary of twenty-five dollars.

The Board selected the following named persons as Grand Jurors of the Circuit Court for the year following, to-wit:

  • For the April term.—Jacob Gafga, Lawrence Kappis, Chas. Libbert, Fred Ginter, Thos. Gaynor, Chris. Smith.
  • For the November Term.—Sam’l Dickenson, Adam Glaub, James Lods, Nathaniel Elliot, Thos. Greenland, Harrison Abbott.

Hamilton Conaway, H. Thompson, A. G. Withrow and one hundred and nine other citizens of Clay township, petitioned for the building of a bridge over and across South Hogan Creek, near Dillsboro Station. The petition was received, and the consideration of the matter deferred until the June session of the Board.

The members of the Dearborn County bar petitioned for the purchase of a clock for the court room. Petition granted, and Commissioner Slater was appointed to purchase the same.

The Bills allowed by the Board will be published in due time.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1876

Proceedings of the November 1876 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 30 Nov 1876 – Page 2, Column 2


1285—Nathan R. Stedman vs. Robert Kidd. Stricken from the docket.

1324—Daniel Chidester vs. Andreas Hornback. Stricken from the docket.

1345—Moses Strans vs. Anton Blattner. Stricken from docket.

770—State of Indiana vs. Peter Powers. Deft. fined $2.

779—State of Indiana vs. Jos. Buffington. Deft. fined $4.50.

716—State of Indiana vs. Nancy Smith. Deft. acquitted.

789—State of Indiana vs. Rudolph Knen. Deft. fined $3.

1361—Moore’s Hill College vs. Joseph H. Miller. Judgment for Pltf. for $96.26.

1344—Gaar, Scott & Co. vs. Thomas B. Powell et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $176.54.

1347—Hartford Fire Insurance Co. vs. Geo. W. Suter et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $345.35.

1348—Aultman & Taylor Manufacturing Co. vs. Thomas Miller et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $170.85.

1351—First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. John Zeh et al. Dismissed.

State of Indiana vs. Frank Schott. Deft. fined $5.

1372—Francis Fritch et al vs. Kosmos Frederick. Judgment for Pltf. for $318.26.

1321—Elizabeth Fermier vs. Jesse Echler et al. Decree of partition.

1261—Jacob H. Martin vs. Oliver B. Liddell. Judgment for Pltf. for costs.

1164—Abigal P. Hodges et al vs. Margarett McComas. Judgment for Deft. for costs.

1165—Abigail P. Hodges et al vs. Sarah J. Mulford et al. Judgment for Deft. for costs.

1166—Abigail P. Hodges et al vs. John G. Burgess. Judgment for Pltf. for costs.

1201—Aurora Iron Co. vs. Maloney J. Evans. Judgment for Deft. for costs.

1363—Nancy G. Hayes vs. David W. Marsh et al. Judgment for Pltf. for $348.75.

1366—Edward Hayes vs. Eliza H. Guard et al. Judgment for Pltf. for $156.62.

1382—George Cheek vs. David Marsh et al. Judgment for Pltf. for $190.39.

Lucy A. Moore vs. David W. Marsh et al. Judgment for Pltf. for $91.90.

675—Miami Valley Furniture Co. vs. Levin B. Lewis et al. Judgment for Deft. for costs.

1348—Zeph Heustis vs. Raymond R. Benham et al. Decree of foreclosure.

183—Martha H. Jones estate vs. John N. Green et al. Dismissed.

997—Louis Garrison vs. Ezra Jackson et al. Judgment for Deft. for costs.

1368—Edward Roberts et al vs. David Marsh et al. Judgment for Pltf. for $501.49.

892—Louisa Libbing vs. Wm. Libbing. Stricken from docket.

1336—State of Indiana ex rel George S. Williams, Trustee of Jackson Township, vs. Michael Meister et al. Judgment for Pltf. for $1303.98.

1330—Amelia J. Laws vs. Alfred R. Voshell et al. Decree of foreclosure.

1358—William E. Gibson vs. Richard Winter et al. Judgment for plaintiff for $216.96.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 14 Dec 1876 – Page 2, Column 2


Ernest Meyer vs. John B. Vail. Judgment for plaintiff for $70.00.

Howe Machine Co. vs. Elijah Huffman. Judgment for defendant. Plaintiffs except to finding.

Bernard Shipper vs. William Gerlach et als. Judgment for defendants.

William Wheeler vs. Jacob Giegoldt and Margaret Giegoldt. Dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

Andrew P. Leady vs. Hanson D. Moore. Dismissed for want of prosecution. Defendants recover costs.

Hugh D. McMullen vs. Henry Marsh et als. Judgment for plaintiff for $120.94.

John L. Conway vs. A. L. Shumon. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

Martin V. Fox vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Co. Judgment vs. defendants for $12.00.

John Grey vs. Simon Straus, Barney Mulligan (partners as Straus & Mulligan) and Stephen West—Garnishee. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

State of Indiana vs. Richard Blemar. Dismissed.

First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. C. Dan Conway. Judgment vs. Conway for $73.80.

Hugh D. McMullen vs. Henry Marsh Jr., Andrew Marsh and Henry Marsh Sr. Judgment vs. defendants for $80.00.

Thomas Baily and William Griffin vs. Joseph Bruce and Hamilton Conway. Judgment vs. plaintiffs for costs.

Benj. B. Elder vs. John Gray. Judgment vs. plaintiff.

State of Indiana vs. Henry Kapple—suffering house to be used for gaming purposes. Fine $50.00.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 21 Dec 1876 – Page 2, Column 1


Phillip Enos vs. John Kraetner. Judgment for Plft. for $200.

1285—Almarion Smith vs. John Kraetner. Judgment for Plaintiff for $1.

1298—Francis Adkinson, Adm., vs. Christian Swick et al. Stricken from docket.

1307—Bernard Geise et al vs. Jacob Rief et al. Judgment against Defts. for costs.

1341—Wm. Probasco et al vs. Jacob Rief et al. Judgment for Plfts. for $3036.23, and decree of foreclosure.

1314—Jacob Zapp vs. Perry Chance et al. Judgment against Plft. for costs.

1315—Jacob Zapp vs. Joseph Bossong Jr. Judgment against Pltf. for costs.

1350—Isaac Hamburger et al vs. Jacob and Henry Rief. Stricken from docket.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 28 Dec 1876 – Page 2, Column 2


1367—Wm. Wheeler vs. City of Aurora. Dismissed.

1326—Ellen Posey vs. Joseph Posey. Judgement against Pltf. for costs.

1332—Wm. Powell vs. O. & M. R. R. Judgment against defendant for costs.

1327—James C. Martin vs. Thos. M. Kinney. Judgment for plaintiff for $1.

1374—Philip Kastner vs. Louisa Volkert et al. Judgment of foreclosure and $445.44 for Plaintiff.

Adam Shater vs. Anna M. Lobenstein et al. Judgment for Plaintiff for $244.

1329—Geo. A. Swales, Trustee, vs. Isaac Southard. Judgment for Defendant.

1318—State ex rel Martin L. Rause vs. Samuel McElfresh Sect. Ohio Valley Coffin Co. Judgment vs. Defendant for costs.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1876

Proceedings of the May 1876 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 4 May 1876 – Page 2, Column 2


760—State of Indiana vs. John A. Widan. Plea of guilty; fine $2 and cost.

761—State of Indiana vs. August Galger. Plea of guilty; fine $5 and costs.

762—State of Indiana vs. Nicholas Galger. Plea of guilty; fine $2 and costs.

300—State of Indiana ex rel Anthony Scheidler et al vs. Chas Schott et al. Judgment vs. defendants for costs.

727—L. Hammerschmidt, guardian, vs. Charles Sicking, administrator; dismissed.

1014—Mathias Miller, administrator, vs. Henry Rief. Judgment vs. defendant for costs.

1018—Frank M. Lehoning vs. the city of Lawrenceburgh. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

1050—State of Indiana vs. John H. Housemeyer. Dismissed.

1905—Jno. Gutzwiller vs. Michael Egner. Judgment vs. defendant for $210.25.

1101—Sarah M. Burton vs. Wm. P. James. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

1060—Clamer H. W. Werneke vs. Emanuel Ellen. Judgment vs. defendant for $376.25.

672—State of Indiana vs. Ed. Barrett. Dismissed.

1186—Fredrich Ginter et al vs. Isaac R. Dunaway et al. Decree of foreclosure.

1173—Joseph Haddock vs. Gottleif Houfler et al. Decree of foreclosure.

1121—Charles Ewan vs. Hanson D. Moore et al. Dismissed.

1171—Chas. N. Bruce vs. Wm. C. Kemp. Dismissed.

1146—Aurora & Cincinnati R. R. Co. vs. America McKee et al. Stricken from docket.

Isaac Greenwald et al vs. Nehemiah Gullett. Judgment for plaintiff for $208.70.

1160—Dennis W. Gibson vs. Francis Hallowell. Judgment for plaintiff for $478.10.

Henry R. Helmith vs. Lawrence Daily. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

1181—Alex Buchanan et al vs. Francis Hallowell. Stricken from docket.

1183—German Lawrenceburgh Building Society No. 1 vs. Joseph Huss et al. Stricken from docket.

1195—Josephine M. Liddell vs. John Milburn. Dismissed.

1196—Conrad Windish et al vs. Adam Danner. Dismissed.

1162—Wm. B. Miller vs. Henry H. Pullman et al. Judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed and foreclosure of mortgage.

298 and 299—State of Indiana ex rel of Board of Commissioners of Dearborn county vs. Chas. Schott et al. Judgment vs. defendants for costs.

1154—Barbara Willman vs. Henry Willman. Dismissed.

1135—Nicholas Fahlbat vs. Jacob Jene. Judgment vs. defendant for $32.46.

1072—Elzin Pollard vs. James Pollard. Divorce granted.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 11 May 1876 – Page 2, Column 3


759—State of Indiana vs. Thos. Walpool. Deft. fined $1.

Louisa B. Dair vs. Wm. Dair et al. Decree of partition.

1163—First Nat. Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. Raymond R. Benham et al. Judgment for Pltf for $2700.

1193—James Farrin vs. Abraham Epstein. Judgment vs. Deft for costs.

992—C. Aultman & Co. vs. Geo. Trester et al. Judgment vs. Sam. Trester for $372.00.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 18 May 1876 – Page 2, Column 3


764—State of Indiana vs. Jack Hughes; defendant acquitted.

767—State of Indiana vs. Jack Hughes; defendant found guilty of carrying concealed weapons and fined $5.

765—State of Indiana vs. Ephram Bailey; defendant found guilty and sentenced to one year in the State Prison.

527—Charles E. Hamilton et al vs. Rising Sun and Hartford Turnpike Company et al; judgment for plaintiffs for $200.

759—Ezra G. Hayes vs. Charles P. Winkley; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs to date.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 25 May 1876 – Page 2, Column 3


903—City of Aurora vs. John Crawford; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

921—Frederick G. Appleton vs. Schermerhorn & Van Kleech; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

John N. Milburn for use of Aurora Loan and Building Association No. 1 vs. James Ross Sr., James Ross Jr., et al; judgment of foreclosure.

1167—Simon Bartholomew vs. Henry Asshoff et al; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

1170—Frank Know vs. Koenus Frederick; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 1 Jun 1876 – Page 2, Column 4


969—John Cobb & Co. and City of Aurora; verdict for defendant.

1096—Andrew D. Stebbins vs. John P. Walker; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

945—Thomas Gaff et al vs. John Cobb et al; judgment for defendant.

979—John Kratner vs. John Loftus et al; judgment for defendant.

760—Ezra G. Hayes vs. John Housemeyer; judgment for defendant for $196.88.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 8 Jun 1876 – Page 3, Column 3


768—State of Indiana vs. Catharine Strickfaddent. Plea, guilty. Fine $1 and costs.

1153—Edwin Evans vs. The Aurora Iron Co. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

John W. Lamberston vs. Joel Pennington et al. Dismissed.

1014—Matthias Miller, Administrator, vs. Henry Rief. Judgment for plaintiff for $650.

State of Indiana vs. Harvey Hornadyy. Defendant found guilty of contempt.

1057—Lawrence Hayes vs. Jacob Haas. Verdict for defendant.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 15 Jun 1876 – Page 2, Column 3


771—State of Indiana vs. Edward Stricker; plea of guilty; fine $1 and costs.

1068—Henry C. Vincent vs. Robert Hargist; verdict for plaintiff; damages one cent.

977—Frederick W. Koch vs. Agnes Frederick et al; judgment vs. defendant for costs.

945—Thomas Gaff et al vs. John Cobb et al; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

971—George H. Barbour et al vs. Anthony Blattner; judgment vs. defendant for $44.86.

1057—Lawrence Hays vs. Jacob Haas; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

1086—Peter Walther vs. Joseph H. Burkham et al; judgment for plaintiff for $367.84.

1106—City of Aurora vs. John K. Booth; judgment for plaintiff for $10 and costs.

1136—John Love vs. Dearborn Furniture Company; judgment for plaintiff for $719.35.

1137—Jacob Jack vs. Dearborn Furniture Company; judgment for plaintiff for $476.18.

1143—Gabriel Baumgartner vs. Dearborn Furniture Company; judgment for plaintiff for $511.46.

1046—Asa H. Andrews vs. R. D. Slater et al; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

1077—Clarissa Daniels vs. John Daniels; divorce granted.

1002—James Muir adm’r vs. Enoch H. Miller; judgment for plaintiff for $619.

1876—Asa H. Little vs. Edwin B. Dobell; judgment for plaintiff for $100.

1075 ½–Maggie C. Pate vs. Marion Pate; divorce granted.

972—John Kratner vs. John Loftus et al; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

824—Oliver J. Tanner vs. Thos. Jennings; judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

James Stevenson vs. Lawrenceburgh National Bank; dismissed.

1082—Fred. Gutler et al vs. Wm. S. Tyler; dismissed.

1175—Jacob Randall by next friend, Merrit Cheek; judgment for plaintiff for $50.

1044—City of Aurora vs. Jacob Peters; judgment vs. defendant for $10.

1149—Jacob Jack vs. Dearborn Furniture Company; judgment for plaintiff for $310.46.

983—Joseph H. Green vs. Smith Platt; judgment for defendant for costs.

984—Joseph H. Green vs. James Grubbs; judgment for defendant for costs.

1168—George Jacob Haass vs. Henry Werler et al; judgment for plaintiff for $723.48.

Washington Township Trustee Report – 1876

The 1876 Trustee Report for Washington Township, Dearborn County, Indiana appeared in:
Aurora Dearborn Independent – 22 Jun 1876 – Page 3, Column 3


[See newspaper for complete report.]


  • R. D. Slater, for posting books
  • Wat. Sawdon, services as Trustee
  • L. W. Cobb, receipt book
  • John P. Walker, Judge election
  • Geo. W. Sawdon, services, Trustee
  • H. D. Tufts, Cl’ks election
  • Geo. W. Wilson, Clerk’s election
  • Martin Trester, Judge election
  • Wilkinson Smith, am’t overpaid and services as Trustee


  • Treasurer D. C., road receipts
  • Geo. Baker, Labor on the highway
  • Treasurer D. C., bond receipts
  • James C. Clordery, road receipts
  • Elijah Creet, road purposes
  • Geo. L. Zeh, road receipts
  • Geo. W. Miller, bridge lumber
  • W. H. & J. B. Miller, road receipts
  • Henry Miller, road receipts
  • Elijah Greer, plow on road
  • William McConnell, road receipts


  • S. D. Cole, for sheep killed by dogs
  • James Stafford, same
  • J. R. McConnell, same
  • H. D. Tutfs, same
  • Enoch M. Lindsay, same
  • Mrs. Mary Wallace, same
  • D. C. Wright, same
  • B. F. Wright, same
  • James Stafford, same
  • S. D. Cole, same
  • William Sawdon, same


  • Miss Fannie Pierce, teaching District No. 4
  • A. Tufts, teaching school district no. 1
  • Miss Annie Ellis, teaching school district no. 4
  • John J. Hubbart, teaching school district no. 2
  • Miss M. S. Eubank, teaching school district no. 1
  • Miss Annie Ellis, teaching school district no. 3
  • John J. Hubbart, teaching school district no. 2
  • Miss Hattie Pierce, teaching school district no. 4
  • John J. Hubbart, teaching school district no. 2
  • Miss M. S. Eubank, teaching school district no. 1
  • John J. Hubbart, teaching school district no. 2
  • Miss Annie Ellis, teaching school district no. 2
  • Miss Hattie Pierce, teaching school district no. 4


  • L. Lindsay, furnishing chalk, coal, etc., district 10
  • Creal Johnson, furnishing wood for district 3
  • William McConnell, furnishing chalk, coal, etc., district 4
  • F. A. York, furnishing coal for township
  • F. Mulbarger & Son, furnishing stove pipe for district no. 4
  • A. S. Carson, repairs furnished district no. 2
  • Ezra Wilson, hauling coal for district no. 3
  • L. Lindsay, repairs, etc., furnished district no. 1
  • Creal Johnson, same for district no. 3
  • F. Mulbarger & Son, furnishing stove and pipe for district no. 9
  • A. L. Carson, hauling for district no. 2
  • A. L. Carson, repairs, etc., furnished district no. 2
  • S. D. Cole, hauling coal, repairs, etc., for district no. 4

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1875

Proceedings of the November 1875 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 18 Nov 1875 – Page 2, Column 2

A special Jury has been empaneled to try the case of Peterman vs. Wymond & Co., and consists of the following named persons:

  • Gersham Dunn
  • Dewitt C. Wilber
  • William Probasco
  • Benj. Boardman
  • Thos. F. Annis
  • Samuel Dickinson
  • David Carmicle
  • Josiah Campboll
  • Ralph Collier
  • Jacob Miller
  • William Sawdon
  • Sam’l McElfresh Sr.
  • John D. Johnson
  • Isaac R. Dunnaway
  • Nehemiah Gullet
  • Joseph Hall

Court opened Monday morning with Judge Holman on the bench who will preside until Judge Roberts recovers from his sickness. The Grand Jury was empaneled Tuesday morning.

The following is the business of the court thus far.

1004—Sarah Holden vs. Hugh Holden Jr. Dismissed at pltf’s costs.

1010—State ex rel Mary Gebele vs. Jacob Andras. Stricken from docket.

1040—Z. Heustis vs. Mathias Miller. Judgment vs. deft. $880.55.

1024—J. C. Cordry vs. Nelson Baker and Amanda Baker. Judgment for pltf for $381.90.

1015—Keziah Hancock vs. H. H. Myers. Dismissed at pltfs cost.

1020—Philip Gutzwiller vs. B. McDermott and F. McDermott. Judgment for pltf for $122.36.

1031—Matthias Steiger vs. F. A. Bauer and Francis Busald. Judgment vs. Busald for $219.96.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 25 Nov 1875 – Page 2, Column 3


1009—John Rolf vs. Benj. Anderson et al. Dismissed.

1028—Letitia McClure vs. Isaac Stevens et al. Judgment vs. defendants for costs.

1019—Amos R. Bruce et al vs. Wm. Hamilton. Dismissed.

The Grand Jury made their report on Saturday last and were discharged. They found twelve indictments and examined about one hundred witnesses, some of the fine haired boys from Aurora being among the number.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 2 Dec 1875 – Page 2, Column 2


733—State of Indiana vs. John Bryant. Plea of guilty. Fined $1 and costs.

730 and 731—State of Indiana vs. Harry Hargett. Plea of guilty and fine of one cent and cost in each case.

972—Ruth Conner vs. Jeptha Conner et al. Dismissed.

732—State of Indiana vs. Warren Bludsaw. Plea of guilty. Fine of one cent and cost.

459—Timothy Guard vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Co. Dismissed at pltf’s cost.

460—Rebecca Guard vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Co. Dismissed at pltf’s cost.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 9 Dec 1875 – Page 2, Column 3


880—City of Aurora vs. O. & M. R. R. Stricken from docket.

709—State of Indiana vs. Hannah Love et al. Dismissed.

710—State of Indiana vs. Jas. Love et al. Dismissed.

722—State of Indiana vs. Wm. Ellerman. Dismissed.

1012—Francis Nolty vs. Rudolph Bulthamp. Judgment vs. deft for $816.80.

1786—Lorenzo D. Pelton vs. Wm. W. Gold et al. Judgment for pltf.

633—State of Indiana vs. Caroline Fagger. Dismissed.

636—State of Indiana vs. Mary Ann Madigan. Dismissed.

1008—Henry Finke et al vs. Ben Anderson et al. Dismissed.

736—State of Indiana vs. Thos. Brady and Oscar Threnart. Defendants found guilty.

736—State of Indiana vs. Abe. Foltz. Deft discharged.

1005—Richard Nerz vs. Mary A. Nerz. Divorce granted.

714—State of Indiana vs. R. T. Winkley. Dismissed.

763—Frank F. Siefert vs. John G. Giegoldt et al. Stricken from docket.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 16 Dec 1875 – Page 2, Column 2


939—Hugh Dever vs. James Cummings et al. Judgment vs. Pltf for costs.

966—Philip Zimmerman vs. J. A. Kress. Dismissed at Defts costs.

173—Wm. D. Horner, Adm. of James Boatman’s estate, vs. Joshua Bates. Dismissed at Pltfs costs.

174—Same vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Dismissed.

176—Moses Maas vs. Joshua Bates. Dismissed at Pltfs cost.

Lucinda Palmer et al vs. Annie Palmer. Decree of partition.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 23 Dec 1875 – Page 2, Column 3


814 and 815—Sarah J. Sanes vs. Peter Hunter. Dismissed at pltf’s costs.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1875

Proceedings of the September 1875 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 23 Sep 1875 – Page 2, Column 2


886—Samuel McElfresh et al vs. Board of Commissioners of Dearborn Co. Judgment against defendants for costs.

717—State of Indiana vs. Buck Goodpaster. Recognizance forfeited.

454—Rosa Knote et als vs. Jno. Kuntz et al. Judgment against defts. for costs.

721—State of Indiana vs. John Newell. Defendant acquitted.

716—State of Indiana vs. Patrick Maloney Jr., Jack Greeley, Thos. Greeley, and John Scofield. Defendants acquitted.

891—Hamilton Conaway vs. Elizabeth Sherman et al. Dismissed at Pltfs. costs.

856—Elizabeth Wheeler vs. Samuel Wheeler. Divorce granted. $500 alimony.

906—Mary Alice Mefford vs. Jas. B. Wymond. Dismissed by agreement. Plaintiff receiving $100.

824—State of Indiana vs. Barbara Wagner. Defendant acquitted.

962—Wm. Wheeler vs. Henry Swift et al. Judgment for Plft. for costs and $10 Attys. fee.

895—Henry Schweitzer vs. Wm. Libbing.

896—Henry Hill vs. Same.

897—Henry Moxen vs. Same.

898—Chas. Creamer vs. Same.

927—Henry Bastting vs. Same. Judgment for pltfs. order for attached property to be sold.

923—William Wheeler vs. Geo. A. Matson et al. Judgment for pltfs for $180.86.

934—Wm. Wheeler vs. John Kerrigan et al. Mortgage foreclosed. Judgment $152.65.

967—Alfred O. Gould vs. John Kerrigan et al. Mortgage foreclosed. Judgment $73.65.

982—Lawrence D. Stanford vs. John Kerrigan et al. Mortgage foreclosed. Judgment $65.45.

751—Sidney L. Wilkson vs. Elizabeth A. Willson. Dismissed at pltfs costs.

976—Maria Roth by William H. Dowdell her next friend, vs. Clement W. Robertson. Decree of partition.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 14 Oct 1875 – Page 2, Column 3


959—Robt. Elliott vs. Joseph Proctor et al. Judgment for pltf. For $310.35.

792—Rezin Johnson, administrator of Thos. Wilson’s estate, vs. B. F. Mulford, stricken from docket.

856—Abiah Hayes vs. Daniel H. Miller, dismissed at deft’s costs.

713—State of Indiana vs. Henry Rief. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to the State Prison for life.

259—Andrew A. Helfer vs. Jas. S. Smith. Judgment for Pltf.

1573—J. W. Neroman vs. Abram Hill. Taken to Ohio county on change of venue.

771—O. & M. R. W. Co. vs. Michael Tracey. Judgment against plfts for costs.

858—Smith No. Fowler vs. Ellen J. Fowler. Dismissed.

976—Maria Roth, by her next friend Wm. H. Dowdell, vs. Clement W. Robertson. Real estate sold and Com. Deed made.

989—Wm. Wheeler vs. Geo. W. Lamb et al. Judgment for Pltf for $308.25.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 21 Oct 1875 – Page 2, Column 4


764 ½–Harriet Shepherd vs. Elias C. Canfield. Breach of promise. Dismissed at pltf’s costs.

788—State ex rel James S. Bigelow vs. Benj. F. Vail, Administrator et al. Judgment against Retainer for costs.

954—Louis Felk vs. Frank Messang et al. Judgment against deft’s for $689.77.

949—William D. Horser, Adm. de bonis non of estate of James Boatman, vs. Job Shearer. Judgment against deft for $442.10.

889—Philip Metzzar vs. Solomon Longnecke. Judgment against deft for costs.

693—Jacob P. Dunn et al vs. Jeremiah D. Skene et al. Judgment for foreclosure.

726—Emily Bromwell, Adm. of Joseph Bromwell, vs. U. S. Mail Line Company. Removed to U.S. district court.

801—Daniel C. Keeney Sr., Admin. of Daniel Keeney Jr., vs. U. S. Mail Line Company. Removed to U.S. District Court.

842—Mary A. Cheek vs. Strawder Cheek. Judgment for plaintiff.

937—City of Aurora vs. Wm. Cunningham. Judgment against deft for costs.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1874

Proceedings of the November 1874 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 5 Nov 1874 – Page 2, Column 2

Circuit Court Report.
Before Judge Roberts.

228. John L. Mulford vs. W. B. Miller, Administrator of J. Baley’s estate. Plaintiff defaulted and cause dismissed.

229. Same vs. Same. Plaintiff defaulted and cause dismissed.

238. Dr. A. J. Bowers vs. Stewart, Administrator of Stewart’s estate. Claim of $15.00 allowed.

241. E. G. & J. H. Burkam vs. George Ludlow’s estate. Claim on bill of Exchange, and $1372.47 allowed.

243. O. Priest vs. Wm. Thompson’s estate. Allowed $4.00.

244. Fred. Peter vs. Entils’ estate. Claim dismissed.

635. State vs. Wm. McDole. Since our last report McDole has received his sentence—imprisonment for life. Perpetual obscurity.

634. John R. Davis. Arson. Judgment on the verdict was pronounced by the Court on last Thursday, after overruling a motion for a new trial. Judgment, imprisonment in the State prison for 5 years and that he pay a fine of $100.00.

640. State vs. Joe Mondary. Charge, stealing chickens. Trial by jury. Verdict of guilty, imprisonment for five days, fine $3, and disfranchisement for six months.

644. State vs. Alice Cramer. Provoking assault. Plea of guilty and fine of $1.00.

650. State vs. A. Smith. Assault and Battery. Trial by jury and fine $3.00.

653. State vs. John W. Briggs. Nol. Pros. by Prosecutor.

654. State vs. John F. Trulock. Nol. Pros. by Prosecutor.

656. State vs. Ben. Anderson. Assault and Battery. Trial by jury. Verdict “not guilty.”

660. State vs. W. H. Elman. Surety of the peace. Trial by jury. Finding “not guilty.”

662. State vs. Ingenthorn. Surety of the Peace. Dismissed.

State vs. Anthony Schott. Assault. “Not Guilty.”

69. Catharine Rees by E Gilleland, her next friend, vs. Louis Rees et al. Partition. Judgment of partition granted.

177. Hulda Osgood, Administratrix of S. Osgood vs. Ph. L. Spooner. Dismissed at Plaintiffs costs.

196. W. M. Suit vs. Priscilla Garrison et al. Stricken from the docket.

329. Perry Small, Administrator of Henry Small’s estate vs. R. C. Arnold. Suit to recover for the price of a horse, buggy, and set of harness. Trial by the Court and finding for the Defendant.

419. Jo. C. Small vs. John Hisey et al. Offer to confess judgment for $25.00, and costs accepted. Stricken from the docket.

423. State ex rel Jo. C. Small vs. Richard Hubbartt et als. Action on official bond. Offer to confess judgment for $10 and costs accepted. Stricken from the docket.

478. Jane E. Hayes vs. Edward Hayes. Action for divorce. Dismissed on account of defective affidavit.

491. Martha E. Copeland vs. Leibecke and Metcalfe. Action to recover damages under the liquor law. Dismissed by plaintiff.

496. Sophia Wagner vs. J. C. Bernard. Action for breach of marriage contract and seduction. Trial by the Court and judgment for Plaintiff for $1,000.

500. G. W. Cochaan vs. O. & M. Railway Co. Action to recover the lands on which the Cochran Shops are located. Demurrer to complaint overruled. Defendant ruled to answer.

526. The Rising Sun & H. T. Co. vs. C. E. Hamilton, Action to recover damages for locating a turnpike over Defendant’s land. Trial by jury and finding for Plaintiff for $475.00.

528. Michael Miester vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Co. Dismissed at Defendant’s costs.

533. Carl Kauffman vs. Henry Longe et al. Action to set aside deed. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s costs.

535. Mary J. Hunter vs. John Cooper. Action for damages for obstructing private way. Trial by jury and verdict for one cent.

543. Elizabeth Brooks vs. Matthias Voshall. Breach of marriage contract. Trial by jury & verdict for $1000. The Defendant is seventy five years old.

546. Wm. Wheeler vs. Jos. Helphenstein et al. Judgement for foreclosure and for $281.50.

555. Geo. Zimmerman vs. Jno. B. Garnier. On account. Dismissed.

565. Nancy Hays vs. Ezra Guard et als. Action on note. Judgment for $462.18.

591. Wm. Bruce vs. O. & M. R. W. Co. Damage for killing cow. Judgment for $25.00.

Wesley Shumake vs. Jennie Schmake. Divorce. Dismissed on account of defective affidavit.

609. Wm. Wheeler vs. F. E. Coffee et als. Foreclosure of mortgage and judgment for $803.62.

614. Catharine E. Stevens vs. Mahlon Stevens. Divorce. Dismissed.

620. Pierce and Walker vs. D. H. Miller. Action to recover real estate. Judgment by agreement for Plaintiff for $150 and for possession.

627. H. C. Vincent vs. Liborions Dill. Tried by jury and verdict for Plaintiff for $29.00.

632. Jacob Oswald vs. John Petscher. Foreclosure of chattel mortgage, judgment of sale.

674. John A. Conwell vs. J. G. Brodbeck et als. Defendants defaulted. Judgment of foreclosure.

679. L. G. Hurlbert vs. Amanda Younker et als. Foreclosure and judgment for $361.49.

Aurora Justice’s Court – 1874

Proceedings of the Aurora Justice’s Court in Dearborn County, Indiana in 1874 appeared in:

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 22 Jan 1874 – Page 8, Column 1

Justice’s Court.
Monday, 12th.

O. P. Small against Elijah H. Sparks. Complaint alleges a balance due Small on hay sold and commissions for buying hay for $130.16. Trial by jury, and verdict for Sparks. A motion is pending for a new trial.

Jesse Trester against Snell. Replevin suit to obtain possession of a horse. Compromised. Trester to pay accrued costs, and Snell to keep the horse.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 29 Jan 1874 – Page 4, Column 4

Justice’s Court.
Before Squire Carbaugh.

Eunice Huffman vs. Henderson Huffman; surety of the peace. Defendant made affidavit for change of venue, and failing to give security for his appearance before Squire Canfield, at Wilmington, was sent to jail.

Commodore P. Huffman vs. Eunice Huffman. Trial January 26, and defendant discharged.

State of Indiana vs. Mary E. Grinsley, charge of assault and battery, brought by Commodore Perry Huffman. Plead guilty, and fined one dollar and costs. There being no law to imprison a woman for fine and costs, the lady sensibly left the Squire in the lurch.

Mary E. Grinsley vs. Commodore P. Huffman, surety of the peace. Defendant discharged on his agreeing to leave the country at once. But just how he is to get away very far without taking Shank’s mare for it remains to be seen, as his railroad pass to St. Louis Is not now in his possession.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 5 Mar 1874 – Page 5, Column 1

Justice’s Court.
Before Mayor Rectanus.

State, on relation of Andy Schmidt, vs. Wood and Blair. Charge of stealing two five dollar bills from Schmidt’s money drawer. Dismissed by prosecuting witness.

Before Squire Carbaugh.

State, on relation of Austin Kerigan vs. Thomas Kerigan; assault and battery. Acquitted.

Asbury Roberts vs. Francis E. Coffee and Howe Machine Company. Civil action to recover possession of sewing machine. Defendant defaulted, and judgment rendered for plaintiff for $50.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 12 Mar 1874 – Page 5, Column 1

Justice’s Court.
Before Mayor Rectanus.

Jesse Henry vs. Henry Willman. Suit for balance on note. Settled.

McCreary vs. Busby. Civil action; claim of eight dollars. Change of venue asked and case sent to Squire Stanford at Cochran.

Before Squire Carbaugh.

State, on relation of Mary L. Riggins, vs. Andy Schmidt. Selling liquor to Mel. Riggins, who is in the habit of being intoxicated.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 26 Mar 1874 – Page 5, Column 2

Justice’s Court.
Before Squire Carbaugh.

State vs. Phillip Kastner; charge of selling liquor to a minor. Plead guilty, and fined $10 and costs, amounting to $20.45.

State vs. same, charge of selling liquor on Sunday. Dismissed.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 2 Apr 1874 – Page 4, Column 4

Justice’s Court.
Before Squire Carbaugh.

O. P. Cobb & Co. vs. Wm. R. Miller; complaint on account.

William Miller vs. Peter Williams; complaint on account.

Same vs. O. P. Cobb & Co.; complaint on account. All the actions were dismissed, O. P. Cobb & Co. paying costs.

State, on relation of Jacob Oren, vs. Jacob Kirsch; charge of selling liquor to an intoxicated person. Acquitted.

State, on relation of Theodore Hess, vs. Richard T. Winkley; charge of provoking an assault. Trial by jury, and verdict of guilty and a fine assessed of $1 and costs, amounting to $29. Appeal taken to Circuit Court.

State, on relation of Richard T. Winkley, vs. Theodore Hess; assault and battery. Plead guilty. Fine and costs amounting to $12.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – May 1874

Proceedings of the May 1874 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 7 May 1874 – Page 4, Column 2

Circuit Court.
Omer F. Roberts, Judge.
Reported by G. W. Mendell, Attorney, Lawrenceburg, Ind.

1449—George Towsey et als vs. Volney G. Price et als; partition; continued under former order to sell.

1728—Francis A. Ferris vs. John Ferris et als, on an agreement; continued.

1815—Enoch H. Miller vs. Bailey H. Hays, on appeal bond; continued.

101—Thomas Gaff et als vs. Reuben Tyrel, on note; continued.

153—William H. Brewington vs. George Walser, to recover land; continued.

169—Andrew A. Helfer vs. Martin Tittel; injunction; dismissed.

172—James M. Boatman’s estate vs. Joshua Bates; attachment; continued.

175—Temperance Legg vs. John C. Legg; partition; stricken from the dockets, to be reinstated on motion of either party.

176—Moses Meas vs. Joshua Bates, on notes; continued.

182—Mary Weaver et als vs. the unknown heirs of Betsey Bealer, dec’d; partition; stricken from the docket.

183—Martha H. Jones, admx. &c. vs. John N. Green; on note; continued.

196—William M. Suit vs. Precilla Garrison et als; trust estate; continued.

294—Francis J. Weaver et als vs. Eber Sherman, on commissioners bond; stricken from the docket.

306—Jonah L. Rees vs. William Calloway et als; for relief; stricken from the docket.

333—George Clementz vs. Sally Gloebel; partition; continued.

406—Jacob Hays vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Co.; for damages; death of plaintiff suggested, and Lea Hays adm., substituted.

412—William Bryant et als vs. Edwin B. Dobell et als; to enforce lien; dismissed at defendants costs.

467—John Gutzwiller vs. Michael Egner; on note; judgment by default for $432.25.

469—John C. Bowles et al Executor, &c., vs. Thomas B. Calloway et als; foreclosure; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

472—Harriet J. O’Brien, admx., &c. vs. Cornelius Conner et als; on notes; submitted to court for trial and judgment for plaintiff’s for $333.75.

483—Cyntha Clark vs. Levi Clark; divorce; defendant defaulted.

487—First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. Joseph Guard; on note; continued.

495—Joseph Hays vs. Timothy Guard et als; injunction; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs.

497—King et als vs. George Lyon; attachment; dismissed at plaintiff’s costs, with leave to withdraw papers.

498—Arbogast Geiger vs. Eva Johann et als; foreclosure; judgment by default.

499—Otis E. Crosly vs. John M. Parmer, on notes; judgment by default for $134.40.

502—Charlotte Souders vs. Frederick Souders; divorce; defendant defaulted.

503—Carl Walter vs. Michael Karsch et als; foreclosure; dismissed.

505—Adam Defenbaugh vs. George Defenbaugh et als; to cancel mortgage; judgment for plaintiff.

507—Benjamin Plummer vs. Lafayette Plummer et als; to enforce decree; defendant defaulted.

509—Anthony D. Bullock et als vs. De Wit C. Fitch; on bill of exchange; change of venue taken from judge.

514—Leah Hays vs. Enoch H. Miller; partition; defendants defaulted.

516—State ex rel Susan Daggy vs. Albert Howerton; bastardy; continued for publication.

521—George W. Mendenhall et als vs. John M. Parmer; on note; judgment by default for $77.00.

522—Lydia J. Howard vs. James Howard; divorce; defendant defaulted.

524—State ex rel Elizabeth Daggy vs. Frank Baker; bastardy; continued for publication.

525—Ianthe Stevens vs. Charles T. Stevens; divorce; defendant defaulted.

531—Myron H. Harding et als vs. John Myers; attachment; continued by agreement.

537—James W. Gaff vs. John Dooley et als; foreclosure; continued for publication.

538—James N. Greer vs. Robert McDowell et al; on note; dismissed.

544—Jonathan D. Hearn et als vs. Henry Netrugge; on note; judgment by default for $262.80 including attorney’s fees for collection.

550—Jane Bruce et al vs. William Huston et al; foreclosure; judgment by default for $328.75.

552—Edward Hays vs. Margaret Daily et al; on note; judgment by default for $424.83.

553—Hanging Rock Coal Co. vs. John Petscher; on note; judgment by default for $428.23.

554—Charles C. James vs. John Petscher; on note; judgment by default for $211.05.

556—Pierre Fermier vs. Michael Egner et al; on note; judgment by default for $487.46.

557—Mary Groh et al vs. Franciska Miller et als; partition; dismissed.

558—Hellena Stoll vs. Andreas Stoll et als; partition; continued.

564—Danial H. Lockwood et als vs. John Unger; on note; judgment; by default for $389.76.

566—Henry Burbaum et als vs. Chas. Schied; on account; judgment by default.

567—Leah Hays admx. of Jacob Hays estate vs. George Giegoldt; foreclosure; judgment by default.

570—Leah Hays admx. of Jacob Hay’s estate vs. Frank M. Jackson; on note; judgment by default.

572—Leah Hays admx. of Jacob Hays’ estate vs. Edward W. Jackson et al; on note; judgment by default.

577—William Scoble vs. George W. Washington et al; foreclosure; defendants defaulted.

578—Mary M. Johnson et als vs. John F. Cain; partition; continued for process.

582—State ex rel Sarah Lewis vs. Joseph H. Hays; bastardy; not filed in time for this term of court.

583—Thomas Gibson vs. John Walker; to enforce mechanic’s lien; not filed in time for this term of court.

584—Daniel C. Wood vs. John Walker; to enforce mechanic’s lien; not filed in time for this term of court.

625—State vs. John Lampsing; assault and battery; guilty and is fined $5.00 and costs.

Aurora Dearborn Independent – 7 May 1874 – Page 2, Column 4

Before Judge Roberts.

No. 590—State of Indiana vs. E. F. Teany. Attempt to provoke an assault and battery. Plea of guilty, on which a fine of $5 was assessed.

No. 201—Knowlton & Co. vs. Geo. W. Chisman’s estate. Claim of $21.25 allowed.

No. 175—Temperance Legg vs. Jhon C. Legg. Partition. Stricken from the docket, but may be reinstated on motion of either party.

No. 185—Mary Weaver et als vs. The Heirs of Betsey Buler. Stricken from the docket on the same terms.

No. 294—Francis J. Weaver et als vs. Eber Sherman. Stricken from the docket.

No. 306—Jonah L. Rees vs. Wm. Calloway et als. Stricken from the docket.

No. 350—Fisher Doherty et als vs. John A. Cale. Action on patent right note. Trial by the Court and finding for the defendant.

No. 412—Wm. Bryant et als vs. E. Dobel et als. Dismissed at defendants costs.

No. 431—Wartburg Lodge No. 2 vs. John Stiehbaum. On note. Judgment for $116 for plaintiff.

No. 467—John Gutsweiler vs. Mike Egner. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $432.25.

No. 469—John C. Bowles et als vs. T. B. Calloway et als. Action to foreclose mortgage. Judgment of foreclosure.

No. 472. Harriet J. O’Brien, Admx. Of C. O’Brien, vs. C. Conner et als. Suit on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $333.75.

No. 495. Joseph Hayes vs. I. Guard et als. Injunction. Dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.

No. 497. Samuel King et als vs. Geo. Lyon. Suit on note and judgment for plaintiff for $144.30.

No. 505. Adam Defenbaugh vs. George Defaubaugh et als. Action to cancel mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff.

No. 521. Geo. Mendenhall et als vs. J. M. Palmer. Action on note. Judgment for plaintiff for $77.

No. 538. James N. Greer vs. Robert McDowell et als. Dismissed.

No. 541. Gershom Dunn vs. The O. & M. R. W. Co. Claim for damages and judgment for $85.

No. 544. Jonathan Hearn vs. Henry Nebrugge. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $262.80.

No. 550. Jane Bruce et als vs. Wm. Heuston et als. Foreclosure of mortgage and judgment for $428.56.

No. 522. Edward Hayes vs. Margart Daily et als. Judgment on note for $446.

No. 553. Hanging Rock Coal Co. vs. John Petscher. On note. Judgment for $428.23 in favor of plaintiff.

No. 554. C. C. James vs. John Petscher. Judgment for plaintiff for $211.05.

No. 556. Pierre Fermire. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $487.46.

No. 556. A. B. Buchler vs. Andrew Wagner et als. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $143.

No. 565. D. H. Lockwood vs. John Unger. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $389.76.

No. 566. H. Burbaum & Co. vs. Charles Schide. On note. Judgment for plaintiff for $357.81.

No. 532. Mary Sherbaugh vs. Margaret Sherbaugh et als. Petition for partition. Judgment for partition.

The Grand Jury was dismissed on Tuesday, having found ten indictments.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 14 May 1874 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court.
Omer F. Roberts, Judge.
Reported by G. W. Mendell, Attorney, Lawrenceburgh, Ind.

317—Thomas S. Chisman vs. Elias Chisman; motion to tax costs; motion submitted and overruled.

350—Fisher Doherty et als vs. John A. Cole, on note; submitted to court, and judgment for defendants.

373—Thomas J. Shannon vs. Anna M. Bartholome et als; to enforce lien; demurer sustained to complaint and an appeal granted to Supreme Court.

431—Trustees of Wartbug Lodge No. 2 &c. vs. John Steinbauer et als, on note; judgment by default for $116.00.

507—Benjamin Plummer vs. Lafayette Plummer et als; to enforce decree; judgment for plaintiff for $2306.83.

515 ½–Elizabeth Lindsay vs. Thos. Lindsay; divorce; defendant defaulted.

519—Frederick Rectanus et al vs. Thomas F. Lindsay et als; partition; tried by court; judgment of private sale. John N. Milburn appointed commissioner to sell; gave bonds for $5000.00.

541—Gresham Dunn vs. O. & M. R. R. Co.; damages; judgment by argument for $85.00 and costs against defendants.

561—Aloysius B. Buechler vs. Andrew Wagner et al; on note; judgment against Andrew Wagner alone for $148.00.

566—H. Burbaum et als vs. Charles Schied; on account; judgment by default for $357.81.


164—Michael Benz vs. Leonard Specknall, admr. of Emily Specknall’s estate; claim on an account of $14.40; submitted to the court and finding judgment for defendant.

220—Fred. Pryor vs. John S. Bowles et al, assignees of Thomas B. Calloway’s estate, on an account submitted to court and judgment for plaintiff for $156.00.

221—Miles Greenwood vs. same on an account and note; judgment for plaintiff on the account for $183.06 and claim on note dismissed.

222—A. W. Ross vs. same; claim on an account for $69.39. Claim allowed.

223—George Moore vs. same; claim on an account for $72.47.

230—Perry Chance vs. William B. Miller admr. of James H. Bailey’s estate; on an account; judgment for plaintiff for $30.00.

231—Miller & Gatch vs. John R. Thompson, admr. of William M. Thompson’s estate; claim on an account for $10.00. Claim allowed.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 21 May 1874 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court.
Omer F. Roberts, Judge.
Reported by G. W. Mendell, Attorney, Lawrenceburgh, Ind.


174—Bonaparte Bradley vs. John C. Craig, administrator of Hugh Smith’s estate; on an account; plaintiff defaulted and claim dismissed.

194—David Nevitt vs. Oliver P. Liddell, administrator of Daniel Major’s estate; on an account; submitted to court and judgment for defendant.


State vs. Richard T. Winkley, for provoking an assault; appeal; tried by jury and acquitted.

State vs. Milta Kelley; larceny; tried and acquitted.

Aurora Farmer and Mechanic – 11 Jun 1874 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court.
Omer F. Roberts, Judge.
Reported by G. W. Mendell, Attorney, Lawrenceburgh, Ind.

1843—Lucy Gerard vs. Ezra Gerard et al, in petition; submitted to Court, and finding and judgment for plaintiff for $1,437.40.

198—Michael Bimmer vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Company, appeal; submitted to Court and finding and judgment for defendant.

269—Thos. Wallace vs. Robt. Duck, appeal; submitted to jury and verdict for defendant.

312—Joseph G. Parks et al vs. Elijah H. Sparks; judgment by agreement for plaintiffs for $85, and plaintiffs to pay their witness fees before justice and in court; defendant to pay balance of costs.

338—Thos. Godfrey vs. I. C. & L. R. R. Company; judgment for defendant on pleadings.

443—Mary E. Campbell by her next friend, &c. vs. Charles E. Hamilton; breach of promise of marriage; tried by jury and verdict for plaintiff for $7.50.

457 ½–Thos. Spicknall vs. George Held, in attachment; attachment dismissed at plaintiff’s cost, and judgment on note for $321.

458—Asbury Roberts vs. Wm. Pate, appeal; submitted to Court, and finding and judgment for plaintiff for $101.

466—Henry Wells vs. Ferdinand Blaise et al, foreclosure of chattel mortgage; submitted to Court, and judgment of foreclosure and order of sale.

524—State ex rel Elizabeth Daggy vs. Frank Baker, bastardy; submitted to court, and finding and judgment for plaintiff for $500.

193—Jesse Coalshire vs. city of Aurora, damages; submitted to jury, and verdict and judgment for plaintiff for $500. An appeal prayed to the Supreme Court, and sixty days given to file bill of exceptions.

348—Samuel W. Conger vs. Strange A. Noyes, ejectment; submitted to Court, and finding and judgment for plaintiff for recovery of land.

515—Andrew A. Helfer vs. John H. Denton, on note; appearance withdrawn and judgment by default for amount of note.