Category Archives: Dearborn County Court Records

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Dec 1877

Allowances of the December 1877 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 21 Feb 1878 – Page 3, Column 4

Allowances by the County Commissioners.
The following is a list of allowances by the County Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana, at the sessions named, and ordered to be published in the Register, as having the largest circulation in said county:

December Session, 1877:


  • Mrs. Keenny
  • Mrs. Krough
  • Mrs. Knorr
  • Mrs. Roberts
  • Mrs. Nurre
  • Mary Godfrey
  • Mrs. Passe’s girl
  • Mrs. Herrick
  • Mrs. West
  • Mrs. DeWitt
  • Mrs. Tilford
  • Mrs. Stricker
  • Mrs. Ehlman
  • Mrs. Sortwell
  • Mrs. Williamson
  • Mrs. Hattie Curt
  • Mrs. Smith
  • Mrs. H McLester
  • Mrs. Ross
  • Perry Carter
  • Mrs. Garrison
  • Mrs. Kelly
  • Mrs. Williams
  • Mrs. Painter
  • Mrs. Ward
  • Mrs. Williams
  • Perry Carter
  • Mrs. Siemendel
  • Mrs. Sherrod
  • Mrs. Pastner
  • Mrs. Fisher
  • Mrs. Carter
  • Mrs. Ross
  • Margaret Fox
  • Wm Mulligan
  • Louis Teke
  • Ben Chance
  • Mrs. Cune
  • Mrs. Bruce
  • Mrs. Layborne
  • Mrs. Vaugh
  • Mrs. Faucett
  • Mrs. Lambertson
  • Mrs. Stricker
  • Milton Jackson
  • Mrs. Ehlman
  • Mrs. West
  • Mrs. Sortwell
  • Mrs. Rea
  • Mrs. Lambertson
  • Mrs. Farril
  • Mrs. Hawkins
  • Mrs. Bennett
  • Mrs. Ward
  • Mrs. Tilford
  • Mrs. Roberts
  • Mrs. Stack
  • Mrs. West
  • Mrs. McCune
  • Mrs. Alfred
  • Mrs. Sherwood
  • Mrs. Williamson
  • Mrs. Smith
  • Mrs. Knorr
  • Mrs. Morrison
  • Mrs. French
  • Mrs. Fisher
  • Mrs. Douglas
  • Mrs. Right
  • Mrs. Knapp
  • Mrs. Skinner
  • Mrs. Peters
  • Mrs. Jas. Sortwell
  • Mrs. Smith
  • Mrs. Douglas
  • Mrs. Neal, 2 children
  • Mrs. Kelly
  • Perry Carter
  • S Parsons
  • Mrs. Smith’s child
  • Mrs. Knapp
  • Peter Nelson
  • Henry Smith
  • Adam Sengal
  • Mrs. Yaggie
  • John Welch
  • Wm Seth
  • Mrs. Sahm
  • John Gieger
  • Wm H May
  • Mrs. Hall
  • Mrs. Shoemaker
  • Catherine Nelson
  • Louis Kohlerman
  • Jos Bookmeyer
  • Peter Conrad
  • Ann Bunnell
  • Jos Bookmeyer
  • Knoxe’s child
  • Sam McElfresh
  • Chas Masks
  • Fred Homan
  • Mrs. Williamson
  • A Ploom & Bro
  • Wm Theetge
  • Mrs. Carlins
  • Mrs. Schlar
  • Mrs. Potter
  • Mrs. Wenzel
  • Mrs. Winscott
  • Mrs. Jehu
  • Mrs. Bussel
  • Mrs. Phicens
  • Mrs. Griffith
  • Mrs. Teanny
  • Mrs. Stiver
  • Mrs. Redding
  • Mrs. Hughes
  • Mrs. Bolar
  • Mrs. Welch
  • Mrs. Barke
  • Mrs. Kerrigan
  • Mrs. Murphay
  • Mrs. Swelfield
  • Mrs. Ray
  • Mrs. Diggs
  • Mrs. Wintz
  • Mrs. Ray
  • Mrs. Arnold
  • Mrs. Howard
  • Joseph Clark
  • Mrs. Callahan
  • A Evans
  • J W Hartley
  • J L Hartley
  • Mrs. Geo West
  • L Martin
  • T Tracy
  • Mrs. Hudson
  • Isaac Davis
  • Johnson Knapp
  • Mary Christie
  • John Fox
  • Margaret Schafer
  • F Mountel
  • Alvin Jeffries
  • Ed Shannon
  • John Yates & fam
  • Mrs. Kane & fam
  • Wm Freeman & f
  • Henry Meyer & f
  • Jas Day
  • Kate Melson
  • Wm Fitzpatrick
  • Elizabeth Luther
  • John Vogel
  • F & J Slater
  • Mrs. Wentz
  • Mrs. Washbuar
  • Mrs. Hauck
  • John Vogal
  • J Haskart’s child
  • Geo W Taylor
  • Mrs. Maul
  • Andrew Sims
  • Rosa Miller
  • Louis Adler
  • A S V Goodpaster
  • Mariah McGee


  • Chas Oelker
  • Gerhard Hilbert
  • P & C Weis
  • A Epstein
  • Carrie Sims
  • Sebast’n Greenham
  • John Ketchum
  • Orvil Morton
  • Andrew Sims
  • Wm F Crocker
  • James Burk
  • B Epstein
  • S Strasburger
  • J H Burkam
  • John C Sims
  • Haynes & Conger
  • Alex Ruble
  • A D Cook & Bro
  • F J Slater
  • John Darling


  • DeHun & Co.
  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • Chas E Ferris
  • Ernst Meyer
  • Tebbs Bros.
  • John Kirsch Sr.
  • John Goodapple
  • Wm Mabis
  • D W Swales
  • Harvey B Hill
  • Robt H Davis
  • John W Sparks
  • O P Cobb & Co.
  • H P Spaeth
  • A Rubenow
  • Chas Lods
  • D M Brumblay
  • Geo M Givan
  • Jno W Johnson
  • Gatch & Miller
  • Jos H Burkam
  • Elijah Christopher
  • John A Conwell
  • Chas E Ferris
  • Renner & Lang
  • Elijah Christopher
  • Louis Holister
  • Boon Rice
  • Meyers & Mount
  • Jas Walker
  • John Johnson
  • Langtree & Haynes
  • Jas E Cordry
  • Lewis Nichols
  • Renner & Lang
  • Geo W Taylor
  • Braden & Burford
  • Danl H Miller


  • Craig & Bruce
  • B N McHenry
  • Geo Eisenheimer
  • Jas Liddel
  • Philip Kahr
  • Stephen Liddel
  • John Gabriel
  • Jos Tittel
  • Isaac Liddell
  • Hartman & Seidler
  • Paul Lemuel
  • Andy Guardner
  • Peter Knorman
  • Jos Tittel
  • Joseph Tittel
  • Jos H Burkam
  • Jos Emenecker
  • Stenger & Bischoff
  • D W Regrish
  • Ernst Meyer

Andrew Sims, County Asylum

Jos Bedunnah, County Asylum

Geo Hudson, Public Buildings

A D Cook & Bro., Public Buildings

Wm Christopher, Public Buildings

A D Cook & Bro. Public Buildings


Special Session, Dec. 13th, 1877.

  • John Cairns
  • Abraham Briggs
  • Myron Haynes
  • Frederick Slater
  • Michael Hoff
  • Abraham Briggs
  • Mrs. Ross (poor)


Special Session, Dec. 29th, 1877.

  • John A. Conwell, Court expense
  • Jas L McMullen, County Asylum
  • Steadman & Co., Tanner’s Creek Bridge

Special Session, Jan. 3d, 1878.

  • Renner & Lang, Public Buildings
  • Jas O’Farrel, County Asylum
  • Saml Dickenson, Expense of Poor

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Feb 1878

Proceedings of the February 1878 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Feb 1878 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Frederick Kessler vs. Henry Notte. Judgment against defendant for $216.15.

James J. Cone vs. George G. Angevine. Dismissed by plaintiff at his own costs.

Philip Erle vs. McIntyre & Davis. Dismissed by plaintiff.

Hamilton Conaway, Executor, vs. John J. Matthews. Judgment against defendant for $1,156.28.

Aurora Loan and Building Association No. 1 vs. J J Metcalfe et al; judgment against defendants for $203.

State vs. Wm Truitt, for carrying concealed weapons; plead guilty, and fined one dollar.

On Friday the grand jury returned four indictments.

State vs. George House, and State vs. Charles Sutton; both cases dismissed.

Job Miller vs. John M. Miller et als—judgment against defendants for $507.83.

State vs. Henry, Toker and Robinson; assault and battery; dismissed.

State vs. Albert Wuest; assault and battery; trial by jury, and verdict of not guilty.

Schlotter & Walter vs. Hanzelman. Judgment against defendant for $114.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jan 1878

Proceedings of the January 1878 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 3 Jan 1878 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Elvira Daily et al vs. Nancy McClellan. Partition. Trial before Judge Haynes, pro tem. Judgment in favor of Blakely Shoemaker, plaintiff.

Wm. H. Dunn vs. Harriett Dunn et al. To set aside will. Demurrer to complaint.

Jennie V. Ludlow vs. James Walker. Defendant give remitter for $367.

Joel C. Pennington appointed Administrator of the estate of J. W. Johnson, deceased.

Hon. W. S. Holman was appointed special Judge to try the cause of James R. Silvers vs. Benj. F. Vail.

The Grand Jury was in session yesterday.

Henry P. Spaeth et als vs. Cornelia Walser. Judgment vs. each party for costs.

Aurora Gas Light, Coke & Coal Co. vs. Brdiwell & Helphenstein. Judgment vs. defendant for $57.80 and costs.

State vs. Wm. Davis. Disturbing religious meeting. Trial by jury. Verdict, not guilty.

State vs. Ezra Guard, charged with assaulting his recently divorced wife. Two cases. Enters a plea of guilty in each case. Fine $1 and costs in each case.

Lawrenceburg Register – 10 Jan 1878 – Page 2, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Nathaniel Elliott vs. Oliver M. Shanks et al. Judgment vs. defendants for $96.50 and costs.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. David Nevitt and George W. Nevitt. Dismissed at plaintiffs costs.

Jacob Jack vs. Arad Petershagen et al. Judgment vs. defendants. New trial granted.

George A. Robson et al vs. Kosmos Frederick and Nicholas Oester. Judgment vs. Frederick for $445.25.

Frederick W. Becker vs. Seth Stedman. Dismissed.

Solman Biddinger vs. John W. Mecker et al and Wm. E. Daubenheyer vs. same. Judgment vs. defendants for $1,208.43, and $600 respectively, and order of sale of personal property under attachment.

Boerman vs. Boerman. Divorce. “Patched up.”

John T. Jackson vs. Joseph Wise et als. Judgment vs. defendants for $2,181.88.

Otho Billingsley vs. Pius Frederick. Judgment vs. plaintiff for costs.

O. P. Cobb & Co. vs. Richard Hubbartt et als. Judgment vs. defendants for $85.52.

State ex rel Susan A. Daggy vs. Frederick Menky. Verdict vs. defendant.

George F. Randall vs. Chris Ritter and wife. Judgment vs. defendants for $267, by agreement.

Joseph H. Burkam vs. Edward S. Ludlow and wife. Judgment vs. defendants for $3,042.86 and costs.

Jennie V. Ludlow vs. Jas. Walker. Judgment vs. plaintiff for $500 and costs. Contingent.

It was a German that Ezra Guard assaulted and not his wife, as appeared in these columns last week.

Mathias Stapp vs. Dearborn Furniture Company. Judgment vs. defendant. George Otto, Receiver, ordered to apply proceeds of furniture sold to protect Lipps and others.

Franceska Kuntzler arraigned, charge murder in the first degree and aiding and abetting in the first degree. Plea, not guilty.

Joseph Kuntzler arraigned, charge, murder in the first degree. Enters plea of not guilty, and both are remaned for trial.


Harriet Carl vs. William Car. Complaint for divorce. Bainbridge.

Dearborn County Commissioners Allowances – Sep 1877

Allowances of the September 1877 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 29 Nov 1877 – Page 3, Column 4

Allowances by the County Commissioners.

The following is a list of allowances by the Commissioners of Dearborn County, Indiana, at the sessions named, and ordered to be published in the REGISTER, as having the largest circulation in said county:

[See newspaper for amounts.]

September Session, 1877.


  • Mrs. F Knorr
  • Mrs. Roberts
  • Mrs. Keough
  • Mrs. Ward
  • Mrs. McKinney
  • Mrs. Fisher
  • Mr. Williams, Mr. Green, and other paupers not named
  • Benj Blue
  • Mrs. Layborn
  • Mrs. Faucett
  • Mrs. Vaughn
  • John Collier
  • Anna Evans
  • Mrs. Evans
  • Mrs. Fox
  • Jno Feist, trustee
  • Margaret Fox
  • Gillmore Fagley
  • George Hogle
  • Mrs. Ross
  • Mrs. E Kirsch
  • Mrs. Harch
  • Mrs. McLester
  • Mrs. Tilford
  • Mike Mathews
  • Mrs. Bidner
  • Mrs. Alfred
  • Mrs. Ehlman
  • Mrs. D Tilford
  • Mrs. Conn
  • Mrs. Plusal
  • Mrs. Kinner
  • Mrs. Kirsch
  • Malissa Gould
  • Mrs. Lambertson
  • James Kuffer
  • John May
  • Alex Voltz
  • Irish Biddy
  • Joseph Geisert
  • George Miller
  • Jos Hornuker
  • Mrs. Harrison
  • Mrs. Cunn
  • Hannah Ray
  • Mrs. DeWitt
  • Aikin Kerr
  • Adam Sage
  • Mrs. Jas Sortwell
  • Mrs. Smith
  • Sam McElfresh
  • Mrs. Wentz
  • John Vogel
  • Mrs. Weischer
  • Mrs. Cortney
  • Mrs. Hauck
  • Wm Schneider
  • Mrs. Pastner
  • Mrs. Sherrod
  • Mrs. Ehlman
  • Mrs. Stricker
  • Mrs. McLeister
  • Mrs. Winslow
  • Mrs. Webster
  • Ben Richards
  • Mrs. Lamerson
  • A Shortridge
  • Louis Sproul
  • Charles Duvall
  • John Cooper
  • Joseph Curtis
  • B Clark
  • Mrs. Painter
  • Mrs. Diggs
  • Mrs. Arnold
  • Sarah Sackett
  • Mrs. Hall
  • Mrs. Douglas
  • Mrs. Smith
  • Mrs. Skinner
  • Mrs. Zeugel
  • Mrs. Kelley
  • Mrs. Callahan
  • Mrs. Knorr
  • Mrs. West
  • Mrs. Douglas
  • Mrs. Hughes
  • Wielan
  • Mrs. Boler
  • Mrs. Welch
  • Mrs. Burke
  • Mrs. Kerigan
  • Mrs. Murphy
  • Mrs. Sweetfield
  • Joseph Clark
  • Mrs. Bussel
  • Mrs. Jehu
  • Mrs. Sam Smith
  • Mrs. Phiceus
  • Mrs. Griffeth
  • Mrs. Teany
  • Rube Stivers
  • Subenia Clark
  • Mrs. Shoemaker
  • John Hickman
  • Mrs. Man
  • Mrs. Fisher
  • Mrs. Hawkins
  • Mrs. Alfred
  • Mrs. Shoemaker
  • Mrs. Polter
  • Mrs. Wenzel
  • Mrs. Carlins
  • Mrs. Winscott
  • Mrs. Schlarets
  • Mrs. Williams
  • Mrs. Bruce
  • Mrs. Thornbridge
  • Mrs. B Clark
  • Mrs. Cune
  • W J Fitch
  • Tebbs Bros
  • Green Edwards
  • Mrs. Donner
  • Mrs. Geo Smith
  • Mrs. Hal
  • Johnson Knapp
  • Isaac Davis
  • Garrett Bosse
  • Wm Thegee
  • Zeh McLester
  • James Burk
  • A H Hill
  • John Debus
  • Wm Thompson
  • Mrs. Sahm
  • Wm Seth
  • Mrs. Alice Martin
  • M Couran
  • Wm Brown
  • Mrs. Blasdel
  • H Moran
  • Mrs. E Slaut
  • L Martin
  • T Tracy
  • Mrs. Hudson
  • Mike Mathews
  • T & J W Gaff & Co.
  • Mike Mathews
  • Mrs. Yaggle


  • Andrew Sims
  • Charles Hoff
  • Adam Sush
  • James Martin
  • John Trager
  • Wm F Croeker
  • Andrew Sims
  • S Greenham
  • P & C Weis
  • Henry Chaisel
  • Orville Morton
  • Carrie Sims
  • Alex Ruble
  • S Strasburger
  • John H Swales
  • W H Jordan
  • O W Dowden
  • John McMullen
  • Thomas Shelley
  • John Slater
  • Wm Morton
  • John C Sims
  • J L McMullen
  • Downey & Co.
  • James Burk
  • A D Cook & Bro.


  • Ed F Sibley
  • M Kieffer
  • J P Chew
  • R W Merideth & Co.
  • Hunter & O’Brien
  • Courier Journal Job Rooms
  • Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
  • Wm B Burford
  • Hunter & O’Brien


  • George West
  • Gatch & Miller
  • W H Jordan
  • E Christopher


  • S McElfresh
  • J B Stewart
  • G W Sawdon


  • Lawrenceburgh Gas Co.
  • Andrew Wagner
  • Tebbs Bros.
  • Wm Christopher
  • W H Jordan
  • James Burk
  • L Kupferschmidt
  • Charles Lods
  • F M Johnson


  • Charles Lods, Treasurer’s Salary
  • H B Hill, County Superintendent
  • John A Conwell, Court Expense
  • Hunter & O’Brien, Coroner’s Inquests
  • Fred Slater, expense of Commissioners Court
  • Michael Hoff, expense of Commissioners Court
  • Abraham Briggs, expense of Commissioners Court


  • Mrs. Dixon, expense of poor
  • H Conaway, expense of enumeration
  • John Hornberger, public buildings
  • Ernst Meyers, public buildings
  • Andrew Sims, County Asylum
  • Wm R Talley, County Asylum
  • Sieburn & Smilean, County Asylum
  • A P Cady, County Asylum
  • Dearborn Independent, printing


  • Francis Lang, Treasurer’s salary
  • Renner & Lang, Public Buildings
  • Michael Kline, County Asylum
  • Pettebaum & Niles, Laughery Creek Bridge




  • D McMullen
  • Lawrenceburg Furniture Co.
  • S Greenham
  • J A Whitehead


  • G Sage
  • Mrs. Fisher
  • Val Young
  • Mrs. Ward
  • Sarah Vidito
  • Ida F Feloneous
  • Silas Nowlin
  • Mrs. Dadgy


  • Stenger & Bischoff, Tanner’s Creek Bridge
  • Jasper Ross, roads and highways
  • Jacob Foshag, public buildings
  • Andrew Wagner, public buildings
  • Renner & Lang, public buildings
  • D H Miller, specific allowance

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Nov 1877

Proceedings of the November 1877 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 15 Nov 1877 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court Calendar.

The following is a list of the new cases to be tried at the November term of the Dearborn Circuit Court, which convenes next Monday:

Otho Billingsley vs. Pius Frederick. Appeal.

George B. Fitch vs. L. B. Lewis et als. Attachment.

Jane Sheldon vs. Perry Rogers. Bastardy.

Abner L. Frazier vs. H. H. Smittker et als. To set aside deed.

Martha J. Folencous vs. Christopher Folencous. Divorce.

Susan Daggy vs. Fred Henkey. Bastardy.

George A. Robson et al vs. Frederick & Oester. On account.

Margaret Boerman vs. John Boerman. Divorce.

Abbie Guard vs. Ezra Guard. Divorce.

Martha Meeker vs. Elijah Christopher et al. Replevin.

Charles A. Grooves vs. John A. Smith et al. Attachment.

Aurora Free Masons vs. Mary T. Weaver et als. Foreclosure.

State ex rel Roger Sheehy vs. Hannah Sheehy. On Admr bond.

Fannie Scuhell vs. Robert C. Wilber. Bastardy.

Fred Souders vs. Sarah C. Edwards et als. For new trial.

Mary A. Bonnell vs. Jacob Miller. Bastardy.

Philip Erle vs. McIntire & Davis. Damages.

W. E. Daubenheyer vs. John H. Meeker. Attachment.

W. H. Dowdell et al vs. E. W. Tuttle. Attachment.

Byron J. Clark vs. David H. Clark et al. Partition.

Mathew Jackson vs. Jonathan Barber. Damages.

James D. Willis vs. City of Lawrenceburgh. Appeal from report of City Commissioners.

F. W. Becker vs. Seth Stedman. On account.

Johannes Rueckert vs. Margaret Mundary et al. For new trial.

Schlotter & Walter vs. Ludwig Hanselman. Attachment.

Joseph Crots vs. John Gable Jr. et al. Foreclosure.

Henry Wilkenning vs. Benj. B. Eden. Two suits—on note and foreclosure.

State vs. George Hiram Wright. Civil action on forfeiture of recognizance.

Elvira Daily vs. Wm. Limekiller and others. Partition.

Barbara Kienger vs. Michael Zimmer. Appeal.

Edward Bradford vs. Wm. Young. Account.

The School Town of Brookville vs. John R. Goodwin. Change of venue.

Lewis Maus et als vs. Brookville National Bank et al. Damages.

Mathew Haring vs. D. W. Marsh et al. Two cases. Foreclosure.

Martha Green vs. Edward Green. Divorce.

John Huewe vs. Wm. Young. On note.

Francisca Kunzler vs. Joseph Kunzler. Divorce.

Lawrenceburg Register – 22 Nov 1877 – Page 3, Column 3


Court convened on Monday, Judge Roberts presiding.

Wm. L. Kennedy was appointed Riding Bailiff.

The following Commissioners were appointed to assess the benefits and damages occasioned by the laying out and opening of streets and alleys in the city of Aurora: Philip Wymond, B. N. McHenry, Michael Siemantel, M. Haring, and Abram Lozier.

State vs. Hiram Wright and George Wright. Forfeiture of bond. Judgment against Hiram Wright for $50.

Tuesday was taken up in preparing cases for issue.

Gideon Renner was appointed Administrator of Estate of Michael Karsch.

Hannah Sheehy made final report as Administratrix of John Sheehy’s estate.

An inquest as to the insanity of Mary Armstrong was held, and she was found to be a person of unsound mind, and Thomas Kilner was appointed her guardian.

R. F. Huddleston, administrator of John Huddleston, made final report and was discharged.


New cases filed:

Shadford Easton vs. Wm. Young. On note.

Frank J. Jones vs. First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh. On draft.

Joseph Bartholome vs. M. Whipple. On account.

Gideon Renner, Adm’r, vs. Caroline Gaertner. To revive judgment.

George F. Randall vs. Chris Ritter. Foreclosure.

Hiram Clark vs. David H. Clark. To set aside deed.

Job Miller vs. John H. Miller. Foreclosure.

Lawrenceburg Register – 6 Dec 1877 – Page 3, Column 3


Haynes & Thompson vs. J. H. Burkam. Dismissed.

M. H. Harding vs. D. W. C. Fitch, ex. Walter Hayes. Dismissed.

Ex. parto Sarah B. Carlisle et als. Partition E. D. Haynes appointed Commissioner.

John H. Heume vs. Wm. Young. Judgment against defendant for $150.

Z. B. Waler vs. B. Bradley. Judgment vs. pl’ft for costs.

Henry Wilkening vs. Benj. Eden et als. Foreclosure. Judgment vs. def’t for $1,177.

State vs. Henry Sheppard. Assault and Battery. Dismissed.

Sarah Criswell vs. Abe and Betty Epstein. Suit to foreclose mortgage. Plea of insanity as to Betty Epstein raised and the jury return a verdict declaring her of an unsound mind. Plaintiff file motion for new trial.

State vs. Babe Skinner. Carrying concealed weapons. Bound over in the sum of $50.

State vs. Reub Grill. Assault and battery with intent to kill. Pleads not guilty, and is remanded to jail for trial.

Francisco Kunzler vs. Joseph Kunzler. Defendant required to pay $50 to plaintiff to enable her to prosecute this cause.

State vs. Ezra Guard. Three cases of assault and battery. Bound over in the sum of $100. The complaint charges him with beating his wife from whom he was recently divorced.

Lawrenceburg Register – 13 Dec 1877 – Page 3, Column 3


Theodore Shockley made final report as administrator of Manning Hartman.

Fred Smith made final report as administrator of the estate of Adolph Rumler.

Mitchell Shanks vs. administrator John Shanks. Claim of $300.

E. H. Heuer made final report of his trust as administrator of the estate of Henry Schwier.

State vs. Harper, grand larceny. Dismissed.

State vs. Jones, grand larceny. Dismissed.

State vs. Johnson, burglary. Dismissed.

The following cases were continued:

  • State vs. H. H. Chance.
  • State vs. McFarland.
  • State vs. McLester.
  • State vs. Skelton.
  • State vs. Ferrill.
  • State vs. Steig.

State vs. Parks, obstructing highway. Dismissed.

Wm. D. Horner, administrator Jas. Boatman vs. Elizabeth and Jared Cloud. Foreclosure. Judgment against defendants.

Lorenzo D. Leming, a regular Petit Juror, being reported sick. Merritt Leming is selected to fill the vacancy.

Harriett Dunn vs. Marsh & Marsh. Judgment vs. defendants for $584.

W. D. H. Hunter vs. Marsh & Marsh. Judgment vs. defendants for $232.

A. R. Bruce vs. S. N. Fowler. Judgment vs. defendant for $125.

State vs. Bossong. Disturbing meeting. Trial by jury. Verdict of not guilty.

Lawrenceburg Register – 27 Dec 1877 – Page 3, Column 3


Edwin P. Elliott vs. W. E. Gibson. Stricken from the docket.

Kemper Brothers vs. John E. Meyer et als. Judgment against defendants for $861.57.

John B. Garnier vs. Barbara Garnier. Judgment satisfied.

Clara Betzner vs. Peter and Dennis Nead. Judgment against defendants for $237.79.

Delilah Marose vs. Charles Marose. Divorce. Degree granted, and judgment against defendant for costs.

Petition to sell real estate of Ann Daily, deceased, granted, made by Wm. Donlon, Executor.

Hamilton Conaway made final report as guardian of the heirs of Appolonia and Henry Dicker.

Omer Ludlow filed new bond of $75,000 as the guardian of Brower Ludlow.

Dearborn County Commissioners Proceedings – Sep 1877

Proceedings of the September 1877 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Sep 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

The County Commissioners closed the regular September session last week.

Louis Veit was granted a license to sell liquors at Dillsborough.

Dr. F. H. Sale was appointed to render medical and surgical aid to the indigent of Cesar Creek township, at a salary of $20 per year.

Upon an application of R. H. Davis, Coroner, persons who have served as jurors at Coroner’s inquests were allowed pay for the same by the Board.

David W. Swales, John Gudapple and Wm. F. Mabis were appointed viewers to view, and if practicable, lay out and establish a public highway in Kelso township, in accordance with a petition presented by James Carpenter and others.

John Johnson, D. M. Brumblay and George W. Givan were appointed viewers to lay out a certain road in Manchester township, according to petition of Jacob Walters and others.

Dr. A. J. Bowers was appointed to render medical and surgical aid to the indigent of Sparta township.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Sep 1877

Proceedings of the September 1877 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 30 Aug 1877 – Page 2, Column 3

Dearborn Circuit Court.

Last Friday was the last day of service for the September term of Court. The following is a complete list of cases to be disposed of at the term which convenes Monday next:

Barbara Hofreiter vs. Joseph Hofreiter. To sell property.

R T Winkley vs. E G Hayes. Damages.

Emma Z Whipple vs. Mike Whipple. Divorce.

Wm E Wiley vs. Joseph Bechtel, Admr John Nixon’s estate. To establish heirship, &c.

Thomas Bailey and Wm Griffin vs. Hamilton Conaway and Joseph Beall. Appeal.

State ex rel Alice Pate vs. Ezra Wilson. Bastardy.

Phillip Schlosser vs. Dearborn Furniture Co. Account.

Mathias Lipps vs. same Co. Receivership.

J. W. Muller vs. John Ahles. Appeal.

Greensburgh and Columbus Turnpike Co. vs. J W Galbreth. On note.

T. J. Taylor vs. Matthew Randall (1st Nat. Bank, Aurora, garnishee). Attachment.

Bonaparte Ewan vs. Wm. Shelshour and Henry Bocker. On note.

Nicholas Gillig and Catharine Gillig vs. Catharine Wind. Partition.

Bonaparte Ewan vs. Henry Bosker. On note.

Mathew Haring vs. Wm. H. Small. Appeal.

Henry Mearhauf vs. D W Marsh, Wm Ewbank and Sam Vanhorn. On note.

Ferdinand Esler vs. Louisa Esler. Divorce.

Catherine Gable and John Gable vs. Mary, George, John, Lizzie and Wolf Dennerline, Guardian, &c. Appeal.

W A Moore Admr of estate of Jas Gavin decd vs. Hezron Haynes, Mary E Haynes and S H Conger. Foreclosure.

J L McMullen vs. W H Kennedy. Appeal.

J H Burkam vs. G W Souter. Replevin and foreclosure of Chattel mortgage.

Martha Marsh vs. David Marsh. Divorce.

Wm. Seidler and F C Briddel vs. Barbara Kreitzer. Quiet title &c.

Malinda Durfee and Howard Durfee vs. Jos., Jas., and Catherine Vinson, Henry Myers, and – Myers. Foreclosure.

Michael Griffin vs. O & M R W Co. Damages.

Center Tp vs. H D McMullen. Appeal.

Wm W Chisman vs. Dearborn Furniture Co., Pierre Jaquot and others. On note.

Amor Bruce and Adam Bruce vs. same company, Pierre Jaquot and others. On note.

Geo Ragsdale vs. North Hogan Gravel Road Co. and Chas. Elder. Injunction.

John Schwartz vs. City of Law’bgh and Myron H Harding, F. R. Dorman, Isaac Hayes, Sam L Yourtee and J P Thompson. For injunction &c.

Wm and Jas Brewington, Emaline and Mary Hisey vs. Johnathan and Elizabeth Wilson. Foreclosure.

Jacob Kirsh vs. C C Miller. Foreclosure. Dismissed.

Wm T Pate and S Q Howe vs. J W and Thos. Gaff. On account.

Mary Hunt vs. Geo Phillips and J F Trulock. Appeal.

Rhoda A Banta vs. Thos Mason. On account.

Eliza Ragsdale vs. Charles Elder and North Hogan Gravel Road Co. Replevin.

T W Kestner and many others vs. Dearborn Furniture Co. and many others. Foreclosure.

Martha Corcoran vs. Mary Corcoran. To set aside deed.

Mary Tracy vs. James and Mary Ferrin; Board Co Com and many others. Foreclosure.

J P Walker vs. Isaac Busby. Appeal. (Dismissed.)

Sarah E and G C Edwards vs. Emily J Brevoort et al. Partition.

Hartford Fire Ins Co vs. G W Souter, J F Vaughan, and J H Burkam. On note.

Delia Morose vs. Chas Mrose. Divorce.

G A Kastner vs. Kosmus and Josephine Frederick and Nicholas Oester. Foreclosure.

Wm E Owens by his guardian G W Walston vs. J E Walston, Annie M and G W Walston. Partition.

State ex rel Annie Collier vs. W H Baker. Bastardy.

State ex rel Eliza J Johnson vs. Frank Langley. Bastardy.

E G Hayes and Warren West, special Adms of estate of Jos Hayes decd vs. Hayden H Miller and J H Burkam Adms of Anthony Halverstadts estate. On note.

E P Elliot vs. Wm E Gibson, T & J W Gaff, and J R Hayes. On replevin bond.

Wm H Dunn vs. Harriet Dunn and many others. To set aside will of Isaac Dunn decd.

John Cobb vs. Basil N McHenry, Adam Herdigan, Jacob Peters, Chas. Bauer and Nathan Steadman. On agreement.

Mary E Wilson vs. Eva, C H and Wm D Wilson et als. Partition.

Wm H Gray vs. G W Souter. For possession of real estate.

Henry Shuter vs. Abram Lozier, Columbus Johnson et als. “Quo warranto.”

Maggie C Pate vs. Clarissa Daniels and Alfred M Pate. For personal property.

S S Harding vs. Jacob Rodmoker. On note.

Sarah Johnson vs. F M Johnson and others. Partition.

Jacob Kline vs. Marsh & Ewbank, and Sallie Marsh. On note $500.

Sohn, Frank and Geo Hoffman vs. Mary M Hoffman. Foreclosure.

Wm D Horner, Adm’r &c Charlotte Souders estate vs. George Edmons. Amount $500.

Job Miller vs. Nancy Hayes and husband, Lewis Hayes and Nancy Hayes Sr. Foreclosure $2500.

Louis Ellerbrook vs. J F Ellerbrook. Notes $800.

Wm D Horner Admr &c vs. F Sounders. Unlawful converting money to his own use. Demand $300.

Fred Slater guardn &c vs. J C Martin and Abiah Hayes. On note $600.

Louis M Foulk and Hiram Cox vs. Sarah Phalin et als. To quiet title.

H D McMullen vs. John Jackson et al. Foreclosure.

Harriet Bath Exr &c. of will of Nicholas Bath decd vs. Henry Roll. On note $550.

Nathaniel Elliot vs. Chris Ahnefield. Note $223.

G B Fitch guardn of Jane E Hayes vs. Ezra and Abbie Guard and Isaac Hayes. Foreclosure $850.

Jno Walker vs. Jos Sassman et als. On note.

S D Langtree et al vs. Richard Hubbart et al. Foreclosure.

M E Ingalls Receiver of I C & L R R Co vs. Edgar Bramwell et als. On bond.

1st Nat Bank of Lawbgh Ind vs. Crist Wesler et als. On note.

Jno Hoffman et als vs. Mary M Hoffman.

Simon Bartholome vs. Sam Freeman. Foreclosure.

Jas Walser and H D McMullen vs. The Pres’t and Directors of the Lawbgh and Napoleon Turnpike Co., W H Baker, Z T Baker, A E Nowlin, M K Goodrich, and Wm Hill. For Receivers &c.

Chas Niebrugge vs. Fred Kessler. Damages.

Gen S Jaquith, Eph Butterfield vs. Henry Ruble, Nath’l Elliott and Oron Smith. To satisfy by Mortgage.

Jno Bush vs. Elizabeth R Bush. Divorce.

H D McMullen and Richard Gregg vs. Wm H Small. Appeal.

Wm Brewington vs. Johnathan Wilson. Appeal.

Elizabeth Gage and Maria P Gage vs. Wm Burk et als. Foreclosure.

The I C & L R R Co and the W W V Canal Co vs. Job Miller. For possession of real estate.

W H Baker vs. The Lawbgh and Napoleon Turnpike Co. On note.

State of Indiana on relation of G S Green and Emma J Green vs. Rich’d Hubbart and Wm S Holman. On Guardians bond.

City of Lawbgh vs. Alex Beckman et als. On bond.

Strawder Cheek vs. the Board of Commissioners of Dearborn Co. Ind. On order.

Jno Billingsley vs. the O & M R W Co. Damages.

Wm Wheeler vs. D C Fitch and Leah Fitch. Partition.

Wm Wheeler vs. Ann B Rudolph. Complaint for new trial.

S F Fox et als vs. the City of Aurora and Thos Chisman. Damages.

Aurora Loan & Building Association vs. Margaretha E Nieman, H F Nieman. Foreclosure.

Johannes Rueckert vs. Austin Trueck. Breach of warranty.

Rudolph Wurlitzer and Anton Wurlitzer vs. G M Mayer. On account.

Jas Burk vs. Sally Truitt. On note.

Catherine Rupp vs. Elizabeth Rupp. Damages.



Isaac Dunn, J P Dunn Jr. and others vs. Geo Tousey Exr of the will of Isaac Dunn decd. On account $40,000.

Same vs. same. On account $40,000.

Same vs. same. On account $40,000.

Mary E Scholle et als vs. Chas Ruhlman, Admr of Frederick Scholl’s estate. Note $972.

Geo Pfalzgraf & Bro vs. Joseph H Burkam Admr of A Halverstadt’s estate. On account $27.45.

J R Gardner et als vs. J P Walker Admr of Sarah Killenes’ estate. On bond $1,000.

G W Taylor vs. J P Walker Admr Sarah Killenes’ estate. On account $15.

Wm T Dav vs. same estate. On account $30.

Tebbs Bros vs. G B Fitch Admr Frank Skeleton. On account $6.25.

Gatch & Miller vs. same. On account $17.

Wm. Day vs. Mary Howard Admx Ben Howard. On account $15.

Louis Weitzel et als vs. E G Hayes and Warren West special Amdrs of Jos Hayes’ estate. On account $14.50.

Lou Weitzel et als E G Hayes, Warren West special adms Jos Hayes’ estate. Costs $318.45.



State ex rel Leo Kupferschmid vs. George Wright. Surety of the peace.

State vs. Frank Skeleton. Carrying concealed weapon.

State vs. same. Assault with intent to kill.

State vs. Jane Chaney. Fornication.

State vs. Tom Farrel. Assault with intent to kill.

State vs. Hiram McFarland and Lorenzo Jones. Burglary and grand larceny. Three cases.

State vs. Edgar Bramwell. Embezzlement.

State vs. S N Fowler. Fornication.

State vs. Geo Rouse. Petit larceny.

State ex rel Anna M Borman vs. J T Borman. Surety of the peace.

State vs. Wm R and Robt McConnell. Assault and battery.

State vs. Jas Harrison. Petit larceny.

State vs. Tom Croxton. Assault and battery.

State vs. John Cooper. Petit larceny.

State vs. Caroline Toelke. Assault and battery.

State vs. L H Bruce. Obstructing highway.

State vs. John Henderson. Assault and bat’y.

State vs. Margaret Kleffner. Assault and bat’y.

State vs. Fred Kriete. Provoke.

State vs. Jno Parks. Obstructing highway. Appeal.

Lawrenceburg Register – 6 Sep 1877 – Page 3, Column 5

Circuit Court.

Court convened on Monday with Hon. Addison Williams presiding as Judge pro tem. A venire was issued for the Grand Jury to appear on Thursday. The following are the members thereof: Frederic Ginter, Jacob Gaffga, Lawrence Kappes, Charles Libbert, Chris Smith and Jas. Walser.

J P Walker vs. Isaac Busby. Plaintiff dismisses at his own cost.

On Tuesday Judge Roberts was on hand and since has disposed of the following cases:

Louis Ellerbrook vs. J T Ellerbrook. Judgment against defendant for $513 and costs.

Harriet Bath Executor &c. vs. Henry Roll. Judgment against defendant for $384.05 and costs.

Wm Moore admx &c. vs. Hezron Haynes et als. Judgment against defendant for $759.50 and costs.

Lawrenceburg Register – 20 Sep 1877 – Page 2, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Malinda Durfee et al vs. Jas Vinson. Judgment vs. defendants for $532 and costs.

J J Hauck vs. Louis Stine. Judgment vs. Plaintiff for costs.

Aultman & Taylor Manufacturing Co. vs. George Farran. Stricken from the docket.

Delannah Cordry vs. J. C. Martin. Judgment vs defendant for $257.25.

Ezra Hayes administrator Joseph and Nancy Hayes vs. Hayden Miller et als. Judgt vs defts for $375.50.

J Burk vs. Sally Truitt. Judgt vs deft for $519.75.

Partition of real estate in case of W E Owens vs. Geo Walston et als was granted and A R Bruce appointed to sell same.

Maggie Pate vs. Marion Pate et al. Judgt vs pltf for costs. Change of venue to Ripley Co.

The grand jury after being in session for two days returned eight indictments and were discharged.

State vs. Margaret Cleffner. A & B. Pleads guilty. Fined $10 and costs.

State vs. W R McConnell et al. Dismissed.

State vs. Fred Kriete. Provoke. Trial by jury. Fined one cent and costs.

State vs. Henry Engelking, disturbing meeting. Pleads guilty and is fined $5.

State vs. Thos Croxton. Dismissed.

Chas Bauer vs. Jas Walser. Judgt vs deft for $376.75.

J J Hauck admr Lorenz Roesch was granted permission to sell real estate belonging to decedent, situate in Newton.

Robt Whiteford admr Rachael Whiteford and A Ritze admr of P Hergeurather made final reports of their respective trials.

The following cases were continued until next term of court:

  • Mary Lowe et al vs. Rachel Blynard et al.
  • Ex parte Sarah Smith et als, J R Speer et al vs. Ben Harrison et al.
  • Margaret Beard et al vs. Elizabeth Hannegan et al.
  • Omer Ludlow grdn &c. vs. James Muir.
  • J D Morgan vs. Alpha Morgan.

Alice Pate vs. Ezra Wilson, bastardy. Judgt vs deft for $1000 and costs.

Martin Corcoran vs. Mary Corcoran. Dismissed.

State vs. Landa Bruce, obstructing highway. Fined one cent and costs.

State vs. John Cooper, petit larceny. Acquitted.

R T Winkley vs. Ezra Hayes. Judgt vs pltf for costs.

W M Wheeler vs. Lytle Parks, Judgmt vs pltf for $50.00.

Lawrenceburg Register – 11 Oct 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Dearborn Circuit Court.

John Schwartz was allowed the sum of $55 for services as Special Judge in the cause of the State vs. Fowler.

F. W. Baker vs. Wm. E. Gibson. Judgment against plaintiff.

State vs. Wm. Davis. Distributing religious meeting. Bound over until next term of Court.

Ersnt Meyer vs. John B. Vail et al. Judgment against defendants for $93.

Joseph H. Hayes vs. Isaac Stevens et al. Judgment against defendants for $134.

State vs. Landa H. Bruce. Fined one cent.

Frank Lange vs. The Board of Commissioners. Judgment against defendants for $65.

State vs. Edgar Bramwell. Embezzlement. It being made to appear that the indictment was not signed by the Prosecuting Attorney, the jury and defendant were discharged.

S. S. Harding vs. J. Rodmacker. Judgment against defendant for $134.

James McKinney vs. Enoch H. Miller. Judgment against defendant for $502.86.

Wm. S. Bridwell was appointed Administrator of the estate of Mary Helphenstine.

Watts O. Liddell was appointed Administrator of the estate of John B. Liddell.

Lawrenceburg Register – 25 Oct 1877 – Page 3, Column 4

Circuit Court.

George Walston, guardian of Wm E Owens vs. Joseph Walston et als, Amos Bruce, commissioner, to sell the real estate herein, reported the sale of same to Parks & Stapp for $635, and was discharged as such commissioner.

Lydia Webster vs. Abraham Bebinger. Suit for possession of real estate. Judgment in favor of defendant.

George B Fitch, guardian of Jane E Hayes, vs. Ezra Guard. Judgment against defendant for $738.

Wm. Kastner et als vs. The Dearborn Furniture Co. et als. Judgment against defendants for the following sums, and against the following persons: Joseph Bechtel, George Beckenhold, Wm. Bastner, Mary Gass, John Loose, G. Baumgartner, P. L. Matheus, Ulrich Pauyler, L. Kupferschmidt, F. Lange.

Walford Daughters vs. Andrew P Daughters. Judgment against each for one half of costs.

Louis Bihr vs. John Knutz. Judgment against defendant for $99.45.

Ernst Meyer vs. Mary A Vail et al. Judgment against defendant for $88.

Thomas Bailey et al vs. Hamilton Conaway et al. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

H D McMullen vs. John Jackson et al. Judgment against defendant for $77.67.

David Stapp vs. Wm W Mead. Judgment against defendant for $77.67.

Enoch Miller vs. James McKinney. Verdict for defendant.

Geo P Seekatz vs. Ezra Guard. Judgment against defendant for $56.95.

John D Parks vs. Jacob Schenck. Judgment against defendant for $281.

Wm E Wiley vs. John Nixon’s estate. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

F W Becker vs. Wm E Gibson. Judgment against defendant for costs.

T J Taylor vs. Matthew Randall. Judgment against defendant for $135.

Ferdinand Esler vs. Louisa Esler. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Martha Marsh vs. David Marsh. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

Wm S Bridwell has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Helphenstein, deceased.

Heber D Haynes has been appointed guardian of Anthony Halberstadt’s heirs.

Estate of Mary A Mundary vs. estate of Paulus Nenrohr. Judgment against defendant for $160.50.

Hamilton Conway appointed guardian of Lucretia A Pate.

Guardianship of Rupert Rogers. Guardian submits final report.

Guardianship of Sarah D Franklin, person of unsound mind. Guardian ordered to roof building.

Aurora Loan and Building Association vs. Margaretha Nieman. Judgment against defendants for $404.76.

N S Givan vs. Enoch H Miller. Judgment against defendant for $435.

Jamet L McMullen vs. Wm H Kennedy. The jury found for the defendant.

Sarah E Edmonds et als vs. Emily J Brevoort. Partition granted. Geo M Roberts appointed commissioner.

Nancy Guard makes final report as administratrix of Levi Guard, and is discharged.

Eliza Ragsdale vs. Charles Elder et al. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

State ex rel Eliza Jane Johnson vs. Frank Langley. Bastardy. Judgment against defendant for $300.

Elizabeth Jane Johnson vs. Frank Langley; for breach of promise. Judgment against defendant for $50.

R D Brown, administrator of John Hamilton, deceased, made final report of his trust and was discharged.

Joe S Beckett makes final report as administrator of John W Nixon, and is discharged.

Geo B Fitch was appointed administrator, with Will annexed, of the estate of John Krawder.

Lawrenceburg Register – 1 Nov 1877 – Page 4, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Wm. Brewington et al vs. Jonathan Wilson. Judgment vs. defendant for $100.

Agnes Frederick vs. Urban Brehler. Judgment vs. defendant for $115.46 and costs.

Wm. Siedler et al vs. Barbara Kreitzer. Suit for ejectment. Verdict in favor of defendant.

It was ordered the petit jury for the next term of court be summoned to appear on the first Tuesday of the term.

State ex rel Ann Collier vs. Wm. H. Baker. Bastardy. The relatrix failing to appear the defendant is dismissed and judgment rendered against plaintiff.

Wm. H. Gray vs. George W. Souter. Judgment vs. defendant for $345.

First National Bank of Lawrenceburgh vs. Chris. Wesler et als. Judgment vs. defendants for $334.

The A. C. R. R. Co. vs. Job Miller. Complaint on injunction, etc., demand $10,000. Job Miller having given a deed to the plaintiffs for certain real estate and right of way in consideration of which they dismiss this action.

G. & C. Turnpike Co. vs. Jos. W. Galbraith. Judgment vs. defendant for $281.

John W. Ewbank vs. D. W. Marsh. Plaintiff ordered to take possession of the personal property and collect all monies due the firm of Marsh & Ewbank.

Simon Bartholome vs. Samuel Freeman. Foreclosure and judgment vs. defendant for $33.

Administrator of estate of George Ludlow vs. Jennie L. Ludlow Hazelwood. Judgment vs. defendant for $1008.

State vs. James Walser. Provoke. Pleads guilty and fined $1.

Hugh McMullen et al vs. Wm. H. Small. Judgment vs. defendant for $93.50.

State vs. Elizabeth Junker and Michael Rupp. Fornication. Each bound over in the sum of $500 to appear at next term of court. Elizabeth Junker surety. Mike Rupp having been defaulted and his recognizance, John B. Garnier, also defaulting. The bond for his appearance is forfeited unto the state for $500.

State vs. Edgar Bramwell. The defendant and his recognizance bail defaulting his bail is forfeited, $2000, unto the State.

M. Maroney vs. Lawrence Dailey et al. Judgment vs. defendant for $195.

State vs. Bramwell. Bound over in the sum of $2000. J. Adkinson and Warren Francisco, securities.

Court adjourned last Saturday. In a term of forty eight days 177 cases were disposed of, as follows; criminal, 22; probate, 36; common law, 141. By special order of the court the following causes are set down for trial during the first week of the November term, which convenes Monday, November 19th:

Tuesday, November 20th: Mayhew et al vs. Bradley et al; Dowdell vs. Dobell; Frederick vs. Frederick et al; Bradford Mill Company vs. Frederick et al; Criswell vs. Epstein et al.

Thursday, November 22d: Guman vs. Epstein et al; Zurmruhler vs. Bookhorst; Bonta vs. Mason; Ragsdell vs. Elder et al; Foulk et al vs. Phalin et als; Walker vs. Sassaman et als; Smith vs. Stenger et al.

Dearborn County Commissioners Court Proceedings – Jun 1877

Proceedings of the June 1877 Session of the Dearborn County, Indiana Commissioners appeared in:
Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Jun 1877 – Page 3, Column 2

County Commissioners’ Court.

The Board of Commissioners, consisting of Frederick Slater, Michael Hoff and Abraham Briggs, met in regular session June 4th.

The regular allowances were made.

Licenses were granted to quite a number of persons to retail spirituous and malt liquors.

John D. King, Trustee of Sparta township, petitioned for the purpose of creating an indebtedness on account of the funds of said township, with which to liquidate certain outstanding debts of the same. The Board granted his permission to borrow $700 for that purpose.

Patrick Diver, Trustee of Kelso township, petitioned the Board for the privilege of creating an indebtedness with which to liquidate certain debts of said township, amounting to $1,752, which was granted by the Board.

On petition of citizens of Sparta township, Benj. R. Bruce was appointed Constable for Sparta township.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Jul 1877

Proceedings of the July 1877 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 12 Jul 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court—Special Session.

An adjourned term of the Circuit Court for this county met on Monday last, Judge Kendal M. Hord of Shelbyville presiding. The following are the cases docketed for the term:

Jeremiah D. Skeene et al vs. Jacob P. Dunn et al. Injunction.

Ezra G. Hayes et al, contestees in Will case of Joseph Hayes, deceased, against Joseph H. Burkam et al, contestants. Motion for judgment for costs.

Andrew J. Dever vs. James Cummings et al. Replevin.

Dewitt C. Fitch vs. James C. Hayes. On account.

State ex rel Brumblay, Pros. Att’y, vs. The Aurora and Cincinnati Railroad Company. To forfeit Charter.

Jennie V. Ludlow vs. James Walker. Replevin.

State ex rel Brumblay, Pros. Att’y, vs. The I. C. & L. Railroad Co. To forfeit Charter.

Myron H. Harding vs. D. W. C. Fitch, Ex’r. For settlement.

State ex rel James Silver vs. Benj. F. Vail. On Administrator’s bond.

Margaret C. Pate vs. Alfred M. Pate et al. To set aside Deed.

Wm. Dowling vs. E. B. Dobell. On account.

The German Lawrenceburgh Building Society vs. Louis Steine and others. Foreclosure.

State of Indiana vs. Monroe Terrill. Murder in first degree.


The following cases have been disposed of:

Jeremiah D. Skeen et al vs. Jacob P. Dunn et al. Continued until the next term of court.

State ex rel George R. Brumblay, Pros. Atty, vs. The A. & C. R. R. Co. and the I. C. & L. R. R. Co. To forfeit charter. Change of venue granted to Frankling County.

J. W. Gaff et al vs. George Phillips and M. Haring. Judgment against Haring for costs.

Maggie C Pate vs. Marion Pate et al, civil action to set aside deed. The case having been compromised and settled by the parties, was dismissed by the Court.

Lawrenceburg Register – 19 Jul 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court—Special Session.

D. W. C. Fitch, Executor of the Will of Walter Hayes, vs. James C. Hayes. Civil Action. Judgment against defendant for $25,832 and costs.

Philip Ennes vs. John Kreitner. Motion to tax costs. The fees of Almarion Smith taxed to the plaintiff.

James W. Gaff et al vs. George Philipps. Judgment against defendant for $107 and costs.

The Lawrenceburgh German Building Association No. 1 vs. Louis Stine et als. Foreclosure of mortgage. Judgment against defendant for $1,876.50.

A. J. Dever vs. James Cummings and Ben Anderson. Judgment against plaintiff for costs, and certain property ordered to be returned to the defendants. Plaintiff prays an appeal.

State vs. Jane Chaney (Hood No. 2). Fornication. Her sureties, Gregg and Parks, were released. New bond filed in the sum of $250, with M. R. Lukens as surety.

Jennie E. Ludlow vs. James Walker. Judgment against plaintiff for costs. Change of venue granted to Ripley County.

Dearborn County Circuit Court Proceedings – Apr 1877

Proceedings of the April 1877 Term of the Dearborn County, Indiana Circuit Court appeared in:

Lawrenceburg Register – 19 Apr 1877 – Page 4, Column 5

Circuit Court Calendar.

The following is a list of new cases to be tried at the April term of the Circuit Court, which convenes Monday next:

Samuel M Kennedy vs. Amor Bruce and Michael Maloney; to revive judgment.

State ex rel Sarah Gordon vs. Thomas W Paul; bastardy.

Henry P Spaeth et als vs. Cornelia Walser; to enforce Mechanics Lien.

Joseph H Hayes vs. Sarah M Stevens et als; foreclosure.

Abraham Epstein vs. James Ferrin; appeal.

D W C Fitch Ex’r of Walter Hayes’ Will vs. Matilda McCollough et als; attachment.

Rosiana O’Brien et als vs. Jane Need et al; partition.

Maggie C Pate vs. Marion Pate ex at; proceedings sup to ex.

Lewis G. Hurlbert vs. James H Green; on account.

Sarah E Boardman vs. David G Boardman; divorce.

Chas Bruce vs. Eliza J Bruce; divorce.

John Shafer vs. Hannah Shafer; appeal.

John T Smith vs. Benj Boardman; slander.

Nelson Ketchum administrators of the estate of John Beatty vs. James Beatty; on account.

Ludwig A Mandel vs. C H W Werneke; on notes.

Ludwig A Mandel vs. Jacob Riet; on notes.

George M. Givan administrator of Frank M. Durhams’ estate vs. Amos W. Crozier et al; on note.

Henry Licking et al vs. Charles Licking et al; to contest will.

Pius Frederick vs. City of Lawrenceburgh et als; injunction.

Aurora Gaslight Coke and Coal Co vs. Adolph Schultze; appeal.

Louis Bihr vs. John Kuntz; on note.

The German Lawrenceburgh Building Co No 1 vs. Louis Stein et al; to foreclose mortgage.

Tubald Scheid vs. Isidore Birchler et al; foreclosure.

Francis M Hollowell et al vs. The Harrison Hydraulic Company; injunction.

State ex rel Sarah Warner vs. Rudolph Wolfe; bastardy.

Suel B Scribner vs. Mary A Scribner; divorce.

John Medosch et al vs. Michael Meister et al; foreclosure.

Frederick Ingeuthorn et als vs. Wilbert J H Cross et als; partition.

Clement W Robertson vs. Amos Davis; on account.

David H Stapp vs. William W Mead et al; attachment (appeal).

Aaron Turner et al vs. Cyrus Ellwell; on note.

Aurora Loan and Building Association No 1 vs. Abraham Junker et al; foreclosure.

Hartford Fire Ins Co vs. George W Souter et al; on note.

Walford Daughters vs. Andrew P Daughers; on award.

Enoch H Miller vs. James McKinney; on account.

First National Bank of Aurora vs. John S Mathews et al; on note.

Henry C Duncan administrator of the estate of J Smith Junker deceased vs. Wm M Stevens et als; on notes.

George B Fitch vs. David Nevitt et al; on note.

Chas. Fischer vs. Jacob Reinhart et al; foreclosure.

Edwin Bayliss vs. Liborous Dill; on note.

Robert Criswell vs. The Aurora Iron Co et als; foreclosure.

Mary Stockwell vs. Martin Thomas et al; on account.

John Schwartz vs. The Western Union Telegraph Co; on account.

Daniel Volz vs. Philip Dexheimer et al; on note.

John Fragir vs. Joseph Hofreiter; on account.

John T Jackson vs. Joseph Wise et al; foreclosure.

Andrew Ritze et al vs. Joseph Hofrieter; on note and account.

Cottfield Irebel vs. John Rotelberger et al; on note.

Joseph Bechtel vs. Henry Bockhorst; on notes.

Anna Dennerline et al vs. Catherine Gabel et al; damages to real estate.

Anderson B Powell vs. Edwin B. Dobell; on note.

Wm Probasco et al vs. Geo W Souter et al.

State ex rel Roger Sheehy et al; on adm’x bond.

Wm J Murray vs. Frank Berton et al; attachment and appeal.



Edward Golden vs. estate of Bridget Kelly deceased Edward Golden Adm’r; on note $13.31.

Mary Howard vs. estate of Benjamin Howard deceased Mary Howard Adm’x; on account $208.

Wm C Dunn et al vs. Geo Tousey Ex of the will of Isaac Dunn deceased; on notes $40,000.

Hugh Huston vs. Nelson Ketchum admir of John Beatty estate; account $28.50.

C J B Ratjen admr John Kummels estate vs. Margaraetha Kimmel admx of M. Kimmel estate; note $3300.

Israel Crist vs. Joseph H Burkam admr Anthony Halberstadt estate; account and note $73.90.

Miller and Gatch vs. same; account $148.50.

Griffin and Stevenson vs. Cecilia Vogelgesang adm’x of John Vogelgesang; on account $10.00.

Cases set for trial at the next term of Court; Probate 19; Criminal 19; Civil, old, 120, new 64; Total 222.

Lawrenceburg Register – 3 May 1877 – Page 2, Column 2

Circuit Court.

No Court Tuesday last.

W. H. Bainbridge was Judge pro tem Saturday afternoon, and had the pleasure of fining George Ketchum $2 and costs, upon a plea of guilty to the charge of assault and battery on the body of Charles Tittel.

The petit larceny case against Omer T. Pierce has been dismissed by the Prosecutor, to which we say amen.

The Grand Jury returned ten indictments, and were discharged.

Thomas Homer Davis was admitted and sworn as a member of the bar, upon motion of the Hon. Richard Gregg.

The indictment against Goatie Jones, Shortie Smith and Goosie Smart, charging them with keeping a gaming house, has been nolled.

The two cases against Lytle Caldwell, for assault and battery, has been dismissed.

Henry Chisman sold liquor without license, and paid the Court $20 and the costs of prosecution for the privilege of so doing.

State vs. Charles Bruce; assault and battery; dismissed.

Martin Thomas was arraigned before the Court on the charge of grand larceny. He entered a plea of not guilty, and was bound over in the sum of $2,000, with Adolph Schulze as surety. He is charged with having stolen the Stockwell gold.

Barbara Vandoren has filed a complaint against Theodore Vandoren for divorce and $2,000 alimony—to be tried at the next term of Court. A temporary restraining order was granted the plaintiff to prevent the defendant of disposing of certain moneys deposited in the First National Bank of Aurora and with T. & J. W. Gaff.

John Kosch, as Court Janitor, is a success; always on hand, and ready to accommodate everybody.

Tabald Scheid vs. Isadore Brichler. Judgment against defendant for $367.68 and costs. Same vs. same. Judgment against defendant for $66.

Ludwig A. Mandle vs. Jacob and Henry Rief. Judgment against defendant for $287 and costs.

L. G. Hurlbert vs. Jas. A. Greer. Judgment against defendant for $373.76.

John Madosch et al vs. Michael Meister. Judgment against defendant for $855.70 and costs.

Hartford Fire Ins. Co. vs. Geo. W. Souter et al. Judgment against defendants for $177.95 and costs.

Sebastian Stemler vs. Mary A. Elben—to enforce mechanic’s lien. Judgment against defendant for $166.32 and costs.

Charlotte A. Smith vs. Caroline Backman. Judgment against defendant for $132.09.

The case against Archibald George for illegal voting is now on trial.

Fred. Kessner vs. Mariah Fischer et al. Judgment against defendants for $972.50 and costs.

State vs. Nelson T. Hood and Jane Chaney. Fornication. The developments in this case promise richness. The facts are these, so far as we can learn: Mr. Hood was married to his first wife in 1869, and was divorced from her by the Beaver county, Utah, authorities, so he says. He then married a Miss Chaney and moved to Aurora, where he engaged in the manufacture of pumps. His wife hearing of this marriage, to test the validity of the Utah divorce, appeared before the Grand Jury at its recent session and had them indicted. They entered a plea of not guilty upon being arraigned, and was placed under $500 bond.

Lawrenceburg Register – 17 May 1877 – Page 2, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Nicholas Gillig vs. Catharine Wind. Prayer for partition granted, and Geo. B. Fitch appointed a Commissioner to sell the real estate, which is lot 159 and 160 in Lawrenceburgh.

Elvira Daily et als vs. Nancy McClellan. Petition for partition granted in the real estate being situate in sec. 13, town 7, range 3 west, containing 80 acres.

Martin Tittel, Wm. Huber and George Pfalzgraf were appointed Appraisers to appraise certain lands owned by the city of Lawrenceburgh, which are to be sold.

Geo. B. Fitch was appointed Guardian of Catharine Wind, minor heir of Henry Wind. Bond, $400.

An inquest of insanity in regard to Ezra Shanks was held on Saturday. The jury found that he was a person of unsound mind. The Court appointed Enoch B. Nowlin as Guardian of his estate. Bond, $2,500.

Joe S. Beckett made final report of his trust as Administrator of the estate of Ann Nixon, and was discharged from further liability.

Thomas Huston was appointed Executor of the estate of Samuel Huston. Bond, $200.

The trial of Martin Thomas for an alleged taking of $1,400 in gold from Dr. Stockwell occupied most of the Court’s attention during the past week. The case resulted in the acquittal of Thomas.

The Grand Jury was sworn in on Tuesday. Thomas Gaynor of the regular panel being sick, James Walser was sworn in his stead.

The Warner-Wolf bastardy case has been set for the 31st.

Lawrenceburg Register – 24 May 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court.

State vs. Mahlon Lambertson. Two indictments for petit larceny. Enters a plea of guilty in each case, and is sentenced to two years imprisonment in the Penitentiary, disfranchised for five years and fined $50 in each case.

State vs. Thomas Edwards. Indictment for burglary. Enters a plea of guilty, and is sentenced to be imprisoned in the Penitentiary for three years and fined $50.

Sarah E. Boardman vs. David G. Boardman. Plaintiff sues for divorce on the grounds of abandonment and failure to provide. Decree granted, and judgment rendered against defendant for costs. Robert H. Givan was vested with the care, custody and control of Franklin and Harvey Boardman, and the mother the custody of Nettie Boardman.

The Hood divorce case is now occupying the attention of the Court. The testimony is very interesting, and goes to show that Mr. Hood is not as pure as an angel. The history of this Utah divorce promises richness. Mrs. Hood No. 2, who is a very handsome lady, occupies a chair by her questionable husband’s side constantly.

State ex rel Sarah E. Allen vs. Eleazer Bedunnah. Bastardy. Plaintiff dismisses the action, and judgment is rendered against her for costs.

Wm. B. Miller was appointed Administrator of the estate of Carrie L. Armstrong. Bond $100.

Hugh Huston vs. Nelson Ketcham. Administrator of John Beatty’s estate. Claim of $21.60 allowed.

Mary Howard vs. Benj. Howard’s estate. Claim of $208 allowed.

Frank Messang tendered his resignation as Guardian of the heirs of Maria J. Messang, which was accepted, and George Sebwing appointed in his stead. Bond, $600.

Lawrenceburg Register – 31 May 1877 – Page 2, Column 2

Circuit Court.

Gov. Williams has released C. J. B. Ratien as Replevying Bail of Fred Block from paying two fines of $5 each.

Mary Lowe et als vs. Rachael B. Guard et als. Partition. J. J. Hauck commissioner appointed herein made report of sale of real estate in question which report was approved.

Pierre Fermier filed report as executor of Thos D Ehler deceased as follows: Total amount come into his hands $2257.18—Total amount paid out $1078.37, leaving a balance of $1238.81 in his hands which, together with $178 worth of notes he pays into the Court for distribution.

Geo M Roberts appointed admr of est of Wm Hobbs, decd, bond $200.

Geo B Fitch guardn of Will Craig granted permission to invest $300 in stocking his wards farm in Arkansas.

Otho Lowe appointed guardn of heirs of Mary Lowe decd, bond $1000.

Benj Plummer made final report of his trust as admr of Jonathan Ross’ est and was discharged.

J J Hauck made final report as admr of est of Lucy P Guard and was finally discharged.

Lawrenceburg Register – 7 Jun 1877 – Page 2, Column 2

Circuit Court.

W. H. Bainbridge made final report as Commissioner in the partition case of Moorehead vs. Moorehead and was dismissed from further liability.

Michael Karch vs. Caroline Gaertner et als. Judgment vs. Fred Gaertner for $162.50 and costs.

State ex rel Sarah Warner vs. Rudolph Wolf. Bastardy. Jury find defendant not guilty.

Joseph Grill has dismissed the suit he instituted against John H. Selms.

State ex rel George R. Brumbly vs. A. & C. and I. C. & L. R. R. Co’s. To forfeit charter. Motion for change of venue.

A motion for new trial in the West case was overruled.

John Schwartz obtained judgment against Strawder Cheek for $200 attorneys fee in the Mack Cheek case.

Elvira Daily et al vs. Nancy McClellen et als. Petition for partition granted.

Nelson Ketchum made final report as administrator of estate of John Beatty and was discharged.

James Smith makes final report of his trust as admr. of George Smith dec’d.

William Turner appointed guardian of Plinney Turner minor. Bond $1,100.

Wm. H. Kyle admr. of Diedrich Ellinghausen dec’d is granted permission to sell real estate to pay debts.

J. J. Hauch appointed administrator of Lorenz Roesch dec’d. Bond $200.

Wm. B. Pate vs. Emma Pate. Divorce. Dismissed for want of prosecution.

Lawrenceburg Register – 14 Jun 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Philip Erle vs. Bartholomew. Judgment against defendant for $728 and costs.

Peter Schwan vs. Leo Rushman. Judgment against defendant for $12.50 of costs, and balance against plaintiff.

Nancy Hayes vs. Ezra G. Hayes. Judgment against defendant for $2,604.78 and costs.

Charles Bruce vs. Eliza J. Bruce. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

W. H. Dowdell, Commissioner in the Morgan et al vs. Morgan et al partition suit, made report of the sale of real estate to Elizabeth Grubbs for $2,000.

Aurora Gas Light, Coke and Coal Company vs. Adolph Schulze. Judgement against defendant for $30 and costs.

Agnes Haddock vs. Worchester Haddock. Divorce dismissed on motion of defendant.

John Frager vs. Joseph Hofrieter. Judgment against defendant for $103.

Andrew Ritze et al vs. Joseph Hofreiter. Judgment against defendant for $222.88.

Abe Epstein vs. James Ferrin. Judgment against defendant for $90 and costs.

James Lamb et al vs. George Walson. The Court finds that a deed made by George Walson to William Walson, conveying lot 19 in Aurora is a fraud, and appoints David H. Stapp a commissioner claims: O.P. Cobb & Co., James Stafford, F. A. York, S. D. Langtree, Abe Epstein, James Lamb, R. C. Bond.

Emma M. Alden, Administratrix of C. Y. C. Alden’s estate, petitions to sell real estate to pay debts, which was granted.

Michael Fichter, Executor of the estate of Nicholas Frey, dec’d, made final report of his trust, and that each heir was entitled to $264.33 each.

Nancy D. Platt was appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Gilbert Platt, deceased.

Lawrenceburg Register – 21 Jun 1877 – Page 3, Column 3

Circuit Court.

Eli and Henry Powell vs. Thomas Windsor. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.

W. J. Murray vs. Frank Berte et al. Judgment against Berte for $60 and costs.

Asa H. Andrews vs. Slater & Andrews; Sam’l McElfresh, Receiver. The Clerk is ordered to pay out of the assets of the partnership property now in his hands 33 ½ percent of the several amounts heretofore allowed by the Court. The Court approved the sale by Receiver of certain personal property belonging to said firm.

State of Indiana ex rel David E. Gibson vs. Louis Weitzel et al. Judgment against defendants for $235 and costs.

F. M. Hollowell et als vs. the Harrison Hydraulic. The injunction heretofore granted was dissolved, and judgment against plaintiffs for costs.

Margaret Mundary et al vs. Austin Trulock et al. The plaintiffs bring suit for the possession of property alleged to have been owned by Mary Trulock, deceased, and now in possession of Austin Trulock. Judgment in favor of the plaintiffs, and John A. Parks appointed Commissioner to sell the real estate, which is lot No. 84 in Isaac Dunn’s addition to Lawrenceburgh.

State ex rel Leo Kupferschmidt vs. George Wright and Hiram Wright recognizance bail. The defendants were defaulted, and the bond forfeited in the sum of fifty dollars.

Wm. Probasco et als vs. G. W. Souter et als; to foreclose mortgage. Judgment against defendant for $382.43.

Sam. H. Spooner Jr. was allowed $400 for services as guardian ad litem of the Halverstadt heirs.

Wm. Huber made final report as administrator of Walbruga Huber, dec’d, and was discharged.

Nancy D. Platt was appointed Administratrix of the estate of Gilbert Platt.

Louis Weitzel was appointed Administrator of the estate of Paulus Neurohr.

Wm. D. Horner was appointed Administrator of the estate of Charlotte Sonders.