Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana list of letters for May 1863 appeared in:
Aurora Commercial – 14 May 1863 – Page 2, Column 4
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Aurora, Ind., on the 15th day of May, 1863.
- Peter Arpe
- John Byron
- George Bartels
- Rosanna Bailey
- John Buel
- Maude Clinton
- Thomas Campbell
- Wm Copeland
- Edward Clements
- Elizabeth Clark
- T Cook
- James Cook
- Joseph Daniel
- Jane Dixon
- Elizabeth Dixon
- Dorris Ellerbreek
- Vaizent Frank
- Frederick Frepe
- Lonzinus Fassnacht
- Harte Gool
- Edmund Guy
- James Gibson
- Edith Graham
- Jackson Harrison
- Mr. Hiller
- Hannah L Hubbel
- Mary E Horsley
- I L St. John & Co.
- Louis Seifreid
- C Star
- H Schwagmeyer
- Hellen Tate
- A W Trueblood
- Margaret Ward
- R B Wheeler
- John Wheaten
- D Wilcox & Bro.
- Edwin Woodard
- Martha L White
- Lucy Jennings
- Elizabeth Jinkens
- Kasper Itshofer
- Fred Kamping
- Wm Knapp
- Enoch Kerr
- Rev. L D Low
- Fred L Lange
- Walter McBrown
- McKown
- Louisa Morgan
- Wm McKerr
- James McMahon
- Wm B Miller
- George McAroy
- Harriet L Miller
- Mary Moore
- Capt. Stutt Neal
- George Oswald
- Jacob Ochs
- Henry Pednar
- Miss Puss
- Rachel E Payne
- Henry Popper
- Mrs. Fred Rinehart
- Amos M Ross
- S B Scribner
- Isaac Springer
- William Sullivan
- J W Senior
- Elizabeth Sage
- John H Twelbeck
- Nathaniel Underwood
- W H —
- E Woeing
- Richard Williams
- Clamer Walker
- W E Walters
- Rachel Young
- R Zew
Persons calling for any of the above mentioned letters, will please state that they have been advertised, and remember the extra charge of one cent.